. 4 Ii- f .b , i- A3 SYSTEIATIC METHODOLOGY FOR THE CO1PARISON OF EIRONENTA, CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES FOR COAL-FIUD ELECTRIC GENEIATION J. Gruhl F.C. Schweppe NI.F. Ruane S. Finger MIT Energy Lab R.eort MIT-EL 76-012 NTovember 1976 Sponsored by Argonne National Laboratory with a subcontract fron ERDA contract W31-109-ENG-38. The Argonne project "Environmental Control Technology for Generation of Power from Coal" is being directed by Dr. Norm Sather, Argonne National Lab, Argonne Illinois. Abstract This report describes work performed as a subcontract to Argonne National Laboratory's project "Environmental Control Technology for Generation of Power from Coal." The intention of thatArgonne Program is to provide an independently developed assessment of alternative environmental control technologies for coal-fired electric power generation and to develop an independently evaluated set of recommendations for future environmental control technology research, development, and demonstration programs for these processes. This report describes a probabilistic, systems analytic methodology appropriate for use in comparing the alternative control technologies. In addition to the discussions about this probabilistic framework, there are examples.of the use of the framework for comparative purposes. Information is presented on the methods and sources for making these comparisons on health effects bases, as well as the relevant economic, technological, availability, resource use, emissions, and ambient-level information. In addition, there are bibliographies of key references in the related areas. -1- Table of Contents page Abstract .................................................. .............. 1 Table of Contents....................................... .............. 2 Glossary .............. 4 ....................................... 1. Introduction and Executive Summary ...................... 2. Existing Sources of Information......................... 2.1 State-of-the-Art Energy/Environmental Modeling..... 2.2 Existing Data Bases ............................... 6 . ............. ............. ............. 11 11 13 3. Overall Mechanism Structure.......................................... 3.1 Different Levels of Sophistication.............................. 3.2 Modularity and Updating ....................................... 16 18 4. Technical Factors and Models ......................................... 4.1 Consistency Assumptions and Common Factors............. .......... 4.1.1 Assumptions on Categories of Technical Factors.. .......... 4.1.2 Levels of Probabilistic Sophistication ......... .......... 4.2 Fuels.................................................. .......... 4.2.1 Representative Coal Types....................... .......... 4.2.2 Low Sulfur Coal................................. ..... ..... 4.3 Fuel Treatment and Conversion ......................... .......... 4.3.1 Coal Preparation and Cleaning................... .......... 4.3.2 Solvent Coal Refining........................... .......... 4.4 Combustion Technologies ............................. 4.4.1 Current Coal-Fired Combustion/Generation ........ .......... 4.4.2 Low Btu Gasification/Combined Cycle Systems..... .......... 4.5 Emission Controls.................................... .......... 4.5.1 Particulate Removal Systems ..................... .......... 4.5.2 Stack Gas Cleaning for Sulfur Removal........... .......... 4.5.3 NOx Control Technologies .......................*.......... 4.5.4 Intermittent Control and Tall Stacks............ .......... 4.6 Potential for Including Future Technologies............ .......... 21 21 19 25 26 28 28 38 43 43 46 ...... .... 50 50 53 56 56 57 59 60 62 5. Simulation Mechanism .................................. 65 5.1 Modeling Options ................................................ 65 5.1.1 Assessment Options ...................... ................ 65 5.1.2 Non-Technical Factors................... ................ 68 5.2 Single Fuel/Plant/Control Probabilistic Emission Simulation...... 73 5.2.1 Example of Simulation Mechanism.......... ................ 78 5.2.2 Methodology for Improvement of Mechanism.. 83 5.3 Potential for Emission-to-Health Modeling........ ................ 85 5.3.1 Example of Health Effects Simulation...... ................ 99 5.3.2 Future Data and Modeling Requirements..... ............... 107 5.4 Regional and Power System Considerations......... ............... 108 5.4.1 Power System Integration.................. ............... 109 5.4.2 Regional Characteristics .................. ............... 114 5.4.3 Natural Aggregation Levels................ ............... 123 5.4.4 Overview of Regional Considerations....... ............... 129 5.5 National Aggregation ........................................... 142 5.5.1 Definitions - Single Plant................ ............... 142 5.5.2 Different Utility Regions ................ ............... 143 5.5.3 Utility Region Simulation ................ ............... 144 5.5.4 Representative Power Systems.............. ............... 145 -2- . . page 5.5.5 National Resultant Factors ................................ 146 5.5.6 Recommended Approach ................. ................... 148 6. Resultant Factors ................................................... 6.1 Economic Resultant Factors...................................... 6.2 Performance Resultant Factors................................... 6.3 Applicability Resultant Factors .............................. 6.4 Resource Requirements........................... 6.5 Environmental Consequences .................................... 150 152 152 152 152 154 .................... .................... 155 ..................... 156 .................... 156 .................... 156 .................... 157 .................... .................... 159 .................... 159 .................... 162 .................... 169 7. Ordering Mechanisms and Critical Factors ......... 7.1 Ordering Models ............................. 7.1.1 Elimination Strategies................ Threshold Criteria........... Indifference Elimination..... Relative Weighting........... Strategies Using Uncertainty. 7.1.2 General Ordering Mechanism ............ 7.1.3 Elimination Operations ............... 7.2 Example of Interactive Otdering Mechanism.... 7.3 Examples of Critical Factors................. 8. Conclusions and Future Research Needs ............................. 9.0 References and Bibliography ........................... 9.I Fuels .................... 9.II Fuel Treatment and Conversion............................... 9.III Combustion Technologies ..................................... 9.IV Emission Controls ............................................. 9.V Energy/Environmental Information and Modeling ................... 9.VI Ordering Mechanisms........................................ -3- 155 .157 178 179 179 181 183 185 190 210 Glossary assessment options - the choices of the fuel/plant/control combinations to be simulated or the choices of regional or national aggregations to be performed critical factors - the most crucial differences between the most attractive Assessment Option alternatives that have been examined downstream technology - an emission control technology is downstream from a combustion/generation technology which is downstream from a precombustion control technology which is downstream from a fuel type fuel/plant/control combination - any logistically valid combination of one fuel type, none, one or more (concatenated) precombustion control technologies, one combustion/generation technology, and none, one or more (concatenated) postcombustion control technologies modeling options - all of those choices made by the user that are necessary to get the overall assessment mechanism started, includes Assessment Options and NonTechnical Factors modularity - the capability for freely substituting models of similar technologies and thus making possible the simulation of any hypothetical fuel/plant/control combination 'new' pollutants - any air or water pollutants that are not currently regulated by the ambient threshhold standards non-technical factors - those parameters that can be varied by the user; factors that may play such a crucial role in the decisions to be made that sensitivity studies with respect to them may be in order ordering mechanism - an interactive procedure for imposing the decision makers interests and priorities upon the large set of information contained in the Resultant Factors to produce Critical Factors overall assessment - the entire priorities Simulation Mechanism, mechanism framework that accepts user options and and contains the Technical Factors, Mechanism, Resultant Factors, Ordering and Critical Factors priorities - user opinions, interests, and biases that can be used by the Ordering Mechanism to pare down the number of Resultant Factors so that a small set of Critical Factors can be developed representative coal types - various specified coal samples that taken as a collection are both regionally representative and constituently representative representative power systems - a small set of power system types that taken as a collection can be used to approximately simulate the planning and operating characteristics of any of the nation'smany utility regions resultant factors - performance measures for a fuel/plant/control combination that describe the economics, performance, applicability, resource use, and environmental consequences of that combination simulation mechanism - the structure containing all models and logistics for splicing together different valid fuel/plant/ control combinations to develop the Resultant Factors technical factors - the data and models that provide the adequate characterization of each of the fuels, precombustion technologies, combustion/generation technologies, and postcombustion technologies upstream technology - a fuel type is upstream from a precombustion technology which is upstream from a combustion/ generation technology which is upstream from a postcombustion technology. user - the decision maker utilizing the overall assessment mechanism utility perspective - primarily an economic and applicability perspective but more recently including concerns about fuel, manpower, and resource availability and concerns about the potential sensitivity of environmental and human health problems utility regions - any geographic division of the country that roughly corresponds,but is not limited to, power pools -5- 1. Introduction and Executive Summary This document describes work that has been performed as a subcontract under ANL project "Environmental Control Technology for Generation of Power from Coal." The intention of the. ongoing ANL program is to provide an independently developed assessment of environmental control technology for the generation of electric power from coal and to develop an independently evaluated set of recommendations for future environmental control technology programs for these processes. Further details of the ANL project can be found in ANL supplement no. 18, Contract W31-109-ENG-38, "Environmental Control Technology Program Budget" and in (V; Argonne National Lab; 1976). The ANL project will augment the large number of recent and current assessments of control technologies, in order: (1) to provide current, comprehensive assessments of the effectiveness and applicability of these control technologies; (2) to develop a basis for comparative evaluations of the alternatives; (3) to identify unresolved issues, information gaps and needed R&D programs related to the control technologies; and (4) to establish and maintain an in-house group of experts on the current developing technologies. The primary function of this subcontract was to design a systems analysis framework for making comparisons among alternative control technologies. This work is therefore most closely related to objective (2) above. However, since the systems analysis framework necessarily defines assessment criteria, this subcontract also affects the successful completion of objectives (1) and (3). This program comes at a particularly important time in our nation's energy history. The United States is heading toward an energy-tight situation that has the potential to become of enormous importance to our economy and lifestyles. The present national energy policy recommends pressing forward with utmost speed on the research and commercialization of uses of coal, our only domestic source that can introduce significant energy by the year 1990. If one Project Independence (V; FEA; 1974) scenario is correct the commercialization of coal technologies in the next 10 to 20 years could rival the most frantic wartime production efforts. Historically several government agencies have been charged with the concern for ensuring adequate supplies of energy and ensuring that these technologies are consistent with the public's general expectation for environmental and health protection. -6- In 1970 the Environmental Protection Agency was established and began its involvement in the environmental aspects of agency technologies. Late in 1974 an Office of Energy Research was formed within EPA. When Congress enacted the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 it established ERDA and gave it the mission to aggressively pursue new energy sources and to expand existing sources using the best technological, economic and environmental means available. Thus in 1974 it became obvious that a more coherent and coordinated government energy/environmental program must be developed. To sort out the "turf" issues and the areas of necessary duplication two interagency task forces were established by the Office of Management and Budget. Their two reports covered the areas "Health and Environmental Effects of Energy Use" and "Environmental Control Technology for Energy Systems." These November 1974 reports essentially recommended that nearterm energy/environmental research should be centered at EPA, with mid- and long-range research centered at ERDA. Immediately upon being given those responsibilities ERDA stated in (V; ERDA; 1975), that there loom possibilities for large-scale discrepancies between the magnitude of coal use and the protection of man and the environment from damaging impacts. From that report (V; ERDA; 1975), "It is the responsibility of the ERDA Administrator to submit to Congress plans for solutions to near-, mid-, and long-term energy supply systems and associated environmental problems. The ERDA biomedical research capability must address the environmental and health implications of coal combustion and conversion technology and inform ERDA technology programs on these matters at all stages of development. A broadly-based ERDA biological and environmental research program completely interactive with and responsive to energy-technology programs will provide assurance that promising technology developments are compatible with the protection of human health and environment." With this clearly defined charge, the Argonne project was begun in March 1976 to evaluate technologies for controlling the environmental impacts of coal-using electric power generation processes. This ongoing program is sponsored by ERDA's Division of Environmental Control Technology and involves comparison of technologies that include: conventional coal combustion processes with add-on stack gas cleaning and intermittent emission control strategies; processes that involve the production and use of a cleaned or solvent-refined coal; and processes such as fluidized-bed coal combustion, low Btu gasification/ combustion, and other advanced systems in which the combustion and pollutant removal operations are combined. Tihesystem analysis framework described in this report requires that the collection of a large number of factors, called Technical Factors throughout this report, for the adequate characterization of the various environmental control technologies. These factors are, in general, dependent on the characteristics of the power plants using the control technologies. In order that the ANL group and its subcontractors, who will evaluate most of the individual technologies, can assure a consistent final comparative assessment of alternate technologies, it is necessary to carefully define the factors of interest and their associated assumptions. The broad -7- categories of these Technical Factors include representation of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. direct environmental impacts, indirect environmental impacts, investment/operating costs. operating characteristics including efficiency, reliability, and characterization of operating schedules, resource, materials, and equipment availability, potential and time scale for improved technology regulatory, institutional, and other limitations. These lists of Technical Factors for each particular type of each control technology are then used as the input data base for the operation of the Simulation Mechanism, see Figure 1.0-1. The Simulation Mechanism ASSESSM:ENT Il OPTIONS I _ USER ./ DECISION __~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .MAER I A'D NONTECHNICALNUTS User choices of regional ag-regations or individual fuel/plant/control combinations to be studied antd user choices of regional economric, and other info mis- ation to be studied or PRIORITIES DISPLY OF RESULTANT FACTORS TO USER 1 I I para-eterized SIMULATION TECENICAL .nforatton MECHANISM FACTORS on individual fuel, plant, and control apmlicability, perforca-.ce,and recuirements DISPLAY OF INTERIM INFOPYATION TO USER Subjective user choices of methods for Iordering and eliminating information and combinations "S Models of accounting, dispersion, and regionalaggregation concerns for fuels, fuel treatment, conversion plants, and abatement _-V LTANT FACTORS Comparable information on each fuel/plant/ control combination or regional aggregations chosen for study ORDERING MECHANISM Mechanism and report generator for sorting, weighting, and displaying the information of interest CRITICAL FACTORS Final information on the crucial differences co-ol regional chosen l~~ betwee then fuelplan a nations afor study for coto or study obntos Figure 1.0-1 Block diagram representation of the flow of information through the overall assessment mechanism. contains all of the models and logistics for splicing together different valid combinations of control technologies and thus develops the performance information, called Resultant Factors, that describe the economics, performance, applicability, resource use, and environmental consequences of that particular combination of fuel, pretreatment, combustion, and pretreatment technologies that comprise the particular plant configuration that has been chosen for study. The diagram on the next page, Figure 1.0-2, illustrates the manner in which fuel/plant/control configuration can be chosen. Note especially how this flow chart leaves open the possibility for concatenating pretreatment or post-treatment devices. Again looking at Figure 1.0-1 it can be seen that only the particular fuel/plant/control combinations he also sets ground rules for accounting procedures to be that might exist, and any of a number of other options parameterization in sensitivity studies. -8- the user chooses not wishes to consider but used, regional differences that are then open to Co 0 .r4 a, J 00 oO *rl q r4 cJ¢ H rCi 44 0u 4aCd ) X OH Co (" a 3 4 C Q o rl oI 0 4ia -9- Once this collection of resultant factors has been developed for each of the various fuel/plant/control configurations the user has the choice of combining them to simulate nationally or regionally aggregated results. These aggregations, as well as a number of possible expressions of preferences and appropriate criteria for comparison, are performed in the Ordering Mechanism of Figure 1.0-1. This Ordering Mechanism is a method of imposing the decision maker's interests and priorities upon the large amount of information held in the collection of Resultant Factors. In an interactive procedure the decision-maker can pare down the information until it represents only the most crucial differences between only the most attractive alternatives; these are called Critical Factors. Another decision-maker with a different set of preferences and interests need only retrieve the collection of Resultant Factors and iterate his ideas with the Ordering Mechanism to arrive at his own, probably different, set of Critical Factors. The ground rule throughout this report has been to consider things from the "electric utility perspective." This results in a more accurate simulation of the way in which the control technologies will actually be chosen from the open marketplace for use by utilities. However,i the phrase "electric utility perspective" has, especially in recent years, come to mean more than an economic and applicability perspective. For example, in order to avoid sensitive issues in the future, utilities are now concerned with availability of resources such as fuels, metals, manpower, and so on, and they are now more concerned with the sensitivity of future plants to potential future environmental standards, including stricter or looser levels of current standards and the'new'pollutants of interest and the new formats for standards(that can be predicted with health effects simulations). In fact, with the present methods of plant licensing and the present atmosphere of plant operation, electric utility concerns must now include all of the concerns that any other special interest group might have. The assessment procedure described here is thus aimed not only at being easily updated with new processes or better information, but it would be also useable by decision-makers from any of the possible special interest groups. 2. Existing Sources of Infonnation Energy/environmental modeling as it pertains to health effects is discussed in section 5.3. The bibliographies of energy/environmental modeling information are contained in section 9.V, with additional references available in (O; Gruhl; 1976a) and (O; Gruhl, 1976b). 2.1 State-of-the-Art Energy/Environmental Modeling There is now a great deal of information available on the modeling of the environmental effects of energy facilities. Much of this large body of information does however have very limited scope. For example, much of it treats radiation problems alone, or thermal water pollution, or common inorganic air pollutants, or some other specific aspect of the environmental system. Another common limitation of scope is in the treatment of only those environmental effects that come directly from the energy facility, few sources deal with the entire fuel cycle effects. Because of this fragmentation in the literature, in the following discussion of the state of the art, therefore, the components that make up the entire energy/environment system will be discussed separately. The first component in the modeling of these effects is the careful characterization of the constituents in the fuel. There are important regional variations that must be taken into account, and compilations of these coal constituencies by regions are available in (V; NASA; 1976), (I; National Coal Association; 1971), and many other sources some described in section 4.2. Energy facilities themselves send out environmental effluents through a number of different airborne and water pathways. Collections of the tracings of these pathways can be found in several sources, most notably (V; Hamilton; 1974) see Figure 2.1-1. The major impact from energy plant emissions will probably be from the airborne dispersion of pollutants. As such the important emissions characterizations for use in this type of study would be the modeling of the atmospheric effluents from current and advanced combustion processes. The MIT Energy Laboratory and the MIT Schools of Engineering have emissions modeling efforts for all of the major coal-using energy technologies, with just a few of the others involved being: MHD-NASA, Exxon, Argonne; Fuel cells - NASA, Exxon, Argonne; Advanced gas turbines - NASA; Fluidized bed combustors - Batelle, Argonne, EPA, Exxon, TVA; Stack gas scrubbers - Argonne, EPRI, EPA,TVA: NO control - Argonne, EPA; Gasification - Exxon, ERDA, EPRI, Battelle;. Liquefaction - ERDA, Battelle. Some of these advanced processes involve a great many known or suspect carcinogenic agents; trace and heavy metals, radionuclides, polycyclic hydrocarbons, precursors to nitrosamines, and organic sulfur compounds. Liquefaction plants are particularly rich in aromatics with 13 of the 14 most potent known carcinogens occurring in their process streams (private communication; J. Liverman; ERDA; August 1975). The completed and ongoing emission research programs include emission categories of widely varying specificity. Some are collecting only SOx, NOx , and-particulates while others contain great detail on radionuclides (V; Martin, Howard, and Oakley; 1971) (V; Eisenbud and Petrow; 1964), and trace and heavy metals (V; Argonne National Lab; 1973), (V; Ragaini and Ondov, 1975), (IV; Berry and Wallace; 1974), (IV; Kaakinen, Jordan, Lawasoni, and West; 1975) and (IV; Klein and Russell; 1973). Quantitative surveys are generally not available for specific organic compounds that are emitted from the conversion and combustion processes. The timing of the release of the pollutants is an important aspect of an overall simulation mechanism. This particular area is a field in which a great deal of expertise exists,most of it was originally developed for use on power plants and power systems, for characterization of energy facility operating conditions to determine the frequency and duration of pollutant emissions, (III; Gruhl; 1974), (III; Gruhl; 1973a), and (III; Gruhl; 1973b), including literature surveys cosponsored by ERDA and EPRI (III; Schweppe, Ruane, and Gruhl; 1975) and (III; Gruhl, Schweppe, and Effects module: VJi r/ ?sus I -- oended solids I -~~~~~~~~~~~~ I-. Noter/dissolved solids.. . rclarity -..- ;.- } - : temperature.... r,,wate . l . . .. I 'xater/heat . I I IU Figure 2.1-1 tI 2 - JiUl Tracings of pathways of a pollutant through the environment (V; Hamilton; 1974). -12- Ruane; 19.75). The most useful available techniques for dealing with the simulation of the emission timing come from the analogous area of power production simulation. Work in this field has progressed quite far and can generally be divided into chronological simulators and time-collapsed simulators. Chronological studies preserve time as a variable and simulate operation as if in real time. Time--collapsed simulators substitute other parameters for time, such as percentage of some time period, and thus can substantially speed computations. For the purpose of simulating atmospheric pollutant dispersion there are a large number of excellent computerized models. The state-of-the-art knowledge on the 1-100km multiple point source modeling that can be superimposed on area background sources covers a great range of sophis-tication. The gross, regional regression models are probably too coarse for use in the context proposed in this project; the puff and microscale models are too detailed. It is likely that a technique that is consistent with the accuracies and time consumptions of the other portions of the described methodology would be some type of Gaussian plume model, probably sector-averaged as is used in (III; Ruane, et al.; 1976). Although most atmospheric dispersion modeling has been aimed at the more commonly studied pollutants, extensive literature is available on special considerations for trace metals and other pollutants in the so-called "hazardous" category (IV; Junge; 1969), (IV; Klein, et al.; 1975) and (IV; Mills and Reeves; 1973). Long-range dispersion modeling (IV; Junge; 1969), (IV; Nord; 1973), (V; Reiquam; 1970), (V; Rodhe, Person and Akeson; 1972), (V; Szepesi; 1964), and (V; Zeedrick and Velds; 1973) is another area of modeling necessary in this type of approach. Information required for the characterization of the likely background concentrations of the future is very difficult to find. Current background levels of the common pollutants are, however, readily available, as are fairly adequate data on trace metals [(V; Argonne National Lab; 1973), otherwise generally collected in separate reports by elements, refer to the lists in (O; Gruhl; 1976)], heavy metals (V; Schroeder; 1970), (V; Fowler; 1975), and organic compounds (V; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; 1973), (V; Ketserdies, Hahn, Joenicke, Junge; 1976), (V; Sawicki; 1967) and (V; Watson; 1970). Sulfation is a far from well-known phenomenon, but at least in (V; NAS; 1975) a starting model is available that can be improved as further information is developed. Other atmospheric reaction rates and reactions are less well known:. inorganic and organic nitrogen compounds (V; Butcher and Charlson; 1972), (V; Davis, Smith and Kluaber; 1974), (V; Preussman; 1974), and (V; Systems Applications Inc.; 1974); organic sulfur and other organic compounds (V; National Research Council; 1972), and (V; Yeung and Phillips; 1975). From the aerochemistry, one path for going further in the assessment procedure would be to go to demographic and human exposure pattern modeling, this is discussed in section 5.3. Another path in the assessment procedure involves the examination of the nonh man impacts of these pollutants. This field of systematic assessments of environmental impacts has, particularly in the past five years, been an area of intense and valuable research. From its beginnings decades ago in resource planning, mostly of water or land use, the assessment methodologies have been developed and applied to virtually all of the areas where choices are to be made that have different environmental impacts. A significant review of this general field was sponsored by EPA (V; Warner and Preston; 1974). 2.2 Existing Data Bases There are about 40 key sources listed in (0; Gruhl; 1976a) of emissions or ambient concentration (but not public health) comparisons of alternative energy technologies. Perhaps the most important data base of this type is the one annually updated by the government: "Energy Alternatives: A Comparative Analysis" (V; University of Oklahoma; 1975) see Table 2.2-1. This data base, among other places, can be accessed at Brookhaven National Laboratories and can be manipulated using the MERES -13- aE= 10 , ~0 co CIA , 04 J- . 0O M · .O n ~ 0 In H r. H % .) in , · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.' , HH4 a 0 CV . 0 Co 0o0 4) O c co >1 V (1} 4 H3 C: 0 , 04 ~0 100) '-' 3 4 +c 3a -dH I H , -.fen --i .u.4C') '46 ,,mH , m LV) co 00 ' In · .. · f rlm~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' . u00 ~~ N ~ ~ ~ fn 0 · , C~- .. Qlc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·. · 0 .I -'~· 0 H 0 '4 H~ CD - 4-'rJ4 V r· 4J~~~C') N~4 . , :' 4 ~DH H1 ' · .D ' HcoH - , ,,. N,._,, ~ , , H, . , C1 r- "1i0 > Ho Ca . t" :0 koidY .o,,)* 1434 H V .. to ." t ' H 0) H.. ,0 0 "4 H i .rl0.1~ a, ..4;4 'r4. a 4gH O&0 a3 04 6-I H ·r10o~~~~~~~~~~~ 40)4 '-I 00 :i440 >-,0 't '4' In 0' 0 0 -:· 0 m 4 cr, m 4, 4 , ~ ~r . V~ 0 m~~~~~~~~~~~~. · .3 C. · · - ~~·rf ~ 0 ~~ 0 ,-'1 r.- d 4 r: 4 .~ j: . fA! id A U-4 .f-A C 3 C A t 4 Si ~~~~' ,, , 0 ..4 4d1 0) 0 a-! r-IO A 0drl CdI E- 0 m 4) 04 H r4 oo 0 r* _ 0 . rdj4 ." I) ri , t C CIn $ 410) 00 00J 00 * V @ ) 0U CV) m L~ ~~~v) G0L ) m 0) d 00 . 0)0 o 00 UO ,J ; 41 In C r4 C0,Q 0 04 -,1 i (") i111 -1 *. 0).*. 0) )0 c-HO. HO , IY · ao 8 .0I s:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cO C rA l (Y,I · rl +c·.0 Xm N UrSG) H H i10 o H 0 ~r-C.J4 0 I a0 a11 r4 00 .,4 0 .,.-.i,, s~~ 0) s~~~~ -,I> 0I 0 00 L: dOI4F 00 ~'" H U~U 0 0 0, -. 0r U ;; 0d ;0 O-H C~H 0)t00 0 0 ; '0r r i0 0 *I 0 JJ4 .rI r r3U 4J 4,0.-I c/ H s4 r-41 Q0v1I~ *. Hd 0· ,,o o ,.o ., U,,0 CVJ0 ,,o O h]O Q ia~CO304 ni rdC o '-,o~*0 U>y r . Hl 0)( B-r'l Cl) ' a' CO ri "4 U4j cd c44) .,O )1 '' ,._ ,C 'C 4) .,I "4 u ~ u" .oo 'ri u4 j 0) ., Hi 00 4~k W -'4 .:,' in4. - 4) s=s H 1.4 H04)0 ,.., 4oe,4k)1 r 4J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~ H N, .. ) UO~~- ~ W In 5 ,. pr OX O ' XH _0 ;' system (V; U.S. Council on Environmental Quality; 1975). As comprehensive as this information is on the current and advanced energy technologies, except for the occupational health data there is not much of interest to this current discussion. Emissions are collected in the categories: particulates, NO , SOx, hydrocarbons, CO and aldehydes. Even these values are displayed without the measures of uncertainty which can be retrieved from some of the original data bases at Hittman, Battelle, and Teknekron (V; Battelle Memorial Institute; 1973), (V; Hittman Associates Inc.; 1974) and 1975). The greatest single source of information on data bases that are available i$ in the FEILS documents, Federal Energy Information Locator System (V; FEA; 1975). That system is being improved but already includes listings of several regional data bases, such as for Applachian coals, and lists of annual reports and data bases, with a particularly strong emphasis on coal information. Some of the other data bases exist in industry (particularly Exxon, Gulf, and EPRI's control technology data base at Battelle) and several of the government agencies: in particular EPA (SEAS system, described in section 5.3; control technology program especially the PEDCO data base; synthetic fuels program; and the Teknekron ITA project described in section 5.3); and a number of ERDA programs including the National Coal Assessment program and programs and data bases at the national labs (particularly Argonne, Brookhaven, and Oak Ridge). 3. Overall Mechanism Structure There are several basic premises upon which the formulation of the assessment framework was based. First was the condition that although a "least cost" criteria should be uppermost in the list of measures of desirability, there must be capabilities for using any of a great number of alternative performance measures. The second premise was that as much modularity as possible should be introduced into the mechanism's structure, to facilitate investigation of many different fuel/plant/ control conbimations and to simplify the addition to the mechanism of entirely new technologies at future dates. Finally, the quality of the results was to be quantified in terms of probabilistic measures of the "hardness" of all of the data, models, and assumptions. Figure 3.0-1 shows the flow of information through the structure of the assessment framework. The technical factors, as described in Chapter 1 and in great detail in Chapter 4, are the necessary and sufficient pieces of information and models for making specific technologies known to the Simulation Mechanism. As shown in Figure 3.0-2 the technical factors must be collected for a great many different technologies. no further Figure 3.0-2 Schematic of all possible fuel/plant/control combinations According to the Assessment Options chosen by the user, different control technologies can be concatenated to form specific fuel/plant/control combinations within the Simulation Mechanism. The Non-Technical Factors are all of the information requirements that have not been automatically built into the imulation Mechanism because the user may wish to parameterize these factors in sensitivity studies. Included in these input requirements could be the choice of site types (population -16- U -l U), I X > u I a 04.) U) z 0: 0 H NI ' 0 44 r. . I H o lE I I 0 r4 4: o (A Cu en S- 40 O 4 n U a, co Co 0 L. OE _ ' _ _ _ ' -17- _ _ ' _ __ patterns, climatological data, resource availability, and so on), regional factors, accounting procedure options, regulatory variations, disinterest in types of results (such as disinterest in health effects which then causes bypassing of all such calculations), and so on. The Simulation Mechanism takes the Technical Factors and the Assessment Options and simulates the process technologies (processing steps, operating conditions, flow of pollutant and pollutant precursors into and through the plant, and the control of discharges), power system interactions, regional assessment, atmospheric dispersions (transport, persistence of species, aerochemistry, and product distribution), dosage assessments, and so on. The Resultant Factors that emerge from the Simulation Mechanism represent all of the raw material necessary for making a decision about the desirability of this particular single fuel/plant/control combination. These single facility Resultant Factors can then be compared with other types of facilities, can be compared under various sensitivity parameters, or can be aggregated with other types of facilities to simulate regional or national situations. 