KpacunrupBenrconllerpon Aou. A-p rrH?n. Pe:rcnaer^Ha uydnurcaqutrB rrepr{oAalg97 - Z0ll r., cnrp3aHn c yqacrHe B KoHKypc3a 3aeMaHeHa aKaAeMuqHaraArT'lKHocr oollpoSecop' n HarIpaBJeHHe5.7. apxr.rreKTypa,crpor.rreJ'rcrBor{ feoAe3r{f, rr0 HayqHara CIeUI{aJIHOCT ooXUApOMeJIHOpaTHBHOCTponTe,'rCTBo" e VAC[, AB 6p. 54 or 15 ro,ru2011r., O6Reen B 65 u na crpaHnqara Ha yACf l. IIETPOB. Kp., flouuena Cr., Cupanon 1., Ouenxa Ha enjreiiclBuero Bbpxv oKo,'rHara cpe,qa Ha "Crotrana" EAA, rp. flepunro Exo 97, Eyprac, Hal,uua rcouQepeHrrrrflc MelKAyHapoAHo yqacrue, Tom VI, 1997. fly6ruxauuqra npe.{craBq pe3y,rrrarure or r{3Br,ptileHuflB rrepuo.qa1996- 1997 r. ero:rortrqeH o.qHrHa Crovasa EA.{ flepuux. l4qeHrv$"uupa*ru ca ocHoBHHreopraHH3upaHH H3roLrHHrIH Ha BpeAHI4 CMIICI4H 3a 3aMbpCqBaHe Ha BT,3AVXa" BOIUT€. IIOqBHTe 14 HaCeneHHTe \,IeCTa B pafroHa Ha nnouraAKara.Brs ocHoBa Ha pe3ynraru or ra6oparopHu H3MepBaHufl e H3BI,p[IeHauHBeHTapI{3aIII4t Ha KornqecrBaraeMuclrr4rro H3Tor{HuuH. Mo.le;rupaHoe rlporHo3l{paHoropa3[pocrpaHqBaHe Ha 3aMbpcr4rernree aruocSepara qpe3 ]\,roJeJure GAS R u AER-R. rpenopbqaHuor EPA - USA. ilpunafaHa3a rrT,pBH rrbr B Br,;rrapur. KoucranapaHoe Hai.r-ueS,raroilpnrrHo sr,s.4eficreueHa 3ar\,l.bpcqBaHero npr.tI.HXOBpeN{e. B 3HMHU-_vc-itoBr4-s" qe e Srusocr .fo H3roqHr{uure. e. CrovaHa EA! flepHux e [oxa:auo HCTOpfiqeCKa peTpocneKuuqe [pr.Ir{r.rHHTen Ha 3aMbpcsBaHe c TexKH NreTa_rH Ha 3eMeJe.lcKHTe pa3no,rroxeHl4 3eMI4. loxHo or nnorualrcara.Pe:\,JTarHTe ca npexcraBeHnB ra6,nu.leH u rpa$uueHnu.l. 2. PETROV, Kr., Environmental and demand managementof irrigation under water shortage conditions in Bulgaria, Operational Water Management, EWRA Conference on: Operational water management,03-06 September 1997, Copenhagen DenmarkoPublishedby A.A.Balkema,Roterdam (Brookfield), pg. 9- 13, 1997. The optimalmanagement and controlof scarcewater resources requiresclearl-videntification of the various aspectsof the problem as r.l.ellas: h.vdro climatologl' (nater resollrces forecasting);h1'drology(shorlageand distribution):agronomy(crop -vield.fbrecasting\\ater demand):irrigationmanagement ( The quality and quantity stateof the availablew'aterresourcesin Bulgaria are shou.n.The possibility'for non-conventional r,r''ater useas additionalsourceand othermitigationlneasures -fhe to the water resourcesproblem are discussed. problemsof agriculture(irrigationunder new economicconditions land refbrm) in Bul-uariaare analr,zedin promotinga sustainable irrigationpolicy. The basicprinciplcstri'thispolicl' are lbrmulatedin the paper. 3. fIETPOB" Kp., Po,rara Ha eKo"'roruqraBr,B BoAocrorraHcKure rr3cJre/IBaHnrr, yqacrne ,oXngpoMeJuopauuu Haunoua;rHaHayqHaxonSepeuurrflc Mer(nyHapoArro 98" Ha reMa ,rYcrofiuuBo rloirlrBHo 3eMeAeli'IlteB yc!'IoBltqra Ha rrKoHoMIrKa B [pexogttrcCA- trIMM, 10-12- ronu 1998 r., trItnecruq Ha tr{XM, rou XXV, crp. 157 - 461, 1998. B vc,roeusra IIa KoMrurexcHolr3[on3BaHeHa BorHr4Tepecypcu v Hac u HeoSxotruMocrraor ycroiluueo pa3BHTrIeH Bb3npou3Bo.rcrBo Ha oKorHara cpera e 3aAT,nir(HTerHo BKJroqBaHero HA CKO.]1OfI4I]HI4TC OUCHKI,{14 AHTM:]I4 BbB BOIOCTOilAHCKilTC I43C.ICNBAHI,Ifl KATO TCXHA Hepa:l,lenHarlacr. B ra:u Bpb3Ka,Karo ce orr{HTa c'foxacrnrrHtrr xapaKTepHa e.le\,teH.rureHa Bo,rHlt-fl 6anaHc e HanpaBeH onlrr .la ce cfopnrl':rupar lr.rrKOHocHosrrr4 rlpgHur.rny .ta BbBexjraHero Ha eKonofurrHl4sr aHairu3 B orrrr4N{u3aur.roHrrr4Te 3araqu 3a .teoHnnpaHe Ha orpaHrlqure"rH14vcroBuq. TosH rro.rIXoJ cjrerBa .fa ce pa3r_rre)K.ra Karo rrpexoreH rrprl pa3BnTr4eTOHa MHO|OKpr4Te HIIqT aFIaTH3 BEB BO.{OCTOIIaHCKHTe r.r3c"]le,fBaH vfl.. Comparedto other countriesof Europe.Bulgaria has limited indigenouswater resources. Under drought irigation in Bulgaria is a critical factor fbr the i,iuUititi. of agricultural economvand the developmentof a sustainableand highlv intensiveagriculturalproduction. This articleillustratesthe imporlanceof water in the Bulgarianen,u ironmentand societ\,.ancl essentialVulnerabilit)'of existing w-aterresourcesto climate i,ariability. technologicai challenges.and water management.The optimal managementand control of the water resourcesrequiresco-ordinationof the water needsof the three main comDonenrs:water supply, hydropower and irrigation with the sustainableenvironmentaldevelopment.T'he availablemethodsrelatedwith this scientificand practicalfreld arevalid only ri,.hen the vv.ater quality is satisfactory.They can be realizedb1,meansof an algorithrnwith threestages:tlon regulation. water balance and water system optirnization.Under these conditions the ecologicalanalysisand estimationsmust be includedin the $'aterresourcesmanagementas n'ell as their indivisiblepar1.This paperfbcuseson fbllowing issues:the role ol'ecological analysis fbr u'ater resourcesmanagenlentunder probabilitv characterof water balance:the main principlesof ecologicalanalysisincludedas limitationconditionsin optimizationtasks. This approach must be examined as transitionai period in the multicriterial analvsis development. 