Force Multiplier in a Microelectromechanical Silicon Oscillating Accelerometer by Nathan St. Michel Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY -May 2000. @ Nathan St. Mi-hel, MM. Allrights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. A u th or ........................................................ ...... Department of Mechanical Engineering e, May 22, 2000 a Certified by......................... David L. Trumper Associate Professor Thesis Supervisor C ertified by ..................... ..... Marc $'. Weinberg Draper Laboratory e-,.-.2iiesis Supervisor Accepted by ..................... Dr. Ain A. Sonin Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students MASSACHUSETTSISTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SFP 2 0 2000 LIBRARIES Force Multiplier in a Microelectromechanical Silicon Oscillating Accelerometer by Nathan St. Michel Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 22, 2000, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract This thesis describes the third generation design of a silicon oscillating accelerometer (SOA.) The device is a micromachined vibrating beam accelerometer consisting of two tuning fork oscillators attached to a large proof mass. When accelerated along the input axis, the proof mass exerts a force on the oscillators, causing their natural frequencies to shift in opposing directions. Taking the difference of these frequencies gives a measurement of the applied acceleration. A significant feature in the new design is a force multiplying lever arm which connects the oscillators to the proof mass. With this addition, the surface area of the proof mass is reduced by a factor of four, while the scale factor and axial resonant frequency of the previous design is retained. All vibration modes of the device are identified, and stiffness nonlinearity in the oscillators is investigated. A method to compensate for thermally induced acceleration errors is also introduced. Testing of the fabricated device is shown to agree with model predictions. Thesis Supervisor: David L. Trumper Title: Associate Professor Thesis Supervisor: Marc S. Weinberg Title: Draper Laboratory 2 Acknowledgments This thesis was prepared at The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., under Draper Laboratory IR& D/CSR project 15059. Publication of this thesis does not constitute approval by Draper or the sponsoring agency of the findings or conclusions contained herein. It is published for the exchange and stimulation of ideas. Permission is hereby granted by the Author to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to reproduce any or all of this thesis. A uthor ............. ................ Nathan St. Michel I am very grateful to all the people at Draper and MIT who have helped me to complete this project. In particular, I am thankful to Dr. Marc Weinberg and Prof. David Trumper for the enormous amount of guidance and instruction that they have given me. Without their influence, this thesis would have never happened. I am also thankful to all of the Draper staff, including Ralph Hopkins and the rest of the SOA team, who have helped bring this project to completion. Thanks to David Nokes and Greg Kirkos for their invaluable instruction and technical expertise. Thanks also to Bernie Antkowiak and Jim Bickford for their outstanding analysis work and help. I appreciate the help of Joe Miola and Rich Elliott, without whom there would be no test data to report. Jeff Borenstein, Lance Niles, Nicole Gerrish, and the rest of the fabrication team have been key to the success of the project, as have Paul Ward and the electronics team. Thanks to Rob White, Phil Rose, Dave Hom, Steve Daley, Paul Magnussen, and everyone else in the micromechanical test lab who were always willing to help out and always kept things interesting. Finally, I am very grateful for the support of my family and friends, who were always patient with me and full of encouragement. I feel blessed that God has placed you all in my life. 3 Contents 1 Introduction 10 2 Background 14 3 2.1 Device Description ....... ............................ 14 2.2 Basic Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.3 Stiffness Nonlinearity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.3.1 General Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.3.2 Error Predictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.4 Thermal Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.5 Capacitive Drive System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Design and Analysis 25 3.1 Previous Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.2 Thermal Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.3 Beam Models using ANSYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.4 Detailed Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.4.1 Modal Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3.4.2 Thermal Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.4.3 Nonlinear Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 4 Fabrication and Testing 49 4.1 Fabrication Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 4.2 Scale Factor and Drive Frequency Testing 54 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Q Testing 4.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Temperature Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 4.5 Axial Frequency..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 4.6 Stiffness Nonlinearity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 ........ 5 Conclusions and Recommendations 65 A Predicting Stiffness Nonlinearity 68 B SOA Vibrational Modes 73 5 List of Figures 1-1 Completed SOA design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2-1 Schematic diagram of SOA-2 (not drawn to scale) . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2-2 Simple model of flexure and oscillating mass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2-3 Portion of capacitive comb drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3-1 Concept drawing of force multiplying lever arm connecting the proof m ass to the oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3-2 Plot of oscillator reaction forces vs. input force . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3-3 Spring model of SOA used in thermal analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3-4 Concept drawing of oscillator and force multiplier with anchor beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3-5 Beam model of SOA created in ANSYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 3-6 Finite element model of one half of the SOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3-7 The contribution of base beam width to proof mass axial frequency, repositioned for thermal compensation drive frequency, and total scale factor (frequency difference of two oscillators.) Lever arm width for this analysis is 125 pm. 3-8 . . . . . . . . 39 The contribution of lever arm width to proof mass axial frequency and total scale factor (frequency difference of two oscillators.) Base beam 3-9 width for this analysis is 45 pm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Drive mode for SOA 3-10 Out-of-plane mode for SOA 3-11 Finite element model of oscillator and force multiplier used in nonlinear analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 46 3-12 Predicted nonlinear stiffness curve for flexure displacement . . . . . .4 47 4-1 SOA with rotationally symmetric configuration . . . . . . 50 4-2 SOA with mirror configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4-3 Profile- of flexure beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 4-4 Profile of comb finger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 4-5 Frequency response of an SOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 4-6 Scale factor vs. drive frequency for twelve SOA units. Values calculated 4-7 using FEA are also shown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 . . . . . . . . . 58 . . . . . . 60 Oscillator position signal during ringdown 4-8 Thermal sensitivity data for one SOA oscillator 4-9 Thermal sensitivity data of the SOA. Here, the frequency difference has been taken to show the overall effect of temperature on the device. 61 4-10 PSD of amplitude modulated drive signal showing the 3.4 kHz axial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 4-11 Plot of measured and calculated nonlinear stiffness curves . 63 A-i Modified spring model of SOA oscillator and force multiplier . . . . . 69 B-i Proof mass axial mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 "Hula" mode in which flexures resonate in phase with one another . . 75 frequency of the proof mass. B-2 B-3 Rotational mode in which the proof mass rotates about its center point 76 B-4 Drive mode for SOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 B-5 Cross-axis mode, similar to axial mode in Figure B-1, but along the axis perpendicular to the input axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 B-6 Another in-plane mode that resembles a "tail wagging" motion of the oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 B-7 First out-of-plane mode. This mode is symmetric to the other half of the device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 B-8 Second out-of-plane mode. This mode is antisymmetric to the other half of the device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 81 B-9 Third out-of-plane mode. This mode is symmetric to the other half of the device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 B-10 Fourth out-of-plane mode. This mode is symmetric to the other half of the device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 B-11 Fifth out-of-plane mode. This mode is antisymmetric to the other half of the device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 B-12 Sixth out-of-plane mode. This mode is symmetric to the other half of the device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 B-13 Seventh out-of-plane mode. This mode is symmetric to the other half of the device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 B-14 First out of plane mode. This mode is symmetric to the other half of the device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 B-15 First out of plane mode. This mode is antisymmetric to the other half of the device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 88 List of Tables 3.1 Modal frequencies of SOA with force multiplier. All in-plane modes were calculated using the full FEA model, and out-of-plane modes were calculated using the half FEA model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 42 Chapter 1 Introduction In recent years micromechanical inertial sensors have been gaining popularity in a number of applications. The advantage to using these devices is their compact size, low weight, low cost, and high reliability. These benefits are gained by the use of semiconductor fabrication technology, which has the potential to produce large quantities of micromachined devices that are cheaper and physically less complex than their conventional counterparts. With these benefits, micromechanical sensors have the potential to become wide-spread not only in military applications, but in a variety of commercial uses as well. In addition to military applications including "smart" munitions and missile guidance, these sensors have a virtually endless number of other uses including automobile systems, factory automation systems, bio-medical devices, and many other areas where inexpensive, robust sensors are required [3]. A variety of micromechanical inertial sensors have been designed and fabricated from such materials as quartz and silicon. These include gyroscopes using tuning fork resonators that are sensitive to coriolis acceleration [11], [10] and vibrating beam accelerometers [8], [1]. Draper Laboratory is currently developing a version of a vibrating beam accelerometer called the Silicon Oscillating Accelerometer (SOA). This device consists of a large proof mass and two mechanical oscillators which are attached