DOI = 10.1177/0363546503261360 Winner of the 1999 Aircast Award Knee Laxity Does Not Vary With the Menstrual Cycle, Before or After Exercise Michael J. Belanger,* MD, Douglas C. Moore,†‡ MS, Joseph J. Crisco III,‡ PhD, ‡ ‡ ‡ Paul D. Fadale, MD, Michael J. Hulstyn, MD, and Michael G. Ehrlich, MD From the *Department of Orthopaedics, Harvard Medical School/Memorial Hospital of Rhode ‡ Island, Pawtucket, Rhode Island, and Bioengineering Laboratory, Department of Orthopaedics, Brown Medical School/Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island Background: An intriguing explanation for the disproportionately high rate of anterior cruciate ligament injury in female athletes is that the structural properties of the anterior cruciate ligament are affected by the menstrual hormones. Whether this actually occurs, however, is the subject of ongoing debate. Hypotheses: (1) Anterior cruciate ligament laxity is different in the follicular, ovulatory, and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle, and (2) exercise exacerbates the difference in anterior cruciate ligament laxity in the 3 phases. Methods: Over the course of 10 weeks, repeated knee laxity measurements were taken on 27 high-level female athletes, before and after exercise. Point in the menstrual cycle was determined with charts of waking temperature and menstruation. The independent effects of menstrual phase and exercise were evaluated using generalized estimating equations. Results: Data from 18 participants were included in the final analysis. There were no significant differences in anterior cruciate ligament laxity in any of the 3 menstrual phases, before or after exercise. Conclusions: Anterior cruciate ligament laxity is not significantly different during the follicular, ovulatory, and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle, and bicycling exercise does not exacerbate or create any differences in anterior cruciate ligament laxity. Keywords: anterior cruciate ligament (ACL); menstrual cycle; knee laxity; exercise; KT-2000 arthrometer It is widely accepted that female athletes sustain disproportionately more ACL injuries than do male athletes who compete in similar sports.2,10,15,20,31,44 A major stabilizer of the knee, the ACL is frequently injured without any precipitating collision or traumatic event. Depending on the study, and the sport being investigated, the ACL injury rate in female athletes has been reported to be anywhere from 2 to 10 times the rate in male athletes.2,20 The increased rate of ACL injury in female athletes is thought to reflect real, gender-related differences in anatomy, physiology, training, and conditioning, as opposed to simple differences in the level of participation in sport. There are several factors that have been posited as likely contributors to the disparity in ACL injury rates in male and female athletes.2,16,19,20,40 They are often separated into 1 of 2 general categories, depending on whether they directly affect the internal structures in the knee joint. Those that influence the anatomy and physiology of the knee directly are called intrinsic factors and include such things as generalized ligamentous laxity, ACL size, femoral notch dimensions, limb alignment, and ligamentous physiology, including the response to circulating hormones. Extrinsic factors, which are more remote but nevertheless influence the development of loads in the joint, include the level of strength and conditioning, body mechanics, neuromuscular performance, and footwear. Currently, there is evidence associating each of the intrinsic and extrinsic factors with ACL injury in female athletes. However, to this point there has been no clear-cut demonstration of cause and effect. Of the intrinsic factors believed to influence ACL injury risk in women, one of the more intriguing is the possibility that the tissue-level material properties of the ACL are affected by the normal fluctuations of the hormones associated with the menstrual cycle.24,25,28,37,38,41 Clinically, ACL injuries in female athletes have been reported to occur more frequently than expected during certain phases of the menstrual cycle. For example, Wojtys et al found that ACL injury risk is increased during the ovulatory (middle) † Address correspondence to Douglas C. Moore, MS, Bioengineering Laboratory, CORO West, Suite 404, 1 Hoppin Street, Providence, RI 02903 (e-mail: This work was presented at the 1999 annual meeting of the American Orthopaedic Society of Sports Medicine where it received the Aircast Award for Basic Science Research No author or related institution has received financial benefit from research in this study. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 32, No. 5 DOI: 10.1177/0363546503261360 © 2004 American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine 1150 Vol. 32, No. 5, 2004 phase of the cycle, in which there is a surge in estrogen production, and less frequently in the luteal phase,41 and other investigators have found that injury risk is highest during the follicular phase.28,38 In laboratory studies, estrogen (and progesterone) receptors have been found in ACL fibroblasts and in the walls of the blood vessels in the ACL,24 and tissue culture studies have demonstrated that estrogen suppresses ACL fibroblast function.25 There is also evidence that chronic, pregnancy-level estrogen administration reduces ACL failure load in rabbits.37 Taken together, these findings suggest that the menstrual hormones, and estrogen in particular, may have the potential to directly affect the strength of the ACL. Despite the interesting laboratory and basic science studies suggesting that the menstrual hormones are capable of influencing the structural properties of the ACL, most of the existing clinical data indicate that this does not occur in vivo.3,9,22 However, there has never been an investigation of the combined effects of the menstrual cycle and exercise on the ACL. Because ACL injuries typically occur during athletic events, it is possible that the associated activity could exacerbate or magnify subtle differences in ACL structural properties that are otherwise undetectable prior to activity. Accordingly, this study was performed to bridge this gap. Serial measurements of anterior knee laxity, taken before and after a defined exercise protocol, were correlated with phase in the menstrual cycle (follicular, ovulatory, or luteal). We hypothesized that (1) knee laxity would increase and/or decrease as a function of phase in the menstrual cycle, and (2) exercise would elicit or exacerbate any menstrual cycle–associated changes in knee laxity. METHODS Menstrual cycle and exercise-associated changes in ACL laxity were investigated by correlating anterior tibial translation with time point in the menstrual cycle. To do so, knee laxity testing (arthrometry) was performed on female collegiate athletes twice weekly for 10 weeks, before and after completing a brief exercise routine. All protocols were approved by the institutional review boards at Rhode Island Hospital and Brown University, both of which follow the National Institutes of Health guidelines on the use of human subjects in research. Subjects Twenty-seven female volunteers were recruited through the athletic department at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. All were collegiate (26) or high-level recreational (1) athletes. At the time of recruitment, a menstrual history was obtained from each volunteer, and each was given a standard knee exam, which included anterior and posterior drawer, Lachman, pivot shift varus and valgus stability, McMurray, and range-of-motion testing. To be considered for inclusion in the study, the volunteers had to be in good health, have a normal knee exam, and be actively training for their sports. Women who had a history of ACL injury, reported irregular menstrual cycles or Knee Laxity Does Not Vary With the Menstrual Cycle 1151 amenorrhea, or had an abnormal knee exam were excluded from consideration. Menstrual Record Menstrual cycle length and day of ovulation were determined from the charts of waking temperature and menstruation. Once enrolled, the volunteers were asked to record their temperatures each morning before rising from bed for the full 10-week duration of the study. They were also asked to record the days they started and finished their menstrual periods. To facilitate record keeping, each volunteer was issued a set of disposable oral thermometers (TempaDot, PyMaH Corporation, Flemington, NJ; accuracy ±0.2°F) and standard basal body temperature charts commonly used to monitor fertility. The dates of knee arthrometry were converted to day in cycle, and the individual cycle lengths were normalized to 28 days to facilitate comparison. Normalization of cycle length was done via simple proportional scaling (for example, if a subject’s cycle was 31 days long, each day would be multiplied by 31/28 and rounded to the nearest whole day). The normalized 28-day cycle was then divided into 3 phases—follicular (days 1-9), ovulatory (days 10-14), and luteal (days 15-28)—to facilitate comparison of knee laxity when both estrogen and progesterone are low (follicular phase), estrogen is high (ovulatory phase), and estrogen and progesterone are both high (luteal phase).9,22,32,41,42 Knee Arthrometry Both knees of each volunteer were tested 2 times per week for 10 weeks, before and after exercise. Arthrometry was performed with the use of a KT-2000 arthrometer (Medmetric Corp, San Diego, Calif). During testing, the force and displacement outputs from the KT-2000 arthrometer were recorded with a computer-based digital data acquisition system. The recorded data were plotted after each test to confirm the integrity of the data acquisition and the consistency of the consecutive KT-2000 testing cycles. All knee laxity tests were performed by a single examiner (MJB) using the standard protocols outlined in the KT-2000 arthrometer user’s guide. The volunteers were positioned supine, with the knees flexed to approximately 25° and the lower extremities supported by the KT thigh and foot