4. IIETPOB, Kp., {ouvena Cr., EmlrcuoHeHaHaJrr3Ha eKo.rrorrrrrecnnq eQelcr upll la:nQlruupaHe Ha Hace,rleHllTe Mecra, Hayvua rconsepeuq[q c MervryHapo.qHo vqacrne "flpupogeH ra3 rr oKo;Ha cpega",HAK, CoSur, 1998. IlpoexrHpaHero u r.r3fpaxAaHeroHa clrcreMH 3a ra3ocHa6jlr{eane Ha HaceneHn\,recra B El:rrapul e B Haqar'IeHctanurt,. Hpe: r.r3fpaxraHe Ha cr{creMare 3a ra3ocua6.lseaHe: BKnlorrBaulu: ilpoMLIilrneHH crpa.l,l4 H xHilutllHo 6zroe flpernpuqruq. o6ruecree]io-arMHHr4crparnBHH. KoN{\.Hrr:rHr{ ceKTop, ce npelnafa airrepHarHBeH eHeproHocr.{Tejr Ha Xocera U:]NOJI3BAHIiTC. Orqurafircu cleqlt$HuuI4Te Bb3MoxHocrrr Ha pa3JrirrHrzre ropr{ rexHoJorr{rrHH upouecu la |eHepl4paT BpeAHI4 eMl.lCI4H. er'rr{CLIOHHT4qT aHa,rh:l r,laBa B},3\{o)tHocr 3a T.f,xHaTa I4HBeHTapu3arlrlfl. OcHoeHHTe IIoHflTH'I. BKJR)qeHr.r B e\4HcHoHH:.1^flaHa:rLB ca: Torr.r[{HHa N'toUIHocr. eN{IlcHoHeH $axrop. eNII{cI4r. KarropllqHocr. trluncuoHHr.rqr aHaJrr43ce rrphirar a :]a oueHKa Ha eMHcI'IXTe OTneJIqHI4 npH fopr.rBHr{ r.r TexHoJirofHqHr.r npouecH |lpH Tor.rKoBH. niloluHl{. HeIIOABI{iKHI414 nOIBH}I{HH H3TOTIHHUHLI3TOqHUUH"H3IIOI3BailIH TBbpnU. TerrHLI u ra-:oo6pa:HH ropuBa. Pe:y:rralure or eMLIcIioHHr{rr aHaJrr43peanr.r3npas rra 6a:ara Ha npoeKrHara ,roKvl,reHTauHs Ha pelllqa HaceiIeHH Mecra e Br,rrapuq Kareropr4rrHo nolqepraBar npeAuN,lclBara Ha rtpupoAHuq ra3 rro cbcroqHr4ero Ha arvoc$epuux BT,3J,\'x. flpu :auxuara Ha KoHBeHIII4oHaJrHr.rrefopr{Ba c [pr.rpoAeH ra3 oSuoro Koirr{qecrBo Ha 3a fa3ocHa6gxeaHe or.qensHllre eMl,{ arvocQepHuq Bb3.qvx HaMan.f,Baor 6 no 14 n'L,rr,r.flo.rrz HanbJtHo ce npeMaxBaT 3aM'bpcLITeIuKaTo SO2. npax r{ ca)K.qr4.HetHaqure,rrHoro VBerHqaBaHe HaNO, ue Bo.rlu ilo He6raronplurHo ns:4eficrene Bbpx.v oKorHara cpeJa. 5. IIETPOB' Krl., {ouuena C'r., I-{enrcona-6paroeea A., tr{uucuoneHaHa.irrr3 Ha eKo,rofrrqecKrrfl esexr IIpu ra:usuuupaHe Ha Hace!,reHuTeMeCTa, Hal,uHa nouSepeHrrrrsc MexAyHapoAHoyqacrne ..flpupoAeH ra3 u oxo"irHacpe.ra", HAK, CoQun,1998. flpu :auauara HaKoHBeHrruoHir!'rHrire reqHrj r.rrBr,p,qufopuBac npupo.qer{ ra3 ce npolreHqHe caMoeHcprpriigarauuQpacrpvKT,vpa. Ho Ir eKoJTorurqlroro cT,croqHneHa HacejreHr.r.t'e \rec.fa. tr4vtlcuoultufl'raHarv3,otuzlafixl,r rexHHqecKHTe napaMerpuHa x3Tor{HrzuuTe Ha e\,rr.rcnn r.{ KoHKpe'rHrrreuop0orpa$crcu a KJHMarr.{rrHH vcjroBns ts Jar,eH perr4oH r.rN{a3a uex olrpeAeJlqHero Ha npocrpaHcrBeHoro pa3npocrpaHeHr4e ]ra BpeIHHTeeMr{Cr.rlr r{ :joHLrrec rreS,rarorrpnsrlr.u xapaKTepncrflKr.r r{a Bb3nvmrraracpexa. tr4:[o;rseai.rxn es:N{o}r{Hocrure Ha qIrcJIeHoTo MoIenI'IpaHe IrMI{cI{oHHuflT aqanv3-IaBaBb3MoxHocr3a oueHKaHa c'LcroqHldero ua armocrfepHt{tBb3lyx npu lr:lnon3Bane Ha KoHBeHrInoHiurHt4 ropfiBaH npor.Ho:]rJpaHe Ha npoMellurecJe.43aMqHarauM c ilpupo.4eHfa3 npr4eKBrzBa[eHTHa rorrjtr.rHHa N{orrIHocr. Mone,rnre GAS-R u AER-R, I43roJI3BaHu or aBropure. npe,tcraBnqBarceoeo6pa:eu BapHaHrHa r.H. PLUM-voae;r(crpy'euvoge,r).ocHoBaBaul ce Ha npenopbr{BaHara or EPA (Areuqru-ra ilo ona3BaHeHa npr{ponHaracpetra ua CAII]) $opuy;ra Ha fa1c.'l'e ca rIpe.IHa3HatIeHIr 3a orrlical{Iiepa3rrpocrpaHeHHero cbortserrroHa fa3oBeH aepo3o,rlH (npax). Meroilll ce npfirafa 3arrbpBnnbr B Br:rrapHr. 6. PEJROV, Kr., Paskalev A., Wastewater reuse for irrigation near Sofia Bulgaria, 2ndInternationalConference"AdvancedWastewaterTreatment,Recvclingand Reuse- AWT98", Milan, lzl-16September 1998. Comparedto othercountriesof Europc.Bulgariahas lirnitedindigenous\\,aterresources. An averageannualvolumeof the wastewater in Buleatiais calculated approxtmately aroundl0 km'. It is half partof the totalrunoff- 19.991km''(more than507oyearswill be wetter).This shows the potential role of wastew'ateras alternativeand additional water source for agriculturalcrop irrigation under water shortageconditions.In this respect.near Sofia municipal $'aste\4-ater reclamationand reuseare a reliable sourceand thus are capableto potable replacing water from non-potablew'ateruses.This is a specificcaseof simultaneous purificationand utilizationof soil dependence of u,astewater quality.this posesa numberof ecologicaland healthrisks problemsconnectedrvith: the soil protection"the surfaceand the groundr,vatercontamination" obtaininga vield crop of good qualitl'. 