to it. The proof mass and oscillators are attached via anchors to a Hoya glass substrate below. The oscillators are each formed out of two flexure beams which are driven at resonance using a capacitive comb drive system. When the proof 10 mass experiences acceleration along the input axis of the device it exerts opposing tensile and compressive forces on the oscillators, causing the frequency of one to increase and the frequency of the other to decrease. By taking the difference of these frequencies, a measure of acceleration is obtained. The change in differential frequency per unit acceleration is known as the device's scale factor, and the unloaded natural frequency of an oscillator is referred to as the drive or bias frequency. Chapter 2 gives a more in-depth description of this device, along with the basic equations governing its operation. Two previous designs of this device have accomplished much by first proving the feasibility of the device and then refining its operation by increasing its sensitivity and developing a means for eliminating errors caused by temperature sensitivity. The first design, SOA-1, which was developed in Kevin Gibbons' Master's thesis [7], produced a device measuring 2,400 ,um square, with a scale factor of 4.0 Hz/g, a temperature sensitivity of 1.03 Hz/ 0 C (41 ppm/SC), and an oscillator resonant frequency of 25.1 kHz. The second design, SOA-2, created at Draper Laboratory, produced a device with a scale factor of 100 Hz/g, a temperature sensitivity of approximately 1.6 Hz/ 0 C (75 ppm/ 0 C), and an oscillator resonant frequency of 21 kHz. This dramatic improvement in scale factor was accomplished by altering the configuration of the oscillators and increasing the size of the proof mass to 1 cm square. Unfortunately, the large size of the proof mass has also presented a number of manufacturing difficulties in the microfabrication process. In the present project, we have developed new SOA design with performance similar to the previous SOA-2 design, but with one quarter the surface area. In addition to maintaining the previous scale factor and temperature sensitivity, it is also specified that the resonant frequency of the proof mass along the input axis be above 4 kHz. This requirement is set so that externally applied vibrations, which are specified to exist below this frequency, will not cause false acceleration measurements. To meet these objectives, a design was created that incorporated the use of a lever arm to produce a factor of four force magnification [15]. This mechanism, attached to a modified oscillator, allowed the required proof mass size to be reduced while leaving 11 LOW MAG PHOTO OF THE DEVICE. Figure 1-1: Completed SOA design the scale factor constant. Other requirements were met by altering beam dimensions and anchor placement. The completed device is shown in Figure 1-1. Work during a previous thesis [13] provided the groundwork for this design. This work, which is discussed in Section 3.1, involved the creation of a Matlab script that allowed a network of one-dimensional beams to be constructed and analyzed for displacements and reaction forces. With this script, a number of early designs were analyzed, and requirements on necessary beam dimensions were found for the device to function as desired. Following this work, a more complex finite element model, described in Section 3.3, was created that again used one-dimensional beams for the oscillator and force multiplier, but also included the proof mass. This model was used to both verify the results from the previous analysis and to perform a preliminary calculation of the SOA's expected thermal sensitivity. Using a simple beam and spring model, described in detail in Section 3.2, the 12 behavior of the new SOA under thermal expansion was analyzed, and an optimal placement for the lever anchor point was found. With this information, a finite element half model of the proposed instrument was created, and modal analysis was performed to find the device's scale factor and natural modes. This analysis was later verified with a full FEA model. After final optimization of the beam dimensions, a thermal analysis was performed. A nonlinear analysis on the oscillator was also carried out to predict the cubic stiffness nonlinearity of the flexures during oscillation. These analyses are described in section 3.4. Unique contributions compared to previous work [13] include creation of a full finite element device model and meeting a number of design objectives such as temperature sensitivity, scale factor, drive frequency, and mode placement. The predicted scale factor of the new SOA design was 91 Hz/g, and the expected drive frequency was 20.9 kHz. The axial frequency was calculated to be 4.1 kHz, and the closest natural mode to the drive mode was at 89% of the drive frequency. Thermal modeling predicted that the device would have a temperature sensitivity of 0.87 ppm/ 0 C, and nonlinear analysis predicted a cubic stiffness nonlinearity that was four times greater than the previous SOA design. Devices which were fabricated in the Draper Laboratory micro-fabrication facility possessed thinner flexures and comb teeth than designed. Test results from these devices, given in Chapter 4, show that this decrease in mass and stiffness of the beams caused the average natural frequency of the devices to drop to 16.6 kHz and the average scale factor to increase to 197 Hz/g. Cubic stiffness nonlinearity measurements were found to be close to predicted values. Temperature tests revealed a 196 ppm/ 0 C sensitivity of each oscillator, but common mode effects reduced the sensitivity of the overall instrument to 6.6 ppm/0 C. Further modeling of the device shows that this difference between expected and measured values of temperature sensitivity occurred because materials underneath the glass substrate were neglected in the initial modeling stage. 13 Chapter 2 Background 2.1 Device Description As discussed in [7], the SOA is a micromachined device formed from single crystal silicon using techniques common to semiconductor fabrication. It is a monolithic structure that consists of two oscillators attached to a large proof mass. A schematic representation is shown in Figure 2-1. Each of the oscillators is made up of two smaller masses, suspended by flexures, which are driven at resonance through an electrostatic comb-drive system. Acceleration is sensed by reading the change in resonant frequencies of the two oscillators due to loads placed on them by the proof mass. The proof mass is attached to the glass substrate via anchor beams, which are machined out of the proof mass. These structures are flexible in the direction of the input axis (which is the Y-direction in Figure 2-1,) but are rigid along the other axes. In this way only motion along the input axis is allowed. The oscillators each consist of two oscillating masses, which are placed in the center of a flexure. The flexures are attached at either end to base beams, which run between the flexures. The base beams are then attached to either an anchor at one end of the oscillator, or to the large proof mass at the other end. This configuration is sometimes referred to as a "tuning fork" design. The SOA is operated by driving each of the small masses in an oscillator at 14 -axis Silicon Proof Mass Y-axis (Input Axis) Anchor Point / A X-axis Base Beam A / '1 VI F~jih 4AV( Jimi-- W C1+_ 0 [-.L-7 aff6/i go I - LL I -- iI 7 I Oscillating Mass / Flexure Oscillating Mass I Line of Line of Symmetry '/7 Resonator II Glass Substrate Glass Substrate resonance (referred to as the drive or bias frequency,) 180' out of phase with the other, in the direction of the X-axis of Figure 2-1. Driving the oscillating masses out of phase with one another serves to cancel out reaction forces caused by each individual mass' motion. Excitation of the oscillators is accomplished using a capacitive comb-drive system, which is described in Section 2.5. When the SOA is accelerated along the input axis, the proof mass exerts an equal force on each of the two oscillators. Since the oscillators are arranged in an opposing orientation, one of the oscillators is placed in tension, while the other is placed in compression. These forces, which are transmitted equally to the flexures in the oscillators, cause the resonant frequency of the oscillator in tension to increase and that of the oscillator in compression to decrease proportional to the amount of acceleration applied to the device. Taking the difference of these frequencies provides a measure of the applied acceleration. The amount of differential change in oscillator frequency due to acceleration is known as the scale factor of the device. Since other factors, such as variations in device temperature or oscillator drive amplitude, affect each oscillator's frequency in the same way, most of the errors caused by such sources are rejected by taking the frequency difference. Slight manufacturing differences between the oscillators, however, cause small differences in each oscillator's sensitivity to these inputs. This situation prevents the common mode error rejection from being total. For this reason, a great deal of effort must be placed into reducing these types of error sources. 2.2 Basic Operation This section describes some of the basic equations governing the operation of the SOA. The flexures and masses that comprise each oscillator can be modeled as shown in Figure 2-2. In this model, the base beams are assumed to be much stiffer than the flexures. Each flexure can then be modeled as two cantilever beams with guided ends, with each attached to the mass, m, at the center of the flexure. Detailed finite element analysis in Section 3.4 confirms the validity of this model. 16 P Base Beam Flexure Oscillation ase Beam Figure 2-2: Simple model of flexure and oscillating mass. The transverse deflection of a cantilever beam with guided ends is given in Table 10 of [19] as X = kP 1 2 tan U) -- ki (2.1) 2 where W is the transverse load, P is the axial compressive load (applied to the flexures by the proof mass), 1 is the length of the beam , E is the Young's Modulus of Elasticity, I is the area moment of inertia of the flexure, and k = (P/EI)1. The stiffness, K, of the beam is obtained by K W kP _ X 2tan ()- k i k (2.2) A linear approximation of the stiffness as a function of P can be made by substituting for k and expanding about P = 0. Dropping all second and higher order terms yields K ~5 12EI 17 6P (2.3) Since each flexure is made up of two of these beams, placed end-to-end, the total linearized stiffness for one flexure is then 24E1 12P 3 5 K(oscillator =- 51 13 (2.4) 24 The oscillating mass and flexure system of figure 2-2 can now be modeled as a second order mass-spring system. The natural frequency is then K(oscilator m 24EI =3 12P =5 m (2.5) Equation 2.5 demonstrates how the stiffness of the flexure, and thus the natural frequency of the oscillator decreases when the flexure is placed in compression and increases when it is placed in tension. This is the main effect we wish to utilize in order to measure the acceleration applied to the device. Other effects, however, also contribute to shifts in natural frequency. These error sources, which include cubic stiffness effects and temperature sensitivity, are introduced in the following two sections. 