3.1 Different Levels of Sophistication Presented here is an initial plan for approaching the problem along with a brief description of the rationale behind this approach. It appears that there are three important levels at which the systematic analysis could be used to evaluate and compare the control technologies: System Level I: Isolated Power Plant -ignore electrical interconnection ·ignore considerations and constraints of specific regions System Level II: Interconnected Power System * consider electrical interconnecting and power system operation/planning issues .ignore considerations and constraints of specific regions System Level III: Specific Region of the Country consider interconnected power system consider primary fuel availability, transportation issues, and other regional issues Presumably, the initial descriptions and comparisons of alternative plantcontrol pairings that ANL will perform will be done at Level I (Isolated Power Plant). Particularly where far-future technologies are being evaluated, that is, where detailed operating characteristics are not available, Level I is probably the most sophisticated level of analysis that can be performed. Level II would deal collectively with all of the issues that are important to power systems in general. For example, for a particular plant-control configuration it is necessary to determine: 1. the compatibility of the alternative's operating characteristics with the various possible choice/use patterns of power systems, 2. the fixed/variable costs implicit in the frequency and duration of the alternative's forced and planned outages, 3. the position the alternative holds on the investment versus operating cost scale, and so on. Analysis at Level III, that is, for specific regions of the country, has different uses and somewhat different data/model requirements than the other levels. -18- For example, sensitivity studies performed for specific regions would still include the same evaluations made in Levels I and II, but they would require data (and quite possibly distinct models) reflecting regional variability in issues such as existing utility practices and structure, environmental conditions, resources, and so 'on. It is important, of course, to define a set of factors and assumptions that cover all three system levels, so that any subsequent higher level description/comparison will not require a restudy of the control techniques themselves. Environmental issues could also be evaluated at different levels, considering both direct and indirect effects: Environmental Level I: Physical Mass Flow ·resource consumption .emission rates Environmental Level II: Physical Impact on Ambient Conditions * air and water quality issues *land use Environmental Level III: Ecological and Health Impacts .pollutant dosages and health effects 'impacts on materials and biosphere The initial descriptions and comparisons of alternative plant-control pairs thatANL will perform will probably be done at Environmental Levels I and II with only a few selected studies at Level III. However, it is important to define a set of factors that will be sufficient to make possible those few subsequent higher-level environmental studies. This means that the input requirements for the systematic analysis must be made with regard to all of the factors and assumptions needed for all three system levels and three environmental levels. 3.2 Modularity and Updating One of the most important initial assumptions about the structure and procedure of attacking this problem involves the determination of the split of responsibilities between Argonne and technical subcontractors for the data and modeling requirements. To clarify the implications of different assignments of responsibility it is useful to refer to the diagram that shows the problem in an input/output typ.e structure, see Figure 3.0-1. Presumably the Technical Factors would be developed by subcontractors following the guidelines of the system analysis framework. Then, one alternative, which has the maximum responsibility lying with ANL, and is referred to as maximum modularization, would have the separate subcontractors submit independent characterizations of the modules involved. Separate data would be prepared for the coals, generating facilities, and control alternatives. The Simulation Mechanism, of Figurei< 3.0-1, would then splice these parts together to form a characterization of an entire energy facility. On the other extreme, the assessment mechanism would require the different subcontractors to submit all necessary economic/environmental/reliability characterizations for specific coal/plant/control combinations. While this extreme would result in the most accurate representation it would be a futile task (for example, 12 coals times 3 precombustion controls times 10 generators times 8 postcombustion controls yields nearly 3000 combinations) and it would not be amenable to any easy updating procedures. Maximum modularization has the greatest versatility and is the approach followed throughout this report. This, as previously mentioned, greatly facilitates the updating procedure. New data simply displaces old data. New technologies can be added -19- through a simple procedure: 1. input and output formats are specified for the new technology based upon the output and input formats of the upstream and downstream technologies respectively; 2. Resultant Factors are checked to make sure all relevant models and data are available that will produce numbers in these categories; and 3. Non-Technical Factors are pulled out of all of the models, to become exogenous input variables available for parameterization studies. -20- 4. Technical Factors and Models As described in Chapter 3 the technical factors and models are the necessary and sufficient information required to fully characterize a fuel or a technology that is to be assessed. Section 4.1 deals with some of the overall concerns involved in collection and use of the technical factors. Lists that represent a first attempt at organizing technical factors for each of the fuel categories and for each of the technologies are displayed in Sections 4.2 through 4.6. The following figure, Figure 4.0-1, shows the internal, driving force that the Technical Factors provide. The reason these factors are shown separate from the Simulation Mechanism is that these numbers and models should be kept separate from that mechanism to allow for ease in updating this information. The schematic on the following page, Figure 4.0-2, shows the relationship between the various modules for which Technical Factors must be developed. USER ./ DECISION MAKER I Ix I ASSESSMEN.TOPTIONS Ah' ONSTFCPNS.CAL INPUTS User choices of regional agcrecations or individual I1 DISPLAY O fuel/plant/control combin- RESULTANT ations to be studied and FACTORS userchoicesof regional, economic,and otherinformation to be studiedor Sn vtsnm NIO~t~v:E5l Subjective user choices of ordering and l DISPLAY Or INTERIM INFOPATION TO USER eliminating information and parameterized combinations ------- ---J L TECHICAL FACTORS Information on ndvtu uel,~ plantontro and applicability, perfornance-, and reSquire.-ents Figure 4.0-1 4.1 Modelsof accounting, dispersion, and regional aggregation concerns for fuels, fuel treatment, conversion plants, and abatement RESULTANTFACTORS 1 Comparabl' information on each fuel/plant/ or ontrol combinaton control coml~bination or regional aggregations chosen for study -.,." ORDERINGMECXANTSM CRITICAL FACTORS Mchanism and report generator for sortingcrucial d-between and diseightin, and weighting, playing the information of interest Final information on fuel/plant/ thedtfferenes control combinations or control oninations or region a qreations chosen for study Representation of the relationship of the Technical Factors to the other portions of the overall assessment mechanism. Consistency Assumptions and Common Factors It is important to organize the collection of the required technical information in a pattern that is consistent across all of the technologies. Ideal lists, that is, containing all reasonable types of data, should be sought from the various information gatherers by furnishing for them: (1) clear examples, (2) insight into the rationale of the overall procedure, (3) a strongly recommended type of probabilistic format, and (4) priorities on the relative importance of different categories of data. Forms should be developed and provided to the data gathers to ensure consistency, see Table 4.1-1. -21- $4 $4 0 rlr 03 4. (i 0O r-I 14- C C) HO C, tj ,-4 so ,-4o Co rl 0 4U4-i O a) -rl ci ' ¢) C) Po Id 4i 0 -,ho -22- Table 4.1-1 One of the many forms developed for use in the ECAS study data collection effort (V; NASA; 1976). (;) System base cases Case 1 (basc)a 2 3 Parameters Power output, MWe Furnace type Conversion process Coal type Additional parameters as used on parametric lists Summary of plant results Thermodynamic efficiency,b percent Powerplant efficiency, percent Overall energy efficiency, percent Capital costs, dollars Capital costs, $/kWe Cost of electricity, e mills/kW-hr: Capital Fuel Cperation and maintenance Total Estimated construction time, dyr Estimated availability datee Breakdownof plant results Capital costs, $/kWe: Each major componentf Total for all major components Balance of plantg Site labor Escalation Interest during construction Cost of electricity, mills/kW-hr, at capacity factor of 0.50 0.65 0.80 Change in cost of electricity with 20 percent increase in capital costs, rlills/kW-hr Change in cost of electricity with 20 percent increase in fuel costs, mills/kW-hr ausc base delivered fuel cost. bprovidc where applicable. Definedas altemnating.cturrent output from prime cycle (and bottoming cycle) ivided by heat input into prilie cycle (i.e., not including furnace or gasifier efficiency or power output from furnace pressurizing subsystem. CFor O.65 capacity factor. dFrom start of site construction to plant on-line operation. eFirst plant commercial ope ration. fUse otll alternating-current plant outlpit anedcomnponentFOB manufactl'zrinlg plant price. gDocs not include site labor. -23- Table 4.1-1 (continued) (b) Summary for each base case and each parametric point recommend:d for ECAS Phase 2 Value Paramete r Performance and cost Powerplant efficiency, percent Overall energy efficiency, percent Plant capital cost, dollars Plant capital cost, $/kWe Cost of electricity, mills/kW-hr Natural resources Coal, lh/kW-hr Water, gal/kW-hr Total Cooling Processing Makeup NOX suppression Stack-gas cleanup Land, acres/10 8 MWe Environmental intrusion Amount of pollutant, lb/MBtu heat input; lb/kW-hr. SO2 NOX HC CO Particulates lHeat,Btu/kW-hr. To water, where applicable Total rejected Wastes (type and quantity),h lb/kW-hr; lb/day Major component Number Total Cost FOB Module Module cost of from weight, size manufacturing modules lb (width, required plant length, or diDollars $/kWe ameter) hAssuming rated output throughout 24 hr. As a minimum, the components listed in the statement of work and including cooling towers and emission control equipment. -24- Table 4.1-1 (continued) {) Mallrlal. revtew I*.r ail a)stm base.ses ad each cse recmtr~l for ECASPhse 2 ¥.Jor coal 4.1.1 , W.,lmbenmt M.WerL I Cuam.rce at Assumptions on Categories of Technical Factors The technical factors listed in Sections 4.2 through 4.6 show considerable similarities from technology to technology. Some of this similarity is due to the common categories of technical factors that have been used; these categories are defined as: TECHNOLOGY -specific technology such as specific type of fuel treatment, or plant type, or abatement alternative Input characterization -all the information from the previous upstream technology needed to simulate the TECHNOLOGY Resources -requirements of the process that do not come from the upstream technology, and outputs that are not Environmental Consequences, e.g.. saleable products Economics -all dollar measures that characterize the performance of the TECHNOLOGY Performance -all non-economic performance measures Applicability -all constraints/limitations to the installation of facilities other than resource limitations Environmental Consequences -all environmental outputs except those that are passed on to downstream technologies Output Characteristics -all information needed by downstream technology. Another reason for similarities among the lists of technical factors is due to the modularity approach that has been followed, see Figure 4.1-1, that is, technologies that perform the same type of function, such as specific fuel treatment processes, must all have identical output and input characterizations if they are to be interchangeable. Also, the output from one technology must be identical to the input of any of the possible downstream technologies. -25- -25- Resources ra------1 Technology :j t I TECHNOLOGY I I Upstream I I I input I I Economics Performance Reliability II I Downstream output Technology I l II. I I I - -- - _ -4 Environmental Consequences Figure 4.1-1 Relationship of the various types of Technical Factors Finally, there is an obvious and desirable similarity between resource, economics, performance, applicability, and environmental consequence technical factors because all of these must necessarily be aimed at fulfilling the information requirements represented in the set of resultant factors. 4.1.2 Levels of Probabilistic Sophistication The technical factors should be collected with the most possible probabilistic information. This would seem to be obvious but apparently there are strong tendencies to use letters rather than numbers,such as: blank, -, or U for unknown; S for small; L for large or possibly very large; and so on. This type of practice buries information, making it not retrievable and not usable in quantitative assessments (although it is amazing how often these letters get added in as zeroes in a string of numbers-). There is, fortunately, a great deal that can be done in the apparent lack of information. Take for example, and an example would be an excellent method of informing data gatherers of this procedure, the fact that lanthanum levels in a specific coal seam may be unknown. First, the level is certainly greater than or equal to zero. Distribution in the crust of the earth is known to be about 20 ppm. Lanthanum ores may generally be in the range of 600 to 1000 ppm. Levels i oil shale are known to be about 30 ppm, so there appears to be some concentration in the energy storage process. Thus, as a crude estimate one might set the range at 10 ppm to 600 ppm with a mean possibly at 40 ppm. If this spread of numbers causes problems in the overall assessment then there is clearly a need for research to reduce this uncertainty. A priority ordering of sophistication should be put on the alternative probabilistic displays so that if there is a choice in the data collection procedure the preference is clearly known. Such an ordering might be as follows: (1) graphic display of cumulative probability distribution versus the values, see Figure 4.1-2. (2) mean, maximum, minimum, standard deviation (3) mean and two confidence limits such as 100% (maximum) and 0% (minimum) (4) or 95% and 5%. two confidence limits. -26- 1 n probability value .9 is less than given level .8 .7 .6 .5 I. .4 .3 .2 .1 value of --. .0 V -- 0 Figure 4.1-2 In addition 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 F .-t r Shiv Example of a cumulative probability distribution curve to the shape, or characterization, of the probabilistic nature of the piece of data, it is desirable, in the ideal case, to know the nature or type of uncertainty being considered. One could, for instance, talk about a probabilistic distribution for each of four types of uncertainty associated with a data point: the unknowable, averageable uncertainty; the unknowable, unaveragable uncertainty; the descriptive, averageable uncertainty; and the descriptive, unaverageable uncertainty. Definitions and examples of these terms are contained in table 4.1-2, Table 4.1-2 1) Distinctions between different types of uncertainty unknowable -that component of uncertainty that is either totally random or beyond any current method of analysis. example: randomness about the expected value of cost of money 20 years in the future. . Is 2) descriptive -that uncertainty that describes a range or distribution of numbers which, for a specific dollar and time investment, can be eliminated. example: range on a ppm level of beryllium in a particular coal seam. 3) averageable -uncertainties, that are generally descriptive but could be unknowable, which over a number of units or over a given period of time will average out. example: error in hour-by-hour knowledge of meteorological conditions that over a year can be expected to average out. 4) unaverageable -uncertainties, that can be either descriptive or unknowable, that will-not average out over a number of events. example: any uncertainties for which there is only a single events such as probability of technological feasibility, and that must be treated by decision tree methodologies. __ __ 1 ___ 4.2 Fuels There is a single set of technical factors.that should be used to describe (1) all of the fuels that feed the fuel treatment equipment, (2) all the fuels that result from the treatment processes such as physically cleaned coals, and (3) all of the fuels that are combusted directly. An example of such a set of fuel technical factors is given in Section 4.2.2, Low Sulfur Coal. For the unprocessed coals many of those fuel-type technical factors are available from Bureau of Mines publications and other documents listed in Section 9.1. Table 4.2-1 from (I; Ruch et al.; 1974) is an example of national average constituency breakdowns. Other publications, such as (I; Abernathy and Gibson; 1953) and (; ESSO R&E Co.;1973), contain similar displays of data on seam-byseam bases. For processed coals, except for some careful treatment of sulfur contents, many of the technical factors, particularly in the constituency breakdowns, are not published and are likely not to be known. In the absence of data, it would be advantageous, initially at least, to have estimates available. Unfortunately, approximations of the treatment of some of the coal constituents in the physical coal cleaning processes may be very difficult to develop. For example, one might expect mercury levels to decrease roughly in proportion to the ash level reduction during the physical separation of pyritic sulfur. This is apparently not the case since the mercury is sometimes closely associated with the pyrite material and thus significantly 50% to 60%, removed in some coal samples. These types of peculiarities, especially those involving the suspected "hazardous" components of coal, deserve careful further research. 4.2.1 Representative Coal Types The various representative coal types should use the same technical factors as those listed in Section 4.2.2, Low Sulfur Coal. The difficult question discussed here is how many coal types, and which ones, should be used to make the overall assessment mechanism as flexible as possible. For example, if 15 to 20 types are selected they should be regionally representative (see Figure 4.2-1) to allow for a good national overview, and they should be constituently representative, so interpolations or extrapolations can be made from the information available on the few tested types to determine the approximate performance of some new specific coal type. Three examples of previously used representative coal types are listed in Table 4.2-2; they include 3 samples, 5 samples and 57 samples. These and other choices of representative types are generally made by considering: (1) the greatest number that can sensibly be handled; (2) the type of application involved; and unfortunately (3) the availability of information. An example of this selection process follows. Table 4.2-1 Probabilistic display of the constituents of 101 representative U.S. coals (I; Ruch et al; 1974). Mean Consttuent I As B P.e 14.02ppm 102.21 ppm 1.61 ppm StarndanDevIation X4nim=. Max lum 17.70 54-65 0.82 0.50 5.00 0.20 93.00 224.00 4.00 5.92 7.60 7.26 7.26 4.00 0.10 1.00 4.00 52.00 65.00 43.00 5.00 Br Cd Co Cr 15.42 ppm 2.52 ppm 9.57 ppm 13.75ppm Cu 15.16ppm F 60.94 ppm 20.99 Ga Ge lg Ma Mo Ni P Pb Sb Se 3.12ppm 6.59ppmn 0.20 ppm 49.40ppm 7.54ppm 21.07ppm 71.10ppia 34.78 ppm 1.26 ppm 2.08ppm 1.06 6.71 0.20 40.15 5.96 12.35 72.81 43.69 1.32 1.10 Sn 4.79 ppm .6.15 V Zn Zr Al 32.71 ppm 272.29ppm 72.46ppm 1.29% 12.03 6954.23 57.78 o.45 Ca Cl 0.77 % 0.14 % 055 0.14 0.05 0.01 2.67 0.54 Fe K Mg 1.92% 0.16% 0.05% 0.79 .6 0.04 0.34 0.02 0.01 4.32 0.43 0.25 Ka Si Ti 0.05 2.49 % 0.0 % 0.04 0.80 0.02 0.00 0.58 0.02 0.20 6.09 0.15 Org. S 1.41% 0.65 0.31 3.09 Pyr. S Sul. S Tot. S SXR? ADl. Mots. Vol. 1.76% 0.10% 3.2 % 2.91 % 7.70 % 9.05 % 39.70 % 0.86 0.19 1.35 1.24 3.47 5.05 4.27 o.6 0.01 0.42 0.54 1.0 0.01 18.90 3.78 1.06 6.47 5.40 16.70 2o-0.70 52.70 FLx. C 48.82% 4.95 34.60 65.40 Ash Btu 0 . 8.12 7.50 43.00 1.60 181.00 30.00 83.00 400.00 218.00 8.90o 7.70 1.00 51.00 11.00 6.00 8.00 0.43 78.00 5.350.00 133.00 3. 0.22 2.41 0.78 t.15 1.84 1.03 3.28 25.85 1.30% 8.68 % N 0 1.10 1.00 0.02 6.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 4.00 0.20 .45 25.80 14,362.00 80.1; 2.89 4t.50 . 61.00 143.00 2.20 11,562.00 55.23 11.44 % 12,748.91 70.28 % % Hi1~ 4.95 5.00 25.00 3.87 0.31 W'A 11.41% 2.95 LTA 15.28 4. o3 4.o3 .82 5.79 31.70 other than standard chemicail symbols: organic sulfur (Org. S), pyritic sulfur (Pyr. S), sulfate sulfur (u!. S), total sulfur (Tot. S), sulfur by X-ray fluoresconce (SCRF), air-dry loss (ADL), moisture (Mois.), vglati!u rna[ter (Vol.), fixed carbon (Fix. C), high-tmrnperatura ash (HTA), low-temperature ash (LTA). Abbrevations -29- c~ rl H 01 r4 a) H 4J a 0 C 3, 13 5 r- c W 44 O , o a) c( r- Li in C'~ -c~ ~ r- ] LI.f J .I O) a) 0 a) jr- to Y11 r 0 10 0 0z l I ) 0 (O. a, To -H Pr4 -3Q- Table 4,2-2 Representative Coal Types from Some Previous Studies ECAS study (V; NASA; 1976); Illinois #6 Macoupin County Montana sub-bituminous Rosebud County North Dakota lignite Mercer County EPA study(IV; Forney et al.; 1974): Pittsburgh seam coal Western Kentucky Illinois #6 Wyoming sub-bituminous North Dakota lignite DOI study (I; O'Gorman et al.; 1972): Elkhorn #3 15"-23" from bottom of seam Deane, Kentucky Elkhorn #3 23"-31" from bottom of seam Deane, Kentucky Elkhorn #3 31"-40" from bottom of seam Deane, Kentucky Elkhorn #3 15"-22" different area Deane, Kentucky C Seam 50½"-60" from bottom Benham, Kentucky C Seam 40½"-50½" from bottom.Benham, Kentucky Illinois #6 Victoria, Illinois #2 Colchester Vermont, Illinois Illinois #6 Carrier Mills, Illinois Lower Sunnyside seam Horse Canyon, Utah Buck Mountain seam 7"-19" from top Zerbe, Pennsylvania Buck Mountain seam 31"-39" from top Zerbe, Pennsylvania 8½ seam Shamokin, Pennsylvania 8 seam Shamokin, Pennsylvania 8 leader Shamokin, Pennsylvania Zap seam 106"-130" from top Zap, North Dakota Zap seam top 18" Zap, North Dakota Unnamed seam grab sample Gascoyne, North Dakota Unnamed seam 45"-66" from top Savage, Montana Unnamed seam top 45" Savage, Montana Unnamed seam 66"-70" from top Savage, Montana Queen or #4 seam Carbonado, Washington #80 seam Hanna, Wyoming School seam Glenrock, Wyoming Roland seam Gilette, Wyoming (2 samples) Pittsburgh seam 25"-35" from base Washington County, PA Pittsburgh seam handpicked Washington County, PA #1 Block seam handpicked Jefferson Twp., Indiana (2 samples) Pittsburgh seam top 10" Marianna, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh seam 10"-35" Marianna, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh seam 35"-54" Marianna, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh seam 54"-72" base Marianna, Pennsylvania Lr. Kittanning Tire Hill, Pennsylvania (2 samples) Lr. Freeport Ehrenfeld, Pennsylvania Tioga seam 35" from base Tioga, West Virginia Tioga seam 22" section near base Tioga, West Virginia #5 Block seam top 18" Bickmore, West Virginia #5 Block seam 18"-33" Bickmore, West Virginia Lr. Freeport Hastings, Pennsylvania Table 4.2-2 (continued) _ __ _ Lr, Kittanning Ebensburg, Pennsylvania channel Lr. Kittanning basal 9" Ebensburg, Pennsylvania Lr. Kittanning top 11½" Ebensburg, Pennsylvania Lr. Kittanning 15½" from top Ebensburg, Pennsylvania Pocahontas #3 1"-14½" from top Gary, West Virginia Pocahontas #3 bottom 13" Gary, West Virginia Pratt seam 18" thick middle split Hueytown, Alabama Pratt seam top 15" Hueytown, Alabama Pratt seam lower 14" Hueytown, Alabama Darco selected streaks Darco, Texas Darco 34"-82" from top Darco, Texas Darco top 33" Darco, Texas Hartshorne seam channel Heavener, Oklahoma Hartshorne seam lower 5" Heavener, Oklahoma Colorado B seam Redstone, Colorado First, to find coals representative of regional, non-coking quality reserves, the regional economically recoverable reserves must be examined, see Table 4.2-3. Keys to that chart include: AN - anthracite; BT - bituminous; SB - subbituminous; LN - lignite; H - more than 7167 Kcal/kg; M -.4478 to 7167 kcal/kg; A - less than 1% sulfur by weight; B- 1-- 3% sulfur; and C - more than 3% sulfur. From these figures a representative sample of the largest regions might include: AppalachianBasin - AN, BT; Eastern Interior - BT; Western Interior BT, LN; Northern Rocky Mountains (or Great Plains) - SB, LN; Southern Rocky Mountains - SB, LN; Alaska - SB; and from a large unlisted area, Gulf - LN. This yields eleven types. Table 4.2-3 Regional coal resources of the United States (I; Peck(ed); 1974). Annual 'ecent - - Name of Continen it, ainda Reqion.Countr Na*ional SubdIviision PBae of Total Ref. Fuel Amount in Year of Place (neqatonne) i 1 d4i- 0esr V . nosits nT ,n'axieaUS itua Pln o Pconoicaly Recoverable eserves otal I A _ ercent ional ResoutSil- oZat ValuI Resources ohur ieat asis e gaCon- '1 - (As onne) ine4 tegaue tont I Feas l ptelh Cf Amount By or as tonne! ( ) Thick(mega- Sr- CokBurnness tonnel face ing -1i) (P) i n- ICualr ;_·_ _-, ear Anount (kilotonne) Ba. ls (GrosS or et) I (1) 12 (17) - 10) I (1 1) I (7) ) l{v I 111 11l (1 2) (1 (1 3! ) ({1) (1A) -i - ' NORPHAERICA Northern America ninite4States Appalachian (a.b,c) asin tastern Interior western Interior 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 Worthern ocky ountains Southern "ock? Fountains Pacific Coart Alaska A BT BT 61.49 BT 1'19 LN 1972 197 1977 197; 197;2 United States TOTAL BT SB AN IB . a LN II TOTAL ALL RANIKS I1- - I 2177 835 17414 2 LI ? 3n1?8 3n.0n 616 PT 197; B 197i SB 0 7710 12.0 8.00 AY SsB AN 0 31.751 53698 39909 1.la1 707 LI 5714 50.0 113919 56960 1.09 65.0 8308t ut5 1 10.0 1.00 AN 1972 BT 1972 SB 1972 1972 11u21 26'7 59.0 19954 26.0 9.070 a15s 52. 7.00 R707 - - 281.2 1U0.6 36.2R 1 10111 'aM.2 407.0 7075 .1 0 305.0 0 s.n BC o."00 A - -- ln.0 1.50n - - 16.0 3 5.0 0.7n 21.0 T i 10t° 0 1 s.n 23055 27.6 105. 0 105.0 363562 1A1781 - 0 - _32- I.so i - I.%50IA 7u q 176112 AN. AMl 21 10 Al 1971 1971 72'19 1q71 1071 1071 1971 1971 120qa 1A 769 12602 A, 19906r 2902C1 130.0 12^ 188 q.5 H AR S'91 1971 5q05 74. 1 56.21 q 1' 71R91 115733 1971 I0a227 57q9n40 i' A jA 0.7n0, A 0 11 AL'C 0.700 105.0 1t.0 0 5755 9.6 11510 235176 1176PR 09 31. 70565 15202 6; 7 46117 1.S0n n 3cr.0 1.500 ABC 'ABC 0 315.0, 1.59 O 10.0 O.700 In ' 1.500 A 0 l.;. - .13.51001 3537 05.0 0.'C A 105. .7n0 aBC 305.0 0.7n AEC .700 sC .O 1 105 105.n O.,l0 APC 150Rn71 1071 u;.551 U.9 1 5 Iq71 1"505 AM AM 137'q 997. 3197% Al 15'067 A"I h"m 204418 7u 37 1224 '1Af A I 1, 81: I107111111 5 126 1E I _.,AX.. C I Z7'·s , ) 61P 711f 292? 4n: -- l nnual - . rs 1v ing I 1971 22. 6 1971 C134 618. 7R9 4950uU 10SF n89 51211 I To totally cover the range of constituencies of coal is an impossible task; there is a virtual periodic table of elements in coal to say nothing of the compounds. A good starting point on classifications is available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, see Table 4.2-4. Care in the choice of the regionally typical lignite and subbituminous types might possibly cover those groups in Table 4.2-4. The one regional anthracite type should probably be from the second group of Table 4.2-4, and considering the scarcity of U.S. anthracite coal this should probably be all of that class that is represented. To represent all the bituminous classes (plus possibly one additional subbituminous) might add three new samples to the set. Additional samples may be required to adequately cover the ranges of ash fusion temperatures. It is interesting to make a comment on occupational health effects at this point. It has long been known that there is a significant difference in the occupational effects, specifically pneumoconiosis and massive complications, of mining different coals. Recently correlations between these effects and the ASTM coal rank have been noted (personal communication, Dr. Bruce Stuart, Battelle Northwest Labs, October 1976) and thus occupational health consequences per ton of coal can be modeled more adequately if the ASTM breakdown is used in sample selection. Because of the potential importance of trace metals in public health effects modeling it would be desirable to also include some coal samples that contain high levels of some of the more hazardous, volatile elements. This would require additions of 4 to 8 new samples of lower-rank coals from Texas, Colorado, North Dakota and South Dakota. In particular,. some of those trace elements, that it eastern sources are in about the lO0ppmrange and in western sources can be in the 100 to 1000ppm range, include: arsenic, beryllium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead,manganese, molybdenum, nickel, vanadium, and zirconium (V; Hub, et al.; 1973). Sulfur ranges, of course, are also very important in characterizations of coal (I; Hoffman, et al.; 1972), especially since they can markedly affect the performance of some system components, such as precipitators. The sulfur content classes considered in that reference include 0.8 to 1.1 percent, 1.1 to 1.5 percent, 1.6 to 2.0 percent, 2.1 to 2.5 percent, and 2.6 to 3.0 percent. These five sulfur classes can probably be covered in the regional and class coal choices. They can then generally also be used to define the prices of coals, see Figures 4.2-2 and 4.2-3. Weight of coal can be calculated from regional and BTU information, see Figure 4.2-4, for example, and from this data the transportation costs can be estimated, see Figure 4.2-5. -33- IU _YIUII 'C C'j N N V)' - Cl -S cS I e rEC1 ~c'C N > N C v N r- ^, c I I 1' ci V ci N (N '0) O 1 rc , _ N Z (l :C 90'~ , I3 Cr l- "0 X, , Acc cu b c, > A CNo cc - *> ·-t I CA AN z cc4 6et (N N c c N C o C x o ( rC--c ct \d (N CN (N - (S 4 -: C1l j Py ' ts e q~~~~y CI 'c c el LS co, n 'c < I C Cr ti c In 'D N C < - G1s 'o 0 '0 'I Cl *( ' o a *- V 1' ·-. *0 to ci 11~ a) Cl _Cl Cl 0= -t l - '0 rl) (N! (N In I.0 'T 1-q 1, H ct -o ooc r- ,4 'oo 0C V) _ Vc C-1 < 4 C-4 C 1" I co V V ci C0 ' 00000 `4 ui 000 o o C-r- c00 C- -t CO - CO IO J; 00 0 Ic .0 r- (t Cl co o.. 0ooo , I I I I I I o 00ro 0000 oDoc 4 - rO ,o '.0 ) C o 'n '- o -4 ci VC '11 o o - ~ pt 'C ci co "t Cd cr ci --· -4) :3 ) -0 zc 0 CSn CS - C '0 cc t 0 GO0 (N C C) t .O .H ,j zo CO .- I I - I I 00 'v) o 'l cN CS) CS C) (In CS ,-(N A m' V i C- C (- Cl -,'(N'Cl V >1 r. 4 clt c- o , c C. A cc c CO V) '-0 C ( 1 mV) V) 4cn (N Ici. c a Cl -- 0 - 'Cl ( , tcCS 'n C C-- ( 1.0 ' C CS *4 U , cI c -r- c0 C\ a: i- c: m*o a V) '. 0 _ .0 CS N (N Inl n v" .0 0·. _ _ 1 Co C Cl Zi C) , co I I Cl 'C- -j-( > -- Cl Cl Cl l C,: _ . i ._ ." Z 0 >> z _ _0 -0. .> c. 0S. . ( c Cl< -.0 .N _nl L·4, C ' - 0 0 C Cl :3 C) .'t C C O .E E .0 Cl Cl CA -: · _, . 0 - " (0 -4 : C Ei ri2: (14 ' rU 0 - r- o C0 o 0a) E-4 '-. '-C cia zl Cl ': c: (A u0 Zci) 0. Ql Q 3 CDO ._ oC 4i Cl Cl .0 -o 1f zQ 'C -Q (1 r- ' a) E(H f4 Zs Cl C._ Cl ._ c :2 -Cl It! -- 'C' - (.4 C cI r-4 I I 130 120 1.0-1. 5%S 110 100 3 - 90 _ 80 _ <1.0%S 70 _ ,2.5% 60 _ 50 40 30 _ 20 _- 10 . . I - l J S N 1972 Figure 4.2-2 J : pa--------- M M I I Ip~~~ us I I I CI S J 1973 I I N J MH ---- l J S 1974' Prices (FOB) of coals by sulfur content (I; Lethi, et al.; 1975) -35- ___I__ __ 225 F I r: 200: i. 175 . Coal " 150 125 ... .. 1 100 -- Uj Coal "B"'- .1 I |tw - _Of . , 501 .. Coal ., I '. . -. .,. : . 0 "C" ' I i I I I I I I i II -i I L _ 0.2 0.4 0.6 I _,_ 0.8 1.0 I I . . 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 % SULFUR CONTENT Figure 4.2-3 Prices of coals at minemouthas a function of sulfur content (V; Center for Energy Policy; 1976). 3.0 2.0 m EA D g: BTU Pc 0 U, pi w .,"4 OIL) en 0 1.0 L) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 PERCENT SULFUR BY WEIGIIT Figure 4.2-4 Sulfur content, Btu, and tonnage relationships (I; Rosenberg, et al.; 1972). _ 7 __ 6 5 ESTIMATED COST DOLLARS/TON 4 3 2 1 0 I I I I 100 20f3 300 400 DISTANCE Figure 4.2-5 IN MIvLES Transportation costs by coal types and mode (I; Ouellette; 1972). -37- 4.2.2 Low Sulfur Coal The previous section described the way in which a regional breakdown of coals could be used for choosing representative samples. There is ample opportunity to characterize the different low sulfur coals in these regionally typical selections. By region and sulfur content a very representative list would include (I, Given; 1974): Table 4.2-5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A set of coal types that is representative of U.S. resources. bituminous--Appalachian--low sulfur (less than 1.1%) bituminous--Appalachian--medium sulfur (1.1 to 3.0%) bituminous--Eastern Interior--high sulfur (greater than 3.0%) bituminous--Western Interior--medium sulfur bituminous--Rocky Mountain--low sulfur subbituminous--Northern Great Plains--low sulfur subbituminous--Rocky Mountain--low sulfur subbituminous--Alaska--low sulfur lignite--Northern Great Plains--low sulfur lignite--Gulf--medium sulfur. All of the coals that are chosen to represent the types available in the United States must be systematically characterized. A number of excellent breakdowns of the properties and constituents of coal can be found in sources in the Fuels bibliography 9.I, or in some of the many Bureau of Mines documents, see Table 4.2-6. The ranges of values as shown in this table can be very useful in developing worst and best case hypothetical samples from these particular regions. The samples that are actually used in any combustion testing, or that are found in the literature associated with specific combustion tests, should whenever possible be characterized to within measurement error. Under certain assumptions about the location of use of the coals there can be an immediate determination of the delivered prices, as in Table 4.2-7. From the standpoint of retaining maximum flexibility in this project it would seem advisable to tabulate prices at the mine and then make determinations of the transportation costs under whatever regional assumptions may be desired by the decision maker. The determining factor in how these transport costs should be handled will have to come out of an examination of the magnitude of those transportation costs relative to the magnitude of the uncertainties in the other costs in the assessment. Fuel type Base fuel Minimum cost range, (delivered),$/j TU $/MBTU Coal: TnhI A - -7 Illinois 6 Montanasubbituminous 0.85 0.85 0.50 -1.50 0.30- 1.50 North Dakota lilgnite 0.85 0.25 - 1. 