7. PETROV. Kr., Estimation of lvastewater quality for irrigation and environmental risk assessmentr2nd International Conference 'oAtlvancedWastewater Treatment,Recyclingand Reuse- AWT98", Milan, 14-16September1998. Wastewaterreusefor imgation is a .p."ific caseof simultaneous puril'rcationand utilization of soil ecologicalsystems.However. in dependenceof u,'aster.l.ater qualitl'. this posesa number of ecologicaland health risks problems connectedn.ith: the soil protection.the surfaceand the ground water contamination,obtaininga f ield crop of good qualitl'. The probabilitymethodgivespossibilitiesfbr fbrecastingthe environmentalexchange. suggested undernon conventionalwateruse fbr irrigation.This methodincludesfive modules:ntodule for identillcationof ecologicalsystems.rate and priorit.vof impacts:module for estimating the ar,ailableconditions (accountingmodule). function module. analytical module and economicmodule.The "'termof agriculturaluse of irrigatedland - T" is chosenas integral criteriafor environmentalimpactforecasting. 8' PETROV. Kr., Wastewater treatment and reuse for irrigation, International Water&Irrigation Review,vol.19,J\} 2, pg. l.l-lg, 1999. Under conditionsof severewater deficiency'in the Middle East"an actual problem is the agricultural use of non-conventionaluater. i.l'hich is a specific case of simultaneous purification and utilizationsof soil ecologicalsystems.Flowleyer.this posesa number o1' ecologicalproblemsconnectedw'ith soil and groundwatercontarxination and obtaining1,ieldcropsof goodquality. The proposedpaper shows the author's experiencein the field relevantto the problem. It indicatesthe problemsconnectedwith wastewaterand providesinformationon presentreuse practicesand future prospectiveusesof treated\4,aste$,ater for irrigating agricr.rlturalcrops. u'ithin acceptablelevels of risks and activities.Water is vital fbr agricultuie.u,atersuppl1,. industrl'.hvdropowerand humanhealth.This posesa numberof environmental.economic. technicaland socialproblems.The possibilityof non-conventional water us63 as an additio'al sourcerequiresclear identificationlf the variousaspectsof the u.ell as: h1,droclimatolog\ (w.aterresourcesfbrecasting):hy'drologl (shortageand distribution): water qualitl': agronomy(crop yield, fbrecastingu'aterdemand):lrrigationmanagement(planning. design.operation). 9. PETROV, Kr., Impact of "Plama Oil Refinery" on the w,ater resourcesin basin of Vit river - historyoenvironmental,audit, risk assessment and remediation plan, IES- Stability Pact - Impact of hazardous compounds on water resources (Risk assessment and remediationstrategies),Prague,pg l-12, 2000. This paperprovidesa simpleframeworkfor assessing hazarcls andrisks to the environmentas a result of actual or potential chemical contamination.An environmentalconcems and environmental regulationsincrease, analyticalapproaches to solvrngproblemslvill garn in tmportance.It is responsibilityof employers.employees,, and citizensto userationaland effectivemethodsto comoarerisks and then work on thosethat posethe most si-eniflcant harrnto our enrironment. The majol elementsof environmental assessment includea review of existinginfbrmatron. inittalsitevisit,andreviewof potentialassessment methods,assessment clesign. dataanalysis. risk assessment, andremediation. 10. PETROV" Kr., Non-conventionalrvater use for irrigation during drought periods - risk assessment,environmental and health protection, IES- Stability Pact, Prague, pg13-27,2000. resourcecould be consideredto be more strategicthan nater. The watercrisisin Bulgariaduring the last yearshad a negativeeffect on all sidesof life and human activities. Problemsassociated with waterquantityand rangesof useare more sensitivetoda;-than ever befbre.Under watercrisisconditions.and to promotea sustainable polic1,. waternlanagement the following threeaspectsmust be addressed: . measurementand quantiflcationof the negativeside etfects, damagesand problems occuring with the currentwaterLlsesystems(u,atersupply,irrigation,hydropower;i o explot'ationand rnvestigation of all