2.3 2.3.1 Stiffness Nonlinearity General Formulation An important property of the SOA flexures that affects the oscillators' resonant frequencies is stiffness nonlinearity. This condition describes spring softening or stiffening as displacement amplitude increases. This change in stiffness acts to increase or decrease the resonant frequency of the oscillator as the amplitude of oscillation increases. In this case, the springs stiffen with amplitude, and thus the resonant frequency is increased. To observe these effects, we first assume that the spring forces caused by a flexure's 18 transverse motion can be described by (2.6) F = k1 x + k 2 x 2 + k 3x 3 . The undamped equation of motion for such an oscillator is then m, + k 1 x + k 2 x 2 + k3 x 3 = 0. (2.7) If we assume a sinusoidal motion of the flexure of x(t) = X sin (wt) (2.8) then substituting into 2.7 yields -w2X sin(wt) + ki X sin(wt) + k2 X2 sin2(Wt) + k3 X 3 sin3 (Wt) = 0 m ki M- in w 2 ' m X sin(wt) + 1 k2 -X 2m m cos(2wt)] + [m- 2 X3 M (2.9) - sin(wt) 4 - I sin(3wt) 4 0. (2.10) Since this motion is occurring at resonance, the higher frequency terms involving 2w and 3w can be neglected, as can the bias term. This leaves the equation ki m 3 _)2 + k3X2 4m )X = ki 3 k 3 X2 sin(wt) = 0. (2.11) Solving for w2 gives 2 Expanding 2.12 about X = m 4m (2.12) 0 gives an expression for the natural frequency as a function of amplitude wa = -+ m 3 ink 3 8 ki m 19 (2.13) Retaining the first two terms yields I 1+ = 3 X). (2.14) The change in frequency with amplitude is then -w - 3k3X2 8 ki wn (2.15) Nayfeh and Mook [14] provide a similar derivation of this result, as well as other methods for finding a more accurate solution to this problem. 2.3.2 Error Predictions Since the SOA uses shifts in the oscillators' resonant frequencies to measure acceleration, any changes that occur because of the flexure stiffness nonlinearity will become sources of error. If the oscillators were able to be driven at a constant amplitude, both oscillator frequencies would shift by the same amount, and this error would be canceled by taking the difference of the two frequencies. However, since small variations in the drive amplitude exist, the stiffness nonlinearity will contribute to bias uncertainty. If we assume that instead of 2.8, the periodic motion of the flexures includes small amplitude variations X(t) = (X + AX) sin(wt) (2.16) then equation 2.15 becomes /dw 3k 3 Aw - -(X+ 8 ki Wn AX) 2 . (2.17) Bias uncertainty is caused by frequency variations about a nominal, stiffnessshifted frequency. This variation is the difference between 2.17 and 2.15 (ZAw) 0 Wn 3 k3 k(X + AX)2 8 k, 20 k 8ki X2 (2.18) (Aw)o = 3 k Wn [2X (AX) + AX2 8 ki (2.19) where (Aw). is the change in frequency (due to AX) about a nominal shifted frequency (due to X). If we now assume that the amplitude of oscillation can be controlled to some level A = - ,and if we allow for the common mode effect to provide some error reduction, C, then equation 2.19 becomes 3 k3 2 (Aw) 0 = 3k*nX AC (2.20) where the higher order terms have been ignored, and C < 1. Equation 2.20 shows that, while improving amplitude control of the oscillators helps to decrease bias uncertainty, the largest factor in reducing this error is lowering the amplitude at which the oscillators are driven. 2.4 Thermal Sensitivity Temperature sensitivity in the SOA is caused by two factors which act against each other. The first of these factors involves the bonding of the silicon device to the Hoya glass substrate. The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) for Hoya glass (a,,= 2.533 x 10-6 /oC) [9] is less than that of silicon (a, = 2.75 x 10-6 /oC) [6]. Because of the orientation of the oscillators and the placement of the oscillators' anchor points, an increase in device temperature causes the flexures to be placed in tension. This tension causes an increase in their natural frequency, according to equation 2.5. Section 3.2 provides an analysis of this effect. The second way in which temperature affects the natural frequency of the oscillators is by lowering Young's modulus of silicon as temperature increases. Equation 2.5 shows that the unloaded natural frequency of an oscillator depends on the square root of E. Wf 24EI 3 Un 21 m13 . (2.21) The change in the oscillators' natural frequencies as a result of the change in the Young's modulus of Silicon can be found by differentiating this expression. This gives 613 m I EI 1M11 Aw, AE = (2.22) The fractional change in resonant frequency with the Young's modulus is then obtained by dividing equation 2.22 by equation 2.21 =Aw I w,, E 2 (E (2.23) As with the stiffness nonlinearity effect, if both oscillators responded in exactly the same way to temperature, differencing their frequencies would cancel out this effect. In actual devices, however, small manufacturing differences between the two oscillators cause slight variations in each oscillator's temperature sensitivity. To correct for this condition, the SOA can be designed so that the two temperature effects cancel each other in each oscillator. The Young's modulus of silicon decreases with increasing temperature by -50 ppm/ 0 C AEE AT- __ (-50 x 10-6 /oC) [12]. This change corresponds to a downward shift in the SOA's resonant frequency of -25 ppm/ 0 C. In section 3.2, an SOA design with close to zero temperature sensitivity is created by positioning the oscillator anchor points so that the CTE mismatch effect raises the natural frequency by this amount. 2.5 Capacitive Drive System The flexures in the SOA are excited at resonance through the use of intermeshed comb capacitor drives. Figure 2-3 shows a view of a portion of the comb drive. Each oscillating mass has two of these capacitors - one to drive the oscillation of the flexure, and the other to sense the flexure's displacement. A discussion of this type of drive capacitive system can be found in [16]. 22 Stator Comb Motion Oscillating Mass Figure 2-3: Portion of capacitive comb drive The capacitance between two charged parallel plates is Av C = (2.24) 9 where co =permittivity of free space A = area of comb finger overlap g = gap between comb fingers v = fringing coefficient (v ~ 1.5 for SOA combs). Each comb capacitor consists of N intermeshed fingers, which create 2N parallel plate capacitors. Referring to Figure 2-3, the total capacitance is then C=2N 23 WV 9 (2.25) where I is the comb engagement, and w is the depth of the finger. During operation, engagement changes with the motion of the rotor comb, x, so that 1 = 1. - x, where lis the equilibrium value of comb overlap. These capacitors drive the motion of the flexure by using electrostatic forcing. For a capacitor, the force acting between the two sides is F = -V2 0 0 (2.26) Ox 2 where V is the voltage across the capacitor, and 2 is the change in capacitance with the transverse motion of the oscillating mass. For the capacitors described above, DC Ox = 2N cowii . g (2.27) Note that since the force depends on the voltage squared, applying a zero-bias sinusoidal voltage at the resonant frequency of the flexures will not create any force at that frequency. To remedy this problem, a bias voltage is added to the voltage drive signal [18]. While the flexure is driven at resonance by one comb capacitor on the oscillating mass, the other comb measures the flexure's displacement. This is accomplished by again utilizing the change in capacitance that corresponds to the motion of the comb fingers. The current caused by a change in capacitance of the combs is I = -(CV) dt DV DC C +V .(2.28) at at By setting the voltage across the capacitor to a constant level, half of this expression is set to zero so that I = VD C at (2.29) A voltage readout of position can then be obtained by passing this current into a preamplifier configured as an integrator [18]. 24 Chapter 3 Design and Analysis The first SOA design, SOA-1, created by Kevin Gibbons in his Master's thesis [7], had a slightly different configuration from that depicted in Figure 2-1, with two flexures attached to each oscillating mass. The proof mass was approximately 2.6 mm square and was 12 pm thick. This design had an oscillator frequency of 27 kHz, a scale factor of 4 Hz/g, and a temperature sensitivity of 1.03 Hz/ 0 C (38 ppm/SC). To improve scale factor and decrease temperature sensitivity, David Nokes, of Draper Laboratory, created a second design, the SOA-2, with a layout similar to Figure 2-1. In this design, the scale factor was increased to 100 Hz/g by increasing the size of the proof mass to 1 cm square. This increase in mass provided a larger force per unit acceleration to be transmitted to the flexures, thereby increasing the oscillators' g-sensitivity. The proof mass thickness was also increased to 50 Pm. Nokes' design also featured an oscillator anchor point that was placed between the two flexures. This placement allowed the two thermal effects discussed in Section 2.4 to cancel each other, and gave the instrument very low thermal sensitivity. The oscillator resonant frequency of this device was 21 kHz. This project's main goal was to overcome the manufacturing difficulties caused by the SOA-2's large size by designing a new device with the same performance as the current device, but with a proof mass that was at most one quarter its area. To accomplish this goal, six objectives were established [17]: 25 Anchor Point Proof Mass Anchor Beam Connecting Lever Arm Oscillating Mass Flexure Base Beam Anchor Point Figure 3-1: Concept drawing of force multiplying lever arm connecting the proof mass to the oscillator " The new device must have a scale factor of about 100 Hz/g. " The resonant frequency of the proof mass along the input axis must stay above 4 kHz. This limit is set to prevent measurement errors that would be produced if external shocks and vibrations excited this mode. " The temperature sensitivity of the device should be as low as possible. This objective can be met by balancing the change in Young's modulus with stresses induced by the thermal expansion mismatch between the silicon device and the glass substrate. " The stiffness nonlinearity of the flexures must be as small as possible. * The oscillator resonant frequencies must be between 20 and 25 kHz. In order to decrease the size of the proof mass, while retaining the sensitivity of the device, the concept of a connecting the oscillator to the proof mass with a lever arm was conceived [15]. A schematic of this idea is presented in Figure 3-1. 26 As depicted in this figure, the force multiplier consists of four beams: a lever arm that provides the force multiplication, two vertical beams that connect the lever arm to the oscillator and the proof mass, and an anchor beam, which serves as the pivot point for the lever. By tuning the force multiplier to provide a 4-to-1 force amplification from the proof mass to the oscillator, the size of the proof mass can be cut by a factor of four. In this way, the mass would apply the same amount of force on the oscillator as in the previous design, and the scale factor would remain unchanged. 