support platforms. The KT-2000 was affixed to the lower leg with the arthrometer’s joint line arrow at the level of the joint line of the knee, and the soft tissues at the knee were conditioned by repeatedly cycling (pushing and pulling) the KT-2000’s force handle. Once the soft tissues were conditioned, the testing reference position was established and the KT-2000 was zeroed. With the KT-2000 zeroed, the comfort and relaxation of the volunteers were verified, and 5 consecutive “pull-push” testing cycles (pull anteriorly to 134 N [30 lb], push posteriorly to 89 N [20 lb], release) were performed to yield 3 smooth, consistent tests for analysis. Testing was performed at approximately the same time each day (between 7 AM and 10 AM), and the right knee was always tested first. During testing, the examiner was blinded to the volunteer’s menstrual phase. 1152 Belanger et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine Exercise Protocol Following the first (preexercise) arthrometry session each day, the volunteers rode a stationary bicycle (Lifecycle, Life Fitness, Franklin Park, Ill) for 20 minutes, and then they were retested. During the ride, pedaling speed was maintained at 80 revolutions per minute against a resistance set to yield 685 W of energy output. The stationary bicycle was approximately 30 ft from the arthrometry station, and less than 5 minutes elapsed between the end of the ride and the second (postexercise) series of knee arthrometry tests. The protocol used for postexercise testing was the same as that used for the preexercise testing. Data Reduction and Analysis The load and displacement data acquired with the KT2000 arthrometer during each arthrometry session (preexercise and postexercise) were reduced to yield anterior tibial translations and compliance index values for comparison. To start, the 5 load-displacement plots from each session were compared by a blinded reviewer, and 3 smooth, consistent curves from each session were retained for analysis (2 tests from each session were deleted to eliminate outliers and other spurious data points). Anterior tibial translations at 134 N of pull (30 lb) were then determined for each of the 3 retained tests, and corresponding compliance indexes were calculated by subtracting the translation at 89 N (20 lb) from the translation at 134 N. Each set of values was then averaged, yielding single values for anterior tibial translation at 134 N and compliance index for each arthrometry session. The experimental design in this study was a partially balanced repeated-measures complete block, with a factorial structure. The factors of interest were phase in the menstrual cycle (follicular, ovulatory, or luteal), exercise (preexercise and postexercise), and leg (left or right). Outcome measures were anterior tibial translation at 134 N and compliance index. The independent effects of menstrual phase, exercise, and leg were evaluated using generalized estimating equations (GEE), which automatically corrected for the correlations within a given volunteer’s repeated measurements (SAS, version 8.0, SAS Institute, Inc, Cary, NC). Significance was accepted when P < .05. Confidence intervals were calculated to provide additional insight. Two strategies were used to estimate the measurement reliability. The specific reliability of our arthrometry technique was assessed with a small, post hoc repeatability study in which a single examiner (MJB) performed 4 KT2000 arthrometer examinations on each leg of 4 male volunteers. The testing and data analysis followed the techniques outlined above, with the exception that all of the exams were performed at 1 sitting, and testing of the right and left knees was alternated. Variance components analysis was used to rank the sources of variability in the measurements (ie, volunteer, leg, exam, replicate), and intraclass correlation coefficients were used to assess the repeatability of the measurements (SAS, version 8.0). The reliability of the measurements made during the study Figure 1. Typical graph of anterior tibial translations (laxity) at 134 N anterior pull, as a function of day in cycle and exercise (participant RSR, right leg). There was no obvious menstrual cycle–related variation in knee laxity for any subject. was assessed with confidence intervals (mentioned above) and by calculating intraclass correlation coefficients using the repeated preexercise knee laxity data from 5 randomly selected days during the cycle (SAS, version 8.0). RESULTS Data from 18 of the 27 volunteers originally enrolled in the study were included in the final statistical analysis. Data from 7 subjects were dropped due to inadequate attendance or failure to provide complete basal body temperature charts. Data from 2 additional subjects were dropped because they failed to menstruate over the course of the study. The average age, height, and weight of the 18 volunteers who completed the study were 20.4 ± 3.3 years, 67.2 ± 3.6 in, and 151 ± 29 lbs, respectively. The length of their menstrual cycles averaged 28.9 ± 4.1 days (range, 2238 days), with an ovulatory temperature spike at 16.0 ± 2.6 days. The median number of days the participants were tested was 14. In general, for a given subject the test days were randomly distributed over the course of the menstrual cycle, and there was a fair amount of day-to-day variability in anterior tibial translation (Figure 1). Because testing was performed on set calendar dates, the days in the cycle on which measurements were made varied from subject to subject. However, when the data from all of the subjects were pooled, there were multiple data points for each day in the cycle (Figure 2). There was no obvious pattern in the day-to-day variability in anterior tibial translation in any of the individual subjects, nor was there any obvious cyclical association between day in menstrual cycle and knee laxity, before or after exercise, for the group as a whole (Figure 2). When the data from all participants were summarized (before and after exercise), the range of measured anterior tibial translation at 134 N was 0.28 mm to 11.24 mm. Most Vol. 32, No. 5, 2004 Knee Laxity Does Not Vary With the Menstrual Cycle 1153 TABLE 1 Measured Anterior Tibial Translation at 134 N (30 lb) Before Exercise Figure 2. Anterior tibial translations (laxity) at 134 N anterior pull for both legs of all subjects, before and after exercise. Note that although testing was conducted twice each week, there were multiple data points for each day in the normalized cycle. Menstrual Phase (days) Left Knee Right Knee Left Knee Right Knee 5.05 ± 1.26 4.02 ± 1.59 5.57 ± 1.70 3.93 ± 1.84 5.62 ± 1.63 3.77 ± 1.74 5.85 ± 1.54 4.10 ± 1.56 5.41 ± 1.46 3.85 ± 1.53 5.63 ± 1.30 4.01 ± 1.52 Follicular (1-9) Ovulatory (10-14) Luteal (15-28) TABLE 2 Summary of Main Effects for Anterior Tibial Translation at 134 N (30 lb) Factor Level (days) Stage Follicular (1-9) Ovulatory (10-14) Luteal (15-28) Left Right Preexercise Postexercise Lega Exercise Figure 3. Anterior tibial translation (laxity) as a function of leg and phase in menstrual cycle, before (left side) and after (right side) exercise (mean ± SD, 134 N pull). There were no statistically significant differences in knee laxity between any of the 3 menstrual phases. (>95%) of the translations fell between 1 mm and 9 mm. Before exercise, the mean anterior tibial translation was 4.53 ± 1.91 mm (for both legs and all participants), whereas after exercise it averaged 4.77 ± 1.91 mm. There were only small (<2 mm) differences in the measured anterior tibial translations as a function of menstrual phase and leg (Table 1, Figure 3). Statistical analysis of the raw anterior tibial translation data revealed no significant differences in knee laxity as a function of phase in the menstrual cycle (Table 2). The method we used (GEE) estimated anterior tibial translations during the follicular, ovulatory, and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle of 4.6 mm, 4.8 mm, and 4.7 mm, respectively, with confidence intervals for each measurement of approximately ±0.6 mm. Similarly, our bicycling exercise protocol had no significant effect on knee laxity (Table 2). There was, however, a statistically significant (P > .05) difference in anterior tibia translation in the right and left legs, with the left leg being more lax than the right by approximately 38% (1.5 mm). The compliance index results were similar to those of anterior tibial translation (Table 3): no significant differences due to menstrual phase or exercise but a significantly higher compliance index in the left leg than in the right leg (P < .05). After Exercise a Laxity Estimate (mm) 95% Confidence Interval 4.6 4.8 4.7 5.5 4.0 4.6 4.8 4.0-5.2 4.2-5.4 4.1-5.3 4.9-6.0 3.3-4.6 4.0-5.2 4.2-5.4 P < .05. TABLE 3 Summary of Main Effects for Compliance Index Factor Level (days) Stage Follicular (1-9) Ovulatory (10-14) Luteal (15-28) Left Right Preexercise Postexercise Lega Exercise a Laxity Estimate (mm) 95% Confidence Interval 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.7 0.9 1.3 1.3 1.1-1.4 1.1-1.5 1.1-1.5 1.5-1.9 0.7-1.1 1.1-1.4 1.2-1.5 P < .05. The results of our repeatability study indicated that most of the variability in our anterior tibial translation measurements was due to differences in subjects and legs (together, 77.6%), although a fair amount of variability in the measurements (18.6%) could also be attributed to differences in how the volunteers were positioned or how the KT-2000 arthrometer was affixed for each evaluation. Because the overall translations were small, the magnitude of the effect was also small (<0.2 mm/evaluation). The intraclass correlation coefficient calculated using the means of the 3 replicates (for anterior tibial translation at 134 N) in each of the 4 evaluations in the repeatability study was .93. The intraclass correlation coefficient calcu- 1154 Belanger et al lated using the preexercise knee laxity data (again, for anterior tibial translation at 134 N) from 5 randomly selected days during the larger study was .61. DISCUSSION This study was performed to determine