possiblesolutionsthat can minimizeor eliminate identifiedoroblems: o implementation of the bestpossibleactionplan that will takeint<laccountthe needsfor both properenvironmentalfunctionand humanwelfare. In this connection, the agricultural useof non-conventional waterhold promrse.a soecific caseof simultaneous purificationand utilizationof sorl ecologlcalsystems.Generallv.the non-conventional waterhasnon-potable qualitiesthat posea numberof problemsconnecrecl with environmental and healthrisks,yet thrs watercould be an rmporlantresource. The nonconventionalwater includes:municipal. rural and inclustrialwastewater,drainagerunoff. mrneralizedgroundwaterand seawater. ll. PETROV, Kr., Point and diffuse pollution models application in watershed assessment and managementdefinitions,IES- Stabitif-vPact, Dresden,pg 80-95,2001. A large number of models have been developedthroughoutthe vv.orldthat could be used fbr modelingdiffuse pollution and fbr assessment of remedialmeasures. Thesernodelsmav be usedfbr planningand designalone.or may interfacewith receivingu,aterqualitl' modelsthat assessthe impact of diffuse pollution on aquaticbiota and beneficialdownstreamuses.l-he paper gives definitionsof water qualit,vand pollution"pollution sources"besr management practices (BMP). Point and diffuse pollution models are promoted and reliabilitl and usefulness of the modelsare compared.A model selectionprocedureis recommended. as u,ell as calibrationand verificationof deterministicmodels.An author'sselecrionof applicable rural modelsis given. 12. PETROV, Kr., Diffuse pollution of watershedsfrom the agricultural lands GWLF Model,IES- StabilityPact,Dresden,pg97-110,2001. The GeneralizedWatershedLoadingModel (GWLF) is usefulin largemixed-usewatersheds to determinethe efl'ectiveness of land use managementpractices.Runolf is calculatedusing rainfalldataand a curvenumber(CN) determinedb1'arealand use. GWLF evaluatestoraland dissolvednutrientsand sedimentconcentrations. The currentversiondoesnot includetoxics and metals but they can be incotporatedby the user through code enhancement.Simple transportrouting basedon deliveryratiosdeterminespollutantmassloadsb1,month or vear. GeographicalInformationSy'stems(GIS) has been used w,ith GWLF" but it has not been completelyincorporatedinto the model. 13. PETROV, Kr.o Water resourcesof Bulgaria: An oven,iew,,l'hAnnual General Meetingof EBC, Kemmer,Antalva,Trr1fts1'o Jine l3th2001. The territorymanagedby the WaterBasinI)irectoratesis non-unifbrm.Distributionof surf-ace runotTbetw-eenthe fbur regionsshowsthat most part is generateswithin East AegeanRegion - 36% and Danube Region - 31%. This fact conespondsto the size of the territor)-and specificclimateconditionsin everyregion. The total surfacerunoff w'ithfrequencylevel p:50% is 19.443kmr. p:75% is 15.550kmr and p:90% - 12.440km'. The main part of the runoff is origin from the Bulgariantenitorl. approximatelvaround18956,1millions m't. The part of the transborder water is 477 millions m- only. Annual waterbalanceshowsthat u'aterquantitiesma\ coverthe annual$ater demand"but its monthly'distributionlimits sustainable developmentof-w,atersectors.The generalconclusions of the water resourcesand demandovervieware the follo$,ine:Exch-rsive stateor,vnership oi all fbrms of water resources;lnadequateu''aterresourcesrelatedto their temporart,and space non-unifbrmity-: Decreasingthe waterresourcesunderclimatechangeimpact:Decreasingthe wateruseduringthe last decadeunderindustrl,and agriculturedepression: 14. PETROV' Kr., European Act demancls,water managementand tlecision support systemfor protection of the natural water resourceand protection of the human life, Workshop of the EBC Ecology'and Public Health Committee, Berlin, 8th October 200r. On December 22"d2000 the GeneralEuropeanGuidelinesfor Water nas enforced.This guidelinetbrms the basementfor an inter-European co-operationfbr u'aterprotection.