3.1 Previous Work Much of the groundwork for this project was established in my Bachelor's thesis, [13]. During this project, a Matlab script was developed that allowed structures to be modeled using one-dimensional beam elements. By assigning material properties to these elements, such as stiffness and area moment of inertia, the structure's behavior under loading could be studied. In the Bachelor's thesis, the focus of the design work was tuning the force multiplier to fit the existing oscillator. In this way, many of the characteristics of this oscillator, such as a resonant frequency of 21 kHz and the placement of other vibrational modes away from the primary drive mode were retained. Since the Matlab model used linear beam equations, and since it was also not able to calculate thermal expansion, only scale factor and axial resonant frequency were investigated. To use the Matlab script, a beam model of the oscillator and force multiplier was created with a configuration similar to Figure 3-1. Forces modeling the action of the proof mass were added to one end of the force multiplier, while the anchor points were held fixed. Resonant frequencies of the oscillator drive mode were calculated by displacing the oscillating masses to mimic drive motion. By estimating the size of the masses and calculating the force required to displace them, a measure of resonant frequency was obtained. Scale factor was calculated by simultaneously applying a force mimicking the action of the proof mass to the lever arm, and finding the change 27 Reaction Forces vs. Vertical Connecting Beam Width R.eaction Force at Lever Anchor Point 0.2S Input Force From Proof Mass -- 0 -0.1 - - 0.2 - ~0. u. - 0.3 --- -- - - --- ---- - - - --- - -- -- --- -- - Reaction Force at Oscillator Base Beam ---- - - --- ---- -- Desired Force Level 0 0.5 1 Vertical Connecting Beam Width (non-dimensionalized) 1.5 Figure 3-2: Plot of oscillator reaction forces vs. input force in resonant frequency. Axial frequency of the proof mass was calculated in a similar way by applying a displacement to the lever arm and calculating the resultant forces. The results of this analysis showed that because the beams in the force multiplier were built into each other, rather than connected with pin joints (as would be the case for an ideal lever) the dimensions of the lever arm must be greater than four to one. The extra forces created by this lever are taken up in the bending of the connecting beams and the lever arm itself. For this reason, the connecting beams were made much thinner than the lever arm. Figure 3-2 shows the reaction forces created at both the lever anchor point and the oscillator base beam (this is the force that is transmitted to the flexures.) Beam widths in this plot have been normalized against the lever arm width so that a value of 1 on the horizontal axis indicates that the connecting beams have the same width as the lever arm. This plot clearly shows that the lever arm must be much wider than the connecting beams to achieve sufficient force multiplication. In the finished design for this project, the lever arm was 4.5 times wider than the connecting beams. With this thickness and with a lever ratio of 4.2 to 1, the structure produced a force 28 P A Proof Mass Input Axis t Attaches Here Anchork 4 3 3 4 X4 X2 Lever Ann X3 2 Oscillator 1 Anchor Line of Symmetry Figure 3-3: Spring model of SOA used in thermal analysis multiplication of 3.8. The axial resonant frequency of the proof mass, which is also dependent on the size and thickness of the lever arm, remained at 4 kHz at these dimensions. 3.2 Thermal Sensitivity In the SOA-2 design, pictured in Figure 2-1, the temperature sensitivity was controlled through the placement of the oscillator anchor point so that the thermal stresses induced in the flexure beams would counteract the decrease in Young's modulus with temperature. In the new SOA-3 design, the presence of two anchors, each moving with the expansion of the Hoya glass underneath, alters the forces that are transmitted to the flexures. In order to study the temperature sensitivity of the SOA-3 oscillator with a force multiplier, a simple model of the SOA was constructed using springs to represent the compliance of the various components involved. This model 29 was then used to find the forces transmitted to the flexures due to the thermally induced displacements of both the silicon device and the Hoya substrate. The following analysis follows the work done by Marc Weinberg at Draper Laboratory [17]. Figure 3-3 shows a spring model of the SOA oscillator that includes the force multiplier. Only one side of the SOA is depicted, and displacements, x, are given relative to the line of symmetry separating the two oscillators. In this model, the compliance of the flexures and base beams shown in Figure 3-1 are modeled as one spring, k2 . Since these beams, which are not pictured in Figure 3-3, can be modeled as springs connected in parallel, the total stiffnes of the oscillator is then k kbbkbbkf + k1 (3.1) 31 where kbb = stiffness of the base beams kf = stiffness of the flexures This spring is attached to an anchor point on one end and a beam representing the lever arm on the other. The lever arm is assumed to be rigid, compared to the other elements of the model. Also included in the model are the beams attaching the lever arm to the the proof mass and the second anchor point. The load applied externally by the proof mass is denoted P,, and internal loads of the springs are denoted Fe, where n corresponds to the spring number. These internal spring forces are defined as positive when the spring is in tension and negative when the spring is in compression. All elements of this model are assumed to be connected with pin joints so that there are no moments transmitted. The validity of this assumption was addressed in Section 3.1. We are interested in finding the force F2 applied to the flexures due to the thermal expansion of the Hoya glass and silicon. This force can be found by first identifying the displacement relationships within the model and solving the resulting equations. The displacement of the oscillator anchor, x1 due to the thermal expansion of the 30 glass substrate is 1 = 11aoAT (3.2) where 11 = the distance from the line of symmetry to the oscillator anchor point ag = the coefficient of thermal expansion for the Hoya glass substrate AT = temperature change For the oscillator, the internal spring forces are F2 -- XI - l 2aAT. k2 (3.3) From the lever to the anchor point, F3 k3 = (l1 + 12 + 13) agAT - X3 - 13aAT, (3.4) and from the lever to the proof mass, F4 - X5 - - l4 cxAT (3.5) where as is the coefficient of thermal expansion for silicon. Force balance requires that F3 + F4 = F2, (3.6) nF 4 = F 2 (3.7) and torque balance gives where n is the force multiplication (in this case n = 4.) Finally, for the lever arm, the nodal displacements have the relationship (X4 - x 3 ) = n(x 2 - X 3 ) . (3.8) The stiffness of the structure along the input axis, kax, can be found by setting 31 AT = 0 and applying a proof mass load Pp = F4 . Solving equations 3.3 through 3.8 yields 1 x5 n2 kax Pp k2 ka ax = (n -1) - -+ k3 2 + 1 (3.9) k4 k2 k 3 k 4 k 2 k3 + (n - 1) 2 k 2 k 4 + n 2 ksk 4 .(.0 Since the proof mass is much more rigid than either the oscillator or the force multiplier, we can assume that it moves independently from them under thermal expansion. With this in mind, the displacement of the proof mass at the point of connection with the force multiplier is then X5 = (11 + 12 + 14) asAT. (3.11) The force transmitted to the flexures due to both acceleration and thermal expansion can be found by solving this equation and equations 3.2 through 3.8 for F 2 Fflexure = F 2 = nPp + nkax [(12 + 13) (n - 1) - 11] (ag - a,) AT. (3.12) In the SOA-2 design shown in Figure 2-1, the lack of a force multiplier (n = 1) causes the above expression to revert to the expected form, where the thermal component is described by -k 211 (ag - as) AT. The axial stiffness term, kax, also reflects the added compliance produced by the lever arm. Since the area of the proof mass in the SOA-3 is reduced by a factor of four, the axial stiffness must decrease by the same amount for the axial resonant frequency to remain the same. With this in mind, we see that the term nkax remains unchanged between the SOA-2 design and the SOA-3 design (n = 4). Since the change in Young's modulus with temperature reduces the natural frequency of the oscillator, the thermal component of equation 3.12 must be positive to counteract this effect. The coefficient of thermal expansion for Hoya glass is less than that of silicon, so the term [(12 + 13) (n - 1) - 1i] must then be negative. In the previous SOA-2 design, this term was equal to -li, since there was no force multiplier. 32 Proof Mass Lever Arm Base Beam Oscillating Mass Flexure =--Anchor Point Figure 3-4: Concept drawing of oscillator and force multiplier with anchor beam repositioned for thermal compensation In the new design, the force multiplier anchor must be flipped, as in Figure 3-4, so that this term has the same value as before. 3.3 Beam Models using ANSYS As a first step in creating a full model of the SOA-3 using the concepts defined in the previous section, a second beam model, similar to the Matlab model of Section 3.1, but analyzed using ANSYS 5.5 finite element software, was created. This model, in which the oscillator was again modeled with one-dimensional beam elements, was more detailed than the previous model in that it included both the proof mass and the proof mass anchor beams. Including all of the device's components in this model allowed easy modeling of the full device later by simply laying the actual geometry over the beam elements. All geometry was created in Pro/Engineer and exported into ANSYS for analysis. This model is shown in Figure 3-5. To create the model, a three-dimensional shape representing the proof mass (the 33 Figure 3-5: Beam model of SOA created in ANSYS 34 shaded, meshed portion in figure 3-5) was first drawn in Pro/Engineer. Datum points were then drawn and connected with datum curves to form the shape of the oscillator and proof mass anchor points. Using the Pro/Engineer finite element package, onedimensional beam elements were then laid over the datum curves, and the proof mass geometry was meshed using 8-node two-dimensional shell elements (shell93 elements in ANSYS.) The beam elements were then assigned material properties and an area moment of inertia according to the actual dimensions of the beam that the element represented. The proof mass elements were also assigned material properties and a thickness of 50 pm. For this analysis, as well as future analyses, the following material properties were used: " E (Young's Modulus) = 1.68 x 10 " 11pN/pm 2 v (Poisson's Ratio) = 0.26 * G (Shear Modulus) = 6.67 x 10 1 0pN/pm 2 " p (Density) = 2.33 x 10-/g/M2 For these material properties, a Young's modulus corresponding to beams in the (110) orientation was used, and isotropic properties were assumed for the Poisson's ratio and shear modulus. This simplification has little effect on the model since a slender beam approximation for bending, which does not include these properties, can be used for the flexure beams. Further finite element models using orthotropic properties have been used to validate this assumption. Once this model had been created, it was then exported into ANSYS. Oscillator drive frequency was calculated by first applying fixed boundary boundary conditions to all anchor points and then using ANSYS' Block-Lanczos solver to find the device's natural modes and frequencies. The proof mass axial frequency was also found in this manner. Scale factor was calculated by applying a ig acceleration to the model in the direction of the input axis. A static analysis was then performed to calculate the resulting stresses and displacements within the device. This prestress data was then 35 included in the modal analysis to find the device's new oscillator frequencies. Scale factor was then calculated by taking the difference of the shifted frequencies. This model predicted an oscillator drive frequency of 25.1 kHz and a proof mass axial frequency of 5.1 kHz. Because of the added stiffness of the proof mass anchor beams, the scale factor of this model dropped to 86 Hz/g. This number was increased by lengthening the lever arm by 30 pm so that the lever ratio was 5:1. This change resulted in a scale factor of 96 Hz/g. A thermal analysis was also performed on this model by including a representation of the Hoya glass substrate. This was done in Pro/Engineer by creating a large block of Hoya glass directly underneath the proof mass. The oscillator and proof mass anchor points were then connected to the glass using rigid beam elements, and the glass substrate was then meshed using the same type of elements as the proof mass. A coefficient of thermal expansion of 2.533 ppm/ 0 C was then assigned to the Hoya glass, and one of 2.75 ppm/ 0 C was assigned to the silicon. Since the Hoya substrate is much thicker than the silicon, the elements representing it were given a much greater stiffness than silicon. In this way, the movement of the anchor points due to temperature changes would be driven solely by the Hoya glass. To find the thermal sensitivity of the model, a temperature increase of 1 'C was applied. A static analysis was then performed to find the stresses induced in the oscillator by the mismatch in CTE between the Hoya glass and silicon. A modal analysis was then performed with the prestress data included, and the resulting oscillator frequency was compared to the unloaded bias frequency. With an overlap between lever anchor and the oscillator anchor in Figure 3-4 of 6 = 43pum the thermal sensitivity due to CTE mismatch was calculated at +25ppm/ C. Since Section 2.4 shows that the change in the Young's modulus with temperature for silicon creates a -25 ppm/ 0 C change in oscillator frequency, this design was shown to have zero temperature sensitivity, in theory. With the proven concept of positioning the anchor to attain the desired thermal sensitivity, a detailed model of the device could then be constructed and analyzed. 