50 T) c %1n n ^ -#-' , A ~4 C4:. - ,- - - r-- 17 VCA 1 0-7 4 II_ lb o 0 1I § I I I l II I II I I 10 0 l l tC- - .- l CO I. In> -4tO. CI I I I~n t--ol· 0 0 4 0~~~C- 10 0 Ci .4 lb, C) C' -0C co c - Q - C) . C I C) C-I -4 c1 O) I 0 0 C^ C6 tO 0 , '3 C 0 0 O 0 I 0 I J O I I I 10t 0 C-I 0 0 C) %h 3 0 c0 I I o I .1, I lb JIC-O - o b l cn O - o *o-eC-1 4 -i CA C-I c -O - Lc-C m I~ -. o *Ci ~ o Cl o t0 , S O -4C 3 O, C. - , C , o CD c 10 o0 8 -4 0 C) CO 0 O 0 10 0 oI O , .·:00 O =!f.2lg-2 - Coccn 0 , 0 0 0 0 I I 1 a-4 :: (a I 1l*8 l. I W I I I I I I I I . o 'o80 .9 - lb -Jl C 0 I lb lc - Clo -41 ICO t- C°) a -I I I 1, Cl' . tC) t . C) 10 1O C-I I ~4lb '1' 0> In V O I Ol tC-I II 1; -) . C) 'C C 0 -4 cl c) 0D o :>1~ t- ' C a.Io tn 10 tO C) o I-1 . l b S C c I 4 10 . 0 4 O Cl 10 0> 0 0 O' 0. (O 0I -4 I c O . 10 I tO . CO n D 0llll0l 0 0 0 Cid 0 ,1 0) 3,~~~~~~~~~~~~b 0 0i OO .. a) 0~.~ - T: o <b0CI -4 C1; ' 0 0 lb ' o4 0 Ci oo 0 0 C't CSq C) , 4q bO , , C-0 C- l C 6,2D(o I 00 ~ 0t C) . - Cc I :, a t C- i C't I Z; H O Cd 0 ° C , ,) -,co k .4--. a c0 =1 t Go C c, C C. C n cn O , c , a, lb ,4 n C4 C CD 4 v * 0 c o o c F. a4) n O{ _... o m H0~CS or 5Xtl ~~~m d~~ U1 C) . m lb 13 m N C-I C0 ....V) CS 0 It e~~~~l.-4 L5ol CI 0 -4 Ct o 0 c4 0 04 .o '. >1< lbC 0 , "- 000 01C--lb :O --- lb ro. O I lb 0 J lb 0 - e CI ' C .- C.. <. ... "b 0 -C)1 0 CI 0 E~ -39- C. 0 lb Cl, . II In . l s . C P4 1- i I- ' I . 0 E- The following, Table 4.2-8, is the first in a number of ideal lists of technical factors for the control technologies. In many categories the data does not exist and thus expert opinions should be sought. Not applicable should be marked "n/a". Blanks should be left only if the number is known only to be between plus and minus infinity. For example, cadmium levels may not be recorded in the coal science literature but they are certainly between 0 ppm and the level of low-grade cadmium ore (perhaps 1000 ppm). The numbers presented in the following lists of technical factors are only given as indications of the types of numbers to be sought. Table 4.2-8 _ DESCRIPTORS SCOPE: Technical Factors for Representing Fuels __ Restricted to U.S. coals ASSUMPTIONS: Cost escallation per year for rail transportation + 3%, etc. all bounds are 5% confidence limits, STDV are arithmetic standard dev, Sample Name #15 ASTM Rank Bituminous; Medium volatile Coal Geographic Origin Central Appalachian Basin _ L Probability Levels QUANTIFIERS 5% Economics mean 95% Price per ton versus sulfur content and other variables at specific years Price per Kcal " " I" ;I Transport cost to regional markets: Unit cost of tranport (mills/ton-mile) 5,5 7.2 10.5 Discount rate for est. ann. capital charges (%) 12 14 16 (parameterize w.r.t. this variable) Applicability Recent annual production(or time to develop) year net amount (kton) Transportation limits on production Manpower limits on production Equipment availability limits on production Resource Needs Known Resources Total amount in place 6 (10 tons) Economically recoverable (10 tons) By strip mining % By deep mining % Of coking quality % Known marginal/submarginal resources Undiscovered Resources, Bed Thickness Recoverable Overburden Marginal/submarginal -40- 1973 3500 0 0 0 1973 3900 0 1973 4200 0 0 0 10000 5000 11300 5600 8% 8% 92% 92% 0 0 13000 6200 8% 92% 62% 65% 65% 6000 6200 8000 2000 4000 3000 6000 5000 9000 Table 4.2-8 _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ (continued) __ ____ __ Environmental Consequences Environmental production restrictions(all in 10 tons) 0 0 By current regulations 400 450 By projected futute regulations 0 O Water limited Emissions fto be added if downstream processes are less efficient) rom mining - (surface and deep-mined separately) Output Characterization Particle size distribution Grindability index Caking quality Fixed carbon dry (%) moist () Volatile matter dry (%) Volatile matter moist (%) Natural moisture (%) Heating values (kcal/kg) Dry basis Moist basis (kcal/kg) ASh 42 45 47 78% 73% 14% 13% 80% 75% 18% 17% 86% 81% 22% 21% 5% 5% 5% 8600 8200 8640 8275 7.3% 5.0% 5.0% 1.5% (%) Oxygen Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulfur Inorganic Sulfur Organic Phosphorous Potassium Chlorine Silicon Calcium Magnesium Sodium min 0.2% max 0.8% min 0.6% max 1.0% '3% 8750 8350 STDV 1.2% 1.0% 0.8% 0.2% .1% .7% .1% 0.2% 0.1% 3.2% 0.3% 1.0% 0.67% 0.20% 0.25% Iron 0.05% Aluminum Other 0 500 O 0.03% 1.50% 25ppm 1000 ppm 500ppm 700ppm 300ppm 1000ppm .025ppm 6ppm 500ppm 10ppm .015ppm 3ppm 1000ppm 10ppm 100ppm 125ppm (X) Arsenic (PPM) Barium Beryllium Boron Copper Germanium Gold Iodine Lanthanum Molybdenum Platinum Selenium Strontium Tin Uranium Zirconium (PPM) Flourine Cadmium Mercury Lead -41- lppm 200ppm 100ppm 200ppm lOppm 500ppm .002ppm .2ppm 100ppm lppm .001ppm lppm 10ppm lppm 50ppm 50ppm Table 4.2-8 _ _ _ _ (continued) __ _I _ _ _ _ Vanadium Chromium Cobalt Nickel Zinc Gallium Yttrium Lithium Scandium Manganese Ytterbium Bismuth NaCl, Compounds of interest: SiO , Al 0 SO , F20 , CaO, Mg8, Na O K20, TiO , FCO 3 FeS2 , CaO 3 , nC3, FeCO3, and nCO 3. Free Swell Index Fusion Temperature Plasticity Porosity Number of Samples Analyzed 12 __ -42- I 4.3 Fuel Treatment and Conversion Fuel treatment modules represent information and models of all the different types of fuel-to-fuel conversion technologies. The input as well as the output from each of these modules should be the generalized characterization of fuels as previously shown in Table 4.2-8. Having identical input and output information categories facilitates the use either of no fuel treatment or, alternatively, the concatenation of two or more fuel treatment technologies, such as one type of physical coal cleaning feeding into another type, or a coal cleaning device sending fuel into a solvent refining facility. The output from the fuel treatment module becomes the input information for the generation technologies, as shown in Figure 4.3-1. Economic and Technological Resource and Commodity Requirements Economic and Technical Information Figure 4.3-1 Different modeling tasks for the single fuel/plant/control simulation. 4.3.1 Coal Preparation and Cleaning There may be 20 or 30 different technologies that will require assessment as potential coal preparation and cleaning types. These processes are defined as those that sort out certain constituents of coal by taking advantage of some physical differences between those constituents and the rest of the coal. Technical factor categories for describing these processes are shown in Table 4.3-1. Models of each of those processes must be capable of taking the input characterization and turning out the economic, performance, applicability, resource requirements, and environmental consequences as well as the output characterization. For example, one particular type of physical coal cleaning may have a functional model for relating mercury levels at the input to mercury levels at the output, perhaps something like Hgout = Hgin · 0.9 (Sulfurpyr/Sulfur tota pyr uutotal) -43- Table 4.3-1 ___ _ Technical Factors for Coal Preparation and Cleaning Processes _ DESCRIPTORS Scope: All coal preparation and cleaning processes current and future-known that do not change molecular structures but sort on physical properties Assumptions: Units are all tons of product, where there are variations for different coals these should be tabulated, correlations between numbers in ranges should be noted as well as whether ranges are due to choice or uncertainty All bounds are 5% limits, STDV are arithmetic standard deviations Process Name: Process Description: Including "optimum capacity','i.e. concensus, typical size Relative Complexity QUANTIFIERS Input Characterization -(sameas low sulfur coal chart) including binding of materials (e.g. trace metals to organic sulfur, etc.) Economics Capital Investment ($/10,000ton/day) for optimum size Operating Costs ($/ton) Labor Maint Energy Transportation costs to Regional Markets(mills/ton-mile) Typical Amortization Rate for This Type of Facility 15% 16% 17% Effective total energy cost (price) Additional investments for potential abatement req, Performance Capacity -optimum and range Production -optimum and range Availability Reliability Forced Outages (freq. and duration) Maint Outages (freq, and duration) Yield (tons'in/tons out) } Output per 1Manhour Energy losses Caloric losses Ancillary energy needs Cleaning efficiency Organic sulfur (% extracted) Inorganic sulfur Total sulfur Ash Nitrogen Trace elements Moisture Expected Facility Lifetime Applicability Current largest sixe Operating experience Commercialization date (2nd 10,000ton/day plant) Expenditure to get to commercialization Potential for advancement of technology(in reduced cost/output/year) Retrofittability with advances (compatibility) Institutional.constraints (including licensing time) Probability of Technical Success (% at all feasible) AA- Table 4.3-1 (continued) . -I - - Geographic limitations Particle size distribution needed at input Site-specific requirements/constraints Time to get a plant on-line Unresolved issue Maximum rate of availability (plants/yr) Other constraints to development Resource Needs Manpower skills Manpower numbers Manpower availability Land use Principle equipment needs Equipment availability Materials needs Water requirements Chemical needs consumption rates recycling potential waste disposal costs land used in mining, disposal Other resource needs Saleable products physical and chemical characterization production rates marketing price market limits -8 Environmental Consequences (consequences that fall out at this stage) Occupational health Emission standards Emissions (normal and upset) including emissions frOm mined materials (other than fuels) Air pollutants Water pollutants Waste solids Land requirements Pondage req. Noise Other effects Frequency and duration of upset conditions Output Characterization (incl. any env. conseq. that are passed to downstream (same as input characterization) technologies) particle size distribution alkali (potential for additional sulfur capture in combustion) -45- 4.3.2 Solvent Coal Refining Solvent coal refining and coal liquefaction offer a variety of methodologies which have been brought to various stages of commercial development in the past 100 years. Because the major impurities in coal sulfur, nitrogen, and ash, especially trace metals are tightly bound in the original coal matrix, their physical removal is difficult. One approach to the control of these impurities is to change the coal matrix in such a way as to facilitate the removal of those impurities. The refined coal is essentially composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and can be produced as a solid or liquid fuel. Processing chemicals are,however, needed and the impurities must be disposed of after removal. Because of the long history of these processes there is a considerable body of literature on them and their basic data, A comparison of solvent refining and other cleaning processes should consider the disposal of impurities after their removal. If the solvent refining occurs off-site and supplies'clean fuel to the power plant, other methodologies which must operate on-site, such-as scrubbers, will be penalized and this must be considered. Table 4.3-2 Technical Factors for Solvent Coal Refining DESCRIPTORS Scope All coal processing technologies which use a solvent to extract undesirable substances from coal either by dissolving the undesirable substances directly, or by dissolving the nonmineral portion of the coal and removing the residues through filtration or centrifuge. Solid, liquid or gaseous fuels can result. Other forms of chemical refining, such as catalysis, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, or pyrolysis are included. Assumptions Process Name Process Description Relative Process Complexity QUAiNTIFIERS Input Characterization ASTM Rank of Coal Coal Geographic Region Ash (% by weight) Sulfur Pyritic (% by weight) Organic ( " ) Heating Value Dry (kcal/kg) Wet ( " Moisture (% by weight) Hydrogen Carbon (These numbers will be supplied by upsteam technology -and should be used in the model of the solvent coal refinery process) " " Volatile Matter " Nitrogen " Aluminum " Calcium Chlorine Iron " " " -46- Table 4.3-2 (continued) (% by weight) Magnesium Phosphorous Potassium " Silicon " Sodium " " Other Trace Metals " " PPM Arsenic " Barium "t Beryllium " Boron It Copper " Cobalt Germanium " Gold Iodine Lanthanum Molybdenum Mercury Nickel Platinum Selenium Strontium Tin Uranium Zirconium " " " " " " " " " " " Caking Quality (Free Swelling Index) Grindability Index Fusion Temperature °C Probability Levels Economic Characterization Capital Investment 106 $/plant of 1000MW/day Coal Preparation Preheaters/Dissolvers Mineral Separation/Storage Solvent Recovery Product Treatment/Storage Power Production Plant Hydrogen Plant Sulfur Plant Other Plant lifetime (yr) 6 Operating Costs 10 $/yr/1000W/day plant Labor and Supervision Maintenance Taxes/Insurance Water Steam Production Coal Preparation Energy Costs/Credits Byproduct Credits Storage Chemicals, Catalysts, Solvents -47- 5% mean 95% 8 9 11 22 24 29 13 10 15 12 19 14. 5 .5 5 18 21 26 8 4 9 4 11 4 20 20 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 .2 2.5 .2 .5 .5 1 1 .2 1 .2 .5 .2 1.5 .2 .5 .2 .5 1 .2 3 .2 .5 Table 4.3-2 I _ (continued) _ _ __I _ _I___ _ _ Performance Characterization Plant Capacity (Ktpd of input coal) Clean Fuel Produced (Ktpd) Reliability Forced Outage Rate (%) Duration of Outage (days) Maintenance (wks/yr) Energy Losses Caloric (mmbtu/day) Ancillary _ _ _ _ 9500 900 6000 6000 12 15 1.4 2.0 6 6 _ _ 10000 6000 19 4.0 6 " Efficiency of Removal (%) Ash Organic Sulfur Inorganic Sulfur Nitrogen Trace Elements (Specify as above) Moisture Other Minerals (Specify as above) Product Heat Value (Btu/lb) 95 90 95 50 100 Applicability Characterization Current Largest Size Operating Experience Commercialization Date (2nd 10014W/day capacity) Expenditure I__ to get to Commercialization 106$ Compatibility with conversion technologies Potential for advancement of technology Retrofit problems Geographic limitations Particle sizing needed at input Construction period (months) Site constraints Institutional constraints Maximum rate of Introduction (1000MW/day plants/yr) Unresolved issues Probability of technological feasibility Resource Needs Characterization Manpower skills Manpower availability Land requirements of plant Water requirements Principal equipment availability Materials requirements Chemical needs Chemical recycling potential Land requirements/mining/disposal Other resource needs Byproduct characterization (for each byproduct) Description Production rates kton/yr $/ton Market price Market saturation limits kton/yr -- -48- 165000 16000 16G00 1984 40 120mw/day 18 months 1990 1986 150 80 8-20mm 20 24 30 4 10 12 Table 4.3-2 (continued) Environmental Consequences Characterization Occupational health Emission standards Emissions (normal and upset/transient) Air Water Waste solids Pondage requirements Noise Others Frequency and duration of upset conditions Output Characterization (Same as input characterization, less first two items) -49- 4.4 Combustion Technologies Two general types of generation devices are described in this section. Any other generation processes can be incorporated into this assessment framework by using factors described in section 4.6. The function performed by each of these combustion/conversion type modules is to take the fuel representation as input, quantify the process requirements and performance, and output the characterization of emissions for use by any of the downstream abatement modules, see Figure 4.4-1. Resource and Commodity Requ irements Economic and Technical Information Figure 4.4-1 simulator. 4.4.1 Different modeling tasks for the single fuel/plant/control Current Coal-Fired Combustion/Generation In order to make comparisons among environmental control alternatives such as low sulfur coal, fluidized bed combustion, and scrubbers, for instance, a state-of-the-art, regular, coal-fired power plant must be used as the baseline combustion/generation component in the low sulfur coal and the scrubber assessments. Enabling comparisons involving individual non-combustion control technologies is, however, only one of the reasons why it would be useful to have a characterization of current combustion technologies. Another very important reason comes from the desirability of having a base case of best presently available technology, against which to compare the future alternatives. If it would not be outside the scope of this project it would, in addition, be desirable to have comparably formated performance models for the present state-of-the-technology for gas, oil, and nuclear facilities. This type of information is generally easily obtainable from data bases such as those at the FPC or in computerized information systems such as the CONCEPT program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. For the coal-fired facilities the technical factors in Table 4.4-1 should be collected for two or three common plant capacities, such as 150MWe, 300MWe, and 600Me, and two or three design capacity factors, such as .50, .65, and .80. -50- --'-' Table 4.4-1 Technical Factors for1------11----4-----_. Coal Combustion __and Generation -_-4(-··--··11114--·-_-P-·--l __ DESCRIPTORS Scope Current state-of-the-art coal-fired boiler and turbine combinations Assumptions Designed for 600MWe, .80 capacity factor Process Name Coal-Fired Combustion/Generation Process Description Furnace Type, etc. Relative Complexity QUANTIFIERS Input Characterization Same as low sulfur coal factors including physical characteristics, elements, compounds and so on. Economics Capital investment ($/1000MWe) Operating costs (R/MWhr) Labor Maintenance Energy Total cost of electricity ($/MWhr) Transmission costs to demand centers Additional investments for potential abatement requirements Typical amortization rates Performance Capacity (MWe) Availability Reliability(%) Forced Outages (frequency and durations) Maintenance Outages (frequency and durations) Energy losses Fixed ancillary energy needs Total efficiency (%) Applicability Potential for advancement of technology (in reduced cost per output per year) Licensing time and other institutional constraints Geographic limitations Site-specific requirements/constraints Maximum rate of availability (1000MWe/yr) Probability of technological feasibility Resource Needs Manpower skills Manpower numbers Manpower availability Land use Principal equipment needs Equipment availability Materials needs Water requirements Process Consumption Pondage requirements -- I -- -51- Table 4.4-1 (continued) Chemical needs Consumption rates Land use in mining, disposal Other resource needs Saleable products (for each product) Physical and chemical characterization Production rates Marketing price Market limits Environmental Consequences (that occur at this state only) Occupational health Emissions standards Emissions (normal and upset) including Emissions from mined chemicals Waste solids Noise Other effects Output Characterization Frequency versus Duration versus MWe Emissions Air pollutants various oxides, hydrocarbons, trace elements and other compounds, including possible day-to-day variability Water pollutants Gas flow versus MWe Gas temperature versus MWe - - The convention here is to classify as output technical factors any environmental consequences that might be treated in downstream abatement technologies. If no further treatment is given to the emissions then a unity input/output abatement alternative can be chosen which would simply relabel the output charac- terization as environmental consequences. -52- 4.4.2 Low Btu Gasification/Combined Cycle Systems Integrated low Btu/combined cycle plants rest on proven technology, with the exception of high temperature gas cleaning equipment and mining technology questions, which are common to all schemes for increased utilizationof coal. It is important to note that the gasifiers can both utilize high pressure air extracted from the combined cycle gas turbine compressors and process steam generated in the heat recovery steam generators and extracted from the main steam turbines. The integration of these complementary functions provided for significant gains in plant efficiency and cost. Methods for low-Btu gasification have been demonstrated commercially but suffer in efficiency because the lack of a high temperature (9000 F) gas cleaning process necessitates lower turbine operating temperatures. The corrosiveness of gases produced from high sulfur coals is another serious limitation. Assumptions regarding the operating conditions for the gasifierturbine combination wlbe critical in determining overall attractiveness of this methodology. The byproducts of gasification must also be considered when comparing gasification with other technologies. Table 4.4-2 Technical Factors for Low Btu Gasification Systems DESCRIPTORS Scope All coal processing technologies which produce a low Btu (100-300 btu/scf) gaseous product from coal for use ina combined cycle power system. The process will typically include pollutant removal for at least S0x and particulates to protect the gas turbine from wear. The pollutant removal, gas turbine and steam generator and turbine are all included in the scope. Assumptions The same gas turbine/steam generator system should be used on all evaluations of the gasification technologies, when possible. Changes in the combined cycle assumptions should be noted. Process Name Process Description Relative Process Complexity QUANTIFIERS Input Characterization ASTM rank of coal Coal geographic region Ash (% by weight) Sulfur Pyritic (% by weight) Organic ( " ) Heating value Dry (kcal/kg) Wet ( " ) Moisture (% by weight) Hydrogen " Carbon Volatile Matter " Nitrogen Aluminum Calcium Chlorine " " " " (These numbers will be the input variables for this model) Iron Magnesium Phosphorus Potassium Silicon Sodium Other " " " " " " -- -53- Table 4.4-2 (continued) Trace Metals PPM Arsenic Barium Beryllium Boron Copper " " " " " Cobalt Germanium " Gold " Iodine " Lanthanum Iolybdenum Mercury " " Nickel Platinum Selenium Strontium " " " Tin Uranium Zirconium Caking quality (free swelling index) Grindability index Fusion temperature °C Probability Levels Economic Characterization Capital investment 106 $/plant of 1000MW Coal preparation Gas production Gas clean-up Combustion turbines Heat recovery steam generators Steam turbines Other Plant lifetime (yr) Operating costs 10 6 $/yr/1000yr Labor and supervision Maintenance .Taxes/insurance Water Steam production Coal preparation Energy costs/credits Byproduct. credits Storage Chemicals, catalysts, etc. Temp 16.5 72.8 20 17 18.7 75 90 45 25 47 30 50 40 40 40 25 25 25 30 32 33 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.5 .2 .2 .5 .5 1 .2 " - -54- - .3 .5 .2 .2 3 .2 .5 .2 90 00 10 00 10 00 21 00 9200 1000 1000 2600 9300 1000 1000 2800 11 12 14 1.0 .5 .7 12 50 1450 1000 9 00 I- 3 .2 .5 5 °F 95% 1 1.5 1 Caloric (mBtu/day) Ancillary Mean 1 Performance Characterization Plant capacity (Ktpd of input coal) Clean fuel produced Output MW Heat rate for total system (kcal/kwh) Reliability Forced outage rate (%) Duration of outage (days) Maintenance (wks/yr) Waste heat steam conditions Pressure psig Energy losses 5% 5 .5 5 2400 1000/1000 Table 4.4-2 (continued) Probability Levels Levels~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Probability 4.4-2(continued) Table 5% Efficiency of removal Ash Organic sulfur Inorganic sulfur Nitrogen Trace elements (specify as above) Other minerals ( " ) Applicability Characterization Current largest size Operating experience Commercialization date (2nd 1000MW plant) Expenditure to get to commercialization 106$ Compatibility with conversion technologies Potential for advancement of technology Retrofit problems Geographic limitations Particle sizing needed at input Construction period (months) Site constraints Institutional constraints Maximum rate of introduction (1000MW plants/yr) Unresolved issues Probability of technological feasibility Resource Needs Characterization Manpower skills Manpower availability Land requirements of plant Water requirements Principal equipment availability Materials requirements Chemical needs Chemical recycling potential Land requirements/mining/disposal Other resource needs Byproduct characterization (for each byproduct) Description Production rates kton/yr Market price $/ton Market saturation limits kton/yr Environmental Consequences Characterization Occupational health. Emission standards Emissions (normal and upset/transient) Air Water Waste solids Pondate requirements Noise Others Frequency and duration of upset conditions Output Characterization (Same as output characterization in Table 4.4-1) -55- 95 90 95 Mean 97 90 96 50 95% 99.5 90 98 250MW 3 months 1979 1983 1987 20 35 70 included 14 16 20 6 10 12 4.5 Emission Controls Emission treatment modules should contain the data and input/output models of all the types of emission-to-emission conversion technologies. The inputs to these models, as well as the outputs, should be the general emissions characterization as described in Table 4.4-1. The abatement equipments should be capable of making any reasonable combination with other abatement equipments and should be capable of being attached to any of the generation type modules, as shown in Figure 4.5-1. no further Figure 4.5-1 4.5.1 Representation of possible fuel/plant/control options. Particulate Removal Systems Electrostatic precipitation represents a proven and highly effective emissions control technology. Modeling of these devices is a relatively straightforward task. Some complications do arise, however, in the modeling of decrease in efficiency with the reduction in the resistivity of the effluents, such as for the case of low sulfur levels in the emissions. Technical factors for particulate removal should follow the same format as that presented in the next section in Table 4.5-1. -56- 4.5.2 Stack Gas Cleaning for Sulfur Removal Information in the literature about flue gas desulfurization is either data from experience on existing pilot plants or projections of data for conditions in the future when large-scale implementation is under way. The distinction is important, as are the distinctions between retrofit and new installations, and throw away versus recoverable systems. Scrubbers are generally restricted to modules according to the gas flows involved. Since economies of scale apply up to the technical limit of the module size, about 150 MW, vendors will probably provide modular systems for most plants. The compatibility of scrubber module size assumptions with combustion technology sizes must be checked during comparisons. Table 4.5-1 Technical Factors for Sulfur Removal Equipment DESCRIPTORS Scope All technologies which treat the combustion flue gases to extract sulfur compounds before emission to the atmosphere. Methods for control of other air pollutants may or may not be part of the technology. Assumptions The input to a stack gas cleaning technology is the flue gas from the boiler or combustor of the generation technology being used. Ancillary equipment, such as plume reheaters, are necessary because of the stack gas cleaning and should be included. Process Name Process Description Relative Process Complexity QUANTIFIERS Input Characterization 6 Full-load gas flow all train (ACFMxl06) Gas temperature (F) Ash loading (lb/ACFMxlO6 ) SOx loading ( " NOx loading ( C02 loading ( CO loading ( H20 loading ( Hydrocarbons( " " " " " Aluminum PPM Calcium Chlorine " " Iron " Magnesium Phosphorus Potassium Silicon " " " " ) ) ) ) ) Sodium Other " Trace Metals Arsenic Barium Beryllium Boron Copper PPM " " " " " -57- Table 4.5-1 - - (continued) _ _ - PPM I! Cobalt ti Germanium I! It Gold Iodine Lanthanum II II I! Molybdenum II Mercury I1 Nickel Platinum II Selenium Strontium Tin I! Uranium II Zirconium Initial Plant Heat Rate (kcal/kwh) Economic Characterization Capital Investment 10 6 $/1000MW plant) Scrubber and ductwork Gas reheater Catalyst system Slurry system Sulfur plant Other Plant lifetime (yr) Operating costs 106 $/yr for 1000MW) Labor and supervision Maintenance Taxes/insurance Water Reheat fuel Slurry preparation Chemicals, catalysts, etc. Energy costs Byproduct credits Storage/disposal Performance Characterization Train size (ACFix106 ) Reliability Forced outage rate (%) Duration of outages (days) Maintenance (wks/yr) Energy loss Reheater (mBtu/day) Ancillary (mBtu/day) Efficiency of removal SOx NOx Particulates Trace elements (specify as above) Other minerals (specify as above) Addition of water vapor (tons/day) Final plant heat rate (kcal/kwh) Slurry/sludge production -58- Probability Levels 5% Mean 95% 15 17 19 5 7 9 4 7 10 12 20 15 25 17 30 2 3 2 2 3.2 2 3.5 3.0 .4 2.5 .55 .6 .8 1 .6 1.1 .8 .8 1.8 1.6 .4 .4 ..6 1 .8 1.9 2.0 .4 10 14 20 4 5 7 6 6 6 85 90 95 60 90 65 95 70 96 2700 2900 3100 Table 4.5-1 (continued) Applicability Characterization Current largest size Operating experience Commercialization date (2nd 1000l W Expenditure 90M1W 24 months plant) to get to commercialization Compatibility with conversion technologies Potential for advancement of technology Retrofit problems Geographic limitations Construction period (months) Site constraints Institutional constraints Maximum rate of introduction (100OMW plants/yr) Unresolved issues Probability of technological feasibility 1978 1980 1983 14 20 35 limestone supply 12 15 18 25 30 40 Resource Needs Characterization Manpower skills Manpower availability Land requirements of stack gas equipment Water requirements Principal equipment availability Land requirements--mining/disposal Materials requirements Chemical needs Chemical recycling potential Other resource needs Byproduct characterization (for each byproduct) Description Production rates kton/yr Market price /ton Market saturation limits kton/yr Environmental consequences characterization Occupational health Emissions standards Emissions (normal and upset/transient) Air Water/drainage Waste solids Pondage requirements Noise Other Frequency and duration of upset conditions Output Characterization Gas temperature after reheat °F 220 220 (Same as input characterization from 3rd to next-to-last items) - -- -4.5.3 220 -- NOx Control Technologies In the event that combustion process modification results in NOx Control, this reduction in NOx emissions will be reflected in that combustion modeling. With the appearance of an NOx scrubber a possibility for the future, this technology can be treated in a format exactly analogous to that presented for sulfur scrubbers, in Section 4.5.2. -59- 4.5.4 Intermittent Control and Tall Stacks In a comparison based solely on tons of emissions, any strategy for use of intermittent controls and tall stacks would not reduce, and might well add to, those total tons of emissions. Some comparative assessments, such as (V; NAS; 1975), have attempted to determine effective emissions reductions computed as the fractional decrease in the expected peak ambient concentration. Such a characterization is suspect on a number of scores, and in any event is a simple scaling procedure. Thus, an ambient comparison approach is described here. Table 4.5-2 Technical Factors for Intermittent Control Systems DESCRIPTORS Scope Includes tall stacks, fuel switching, and load shifting, and is based on the assumption that some ambient pollutant forecasting capability exists. Assumptions Process Name Process Description Alternative fuels, stack height, percent control, ratio "fuel switch hours" to "load shift hours". Relative Complexity QUANTIFIERS Input Characterization (for each fuel type) Frequency versus Duration versus MWe Emissions Air pollutants Water pollutants Gas flow versus MWe Gas temperature versus MWe Economics Capital investment ($/plant) Operating costs ($/yr/% control) Labor Maintenance Fuel/energy cost Replacement power costs (increase) Total increase in cost of electricity (% increase/% control) Performance Availability (%) Accuracy (ratio correct actions to false alarms) Applicability Potential for advancement of technology (an increased accuracy ratio) Licensing time and other institutional constraints Geographic limitations Maximum rate of availability (plants/yr) Probability of technological feasibility -60- Table 4.5-2 (continued) Resource Needs Manpower skills Manpoxwer numbers Manpower availability Land use (for monitors) Principal equipment needs Equipment availability Other resource needs Environmental Consequences Frequency versus Duration versus MNWe Emissions Air pollutants Water pollutants Peak ambient conditions (1 hr, 3 hr, 24 hr, annual) Other ambient characterizations, such as concentration versus duration versus acres (before and after control on top of assumed background profile) I- ' - - -~I-- -- -61- - - I- - 4.6 Potential for Including Future Technologies As this project progresses there will certainly be a need to add in new options for generation of power. Some of these options will probably include .fluidized bed combustion, MHD, fuel cells, and other advanced generation technologies that are likely to become available in the future. Less urgency on the decisions and less information on the processes have relegated these advanced technologies to a delayed role in this assessment. The modularized approach, however, should facilitate the easy incorporation of these and other new options into the overall assessment procedure. The typical format for the technical factors of these advanced generation technologies is presented in Table 4.6-1. Table 4.6-1 Technical Factors for Future Generation Technologies DESCRIPTORS Scope All future power generation technologies which convert coal to electric power. Assumptions Process Name Process Description Relative Process Complexity QUANTIFIERS Input Characterization ASTM rank of coal Coal geographic region Ash (%'by weight) Sulfur Pyritic (% by weeight) Organic ( " ) Heating value Dry (kca]/kg) Wet ( Moisture I" ) (% by weig]ht) Hydrogen " Carbon I" Volatile matter " Nitrogen Aluminum " " Calcium it " Chlorine " Iron " Magnesium Phosphorus " Potassium Silicon Sodium Other " Trace Metals Arsenic Barium Beryllium Boron Copper P]PM I'1 II II I -62- Table 4.6-1 (continued) PPM Cobalt " Germanium Gold Iodine " Lanthanum Molybdenum Mercury Nickel Platinum " Selenium Strontium Tin Uranium Zirconium " " " " " " " " " Caking quality (free swelling index) Grindability index Fusion temperature °C Economic Characterization Capital Investment (06$/1000MW plant) Materials and equipment Coal preparation unit Power production unit Construction Land investment Operating costs (106 $/1000MW plant) Labor and supervision Maintenance Taxes Insurance Water Coal preparation Power production Energy costs/credits Transportation Byproduct credits Storage/disposal Chemicals/catalysts Performance Characterization Plant Capacity (MW) (rated) Plant operating lifetime (yrs) Plant heat rate (kcal/kwh) Maximum theoretical efficiency (%) Reliability: Forced outage rate (%) Duration of outage (days) Maintenance (wks/yr) Energy losses Caloric (kcal/day) Ancillary (kcal/day) Waste heat steam conditions: Pressure (psig) Temperature Gas temperature entering stack (C) Startup time (hrs) Response time (hrs) Coal feed rate (lb/hr) Catalyst/seed feed rate (lb/hr) -63- (C) I Table 4.6-1 (continued) - - - | Combusion temperature (C) Design capacity factor (%) Efficiency of removal Ash Organic sulfur Inorganic sulfur Nitrogen Trace elements (specify as above) Other minerals (specify as above) Applicability Characterization Manpower skills Manpower availability Land requirements of plant Water requirements Principal equipment availability Materials requirements Chemical needs Chemical recycling potential Land requirements/Mining/Disposal Other resource needs Byproduct characterization (for each byproduct) Description Production rates kton/yr Market price $/ton Market saturation limits kton/yr Environmental Consequences Characterization Occupational health Emission standards Emissions (normal and upset/transient) Air Water Waste solids Pondage requirements Noise Others Frequency and duration of upset conditions Output Characterization (Same as output characterization in Table 4.4-1) _ _ -.. . 