$ater managementand catastrophepreventionand ensuresa controlledmanagementof surf-aceand groundwater. This does not neglectthe unique aspectsof singleriver or iake s'r'stem.Roth must be enabled through: a consequent.aerial and river-specificapproach:a specific approachesfbr every water course;the monitoring of suflcient data and its compilationin databases;a combinedconsideration of pollutants(emissionand imission):a singlepollutant or complex pollutant cocktail specific approach,Manl' operationalwater nlanagemenr schemesand decisionsupports,vstems are availableand are in use in man\-countries.So we should find and determine the specificit-vand innol.ation of presenteclproposal. It riill help to indicatetheimportanceand signilicanceolthe problemfbrthe EuropeanCommunitr,. We think that the systemcould be rbcr-rsed on the operationalmethodsfbr sustainable rvater resourcesin areawith dynamicall.vchangingconditionsof water use and availabilitl. .I'he generalobjectivesof the DSS can be formulatedas to develop and demonstratea nol'el technology' to find a practical wa1' of integrated water management.Integrated \\'ater management approachmust meetmultipleobjectivetroughsa varietyof means. 15. {nuxoB, 3., Be,rnoncnu, f., Pagoc,:ranoB, C., Huvena, O., Claneiinon, _U., IIETPOB. Kp.. tr'I:c,regnaue Ha 3alrbpcqBaHeroc HHTparHHa [oArroqBeHnreqeHur B pafiouu c rrHTeH3rrBHo 3eMeAeJrHe. IOHK-60 roAtrHHyACf, c6opHux loK.rraAu,rou 7, crp. l9-28,,2002r. I,I::roxeHtteroorpa3qBape3vnrarr.{or H3cJrerBaHr.rq Ha SbirrapcKr,r cileulranr.rcrl4. H:JB'bpueHLr B par,Ixl4reHa Mex.qyHapotreH rrpoexruo 4-ra paN,rKoBa rporpaN{aHa EeponeilcraraKol,rucr.rr{ 3a HayLIHH u3cxerBaHrltIIo reMa ''Developmentof tools neededfbr an impact analrsisfbr groundwaterquaiity due to changingof agriculturesoii use''. tr4':c:te.qea ce B xoKareH H peruoHalreHuauaS rlu,urpauuoHHororerreHue.cb.lbplrauo HLITparI4BcirexcrBueHaropsBaHeHa 3eMe,qeircKuTe rrJotun. [4sno,']:eaHl,t ca [3Becrrur n VTBI'pLeHII MOnenI'I 3a OIIUCaHHe Ha IpOqeCIITe B HeBO.IIOHaCLITeHaTaH BOIOHaCIITCI{H 3OHu. Pa:pa6oreua e Mero.qlrKa3a cBT,p3BaHe Ha N,,ro.qeJrire B or rBere soHH. ClaN'r)-'lhpaHa e c rrporr{rraurhreo6veuHlr lpouecu B florrBeHara nerpaAaql{tra Ha 3aMbpcllTent.cB:bp3aHa cpeAa"KaKToBbBBpeMeTo.raKa H B rrpocTpaHcTBoro. MeroAnqecKllre pa3pa6orru I4 I{3BorHre Ha aBropnre rroqnBar Ha co6creeHu sa6rroileHus Ha npouect4TeB 3eMeAeJIcKpIs pafioH na c. 9eloreqeHe. Co$uficxo. Kor,rroca H3rron3BaHV 3a npoBepK-a Ha cr4MynauHoHHr{Te\roIlerr:rr.r.3a To3r.1 pefr{oH e MolenupaHo a:lorHoro HaTOBapBaHe Ha noA3eMHI4Te BOAH LI paIBHTHeTO Ha rrpOUeCHTe B A:bJrfOfOnHUreH aCrIeK'r. 16. PETROV, Kr., Water resources impact of climate change in Bulgaria, JI-ITEKO2002,Hungary,p. 27l, 2002. Annual water resourcesof Bulgaria include the fbllowing components:surf'acerunotT- - 2.903kmr111%) 19.443 km] %;.groundwater andDanube riverflon.- :.zsotrn' iriXl T'hetotal surf'ace runoff vn'ithfrequencl,leyel p:50% is 19.443kmr. p:75% is 15.550kmi and p:90% - 12.440km'' Annual monthly distributionof surf'ace runoflis verv non-unifbrm.The winter and spring runoff are approximatell'around 60-85% from the total amounr. l he volumeof the storagereservoirsis 5 - 6 kn"rjonll. The real usablepart of the surf-ace run.fl'is 25o/o.In the sametime the usablegroundw'ater presents45ozi,. Accordingto the estimatio' ot the global climate changeimpact nn the Bulgarian\\iaterresources.the pemranentresress trend is predictedfbr the next 50 - 100 years.This fact deflnesshortagewater conditionsip the firtureand requiresthe suitabiewaterconservation and waterusenolicr.. 17. lnHxoB, 3., Be;rKoscKH,MapuuoB A., f., paAoc"raBoB, c., Huuenr. f).. C,ranefixon, 14., IIETPOB Krr., Cunry,raquouen MeroA ra rrporHornpaHe Ha pa3rrpocTpaHeHrrero \r upeoopa:yBaHeroHa HrrrparHu cvocranquu B rroA3e|}rHlr-re BoAHrrreqeHus, Workshop "Diffuser Eintrag von Chemikailen in den Boden und clas Grundwasser- Bewertung und Management",2002 flpe.lcraex ce H3cJIeABaHe Ha 6r:rlapcxr.r crrequa-rrlcru. rr3BbprxeHoB pax{KHre Ha MexiIJ-HapoIeHrlpoeKr (fepvaHu-r. floltua. Xo,uaH,1ur.Bs..rlapul) no 4-ta palrKoBa rlporpaMaua E,aponeiicxliq KoMncHq3aHavr{Hr4 u:lcJenBaHr.rq no reN{a''Developmentof tools neededfor an impact analysis fbr ground$,aterqualit-vdue to changing of agriculture soil use". flperlMerHa pa3rnexnaHe ca Irpoqecr.rre Ha ,lBlrxeHueHa Ro.qara u 3aerHoc roBa Ha HI4TparHr.rcy6crauuur.r B HeBonoHacuTeHa'faH BoroHacureHara noqBeHa :]oHa B per-HoHa,reH Marla6. Ha ocHoeara Ha npflHllunnle u N,rero.roJlorurra Ha rrpoeKTa ce orrrcBa rtoilxo:Ibr 3a pa3BHTueTo Ha I43cner1BaHusTaBbpxy KoHKpeTHII )'cJToBHt B cTpaHaTa. Aaear ce HaKpaTKo HqKOr4pe3yJTaTr.roTHocHo KoHKpeTHUreVCJOBHT. 