36 Proof Mass Anchor Points Lever Arm Flexures Figure 3-6: Finite element model of one half of the SOA 3.4 Detailed Analysis With the knowledge gained from the preliminary analyses a detailed finite element half model of the SOA with force multiplier was created. This model is pictured in figure 3-6. A half model of the device was used in the analysis to reduce both modeling effort and computational time. This simplification is possible because of the symmetry of the device along the X-axis. This model was used for all design iterations, and a full model was then created to verify the performance of the final design. To create this model, Pro/Engineer was used to lay the actual beam geometries of the oscillator components directly over the datum curves of the model created in section 3.3. The thicknesses of each of the beams were determined initially from the area moments of inertia of the beams in the final one-dimensional model. Attaching the beam geometries to the datum curves from the previous model allowed for easy manipulation of dimensions during design iterations. 37 Once this model had been drawn in three dimensions in Pro/Engineer, its geometry was exported to ANSYS and converted into a two-dimensional model. ANSYS Plane82 elements were used to mesh the parts. These elements each have eight nodes and are used to model plane stresses. They were used in all in-plane modal and thermal analyses for this project. The same silicon material properties used in previous models were used except for the density of the proof mass silicon. Since, in production, holes are placed in the proof mass, its density was reduced by 10% in the model to reflect the reduced weight. The primary purpose of this analysis was to accurately characterize the device's performance. This characterization included finding all natural frequencies and mode shapes of the device, determining the device's thermal sensitivity, and finding the nonlinear characteristics of the flexures. Modal analysis was performed in the same fashion as the analysis in section 3.3. Fixed boundary conditions were placed on the anchor points, and, depending on the analysis being performed, either symmetric or anti-symmetric boundary conditions were placed on the proof mass symmetry line. An anti-symmetric boundary condition allowed free movement of the proof mass parallel to the input axis, but restricted all other movement. This boundary condition was used in finding scale factor and proof mass axial frequency, as well as several out-ofplane modes found in later analyses. Symmetric boundary conditions allowed only movement perpendicular to the input axis. This boundary condition was used to find the "cross-axis" frequency of the proof mass and also to find out-of-plane modes. 3.4.1 Modal Analysis The first goal in developing a final design was to fine tune the beam dimensions so that the design objectives outlined at the beginning of this chapter were met. The two beam dimensions studied in this exercise were the base beam width and the lever arm width. Both of these dimensions play a large role in the determination of scale factor and proof mass axial frequency. The Figures 3-7 and 3-8 show the results of design iterations performed with these parameters. The final SOA-3 design was chosen with a base beam width of 45 pm and a lever arm width of 125 pm. With 38 Effect of Base Beam Width on Axial Freq., Drive Freq, and Scale Factor 4500 6-2 3 50 0 - . . .. . . 3 0 00 - - -. .-. .- .-..-..-..-..-...-..-..-..-..-..-.. .-.-. .. . . -... -. -. 25 . -..-.-.-..- -.-.- .-. -. 250020 -. .-.-..-.-. . .-.-. . . -. .-..-.-..- . .. . . 4 00 0 - .-. N 30 35 40 Base Beam Width (microns) 45 50 55 35 40 Base Beam Width (microns) 45 50 55 35 40 Base Beam Width (microns) 45 50 55 21 0 U) 19.5 C) 120.5 20 0.. --- -- - 25 30 95 18.5 . .. . . . . .. .. . .. . 0 8 5 -. 20 -.-.-.-.-.-. 25 30 Figure 3-7: The contribution of base beam width to proof mass axial frequency, drive frequency, and total scale factor (frequency difference of two oscillators.) Lever arm width for this analysis is 125 pm. 39 Effect of Lever Arm Width on Proof Mass Axial Freq. and Scale Factor 4500 - 4000 - - - - - - - - - I a, 3500 - - -- - - ...... - - - ........ - - ........ ........ -.. ........- U- x - 3000 . .. .. . 2500 6) 80 70 . . . . . . . . . .. 90 .. . 100 110 120 Lever Arm Width (microns) .. . 130 . . . . .- . . . . . . 140 150 160 95 90 -.- 85 . - - - .. - - ......... - . - - - -....-.... - - - - . - ......-.. .- - . -. 0 a) 80 - -- .- - - - - . ...... - - -.. ..... - - . - - - ....... - -.. ...... ........ - -.. .- 0 Ci) 75 70 6) I I I 70 80 90 I I I 100 110 120 Lever Arm Width (microns) I I I 130 140 150 Figure 3-8: The contribution of lever arm width to proof mass axial frequency and total scale factor (frequency difference of two oscillators.) Base beam width for this analysis is 45 /Lm. 40 160 these dimensions, the device had a predicted drive frequency of 20.3 kHz, an axial proof mass frequency of 4.1 kHz, and a scale factor of 91 Hz/g. These figures show that both parameters have equally important effects on the axial resonant frequency and scale factor of the device. For each parameter, a 50% decrease from the final dimension results in a 20% decrease in scale factor and a 35% decrease in axial frequency. It is observed that the scale factor nearly reaches a steady state with the chosen dimensions, so any further increase must be accomplished by increasing the lever ratio. Axial frequency would also reach a steady state if the thickness of the beams were increased further, but this amount of rigidity was not needed in the current design. The effect of base beam width on drive frequency is not as dramatic as the effects on scale factor and axial frequency, but it is still important in retaining the 20 kHz drive frequency of the previous design. With these key parameters successfully defined, further modal analysis was conducted to check the placement of other vibrational modes of the device. In-plane modes were found using the same model as in the above analysis, and out-of-plane modes were found by replacing the elements with ANSYS Shell93 elements. These two-dimensional elements allow the modeling of thin structures in three-dimensions, as long as no torsional forces are present. For the SOA, these elements were an ideal choice to reduce model complexity, while ensuring accuracy. Two full models of the SOA-3 were also created to verify the placement of the in-plane modes. In these models, two oscillator configurations were used. The first configuration, pictured in a completed unit in Figure 1-1, arranged the oscillators in a mirrored orientation. The other configuration, shown in Figure 4-1, positioned the oscillators to be rotationally symmetric about the center of the device. Out-of-plane modes of the full models were not calculated because the use of shell93 elements produced very computationally intensive models. Table 3.1 gives a list of all the relevant modes of the device calculated with the half and full models. All in-plane modes are given using the results from the full models, and the out-of-plane modes are given using the half-model results. In this table, "Hula" refers to the mode in which the flexures oscillate in phase with one another. 41 Fundamental Modes (Hz) Drive Axial 20,281.5 20,281.8 4,141 Other In-Plane Modes (Hz) "Hula" 16,702 16,721 Rotational 18,251 (89% of drive) Perp. to Flexures . 24,482 Out-of-Plane Modes (Hz) Low Freq. 5,223 5,900 6,161 11,107 11,510 15,544 Close to Drive High Freq. 17,933 (88% of drive) 26,436 28,915 Table 3.1: Modal frequencies of SOA with force multiplier. All in-plane modes were calculated using the full FEA model, and out-of-plane modes were calculated using the half FEA model. The "Rotational" mode, which at 18.3 kHz is the closest to the drive mode, refers to the rotation of the proof mass about its center. Appendix B contains half-model diagrams of all of these modes. In each of the full models, two identical oscillators showed a drive frequency separation of 0.3 Hz, which is due to the coupling existing between them through the proof mass. This coupling prevents the two oscillators from operating independently from one another, and it creates the possibility that the two frequencies will "lock" together, making it impossible to take differential frequency measurements. Since this phenomenon, which is being studied further at Draper Laboratory [5], occurs when the two drive frequencies are close to one another, the final design submitted for fabrication contained oscillators with drive frequencies separated by 1000 Hz. This separation, which was created by thinning the flexures of one oscillator by 0.2 pm, avoids mode locking by reducing the possibility that the oscillator frequencies will cross one another during operation. 3.4.2 Thermal Modeling A thermal analysis similar to the one described in section 3.3 was performed on the finite element half model, and an optimal length for the force multiplier anchor beam 42 ANSYS 5.5.1 MAY 10 2000 15:12:41 DISPLACEMENT STEP=1 SUB =4 FREQ=20282 PowerGraphics EFACET=1 AVRES=Mat DMX =1 *DSCA=-55. 085 ZV =1 *DIST=2750 *XF =1250 Z-BUFFER Drive Mode Figure 3-9: Drive mode for SOA 43 ANSYS 5.5.1 My 12 2000 13:18:29 NODAL SOLUTION STEP-1 SUB -2 FREQ-6105 UZ (AVG) RSYS-0 PowerGraphics EFACET-1 . --- AVRES-Mat DM -1.652 SM -- 1.529 smx -1.652 -- 1.352 A --. 69399 c _ D E a- 291917. -. 061475 'F- -4 1 1 V2 I =1.475 Out of Plane Mode (Symmetric) Figure 3-10: Out-of-plane mode for SOA 44 was chosen. Rather than create a computationally intensive shell model containing both the silicon part and the glass substrate, the plane stress model created for modal analysis was used. To model the effects of both the glass and silicon expansion, the anchor points were given fixed boundary conditions, and the silicon part was given a CTE equal to the difference of silicon and Hoya glass. By doing so, the silicon expanded the same amount relative to the fixed boundary conditions as it would relative to the expansion of the actual glass substrate. This simplified analysis was verified by comparing its results with another analysis performed by displacing each node along the anchor point by an amount equal to the expansion of the glass substrate and then assigning the CTE of silicon to its true value. In each of these tests, the same temperature sensitivity was derived. Final analysis predicted a thermal sensitivity of +25.87 ppm/OC with an anchor point overlap of 6 = 13pm. Combined with the change in Young's modulus with temperature, the sensitivity was predicted to be 0.87 ppm/ 0 C. A change in thermal sensitivity of ±0.14 (ppm/ C)/pm was predicted for movement of the anchor point around this position. 3.4.3 Nonlinear Analysis A nonlinear analysis was performed on the oscillator to predict the cubic stiffness terms introduced in section 2.3. To perform this analysis, a piece of the model from the above analyses was taken and modified slightly. Figure 3-11 shows the model with its various components labeled. In this model plane82 elements were again used, and fixed boundary conditions were placed on both anchor points. Since the proof mass is much stiffer than the oscillator, the end of the force multiplier connecting to the proof mass was also modeled as fixed. To find the force vs. displacement curve for the flexures, opposing loads were applied to the two small proof masses. A nonlinear analysis including stress-stiffening effects was then performed in ANSYS. During this calculation, the software breaks the force applied into a number of load steps. Within each step, the displacement of the flexure resulting from a portion of the total load is calculated, and the internal stresses resulting from this displacement are also found. The next load step then uses 45 FNF7 Anchor points 11AMAN F Base Beam Flexure Proof mass Small Proof Masses Force connects Multiplier surface. igs Figure 3-11: Finite element model of oscillator and force multiplier used in nonlinear analysis 46 Nonlinear Stiffness Curve for SOA Oscillator SX 108 3 2 .............. - -. .... ........... ..... .. .. - .... --. - .. ...