CHEM 311 – INTRODUCTORY INORGANIC CHEMISTRY SPRING 2016 Instructor: Dr. Gerard Rowe Office: SBDG 307 Email: Phone: 641‐3429 Office Hours: I don’t have any official hours. Come by any time you want. Lecture: MWF ‐ 9:00 ‐ 9:50 AM SBDG 325 Lab: Tu – 1:40 PM – ? PM SBDG 316 Lecture Text: INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 5th Ed., by Gary L. Miessler, Paul J. Fischer, and Donald A. Tarr Lectures: One of the things that is often said about inorganic chemistry courses is that they are like “Gen Chem on steroids”. This is not far from the truth in that much of the material you will see is a natural progression from things you saw freshman year. If you find that you are a bit rusty, take a look at your general chemistry textbook. The class will start with theories of bonding, and then proceed through to transition metal chemistry. We will go over the structures of simple solids and spend a several weeks on d‐metal complexes, their coordination chemistry, electronic spectra, and spectroscopic techniques specific to inorganic chemistry. With the remaining time in the semester, we will cover basic concepts in organometallic chemistry, inorganic reaction mechanisms and bioinorganic chemistry. Homework: Homework will be assigned at the beginning of each chapter, but not collected or graded. It is your responsibility to stay on top of the material covered in class. The solutions manual for your textbook can be found in the study room on the second floor of the science building. Any additional problem sets that I assign will have their solutions provided via email. Attendance: Please make an attempt to attend every lecture and be on time. It is especially important to show up to the lab on time in order to complete the day’s experiment before the end of the period. Any student who has more than 10% unexcused absences will be assessed a one letter grade penalty off the final course grade (This is 2 Labs). Any student who has been absent (excused and unexcused) more than 25% of all class meetings will receive a failing grade for the class (This is 4 Labs). Unexcused absences on exam days will result in a grade of 0 for the exam. Exams for people with excused absences must be made up as soon as possible at a time convenient to the student and the instructor. Excused absences require a doctor’s note, a note from a family member that includes a telephone number to check, a business note, or a receipt (in the case of car problems). Please contact me with any questions. Quizzes and Exams: There will be a quiz on Friday of most weeks except when there is a major exam. There will be three such exams and an ACS Inorganic Chemistry final exam. Exams will largely deal in material covered since the previous exam, but due to the nature of the subject, concepts tested previously will always appear on later exams. Every exam you take will have the exact same first question. You will be given a periodic table with the d‐block blanked out which you must fill in with the atomic symbols for each transition metal (except the fourth row… nobody cares about those). Activities: For many classes during the semester, you will be doing a group activity instead of sitting the traditional lecture. The activities will generally not count for a grade, but you will be quizzed on the material conveyed in the activity that week. You will need to come to class having done any assigned reading and homework before class. Portable Electronic Devices: The use of any portable electronic devices, including cell phones, pagers, MP3 players, iPods, etc., during class is not allowed for any reason unless prior approval has been given to a student from the instructor or unless required for the course. If you are planning to have any of these devices in class, they must be turned off and stowed away for the duration of the class period. If a student is seen touching, holding, or using any portable electronic device during a test period without the prior consent of the instructor, the instructor will assume that the student is cheating and the test will be recovered and a 0 will be given to that student for the assignment. A full description of this policy can be found in the USCA Student Handbook. Tentative Grading Scheme (it may be loosened a bit, but it will never get harder): 85 ‐ 100% = A 80 ‐ 84% = B+ 75 ‐ 79% = B 70 ‐ 74% = C+ 65 ‐ 69% = C 60 ‐ 64% = D+ 55 ‐59% = D < 55% = F Point Distribution: 12 quizzes @15
3 exams @100
Final Exam (ACS)
=180 =300 =150 =630 Lecture Topics (for up‐to‐date information, see the Google Calendar on Blackboard): Counting d‐Electrons Atomic Electronic Structure and Periodic Properties VB and MO Theory Molecular Structure and VSEPR Polarity and Intermolecular Forces Ionic Bonding and Solid State Structure Band Theory and Conductivity Acid/Base Chemistry Naming and Isomerism Metal‐Ligand Bonding Ligand Families Ligand Field Stabilization Energy Chelate Effect Substitution Reactions Spectroscopy Electron Transfer and Batteries Organometallic Bonding and Structure Basic Organometallic Reactions Bioinorganic Chemistry Educational Outcome: A student who successfully completes this course should have a grasp of the chemical principles that govern the formation, structure and reactions of inorganic compounds, as well as the techniques used to determine those facts in a laboratory setting. The successful student should also