18. PETROV, Kr., Constructed Wetlands in Bulgaria - Transition to Natural Water Ecological Systems, Workshop of the EBC Ecolog- and Public Health Committee, Berlin, 28thOctober 2005. An experienceand results fiom the author's participationin the projectsof World Bank developedin Bulgaria for restorationof wetlandsare presented.The necessarvdefinitions about constructedwetlandsattributes.function and types u,ere given. The fbllowing three examplesfbr restorationof wetlandswere demonstrated: constructedwetland betueen Vit River and the site of PlamaOil refiner.v.polluted b1'the industrialactivitieswith hazardous wastes.An appropriateassessment and remediationof past contaminationuere described: wetland restorationand pollution reduction at the areasof Belene Island and KalimokBrushlenMarshes(DanubeRil'er). as well as Pomoriiskolake (Black sea)-assessment of hydrologicalstatusand feasibilityof alternativehvdraulicstructures for restoration. 19. PETROV. Kr., S. Marinova, N. Kathijotes, Effects of treated wastewaterand sludge in agriculture: environmental and growth evaluation of selected cultures, International Scientific Conference "Agricultural engineering problems, Jelgava, Tatvia, June 2005 Drought conditions usually occurring in southern Europe require a carelul use of rvater resourcesas well as the thoroughinvestigationof using treateddomesticwastewater. The eff1uent produced after treatment of wastewater together r.lith the sludge produced is consideredas importantresource. Ecologicaland healthrisks howevermav resultafter usingthe aboveresourcein connection to soil. plant or groundr.l'ater. The positiveeffectsconnectedto plant growth should not be underestimated. This paper investigatesbenetltsand risks as to the use of treateddomestic effluentand sludgeon yield of crop and presentsan engineering overvier\,. 20. IIETPOB, Kp., Br:uoxHocru qacrHo 3a rpuJaraHe Ha ny6;uruuo raprHr'opc'rBo B ceKTop ,'Xlr4polreJruopauru". I4AX - COOI{fl ceMrrHap Eyprac, l1- 13.08.2006 r. The infi'astructurefor iruigationand drainageis developedin Bulgaria during XX centurl,to suppolt agricultureand to protectthe lands and structuresout of the urban territorl, fiom the harmful impact of the waters.The fbcus is put on the presentstatusof Irrigation and Drair.rage Systemsand the reasonscausedit. Generalized anal1,'sis on the waterresources. waterdemand and rvaterbalanceis made.On the baseof the prognosesup to 2020 are recornmended the measureslbr overcomeof the difficultiesand rehabilitationand upgradingof the irrigation. drainageand river training.The public - private partnership(PPP)is a moderntool fbr this purpose. 21. IIETPOB, Kp., CrnpeueHlm MarepnaJrr tr rexHo.lorrrrr3a [pe,qrra3BaHe Ha Hace,'reHtrre Mecra,TexHurrecKara un$pacrpvn.rvpa H 3eNreAeJcKrrre 3eNrrr or BperHoro - Haconrr:lano4o6pqBaHe, nr':geficrnneHa BoArITe CemuHap- HC, C,runeH,ll-13.08. 2006;t{AX - Co{nno ceMHHap E"raroenrpaal8-20.01.2007r.. B ny6:ruxauntra ce npaBLIaHalTI4.i Ha ct,croqHnero Ha Herlrr.rqHara xu;fpoN,re.ruoparrlBFra uu$pacrpyKrypa 3a rIpeIrIa3BaHeol Bpe.IHoro er,:geiicrer.reHa Bo.rure. Ilocoqesu ca ocHoBI{HTeHacoKIr ga HefiHoro nolo6prnaHe. BK.rlroqBauIH r43rpax,qaHerra e.U.rHHacHcre\{a 3a yrlpaBneHHe Ha nHrlpacrpiKr)para. ycbBbpmeHcrBaHe Ha xHIpoMenHoparHBHara rzH$paclpyxrypa u orla3BaHeHa oKonHara cpera. flpelcraBeHa e un$opuauvfl .]a HIBH MaTepl4arlfl H TeXHOJIO|I4II 3A CTpOUTCnCTBO. peMOHT I4 3alUIITa Ha ChCT€N{H h CbOpT,Xe HHt 3a flBBB xaro: ra6tloHl4. eKo ra6uoutr: reorexcrr.rn: ,qpeHaxHr.rfeoKox'rno3r.r-n4: reof-rruHeHn cKpaHH:reovelr6pauu: 5uoporo3Ku: reoK.rlerKu:rrojtr4N,repHH lrev6paHu. 22. IIETPOB. Kn., IIpo6,remn rpu eKcilir0a'r'auuflTa, pa3Brrrrrero yrlpaBleHuero Ha xuApoMe"r[oparuBHuTe crrcreNru,crr. Bo,tuo Ae"rro,6p. 3, 2007 r. u The infiastructure fbr irrigation and drainage is developed in Bulgaria during XX cenrurr ro support agriculture and to protect the lands and structures out of the urban territon' fiom the harmful impact of the waters. The fbcus is put on the present statusof lrrigation and l)rainage Systems and the reasonscausedit. Generalizedanalysis on the water resources.water demand and water balance is made. On the base of the prognoses up to 2020 are recommended the measuresfbr overcome of the difficulties and rehabilitation and upgrading of the irrigation. drainage and river training. The public - private parlnership (PPP) is a modern tool for this purpose. 23. fIETPOB, Krr., 3arcoHr'r 3a xnApoMeJrr{opauurre - Haxbae?, cu. Boano ,re.qo, 6 p . 1 1 2 , 2 0 0r., 9 crp . 