- . 0 0 -2 -3 -4 -15 -10 -5 0 Flexure Displacement (um) 5 10 15 Figure 3-12: Predicted nonlinear stiffness curve for flexure displacement these stresses in its calculation of force and displacement. This process continues until the entire load has been applied. The result of this analysis is shown in figure 3-12. Equation 2.6 gives an expression for force vs. displacement for a cubic spring F = kix + k 2 x 2 + k3 X3 . (3.13) The calculated coefficients for this expression are given below. Note that the presence of a quadratic term means that the flexures experience spring softening for inward displacements and spring stiffening for outward displacements. k, = 20.93 x 106 pN/p-m k2= 75.65 x 103 pN/pum 2 47 k3 = 61.38 x 103 pN/pm 3 These coefficients have a ratio g-k-that is 4 times greater than those calculated for the previous SOA design, which had a similar oscillator, but no force multiplier. This difference can be explained by the change in axial stiffness that occurred between designs. Since the proof mass was reduced by a factor of four in the new design, the axial stiffness of the oscillator was also reduced by the same amount so that the proof mass axial frequency would remain constant. Appendix A gives a brief explanation of how this decrease in stiffness acts to increase the stiffness nonlinearity of the flexures. 48 Chapter 4 Fabrication and Testing The final design for the new version of the SOA was fabricated at Draper Laboratory using a silicon-on-glass bulk dissolved wafer process similar to one described in [7]. Figures 4-1 and 4-2 show typical devices mounted on the glass substrate. Two of the bond pads, which provide electrical connections for the device, can be seen on the middle right and left-hand side of the image. Two configurations of oscillators were fabricated so that both symmetric versions could be tested. Figure 4-1 shows one configuration in which the oscillators are rotationally symmetric with one another, and Figure 4-2 shows the other configuration in which the oscillators mirror each other. Despite finite element models of each of these configurations showing agreement with the half model predictions from chapter 3, it was decided that both configurations should be produced to ensure that any significant, unmodeled properties of the device had not been overlooked. In addition to the two oscillator configurations, three anchor beam lengths were also fabricated to test the thermal sensitivity predictions from section 3.4.1. These three configurations had anchor point overlaps of 6 = -7, 13 (original dimension), and 33 ytm. Overlaps of this size were predicted to give the device a temperature sensitivity of 0.9 ± 2.8 ppm/0 C (Young's modulus thermal effect included.) In order to prepare the devices for testing, all manufactured units were first inspected visually. Units that were free from debris and had all beams, flexures, and comb teeth intact were tested using a probe station to ensure that all vibrational 49 Figure 4-1: SOA with rotationally symmetric configuration LOW MAG PHOTO OF THE DEVICE. Figure 4-2: SOA with mirror configuration 50 modes were functioning properly. The probe station allows temporary electrical connections to be made to the device so that initial characterizations can be performed without having to package it. After devices with satisfactory performance had been chosen, they were then packaged inside a leadless ceramic chip carrier (LCCC). This package allows the device to to be handled more easily and enables it to be connected to the test electronics. The SOA is mounted inside the LCCC using a small braze pre-form which is placed between the SOA chip and the LCCC near the center of the SOA. A permanent bond is then formed by heating these components. Once the SOA has been bonded to the LCCC, wire bonds are run from the SOA bond pads to the corresponding pins of the package. Units are tested by placing the LCCC into a "fuzz button" package, and then connecting this package to the control electronics. The package, which allows LCCC's to be connected and removed from the electronics with relative ease, contains a preamplifier for the output signal of each oscillator, as well as a temperature sensor. The fuzz button package is attached to the electronics with a "guillotine" connector, in which long electrical pins protruding from the fuzz button package are clamped to the test fixture. Since, for devices such as the SOA, the air surrounding the device is a major source of damping, the SOA's are operated in a vacuum environment of less than 5 mTorr. After each SOA is packaged, it is first tested in an evacuated bell jar for initial characterization of scale factor, drive frequency, and quality factor. If a device is judged to have performed well on each of these tests, it is sealed in a vacuum inside its LCCC by brazing a lid on top of it. 4.1 Fabrication Results In order to determine the beam dimensions of the fabricated devices, destructive tests were performed on defective units using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to measure all critical dimensions. Figure 4-3 shows the profile of a flexure from one 51 Figure 4-3: Profile of flexure beam of these units. In this figure, the beam has been inverted so that what would be the top of the beam is at the bottom of the image. Considering that the designed thickness of the flexure is 7 pm, evidence of beam thinning due to over-etching of the silicon is clearly visible in this figure. Since beam thickness is important in determining the stiffness of the flexure, this thinning is expected to lower the oscillator's natural frequency and increase the scale factor. The following section discusses the expected effects of beam thinning on device performance, and it presents experimental data supporting these predictions. Figure 4-4 shows an SEM image of several comb finger profiles. These comb fingers were designed to have a thickness of 4 pm. The figure shows that in an actual device, this thickness has been reduced to as little as 2 pm at the center of the finger. This thinning of the comb fingers contributes to a significant drop 52 Figure 4-4: Profile of comb finger 53 in the mass of the oscillator masses, and acts to raise the natural frequency of the oscillator. Other non-destructive measurements have been made on other units using an optical microscope. These measurements agree with those made by the SEM, and even suggest that other units may have thinner beams that those shown in the figure. 4.2 Scale Factor and Drive Frequency Testing The scale factor and oscillator drive frequency of the fabricated devices were tested by using an HP Dynamic Signal Analyzer 35665A to perform an open loop frequency response of the oscillator. This was done by driving the inner combs of each oscillating mass with a varying sinusoidal signal plus a bias voltage. The motion of the masses was derived from the output of the outer combs, according to the equations in Section 2.5. Drive frequency was measured while the SOA was positioned in a horizontal orientation so that gravity would not affect the oscillator frequency. Scale factor was measured by recording the natural frequency in this orientation and then repeating the measurement with the SOA's input axis oriented vertically. The scale factor results presented below are given in terms of a single oscillator, rather than the device's total sensitivity. This was done to demonstrate the that each oscillator in a device was performing equally well. Figure 4-5 shows a typical frequency response plot from one of these tests showing the resonance at drive frequency. Using the equations given in Section 2.5, an amplitude of 0.1 pm is calculated at resonance. This agrees well with the expected amplitude of 0.3 pm, calculated using the quality factor measured in Section 4.3 and the beam stiffness measured in Section 4.6. The measured natural frequency is significantly lower than the one predicted in table 3.1, but considering the beam thinning presented in the previous section, this low frequency is expected. Figure 4-6 shows the drive frequencies and scale factors of twelve units. Each point on the graph represents a single oscillator. For all units, the frequency separation between oscillators was measured at approximately 1000 Hz, which agrees with 54 X-15. 6222721H Yc-12. 259 ciR EF PREQ C Y8. 0 ......... 15. E11823k Yb-~- .258. 37 D~a FRFQ RESP --.-----. 15. H 31823ri -440 is. 6 1 18E23k E31B23k H=15- Figure 4-5: Frequency response of an SOA the intended design mentioned in Section 3.4.1. This section also predicts a single oscillator scale factor of 46 Hz/g. In Figure 4-6 the low frequency and high scale factor due to beam thinning during production is observed, as is the trend of increasing scale factor with decreasing frequency. The following analysis shows how this trend can be predicted using the equations of beam theory. Equation 2.5 states that the natural frequency of an oscillator is given by 24EI W = 12P m (4.1) 51 where the beam properties correspond to the flexures and m is the modal mass of the tuning fork. The two factors that affect the natural frequency of the oscillators are flexure width and oscillator mass. Given that the area moment of inertia, I, is Lhw3 , where h is the depth of the flexure and w is the width, the unloaded natural frequency of the beam (P = 0) is observed to vary by W. The load P on each flexure is equal to one quarter of the force produced by the 55 SOA-3 Scale Factor vs. Drive Frequency 160 Measured Values 0 Calculated FEA values * 140 - -- * 120 * 0 100a ** 8 0 - - -.-- 40 13 - -.- 14 15 .--. .--.-. -. -. 16 18 17 Oscillator Drive Frequency 19 20 (kHz) Figure 4-6: Scale factor vs. drive frequency for twelve SOA units. Values calculated using FEA are also shown. 