be able to read and understand many research articles in the field of inorganic chemistry in journals such as Inorganic Chemistry. CHEM 311L – INTRODUCTORY INORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORY SPRING 2016 COURSE OUTLINE Course Materials: Lab Notebook (must be bound, and have the ability to produce carbonless copies of all notebook pages) Other required items ‐ lab glasses, calculator Recommended ‐ lab coat Notebook guidelines: Every piece of information relevant to your lab work must be recorded in the lab book. The first couple of sheets of the notebook should be reserved for a table of contents. These are filled in as you utilize your notebook. You may use the backside of the white sheets for the chemistry that will be discussed in the lab. UV/Vis and IR spectra will be taken of most compounds; hard copies of these should be cut out and taped or pasted into your lab notebook. For each new experiment, you must complete a section in your lab notebook that includes: 1)
The objective of the experiment and the major reaction(s) carried out
The chemicals you will be using, along with their molecular weight and density, if applicable
Any hazards associated with the chemicals you will be using. These can be found on the MSDS sheet for the compounds,
which can be found online (e.g.,
An outline of the procedure that will be followed during the course of the experiment Failure to prepare for labs will result in you not leaving lab on time, forcing Dr. Rowe to delay his evening run, and causing him to go in the dark. This is not advisable because Aiken doesn’t have sidewalks. He could get hit by a car and die. Then it would be your fault. How could you live with yourself? If that doesn’t faze you, you’ll also lose preparedness grade points. Course Administration: This is a small class generally taken by Sophomore/Junior chemistry majors, so you will be given a lot more latitude than in general or organic chemistry labs. You have permission to enter the chemical stockrooms and prep rooms as needed. Everyone will choose a lab partner to work with all semester. Try not to be the kind of crappy partner you wouldn’t want to work with yourself. Lab Write‐ups: Each lab will be accompanied by a post‐lab assignment in which you must perform relevant calculations and answer questions about the reactions performed and concepts illustrated in the lab. Even though you perform the experiments on your own, you are expected to turn in your own original work, written in your own words, and using figures drawn entirely by you!. Plagiarism is still obviously off‐
limits, and you should avoid pulling information from the internet, since you are not really qualified to judge whether it is correct or not at this point in your education. Your textbook and peer‐reviewed journal articles are the best resources. Your post‐lab assignments will get more involved as the semester progresses. New report components will be added every lab or two. Lab Submission Policy: Labs are due to SafeAssign midnight before you start the next lab. The lab must be uploaded to SafeAssign on Blackboard as a PDF. You will lose 5 points if you do not submit your report as a PDF. If the lab is late, 10 points per day will be deducted from your score. Grading: Lab Write‐up Lab Practical (Preparation + Product) Total 8 * 100 = 600 points
8 * 20 = 120 points 720 points Course Objectives: To give experience in the syntheses of inorganic and organometallic, and bioinorganic compounds, and their characterization using modern instruments and techniques; to provide exposure to interpretation of information collected with various spectroscopic instruments; and to encourage students to: ‐ think critically and analytically, question, search out concepts ‐ communicate effectively using numerical, notational and other symbolic systems (used in chemistry) ‐ explore values openly and critically ‐ develop depth of knowledge in chemistry At the completion of this course, a successful student should be able to take synthetic procedures from the chemical literature and carry out syntheses without assistance from a faculty. Such a student, upon graduation from USCA, should have confidence in his/her ability to conduct independent experiments in graduate school, industrial labs, and other situations. Grading Scheme (These are not flexible like they are in lecture): 85 ‐ 100% = A 80 ‐ 84% = B+ 75 ‐ 79% = B 70 ‐ 74% = C+ 65 ‐ 69% = C 60 ‐ 64% = D+ 55 ‐59% = D < 55% = F Lab Schedule (exact dates can be found on the Blackboard calendar): Experiment # Background Reading # of lab periods 1 Ferrofluids 1 2 Synthesis of [NEt4]2[CoCl4] and [Co(NH3)6]Cl3
2 3 Synthesis and magnetic susceptibility of a series of transition metal acac compounds 4 Copper Tetraphenylporphyrinate
2 5 Synthesis and Characterization of Ferrocene
2 6 Ring‐opening metathesis polymerization
2 7 Dye sensitized solar cells
1 2 Disability Statement: If you have a physical, psychological, and/or learning disability which might affect your performance in this class, please contact the Office of Disability Services, 126A B&E, (803) 641‐3609, as soon as possible. The Disability Services Office will determine appropriate accommodations based on medical documentation. 471 University Parkway • Aiken, SC 29801 803‐648‐6851 • 1‐888‐WOW‐USCA Copyright © 2004 by the Board of Trustees of the University of South Carolina. 