1 3 -1 5 . lrrigation and DrainageSystemsas a part of the water sectorwas the biggest\\ater user in Bulgariaup to 1989.Approximatell'12 millions decaresagriculturallandsu'ere irrigatedancl man)' areaswere drainedby differenttypesof drainage.At the presentdavsthis positionsof the lrrigation and drainage s1'stemswas changed.On the basis of ne\\. propertiesof' agriculturallandswill be ver-vimporlantto frnd new optionstbr development. One ol the t-irst stepsis to produceappropriateregulations.This first anangementof Irrigationand drainage Act gives difl'erentways to the future. In this respectone public discussionof the most importantissuesw-illbe very usefulas a part of rvorldwaterday. 24. IIETPOB" Kp., BogocrorlaHcxrrrl3c,,-rerlBaHuq orHocHo Bb3Molr{Hocrrrre 3a Ha[oqBaHen pafiona na peKHTeTaSna, I,lccepu Cuxxan, o6,racr T;enrceH,A,rxnp, Mex,t,vHapoaHa HayqHo-[pur'roir:::tlroHQepeuunn Ha ]'ACf2009o fo;lnu'tHun Ha yACf, cBtrrbKX - BoanoAerro,c'rp.55-72,2010. LracrHa A,rNHp.xapar{repn:lHparu I4:c.retreaHl'ItI'pefI'IoH e pa3nonoxeHB ceBepo3ana.qHara ce c'bc c:ra6o pa3Burue Ha HalrotBaHeronopalu ",rHncaraHa xr.rApoNte,rHoparHBHa aurfpacrpyKrypa 3a HalosBaHe. f'o,tur.rre 3a HarroflBaHerr.lro[I[ ca pa3[oJo)r(eHrr B .ronuHl{reHa peKureTa$Ha. hccep u Cuxxax. B pauxure Ha npoeKr3a QparmeHrapHo KoMIIJ'IeKcHo MeIHopI4paHe Ha 3eMl{reB IIOcor{eHI4t pefl4oH.npe:2001 - 2002 r. ca npoBeIeHI4 BO.IOCTOIIaHCKI{ H3Cne.4BaHUq H e npelnoxeHa feHeparlHa cxeMa. BKJroqBarua pa3nr4qHr4Bapr4aHTHc:bc u 6es perynr.rpaHe Ha orroKa Ha Bojlorl:lroqHHrrHTc.c fpaBH'taufioHHoL{ HanopHo ocrrfYprBaHec BoIa Ha npelBr.r.{eHtrrerepeHH 3a HanoqBaHe. u3no.ll3BaHe Ha pa3nr4r{HtdrexHo:lorr{z 3a HarlosBaHe. ilo,uyqeurzre pe ]v.rrarH or BOIIOCTOnaHCKLITe H3c.lle.qBaHr4s. ca H3rIon3BaHH[pU Onpe,feJf,Hero Ha o[THNla_lHuTe Bap[aHrr.r3a peanr43aur.{q Ha rrpoeKTa. The region of investigation is allocated in the norlh - west part of Algeria. u'herc thc irrigation is not u'ell developed regarding to the missing of irrigation infiastructure. J'he areas possible for inigation are situated riagmentan' nearbv the rir,ers l-afha" lsser and Sikkak. In the fiame of the project fbr compler inigation and drainage development of the mentioned region during 2001 - 2002 were established Water Economic Investigations. A General scheme including different options with and without rir,'ersrunoff modif-icationunder gravitr and purnping conditions of w-ater distribution and diflbrent usable proper irrigation technologies. Obtained results fiom the Water Economic lnvestigations are used fbr the optimal options defining and the pro.lectdevelopment. qacr: IlHxeHepHa lruQpacrpynr)'pa 25. IIETPOB, Kp. u KoreKrrrB rloBbpxHocrHlr BoAHrlTerreHuqor O6u ycrpoiicrneH rrJaH na Cro,ruqsa o6urusa, CO [upenuun ,rApxurexrypa r{ rpaAoycrpoficrBo", OtI Co$npoenT - OI-fl, cbKpareH AoKJaA ua CDo pa3rrpocrpaHeHc n-x CraHAapr, treKeMnpu2009 flpe4craeeHnqr cbKpareHAoKnaAKr,MrrpoeKra3a H'l\{eHeHHe Ha OVfl ua Cro;ru.rua o6uuna e I43forBeHB cT,orBercTBHe c I43I4cKBaHI4.sra Ha .{j1.24.a:t.2.t.2 or Hape:f6a J\|98 Ha MPPB. Crpyrrl'para Ha cT,KpareHl4fl.qoKna; ; cro6pa:eHa c HeroBara [paKrr.{qecKanpu:roxriN{ocr. nopailri Koero BceKr4or HefoBt{Tepa:l,qej[{c:b.{bpxa: ' I4H$opvaqul 3a Hacrbnl4jrl{ H3NreHeHHre nepuoaa 2003 - 2006 r.. npHHuHilH u KoHqelrryarHn npelnolreHus. Kor{'r-oca 6rr:111 3auo}KeHr.r e OYfl - 2003r. H ce npre\rar R rrpoeKra satr4oYfl: . Lfelll H npel"[oxeHilfl3apa3Br{Tr4e. KotITo ce.ron;JBarB cT,orBercrBr{e c HoBI4Te !'c,rIoBHr: ' KoHKpe'rHoonucaHt{eu MornBauli-f,3a HarrpaBeHnre r43MeHeHHq tro $1'Hrcr1uoHa_ruu cr4cleMHu npo6:reuu"clo6pa:eHr{c aKrvalu3npaHrirecorrr4alHo_.qel,rorparfcrcr4 trporHo3Htro 2030 r. u cneqra$uLrHu ycnoBuqHarepu'ropusra. 26. fIETPOB, Krr., AHa,,rul Ha cr,croqHrrero Ha peqHure Koprrra Ha penrr, rrpeNrr{HaBarun [pe3 TepuropuflTaHa croJ'rrrrrHa odrquHau neo6xoAu]rocrla or MepKIrB Kpur[rrHuTeyqacr],qrr, crr.Bo,tuoAeJro,6p. l, 20l l r., crp. 9_15. The basicallyEU and BG legal Acts. regardingto water management in Bulgariaare listed. The tenr-r"critical section'"of ril'er's bed is clellned as u'ell as the "disturbed r,rrater conductivity".causedby naturalprocesses and human actir.ities.The characteristics of lskar River water catchment'sarea are given. Table 1 gives information about Iskar River 'I'he tributaries. main focus is given on the resultsfrom assessment of ll.aterbodl's status. conductedby the authorat the summerof 2009.Table2 includescollectedinfbrmationon the base of visual observationof indicated ''critical section" and simple measurements and calculations.The quantitiesof sedirnents and w'astesmaterials.locatedrvithin thesesections are represented.A total amount of the materialsshould be removedfrom the river beds ',vas estimatedon 105245.00mj. Someconclusionsand recommendations for the future measures are submitted. 