56 large proof mass under acceleration. P Ma (4.2) 4 where M is the mass of the proof mass and a is the applied acceleration. Substituting this expression into equation 4.1, expanding, and differentiating with respect to a gives the approximate scale factor for the oscillator: S.F. ~ M 40 mEI M (4.3) 11 Substituting for I reveals that scale factor is expected to vary by mw 3 . As a sample calculation a case can be considered where the flexure width has been reduced from 7 to 5.8 pm and the tuning fork modal mass, which includes both the oscillating masses and a portion of the flexure mass, has been reduced to 70% of its original value. For these conditions, the resonant frequency is expected to drop to 18.3 kHz, and the scale factor is expected to increase to 78 Hz/g. In another case in which the flexure width is 5 pm and the modal mass is 60% of its original value, a natural frequency of 15.7 kHz and a scale factor of 107 Hz/g is expected. Both of these predictions match the measurements displayed in Figure 4-6. While it is difficult to predict the precise relationship between flexure thickness and mass loss due to over-etching of the comb fingers, these calculations clearly show that the mechanism described in the above equations is at work in the tested SOA's. In addition to these calculations, three-dimensional finite element models have been created at Draper Laboratory [2] to verify these results. These models started with beam dimensions similar those measured on actual devices and then uniformly varied comb finger and flexure beam widths to predict the relationship between scale factor and bias frequency. The results of these analyses, shown in Figure 4-6, show an average 20% difference between these calculations and the actual test data. Since these FEA models were created using the assumption that all beams and combs were uniformly etched and had rectangular cross-sections, it is clear that models including 57 Typical Ringdown Test .i5n 1 2 0 C 0 a- a ci 0 -1 I -0.05 I 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Time (s) 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 Figure 4-7: Oscillator position signal during ringdown beam tapering and non-uniform etching would produce results agreeing more closely with measured data. 4.3 Q Testing The quality factor is defined by 1 (4.4) where ( is the damping ratio for the system. For the control electronics to operate properly by locking on to the oscillator drive frequency, the must be high. All units were therefore tested for Q before Q factor of the device undergoing further tests. Low Q's in a device can be caused by material damping, physical defects, or an improper vacuum seal. Some variations in Q were noticed between units that had been fabricated differently, and most of the devices experienced a slight increase in Q after having been sealed inside the LCCC. 58 Q measurements were performed by driving the oscillator open-loop near reso- nance and at a specified amplitude. The input signal was then quickly shut off, and the resulting "ring down" of the oscillator signal was recorded using a Tektronix TDS754C digital oscilloscope. An example of this data is seen in figure 4-7. The envelope of this ringdown is X (t) Xoe~-"Q (4.5) where X(t) =oscillator position XO =Initial amplitude of oscillator f, = natural frequency (in Hertz) of oscillator The position data from a ringdown test can be exported to a program such as MS Excel or Matlab, where an exponential curve fit can be performed. Q The average factor for the tested sealed units was 88,900, with a maximum of 138,000 and a minimum of 53,000. 4.4 Temperature Sensitivity Temperature sensitivity tests were performed by placing sealed units in a temperature controlled foam container. Heating devices located on the outside of the fuzz button package were used to control the temperature of the device to with one tenth of a degree Celsius. Temperature data was taken from sensors placed inside the fuzz button package. To test a device, the oscillators were driven closed loop, and the temperature was varied slowly to allow any transients to die away. Each oscillator was monitored separately so that any differences between the two could be identified. Figure 4-8 shows the temperature sensitivity of one oscillator measured from this test. From the curve fit displayed in the figure, a temperature sensitivity of approximately 4 Hz/ 0 C, or 255 ppm/0 C was measured, which is far from the designed 59 1.572r Temperature Sensitivity of Single SOA Oscillator X 104 I I I 1 .5 7 1 I - - - -- - I - -- - - - - - - S1.57 4.0017x + 15518 y 0* 1 .56 9 -- -- - - . -.-- .--..-- -. -. -. .. . . . .. . . . . 0 ~1 .5 68 . 1 .567 1.566 36 . .. . - - .. . ... - - 38 II 40 - - -- - - 42 44 Temperature (deg C) -- . .. . . - -- 46 - - - - - 48 50 Figure 4-8: Thermal sensitivity data for one SOA oscillator sensitivity of 0.87 ppm/0 C. When the differential frequency of two oscillators was taken, however, this sensitivity dropped by a factor of fifty to -0.069 Hz/G, or 4.4 ppm/'C. This data is shown in figure 4-9. Here we see the advantage of taking the frequency difference of the two oscillators; though both oscillators shift their frequency significantly, the overall acceleration measurement of the device changes very little. The average temperature sensitivity for ten tested oscillators (five units) was 196 ppm/'C, and the average common mode temperature sensitivity was 6.6 ppm/0C. Despite this promising data showing excellent common mode rejection, it is still desirable reduce the temperature sensitivity. Preliminary finite element models have shown that the unexpected thermal sensitivity originates from the material that the Hoya glass substrate is attached to [2]. These models have shown that the braze material and the LCCC surface, which were both neglected in the thermal modeling during design, have a significant effect on the overall thermal sensitivity of the device. Models including these effects predict a temperature sensitivity of 214 ppm/C, which 60 Total Temperature Sensitivity of SOA -. -....... 654.9 -.-.-..--.--.----.--.--. 654.8 y -0.069 + 657.424 I654.7 654.6 00 654.5 a654.4 ** 5 654.3 0 654.2 654.1 * b!)4 - 36 - - i 38 40 44 42 46 48 50 Temperature (degC) Figure 4-9: Thermal sensitivity data of the SOA. Here, the frequency difference has been taken to show the overall effect of temperature on the device. 61 X- 14. 587kH2z AX-3. 4kHz Yon-4. 9113 AYc-26. 31 20Avr3 POWER SPECI %~ipHrr D2 iv 11.187KHz --L 10 17,987KHz L..i..r. 9. 625k H,1 9. 625k Figure 4-10: PSD of amplitude modulated drive signal showing the 3.4 kHz axial frequency of the proof mass. agrees well with the measured data. 4.5 Axial Frequency The proof mass axial frequency was measured by externally exciting the axial mode while operating the oscillators closed loop. This was done by positioning the input axis in a neutral orientation, and lightly tapping the device along this axis. The resulting vibration of the proof mass causes the tension in the flexures to change, thus modulating the frequency output of the oscillators. This motion also causes the position of the flexures to change, thus modulating the amplitude of the oscillator position signal. Figure 4-10 shows a PSD of the amplitude modulated position signal. In this figure the sidebands around the 14.6 kHz drive frequency reveal a 3.4 kHz axial frequency of the proof mass. This measurement is within 17% of the predicted value of 4.1 kHz, and the difference can be explained by the reduction of axial stiffness 62 Frequency vs. Amplitude X 10, 1.644 r ~/ 1.642- 1.64 Measured Curve 25.31x + 5.09x + 16327 cr 1.638 A . 1.636- Calculated Curve 25.12x 2 + 16327 1.632 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Amplitude (um) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 4-11: Plot of measured and calculated nonlinear stiffness curves caused by beam thinning during production. 4.6 Stiffness Nonlinearity The amplitude stiffness nonlinearity of the flexures was tested by varying the amplitude of oscillation while driving the oscillators closed loop. In order to derive the amplitude of oscillation from the position output voltage signal, the value of 1 from Section 2.5 was first found by creating a two-dimensional model of the comb capacitors using the PDEase software package. This software allowed the capacitance of the actual manufactured parts, which were thinner than designed, to be calculated. This provided a means to obtain the true change in frequency with drive amplitude. Figure 4-11 shows the measured nonlinear curve along with the curve predicted in Section 3.4.3. In this plot, the measured quadratic term differs from the expected curve by less than 1%. Curves measured on other units did not agree as well as the one pictured, but overall agreement was satisfactory. In general, the units all had quadratic terms, which are determined by a, that were higher than those predicted 63 earlier. The equations presented in Appendix A show that since this term is inversely proportional to the area moment of inertia of the beam, the measured value in tested devices this should increase due to the thinning of the beams during production. The tested devices had an average measured quadratic term of 34.26 Hz/Mm 2 , which is 36% higher than the predicted value. 64 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations Tests performed on the new SOA-3 design show good agreement with predicted performance characteristics. Difficulties in fabrication have prevented the units from being built to specification, and this situation makes it more challenging to truly characterize the instrument. Further analysis has shown, however, that most differences between the predicted and actual performance originate from these build imperfections. From these tests and analyses, it is clear that the following performance objectives have been met: * Devices built to design specifications will have a total scale factor of approximately 100Hz/g. o Oscillators will have 20 kHz drive frequency for devices built to design specifications. o The proof mass axial resonant frequency is approximately 4 kHz. o The stiffness nonlinearity of these devices is four times larger than the previous SOA-2 design, which had no force multiplier. As fabrication capabilities improve, test results will continue to move towards mirroring the results of finite element analysis. 65 Of the design objectives presented earlier, only the temperature sensitivity of the device failed to match predictions. This discrepancy developed because of the incorrect modeling assumption that the Hoya glass is not affected by the thermal expansion of braze material that it is attached to the surface of the LCCC. Subsequent thermal models that included these components have confirmed the behavior seen in testing [2]. This development raises confidence that future designs, which take into account this effect, will meet the design specification of zero temperature sensitivity. This will be accomplished by taking advantage of the ability to change the device's temperature sensitivity by simply changing the placement of the force multiplier anchor beam (Section 3.2.) A number of areas of future study have become apparent through the development and testing of this device. The first involves the level of common moding that is seen between the oscillators. Thermal sensitivity data presented in Chapter 4 show that this effect can dramatically reduce errors common to both oscillators. Much of the device's ability to reject these common sources comes from the exactness to which the two oscillators are fabricated alike, so future tests of devices with oscillators built closer to specifications will shed light on the limits to which this effect can be relied upon for rejecting errors. In addition to the common moding of temperature induced errors, this effect should also be studied in the context of errors produced by drive amplitude fluctuations. Another concern is the sensitivity to cross-axis accelerations (the X-axis of figure 21), which results in a misalignment error of the input axis. Along this axis, two effects have been shown to cause this error. The first effect involves the "bowing" of the flexures under acceleration, which has the effect of increasing their natural frequency. The second, larger effect, involves the movement of the large lever arm. Preliminary finite element analysis has shown that depending on the direction of the acceleration, this movement can cause either an increase or a decrease in oscillator frequency [4]. This effect causes the frequencies of oscillators arranged in the 1800 configuration, to oppose one another under acceleration, and those of oscillators arranged in the mirror configuration to track one another. It is apparent, then, that the mirror configuration 66 should be used in future devices so that this effect will be rejected through common moding. A third area of study involves the presence of "prestress" in the oscillators caused by heating of the device both while bonding the silicon to the Hoya substrate and while brazing the substrate to the LCCC. Any stresses created during cooling due to the CTE mismatch of the silicon and substrate material have the potential to change the resonant frequency and scale factor of the device. Models produced to predict the effect of brazing the substrate to the LCCC [2] have shown that these combined stresses are not prohibitively high. However, it may still be desirable to determine the exact level of these stresses and perhaps reduce them in the future. A final area of future investigation involves the possible mode locking of the two oscillators, which prevents the two drive frequencies from moving independently and eliminates the ability of the device to measure acceleration. This phenomenon is a result of the coupling that exists between the oscillators through the proof mass, and it occurs when the two frequencies approach one another. In the fabricated devices, the separation of the drive frequencies by 1000 Hz prevents them from coming close to one another within the 1-g test environment, but higher g-levels may present difficulties as the frequency separation approaches zero. Further research is needed to develop methods to prevent locking at these higher g-levels. 