whether knee laxity changes as a function of the normal cyclical fluctuations in the hormones associated with the menstrual cycle and whether these changes might be exacerbated by exercise. To do so, repeated KT-2000 arthrometer measurements were performed on 18 high-level female athletes, before and after periods of stationary bicycling, and correlated with phase in the menstrual cycle. Our results suggest knee laxity does not vary significantly with changes in the menstrual cycle. In particular, we found no differences in knee laxity or compliance index in the follicular, ovulatory, and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle, nor did we see any significant increases after exercise in any of the 3 menstrual phases. We used GEE to analyze our data because, although GEE rely on the same basic assumptions as standard analysis of variance (ANOVA) and repeated-measures ANOVA, they provide greater ability to deal with missing values and to appropriately adjust the results where observations are not independent (which is expected when there are repeated measures). The experimental design in our study used repeated measures with a factorial structure. Being repeated measures, the analysis had to account for the correlations between the repeated measures to provide correct degrees of freedom for comparisons as well as provide the correct standard errors. Failure to account for the repeated measures results in overly optimistic (low) standard errors and a high probability of a type II error (rejection of the null hypothesis when it is in fact true). GEE adjust standard errors, allow missing values, and provide the flexibility to assume different correlation structures among the repeated measures. To confirm our findings with GEE, the analysis was rerun using a standard repeated-measures ANOVA framework. The data were simplified so that multiple observations for a single phase were combined (eg, used the mean from multiple days in stage 1). This was necessary to avoid dropping people, because some people have more observations than others. The results and conclusions were again the same: there was a difference between left and right legs but no significant effect of menstrual phase or between preexercise and postexercise. Because we found no statistically significant differences in preexercise anterior tibial translation in the 3 phases of the cycle, it is possible that (1) there was a relatively large change in laxity that we simply missed, (2) there was a small change in laxity that we were unable to detect, or (3) there was no change in laxity. Of the 3, we feel the first is the least likely, given the relative accuracy of our techniques. The 95% confidence interval for our measurement of anterior tibial translation at 134 N was 1.2 mm. A post hoc power calculation found that if the true difference had been roughly 20% (or approximately 1.0 mm), we would The American Journal of Sports Medicine have had 80% power to detect it. We would have had greater than 95% power to detect a 30% (approximately 1.5 mm) difference. However, based on our analysis, it appears that anterior tibial translations for each of the 3 phases were within 0.1 mm to 0.2 mm of each other. If, in fact, these small differences were real, we would not have been able to detect them. We would argue, however, that they would have very little impact clinically because they would be dwarfed by the normal increases in knee laxity seen with vigorous exercise, which have been reported by various groups to be anywhere from a low of 0.5 mm for running and basketball36,39 to a high of 2.0 mm to 2.2 mm, also for basketball.34 It is possible that our results were skewed by the relatively high drop-out rate (data from 9 of the original 27 volunteers were ultimately dropped from the analysis). We believe this is unlikely as there is no indication that the dropouts were in any way related to the hypothesis of the study—2 were oligomenorrheic, and the remainder simply failed to show up for testing. Because the study was observational as opposed to interventional, drop-out rate would not be influenced by treatment or outcome. In the end, although there is no way to know for sure whether the laxities of the dropouts would have been the same or different than the study participants, there is no reason that they should not have been representative. Similarly, our scheme for normalizing the menstrual cycles of all participants to 28 days via proportional scaling could have introduced some error. Accordingly, we performed 2 sensitivity analyses to see if this uncertainty affected the results. First, we analyzed the sensitivity of our results to the cutoff points for each phase—follicular (days 0-9), ovulatory (days 10-14), and luteal (days 15-28). To do so, we reran our analysis, restricting the input to data points that were at least 2 days from the boundaries of the follicular and luteal phases and 1 day from the boundary of the ovulatory phase (it would be better to use 2 days for all phases, but that would have left only 1 day