27. [IETPoB. Krl., feopnren {., ou,rxon fl.o lepuncxu ,[., BrruoiriHocrrr 3a aBloMaru3all[q u ull$pono y[paBreHge Ha Me,rrgopargBHg rroNr11eHg c.r.aHugrr, c[. Bo,tHoAero, 6p. 1,2011r.crp. 38-40. The basically'manufacturedcharacteristicsof centrifugal pumps are obligatorl. inpr-rt information fbr pumping stationsdesign.Their exact er,'aluationis a verv irnportantstageibr pumpsconstructionand standardserialmanufacturing. During operationol pumping stations also is necessar)'to obtain some characteristics1br severaipurposes.For exaniple fotreconstructionof existing stations(changeof a part or all equipment:changeof connected pipelines) or optimization of working regimes foe electricitv demand reduction. These anal,vses could be realizedby analyticalor graphicalmethods.but the1.could not reflect all naturalconditionsand could not give a high level of-representatives. This requiresrnethods fbr experimentalevaluationof the pump characteristics in laboratory'or site conditions.For thesepurposesare necessarymodem measurement tools and resultsoutput equipment.To follou' theserequirements, the existinglaboratorypumpingstationof Irrigationand Drainage Dept. was rehabilitatedand equipped with a new necessarvmeasurementder,'icesand software. 28. fIETPOB, Ha[oqBaHero Kp.o BogocrorlaHclr u3cJeABaHuq 3a Bb3craHoBflBaHeHa B 3eM.rluqara na o6rrluHn {o;rHa 6ass. u Kocreneq, crr. E}';raxea, 6p. 1, 2 0 1 1r . B sacro:ruara ny6:ruxar\Hfl ca npe.qcraBeHr4 pe3yJrrarr.rreor BoJocrorraHcKr.Jre H3cJe.qBaH[q. CBT,p3aIII'IC Bb3CTaHOB.tIBaHeHa IOJiIHBHOTO3eMe.qe-[ue B 3eM,irHtuaTa Ha O6ulnnH llO"nHa SaHq tr Kocreueu. Ha-unqnure o6pa6orBaeMrr3eMH ca oKo-no 13000 - 14000.qxa. Bl:noxHtr H3roLrHHuuca p. Mapuua, p. Bucrpuua u trepe [l:rrara nHBaJIa.Orrox:sr Ha rBere peKH e Hap)tueH or BoAoB3eMaHIzqra Ha Korrr 1900 u 1200 sa Hyx.qr.rreHa KacKa.raEe.:ruexeHCecrputto. Pasr:renanu ca qerLIpI4BapHaHTa.Karo 3a pea[HcrnqeH e oilpene:reH nropu. 3a l0 I{efo ca npoBeAcHH AOn:bnHHTeJHr4 H3CjreABaHH_r{ c Mo.lejrr4paHHpe.fr4ux Ha oTToKa H u33eMaHe'ro 3a 30 f . ilepuo.q. rlyner,roacna M. Asa,ut 29. IIETPOB, Kp., Ha cr,Blrec'rHoro "llncen H., Aeiicreue Ha HoBouocrpoeH )I(.[. ilrocr Ha p. tlene,rapcKa (rlaa) n AeprrBaurroHeHKaHa"l 3a HaloqBaHe rlpu IIpoBe?rtAaHe Ha BrrcoKrrreBoArrB peKarar cn. Ey;raxnar 6p. 2120ll r. B Hacrotrlrara n,v6;ruxauux ca npe.qcraBeHu p€:31,-u131sreor Ha MareMarur{ecKuqMoAer HEC-RAS (Hvdrologic Engineering Center - Riter Analy.sis Ststem) 3a aHa:tu3 Ha Bb3MO)r{HOCrra 3a rrpoBex.[aHe Ha BHCOKr4reeOlU Qn_t110." rrpe:] cTBopa Ha HoBorrpoeKrupaHuq tr l{3rpa.{eHMocr Ha p.9ene,lapcxa (p. tial) Ha rm 167+842.42 or xr.n. lvHuflTa flroe.ql4e Cnr.r:reurpar ttpr{ 3ana3BaHeHa cbrrlecr.B\Baufiq KaHa-rB KopnToro }ra peKara.CpanueHuca ABaBaptiaHra:A - c u:vecrBaHe Ha KaHarra no nqcHara rro-llopHa creHa I{ yKpenBaHeroM}' c BbrpelxHo IIpenHBaeMa creHa or rqBara crpaHa u B - c npo$r.r,rr,rpaHe Ha Han'qbxHHqr H HanpeqHl4renpoSu;ra Ha peKara 5er -vxpenaaHeHa KaHa-ra.flo-lvqesnre pe3yjlTaru AaBar flpeALIMcrBoHa BTopHqBapuaHr.Br,3 ocnoea Ha rracroqulnTeu3c,rellBaHllt e pa:paSorel{ rexHltqecKlr [poeKr. rcoi.rroe H3rrbJHeHor TEPHA A[ nrou E:r,-rl.apHq. 30. IIETPOB, Kp., tlyueuoBcKa M. Arra,ru3 Ha BpeAHoro Bb3Aeiicreue Ha Blrcoxrrre BoAH B p. Mapnua BT,pxy rexHuqecKara un0pacrpyxTypa, crpaAHuq $oua n TpaHc[opTHara nHSpacrpyKTypa n pafioHa Ha rp. KocreHeq, cn.6y,rarna,6p.3,20ll r. (noa neuar) B Hacrotluara ny6,rnxaqur ca npe.IcraBeHr.{ pe3vJTarr.rre or aHarrH3a Ha pr{cKa or HaBorHeHttqHa repuropu{Ta Ha fp. Kocreueq. npexu3BrlKaHU or BHcoKt4 BorH Ha p. Mapr.iua. /JageHae ucropuqecKa cnpaBKa3a tuerure. HaHeceHrrBr,pxy'uHspacrpr.Krvpara Ha rpaJ,H lIpI4MHHa,'ltr HaBonHeHuq. Br: ocHoBaHa KaracrpaJrHHfl. rrraH rra rp. Kocreueu. HHXeHepHoXI4IpOnOXKIIT9rlaHHlI H aKTVaIIHOTO reOIe3I'itIHO 3aCHe\.IaHee HaIIpaBeHa [pOrHO3a 3a 6r'llerur.rpa3nr4BuHa p. Mapr.rua. HanpaeeHa e lpenopr,Ka 3a H3B],prxBa]reHa KopeKuHoHHrl pa6o'ul B KopLIToroHa peKara B peryJarluqra Ha rp. Kocreueq. Bts ocHoBaHa Hacror{rurire I{3cneABaHtIae pa:pa6oreH TexHuLIecKr.r lrpoeKr. xcli.rroce H3rtb,rlHnBa fro rrpofpa\{a MPP5. 23 Aen'cr 2011r. (lou. a-p uHx. Kp. llerpon) l1