5. Simulation Mechanism The central position of the Simulation Mechanism in the overall assessment structure can be seen in the schematic in Figure 5.0-1. lThe Simulation Mechanism draws data and models from the Technical Factor information base, receives information about Assessment Options from the user, and delivers the Resultant Factors from which the crucial decision-aiding information can be extracted. The first part of this chapter deals with the simulation of a single energy facility, a concatenation of: a fuel type; none, one, or more precombustion controls; a combustion/generation type; and none, one, or more post-combustion controls. The flow chart for this type of concatenation procedure has been shown back in Figure 3.0-2. The last part of this chapter describes some of the methods by which several single facility simulations could possibly be combined to yield regional or even national simulations. These types of aggregations could in fact be performed as part of the Ordering Mechanism, and some of the ways this could be done have been mentioned at several points in this report. In the manner in which this report's outline has been set down these aggregation procedures are included, however, as part of the Simulation Mechanism. Here again there are optional ways in which this procedure could be handled: the aggregation could be a fully automated procedure stored in "cookbook" fashion within the Simulation Mechanism for each of several optional scenarios; or the aggregation could be a manual task performed by the user. While a reading of this chapter would seem to suggest a favoring of the latter type of treatment, we wish not to recommend any particular regional or national aggregation procedure. Such a recommendation could only come from a detailed balance of the difficulty of assembling an automated aggregator and the projected utility of such a device in the future use of the assessment mechanism. 5.1 Modeling Options The Modeling Options are those choices made by the user that are necessary to get the Simulation Mechanism underway. These choices divide into two categories, and are described in the following separate subsections. The category labelled Assessment Options includes the choices of the type of energy facilities that are to be simulated. The Non-Technical Factors are the parameters that must be set to fix the assumptions under which the simulation is to be made. 5.1.1 Assessment Options As just described the Assessment Options are the subset to be examined of all possible fuel/plant/control combinations. A subset must be chose because obviously not all combinations can be examined. For example, if there are: 25 coal types; 35 types of coal cleaning, preparation, and refining some of which could be concatenated with one or two other types; 40 types and sizes of combustion/generation equipment; and 35 types of emission treatment equipment some of which can again be concatenated with one or two other types (e.g., precipitator-scrubber-intermittemt control) this yields many millions of feasible combinations. An example of the Assessment Options that might be chosen could be: Fuel/Plant/Control Combinations 1. coal sample #11/unprocessed/500MWe MHD type #3/no abatement. 2. coal sample #11/unprocessed/500 e conventional coal boiler type #1/wet limestone scrubber type #3 3. coal sample #22 (low sulfur)/unprocessed/500MWe conventional coal boiler type #1/no abatement 4. coal sample #11/coal cleaning type #6/500MWe conventional coal boiler type #1/no abatement -65- Ci Cd cJ C.), ct 0 H0 EJ ) 00 oo ari c0 0q W4O l 4 0 *H ·01 co 0Cd -Hr o40 ci Each of these four combinations would then be simulated in turn by the Simulation Mechanism. Technical Factors would be available to exactly describe that, for example, coal sample #11 was Central Applachian, high sulfur, with a particular set of typical constituencies, or for example coal cleaning type #6 might be Battelle Hydrothermnl. The capacity sizes of the various energy componentshave been a subject of considerable attention in the formulation of this assessment framework. It would be ideal to make choices of say 100, 250, 500, or 1000 MWe (busbar) and get all of the equipments of the specified types that would be designed exactly to meet that output of power in the "best" possible manner. There are several problems with this approach, one is the "best" will not be defined in any unique manner. Another problem results from the limited amount of information that is initially available on advanced technologies. The solution to this second problem is, at the outset, to offer as options only those capacity sizes of the various facilities that are considered by concensus to be the modular size(s) that are most likely to be built. For example, fluidized-bed combustors (FBC) would originally only be available at about a standardized 125 MWe size, and this would be the only size at which information would be available in the initial uses of the overall assessIf 400 MWe of FBC are called for then the appropriate performance ment mechanism. measures of the 125 MWe size could be linearly scaled. For currently available technologies about which much information is known the different types of equipment could include designs specifically aimed at a variety of modular sizes, for example type 1 of conventional coal-fired boiler might be 500 MWe, type 2 250 Mwe, and so on. In some cases if intermediate sizes are still desired, interpolations (or extrapolations) can be made and these need not be linear, see Figure 5.1-1. -C 4J a, 4; C: CJ E 0 C: 4. C_ 0 200 400 600 Power Unit Size, 800 1000 1200 W Figure 5.1-1 Method of displaying costs versus capacity sizes, here it is for limestone scrubbers (V; Argonne National Lab; 1976; Fig. 4.1.6). -67- 5.1.2 Non-Technical Factors The Non-Technical Factors are those factors that may play such a crucial role in the decisions to be made and that are of such an uncertain nature that sensitivity studies with respect to those factors may be in order. One suchobvious example is the cost of money which may be instance be parameterized at levels of 7.5, 9.0, and 10.5% per year. Suppose now that the user has chosen these three parameters for the Non-Technical Factors and the four fuel/plant/ control Assessment Options described in the previous section, this would cause twelve single plant simulation runs to take place. These twelve options would produce twelve sets (or vectors) of Resultant Factors. The Ordering Mechanism would then be used to sort out the preferences and important information from among those twelve options. There are ways, discussed in Chapter 7, for combining the three parameterizations for each of those four energy facilities to result in just one set of Resultant Factors for each facility where now these factors have probabilistic profiles to reflect the variability shown in the parameterization of the Non-Technical Factors. Examples of some types of Non-Technical Factors that might be considered are given in the following outline. Defaults should be developed for any of these parameters to simplify the process of making assessments where maximum use of the parameterizations is not desired. 1. Basic Assumptions A. Year (if a particular year is to be the time for the comparison) - example: 1988 B. Regional Considerations - Fuel - example: fuel from Region #2 - Plant - example: located in Region #4, rural site - Load/Demand - example: C. 2. customers in Region #4, load shape typical of Reg. 4 Power System - example: power system Type #3, small predominately oil-fired, this would then reflect upon the usefullness of this particular facility with respect to the generation mix available on this type of power system and the replacement cost of power that would be likely. Economics Whether or not, and which economic factors would be available as Non-Technical Factors would depend entirely upon the sophistication of the modeling of accounting procedures that is available in the Simulation Mechanism. Possible levels of accounting sophistication include: Oth Order- exact accounting procedure to be used would be specified to the subcontractors as would the exact values for economic factors, such as cost of capital 1st Order- subcontractors would provide informationnecessary and sufficient for mechanism to be able to use parameterization of economic factors and for the major different accounting procedures expenditure items, such as construction, licensing, equipment, and other primary investments. Secondary expenses, such as transportation investments that would affect transportation costs as passed on to the utilities would be handled -68- as described in 0th Order procedure. 2nd Order- information would be made available so that primary and secondary (or indirectly affecting) expenditures could be modeled with parameterized economic factors and various accounting procedures and tertiary influences would use prespedifaed procedure as in 0th Order The comparison of energy technologies on the basis of economic evaluations is a conventional practice. It is rarely, however, that these comparisons can be made on common economic assumptions, and more rarely that competing technologies can be compared using a series of assumptions or several values of key economic parameters. Some of the most detailed models that are capable of handling such sensitivity studies for conventional coal, oil, gas, and nuclear fueled facilities are available from ERDA and Oak Ridge National Labs, including CONCEPT, PLANT, AND ORCOST codes. In the present project it is likely that some options and some parameters will be fixed in an inevitable accuracy versus complexity tradeoff. In a 0th effort no economic factors could be parameterized (they would all be pre-fixed in specifications to subcontractors). In a 1st Order procedure, the one that we recommend, examples of Non-Technical Factors would include: A. Accounting Procedures 1. Depreciation Options: a. straight line b. sum-of-the-years-digits c. combination of a. and b. switching at a given year 2. Fraction of Year to Discount Annual Expense - example: .50 3. Time Factors a. Base year for escalations - example: 1971.0 b. year construction started - example: 1971.0 c. year of commercial operation - example: 1977.5 d. length of workweek (hrs) - example: 40.0 e. year for present-worthing of dollars - example: 1975.0 B. Treatment of Debt and Equity 1. Bond Repayment Options: a. proportional case b. uniform principal reduction c. uniform annual payment d. delayed uniform principal reduction, include starting year for delayed option 2. Annual Interest Rate on Debt (%) - example: 7.5% 3. Fraction of Initial Investment Raised by Debt 4. Earning Rate on Equity (after tax) 5. Debt/Equity Ratio C. Escalation Rates 1. Initial Equipment Escalation Rate (%) - example: 5.0% .- _ . 2. D. E. Equipment Escalation Rate (%) - example: 5.0% 3. Initial Material Escalation Rate (%) - example: 5.0% 4. Material Escalation Rate (%) - example: 5.0% 5. Initial Labor Escalation Rate (%) - example: 10.0% 6. Labor Escalation Rate (%) - example: 10.0% 7. Uniform Overall Escalation Rate (%) - example: 0.0% 8. Escalation Rate on O&M Cost (%/yr) - example: 0.0% 9.- Escalation Rate on Fuel Cost (%/yr) - example: 0.0% Indexes for Uniform Parameterization 1. Site Labor Productivity Index - example: 1.0 2. Equipment Cost Index - example: 1.0 3. Materials Cost Index - example: 1.0 4. Labor Cost Index - example: 1.0 Insurances 1. 2. F. 0 Property Insurance (fraction of plant investment/yr) - example: 0.001 Additional Liability Insurance (for nuclear accidents, oil conflagrations, and so on; $/yr or $/yr/MWth) - example: 0.000 Taxes 1. Federal Income Tax Rate (fractional) - example: 0.041 2. State Income Tax Rate (fractional) 3. State Gross Revenue Tax Rate (fractional) 4. Property Tax Rate on Plant (fraction/yr) 5. Other Taxes (fraction/yr) It is clear that the amount of accounting and economic parameter flexibility that is desired will greatly effect the quantities and types of technical factors that will be necessary. For example, if all of the above categories are dealt with as user options in the overall mechanism then it would be necessary from each of the technologies to have as a function of time the equipment, materials, and labor outlays. 3. Performance A. 4. Capacity Factor (design) - example: 65% (i.e. baseloaded) Environmental A. Emission Standards - example: current standards B. Ambient Standards examle: disreard xml Rather~then preen a yohtcl alito o-ehnclFcos Rather then present a hypothetical example of a list of Non-Technical Factors, this section closes out with perhaps the most extensive such example that has ap-70-. peared to date in the literature (V; Cost of oxygen Range of oxygen cost Composite labor rate Year for cost estimates Initial Material escalation rate NASA; 1976): $9.00/ton delivered $5-15 $10.60/hour 1974.5 6.5% Interest on Committed 10% funding 7.5 Cost of Money (%/yr) Federal Income Tax 4.1 3.3 Depreciation Other taxes 2.8 Insurance . 1 .2 Working capital 18.0 Total (%/yr) Emission standards current (water site and emission levels assumed) Environmental conditions . 0.65 Capacity factor 0.50-0.80 Capacity factor range 90% Availability 500 kiovolt, 60 hertz Power After several pages of additional specifications on economic ground rules and sensitivity studies (V; NASA; 1976; pp. 44-49) the results in Figures 5.1-2 and 5.1-3 were developed along with numerous other comparisons. Some of the other sensitivity studies that were developed in that project include + 50% changes in capital costs, + 30% changes in construction time, + 50% changes in fuel costs, .50-.65-.80 capacity factors, 0%-10%-20% interest rates, and .000-.065-.130 uniform escalation rates. w so80 I ! I I so ''I 70 II, i 6s 0 /' I\ k S I ( ,--Lo-tlemperlur fuelcells ' 60 '..-Sugercrtll Co02 / -~, IHBTU fuetl so .{ /LOfmperture l B(TU ltuel) MR- HMM6D e OCMHO CGTIorgank c\ · I Hkh-temperature fuelcells i -- ',~ \ * | ,CCMHD I · /g /-'/ z; Lo-tempealure \-c fuelCells I 'q ~ T 32 \j i//" -Adanced 3 L OCGTorganlc OCGT WSKC uell.J %, I l O10 .m I I .3 Pie, I .0 I ' ,OCMHD t ' 24 Combined cycle Ulrcoolde a4 '> Combined Cyclelaircoledl- I .50 . I .60 IlI L OG[T. _ICClorynk . r', rMR uellOG! SRCl .- Combined cycle Iwtercoed * ' '\cellshyeroen . fuel CCl-, is' /t CT.ofIolc HIgh-lemperlure fuelcells-\ OCo,,,.lc... I I, tlw-emperature fue I ,- SuPercrltkalCO 2 & I - AdvlnCed A'. steam -Combine d cycleWlercldl · · ·I Oveall (1 Selected General Electric results - current-yerdollars endcommon sat-o-consIructlon dae. (IbAvelaelfele COt' - GenerallcIri ctns; verqe inflation ratefor30years. ) 25IernL Figure 5.1-2 Sensitivity of results to variations in the Non-Technical Factors involved in the calculation of the cost of electricity (V; NASA; 1976) -71- n Supercritical CO2 Closed-cycle lID SC Liquid-metal MHD 76 /-Low-temperature fuel cells 60 -Open-cycleMIID .- Htigh-temperature fuelcells -- Ciosed-cycle gasturbinelorgank '-Liquid-metalRankine - Recuperated closed-cycle gas turbine ,'-AAdvancedsteam 50 40 '-Open-cyclegasturbinelorgank 30 Combined cycle{'iter cooled) '-'Open-cycle gas turbine -Combinedcyclefair cooled) 20 In .D v __ I_ I __i_ I . I _ __ 7 _ (a)General Electric selected points. 5 41 Q Fixed-charge rate. Ib) Westinghouse selected points Figure 5.1-3 Sensitivity of cost of electricity to variations in the Non-Technical Factor: the fixed-charge rate (V; NASA; 1976) 5.2 Single Fuel/Plant/Control Probabilistic Emission Simulation The single facility emissions simulation may be nothing more than a bookkeepingsystem, collecting and using the best models of the alternative technologies and properly matching the input and output Technical Factors as it carries the simulations downstream. The different modules of this single plant simulator are show in Figure 5.2-1 Economic and Technological / AAssumptions Design Modification for Abatement j/ I I i i Specific Fuel Generating Treatment -.,_ Facility I Emission ___N i I I Treatment i i-,- - I Resource and Commodity Requirements Economic and Technical Information Figure 5.2-1 Different modeling components of the single facility fuel-to-emission simulation procedure The first module of Figure 5.2-1 characterizes the coal preparation and refining options. Inputs include the choice and Technical Factors associated with the one or more coal samples to be used. The information that should drop out of the fuel treatment modeling, and in fact from all the modules, includes the various economic, resource, environmental, performance, and applicability factors. These will then largely be accounted and totaled across the various fuel /plant/ control combinations, with the summation of these economic, resource, and other factors contributing directly to the Resultant Factors. The second block of Figure 5.2-1 is the modeling and data on the combustion/generation equipment. The final block represents the abatement models. The overall complexity of the single plant Simulation Mechanism will depend largely on three factors: 1. the amount of flexibility required in the modeling options and parameterizable Non-Technical Factors; 2. the complexity of the imput/output models required for the individual technologies; and 3. the size of the array of Resultant Factors expected as an output. For example, section 5.1.2 showed how there is a real possibility for the number of economic Non-Technical Factors to significantly increase the data and modeling requirements of the Simulation Mechanism. As another example, it is not difficult -73- Table 5.2-1 List of pollutants collected for use in the SEAS system (V; USEPA; 1975) The systerlconsists of a nine-cigit code, as follows: 1st and 2nd diaits: Residual Category. 3rd and 4th digits: (Continued) Particulates 01 Antimony 03 Sulfur Oxides Nitrogen Oxides Hydrocarbons Carbon Monoxide Photochemical Oxidants Other Gases and Mists Odors Biological Oxygen Demand Chemical Oxygen Demand Total Organic Carbon Suspehded Solids Dissolved Solids Nutrients Acids Bases Oils and Greases Surfactants Pathogens Waste Water Thermal Loading Combustible Solid Waste Non-Combustible Solid Waste Bulky Waste Hazardous Waste Mining Waste Industrial Sludges Sewage Sludge Herbicides Insecticides Fungicides Miscellaneous Pesticides Radionuclides to Air Radionuclides to Water Radionuclides to Land 02 Appliances 0.4 03 04' Arsenic 05 Ash 06 07 Autordobiles Bacteria 05 06 07 08 08 Bariumn-140 09 10 11 12 13 Asbestos Beryllium Boron Botanical Insecticides Cadmium .Carbamate Insecticides 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 14.. Cesium-134 16 15 'Cesium-137 16. Cesiumn-144 17 17 Chloramine 19 18 Chlorine 20 19 Chromium' 21 20 21 22 23 24' 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 22 18 Not Applicable 00 Cobalt-60 Concrete, Masonry Copper Copper Fungicides Crop Waste Cyanide Dithiocarbamate Fungicides Ferric Chloride Ferric Sulkate Ferrous Metals Fluorine Food.Waste Garden Waste Glass Household Furniture . Hydrogen-3 Inorganic Herbicides Inorganic Insecticides Iodine-129 Iodine-131 Krypton-85 Aluminum 01 Lanthanum-140 42 43 Ammonium Hydroxide 02 Lead 44 3rd and 4th digits: Residual Component -- -74- 23 24 25 26 27- 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Table 5.2-1 continued _ 3rd and 4th dicits: 5th dicit: Carrier Medium/ Reporting Category (Cont'inued) Leather Livestock aste Mercury Mine Overburden Mine Tailings Miscellaneous Fungicides Nitrates Non-Ferrous Metals, Miscellaneous Organic Herbicide3 Organi.c Mercury Fungicides Organocldorine nsecticides Organophosphorus Insecticides Other Synthetic 'Organic Insecticides Paper Phenols Phosphates Pthalinide Fungicides Plastics Radiun-266 Radon-222 Rubber Ruthenium-106 Sand, Stone,. Soil. 'Selenium Slag Strontium-90 Tellurium Textiles Thalium Tires Vanadium Viruses Water, Cooling Water, Process. Wood Zinc _ 45 Air 46 47 48 49 Water Land Leachate Pesticide Radiation 50 51 6th dqi.t: 1 2 3 4 S 6 Source 52 1 53' 54 55 Point Area Mobile 56 7th digit: 2 3 Product of Combustion 57. 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65- 66 67 68 69 70 " 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 -75- Yes 1 2 No .N 8th t: .' . Type of Economic Activity Extraction 1 Production 2 Distribution Consumption Disposal 3 4 5 9th digit:Toxicity None 1 Low Medium 2 3 High 4 to imagine how in the emission characterization the number of different chemical elements and compounds could greatly tax the overall mechanism, there are many thousand different combustion-formed hydrocarbons, for instance. Also in the SEAS mechanism being developed in the EPA (V; USEPA; 1975) there are many more emissions collected than could be worked with in any type of sophisticated Simulation Mechanism, see Table 5.2-1. Priorities must be developed for including any of the different capabilities in the Simulation Mechanism. As an example of a high priority item, in the accounting procedures the future cost of capital is a very important, and very uncertain, economic parameter. On the other hand, the escalation rate for O&M costs is likely to be unimportant due to the relatively small magnitude of these costs. As another example of the systematic development of these modeling priorities consider the air pollutant emissions categories that might be used. Different types of concerns will have to be examined in order to determine which of the emissions deserve to be taking up the efforts of the Simulation Mechanism. Some of these concerns in the various categories include: Great Variability among Coals 1. Arsenic (sometimes 100 to 1000 times national average) 2. Barium 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Beryllium (0.1-1000ppm) Boron (100-1000ppm) Germanium (25-3000ppm) Uramium (1-200ppm) Sulfur (3000-120000ppm) 8. Nitrogen 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead Manganese Molybdenum Nickel Vanadium (1 to 3000ppm) .17. Zirconium Escape Abatement Equipment due to Volatility 1. Mercury (about 100%) 2. Arsenic (about 80%) 3. Beryllium (about 10%) 4. Nitrogen (about 100%) 5. Sulfur (about 99%) Relative Importance of Power Plants as an Emissions Source (IV; Goldberg; 1973) and (V; Starr and Greenfield; 1972) 1. soX (73.5%) 2. Beryllium (68.0%) 3. Chromium (53.5%) 4. Selenium (50.5%) 5. NOx (43.8%) 6. Vanadium (34.2%) 7. Boron (32.2%) 8. Particulates (31.4%) 9. Nickel (26.8% but mostly oil) 10. Barium (24.8%) 11. Mercury (22.0%) 12. Flourides (17.7%) 13. Magnesium (8.5%) 14. Lead (7.7%) 15. Arsenic (5.5%) 16. Tin (4.5%) -76- Approaching Ambient Standards or Rccommended Levels 1. SOx 2. Total Suspended Particulates 3. NO 4. 5. Ozone/Oxidants Hydrocarbons 6. Beryllium (20% of recommended levels) 7. Radiation (10% of recommended levels) Important from Standpoint of Health Effects Research 1. SO x 2. 3. Particulate Sulfates Sulfuric Acid Aerosols 4. 5. 6. NOx NO Ammonia 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Particulate Hydrocarbons Particulate Hydrocarbons Particulate Hydrocarbons Particulate Hydrocarbons Heat Radionuclides (carcinogenic (carcinogenic (carcinogenic (carcinogenic -) potency potency +++) potency ++) potency +) 13. SiO 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Arsenic Asbestos Beryllium Chromium Lead Mercury Nickel Tin Vanadium 23. Zinc Synergistic Pollutants Potentiators 1. SOx 2. NO x 3. Total Suspended Particulates 4. Ozone 5. 6. Reactive Gaseous Hydrocarbons Metal Oxides 7. Iron Antagonizers (beneficial to health) 1. 2. 3. Arsenic Cadmium Copper 4. 5. Manganese Particulate Hydrocarbons (carcinogenic potency -) 6. 7. Selenium Titanium 8. Water Hardness From these types of lists some priorities can be developed. For example, highest priorities for incorporation should go to those compound that consistently occur in these different lists, such as sulfur compounds, nitrogen compounds, In this way the size beryllium, arsenic compounds, and uranium/radioactivity. Mechanism can Simulation the in procedures manipulation and of thebookkeeping be kept reasonable. -77- 5.2.1 Example of Simulation Mechanism A simplified hypothetical example of a simulation is presented here. This example is intended to show some of the bookkeeping and modeling functions of the proposed mechanism as well as to show the flexibility of the mechanism that is due to the modularity of the different portions of the mechanism. The motivation for this type of modularized approach is obvious: (1) it probably reduces the necessary amount of contracted work on plant and control characterization; (2) it facilitates the-updating process; and (3) it reduces the turnaround time on studies of newly emerged technologies. It is not immediately clear to what extent this modularized approach would affect accuracy of the results. For example, it is well known that scrubber performance is very sensitive to the variation in the characteristics of the fuel used. One would hope that the fuel-caused variations of the inflows to the scrubber could be characterized sufficiently to show this performance difference, The example that has been chosen involves the use of six different coal examples in a present state-of-the-art 1000 MWe coal-fired power plant sited near Cairo, Ill. with and without a specific type of physical coal cleaning process. There are thus twelve vectors of Resultant Factors that are developed for these 6X2X1= 12 Assessment Options. All Non-Technical Factors are set.at default values. Not all of the Technical Factors nor all of the Resultant Factors are derived for this example, just to simplify this computation and display procedure. So initially flags have been set to show that the only Resultant Factors of interest consist of: Economic Resultant Factors Capital investment Operating cost Performance Resultant Factors Availability Energy efficiency Environmental Resultant Factors Air emission rates for NOx, SOx, CO, particulates, arsenic, beryllium, mercury, nickel, and radium In addition to this subset of Resultant Factors, it has also been preselected that only the mean values are of interest in this particular assessment. The first step in the Simulation Mechanism is then the recollection of the Technical Factors for the coal samples chosen. Some of these Technical Factors are shown in Table 5.2-2. -78- Table 5.2-2 samples. Some Technical Factors associated with the six different coal Sample Number Description /l06 Btu at mine Transport cost mills/ton-mile 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pittsburgh Seam West Kentucky Ill. No. 6 Wyom. Subbit. S. Dak. Lig. No. Dak. Lig. 90 72 74 123 118 96 17.0 17,0 32.0 7.2 7.2 7.2 (barge) (barge) (truck) (unit train) (unit train) (unit train) The distance that each of the six coals would have to be transported are 681, 178, 154, 1010, 744, and. 810 miles respectively. Other Technical Factors for the six coal samples are shown in Table 5.2-3. The pyritic sulfur content of the six samples is assumed to be .7, 1.2, 1.1, .1, .1, and .1%. The coal cleaning process that is an option in this example is presumed to be approximately a Level 4 Beneficiation as described in (V; Argonne National Lab; 1976) and is located at the powerplant site. Technical Factors for this process are listed in Table 5,2-4. Table 5.2-4 Coal Cleaning Technical Factors example Economics Capital Investment ($1000/10,000 ton output/day) Operating Cost ($/ton output) Performance Total Energy loss (%) (%) Availability Cleaning Efficiency (% of input material removed) Organic sulfur Inorganic sulfur Nitrogen Organic (Total) Minerals Mercury Arsenic Beryllium Nickel Uranium (tons in/tons out) Yield 8,350 7.10 10.5 95.0 6.5%' 65.2% 18.3% 15.4% 52.0% 50.0% x sulf. pyr. sulf. total 15.0% 15.0% 15.0% 15.0% 75.4% For the sake of simplifying this example the emissions from the transportation and coal cleaning processes are not included. The Technical Factors for the 1000 MWe coal-fired power plant are shown in Table 5.2-5. -79- Table 5.2--3 Constituent Breakdowns of Coal Samples Used in Example Pittsburgh Seam Coal Western Kentucky Illinois Number 6 Wyoming Subbitum. So. Dak. No. Dak. Lignite* Lignite ASTM rank BTU/lb moisture % vol. matter fix. carb.% ash % hydrogen % oxygen % carbon % nitrogen % sulfur % arsenic ppm beryl. ppm merc. ppm nickel ppm uran. ppm * Values in this table are generally realistic averages from particular coal seams, from (I; Abernathy and Gibson; 1963), (I; Bowen; 1966), (I; ESSO; 1973), (I; Hall, Varga and Magee; 1974), (I; MclIeal and Nielsen; 1976), (I; O'Gorman and Walker; 1971), (I; Ruch, Gluskoter and Shimp; 1974), (I; Berry and Wallace; 1974), (I;Bertine and Goldberg; 1971), (IV;Goldberg; 1973), and (I; Klein et al.; 1975). The exception to this more or less realistic example is the South Dakota lignite from Hardin County. Although the uranium level is accurate, 3300ppm average with 7800ppm maximum, some of the other trace metals were chosen at unrealistically high levels for this coal field. These values are, however, typical of values from other sources and thus South Dakota lignite represents a worst case example from the standpoint of trace metal contaminents. At the very latest prices for uranium,ores are being mined that have as little as 2000ppm uranium content, thus values above this level in coals would probably only be used as fuels if that uranium content of the coal was not known. -80- Table 5,2-5 - Technical Factors for coal-fired plant of 1000MWe -I- Economics (1000MRIe) Capital Investment $465 x 106 Operating cost -(Mills/kV hr,) fuel .11 x ¢/106 Btu other 17,3 Performance (%) Total Energy Loss Availability (%) (Btu/kW hr.) Heat Rate 62.0 68.0 8530 Environmental Consequences Nitrogen oxides (gm/min) Sulfur oxides Carbon Monoxide ParticulatesArsenic Beryllium Mercury Nickel Radium 226 Radium 228 46900/lb N/10 Btu 15000/lb S/10 6 Btu 1200 385/% ash 1.73/ppm .35/ppm 4.3/ppm .043/ppm .032/ppm uranium .009/ppm uranium - ------ - The assumed value for this table is 10,000 Btu/lb. coal, thus if the heat content of the coal used is different then that then the number in the table must be scaled to reflect the greater or lesser amounts of coal used. With rather simple arithmetic, keeping track of the different heat contents per ton of raw and processed coals the Resultant Factors for this example are given in Table 5.2-6. To get a rough idea of what the increases to ambient concentrations will be, assume 17,250 m 3 /min outlet velocity and a dilution factor of 10,000 to reach the 24 hr, -max. concentration, The continuation of this example into the area of ambient levels and health impacts is presented in Section 5.3.1. -81- _ I _ 0' o o a) C C C CO 00\ cO 00 '.0 L r- m ) CV'O 0 . C C **·00 00 D -IO r-4 Cl Cl M C" -I Cl .O H HH- Cq r I'D. Cl C Ln c rt -. -- M - - _~~~~~~~~~~~~~- H C L Cl r-4 c-k Co oO, H o0 O' Lt Cl Lt _ 0O o U q) oo o L7 Cl 00 C. a) H - u3 rl hi U) . 0 03 cn Q Ho Pa) cM .03 03 f ; * H (r)T rH O . . Ci %D O * OH Z C C)C)-ZH h1-Itr 1 r C 0 O .I00t '.OH ,0 r-A-3. * *·00 co co I'D Cl -Zr, *O m 00 0 Lv, o -U 'N * rI . 3o C) - C) u 1 r-I * O O Clri a, Hr- *.03 o* 00 00 mr C4 ON I- ,1 co 03 cu o3 0 O ~n Cr4 LONu'L '.Hrl H sr'. H-rOHH c. ,Cc1H CIl o o) 4 cd a) -Hi oOr 0 r- C OH O OOc C' cd C *cn 0 0 -I Cl 0? c o H 0 - r-Hi c'4 - - j- -Z Cl H-Zr-I 00 r lr- r . - H. c0 o. O a H-[H o o o 10 a C* L 0O O0 0 P-O0L 0D -0c- r- 'o ( 0 Cr · O0 H-l · · · H- * -o00 r-Cr)cnC4I m rI- C,41- Lv, Lv MC ,C - -Zr oY L \-0 cq -Z-ZrC-ZI'Dcr) 1~ - -It- .H o hI-i o Co * 00o r Cl -H n r)HI c -t .00 CIA Cr, '0 -Z ,_n r, CY) co 03 HOO o. o C o ,0 *- r, .H . . ,-H 1n O O rd O 4 u u p CO0 ¥3 -. 4 _ :J . 'DO 00-It. ___ cn r, Co nt _I ___ -H a) P-; 5 C, ur Cl4 L, a) Ed H- ua) 4i Cd 0' r44. ) :> ·ro a) 1 __ m) Ca ula a) ) S u C) C-Co. *H r b- C>0) a) *H a) Cd , -H ,4 o P a) U n Cj -0.C a) O Cd O O D Ln ClH-Ic -H . . P w uD 0 4-J- H oo D-C r-l 4i H4 40 O 5 .H o S -82- 0 d U P4 003 C) CoO Cl-l CO c) rl : -. -rl r s- H z V a) Ca W s a) a) EH E l C) · d · -rl C Cd F4 m :t ; 2 5.2.2 Methodology for Improvement of Mechanism .-- _ . c There is obviously a constant need for improvement of the data and models in the Simulation Mechanism. Aside from these data needs, the methodological extentions that would be most desirable are those described in the following sections: 5.3 taking the results to the health effects stage; 5.4 regional aggregations; and 5.5 national aggregations. Some additional areas of future work might include efforts to supplement the list of different emissions with some that may be important but are diffecult to model: hydrocarbons by groups, heat, carbon dioxide, moisture, noise, aesthetics, very low frequency electromagnetic waves, and so on. Another area of possible future research is the area of more accurately characterizing the timing of the release of emissions so that they can be more accurately spliced together with timing of weather conditions and eventually with timing of exposures of humans. Figure 5.2-2 shows one attempt at a time-collapsed characterization of frequency, duration, and magnitude of emissions releases. The most important future area of research not covered in Sections 5.3 through 5.5 is the whole field of model validation. Modeling devices, particularly those that are quite complex, are rarely well understood by potential users. Either due to lack of good documentation or lack of careful study of the mechanism, the results of the modeling tend to take on mysterious, larger-than-life reputations. Such misuses have the potential for overshadowing any of the valuable contributions that could be made by such models, Model validation research should include careful analysis of assumptions and scoping of the areas of model accuracy. 0 Ifu) *IVl 5-> r- rl O C) r4 Cd ) o w o0 r 0 f-H .I- 4-' 5- C0 o H 0 Vrl xi LLJ n) o U' OCN -L 0 4O r- 0 brL) U) ni E M.-~ a, N. ·0. W 0 LW O4- 0 l E Orr- ar a, *4 aJ' Cr4 PCl U)-- Fz4a C: -o :> .0 --) .4- 0 0-0 Os- n 4( ;= - I 5.3 Potential for Emission-to-Health Modeling There is an increasingly urgent need for methods and mechanisms that could be used to compare various energy options from an impact viewpoint. Historically, the development of energy technologies has not been guided by particular concern for the health effects that might result. There is now more concern for health impacts of future technologies generally because there is greater perception that significant health impacts exist and these have not been internalized in decisions about energy technologies. Still, however, there is relatively little known about the health effects of any of the energy systems, past or future. A 1000 MW coalfired plant is believed to cause between 1 and 100 premature deaths in the general public (V; Hamilton;-1974) and even this guess does not include any mutagenic or carcinogenic impacts. For a number of reasons assessments of health effects of energy technologies will become more important in the future: (1) health assessments are needed to guide in the development of national energy policies, particularly the choice among alternative sources; (2) research needs and priorities for R & D funds could be greatly influenced by projected health impact barriers to commercialization potential; (3) health assessments could be useful in the process of finding for new energy facilities the sites with the least impact on human health; (4) health assessments are necessary to formulate rational, balanced programs for cost - effective control and safety equipment and procedures, e.g. $100 million spent to save $3000 of fish cannot be spent for a hospitalI and finally (5) the trial and error approaches of the past for slowly introducing new energy technologies can not be used in the face of the projected, massive introduction rates for new coal-using technologies with the possible enormous masses of new pollutants that will suddenly be emitted. Regardless of the scenerio that is projected there is certain to be significant change in the energy choice/use patterns of the future. The amount of health effects information that will be known and useable to those who make our future energy choices is cause for concern. The outline of .the major barriers to the implementation of an appropriate program to cover these concerns is contained in the "Ray Report" (V; Ray; 1973; 19:50, p. 32): "Supporting Evidence: It is clear that a sound base of scientific capability exists for this work. No major difficulties with scientific feasibility are foreseen in achieving the goals. Few engineering problems are anticipated, but close cooperation between biologists, environmental scientists and technology development engineers will be required to minimize environmental impacts of present and new technologies. The major potential barriers are: (l) inadequate commmunication between the environmental scientists and the energy technology developers and -85- (2) lack of established policy for the timely incorporation of environmental impact data into the development and implementation of energy systems and associated technology." co.