for phase 2), as well as a stratified analysis that dropped ovulatory phase data (because it is the shortest). This restricted the analysis to 628 data points instead of 940 (roughly one third removed) but produced nearly identical results and conclusions; the means for each phase changed by less than .1 mm, and the P values and confidence intervals were very similar. Our second sensitivity analysis involved the use of just those women with cycle lengths between 26 and 30 days (9 of the 18 women). Again, this analysis provided nearly identical results for mean laxity by phase as the models that included all of the women; the mean laxities were within 0.1 mm of one another, and the range of the laxities across the phases was the same (0.2 mm). There have been 3 recently published studies of the effect of menstrual-related hormones on knee laxity.3,9,22 Our results are generally consistent with those of Arnold et al3 and Karageanes et al.22 Arnold et al measured serum relaxin levels and knee laxity in 57 female athletes (and 5 men) each week for 4 weeks. Although they found that relaxin levels varied over the 4-week course of their study (P = .035), they did not detect any changes in knee laxity Vol. 32, No. 5, 2004 (P = .901).3 Similarly, Karageanes et al performed repeated KT-1000 arthromter measurements in 26 female high school athletes over 8 weeks and found no significant changes in knee laxity over the course of the menstrual cycle.22 On the other hand, our findings conflict with those of Deie et al, who reported data from repeated (2 or 3 times per week) KT-2000 arthromter knee laxity measurements on 16 women (and 8 men) over the course of 4 weeks.9 They found significant differences in anterior tibial translation in the follicular and luteal phases of the cycle at 134 N anterior pull and in all 3 phases at 89 N anterior pull. This is surprising given that the differences they detected were relatively small (approximately 0.5 mm), whereas the standard deviations of their measurements were comparatively large (approximately 0.7-1.0 mm). We evaluated knee laxity after exercise, in addition to evaluating it before exercise, to determine whether physical activity might exacerbate or magnify any potential hormone-related changes in ACL structural properties. Because ACL injuries in female athletes typically occur during active participation in sporting events, we speculated that there might be a synergistic effect of exercise and the menstrual hormones. However, we found no significant increase in anterior knee laxity caused by exercise, nor did we see any phase-specific exercise-induced changes in knee laxity attributable to the menstrual cycle. This was unexpected, as other studies have found significant but small (0.5-0.6 mm) increases in knee laxity after basketball39 and a muscular-fatiguing exercise protocol.36 It is possible that the bicycling exercise protocol we selected was too mild to elicit a response, as the peak strains developed in the ACL during bicycling are relatively low compared with other activities and knee rehabilitation activities.11 At the outset of the study, we made the choice to use a bicycling exercise protocol because we wanted an exercise regimen that could be standardized, which would have been difficult with other activities, such as running. In retrospect, we may have been better off with a more aggressive though less standardized protocol. Assessing the change in ligament structural properties in vivo is a challenge. Although ACL strains can be measured directly using arthroscopically implanted displacement transducers,5,6 they are impractical for studies like ours that require repeated measurements over several weeks. Accordingly, we chose to use knee laxity as an indirect measure of ACL stiffness. The ACL is the dominant structural element in the knee limiting anterior tibial translation, accounting for the majority of the resistance to anterior tibial translation (stiffness) at low loads8,13,27 and 86% of the load developed at 5 mm of anterior displacement.8 We used the KT-2000 arthromter to measure knee laxity because it is commonly used for knee ligament arthrometry clinically,4 and it has been widely used for clinical and basic science ACL-related research.12 The average error of the displacement-measuring portion of the device has been reported to be 0.13 mm (±0.12 mm).23 Used by a single observer for repeated measures on a single knee, KT-2000 measurements can be repeatable and reliable, with intraclass correlation coefficients as high as .932 Knee Laxity Does Not Vary With the Menstrual Cycle 1155 (at 134 N)29 and 90% and 95% confidence intervals on the order of ±1.5 mm43 and ±1.65 mm,29 respectively. Previous investigations have found that the reliability of laxity-measuring devices such as the KT-2000 arthrometer decreases when the results of multiple observers are combined.29 In this study, a single operator (MJB) performed all of the knee laxity measurements, thus eliminating the variability and bias associated with multiple operators. In