Theory of Evolution Note Guide undergone____________________, caused by changes in _______________________

Theory of Evolution Note Guide
™ The ____________of Earth shows evidence that species of living things have
undergone____________________, caused by changes in _______________________
E.g. Evolution of the ________________
Charles Darwin
™ Beginning in________ , Charles Darwin sailed around the world for 5 years on the ______
™ He saw many ________________of organisms and was intrigued by the ___________of natural life.
™ He came up with some ideas to explain what he had seen.
™ Upon his return, he published a document called the________________, which contained his
Evolution =
Ideas contributing to the theory of evolution
1. Natural selection =
™ process by which members of a certain species __________if they have the ________
that are best suited for the ________________________
™ those species _____________to the current conditions become
™ nature selects “for” __________ traits (genes) and ”against” traits that do not
_____________a species’ chances of _______________ Individuals with advantageous
traits survive to breed and pass those traits to the next generation
™ Natural selection __________ lead to _________________ change
E.g. The Peppered Moth Situation : an example of ________________________
A. Before the ______________________(late 18th & early 19th Centuries), _________ of the peppered moths
were light, 50% were ________________ (dark-colored)
B. _______________by factories caused tree trunks to become _________________
C________________ ate more ___________moths, SO more _______moths survived than light colored
D. By the ________ coal burning was rare, & ratio of light to melanic returned to ___________
2. adaptation =
3. common descent =
4. homology =
¾ made of same ________
¾ may have different _______
5. adaptive radiation
E.g. ________________(see text figure 1.17)
★There have been AT LEAST ____________________________
in geological time
★The last major extinction occurred ___________________
ago during the ____________era
¿What animal group become extinct at this time?
Unable to __________ o the changing environmental conditions (did not have the
_________________________to permit their___________)……>>>>>>
Therefore, became _________________…
Rapid evolution? 1.