-lsistent ith barrier (.) is by providincg Thei. :ideall manner n whicl L :o de:l 1 .assu,n1tions and formats, and n.: .ethrdo.ogy and rT.,ccha:n:i;smlfoir quick Jii ter-retation of the imlicaticns (;ps, :riori.t.ies nTc..'d-r iony) of -tany of te dvelopc. B<rrier (2) o he of the rcla.:r frlds. a,%1' data ns i becoci:s -avilabl e .in possi.ble p :.-tLicl.o solutlinnons, coulrl best be aittackedc out,ide of t R'RavReort, by distrJibl-tin%! wideI. v the data t:1b:cc'.-s available., r-!-.Jlg widely uS:eabl some type( of- s.-r ltirIc L mcl.chnli_2snfor cia'y i:Lrc,;:i-Lpretat i.on of results, and, most import-n!tl.y, Ar.!..ing the rcsul t , of environmenta~lla] t:h ceffect ases, fol;rm at rea. i. ly u;cicLC for te technologies. .~isn th-i.s informatio int:elli.gelt dec:isi:cns wold .be. and it wll if rccw':ari.]se our of -ra.li:- fitutre tleal lents in a diverse, complting energy woi:.1d he]p to ensure q avai.able Ibr;;de about: fac:ili::atet:lle task of te that c-ncr,;ychoice/uls;e patterns, lderstanding .c.l of iubll,, of the al;:.ernltives. There is, fortuantely, decades of literature in this area;' two bibliographies contain more than 500 sources each (0; Gruhl; 1976a), (0; Gruhl; 1976b). Some of the literature most relevent to this project area is described here. The general schematic for simulation of the health effects from the emissions of a single energy facility is shown in Figure 5.3-1. Most of Meteorological Demographic and Background Emissio 40 Emission and Ambient Standards Comparisons Health and Cost/Benefit Impl ications Figure 5.3-1 Modeling tasks for extending emissions levels to health effects. the previous studies have concentrated on one or more of the functions in that block diagram representation. Actually, health impacts result form all of the different stages of the fuel cycle of an energy facility, beginning with the health effects coal itself. Perhaps the most important single factor implicit in the mined in characterizing coal is the occupational health consequences per unit heat value. These health hazards, due to the carcinogenic dusts, suspended and soluble organic and inorganic chemicals, can be found in many data bases, on Environmental (.V;QS5Council (V; University of Oklahoma; 1975) or Quality, 1973), for example. The physical processing of coal involves health problems in the suspended or soluble inorganic and organic chemicals in treated or untreated waste water. Modeling of the pathways and data on the (V; Hamilton, 1974) and that effects of these pollutants is available refine their results. to and other projects like it are continuing Ambient pollutant levels are created around the energy facilities by using the same dispersion models described in section 2.1 and adding to them the background concentrations known to exist. Measurements on these (many sources are discussed in background levels are generally available section 2.1) and are even known for some of the rarer trace metals, see Table 5.3-1. Low High 14 54 0 5 7 5 35 204 21 20 13 55 Calcium Lead 1682 494 4274 1000 Bromine Potassium Zinc Iron Manganese Gallium Chromium 39 316 319 1838 75 6 39 143 1189 937 21,368 507 14 123 75,000 140,000 Nickel Copper Arsenic Rubidium Selenium Strontium Suspended P'articulates (ng/m /24 hrs.) Table 5,3-1 Ranges of median values over several sampling stations of background anbient levels of atmospheric trace elements (V; Winklestein et al; 1974) Demographic assumptions are necessary in order to develop population (V; exposure patterns, Currently available is the model used by NAS National Academy of Sciences; 1975) for a typical urban or a typical remote siting location, See Figure 5.3-'2. Most of the early research on population exposure patterns was concentrated on the assessment of one-shot accidents. For example, one study was performed on the effects of a nuclear reactor accident compared with the impact of a conflagration of the fuel supply for an oil-fired power plant, see Figure 5.3-3 Nuclear reactor accident assessments remain as the most elaborate pollutant/demographic studies due to the licensing requirement for a very tedious complete characterization of the distribution of population around a proposed site. A number of excellent studies of population exposure patterns have been developed for this purpose: (V; Frigerio, et al.; 1973), .(V; Hart; 1974), (V; Honstead; 1970), (V; International Committee on Radiological Protection; 1969), (V; Kolde and Kahn; 1970) and (V; Sagan; 1971). There are some additional considerations that must be incorporated when extending the methodologies of radioactive exposure patterns to the ,87- ,Metr bpolitan Area Remote Poiint at Which Ambient Leve,I Observed: 520 km frorr I Power Plant and 40 1km Inside Metropolitan Areat . i |' ' .- .- -... -- -480 km .-- . 60 km Wind Direction Point at Which Ambient Level Observed: From Power Plant, Urban L - , 15 ° P F H 80 km ~~~~~~. (All Metropolitan Area) Figure 5.3-2 Geometry of a typical rural and urban demographic situation (V; NAS; 1975) i I .- g g A DISTANCEFPRO.PLANT MET£nS) Figure 5.3-3 Cumulative mortality as a function of distance from oil cor.flagration and nuclear releases from power plants(V; Starr, Greenfield and Hausknecht; 1972) -88- chemical pollutants: the one-shot studies become series of erratic bursts; and the indoor-outdoor patterns are more important (V; .S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1972). Work in progress that has interim results in.this field of chemical pollutant exposure patterns includes: a TVA computer-graphic display of specific environmental distrubution patterns; the EPA methodology guidelines (V; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; 1976) for developing cancer risk exposure patterns; and the previous portions of MITs program on chemical pollutant population exposure-patterns (V; Gruhl; 1976). This previous work was directed toward the preliminary development of probabilistic dispersion and demographic models to result in a method for creating concentration-versus-population surfaces. These surfaces would then characterize the impact of energy facility operation on exposed populations, see Figure 5.3-4. log of potency of :: log of nun of exposur (populatio times episoaesj ; of ltion of sure (e.g. 'ne year's time) Figure 5,3-4 Concentration versus duration versus population surface for characterizing the exposure history of a population around an energy facility There are several indications that the surface in Figure 5.3-4 could be characterized by a single curve (due to the straight-line characteristic of 'log of concentration' versus 'log of duration' for a stationary sensor). With such a characterization the uncertainty associated with the exposure pattern could easily be characterized (using a similar curve for geometric deviation, for example). This type of exposure pattern information would splice together perfectly with dose-response information in the appropriate format (assuming the conce-ntration in Figure 5.3-4 is actually a potency index). There have been few attempts to pull together overall energy/health simulators and even these attempts have resulted in estimates that have lacked precision, generally due to inadequate health/pollution data. The -89- (V; Comar, Sagan; 1976? p. 588) following table is a collection of results that shows the level of accuracy in current estimates. Table 5.3-2 Premature deaths per year in the general public associated with operation of a 100 MWe power plant (values are lowest and highest (V; Comar, Sagan; 1976; p. 588). estimates from cited references) Coal Transport .55-1.3 Processing 1-10 .067,100 Conversion 1.6111 Total Note: Oil Natural Gas Nuclear - .01-.16 1-100 1-100+% 0++ .01-.16++ Dashes indicate no data. There are a number of reasons for these limitations and uncertainties, some of these are listed in (V; Gruhl; 1976a) and most of these reasons are due to the lack of good correlations between pollutant levels and health impacts. This information is very difficult to develop because: (1) the air is filled with a huge number of potentially harmful substances; (2) various pollutants are often simultaneously present and thus the effects are difficult to associate with the particular causitive agents; (3) it is difficult to determine the impacts of chemical interactions (that is, potentiating or and synergistic combinations antagonizing combinations of pollutants); (4) there may be many causative agents in addition to the air pollutants; (5) there is a general lack of well-defined dose data for past exposures; and (6) age, sex, latency periods, and pre-existing ailments all contribute to the susceptibility of populations. The numbers that are developed so far have not been sophisticated enough to account for genetic effects, carcinogenic effects, and other low-level effects that may in the long run be the major consideration. Thus, this area of research is sorely in need of new methods and information. A starting point in the development of a simulation mechanism could (V; National Academy of be the National Academy of Sciences simulator Sciences; 1975), see Figure 5.3-5. The options available for study using the NAS assessment mechansim include: Fuels: Coal (3 types: eastern) high sulfur, low sulfur western, low sulfur ,90- Figure 5.3-5 Example of a methodology for the systematic assessment of health effects of an energy facility (V; NAS; 1975) Uranium Generatorst Existing coal-fired 620MW New coal-fired 612MW Old doal-fired plant reconverted from oil to coal Nuclear 1000MW Fuel Treatment; Coal Cleaning (Preparation only) Emission Treatment; Scrubber Intermittent Control and Tall Stacks Site Location: Urban Remote The resultant health effects categories are; 1. 2. Occupational Health A. Mortalities B. Morbidities C. Man- Days Lost D. Occupational Health Costs Public Health A. Mortalities -91- 620MW B. 3. Morbidities i. Chronic Respiratory ii. Aggravated Heart--Lung Symptoms iii.Asthma Attaches iv. Children's Respiratory C. Public Health Costs Pollution-Related Damage Costs A. Biota Costs B. Material Damage Costs C. Aesthetic Costs This NAS study was admittedly quite crude, but it does offer an excellent example of the extent to which an energy/environment assessment could be carried. The analyses performed with this mechanism included a number of excellent sensitivity studies with respect to uncertain parameters such as sulfation rates. Some of the obvious places where advances on the NAS model were in order included, in particular, the crude one meterological condition dispersion model and the extension beyond the SO2-particulate method for determining health effects. Critical reviews of some of the other health effects assessments of alternative electric power technologies can be found in (V; Comar and Sagan; 1976) and (V; Institutt for Atomenergie; 1975). The most important comparative studies of the health effects of different energy technologies include: (V; Argonne National Lab; 1973); (V; Energy Research and Development Ad; 1975); (V; Carnow; 1974); (V; Gruhl; 1976c); (V; Hamilton; 1974);(V;Lave and Freeburg; 1973); (V; Rose; 1975); (V; Sagan; 1974); (V; Starr, Greenfield and Hausknecht; 1972); and (V; U.S. Atomic Energy Commission; 1974). Many other articles are listed in (0; Gruhl; 1976a). All of the references just listed skip one or several of the functional modules shown in Figure 5,3,1,, For example, two blocks in almost all health/ energy assessments that are not dealt with by physically-significant models are the "Air Pollutant Dispersion and Aerochemistry" and the "Exposure Patterns," Generally this short--cutis taken by using correlations of regional tons of emissions to regional health/damage estimates. Another assumption used by all of these studies was the utilization of SOx (ometimes with particulates) as a gross general indicator of approximate total air pollution. A number of other health/energy studies are underway. One effort that is not completed but which does have substantial interim progress is the SEAS-Strategic Environmental Assessment System (V; Environmental Protection Agency; 1975). SEAS currently exists in module form only, the package to be put together by 1979-1980, Briefly it is a model of the interaction of energy and environmental problems with the entire national economy (modeled using a large input-output scheme). Thus, SEAS takes into consideration materials and resource availability, capabilities of supporting industries, and so on. The list of atmospheric pollutants collected is impressive, still its direct application to health/energy assessments is not possible. Hydrocarbons, for example, are all in one category with no regard to carcinogenic potency. Ambient concentrations in SEAS are estimated from emission-to-ambient scaling procedures much like those used in Project Independence (V; Federal Energy Administration; 1974) see Figure 5.3-6. Health effects are included only insofar as they are reflected in the dollar consequences of the emissionto-damage scaling estimates (the emissions from the 1973 National Emission Data System collection by industry and pollutant, the damages from 1971 estimates by region.) 4-I U) 0O o t * ¢0 tO u) Cc o2o) ef) < rl 4 f V1 CO U ¢0? U C.- Z) rC C4.- t( (S / *^_ < t( *C1 4l 0 o L. O'. ¢F (3r L'J -I E~C o l o0J** oq, r-) 4H J*x4 -93- Some of the other outstanding examples of environmental methodologies that are relevant to this report's topic are in the area of cost/benefit/risk assessments of nuclear power. some of the best results from this field are in (V; Gillette; 1974), (V; Hammond; 1974), (V; Jordan; 1970), (V; Rudman; 1974), (V; Sagan; 1972), (V; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 1975), (V, Wilson; 1972) and an excellent critical review of this field in (V; Starr, Rudman, and Whipple; 1976). One of the areas of the energy/health field that is fast growing to be of greatest concern is the cancer potential of coal-using power plants. The principal carcinogenic air pollutants that result directly from the conversion and combustion of coal include a list of polycyclic and other aromatic hydrocarbons, trace elements and radionuclides. Given an opportunity to react in the atmosphere, a whole series of organic nitrogen and sulfur compounds join the list as indirect carcinogenic emissions. Filially, if the suspected promoters are also included then the list of agents to be considered expands to include almost all of the common pollutants. For example, S0 2 is a suspected potentiator of the carcinogenic effect of polycyclic organics such as benz(a)pyrene; some metal oxides, such as FE20 3 act similarly as accelerators; NO 2 and ozone are suspected of interfering with complex clearing mechanisms and thus contributing to carcinogenesis; NO and NO 2, in the presence of ammonia and acids in coal combustion plumes could contribute to the formations of nitrosamines of pronounced carcinogenicity (V; Preussman; 1976). It is thus obvious that the systematic assessment of carcinogenic hazards cannot concentrate on a small set of pollutants but must take an across the board approach. Systematic carcinogenic assessments have been developed largely in two areas of the government, The National Cancer Institute has made a number of contributions to this field, a summary of these efforts from the energy technology viewpoint can be found in (V; Schneiderman; 1975). The EPA in its Cancer Assessment Group has developed an assessment methodology for determining chemical carcinogen risks (-V;U.S, Environmental Protection Agency; 1976)., For the chemical carcinogens the EPA has altered the stance of "lowest practicable level" regulations used for carcinogenic ionizing radiation releases to a stance of "balancing risks and benefits as a basis for final regulatory action." Thus, there was a need for an assessment methodology. While this EPA carcinogenic assessment methodology could make a number of important contributions to this particular project it is not wholly applicable by any means. Assessment mechanisms for regulatory use, in general, have levels of risk aversion built in at any number of places, One example is the prudent assumption of the direct linear non-threshold relationship between biological effects and amount of dose. Another built-in risk aversion is the use of the dose to the highest exposed individual as the design criterion. In the context of this current discussion, in which a curve of health risk versus probability might be a result, different levels of risk aversion would be different points on a curve all of whose points are important in a comparative assessment context. The only source that really attacks the carcinogenic aspects of coal-fired electric generation in (V; Watson; 1970). This is, however, more a listing of carcinogenic suspects that are believed or known to be in electric power plant emissions. A National Cancer Institute study proposed by the MIT Energy Lab is in fact intended to be a way of extending the current state-of~the-art beyond that type of listing effort by putting real impact quantifications and measures of uncertainty on the results. -94- It is important initially (and in future extrapolations) to have the information on the carcinogenic potency of individual pollutants and synergistic effects of whatever combinations of pollutants are available from existing data bases (V; National Cancer Institute; 1974). It is obvious, however, that for this field to progress new and even uncharacterized mixtures of pollutants likely to impact future populations would have to be postulated and synthesized and these new mixtures would have to be tested for carcinogenicity to more accurately account for synergisms. In addition to the NCI data base (V; National Cancer Institute; 1974) some of the many sources of information on atmospheric carcinogens include (V; Buck and Brown; 1964), (V; Carnow and Meier; 1972), (V; Fenter and Margetter; 1973), (V; Hettche; 1971), (V; Hueper; 1966) (V; Stocks; 1966), (V; Winklestein and Kantor; 1969), (V; U.S. Dept. of HEW- 1962), and (V; Wynder and Hamond; 1967). These data vary considerably in applicability to the systematic framework concept. Much of this data and all the otherpollutant/ health data is in terms of thresholds at which effects are noticed,- and even when this format is used very systematically, it is not in the most useable form, see Figure 5.3-7. w 4d 0A. 0 Figure 5.3-7 Threshhold type display of dose-response information (V; Starr and Greenfield; 1975) A more useful format, from the assessment viewpoint, is a doseresponse relationship for predicting magnitudes of effects: linear nonthreshold (V; Bruces; 1958), linear with threshold (V; National Academy of Sciences; 1975), log-profit, and half-power (V; Starr, Greenfield, Hausknecht; 1972) models have all been used. Some studies have bounded above and below with different types of models (V; Starr, Greenfield, Hausknecht; 1972). The ideal format for operating on population exposure patterns has a different dose-response pattern for each health effect to be modeled (such as mortality, mutation, stomach cancer, total cancer, or whatever). Associated with each effect there is a functional combination of the potentiating, antagonizing, or additive pollutants and this funtional combination acts as -95- an index of the potency of the particular combination. Ideally, thent curves of probabilities of an effect at the different potency-duration pairings would be plotted, see Figure 5.3-8. A display similar to Figure pote Figure 5.3-8 Dose-response information in a format ideal for assessment usie 5.3.8 showing instead the isopleths of geometric standard deviation associated with each pairing would add the very useable probabilistic information. There are, of course, problems with this postulated 'ideal' format, for example in the treatment of abnormally susceptible populations. Hopefully, socio-economic indexes or density implications might be worked directly into the potency functions to the extent that they affected health responses. In any event, Figure 5.3-8 can offer a useful initial format for assessment purposes; the available health effects data can generally be easily fitted into its appropriated position on this format. The regression analyses are the primary exception. The problem with regression analyses is that they never claim to establish causal dose-response relations, just statistical association. The variables of a regression analysis are certain only to be indexes of the true (perhaps unknown) causative agents. The results of regressions can be useful in the absence of knowledge of causative agents or, possibly, in independent evaluation of results. The most widely prblicized regression analyses of health effects of air pollution have been reported in (V; Lave and Seskin; 1974) and (V; Hickey; 1971). Common pollutants, trace metals, and organics have been employed as indexes to carcinogenic hazards (V; Hickey, et al.; 1970), (V; National Research Council; 1972), (V; Schneiderman; 1975). Many of the programs that have produced the previous references are continuing. There are, in addition, several new projects that can be expected in the future to provide significantly valuable inputs to this physically significant simulation field. EPA is increasingly being charged with short-term problems, however, there is a considerable abount of information being developed that can be of initial use in an overall assessment. The EPA has begun the funding (2/76) of an Integrated Technology Assessment program at Teknekron, Inc. (V; -96- Teknekron, Inc.; 1976). This involves the development, by about 1980, of an simulation mechanism that will model the social, environmental, and economic problems of electric utility systems. Included in their current plans are modules to simulate dispersion and exposure patterns, see Figure 5.3-9. A similar ERDA program, National Coal Assessment, is being carried out by Argonne National Laboratory as part of its Regional Studies Program. Current ERDA programs in population exposure pattern studies include research on the methodology for describing the populations surrounding energy facilities in terms of demographic, socioeconomic, and health indexes. The HNL work is concerned with areas of Tennessee; Argonne has chosen fifteen different locations. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories are presently conducting tissue analyses of the general population in specific locations to determine trace metal accumulations attributable to nearby fossil-fueled facilities. These studies will attempt to create exposure patterns without dispersion modeling. Mutagenic and carcinogenic activity of fossil-fuel combustion components (HNL, Argonne, UCLA, are currently being studied at six ERDA laboratories Pacific Northwest, Lawrence Livermore, and Franklin McLean). Accidental exposures around pilot facilities are to receive top priority in the collection of data on health effects. As far as the planned research is concerned, the array of chemical agents is so complex and the expertise so rare that only the potentially hazardous materials of highest "priority" are being investigated. As far as breakdowns in methods of approach for determining the effects of fossil-fuel pollutants they are roughly: pollutant-nucleic acid (Brookhaven, Lawrence, Los Alamos); differentiation between interaction (Argonne, Holifield, Lawrence): rapid inducing and promoting activities (Holifield); screening of coal conversion process streams and products Argonne, Pacific Northwest, Brookhaven, determination of likely doses to man Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute, University of Tennessee, and University of California-Davis); and pollutant interactions and dose-response determinations (Pacific Northwest, ITRI, Holifield, and University of Rochester). -97- 4. (4 ,H o u, u a o· a urr ': 09o X o u vl L) W CO 4-J u HO I I Z 0-1 c·Ot OU L· d " I- Ir It Iriu -rO OU n0 O o O 0o I VI I~;~ ww sIuraLL? I u, cor QZ I U- -1 E" 4U JC Urcy)r a_ U o U t -r tn II 0o3 0 >· I ,n u=v, c;c c o nurrco COC Oc-·U W-3 ;-PO .CIC· -14 (L st < I'l lz ;z7t L., 1; .~1 J o a H 4a U rtj I- m w 11--!;7 : - ', t=b l w !~ 11 =: , III a; I 0d O ) .44-4 4-1 tJ Ha .,P4o -98- 5.3.1 v Example of Health Effects Simulation Extending the simulation mechanism from the emission characterization stage to the health impact level involves including several additional assumption categories and some new, and possibly complex, functional modules.There are a few alternative methods that can be employed to avoid some of these more difficult modeling tasks. The dashed lines of Figure 5.3-10 shows one example where scaling procedures, such as the emission-to-impact regional modeling based on regression analyses, can be used as one alternative to the dispersion and aerochemical modeling that would be required in a physically significant simulation procedure. The example presented here is just an extension of the hypothetical example from section 5.2.1. To really be carried out in complete detail, different dispersive models should be used for the different pollutants, Climatological data should be used and pollution profiles should be developed for the various distances at each of the 16 points of the compass. Table 5,3-3 from (V; Hamilton and Morris; 1974) shows this type of development, although not at different wind directions and only for the "common" pollutants. Background levels should then be superimposed and comparisons could then be made against the ambient standards, see Table 5.3-4. At this stage ose-response curves should be used for the various pollutants. For example, Table 5,3-5 (V; NAS; 1975) shows some sulfur curves, and Table 5,3-6 has dose-response relationships for some other pollutants. From this material and demographic information on population densities at the downwind distances in each of the wind directions, see Figure 5.311, some information on health impacts can be developed, such as in Table 5,37. The example that is presented here does not go into this level of detail. The pollutants collected in the example from section 5.2.1 are the only ones used in this example, and the only health effects computed are the mortality harvests indicated by the levels of the 24-hr. maximum concentrations. These indications of the maximum 24-hr. concentrations are in this example found by dividing the emission rate in gm/min by the 17,250m 3 /min emission volume and using a standard diluting factor of 10,000. The health effects are here approximated by the formula that proposes that for the population exposed the annual mortalities are equal to the ratio of the 24-hr. maximum to the 24-hr. recommended standard. Although this is a hypothetical formula it does give some indications of what the actual impacts might be. For example, ten times the standard is presumed to annually cause ten premature mortalities in the exposed population, one-tenth of the standards causes one-tenth of a premature mortality. _99- If) F- I -_ ~~ } LdU ( _ =:) or U) _ _ _ -- ~ ~ . ~ r~ I Wn ~ I- ul .H / C I- O Il . LUj Li- __ U) LLJ I I \- | I LLI ,:C LL. LJ <I LL WL0._ LU Q- o T = V) X, Co J LL LL Z -J LL CO O L Cd 4J ILL LLJ VOLI -(O D L _J .H CD 4i C) OCD L~ LL zoI C-"'D O C)O ffj Lv a .~. Cc 0• CD = I J,r-LLI I r U 1_ L - 0) ci I1- - ~-!¢L1 :> < CL coI -__ .0 J __I -I I I ,I--I- < C) I COgl^ -1 4~i 4i D 4 -I ._J C:2 U) IU i 4- o r4 1 - . . .>---- < _______________~-I L . ._ Q. S 4i 1iLUVJ:3_ IUli U-) '-: Ct jI-I ,-, 4. ef) S WJ .-I I -0 ~ I U I- -- 1=D Lo-t~ 21 O 3 E --- E: LI ->> W.... _LU 0•1 -J C-) 0 C LU-, tJ _ r"' -- ---- >W1u :3D a) C)l °l L., crl Ckl -- -- · -- --- -- - TL---) _D V) OhO L I O _ _ I_ __ _ ON C a' uL r r ' r o n r r a 4 n 4 - rl 0 I N 4 CO s O H 4 lN oo Lt 'D .; _ c; 1; C-) CX, . ( -4 0 0 ' r- r0C , a' , O o,....; J O~~~~~cc~~~~~~c;~~~~~~~l all ('I N '? r (N 0 - 3 i (N 0 ( :3 -' ~* 4 N0 cn (N N a co 4 zr N ~ -4 . r) (N r . . H 9 GXO CJ o W 4O ¢4 4 000 vA L A O~( ( a G) '4-4 -4 n LA 1;1 4 C 0 n O 4-3 : a_luO U ) 0o -4 LA Ns Cl N (N * . . l N~ 0: ' o -4 -4 '.0 0 a- 4 rl 1-4 a aQ I. 0. 0. 43 (JO '-4 fq 4-i'd U 0 Pd 00 l 3¢ 0 0 N '-4 \0 OC --i LA 0 0 (N . c .4 C '.0N N 0C . .- . '0 O (N r 0' . a' LA 0 0-414 0 4J o ·4 rd ko Ln * -4 -4 rfO @ * -4 H O O) 0 .0 .0 0 c L L M -4C O O O O tn 00 0 0 0 .nr -4 h0 'A : 0000 - JdJ C0 Cd u 0 00 4 , 04>0 U O C) 30 Oi 0 00 I co O ; 4 o, CO 0 C) C-)n 0 o N o o -4 oa4 00000 i at OH a) 0 4 0 ,~ 0 o0 0C),-4 .4 ri (C .0 xo 0 Px X 4-3 e . X)) ,flN p 0-4 '1 O O4 (D 13, Xm 0 0 C: 0 ·.4 4-. X an ' - :1 4 0 t1 0 r O 0 -4 oi oO ) LI) O 1I _ K cl4 -, CX o0, 04 en ____ C-CF O af. C) ;- n 4 0; C) CX ¾ m ¾ f-. L I r'. ______ __ r-101- G0 0 >< >. C I rJ ,O ,-4 4J % I Uz Z _ 0 0 t) .J Ci) ',< 4 . C 'r ., 4 J '.0 v 3 U4 '-4 1I '-- 0 , O' 4i U -, aD ' uor !4 .4 0 C I tro 0 ji I PC) <II 0 H'O en G' 0 . L. 4- C) Ct -4t x E _ --,- ' 4 -4 ,-4 D f- CO r r-4 -4 -4 rN Table 5.3-4 National ambient air quality standards for the common pollutants __ Primary _ ____ Standarda __ Contaminant Averaging Interval Sulfur Dioxide 1 year 24 hours 1 year (by vol.) 24 hours 75d ppmb,c Pg/m3 (by vol.) 60 260 80 -- ppmb,c 3 . Suspended Particulates Secondary Standarda d 150 d 365 0.03 0.14 3 hours 1, 300 0.5. Carbon Monoxide '8 hours 1 hour 10,000 40,000 Photochemical Oxidant 1 hour 160 0.08 160 0.08 1 year 100 0.05 100 0.05 itrogen 9.0 35.0 10,000 40,000 Dioxide 9.0 35.0 a All values other than annual values are maximum concentrations not to be exceeded more than once per year. b PPM values are approximate only. C All concentrations relate to air at standard conditions of 250 C temperature and 760 millimeters of mercury pressure. d Annual average refers to arithmetic mean for gases and geometric mean for particulates. -102- Dose-response relationships* developed for use on suspended sulfate (V; NAS; 1975) Table 5.3-5 levels BEST JUDG.ZNT THRESHOLD FUNCTION EXPOSURE TRESII9LD SLOPE" ADVERSE HEALTHEFFkCT DURATION - INCREASED DAILY MORTAJITY ig/m) - 24 HOURS' OR LONGER . 25" AGGRAVATION OF HEART 24 HIOURS AND LUNG DISEASE OR LONGER AGGRAVATION OF ASTHMA - 24 HOURS OR LONGER " .252 9 1.41 6 3.35 EXCESS LOWER RESPIRATORYDISEASE Up to 10 YEARS IN CHILDREN 13: 13 7.69 EXCESSRISK FOR CRONIC RESP. Up to 10 YEARS DISEASE IN ADULTS*** 12 11.1 . . *These dose response relationshipswere developed in an unpublished: study for the U.S. Envirornmental ProtectionAgency. The "best judgment threshold functions"representsubjectiveapproximations to data, not precise mathematicalfits. -Thestudies upon which the estimates were based are as follows: Mortality;Lindeberg (1968), Martin and Bradley (1960),Lawther (196), Glasser and Greenburg (1965), Brasser et al. (1967), Watanabe and Kaneko (1971),Nose and Nose (1970), Buechley et al. (1973). Aggravationof heart and lung disease; Carnow et al. (1970), Goldberg et al. (1974). A/rava[on of asthma; French, Sugita et al. (1970),Finklea et al. (1974a,-Tnlea et a1.(1974c). Excess lower respiratorydisease in children;Nelson et al. (1974) Finklea et al.(1974b),Douglas and Waller (1966),Lunn et al. (1967), Love et al. (1974),Hammer(1974). Excess chronic respiratorydisease; Burn and Pemberton (1974),Goldberg et al. (1974), House et al. (1973), Hayes et al. (1974),Yashizo (1968),House (1974),Galke and House (1974a),Galke and House (1974b). **Change in percent excess over base rate for population,per g/m 3; change in suspended sulfate level. t**For chronic respiratorydisease, difficultieswith available data necessitatedthe unit of measurementto be excess risk rather than direct incidenceof illness. Actually, in its originally calculated form, separate dose response functionswere assessed for cigarette. smokers and nonsmokers. The function described in the table is a weighted linear average based upon the average prevalenceof cigarette smoking in the adult populationat risk. _ _ Table 5.3-6 Dose-response relationships including effects of trace metal pollutants, developed by regression studies (V; Hickey et al; 1970) Rea %oncficiont Annua mnortalit rt per 105 ppu;lazion Tot: caier Bseast cancer,L:asedon toa! populatiOns Stornachcancer LLn!JcarnerrL Deses of the hartl Arteri,;clerotic heart dcs:als ISC Kfcsm, fworin c(Cab;r~-i g:w' 0S4 2 Ti Watcr Consnt A2 .0 Cd 2 Cu 140-205 -15;.33 +40.130 +181J43 -10.120 170 51 % of .t - -25.6 28. D- 162-11t3 400-402, 410-43 -25.4 420 "-1. +2.5 +4. 2 +D.9X01 +51.616 +71.A31 +41.3? -... ~ - - hrdo;s "cbpained" If 2 x - 5.4 - .5 73.2 -Z9.r4 e5.1 23.14 47A C0}) -~~~~ -.2 47. O.152 -1.43 - *2.010 +d.117 - A; -24.225 ~.Gr 1,E410 - -'.0 - - -2.107 +5.462 -2.103 - - - - - - - 0.6255 - -A 10 10 106 .,4 4 -J 5 . 4 O 104 10 10 2 60 30 In ,V 10 20 30 40 50 Distance From Site (miles) 5.3-11 Information about cumulative population versus distance downwind Figure from energy facilities (V; Argonne National Lab; 1973) -104- Table 5.3-7 Excess mortalities within an 80km radius due to pollution exposure from a 1000lWe fossil-fueled plant with a 1000-foot stack (V; Hamilton and Morris; 1.974) I' . Total Population Within 80 KIM= 3.8 x 10 · SO 2 Reaction Rate - 10% Per IHour NUMBER OF EXCESS TECIŽr1OLOGJtCALALTER.TATIVES PERCENTAGE INCREASE IN MORTALITY DEATHS PRATE .100 10 0.27 0.03 10 0.03 30 0.09 EASTERN HIGH SULTJ'R COAL (12,000 Btu/#, 3% sulfur, 12% ash) 99% particulate removal 99% particulate + 90% sulfur removal FASTERN LOW SULFUR COAL (12,0C0 3u/#, 0.4% sulfur, 3 99.0 particulate removal ash) MONTAN.MA COAL (8,750 Btu/#, 0.8% sulfur, 8.4% ash) 99% particulate removal LOW SLFUR OIL (153,000 Btu/gallon, 0.2% sulfur). 99% particulate removal 3 0.01 40 0.11 HIGH SULFUR OIL (153,0'30 3tu/gallon, 2.5% sulfur) 99% particu.lite re.moval 99, particulate + 90% sulfur rex:noval 4 0.01. I Number of expected annual deaths in the population - --- 36,000 I- The 24-hr. recommended or standard levels for the pollutants used in this example are: NOx 455pg/m 3 (extrapolated from the annual standard) SOx 365gg/m 3 (standard) 710,000pg/m3 (standard) CO - 0pg/m3 (standard) particulates 26 arsenic .15pg/m3 (IV; Goldberg; 1973) beryllium .01lg/m3 (V; USAEC; 1974a) mercury .10ug/m3 (IV; Goldberg; 1973) nickel .03ig/m3 radium .02curies/yr (V; USAEC; 1974a) (IV; Goldberg; 1973) Assuming that background levels for each of these pollutants are ignored, these levels lead to annual premature mortality rates for these different 1O000Me coal-fired facilities at: _· Pitt Seam/ cleaned/ coal-fired Pitt Seam/uncleaned/coal-fired West Kent/ cleaned/ coal-fired West Kent/uncleaned/coal-fired Ill No. 6/ cleandd/ coal-fired Ill No. 6/uncleaned/coal-fired Wyo Subbt/ cleaned/ coal-fired Wyo Subbt/uncleaned/coal-fired S.Dak lig/ cleaned/ coal-fired S.Dak lig/uncleaned/coal-fired N.Dak lig/ cleaned/ coal-fired N.Dak lig/uncleaned/coal-fired -o06- plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant #1 #1 1.8 1.9 #1 4.3 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 4.9 4.3 4.6 4.5 4.8 #1 154. #1 #1 #1 167. 