our tester’s hands, repeated measurements of a single knee in our repeatability study were very reliable (95% confidence interval of ±0.6 mm), although he did appear to test the right leg differently than the left (approximately 38% of the measurement variability was due to leg-to-leg differences). Side-to-side differences in healthy volunteers have been reported by other investigators.29,43 Accordingly, in analyzing our data we accounted for this source of variability by using a model that evaluated the displacements of each leg separately and then compared them with one another. Possible correlations between increased ligamentous laxity and the risk of injury have been explored by several investigators. In an early study, Nicholas evaluated generalized ligament laxity and knee ligament tears in 139 professional football players over the course of 5 years.30 Overall, he found 37 knee ligament ruptures, 28 in the 39 players with 3 or more indices of looseness and 9 in the 100 players with 2 or fewer indices of looseness, leading him to conclude that increased looseness increased the likelihood of knee ligament rupture. More recently, in a study of 675 male soldiers in the Spanish Air Force, Acasuso Diaz et al found a significant increase in musculoligamentous lesions (though not ACL tears specifically) associated with increased laxity.1 Other authors have found no correlation between laxity and injury, however. In 1975, Godshall reported that he found no correlation between loose jointedness and knee ligament injuries in an 8-year study of high school athletes using protocols similar to those used by Nicholas.14 Subsequently, Kalenak and Morehouse found similar numbers of knee injuries in 401 collegiate football players classified as tight (24/43, 55.8%) or loose (19/43, 44.2%) jointed via objective biomechanical testing.21 The relationship between knee laxity and knee injury remains controversial. There are less data on the relationship between laxity and other ligamentous structural properties, and most of what exists pertains to the properties of the ACL in reconstructed knees. In a 1994 study on the healing of ACL reconstructions in dogs, Beynnon et al found significant linear correlations between anteroposterior knee laxity and graft stiffness, and anteroposterior knee laxity and ultimate strength,7 leading the authors to conclude that increased anterior tibial translation may indicate that ACL grafts have weakened or reduced structural properties. However, in a review of data from several studies, Grood et al found only sporadic correlations between anteroposterior knee translation and graft structural properties.17 Furthermore, a review of the data of Hart et al on the effects of pregnancy on the cellular activity and tissue mechanical properties in the rabbit medial collateral liga- 1156 Belanger et al ment (MCL) reveals no correlation between MCL laxity and stiffness, failure load, or failure stress; they found that laxity decreased just prior to parturition, whereas stiffness, failure load, and failure stress were unaffected.18 Although we found no menstrual-related or exerciseexacerbated changes in knee laxity in any of the 3 menstrual phases, it is still possible that the menstrual cycle influences injury risk. In a recent study of 65 women with ACL injuries, the injuries appeared to occur more frequently in the ovulatory phase of the cycle, as documented by urine hormone metabolite analysis.41 Rather than affect the ACL directly, the menstrual hormones may affect ACL injury risk by altering neuromuscular performance. Although reaction time does not appear to be influenced by the menstrual cycle,26,33 there is evidence that skeletal muscle function may be.35 In summary, our repeated KT-2000 arthromter testing of female athletes over the course of 10 weeks revealed no significant differences in knee laxity in any of the 3 phases of the menstrual cycle, nor were there any exerciseinduced exacerbations in laxity in any of the 3 phases with our bicycling exercise protocol. Viewed in light of the fact that the ACL dominates the resistance of the tibia to anterior translation (laxity),8,13,27 our results, and those of other groups that have done similar studies,3,22 suggest that the menstrual hormones do not affect the ACL. If they do, the effect is certainly smaller in magnitude than the changes associated with exercise. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors thank Gail Connolly for facilitating volunteer recruitment, Daniel P Labrador and Robert D McGovern for assistance with testing and data analysis, and Daniel Gottlieb for consultation on the statistical analysis. Funding for this work was provided by the RIH Orthopaedic Foundation, Inc, and University Orthopedics, Inc. REFERENCES 1. Acasuso Diaz M, Collantes Estevez E, Sanchez Guijo P. Joint hyperlaxity and musculoligamentous lesions: study of a population of homogeneous age, sex and physical exertion. Br J Rheumatol. 1993;32:120-122. 2. Arendt E, Dick R. 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