67 Appendix A Predicting Stiffness Nonlinearity The relationship between the nonlinear characteristics of the previous and current SOA designs can be derived by investigating the effect that adding a force multiplier to the end of the oscillator has on axial stiffness of the oscillator. The cubic stiffness term in beam bending is highly dependent on the axial tension in the beam. Roark and Young give the solution to a beam with similar boundary conditions as the SOA flexures. For a beam with fixed ends, loaded transversely with a center load, W, the maximum lateral displacement, Ymax is W13 A Ymax + 1 61 max 27r4 EI (A.1) a (A.2) and the axial tension in the beam, P is P = 7F2 EA 2 412 where I =area moment of inertia of the beam A =cross-sectional area of the beam 1 =length of the beam E =Young's modulus 68 2 Ymax Proof Mass X5 kP 4 X2Lever Arm (D-I4 2 Oscillator Anchor P 1 Figure A-1: Modified spring model of SOA oscillator and force multiplier If the axial tension in the beam is reduced, the cubic term should also decrease linearly. In the case of the new SOA design, some compliance exists at the end of the flexures in the form of the base beams and the force multiplier. As the beam is displaced laterally, some of the resulting axial displacement is taken up by these elements. This causes a reduction in axial tension, which then reduces the cubic stiffness term. Section 2.3 introduces a simple model of the oscillator that can be modified to predict the axial strain in the flexures. Figure A-1 shows the oscillator and force multiplier, with k2 again representing the compliance of both the base beams and flexures. External and internal loads P and F, are defined as before. In the previous model, the goal was to find the axial tension in the flexures caused by the thermal expansion of the proof mass and substrate. In this exercise, we wish to find the the axial elongation in the flexures caused by lateral drive motion. This can be approxi- 69 mated by applying an axial displacement, xi to the flexures. In this formulation, the proof mass is assumed to much more rigid than the beam structure, so it is modeled as fixed. The resulting force displacement relationships are similar to before: k2 -= x1 - (A.3) X2 F3 (A.4) F4 (A.5) x4 The displacements on either end of the lever arm are defined by: (A.6) (x 4 - X3 ) = n (x 2 - x 3 ) Where n is the lever ratio of the force multiplier. Force and torque balance gives: F3 + F4 = PI (A.7) Pi = nF 4 (A.8) Solving equations A.3 through A.8 gives the overall axial stiffness of the elements from the point of view of the oscillator, Ka,: 1 x1 1 kaxo P1 k2 (n-1)2 n 2k3 1 n2 k 2 k 3 k 4 axo (A.9) n2k4 n 2 k 3 k4 + (n - 1) 2 k2 k4 + k 2 k 3 (A.10) Comparing this equation to the stiffness calculated in 3.10, we see that kax = 70 kax0 (A.11) where, again, ka, is the axial stiffness of the device from the point of view of the proof mass (this is the stiffness that determines the axial resonant frequency of the proof mass.) In other words, the force multiplier is n 2 times as stiff from the point of view of the oscillator side as it is from the proof mass side. The new SOA with force multiplier was designed with the same proof mass axial frequency as the previous design. Since the size of the proof mass was reduced by n = 4, the axial stiffness, ka, was reduced by the same amount: kax where kprev (A.12) = kprey n is the axial stiffness of the previous SOA design. Substituting from A.11 gives kaxo (A.13) =rnkprev This equation reveals that the axial stiffness from the point of view of the oscillator is n times as large as the axial stiffness of the previous SOA design. We are interested in the lengthening of the SOA flexures as a result of lateral displacement. Recall from section 2.3 that the oscillator stiffness, k2 is the combination of the stiffnesses of the base beams and flexures: k (A.14) kbbkf kbb+ kf where kbb = stiffness of the base beams kf = stiffness of the flexures The lengthening of the flexures, xf, due to the axial displacement x1 is then found through equation A.13 kaxo S= x kprev (A.15) k(Akf " = x1 Since the stiffness of the flexures, kf was not changed between designs, the lengthening of the flexures, and thus the tension inside them, increases by n. The net result is an 71 increase in the cubic stiffness nonlinearity of the flexures by the same amount. 72 Appendix B SOA Vibrational Modes This appendix contains views of all vibrational modes calculated for the SOA. The in-plane modes are presented first, followed by the out-of-plane modes. Displacements in the in-plane views are shown greatly exaggerated. The scale on the right hand side of the out-of-plane views shows relative displacement amplitudes. Notes are added to some plots for clarity. 73 ANSYS 5.4 SEP 28 1998 Proof Mass Motion 16:19:45 DISPLACEMENT STEP=1 SUB =1 FREQ=4122 PowerGraphics EFACET=1 AVRES=Mat DNX =1 *DSCA=-191 ZV =1 *DIST=2750 *XF =1250 Z-BUFFER Axial Mode Figure B-1: Proof mass axial mode 74 459 ANSYS 5.4 SEP 28 1998 16:12:37 DISPLACEMENT STEP=1 SUB =3 FREQ=24627 PowerGraphics EFACET=1 AVRES=Mat DNX =1.003 *DSCA=-124. 671 zv =1 *DIST=2750 *XF =1250 Z-BUFFER Hula Mode Figure B-2: "Hula" mode in which flexures resonate in phase with one another 75 ANSY9 5.4 SEP 28 1998 16:20:03 DISPLACEMENT STEP=1 SUB =3 FREQ=18701 PowerGraphics EFACET=1 AVRES=Mat DNX =1.004 *DSCA=-249.034 ZV =1 *DIST=2750 *XF =1250 Z-BUFFER Proof Mass Motion Pivot Point Rotational Mode Figure B-3: Rotational mode in which the proof mass rotates about its center point 76 ANSYS 5.5.1 MAY 10 2000 15:12:41 DISPLACEMENT STEP=1 SUB =4 FREQ=20282 PowerGraphics EFACET=1 AVRES=Mat DMX =1 *DSCA=-55.085 zV =1 *DIST=2750 .... ~~..... ~ *XF =1250 Z-BUFFER Drive Mode Figure B-4: Drive mode for SOA 77 ANSYS 5.4 SEP 28 1998 i6:I5:32 DISPLACEMENT STEP=1 SUB =3 FREQ=24627 PowerGraphics EFACET=1 AVRESmMat DMX =1 *DSCA=124. 999 ZV =1 *DIST=2750 *XF =1250 Proof Mass Motion Z-BUFFER Cross-Ax is Figure B-5: Cross-axis mode, similar to axial mode in Figure B-1, but along the axis perpendicular to the input axis 78 ANSYS 5.4 SEP 28 1998 16:21:30 DISPLACEMENT STEP=1 SUB =5 FREQ=29742 PowerGraphics EFACET=1 AVRES=Mat DMX =1.001 *DSCA=191 .266 ZV =1 *DIST=2750 *XF =1250 Base Beam Motion Z-BUFFER Other Modes Figure B-6: Another in-plane mode that resembles a "tail wagging" motion of the oscillator 79 ANSYS 5.5.1 MY 12 2000 13:17:42 NODAL SOLUTION STEP-1 SUB -1 G FREQ-5182 (AVG) UZ --- RSYS-0 PowerGraphics - EFACET-1 AVRES-Mat DC -1.215 SM --. 078705 SMI -1.215 A --. 006853 B -. 136853 C -. 280558 D =.424264 567969 9 -. I -1.143 Out of Plane Mode (Synnetric) Figure B-7: First out-of-plane mode. This mode is symmetric to the other half of the device. 80 ANSYS 5.5.1 MY 12 2000 13:31:01 NODAL SOLUTION STEP-1 SUB -2 FREQ-5853 UZ (AVG) RSYS-0 PowerGraphics EFACET-1 AVRES-Nat DIMD -1.747 SMN --. 093015 SM -1.747 A B C rs -.009212 13666 -.418121 =.622575 -. -. 027029 F -1.031 H I -1.4-4 =1.645 Out of Plane Mode (Antisymmetric) Figure B-8: Second out-of-plane mode. This mode is antisymmetric to the other half of the device. 81 ANSYS 5.5.1 MY 12 2000 13:18:29 NODAL SOLUTION STEP-1 SUB -2 ---- ----- ~~FREO-6105 UZ RSYS-0 (AVG) PowerGraphics - EFACET-1 - AVRES-Mat DM Out of Plane Mode -1.652 SM -- 1.529 SM -1.652 - A B -- 1.352 --. 998699 E F D --. 291917 -.061475 -. 414 I I =1.475 (Symnetric) Figure B-9: Third out-of-plane mode. This mode is symmetric to the other half of the device. 82 ANSYS 5.5.1 1MY 12 2000 13:19:05 NODAL SOLUTION STEP-1 SUB -3 ------------------- FREQ-11076 (AVG) UZ RSYS-0 PowerGraphics EFACET-1 AVRES-Mat DMx -1.998 SM -- 1.692 SM -1.998 -- 1.487 A B C D E --1.077 --. 63671341 -. Z5710~4 =.152927 H -1.383 =1.793 I ouoP-- ( Out of Plane Mode (Symmnetric) Figure B-10: Fourth out-of-plane mode. This mode is symmetric to the other half of the device. 83 ANSYS 5.5.1 MAY 12 2000 13:36:36 NOD&L SOLUTION STEP-1 SUB -3 FREQ-11303 UZ RSYS-0 - G aI (AVG) PowerGraphics EFACET-1 AVRES-Mat DM1 -2.227 SMB --2.068 SM -2.227 A --1.829 B -- 1.352 C --- 674722 D --. 397542 E -. H -1.511 079639 -i.9e8 Out of Plane Yode (Antisymmetric) Figure B-11: Fifth out-of-plane mode. This mode is antisymmetric to the other half of the device. 84 ANSYS 5.5.1 M4Y 12 2000 13:20:25 NODAL SOLUTION STEP-1 SUB -4 (AVG) UZ RSYS-0 PowerGraphics EFACET-1 AVRES-Mat DM -10.923 SM -- 1.476 SM -10.923 --. 78701 A -. 59044 B I' =3..546 E F -4.724 I -10.234 -44.I01 Out of Plane Mode (Symmetric) Figure B-12: Sixth out-of-plane mode. This mode is symmetric to the other half of the device. 85 ANSYS 5.5.1 MY 12 2000 13:21:27 NODAL SOLUTION STEP-1 SUB -6 FREQ-17792 (AVG) UZ RSYS-0 PowerGraphics EFACET-1 AVRES-Mat DMC -3.81 SMW --2.056 SM -3.81 C --1.73 =-1.079 --. 42692 3 r- -. 224837 14 I =3.484 A B E -,876598 -1520 2.832 Out of Plane Mode (Symmetric) Figure B-13: Seventh out-of-plane mode. This mode is symmetric to the other half of the device. 86 ANSYS 5.5.1 MRY 12 2000 12:45:57 NODAL SOLUTION STEP-1 SUB -1 FREQ-26092 - UZ (AVG) RSYS-0 PowerGraphics \ EFACET-1 AVRES-Mat DM -2.757 SlM3 --1.922 SPac -2.757 A --1.662 R -1.142 -B--C =-.622014 - -.41.7582 - -. I -2.497 933 Out of Plane Mode (Symetric) Figure B-14: First out of plane mode. This mode is symmetric to the other half of the device. 87 ANSYS 5.5.1 MY 12 2000 14:17:21 NOD&L SOLUTION STEP-1 SUB -1 FREQ-28287 (AVG) UZ - -RSYS-0 PowerGraphics EFACET-1 AVRES-Mat DMX -2.572 SMN --2.415 SM -2.572 --2.138 A =-1.584 R [1 E P P I Out of Plane Mode 47 57.36 =.078336 =.b324E8 =1.741 -2.295 (Antisymmetric) Figure B-15: First out of plane mode. This mode is antisymmetric to the other half of the device. 88 Bibliography [1] William C. Albert. Monolithic quartz structure vibrating beam accelerometer (VBA). Prototype test results. In Proceedings of the Annual IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium 1996., 1996. [2] FEA model created for this project by Bernie Antkowiak at Draper Laboratory. [3] Neil Barbour and George Schmidt. Inertial sensor technology trends. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Technology, 1998. [4] FEA work performed for this project by James Bickford at Draper Laboratory. [5] Mode locking phenomenon is currently being investigated for this project by Amy Duwel and Marc Weinberg at Draper Laboratory. [6] K. Lyon et al. Linear thermal expansion measurements on silicon from 6 to 340 k. Journal of Applied Physics, 48(3), March 1977. [7] Kevin A. Gibbons. "A Micromechanical Silicon Oscillating Accelerometer". Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February 1997. [8] Mark Helsel, Gene Gassner, Mike Robinson, and Jim Woodruff. A navigation grade micro-machined silicon accelerometer. In Conference: Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Position Location and Navigation Symposium, 1994. [9] Values for the thermal expansion coefficient of Hoya SD-2 glass provided by Hoya Corporation. 89 [10] Rand Hulsing. MEMS inertial rate and acceleration sensor. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 13(11):17-23, November 1998. [11] J.Bernstein, S. Cho, A. T. King, A. 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[17] Simple thermal model developed by Marc Weinberg at Draper Laboratory. [18] Robert D. White. "The Effects of Mechanical Vibration and Impact on the Performance of a Micromachined Tuning Fork Gyroscope". Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 1999. [19] Warren C. Young. Roark's Formulasfor Stress and Strain. McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1989. 90