13.5 14.1 5.3.2 Future Data and Modeling Requirements In a recent ERDA report (V; ERDA; 1975; p5) it was stated: "Information about long-term health effects of continuous low level exposure is meager and thus is not taken into account in the present standards even though they may in the long run be the major health cost." This major gap in information about health effects must be considered as a potential major change in standards, and as such represents a large element of uncertainty in the decision making process of electric utilities. These environmental uncertainties will be particularly important factors for risk-averse persons deciding about commitments of large amounts of capital for furture energy facilities. This concern has been recognized by a number of utilities and, in fact, some have rated as "high priority" the study of the "relationship of community health to utility emisions" and the "identification of 'new' air pollutant components of utility emissions which mightbecome major concerns of regulatory or other agencies." Everyone seems to agree that there is a great need for new research in this field. There are several important goals that should be the focus of that type of future energy/health research. First, it should make available new information on the health impacts of various combinations and durations of community-level pollutants both common and "new." Second, it should extend to the dosage stage all of the sophisticated probabilistic models that have been developed for energy facility operations and pollutant dispersion modeling. Third, it should aim toward the development of a consistent, appropriate population exposure patterns for simply characterizing methodology for use in single plant siting surveys or in environmental evaluations of national energy scenarios. In addition, it should develop new information on the health effects not just frompollutantsbutfrom specific types of energy facilities and from long- and short-range background concentrations. Finally, through the comparison of many available health/pollution models a determination should be made of the predictive value of these models once they are removed from the place and time of their development. These goals represent a great amount of research, but it would certainly be worthwhile, and the dividends are likely to be very large. In addition to the realization of the goals previously listed, there are a number of possible indirect benefits. For example, development of some type of health impact assessor for energy facilities could produce a mechanism that could serve as a vehicle for much current health effects data and would thus provide direction, format, and incentive for future health research in the energy field. Another application for such a health assessment procedure is apparent due to the inadequacies of current air quality standards. Not only do present standards not accurately protect human health but it is not possible to comply with them. Even simple probabilistic dosage modeling can show that there is always a finite probability of violation the "once per year" air quality thresholds at least twice per year. Also with the new emissions sources that will always be added and the realizations of new pollutant/health effects, it is clear that the "once per year" threshold standards will have to soon give way to individual health assessments and a weighing of costs and benefits. There are strong indications that if the health assessment information were available we could be making better choices in almost all of our energy decisions. -107- 5.4 Regional and Power System Considerations There exists a number of questions of regional and national scope that could best be answered with aggregated data on the comparative technologies for coalfired electric generation. Two examples of such questions might be: a) How should ERDA development funds be allocated among the competing developing technologies to maximize substitution of coal for oil by 1990? b) TWhatis the maximum commercial level of, say, fluidized bed combustion in the nation's fuel use pattern in 1995? This section discusses the major issues to be considered in extending the present systems analysis mechanism to consider such assessments. The design of the present systems analysis mechanism has been limited to considerations of isolated power plants. As a result, it does not currently represent the interactions between power plants at different locations, although several measures important to those interactions, such as reliability, have been characterized. In the sense that a variety of coal types, transportation costs and plant sizes are characterized, it is possible to use the current mechanism to construct an assessment of isolated plants in different locations, but this capability falls short of representing the complexity of practical power systems operation and planning problems. This limitation was a deliberate strategic choice, made in order to address the most difficult and immedi-. ate assessment problems first and does not reflect any serious technical obstacle to obtaining aggregated results. The only direct concessions to regional concerns were the technical and resultant factors of introduction rate for new technologies, factors which are concerned with the cumulative limitation on the isolated plants. The design of the present systems analysis mechanism has taken the "utility industry perspective" on the choice of new equipment and fuel treatment methods. This perspective could be loosely stated as follows: The choice of new generation and its fuel is a constrained minimization problem. The major constraints are reliability of service, environmental and financial regulations and contractual obligations. The objective function is the present-worthed value of investments and operating costs for the total system. Contrast this perspective with that of a hypothetical perspective of an environmentalist: The choice of new generation and its fuel is a constrained minimization problem. The major constraints are reliability of service, financial regulations and contractual obligations. The objective function is the total emissions of all pollutants from all the plants. Costs are secondary. Or the hypothesis of an energy independence advocate: The choice of new generation and its fuel is a constrained minimization problem. The major constraints are reliability of service, environmental and financial regulations, contractual obligations, and the elimination of oil and natural gas as generating fuels by 1990. The objective function is present-worthed value of investments and operating costs for the entire system. Both our hypothetical environmentalist and energy independence advocate raise possible methods by which the comparative assessment of coal-fired technologies could proceed. But, barring new legislation, neither reflects the basis on which the decisions between technologies and fuels are actually made by persons in the utility industry. For an isolated plant, the utility industry perspective is largely a good engineering design approach. Costs for the total system and implications for the system reliability cannot be calculated, so alternative measures, such as -108- plant costs for design-level operation and plant reliability are considered. Unfortunately, for the reasons discussed in the next section, the isolated plant with the most attractive assessment is not necessarily the most attractive choice for integration into a power system. As a result, simple aggregation from isolated plants to national data is potentially misrepresentative. As more regional considerations are included the aggregate results should improve. The questions of importance are the identification of the salient regional and power system factors and the specification of the method for assessing them prior to the aggregation procedure. 5.4.1 Power System Integration Electric utility systems evolve primarily through the addition of new facilities, rather than by the replacement of existing facilities. This situation is the result of the capital intensiveness of the industry, its high growth rate and the long life of the typical plant. Consequently, when a utility is deciding on the construction of a new generation facility-determining its capacity, steam system, fuel, abatement, installation and so on--the choice is heavily influenced by the utility's existing and committed system. (ii;Anderson;i972) The choice of new facilities is influenced by the existing and committed system primarily through plant reliability and plant energy production. The impact of a given plant's reliability on total system reliability varies according to the size of the new plant relative to the existing and committed system and according to the availabilities of the existing and committed system units. Since total system reliability determines the margin (excess capacity required over peak load) requirements, this factor impacts directly upon the investment requirements of the total system. The design capacity factor of a new technology will not necessarily be its actual capacity factor. Since the overall economic attractiveness of a plant is strongly dependent on its fuel consumption, a change in capacity factor could be a critical factor in the choice between two competing technologies. The amount of energy which a given facility can be expected to produce is determined by its availability (a function of characteristics such as maintenance requirements, environmental restrictions, and forced outages) and its incremental cost of producing energy. Depending upon the incremental costs and availabilities of the plants in the existing and committed system, a new facility may operate close to its availability (a baseloaded plant), may have frequent periods of service but not operate close to its availability (an intermediate or cycling plant), or may operate infrequently (a peaking plant). Typically, baseloaded plants offer lower operating costs (10 mills/kWhr) at the expense of high plant investment ($500-$1000/kW). Peaking units offer low investment and short lead time for construction, but have high fuel costs (40 mills/kcWhr). A plant designed for baseloaded use and operated as a cycling unit, or vice versa, will be uneconomical. When planning a new facility, a utility usually simulates the operationof its new facility with its existing and committed system to determine whether the design operation will actually occur. The simulation techniques, called production costing methods, are widely used and readily available (Ill; Booth; 1972 ), III; Ringlee and Wood; 1969). Table 5.4-1 0aI;Edison Electric Institute; 1975; p. 21) and Table 5.4-2 all;FPC; 1970; p. 1-18-23) indicate some of the differences in the existing and committed systems found in different regions of the country. Table 5.4-1 indicates the MW installed capacity in each major generation class for each state and census region. Figure 5.4-1 shows this data as the census region's mix of energy generation in 1974, indicating the different emphasis that the different regions have placed on hydro, conventional steam, nuclear steam, and internal combustion. -109- Table 5.4-1 Generation - Total Electric Utility Industry, by states and type of prime mover driving the generator ii; Edison Electric Institute; 1975; p2 l). 1973 AND 1974-KILOWATT-HOURS IN MILLIONS Total Electric Utility Industry 197 4 p Total United States ..... 1973r 1 864 961 1 856 216 Maine.................. New Hampshire......... Vermont................ Massachusetts........... Rhode Island........... Connecticut ........... New England......... 7 4 3 28 1 23 69 557 637 605 816 231 391 237 7 5 2 33 1 21 72 New York.............. New Jersey ............. Pennsylvania ............ Middle Atlantic....... 103 32 98 3 750 9C0 884 Ohio .. ........ Indiana ................ Illinois ................. Michigan ... Wisconsin ....... .... East North Central... Minnesota .............. Iowa ................... Missoul i................ North I)akota........... South Dakota........... Nebraska ............... Kansas................. West North Central.... Delaware ............. Maryland ............... District of Columbia..... Vir9ginia ............. West Virinia........... North Carolina .......... South Carolina .......... Georgia.............. Florida ................. South Atlantic......... IKentucky .............. Tennessez .............. Alabama ............... Mississippi .............. . East South Central.... Arkansas............... Louisiana .... Oklahoma .............. Texas .................. West South Central.... Mlontana............... Idaho .................. Wyoming ............... Colorado ............... New Mexico............ Arizona ............... Utah.: ................. Nevada ................ Mountain............. Washington............. Oregon .............. California ..... Pacific............... Alaska ................. Hawaii ............. Alaska & Hlawaii...... Conventional Steam Hydro 19 71p 1973r 19711) 1973r 300 447 271 634 1 445 785 1.494 901 1 756 920 359 4 422 7,53 1 853 1 435 994 489 5 4.40 5 216 2 201 3 315 193 25 359 1 202 11 983 7 283 2 610 3 810 167 28 039 1 177 16 373 52 17 28 639 (285) 1 391 29 .45 29 154 (337) 1 371 30 188 65 29 90 185 5St 572 -151 60 10 445 106 1 050 1 706 8 4S0 113 890 2 107 98 56 71 59 22 033 366 342 350 536 9) 699 3 317 3 598 307 627 309 91 -135 587 931 776 539 6-18 521 736 890 1 713 2729 5 624 1 293 7 872 905 007 382 795 370 3 11 042 116 437 12 992 6 741 5 801 -'9594 98 8.. 191 56 862 91 453 6....... 61 452 32 559 340 617 22 15 38 8 6 12 18 28 2 33 61 58 31 37 75 171 545 025 475 324 302 200 542 405 781 505 520 159 611 881 336 I46 53 52 58 11 543 705 0146 462 175 756 12 172 105 778 36 261 103 841 2.5 880 99 59 92 62 28 920 524 514 561 734 34/3253 21 15 38 7 5 9 17 105 6'22 90 36 1... 120 2 246 407 019 3(63 819 2 2 4 1 - - 19 313 949 524 060 060 3 398 11 767 10 344 - 3 823 11 452 11 778 - 179 593 25 509 27 053 4 263 4 236 52 59 56 11 964 474 497 000 1 690 2 16-1 1 1 270 1 69 33 102 20. 58 71 58 20 16 13 36 5 12 334 17 371 11 055 803 650 122 528 999 771 '19- 331 360'O 227 070 10 15 20 20 3 13 4 1 045 477 6 887 3 413 3606 252 33 129 142 263 9 694 1 292 27 646 3 264 35 716 56 530 62 178 28 029 35 916 76 280 12 41 30 135 3..... 39 9 506 853 245 771 874 204 129 076 7 107 3 862 4178 234 6 347 26 39 - - 2 482 2 885 7 970 16 911 10 213 25 16 290 12 226 22 13 312 9 27:3 3 73 6 998 9iD9.4 7 226 3 585 362 11 173 25- 272 44 298 43 -Sj-320 - 19 592 416 8 256 20 051 2 834 5 952 148 51 413 636 61 213 48 444 551 71 2 288 - 96 666 97 781 9' 290 6 741 5794 293 307 50 40 41 11 145 938 413 462 4 363 931 -- 375 263 561 033 067 001 738 094 11 057 43 7 877 293 926 930 49 48 43 11 126 072 96S 060 5 953 - 6 289 - 143 9,58' 152 226 6 289 8715 41 133 26 502 132 963 361 3 590 1 61 3 761 1 700 7 39 29 140 219 935 9 484 9 697 216 3383 209 313 361 9 136 9 725 7 520 1 330 - 1 411 1 414 74 7 393 941 1 601 1 110 1 281 65 7 187 1 111 1 669 391 099 971 124 0-17 159 1 616 9 252 13 093 19 238 10 338 2'500 12 162 32 24.5 28 195 73 129 68 199 1 213 85 71 071 75 3169 5 290 302 95 736 101 3.28 8 223 10 14 19 17 3 13 395 526 420 5-10 626 8-5 !6 711 78 28 137 244 - - 9686 8222 542 138 347 311 8 9 14 19 13 3 12 1 871 5 288 1 7.1.t 5 087 326 17 286 20 1 383 5 118 1 306 4956 7 6 831 3j43 306 6 601 6 22 p Preliminary. 68 28 38 135 r 8-14 139 751 73 Revised. , ( ) - -2,9§ 3 996 - 82 301 35 964 t46 120 164 68 Source: Federal I'ower Commission. 5 989 .3 351 -1 598 5 120 4 303 14 372 - 565 -1-t 134 1,40 D159 83 334 937 19.1 529 392 722 7 321 16 686 25 3 27 56 55 18 31 71 1973r 3 57 16 14 36 5 752 404 758 028 625 689 962 348 197 -p 112 740 126 013 0I0 199 996 906 286( 604 Internal Combustion 197.p 1973r 834 283 022 746 684-1 6 659 17 438 26 2 26 61 51 16 33 67 -1497 Nuclear Steam 600 - 238 441 290 16 354 755 356 488 395 2 22 357 832 3 870 2 094 2 45il - - - 100 6 858 - 6 166 - - 25 -8 27 -4 - 4 681 404 271 17 705 .537 416 - - - - - 314 - - - 6 368 192 321 13 341 234 337 887 925 - - 1 137 -- 314 - - - - - - - 11 2,8 317 - - - - 11 11 15 15 11 -11 - - 3 890 - 2 861 ' 751 4 431 - 2 632 7 063 1 3 152 117 15 15 14 -77 - 7 107 - - - 1327 1 3 270 - - - - 162 153 152 111 - - 315 263 - Denotes negative figure. Table 5.4-2 Generating capacity by type of prime mover; peak demand, and reserve capacity by regions 11l; FPC; 1970; pI-18-23) 1970 1980 MWV Percent 1990 I1NW Percent MW Percent Northeast Conventional hydro ................. Pumped storage hydro .............. IC and gas turbines ................ Fossil steam ...................... 8.9 2.8 9.7 73.2 5.4 5,800 1,800 6,300 47,500 3,500 Nuclear ........................... 6.2 8.0 8.0 41.5 36.3 7,000 9,000 9,000 47,000 41,000 3.5 9.4 6.5 23.4 57.2 7,000 19,000 13,000 47,000 115,000 - Total capacity .................. 64,900 100.0 113,000 100.0 Peak demand ................... 52,900 ............ 93,000 ........... Reserve capacity .................... 12,000 ............ 20,000 .. Reserves in percent of peak.......... 23 21 ............ o,......... 165,000 ............ 36,000 ............ 22 oo.......... 100.0 201,000 ............ East Central Conventional hydro ................. Pulnped storage hydro ............... IC and gas turbines ................. Fossil steam.......... Nuclear ............ ...... ...... 1,000 1.8 100 2,400 0.2 4.4 51,200 93.1 300 0.5 --- Total capacity .................. Peakdemand..... ................. Reserve capacity .................... Reserves in percent of peaklc........ 1.9 3.9 6.8 2,000 4,000 7,000 77,000 13,000 74.8 12.6 3,000 14,000 12,000 115,000 42,000 103,000 100.0 186,000 1.6 7.6 6.5 61.7 22.6 -- 100.0 55,000 44,000 ............ 82,000 11,000 ............ 21,000 25 25 ............ 100.0 148,000 ............ 38,(00 ............ 26 ............ Southeast Conventional hydro ............... Pumped storage hydro....:.......... IC and gas turbines ................. Fossil steam ........................ Nuclear........................... 0.0 11,000 4,000 6,000 77,000 34,000 8.3 3.0 4.5 58.3 25.8 100.0 132,000 100.0 9,300 14.6 100 2,700 51,600 0.2 4.2 81.0 0 63,700 13,000 13,000 14,000 121,000 94,000 5.1 5.1 5.5 47.4 36.9 255,000 100.0 --- Total capacity .................. Peakdemand..... ............ Reserve capacity .................. Reserves in percent of peak.......... 52,900 10,800 20 ............. o.......o... ....... o... -111- 110,000 ............ 211,000 22,000 ............ 44,000 20 ............ 21 ......... ............ o.o Table 5.4-2 (continued) 1970 IMWN\ 1980 Perceit lW 1990 Percent Percent MW WeYstCentral Conventional hydro ................. Pumped storage hydro ............... IC and gas turbines ................. Fossil steam ........................ 8.2 0.9 9.9 3.5 50,000 19,000 3.7 2.4 9.8 60.9 .23.2 100.0 82,000 100.0 3,500 400 4,200 Nuclear ........................... Total capacity ................ Peak demand ...................... Reserve capacity .................... Reserves in percent of peak ......... 33,000 1,500 77.5 42,600 3,000 2,000 8,000 3,000 4,000 2.0 2.6 9.2 14,000 54,000 35.6 77,000 50.6 152,000 100.0 35,700 ............ 69,000 ............ 128,000 ............ 6,900 ............ 13,000 ............ 24,000 ............ ............ 19 ............ 19 19 ............. South Central Conventional hydro ................ Pumped storage hydro ............... IC and gas turbines ................. Fossil steam ........................ 4.7 3,000 0.2 4.3 3,000 44,400 90.8 85,000 0 0.0 8,000 2,300 100 2,100 Nuclear........................... 2.8 2.8 6.6 80.2 7.6 7,000 4,000 1.9 8,000 14,000 46,000 3.8 6.6 65.9 21.8 211,000 100.0 139,000 ---------------- Total capacity .................. 100.0 48,900 Peak demand ...................... 40,600 Reserve capacity .................... Reserves in percent of peak.......... 100.0 106,000 ............ 91,000 ............ 8,300 ............ 15,000 ............ 20 ............ 16 ............ 182,000 ............ 29,000 16 .... ,........ ............ West Conventional hydro ................ Pumped storage hydro .............. IC and gas turbines .............. Fossil steam ..................... Nuclear.......................... 29,700 45.8 1,100 1.7 1,500 31,400 1,200 48.4 54,000 32.5 3.9 2.3 41.9 1.8 25,000 19.4 101,000 32.1 39.6 100.0 129,000 100.0 255,000 100.0 2.3 42,000 5,000 3,000 20.4 4.7 3.2 52,000 12,000 8,000 82,000 __ Total capacity .................. 64,900 Peak demand ...................... 49,600 ............ Reservecapacity.................... 15,300 . Reserves in percent of peak.......... 110,000 .O 31 ............ -112- ........... 19,000 17 ............ .. 216,000 ............ 39,000 ............ 18 ............ __~ .. i~~~~~~ ~ ~ -I 1 i. .. * . 0 I G"~~~- · ...... ! ... ?......... . ,.... .... . . . .-.. . ....-,-. .~, .......-- . L-. ....... ___ . ... ~ , ... ' ....... . ,, ................ . rl ci. .~- i I; . -6 .. .-... .~.~...... i · , . 0'~ ~ ~' ~~~~~f ~~~~~~~~~............... ~~...- -...... · . 4- ..-.....-....... ' ...... i · : I .......... .... .;..._. ':....... ;---... ................ ....... :-!·-1·--·-~ .... h~~~~~~~~~~~~~,4.L~ - ........... 0 U1 4 *. .......... .... i. -.. .!.... i-· ... !'-:... .a... .......... - 1 ·· ~~~~~ ~ · · i :· i : ?i I I L40 m CJ 0~ N 0o ~' I~~~~~~~~~~I. .rt · { , ..... I ---- ~-. ---· -- i1 :~........i, . . - -.--·-. . i....:... .... ~. . ....... '~i . ....-t . .!-- · i·--i· ...-L .:.._ , ~~~~·t- '........... r~ ~ ·--;~ ~. ~~~r- ~-· - -r- -:-- - ·- ·-------i I '·· ,- · ·- ·- ·-- · ·-- · · . . .i4 0) 0 · ·- "'~o I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... ;..· i "--.. ,.~ ... .,...r. .... _:... ~. _:._ ~__~.._' i ..... _i , · -···- :-· · ·-:- 'L·-- I ... : ~.... - (O o : 'a' . *14. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~.. ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· ...i...:.. ..."'N... '-i..:... .~ ! . I a0 . dk 'T , ' , ! ! ,- 4-4 - I . - I : i e3 :, - · *e - .. · I - I . ' , · " . 'C :; I 1 ! -113- . "U I ;' I Table 5.4-2 shows capacity information for 1970, 1.980and 1990 for the FPC reporting regions and indicates not only the different existing mixes, but the different rates at which the regions are planning to change their mix. (Since the figures in Table 5.4-2 are pre-oil embargo, they should not be considered reliable in terms of actual BMUT levels for 1980 and 1990.) Tle utilities included in each of the regions and their most recent FPC load and energy data (Nov. 1975) are given in Table 5.4-3(III;FPC; June 1976; p. 10). 5.4.2 Regional Characteristics The choice of a new facility is also nfluenced by conditions which are beyond the utility's control, but are still characteristic of the particular company's service area. Examples of such conditions are the climate (which helps dictate the shape of the load and the type of plant cooling technologies), the status of the local economy (which helps to affect fuel costs and alternatives, abatement options, and labor costs), and regulatory policy (which helps to affect company finances, environmental performance and site selection). These regional considerations affect a utility's choice of new technology in two ways: first, they directly affect the cost and competitiveness of the new candidate technologies; secondly, these regional considerations will have had a cumulative effect on the evolution costs and operation of the existing and committed system. Thus, the Northwest is heavily hydro while New England tends toward nuclear: the competitiveness of candidate technologies would vary in those regions not only because of regional differences in their costs of construction, materials and operation, but also because a new fossil plant would. be utilized differently in Oregon than in Connecticut. The tables and figures on the following pages are intended to illustrate some of the significant differences among various regions and power pools. Figure 5.4-2(III;FPC; 1972; p. I-18-22) shows the distribution of winter and summer load peaking regions in 1970 actual data and 1990 projections. This system factor influences reliability, maintenance scheduling, peaking requirements, and the necessity for backing off base load plants. Table 5.4-4(III;FPC; 1972; p. 1-17-3) indicates the 1971 capacity, peak load for 1970, and thelargest unit in each pool. These are primarily reliability measures for the pools, for instance a 100OMW low Btu plant installed in the Iowa Power Pool would have a drastic effect on its reliability (being 40% of peak and 28% of installed capacity). Its effect on the New York Power Pool would be much less. Figure 5.4-3(III;FPC; 1972; p. I-10-19) displays the results of three FPC studies of cooling water facility costs. Capital costs are found to vary in 1990, study C, as much as 67% (West Central-South East) and annual costs as much as 80% (West Central-South East).. The significant factors here are climatological, requiring different sizings to achieve the same condenser cooling capabilities. Figure 5.4-4(III;FPC; 1972; p. I-19-11) indicates the actual 1968 and projected 1990 power costs. Differences in this factor could be significant for technologies with high ancillary power needs. The oil embargo impact has been to accentuate the gap between the Northeast and other regions. Table 5.4-5(III;FPC; 1972; p. I-19-9) indicates the annual costs of working capital in the various regions. This factor, coupled with stringent capital availability restrictions such as the utility industry has experienced around the time of Consolidated Edison's dividend suspension, could be a significant constraint on the ability of utilities to invest in the more capitalintensive projects. Table 5.4-6(III;FPC; 1972; p. -18-25) provides estimates of the expansion projections of the industry, based on conventional coal-fired technologies. -114- Table 5.4-3 Electric energy for load and system peak loads, major electric utility systems - November 1975 (III;FPC; June 1976; plO). i ENERGY- PEAK LOAD 1000 KWH KW SYSTEM AND POWER SUPPLY AREA RI:CION 11- EASr CENTRAL(Continued! Bg Itives EicstricCocperative East eritcxy Ruril ElectricCooperative renilersois,MuncipalPower& Light Coiblinid R.rlort: KentuckyUtilitiesCo.: Old Dominion1owerCo. Ownsboo, Kent.cky, MunicipalUtilities REGIONI - NORTIIFAST CombinedReport NewEnglandPowerExchange: BangorHydroElectric Co.;Boston EdisonCo.; Braintree Mass.)ElectricLight Dept.;CentralMaine PowerCo.;CentralVermontPublicServiceCorp.; ConnecticutYankeeAtomic PowerCo.; EasternUtilities Associates; Fitchirrg GasandElectric Light Co.;Green MountainPowerCorp.;Holyoke(Mass.)GasandElectric Dept.:;MainePublicServiceCo.;NewEnglandElectric System;NewEnglandGas & ElectricAssociation; NewportEiectric Corp.;NortheastUtilities;PublicService Co. of NewHampshire;TaurntonMass.)MunicipalLighting Plant;United IlluminatingCo.;Vermont ElectricPowerCo. Inc.; YankeeAtomic ElectricCo.,andSmallerPublic PrivateandCooperativeSystems in Area. I&2 CombinedReport- NewYork PowerPool- NewYork State Interconnected Systems:CentralHudsonGas& Electric Corp.;Consolidated EdisonCo. of N.Y,; Villageof Freeport;Jamestown MunicipalElectricSystenm; LongSault Inc.; LongIslandLightingCo.;NewYork State; Electric& GasCorp.;Niagra Moh.awkPowerCorp.;Orange& Rockland UtilitiesInc.; PowerAuthority, Stateof New York; Rcchester Gas& ElectricCorp. 3& 4 Cormbined Report- PennsylvaniaNewJerseyMarylandInterconnection:Atlantic City Electric Co.; BaltimoreGas& ElectricCo.;BethlehemSteelCo. {SparrowsPoint Plant);Delrnarva Power& Light Co.; GeneralElectricCo.; JerseyCentralPower& Light Co.; LuzerneElectric Division,UnitedGasImprovementCo..; MetropolitanEdisonCo.;NewJ.erseyPower& Light Co.; Pennsylvania ElectricCo.;Pennsylvania Power& Light Co.;PhiladelphiaElectricCo.;PotomacElectricPower Co.;PublicServiceElectricandGasCo.;Vineland,New Jersey,Muiicipil System 5& 6 Sile HarborWaterPowerCorp.' 5& 6 troTAl. Rt:(lGON 11 19 19 19 Y1 477,'7 121.000 536,00 z2tDQ 1.34e000 o I .r s445 19 62.000 .3 48,25.e00 . Adininistriticn Philpott 18 Project) - - - m - - - U.S. Departmentof the Interior.SoutheasternPower Administration S,121.83 - s,37.eog (John H. Kerr Project) VirginiaElectric and PowerCo. Tennessee Valley Authority includingAlcoaSystemand U.S. Department of theInterior, Southeastern Power Administration(Cumberland BasinProjects) Carolina Power& LightCo. Duke PowerCo. LockhartPowerCo. South CarolinaElectric& Gat Co. South Carolina PublicServiceAuthority {Sontee-CooperProject) Yadkin, Inc. South MississippiElectricPowerAun. U.S.Departmentof the Interior,SoutheasternPower t2.4120 16.89.00 Administration (Clark Hill Project) 11,801,023 CombinedReport TheSouthernCompany:Alabama PowerCo.;GeorgiaPowerCo.;Gulf PowerCo.; MississippiPowerCo.;SouthernElectric GeneratingCo. ElectricandPowerCo. Savannah U.S. Donaitment of theInterior, Southeastern Power Administration(Allutnona andBuford Projects) U.S. Department of theIterior, Southes-ternPower Administration IWater F. GeorgeProject,Carter, 2,5.13co _,s 26,207.361 51,917,COQ WestPointardJones Bluff) 18 .. 18 ,5.521 9,3S365 2.054,8I1 3,754,16 24.431 741.12i 17,075.000 4,05,00 ,,o 30,000 1,393,000 21 21 22 355,414 111.046 81.1t4 713,000 159,00 110.000 3.993000 951.,105 t1,833.00 1,366,795 43,985 253,235 2,633,000 2,191 13,0J0 627,000 48.000 632.572 1328.00 1,749,425 3,34,000 5$g.325 ]35.394 109,31 1,100,000 110.01.Oe 5,304. 38 040^ 34.7Ll.J 1.372.1G$ 2,2.1 14 9,620,0DO 2,000 3,01,000 1,34.00 55.610 138.341 12 12 983.402 119,224 12' 12 12 12 12 28.177 138,11 625.193 so3r.teo 211.G00 1,00,O0O 190.000 32,000 1,208,000 950.000 928.031 12 12 12 1.217.011 39.001 1,431,.00 1.31.00 01110 t11lt'6I 3%0l00 I -115- a - 10.552 168,00 22 & 23 22 & 23 6.447,306 16,3 12,brt,00 308.000 22 & 23 22& 23 - - - - -1,181.a 2,48.352 - 2.712,00 5120,000 GainesvilleElectricWiter & SewerUtil. Bd. Jacksonvile, Florida,ElectricAuthority Lakeland.Florida,Daparteentof ElectricandWaterUtilities 24 24 24 4.02 405,211 2,1.13 I OrlandoUtilitiesCommission Tallahassee, Florida,City of TampaElectricCo. Ilnterconnected System) U.S.Dep trnent of the Interior,Southeastern Power Administration IJimWoodruff Project) 24 24 24 13735 11s01 7tS,4;s 313,000 It.0 1,3t7,0 24 - -- 'FOrAL RCt;ION III ,.10000 -. 22 & 23 U.S.Departmentof the Interior,Southeastern Power Administration(Hartwelland Millers FerryProjects) 22 & 23 Florida PowerCorporation 24 FloridaPower& Light Co.(InterconnectedSystem) 24 2,120.10 . ,0 20 21 21 21 21 21, 22 & 23 Alabama Electric Cooperative, Inc. TOTAL REGI;ONI Hamlton,Ohio.Mnicipal PowerPlant HoosierEnergyDiv.; IndianaStatewideR E.C.; Inc. ln'Jlarapo!isPwer LighltCo. LouisvilleGasandElectricCo. and Subsidiary NorthernIndianaPuble Service Co. (Total CmnpanySstem) Publc Service Co.of Inliara, Inc. l{Interconrected System) Richmond,Indiana,Powerand Light SouthernIndianaGasad ElectricCo. ^- REGION Ill - SOUrlTIEASTr U. S. Oepartment ol theInterior, Southeastern, Power REGION11- EASTCENTRAL CombinedReport: AlleghenyPowerServiceCorp., and Subsidiary,MononghelaPowerCo.,andSubsidiary, The PotomacEdisonCo.,andSubsidiaries, & WestPenn. PowerCo.,andSubsidiaries 7 Duquesne LightCo. 76 TheClevelandElectricIlluminatingCo. 8 Clave!and,Ohio, Divisionof Light& Power 8 BuckeyePower,Inc. 9 Columbus,Ohio,Municipal ElectricPlant 9 Columbus andSouthernOhio ElectricCo. (CompanySystem) 9 CombinedReport: Ohio EdisonCo.;Pennsylvania PowerCo. 9 TheToledoEdisonCo. 9 Ohio Valle ElectricCorp. (includingsubsidiary 12 9 & Indiar-Kentucky ElectricCorp.) CombinedReport- AmericanElectricPowr System: Appalachian PowerCo.;Indiana& Michigan ElectricCo.;KentuckyPowerCo.;KingsportPower Co.; Ohio PowerCo.;WheelingElectricCo. MichiganPowerCo.;Sewell ValleyUtilities Co. 10,9 & 12 Danvil:e,Virgiia, Water,Gas andElectric Department 10 Consumers PowerCo. MainSystem) 11 The Detroit EdisonCo. 11 Detroit.Michigan,PublicLiglhtingCommission 11 Lansing,Michigan,Boardof Water& Light II The CincinnatiGas& ElectricCo. and Subsidiary Companies TheDaytonPowerandLight Co. r- r",, ENEfRGY PEAK SYSTEM AND POWER SUPPLY AREA 100 LOAD KWH KW 31.037,0 110,000 s3,00 18,000 60.610,000 Table 5.4-3 (continued) 7NERGY SYSTEM AND POWER SUPPLY AREA RC(;ItONIV NORTII CENTI RAL Consolidated WaterPowerCo. 13 EdisonSault ElectricCo. 13 Kaukauna,Wisconsin, Eitctrical & WaterDepts 13 MadisonGasandClhctricCo. 13 Manitruoc,Wlsconsin, PublhcUtilities 13 UpperPeninsula PowerCo.(IntergratedSystem) 13 CombinedReport: WisconsinElectricPowerCo.; Wisconsin MichiganPowerCo. 13 Wisconsin Power& LightCo. andSubsidiaryCo.) 13 Wisconsin PublicServiceCorp. 13 Commonwealth EdisonCo. 14 MissouriPower& Light Co. 15 Union ElectricCompany 15 DairylandPowerCooperative (Alma.Cassville, ChippewaFalls.Flambeau,Genoa,Wisconsin. and Twin Lakes,Minnesota 16 LakeSuperiorDistrict PowerCo. 16 CombinedReport: MinnesotaPower& LightCo.; SuperiorWater,Lil ht andPowerCo. 16 NorthernStatesPowerCo.(Minnesota)and Subsidiary Company(intercoinectedSystem) 16 Rochester, Minnesota,City Electric Department 16 UnitedPowerAssociation 16,26, & 27 InterstatePowerCo. (Main Interconnected System) 17 CornBelt PowerCooperative 17 iowa ElectricLilqht& PowerCompany 17 Iowa IllinoisGas& ElectricCompany 7 IowaPower& Light Company 17 Iowa PublicService Company 17 Iowa SouthernUtilitiesCompany 17 CentralIllinois LightCo. 40 CentralIllinois PublicServiceCo. (Interconnected System) 40 ElectricEnergy,Inc. 40 Illinois PowerCo.(Total System) 40 ',utheril Illinois Po.werCooperative 40 ringfield,Illinois. City Water,LightandPowerOept. 40 TOTAL REGIONIV (Narrows Dam Project) CombinedReport. U.S.Departnment of the Interior, SoutlwasternPowerAdministrationSPAPool: SPA InterconnectedHydroSystem,includingBeaver, Bull Shoals.Dardanelle. Denison,Eufaula,Fort Gbson, GreersFerry, Keystone,Norfork,Ozark,TableRock, TenkillerFerry, andWhitneyProjects 25, 33, 34.& TheCentralKansas PowerCo. The Kansas Powerad LightCo. WesternPowerDivisionof CentralTelephone& Utilities Corp.(Interconnected System) OklahomaGasandElectricCo. (General Transmission System) PublicServiceCo.of Oklahoma(Interconnected System GrandRiverDamAuthority Southwestern ElectricPowerCo.(Interconnected System) WesternFarmersElectricCooperative The EmpireDistrict ElectricCo. Kansas GasandElectricCo. Kansas City.,Kansas,Board of PublicUtilities KansasCity PowerandLight Co. dissouri PublicServiceCo. IWarrensburg System) Springfield.MissourlCity Utilities , St. Jose;h Light& PowerCo. 25 RCt;ION V SOUSTI CI.NTRAI. 2 .51S 124,16 11.29 207,155 1,2716.11 46,131 400,00 4,72,934 20.16 1.530,440 2.60.000 927.000 8071,000 .991.003 241,.000 2.75,000 1.7,402 2,0os 407.000 ls5.000 497S132 0o.e000 641S5.734 3.076.000 32.50 174.000 174.659 301.000 25.6699 492.000 64,548 ll3.00O 075,931 74l,000 25,521 523,W00 309.130 633.000 2t,.412 4i7.00 11060so. 239,000 31.524 102.00 656.450 53,2471 953,201 45,051 1 25 S.92.00s 93,000 49,oo00 034,087 065.00e --- --- - - l04,o47 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 1.035,161 069.062 21tt30 e59.314 14.l320 ss)s 410,24 43.611 54 11t2 lo.757 35 35 35 30.5.000 1.01,.5,5 42,700 201.970 29 35 1,261.000 744,00 1.024,000 0.000 16.9,000 64.6 11.521 41.,51 30132.31 1.51,712 --- 61.000 76,000 t0,000 TOTAL REGIONV REGIONVI - WiST CENTRAL BlackHills Power& LightCo. (Interconnected System) MinnkotaPowerCooperative, Inc. Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. (Interconnected System) NorthernStatesPowerCo. (Minnesota)(FargoGrand ForksSystem) NorthernStatesPowerCo. (M;nnesota)Minot System) NorthwesternPublicServiceCo. Otter Tail PowerCo. U.S.Bureauof Reclamation(MisscuriRiver BasinEasternDivisionIntegratedSystem) TOTAL RE.GIONVI 200,00 2.002.000 ,.3060.00 311,000 1255.000 301.oo0 306.004 641.00 261.000 t.093,000 315.00 10s.008 S 1ts.000 ,000 - 6l.00 3.692,000 --- -116- 35 Lubbock,Texas,MunicipalPowir & Light 36 Southwestern PublicServiceCo. (Illtercnnected Srstem) 36 CombinedReport: razo0sElectricPower Coctperatlve. Inc.; BrazosR.verAuthority 37 ElectricRelihaility Councilof Tesas(ERCOT) AustinWater, Lig!t & Po. er Departmrnent; Central Power& Lilht Conpany; D)allas Power& Light Company;HoustonLighting& PowerCompany;Lower ColoradoRiverAuthority: SanArtcnio City Public ServiceBoard;TexasElectric ServiceComprany; Texas Power& Light Companyand WestTexasUtilities Company 37 & 38 WestTexasUtilities Co. (Interstate System) 37 U.S.Departmentof the Interior, SouthwesternPower AdministrationWhitney DamnProject) 37 U.S.Bureauof ReclamationandIrnternational Boundary andWaterCommissionFalconDarnProject) 38 CombinedReport: U.S. Bureauof Reclamation (RioGrandeProject);El PasoElectricCo.; CommunityPublicServiceCo. (SilverCity, Alamogordo and Hollywood.N.M.); PlainsElectricGeneration& Transmission Cooperative; PublicSerice Co. of New Mexico(Albuquerque-S3ntaFeLas Vegasand Deming Division ·IntegratedSystem);Town of Gallup,N.M.; City of Truth of Consequences, N.M. 39 CombinedReport: NebraskaPublicPowerDistrict; Nebraska PublicPowerDistrict(EasternSystem); CentralNebraskaPublicPowerand IrrigationDistrict; Loup RiverPublicPower District, City of LincolnElectricSystem OmahaPublicDistrict CombinedReport- Interconnected PowerSystemPool, AreasNo. 31 and32: U.S.Bureauof Reclamation's WesternDivisionAreaof Regions VI andVII; PacificPower& Light Co.(Wyoming.Division); CheyenneLight, FuelandPowerCo.;Nebraska PublicPowerDistrict (Western Div.); andother utilities andmunicipalitieswithin the geographic area . ColoradoSpring,Colorado,Dept.of PublicUtilities Colorado-UteElectricAssociation,Inc. PublicServiceCo.of Colorado(CentralSystem) The WesternColoradoPowerCo. SoutherilColoradoPowerDivision.CentralTelephone & UtilitiesCorp. --- ENERGY 1000 KWH PEAK LOAD KW (Cuiitiiued) Sabine River Authority BasilEIet, ic Cooperative 30,022 41,417 '4.51,11 CentralLouisianaElectricCo. Inc. Gulf StatesUtilties Co.IGull StatesSystem) U.S. Departmenrt of tile Interior,Southwestern Power AdministrationISJm RaylbirnDamProlect) SYSTEM AND POWER SUFPILY AREA LOAD KW 51.000 52.000 T6.411 51,0cW 25.000 3.000 32,.000 35 29 29 Cajon Electric Power Co-op. PEAK 24.15s 05S59,50 REGION V - SOUTIIICENTRAI. CombinedReport: MiddleSouth Systenms PowerPool: Arkansas-Missouri PowerCo.;ArkansasPower& Light Co.;LouisianaPower& LightCo.,Mississippi Power& Light Co.: NewOrleansPublicService,Inc. 25 MissouriUtilitiesCo. (Southeast Group-Northern Division) 25 ArkansasElectricCooperative Corp. 25,29 & 33 CombinedReport· Associated ElectricCooperative, Inc.: CentralElectricPower,KAMOElectric,M. & A. ElectricPower.N.W.ElectricPower,andNortheast MissouriElectricPowerCooperatives, Shoe-Me Power Corporation 25.33.,34 & 35 U.S. Departmentof the Interior,Soulhn.stern Power Administration(BlakelyMountainProject) 25 U.S. Departlent of the Inter;or, SouthwesternPower Administration 10()0 KWFH -- - a I 4.54W 0L6.56 - - 0,.006 1 1.409.000 106.51 27.000 ,65s,401 20.541 1s.58.000 28.00' --- --- --- --- 606.41 1,113,C00 20.327.71 39946,00 26 & 27 26 & 27 26 & 27 70,121 10,43 Is56.10 13,00 220.000 331.000 26 & 27 26 & 27 26 & 27 26& 27 6.0,S 15.256 62 tl 207,200 142,000 34,000 135,00 325,000 26 & 27 339,751 630,009 26& 27 _ - - - 4425. i 3050762 970.000 708,000 28 28 31 & 32 32 32 32 32 32 o06.7180 ,090.000 125.410 270.000 130.040 162,000 1.01.1777 1.92,000 1,0111777I .s2000 10,566 3.174.11 141,000 000 181.000 Table 5.4-3 (continued) SYSTEM AND POWER SUPPLY AREA ENERGY 1000 KWH PEAK LOAD KW SYSTEM AND POWER SUPPLY AREA REGION V1l - NORTIIWEST ENERGY PEAK 1000 KWH LOAD KW 7.111 43,16 102.392 12.353 "3,IO0 18,313 - - I,0.0 811.00 181.000 24,010 13.000 38,000 --.. 226,567 419.008 401.045 32.10 5i.1S91 8137,00 10.,0o0 5.000 453.,644 363.000 At ASKA The MontanaPowerCo. Pacil.cPower& Light Co. KalispellSystem) U.S. of Reclamation(Missouri RiverBasin· oureau Upper MissouriProjectsCanyon Ferry Unit) U.S. Departmentof the Interior, Bonneville Power Admninistraton lBureauof Reclamation-Boise, Minidoka andPalisades Projects) Ca3ifornia-PacificUtilities Co. (Baker-LaGrandeSysten) Idaho Falls.Idaho, ElectricDivision IdahoPowerCo.(Main System) Utah Power& LightCo. PublicUtility DistrictNo. 1 of DouglasCounty PublicUtility District No. 2 of GrantCounty P.blic Utility District No. 1 of Pend OreilleCounty the Washington WaterPowerCo. Washinton PublicPowerSupplySystem 42. 43. 4 & PacificPower& Light Co. (Oregon-WashingtonCaliforniaSystem) 44 & PortlandGeneralElectricCo. PublicUtility DistrictNo. 1 of CowlitzCounty PublicUtility District No. of GraysHarbor County U.S. Departmentof the Interior ·BonncvillePower Administration 42, 43, 44. 30, 41 & Public Utility DistrictNo. I of ChelanCounty Pu-get SoundPower& LightCo. Seattle.Washington. Dept. of Lighlting Tacoma, Washington, Dept.of PublicUtilities, Light Division Eugene. Oregon,Water& ElectricBoard 30 30 4Ea.951 30 - 41 41 I1 41 41 42 42 42 42 45 4.47l3 21,005 32.121 632.76S 199.999 --- a S.1 12.261 N01.50 -- - 340.0C0 4O,216 Alska Electric Light& PowerCo. Anchsrag Mun.cipalLij:t & PowerPlant Criujch ElectricAssocatl.,n,Inc. F3irbanksMunicipalUtlitics System GclirenVal'evElectricAs,ociation KetchikanPublie Utilities U.S. Bureauof Reclamation(Eklutna Project) 83,000 -- - £40oo0 S4.000 1000 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 TOTAL ALASKA t1.14.004 ItAWA!I I.553,000 HawaiianElectricCompany,Inc. Hlo ElectricLight Company,Ltd. MaIi El.ctr;icCompany,Ltd. 178.000 21.000 1.072.000o --- 50 50 O TOT'ALHfAWAII t'NIrFI) STATES TryAL 45 44 44 44 1,341,749 1,129.482 222.800 109.725 2.00.004 2.203.000 414.000 201.000 151.3t17,36 201.t31.0c0 FOOTNOTES: * Generates for resale. a Powerdevelopedby theseprojectslargely disposed ol by other systemsin Ihe samearea. 45 43 43 43 4,347,.38 0.115.0039 663,991 7,118.000 31.,000 1.18,000 1.22.000 43 45 399,0t3 186,250 754.000 40200 TOrTALREGIONVIll t188.84 1467 t?.464.800 f 22.67,006 REGION VIII -SOU'rIWEST CaliforniaDept. of WaterResources CombincdReport: Oakdale IrrigationDistr;ct & SouthSanJoaquinIrrigation District 46 NevadaIrrigationDistrict Oroville-WyandlotteIrrigationDistrict PlacerConty WaterAgency 46 46 46 46 46 Yuba Water Agency 46 Merced rrigation District . Combined Feport: Turlock IrrigationDistrict; M odestoIrrigationDistrict . 46 CombinedReport: PacificGasandElectricCo.; andloads of City of San Francisco, CentralValleyProject.andStateof Cahfomni3 Water ProjectsuppliedthroughCompany's System 46 Sacramento, California.MunicipalUtility District 46 SierraPacificPowerCo. 46 U.S.Bureauof Reclamation(Central ValleyProject) 46 Burbankc.California,PublicServiceDept. 47 I Glen;ale,California.PublicServiceDept. 47 Inmoerial IrrigationDistrict 47 LosAngeles.California,Dept. of WaterandPower 47 Pasaena,California,MunicipalLight andPowerDept. 47 SanDiegoGas& ElectricCo. 47 SouthernCaliforniaEdisonCo. 47 ArizonaElectricPowerCooperative, Inc. 48 ArizonaPublicServiceCo.(All systems interconnected by U.S.Bureauof Reclamation facilities) . 48 TheMetropolitanWaterDistrict of SouthernCalifornia 48 48 NevadaPowerCompany Salt RiverProject Agricultral Improvement and PowerDistrict 48 48 . TucsonGas& ElectricCo. U.S.Bureauof ReclamationIColoradoRiverStorage Projectl 48. 31. 32 & 41 CombinedReport- U.S.Bureauof Reclamation (Colorado lver System -Lowr Basin): Parker-Davis Prolect;BoulderCanyonProject ITranesissinonlyl; Sen.tor Wah Yumprng Gerating Plant,Yuma Projects 48 TOI.)'A. R'fLIttN (IN1,UOLgS tINI:I) VII SI --- a -- a - - - - - - -- _ - a- - - - 125.8 251.000 .199.130 365.512 237,018 17,52 .126 04.565 76.844 1,21.3S07 a 3.46,000 7s1.000 78.552 4.023.734 39.087 046.000 1.000 128,000 1:5.000 145,000 2.71.,000 126.000 1.478.000 ,.152.000 91.000 S6.1t5 82.060 342.7t1 1.059.000 116.000 6,2.00e 507.543 284,102 082.000 035.00 61.74 19,000 165.903 268.000 EO.a3 Is.1o.Zo IIOTAL I - - - t402,900 8. tse.t015.32.175 28.249.000 -117- -- · -L1 Figure 5.4-2 Estimated differences between August and December peak loads within each power supply area (II;.FPC; 1970; pI-18-22). Li. OUliI|G l(I Ii r. -118~ Table 5.4-4 Generating capacity and peak loads of formal coordinating organizations or power pools (III;FPC; 1972; pI-17-3). Generating Capacity as of -:sJanuary 1, 1971 (MW) NORTHEAST REGION New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) '................... New York Power Pool (NYPP) ......... : ................. Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection (PJM)... Total for Region ...................................... SOUTHEAST REGION Carolinas-Virginia Powcr Pool (CARVA) I................. Southern Company System (Holding Company) ............ Total for Region ...................... 19)70 Peak-Hlour Load ................ EAST CENTRAL REGION American Electric Power System (Holding Company) ........ Allegheny Power System (Holding Company) ............... Central Area Power Coordination Group (CAPCO)......... Kentucky-Indiana Power Pool (KIP) ...................... Michigan Pool ......................................... Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton Pool (CCD) ................ Total for Region ...................................... in 1971 (NMW) 12,918 22,616 29,899 11,622 17,037 23,838 65,433 52,497 18,515 13,154 17,357 12,589 31,669 29,946 10, 143 4,287 10,021 4,899 10,605 4,806 Nameplate Rating of Largcst G;enerating Unit in Operation 8,535 3,649 8,527 4,157 8,905 4,206 (MW) 661 1,028 936 730 806 761 576 680 518 750 580 44,761 37,979 8,467 5,991 7,207 5,305 605 580 Iowa Power Pool ....................................... 2,614 2,582 212 Wisconsin Power Pool .................................. Missouri Basin Systems Group (MBSG)... ................ 1,845 4,373 1,755 3,940 406 216 23,290 20,789 4,739 6,753 17,659 8, 150 4,287 5,999 16, 126 7,444 29,009 26,487 20,340 18,284 18,077 16,080 38,624 34,157 232,786 201,855 NWESTCENTRAL REGION Illinois-Missouri Pool .................................... Upper Mississippi Valley Power Pool ...................... Total for Region ...................................... SOUTH CENTRAL REGION Mhissouri-KansasPool (MOKAN) (excluding satellites) ....... Middle South Utilities System (Holding Co.)............... South Central Electric Companies (SCEC) ................ Texas Utilities Company System (Holding Company)........ Total for Region 4 ................... ................ 495 700 750 588 WEST REGION California Power Pool................................... Pacific Northwest Coordination Agreement ................. Total for Region........................................ Total for All Regions .................................. 755 700 Source of generating capacity and peak-hour load data: Regional Council Reports and FPC Forms Nos. 12and 12-E. 1Data for the nine systems which initiated NEPOOL studies in 1967. 2 Pooling agreement terminated October 20, 1970, but the parties will adhere to principle of equalized reserves for an additional three-year period. 3 Includes Middle South Utilities System power pool and two members of the MOKAN Pool with 8,292 MW of generating capacity and 7,369 MW of load. Duplication referred to in footnote 3 eliminated in totals. Figure 5.4-3 Estimated capital and annual costs for cooling water facilities for projected steam-electric plants under alternative study assumptions (III; FPC; 1972, pI-10-19). 2.5 2.0 A, CD 1.5 1.0 o C, -J C-) 0.5 0 WEST WEST SOUTH CENTRAL CENTRAL WEST SOUTH EAST SOUTH NORTH CENTRAL EAST EAST EAST SOUTH NORTH CENTRAL EAST EAST co <z2O00 CDI _: =0 200 WEST CENTRAL CENTRAL -120- Figure 5.4-4 Electric power costs, 1968 and 1990, cents per kilowatt-hour in 1968 dollars(III;FPC; 1972; pI-19-11). 1990 PROJECTED 2.31 _ / 1968 1.99 1.82... 1.77 ... .. ................... .:.:-::::-:-::.::.'::::-: :,. ,.:..::.::::::: :.::::.:-:.: - ::',:::::::::::::::::: .. .:.:::,.:: 1.40 ACTUAL 1.81 1./Z 1.4.8 :. -: :: ;:;::-::.-:--:::.?::::--:.:os-,: :.:.. ::.. ............ ........... ::::::'-.::::::::::,:: : :::::: ::.:'.... ,,:.,::. .: :.:.:.:, ::::.:.:. .?..... .:.. ....... -.. :::::::: ,:'!!iii1:!:i: . ::::.:.::::::.... . ... ::e:::::::::::::'::::::: ::':::: ·.... c .. ..... .. .. .. ..-. o... :::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::::::: ::::>:::::,::: ::::::::,::::: : ::-: :-;:.:.:... :::::::::::::::::::::::-:: 1.54 1.50 1.45 :S:e:: :::::::.:f:e::: :f:::::::: ::::: e. .::::::::::::::::ee>::: . ......:::z>e::> : e ::... ........ ........ ::: i::!ii:iiii!:::i:?. .:.::.::.;:.::::.:-:.:.:, :e-:-::. .-- Zf::,e::::: ::::',::::::::::::: ::.:.i.. e:::.... ................... .... :'.....-.. i::::::f:::::' :2i::*':-' ::: ...... . ...... .-. .... ........... ..... ::::::::::::'::::':::::'::::::::: ::::::::::::::' ::::: :::::::::: :::::::::::::::: : ::: :::::: . .... . .. ............. ....... o: o .. .... . . ... ... .... 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F... . .. .. . . ... . ..... :::::::::: ::::::::::::::::e:::: I i ... : :':::::':e: :: :::::.:::: ' ':: ::::: .. .::: . .:.:::::: i ........ :-:::::.. ..... I WEST WEST SOUTH EAST SOUTH NORTH CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL EAST EAST -121- CONTIGUOUS U.S. Table 5.4-5 Estimated 1990 annual cost of working capital(III;FPC; 1972; p-19-9). [1968 Dollars] Region Production (million) Northeast.................................. $ EIast Central ............................... Southeast .................................. West Central ................................ South Central .............................. West ...................................... Total U. S............................. ' Transmission (million) 2 Distribution (million) Totals (nillion) 169 $ 48 $ 99 $ 316 194 208 99 158 172 36 39 33 30 64 63 60 55 63 85 293 307 187 251 321 $1,000 $250 $425 $1,675 Production working capital is allocated among regions generally on the basis of the estimated 1990 generation, with fossilplants allocatcd at twice the unit rate applied to otherplants. 2 Transmission working capital is allocated on the basis of the estimated 1990 transmission plant investment in each region. 3 Distribution working capital is allocated on the basis of the 1990 estimated numbcr of customers in each region. Table 5.4-6 New capacity needs by regions and type of prime mover(III;FPC; 1972; p- 1 8 -2 5 ). Type of Prime Mover Northeast MW East Central MW Southeast MW WVest Central MW South Central MW West MW U.S. . Total MW 1971-1980 Conv. hydro ........... P. S. hydro ............ IC and GT ............ Fossil steam ............ Nuclear ............... 1,000 7,000 3,000 8,000 37,000 1,000 4,000 5,000 33,000 13,000 2.000 4,000 3,000 27,000 34,000 0 1,000 4,000 20,000 18,000 0 3,000 5,000 43,000 8,000 12,000 4,000 1,000 25,000 24,000 16,000 23,000 21,000 156,000 134,000 56,000 56,000 70,000 43,000 59,000 66,000 350,000 Conv. hydro .............. P.S. hydro ............ IC and GT ............ Fossil steam ............ Nuclear ............... 0 10,000 4,000 11,000 74,000 1,000 10,000 5,000 51,000 29,000 2,000 9,000 8,000 57,000 60,000 0 2,000 6,000 13,000 58,000 1,000 5,000 7,000 62,000 38,000 10,000 7,000 5,000 35,000 76,000 14,000 43,000 35,000 229,000 335,000 Total ............. 99,000 96,000 133,000 656,000 Total ............. 1981-1990 136,000 79,000 113,000 This table raises questions of availability of materials and labor, transportation and capital. Since the 1 numbers are based upon conventional technologies and outdated costs, they cannot be considered representative of the actual installations now planned. They do, however, graphically show the regional differences in new capacity requirements. Figure 5.4-5(III;Electrical World; 1976; p. 98) indicates two final considerations in regional differences: interties and load density. Interties allow a region to maintain lower reserves because the ties can carry power in emergencies, or during periods of load diversity. This could affect the reliability requirements placed on a new plant. Load density relates to the siting problem in two ways. Load density usually indicates population density, so high density areas will tend to have fewer sites and greater opposition to construction of polluting facilities. On the other hand, load density implies a simplified transmission problem by virtue of a strong existing network and concentrated load centers. Figure 5.4-5 Load densities and interties 1976(III;Electrical World, September 1976; p98). There are also significant political and contractual differences in various regions that affect the choice of technologies. These issues straddle the gap between purely power system and purely regional issues, and arise from the historical manner in which utilities cooperated in pool agreements to utilize economies of scale, load diversity, and other advantages. Under pooling agreements utilities generally agree to plan and operate so as to meet the pool's objectives of capacity and energy supply. In return, individual companies can reduce reserves and purchase energy at rates which would be impossible otherwise. In a practical sense many pools are "super-utilities" under normal operating conditions and the above power system considerations can be applied to pools by considering them to be companies with very large service areas. Because pools are basically contractual arrangements, quite often dealing in interstate transfers of electricity, they present a more complex problem than a single utility. More discussions about pools are given in the next section. 5.4.3 Natural Aggregation Levels The most reasonable aggregations that could be used to account for -123- regional and power system differences in the assessment of new coal technologies would be those that have evolved naturally as part of the utility industry. These aggregations are shown in Table 5.4-6 with the individual plant, representing the lowest level of aggregation, shown for reference. TABLE 5.4-6 Levels of Utility Aggregation (Plant) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Individual Utility Holding Company State Power Pool Interconnection Areas National Reliability Councils Power Supply Areas National Power Survey Regions Census Regions Edison Electric Institute Regions Of these ten types of aggregations, the last four were developed principally to serve record keeping functions, including data collection and analysis tasks. While they are useful levels for analysis, they do not correspond well to the decision making aggregation levels in the industry, and will not be considered further. Figures 5.4.6, 5.4.7 and 5.4.8 show these four aggregations. Since the assessment of new coal technologies is performed in the context of system planning and operation, the first six levels of aggregation in Table 5.4.6 are most appropriate to be considered for that assessment purpose. Individual utilities usually perform their own planning and operating functions, especially those utilities that are relatively large. Holding companies, which exist as a result of utility mergers or when a utility system serves more than one state and has separate operating companies in each, can be considered equivalent to individual utilities. These levels of aggregation are based on the corporate boundaries as determined by service area, transmission system and generation equipment, and they try to optimize their economic performance within those boundaries. One difficulty with aggregation at the utility and holding company levels is the varying effects of state' regulation on the planning and operation processes. Environmental controls, siting councils, and actual state participation in the industry can make individual states the most consistent and appropriate level of aggregation. Policy interpretation and data collection can often be simpler at this level. On the other hand, for many states planning and operation does not occur for the state as a unit and the differences among individual utilities should be considered. Power pools have evolved largely from contractual agreements among individual utilities or holding companies, being set up to perform common planning and operating functions. By sharing resources the individual members can reduce their own investment and operating costs, at the price of losing some of their autonomy. Power pools perform planning and operating functions simultaneously for all their members, although the members, in their own systems, can usually have the final say in the matter of specific design or operating decisions. Pool-level aggregation maintains an accurate representation of the actual planning and operating decisions of the member companies, but can be complicated by varying state regulations and the ultimate flexibility of the members to modify the pool decisions. Formal power pools (or coordinating organizations) accounted for 68% of the installed generation in 1970. Figure 5.4-9(III;FPC; 1972; p. -17-8) -124- r R a7 0 3 .PI it 4' A. 3. le A. Ire 0J 4 4-i 'H 4 4 16 .4i Cr-, 0I a) 0T 0en bo U) I /25 0 U, q-4 o 'd 'IO To ) Pr b'H ko a S: p4 .4 4- '9 :? 3) 0 .2 I J I -125- A' 5 bo .*1' q4 J. -t / )J 0 4-J rl 04-) o~ 4 0 4-i i r i e (---c 1 i -S i iI II 1.0 i, - -- . I LU I I-. - I II ,5 LI I z r i i~, I i 'I - I,, , z ,t I N Ol I i I I I i i ~> 0 4-i I/ I - I .... __ I , 0 5 GI) I !a I _.. _. Jo i3iaO . L i}~ z. Z) 0.% .I_ ' IO0-H 04-i I 0, H tr4 I 0 I,, X Z* .I i ( d I 18 I.o I - z- I I 04-H H U - 0 I I '. I --. it 0 0- - 1 .r4i _ OLO i O 4. ¥ - - 0 !I -126- U4 34n Power Supply Area National Power Survey Region Figure 5.4-8 National Power Survey regions and power supply areas(III;Edison Electric Institute; 1975). -127- 1. New England 8. Central Area Power Coordination 15. Wisconsin 2. New York 9. Kentucky- Indiana 16. Missouri Basin Systems Group 3. P-J-MInterconnection 10. Michigan 17. Missouri - Kansas 4. California 11. Cincinnati, Columbus,Dayton 18. Middle South Uilities System. 5. The Southern CompanySystem 12. Illinois - Missouri 19. Texas Utilities CompanySystem 6. American Electric Power System 13. Iowa 20. South Central Electric Companies . 7. Allegheiy Power System 14. Upper Mississippi Valley 21. Pacific Northwest Coordination NOTE: Notall systems operating ineach of the21areasareformal power poolmembers. Figure 5.4-9 pi-17-8). Formal coordinating organizations or power pools(III;FPC; 1972; -128- and Table 5.4-8(III;FPC; 1972; p. tions of the continental -17-5) show the member companies and loca- U. S. power pools and coordinating organizations. Figure 5.4-lO(II;UC; 1972; p. -17-10) and Table 5.4-9(III;FPC; 1972; 1-17-11) show the same information about the informal coordinating groups. Interconnection areas, shown in Figure 5.4.11(III;FPC; 1972; p. -17-21) are concerned with transmission interconnections, and have no significant influence on the choice of generation within the areas. Their function is primarily one of coordination and making recommendations to committee members about transmission requirements. Reliability councils represent the largest existing aggregation in the utility industry, set up to augment the reliability and adequacy of bulk power supplies. These councils' regions are shown in Figure 5.4.12 and their member companies listed in Table 5.4-10(1i[;FPC; 1972; p. I-17-16);(III;FPC; 1972; 1-17-18). The 1970 capacities of the U. S. members of the councils are shown in Table 5.4-1(lii; FPC; 1972; 1-17-17). The functions of these councils are restricted to planning and operation problems and even here only those problems that arise during the review of the plans and operating practices of member utilities and pools, and during the identification of weaknesses that could result in shortages or outages. Reliability councils do not actually perform planning studies or direct operations. They do, however, attempt to establish criteria to guide the members in those functions and as a result the reliability councils usually encompass a variety of planning and operation units. Since they are also interstate and international, there is a wide variety of regulatory issues to consider at this level of aggregation. There is no existing national aggregation for performing or overseeing planning and operation of the U. S. utility industry outside of the record keeping functions performed within the Federal Power Commission. 5.4.4 Overview of Regional Considerations The deliberate limitation of the scope of the assessment mechanism to isolated plants does not lessen the importance of obtaining regional or national assessments or of accurately reflecting power system level effects on the choices of technology at individual plants. Indeed, national assessment will be of the most significance in the longer term, and regional and power system considerations are critical to successful national assessments. Current planning and operating practices of the utility industry can only be represented accurately on a national basis by first considering their effect on the regional and power system levels. National studies which aggregate directly from local plants to national results must ignore or assume away too many factors to be successful. Although it means more data and effort, the regional route is the only accurate path to national conclusions. A number of levels of aggregation exist for attempting national aggregation; the most accurate is probably the power pool level. A more convenient, but artificial, approximation could be made by aggregating at the reliability council level. -129- Table 5.4-8 Members of formal coordinating organizations or pools(III;FPC; 1972; p-17-5). [January 1, 19701 NORTHEAST REGION ANewEngland Power Pool (NEPOOL) Northeast Utilities Public Service Company of New Hampshire 2 Boston Edison Company Eastern Utilities Associates 2 New England Electric System Central Maine Power Co. The United Illuminating Co. New England Gas & Electric Assoc.2 Central Vermont Public Service Co. NAew ork Power Pool (NYPP) 3 Consolidated Edison Company of N. Y. Niagara Mohawk Powcr Corp. Long Island Lighting Company New York State Elctric and Gas Corp. Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. Rochester Gas and Electric Corp. Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. Power Authority of the State of N. Y. Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection (PJM) Public Service Electric and Gas Company Philadelphia Electric Company General Public Utilities Corporation Metropolitan Edison Company Pennsylvania Electric Company Jersey Central Power and Light Company New Jersey Power & Light Company Pennsylvania Power & Light Company Baltimore Gas and Electric Company Potomac Electric Power Company SOUTHEAST REGION Caroli.nas-Virginia Power Pool (CARVA) Virginia Electric & Power Company Carolina Power & Light Company. Duke Power Company South Carolina Electric & Gas Company Southern Company System (Holding Co.) Alabama Power Company Georgia Power Company Gulf Power Company Mississippi Power Company EAST CENTRAL REGION American Electric Power System (AEP) (Holding Company) Appalachian Power Company Indiana & Michigan Electric Co. Kentucky Power Company Kingsport Power Co. Michigan Power Co. Sewell Valley Utilities Co. Wheeling Electric Co. Ohio Power Company Alleghety Power System (APS) (Holding Company) Monongahela Power Company Potomac Edison Company West Penn Power Company Central Area Power Coordination Group (CAPCO) Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company Duquesne Light Company Ohio Edison System (IHolding Company) Ohio Edison Company Pennsylvania Power Company Toledo Edison Company -130- Table 5.4-8 (continued) EAST CENTRAL REGION-Continued Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton Pool (CCD) Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric Co. Dayton Power & Light Co. Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. Kentucky-Indiana Power Pool (KIP) Indianapolis Power & Light Co. Public Scrvice Co. of Indiana Kentucky Utilities Company Michigan Pool Consumers Power Company Detroit Edison Company WEST CENTRAL REGION Illinois-MissouriPool Central Illinois Public Service Company Illinois Power Company Union Electric Company Upper Mississippi Valley Power Pool Cooperatives Cooperative Power Association Dairyland Power Cooperative Minnkota Power Cooperative Northern Minnesota Power Assoc. Rural Cooperative Power Assoc. United Power Association Investor-owned Companies Interstate Power Company Lake Superior District Power Co. Minnesota Power & Light Company Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Northern States Power Company Northwestern Public Service Company Otter Tail Power Company Iowa Pool Iowa Electric Light and Power Co. Iowa-Illinois Gas and Elec. Co. Iowa Power and Light Company Iowa Public Service Company Iowa Southern Utilities Company Corn Belt Power Cooperative Wisconsin Powir Pool Wisconsin Public Service Corporation Wisconsin Power and Light Company Madison Gas and Electric Company Mfissouri Basin Systems Group (MBSG) U. S. Bureau of Reclamation Basin Electric Power Cooperative Central Power Electric Cooperative Nebraska Public Power System Other Members SOUTH CENTRAL REGION Missouri-KansasPool (MOKAN) Kansas Power and Light Company Missouri Public Service Company Empire District Electric Company Kansas City Power & Light Company Kansas Gas & Electric Company -131- Table 5.4-8 (continued) SOUTH CENTRAL REGION-Continued lfiddleSouth Utilities System (Holding Co.) Arkansas Pwer and Light Company Louisiana Powcr and Light Company Mississippi Power & Light Company New Orleans Public Service, Inc. South Central Electric Companies (SCEC) Gulf States Utilities Company Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company New Orleans Public Service Company Central Louisiana Electric Company Public Service Co. of Oklahoma Southwestern Electric Power Company Texas Utilities System (olding Arkansas Power and Light Company Louisiana Power and Light Company Mississippi Power and Light Company Kansas Gas and Electric Company Empire District Electric Company Company) Dallas Power & Light Company Texas Electric Service Company Texas Power and Light Company WEST REGION California Power Pool Southern California Edison Company Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Diego Gas & Electric Company PacificNorthwest Coordination Agreement Bonneville Power Administration City of Eugene, Oregon City of Seattle, Washington City of Tacoma, Washington Coloekum Transmission Company Montana Power Company Pacific Power & Light Company Portland General Electric Company P. U. Dist. No. of Chelan County, Washington P. U. Dist. No. I of Cowlitz County, Washington P. U. Dist. No. of Douglas County, Washmngton P. U. Dist. No. of Pend Oreiile County, Washington P. U. Dist. No. 2 of Grant County, Washington Puget Sound Power & Light Company United States Corps of Engineers Washington Water Power Company 1Data for the nine systems which initiated NEPOOL studies. As of January 1970, nearly all New England utilities were represented in the expanded negotiations which were in process since June 1969. 2 Holding company. 3 Power Authority of the State of New York takes part in pool planning and operations, but not in commercial transactions of the pool. 4 Pooling agreement terminated as of October 20, 1970. There are also five satellite members: St. oseph Light & Power Co.; Board of Public Utilities of Kansas City, Kansas; City of Independence, Missouri; Central Telephone and Utilities Corp.-Western Power Division; and Associated Electric Cooperatiye, Inc. -132- 3. WUidUUOyste1m1s bUUIU1111%W1 boU11nl 4. Florida Operating Committee U. iULAylUUlltall rwe! FM 10. SouthernCalifornia Municipal Group 5. Joint Power Planning Council II. 6. Mid-ContinentArea Power Planners 12. WesternEnergySupply & TransmissionAssociates The IntercompanyPool 13. Wisconsin Upper MichiganSystems NOTE:Areaboundaries areonlygeneral; notall systems withina boundary aremembers o thedesignated organizations Figure 5.4-10 pI-17-10). Informal coordinating groups, January 1, 1970(III;FPC; 1972; Table 5.4-9 Informal coordinating organizations or power pools, January 1, 1970 (III;FPC; 1972; pI-17-11). PLANNING ORGANIZATIONS AND THEIR MEMBERS Associated Mountain Power Systems (AMPS) Utah Power & Light Co. Washington Water Power Co. Idaho Power Co. Montana Power Co. Pacific Power & Light Co. Total 5 Systems joint PowerPlanningCcncil(JPPC) Washington Water Power Co. Bonneville Power Administration Publicly Owned Utilities in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana (104 Systems) Pacific Power & Light Company Portland General Electric Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Total 109 Systems Mid-Continent Area Power Planners (MAPP) Black Hills Power & Light Co. Northwestern Wisconsin Electric Co. Omaha Public Power District Nebraska Public Power District Central Iowa Power Cooperative Eastern Iowa Light & Power Coop. Iowa Power Pool Members Iowa Electric Light and Power Co. Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Co. Iowa Power and Light Co. Iowa Public Service Co. Iowa Southern Utilities Co. Corn Belt Power Cooperative Union Electric Company Municipal Systems in Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota Upper Mississippi Valley Power Pool Cooperatives Cooperative Power Association Dairyland Power Cooperative Minnkota Power Cooperative Northern Minnesota Power Assoc. Rural Cooperative Power Assoc. Investor-owned Companies Interstate Power Company Lake Superior District Power Co. Minnesota Power & Light Company Montana-Dakota Utilities Company Northern States Power Company Northwestern Public Service Co. Otter Tail Power Company (28 Systems) Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board Total 54 Systems Western Energy Supply & Transmission Associates (WEST) Arizona Power Authority Burbank Public Service Dept. City of Colorado Springs Colorado-Ute Electric Association, Inc. Glendale Public Service Department Imperial Irrigation District Pacific Power & Light Co. Pasadena Municipal Light & Power Dept. Plains Electric G.&T. Coop., Inc. Salt River Project Central Telephone & Utilities Corp. (Southern Colo. Power Div.) Arizona Public Service Co. Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power El Paso Electric Co. Nevada Power Co. Public Service Company of Colorado San Diego Gas & Electric Co. Sierra Pacific Power Co. Southern California Edison Co. Tucson Gas & Electric Co. Utah Power & Light Co. Arizona Electric Power Coop. Public Service Co. of New Mexico Total 23 Systems OTHER INFORMAL COORDINATING GROUPS AND THEIR MEMBERS-- Colorado Power Pool (COLOPP) Public Service Company of Colorado City of Colorado Springs Southern Colorado Power Div. of C.T.U. Total 3 Systems -134- Table 5.4-9 (continued) OTHER INFORMAL COORDINATING GROUPS AND TIHIEIR MEMBERS-Continuecd The intercompany Pool (INTERPOOL) Pacific Powcr & Light Company Portland General Electric Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Washington Water Power Co. Total 4 Systems Southern California Municipal Group (SCMG) Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Glendale Public Service Dept. Burbank Public Service Dept. Pasadena Municipal Light & Power Dept. Total 4 Systems Colorado stems Coordinating Council (CSCC) Central Municipal Light & Power System Colorado Springs Dept. of Public Utilities Town of Estes Park Fort Collins Light & Power Department City of Fort Morgan Glenwood Springs Municipal Elec. System Julesburg Power & Light Department La Junta Municipal Utilities Utilities Board of the City of Lamar Las Animas Municipal Light & Power System City of Longmont Loveland Electrical Department City of Trinidad Colorado-Ute Electric Assoc., Inc. Arkansas Valley G. & T., Inc. Tri State G. & T. Assoc., Inc. Home Light & Power Co. Public Service Company of Colorado Central Telephone & Utilities Corp. (Southern Colo. Power Div.) Western Coloradd Power Co. USBR Total 21 Systems Florida Operating Comnmittee Florida Power & Light Co. Florida Power Corp. Tampa Electric Co. City of Jacksonville Orlando Utilities Commission Total 5 Systems Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Systems (WUMS) Wisconsin-Michigan Power Co. Upper Peninsula Power Co. Wisconsin Power Pool (3 Systems) Wisconsin Electric Power Co. Total 6 Systems Rocky Mountain Power Pool (RMPP) Public Service Company of Colorado Pacific Power & Light Co. USBR Regions 4 and 7 Montana Power Co. Consumers Public Power District Southern Colorado Power Division of C.T.U. City of Colorado Springs Utah Power & Light Company Black I-HillsPower & Light Co. Tri-State G. & T. Assoc., Inc. Colorado-Ute Elec. Association, Inc. Cheyenne Light, Fuel & Power Co. Western Colorado Power Co. Total 13 Systems JYNew Mexico Power Pool (NMPP) Community Public Service Company El Paso Electric Company Plains Electric G. & T. Coop. Public Service Company of New Mexico USBR Rio Grande Project Total 5 Systems -135- Table 5.4-9 OTHER (continued) INFORMAL COORDINATING GROUPS AND TH-IEIR IMEMNIBERS-Continued ,Vorthwest Power Pool (NIVPP) Bonneville Power Administration Eugcne Water & Electric Board Idaho Power Co. Montana Power Co. P.U.D. No. 2 of Grant County Seattle Department of Lighting Tacoma Public Utilities (Lt. Div.) Utah Power & Light Co. Washington Water Power Co. British Columbia 1-ydro & Power Authority West Kootenay Power & Light Co. Corps of Engineers-North Pacific Div. USBR-BPA (Southern Idaho) Pacific Powver & Light Co. Portland Gcneral Electric Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. P.U.D. No. of Chelan County P.U.D. No. 1 of Douglas County Total 18 Systems INTERCONNECTION MARITIME QUEBECSYSTEMS A-SouthwesternPublic ServiceCompanySystem B-Electric ReliabilityCouncilof Texas AreasA and B are representedin NAPSICby the South Central Systems,but are not in synchronousoperationwith the interconnectedpowersystems in the South WestRegion Figure 5.4-11 North American power systems interconnection committee areas, January 1, 1970(III;FPC; 1972; pI-17-21). -136- ieluir WSCC MARCA f- Western Systems CoordinatingCouncil InrTllJnlJc] IriiutIua4 1~Ilafo iWM CoordinatingCouncil Mid-ContinentArea Reliability CoordinationAgreement Power Pool ~SPPSouthwest ERCOT Electric Reliability CouncilOf Texas MAIN Mid-AmericaInterpool Network MAAC Mid-AtlanticArea CoordinationGroup ECAR EastCentralArea Reliability CoordinationAgreement SERC SoutheasternElectric Reliability Council Figure 5.4-12 National Electric Reliability Council regions, Canadian portions not included(III;FPC; 1972; p-17-16). -137- Table 5.4-10 pI-17-18). Individual members of regional reliability councils (III;FPC; 1972; Northeast Power Coordinating Council (PCC) Boston Edison Co. Burlington Electric Light Dept. Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. Central Maine Power Co. Central Vermont Public Service Corp. Consolidated Edison of N. Y., Inc. Eastern Utilities Associates Green Mountain Power Corp. Hydro-Electric Powcr Comm. of Ontario Long Island Lighting Co. New England Electric System New England Gas & Electric Assoc. New York State Electric & Gas Corp. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. Northeast Utilities Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. Power Authority of the State of New York Public Service Company of New Hampshire Rochester Gas and Electric Corp. The United Illuminating Company Mid-Continent Area Reliability CoordinationAgreement (MARCA) Basin Electric Power Cooperative Black Hills Power and Light Co. Central Iowa Power Coop. Cooperative Power Assoc. Corn Belt Power Coop. Dairyland Power Coop. Eastern Iowa Light and Power Coop. Interstate Power Co. Iowa Electric Light & Power Co. Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric Co. Iowa Power and Light Co. Iowa Public Service Co. Iowa Southern Utilities Co. Lake Superior District Power Co. Minnesota Power & Light Co. Minnkota Power Coop., Inc. Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Nebraska Public Power District Northern Minnesota Power Association Northern States Power Co. Northwestern Public Service Co. Omaha Public Power District Otter Tail Power Co. Rural Coop. Power Association U. S. Bureau of Reclamation Associates: Union Electric Co. Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board of Canada Southwest Power Pool Agreement (SPP) Arkansas-Electric Coop. Corp. Arkansas-Missouri Power Co. Arkansas Power & Light Co. Associated Electric Coop., Inc. Board of Public Utilities, Kansas City, Kan. Central Louisiana Electric Co., Inc. (The) City Power & Light Dept., Independence, Mo. City Utilities of Springtield, Missouri Empire District Electric Co. (The) Grand River Dam Authority Gulf States Utilities Company Kansas City Power & Light Co. Kansas Gas and Electric Co. Kansas Power & Light Co. (The) Louisiana Power & Lt. Co. Mississippi Power & Light Co. Missouri Edison Co.' Missouri Power & Light Co.' Missouri Public Service Co. Missouri Utilities Company New Orleans Public Service, Inc. Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. Public SrcnviceCo. of Oklahoma St. Joseph Light & Power Co. Southwestern Electric Power Co. Southwestern Power Administration Western Farmers Electric Coop. Western Power Division-CT & U Mid-Atlantic Area Coordination Agreemrent(MAAC) Atlantic City Electric Co. Baltimore Gas and Electric Co. Delmarva Power & Light Co. Jersey Central Power & Light Co. Metropolitan Edison Co. New Jersey Power & Light Co. Pennsylvania Electric Co. Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. Philadelphia Electric Co. Potomac Electric Power Co. Public Service Elcctric and Gas Co. UGI Corp. -138- Table 5.4-10 (continued) Southeastern Electric Reliabilitv Council (SERC) Alabama Electric Cooperative Alabama Power Company Carolina Power & Light Co. City of Tallahassee Crisp County Power Commission Duke Power Company Florida Power Corporation Florida Power & Light Co. Georgia Power Co. Gulf Power Co. Jacksonville Electric Authority Lakeland Dept. of Elec. & Water Mississippi Power Co. Nantahala Power & Light Co. Orlando Utilities Commission Savannah Electric & Power Co. South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. South Carolina Public Service Authority Southeastern Power Administration Tampa Electric Co. Tapoco, Inc. Tennessee Valley Authority Virginia Electric & Power Co. Yadkin, Inc. East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement (ECAR) Appalachian Power Co. Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric Co. Consumers Power Co. Dayton Power & Light Company Detroit Edison Company Duqucsne Light Company East Kentucky Rural Electric Coop. Indiana-Kentucky Electric Corp. Indiana & Michigan Elect. Co. Indianapolis Power & Light Co. Kentucky Power Company Kentucky Utilities Company Louisville Gas & Electric Company Monongahela Power Company Northern Indiana Public Service Co. Ohio Edison Company Ohio Power Company Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Pennsylvania Power Company Potomac Edison Company Public Service Co. of Indiana Southern Indiana Gas & Electric Co. Toledo Edison Co. West Penn Power Company Mid-America InterconnectedAetlwork (MAIN) Associated Electric Coop., Inc.3 Central Illinois Light Company Central Illinois Public Service Co. City Watcr Light & Power, Springfield, Ill. Commonwealth Edison Illinois Power Company Interstate Power Company 6 Iowa Electric Light & Power Company Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric Co.4 Iowa Power & Light Company 4 Iowa Public Service Co. s Iowa Southern Utilities Co.4 Madison Gas and Electric Co. Northern States Power Co.4 Union Electric Company Upper Peninsula Power Co. Wisconsin Electric Power Company Wisconsin-Michigan Power Company Wisconsin Power and Light Compaiy Wisconsin Public Service Corp. ElectricReliabiliy Councilof Texas (ERCO T) B-K Electric Coop., Inc. Baird, City of Bartlett Electric Coop., Inc. Bluebonnet Elec. Coop., Inc. Boerne Utilities Bowic, City of Brady Water & Light Works Brazos Elec. Power Coop., Inc. Brenham Municipal Utilities Brownsville, City of Bryan, City of Cap Rock Elec. Coop., Inc. Central Power & Light Company City of Austin City Public Service Board (San Antonio) Coleman, City of Comanche County Elec. Coop. Assoc. Community Public Service Company Crosbyton, City of Cuero Electric Dept. Dallas Power & Light Company Deep East Texas Elec. Coop., Inc. Denton Municipal Utilities Denton County Elec. Coop., Inc. DeWitt County Elec. Coop., Inc. Fannin County Elec. Coop., Inc. Farmers Electric Coop., Inc. Fayette Electric Coop., Inc. Garland, City of Giddings, City of Goldthwaite, City of Gonzales Electric District System Grayson-Collin Elec. Coop., Inc. Greenville Municipal Utilities Guadalupe Valley Elec. Coop., Inc. Jackson Electric Coop., Inc. Jasper-Newton Electric Coop., Inc. Johnson County Electric Coop. Assn. -139- Table 5.4-10 (continued) Flectric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCO T)-Continued Kaufman County Electric Coop., Inc. Kimble Electric Coop., Inc. LaGrange, City of Lamar County Electric Coop. Assn. Limestone County Elec. Coop., Inc. Livingston, City of Lockhart Utilities Lower Colorado River Authority Luling Utilities Magic Valley Electric Coop., Inc. McCulloch Electric Coop., Inc. McLennan County Electric Coop., Inc. Medina Electric Coop., Inc. Mid-South Electric Coop. Assn. Midwest Electric Coop., Inc. Navarro County Electric Coop., Inc. New Braunfels Utilities New Era Electric Coop., Inc. Nueces Electric Coop., Inc. Robertson Electric Coop., Inc. Robstown, City of Sam H-ouston Electric Coop., Inc. San Bernard Electric Coop., Inc. San Patricio Electric Coop., Inc. Schulenburg, City of Seguin, City of Shiner, Light & Water Department Southwestern Electric Service Co. South Texas Elec. Coop., Inc. Southwest Texas Elec. Coop., Inc. Stamford Electric Coop., Inc. Teaguc, City of Hamilton County Elc. Coop. Assn. Iearne Municipal Plant Hemphill Electric Department Hill County Electric Coop., Inc. Houston Lighting & Power Company Hunt-Collin Elec. Coop., Inc. Texas Electric Service Co. Texas Power & Light Co. Tri-County Electric Coop., Inc. Tulia Light & Power Plant Weimar, City of West Texas Utilities Wise Electric Cooperative, Inc. Western Systems Coordinating Council (WSCC) Arizona Power Authority Arizona Public Service Co. Bonneville Power Administration British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority California Dept. of Water Resources Central Telephone & Utilities (South Colorado Power Division) Chelan County P.U.D. No. I City of Glendale, Public Service Dept. City of Tacoma, Dept. Public Utilities City of Seattle Dept. of Lighting Cowlitz County P.U.D. No. I Colorado-Ute Electric Association, Inc. Douglas County P.U.D. No. I El Paso Electric Company Eugene Water & Electric Board Grant County P.U.D. No. 2 Idaho Power Company Los Angeles Department of Water & Power Metropolitan Water Dist. of South Calif. Montana Power Company Nebraska Public Power District Nevada Power Company Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Power & Light Company Portland General Electric Co. Public Service Company of Colorado Public Service Company of New Mexico Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Sacramento Municipal Utility District Salt River Project San Diego Gas & Electric Co. Sierra Pacific Power Company Southern Calif. Edison Company Tri-State G&T Association Tucson Gas & Electric Company U. S. Bureau of Reclamation U. S. Corps of Engineers Utah Power & Light Company Washington Water Power Company West Kootenay Power & Light Company I Membership reported by all electric reliability councils as of September 1, 1970, except for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas which is reported as of November 20, 1970. 2 Also members of MAIN trough their parent company, Union Electric Company. s Also member of SPP. 4 Also member of IMARCA. I Member of MARCA. Resigned membership in MAIN as of June 30, 1971 -140- Table 5.4-11 Organizations comprising the National Electric Reliability Council (III;FPC; 1972; p-17-17). Regional Organizations Resources Winter of 1970 (Megawatts) East Central Arca Reliability Coordination Agreement (ECAR) .................. Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) .......................... 51,763 20,942 Mid-Atlantic Area Coordination Group (MAAC)... ....................... Mid America Interpool Network (MAIN). Mid-Continent Area Reliability Coordination Agreement (MARCA) ........... Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC) ............................ Southeastern Electric Reliability Council (SERC)............................ Southwest Power Pool Coordination Agreement (SPP) ......................... Western Systems Coordinating Council (WSCC)........................... 29,151 28,157 112,709 2 35,084 62,411 25,413 ' 62,685 Source: Reliability Council Reports to FPC. 1 Resources of Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board, Canada, not reported. Excludes resources of Ontario IIydro-Electric Commission, Canada, which are reported to be 1,903 MW. 3 Excludes resources of the two Canadian members, British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority and West Kootenay Power & Lght Co., which are reported to be 3,426 MW and 693 MW, respectively. -141- 5.5 National Aggregation The assessment mechanism of this report is designed for single fuel/plant/ control considerations. Section 5.4 discussed the many issues that have to be considered for assessments at a regional power system level and emphasized that national level assessments should be done by aggregating the results of separate regional level studies. This section discusses options for performing regional level assessments and their aggregation to a national level. There are obviously tradeoffs between the value of the results and the developmental and operational costs of the assessment mechanism. After defining and discussing the options, we provide our recommendations for the best way to proceed and our perception of tasks that should be part of the implementation of the assessment mechanism. 5.5.1 Definitions - Single Plant' The following terms and concepts, related to the single plant assessment, are redefined here for ease of reference for discussion on the problems of regional assessment and national aggregation. A "plant type" consists of a particular combination of one pre-combustion process (which may be a "null" process) one combustion process · one post-combustion process (which may be a "null" process) with prespecified electric generation capabilities such as 100, 250, or 1000MW. Thus a "plant type" is one particular configuration of hardware that converts unprocessed,mined coal into electrical energy at one of four such MW capacity levels. If there are 5 types of precombustion, 3 types of combustion, and 2 types of post-combustion of concern, then there are 5 x 3 x 2 = 30 possible plant types at a given capacity level. In practice, of course, not all combinations are of interest. A "coal type" consists of specification of one particular coal's dollar cost at mine mouth chemical, mechanical, and other properties. A "site type" consists of specification of a site's land availability water availability ambient air quality due to background for each pollutant of concern. A "plant configuration" consists of a particular combination of one plant type one coal type · one site type. If there are 120 plant types, 6 coal types, and 3 site types, then there are 120 x 6 x 3 = 2160 possible different plant configurations. A "plant simulation" has as inputs one particular plant configuration and all the associated technical factors cost of capital cost of coal transportation (from mine mouth to plant) plant capacity factor · environmental constraints to be met (existing or hypothetical standards). The outputs are "plant resultant factors". For a given set of environmental constraints, the plant configuration may be such that the constraints cannot be met. Only plant resultant factors corresponding to plant configurations that can meet the standards have to be considered in regional studies. -142- 5.5.2 Different Utility Regions The continental United States is assumed to be divided into K different "utility regions" where: · a utility region is a geographical area that is considered to make coordinated decisions on future generation expansion. The kth Utility Region, k=l...K, is specified by: regional expansion needs available plant configurations * coal transportation costs (for each coal type, site type combination). Section 5.4.3 discusses some of the possible natural levels of utility aggregation (see Table 54.6). Since a utility region "makes decisions" it actually corresponds to a power pool or an individual utility. An example of a division of the continental U.S. into "utility regions" is shown in the following map, Figure 5.5-1. Figure 5.5-1 An example of one possible set of "utility regions" that includes K=49 different geographic areas. The regional expansion needs of a utility region can be specified as either static: needs for one specified year, or dynamic: needs on year-by-year basis over a specified time span such as 20 years. The "desired mix" is defined to be a specification of . number of plants of specified capacity () that are to be built. The "existing mix" is a specification of number of plants of specified characteristics that are already built (or committed). There are three different basic levels of sophistication at which regional expansion needs can be specified: Level I: Specify desired mix, and capacity factors for each plant in desired mix. -143- Level II: Specify desired mix, existing mix, and load shape (load duration curve). Level III: Specify existing mix and load shape (load duration curve). Since any of these three levels can be specified either "statically" or "dynamically", there are 6 basic possibilities. As one example, a dynamic Level I would specify number of plants to be built, size of plants, and capacity factors for each year of, say, a 20-year time span. The choice of level of sophistication is determined by the type of "Utility Region Simulation" to be used (see Section 5.5.3). 5.5.3 Utility Region Simulation A utility region simulation has as inputs specification of kth utility region characteristics cost of capital environmental constraints to be met (existing or hypothetical standards) characteristics of other electric generation technologies (such as gas, oil, nuclear, or hydro) to be considered. The outputs are the kth utility region's resultant factors. A utility region simulation contains a decision making/optimization logic which chooses the minimum (capital plus operating) dollar cost plants from the set of available plant configurations meets the specified expansion needs satisfies all environmental constraints. This criterion is used to correspond, as best as reasonable, with the actual decision making process (see section 5.4.2). The commercialization potential of a given technology is determined by how competitive it is in the above decision making process. As discussed in section 5.4.2 there are many regionally dependent political, social and regulatory issues that also affect the decision making process. Conceptually, a utility region simulation can be viewed as a computer program that · carries out the plant simulation for each plant in the set of available plant configurations, rejects those plant configurations that cannot meet the environmental constraints (a screening" process), searches over the economic resultant factors from the remaining plant simulations to find a minimum cost solution (subject to other constraints such as rate of introduction of new technology, and so on), outputs the chosen plant configurations, and all resultant factors for the chosen plants. There are then three levels of sophistication for a utility region simulation where each level has a correspondingly different specificity of regional expansion needs, as defined in section 5.5.2. The role of the utility region simulation at these different levels of sophistication is Level I (Specify desired mix, capacity factors): Choose best set of plant configurations to fit prespecified desired mix and prespecified capacity factor. Level II (Specify desired mix, existing mix, load shape): Choose best set of plant configurations to fit prespecified desired mix while choosing best set of capacity factors. Level III (Specify existing mix, load shape): Choose best set of plant configurations and corresponding capacity factors. Level III gives the most meaningful outputs and requires the least a priori decision making for its inputs, but also requires the development/use of fairly sophisticated computer programs. Level I can almost be a simple "list-search" code. -144- It is clear that a utility region simulation can have a wide range of complexity and sophistication. Consider two extremes. A sophisticated dynamic Level III effectively exists already in the MIT "GEM" computer code- see (V; Schweppe, et al.; 1972). The simplest static Level I version results when the "desired mix" (for the year of interest) consists of one plant (of specified MW size and capacity factor). For this case, the utility simulation simply results in the choice of the one plant configuration that has minimum dollar cost (and which meets environmental constraints). Amore general discussion of these issues is contained i(III;Ruane, et al.; 1976). A utility region simulation involves the choice of the least dollar cost set of plant configurations that meets the expansion needs subject to environmental and other constraints. This approach corresponds to the actual utility decision making process. It must, however, be emphasized that the use of the resulting mathematical optimization logics can yield misleading results. For example, one particular plant configuration might be chosen over all others even though the actual cost difference between them is small. The choice patterns might change completely with only a small variation in, say, a hypothesized cost of capital. For this reason it is necessary to once again follow standard utility practice and perform sensitivity studies to see how the chosen set of plant configurations varies with changes in the exogenous input parameters. Thus, multiple runs of the utility region simulation may be required fr each region. 5.5.4 Representative Power Systems There are more than 20 utility regions at a formal utility-pool level in the United States. This number exceeds 40 if informal pools are included. Thus, substantial computer time would be required to run a utility region simulation on all utility regions (especially if Level II or III sophistication is used). Compounding the difficulty is the necessity for developing a data base that defines each of the regions. Such data are available but their collection and use require a major undertaking. Two alternative approaches that alleviate some of these potential data collection and computer time problems are now discussed. Figure 5.5-2 An example of an aggregated set of "utility regions." -145- The first possibility simply involves working with gross aggregations of the individual "utility regions." An example of this type of geographic breakdown is presented in Figure 5.5-2. This example shows aggregated utility regions that are made up of between 2 and 9 of the individual regions in Fgure 5.5-1. The other potential simplification is based not upon actual geographic regions but on different types of power system situations. The basic idea involves the definition of J types of "representative power systems." None of these representative power systems is necessarily any particular utility or pool (that is, not any of the actual utility regions). However, it is assumed that for any particular utility region, there exists a representative power system that corresponds to it in a sense that the operation of a utility regional simulation on the kth utility region or on the corresponding jth representative power system yield effectively the same conclusions. At the present time we feel 5 to 10 representative power systems (J = 5 to 10) will probably be sufficient for a relatively accurate national representation. An example of a hypothetical representation of the "utility regions" from Figure 5.5-1 by a few "representative power systems" is given in Figure 5.5-3. Figure 5.5-3 A hypothetical coverage of a number of "utility regions" by a small ( J=7 ) number of "representative power systems." The representative power system concept can reduce data base problems and the number of individual utility region simulations that have to be run. This method has been applied to numerous studies at a national level in the past, (V; FEA; 1974), see Figure 5.5-4. recently in 5.5.5 National Resultant Factors Use of a utility region simulation on K utility regions (or the approximately equivalent J representative power systems) yields K sets of regional resultant factors. The aggregation of these regional resultant factors into national resultant factors is now considered. Different methods of aggregation are used for different regional resultant factors. -146- - s * ') -; w z ZO Lu LJ LF X >-,,0 -o cc~ "J I I 0U0 70 o~~o (~ cJ 0 0~~~~ zw ..... -J UU i 4_i M U) U z z 0 UL 0 0 cc cr>-L I j 4i C .. -/ LU H> ci) H -J Lf) 0 r)- 0 o0I li w~~ <(: CaL: Z LU < L< L0z cJ '< Cn1 ~~~~~~~~II * 0 03 U Z I1 0< U P-{3 -147- * 4-J oA, 4i W H a) 4q Some of the regional resultant factors, such as dollar costs or barrels of oil per year saved, can be simply summed over all regions to get a national corresponding factor. Such simple summations, however, are often not satisfactory for all resultant factors, and, thus, other procedures have to be utilized. The nature of the desired aggregation can depend on the qu4estion that is to be answered. For example, consider the two example questions given at the beginning of section 5.4: development funds be allocated among the competing 1. How should EA developing technologies to maximize substitution of coal for oil by 1990? 2. What is the maximum commercialization level of, say, fluidized bed combustion in the nation's fuel use pattern by 1995? Both of these questions are economically oriented so a lot of detail on the environmental side is not required. Environmental factors could therefore be greatly aggregated. On the other hand, an environmentally oriented question such as: Do any of the competing developing technologies have a high probability of a major health impact if things go wrong? would involve minimal aggregation of the environmental factors as one goes from the regional to the national level. In some cases the method of aggregating regional factors to the national level should depend on the nature of the regional resultant factors themselves. For example, when comparing alternative coal burning technologies, a reasonable national resultant factor is the percentage of the national market that each technology captures. This national resultant factor can be obtained by simply summing over the regional results. However, it can be very misleading when a particular technology captures only a small share of the national market but also happens to be critical to one particular region of the United States. A simple summation of emissions over all K utility regions is possible but a weighting by region would often be considered more reasonable. For example, if sulfates are a prime concern, tons of SO2 emissions per year on the East Coast might be weighted less than SO2 emissions in the Chicago area. Unfortunately the choice of such weighting factors is still more subjective than objective. The above discussions illustrate one very important point. Although possible, it is extremely difficult and often very unsatisfactory to comrpletely prespecify a set of specific formulas for use in aggregrating region resultant factors to national resultant factors. What is really needed is a versatile, interactive computer code which: 1. computes and outputs certain standard national resultant factors (such as dollars, percentage capture of national market, and so on) using prespecified formulas, and 2. can be adapted to output other national resultant factors which are chosen on the basis of the type of question to be answered, the nature of the regional resultant factors, or other concerns as they arise. 3. 5.5.6. Recommended Approach The discussions in sections 5.5.1 through 5.5.5 covered many different ways in which to proceed from a single plant assessment mechanism to national assessment. The authors' recommendations on how to choose between there options will now be presented. These recommendations are based on the criteria that it is desirable to obtain a reasonable and accurate national level capability with the least cost as measured in terms of development time and computer requirements. The choice of a recommended utility region simulation (see section 5.5.3.) is not easy. The most accurate choice is a sophisticated dynamic Level III -148- simulation and the basic computer programs to do this are presently operational (MIT-GEM is an example). However after much thought the use of a package such as the MIT-GEM system is not recommended at this time because the computer time required to run such code on even the J representative power systems appears to be excessive because of the need to do multiple sensitivity studies. It is, of course, possible to develop a less sophisticated Level II utility region simulation. The supply side of of the Baughman-Joskow model (IV; Baughman; 1975) is an example of an operating computer code that might be modified to do the job. After considering the costs associated with developing and verifying such a computer code however, and considering what we perceive to be the needs of the overall Argonne assessment program, we do not recommend the development of a Level III capability. We recommend that a dynamic Level I utility region simulation be developed first but in a fashion such that a Level II capability can be added easily, at some later time. This Level II capability would be obtained by adding a Booth-Balerieux production cost program (IV: Finger; 1975) which could iteratively adjust the prespecified capacity factors of the Level I simulation. The choice between using K explicit utility regions and J representative power systems (that are then mapped into the K region) is relatively easy. We feel that the effort required to work with K explicit utility regions is not worthwhile relative to the advantages that it provides. We therefore recommend using the J representative power system approach. It is our opinion that a fixed set of formulas for national aggregation of all regional factors should not be used. We strongly recommend that a versatile computer code be develoedso that the specific method of aggregration for some of the regional resultant factors can be adapted to the specific questions of concern and the nature of the numerical results. This recommendation is consistent with our design and basic philosophy behind the ordering mechanism. If the ordering mechanism itself is implemented as discussed in chapter 7 of this report, the addition of a versatile national aggregration capability is a relatively small additional computer programming effort. 6. Resultant Factors The resultant factors play an important central role in the overall assessment procedure. In terms of the terminology used throughout this report the technical factors are used in te simulation mechanism to develop resultant factors. A set of resultant factors would be developed for each combination of fuel/conversion/control and for each option to be explored among the regional assumptions, accounting procedures, fixed capitalization charges, and the various other economic and performance criteria. Thus, a single set of resultant factors may be meaningful by itself, or a number of sets of resultant factors could be developed for a single technology under various sensitivity parametrizations of the modeling options. The place of the resultant factors in the overall assessment procedure is shown in Figure 6.0-1. USER . / DECISION 2AMER I I' I ASSESSMENT CTIONS NONTCHNICAL A D INPUTS User choices of regional ac-recations or individual fel/plant/control combinations to be studied and user choices of regional, econcnic, and other information to be studied or para-eterizoed I1 1' L1! PRIORITIES Subjectte choices f DISPLAY RESULTANTOF FACTORS "- user- DISPLAY f IiTERIM INFOPKATION TO USER f- ordering and eliminating information and combinations TEC.'ICAL lnor.ation on iu-. plan t II reocirement~S FACTORS , 2 rod i ab LAT ION ECM N ISM iI I- -- --.-I ORSD RSLTANT FACTORS __ V ie Models of accounting, dispersion d aregio1 , n totioo concerns for fuels, Fer'2rr-ar'ce and lconversion plants, and abteent ERING MECHANISM ~Final Mechanism andreport Co,p~r~ble information Comparable information M'2ch on each fuel/plant/ control combination aggregations regional chosen for study generator ing, wengoting, and is playing the information of interest or |CRITICAL FACTORS - n information the crucIal dtffmrenees the crucia'l diffuren es between cntr control cen chosen th f1/plant/ 'cfatnr rbrnations frs for study r n Figure 6.0-1 Representation of the central role played by the resultant factors. Note that a user with different subjective priorities need only go back and retrieve the original set of resultant factors. In any of these cases the resultant set of numbers actors should be a reasonably sized that: (1) contain as much as is possible of the information that might be useful to a decision maker from any of the many special interest groups, and (2) does not presume hidden subjective tradeoffs between unlike quanti- ties. An example of a possible list of resultant factors is contained in Table 6.0-1 Table 6.0-1 Example of a list of resultant factors for a chosen energy plant/ control option. 1. Economic 1. 2. Resiltant Factors Total Investment ($) Capital Investment Normalized -150- ($/1000MWe) Table 6.0-1 (continued) 3. 4. 5. 2. Operating Cdst A. Fixed Operating Cost ($/MWe/yr) B. Variable Operating Cost ($/MWhr) Annualized Cost ($/Yr) Total Cost per Unit Output (mills/kTlfr) Performance Resultant Factors (e) 1. Capacity 2. Production 3. 4. Design Capacity Factor (%) Operating Capacity Factor (%) 5. Availability (%) 6. 7. Energy Efficiency (overall losses and ancillary, %) Expected Lifetime of Unit (yrs) (lhr/yr) 3. Applicability Resultant Factors 1. Commercialization Date (2000MBe production capacity, yr) 2. Operating Experience (e-yr) 3. Licensing and Construction Time (yrs) 4. Maximum Rate of Installation (e/yr) 5. Potential for Advancement of Technology (e.g., mills/kWlhr reduction in output price per year after commercialization) 6. Probability of Technological Feasibility (fraction of 1) 4. Resource Requirements 1. Renewable Energy (as % of primary energy) 2. Land Use (acres/biWe). A. On-Site Requirements B. Waste Disposal and Other C. Pondage Requirements 5. (non-operating, man-yrs) 3. Manpower Requirement 4. Water Consumption (gallons/tBhr) 5. 6. Materials Requirements (tons/M9yr/material) By-Products (disposal costs or sales, $/MWyr) Environmental Consequences 1. Emission Standards (% of each standard) 2. Emissions (normal and upset) for specific pollutants) A. Air Pollutants (tons, BTU/Wyr B. Water Pollutants (tons, BTU/bB1yr for specific pollutants) C. Waste Solids (tons/MB1yr for specific wastes) D. Radioactive Pollutants E. Noise (decibels/full load) 3. Upset Conditions (hrs/Mlyr) 4. Ambient Standards (% of each standard) 5. Occupational Health A. 6. Mortalities (deaths/yr/W) B. Morbidities (illnesses/yr/MW) C. Man-Days Lost (man-days/yr/NMW) D. Occupational HIealth Costs ($/yr/MW) Public Health A. Mortalities (deaths/yr/MW) -151- Table 6.0-1 (continued) B. Morbidities (illnesses/vr/N) 7. 6.1 i. Chronic Respiratory (cases) ii. Aggravated eart-Lung Symptoms (person-days/yr/MW) iii. Asthma Attaches (cases) iv. Children's Respiratory (cases) C. Public Health Costs ($/yr/MW) Pollution-Related Damage Costs (total health and other, $/yr/MW) A. Biota Costs ($/yr/MW) B. Material Damage Costs ($/yr/MW) C. Aesthetic Costs ($/yr/bB) Economic Resultant Factors These factors should include as much as is feasible of all of the necessary and sufficient information about the economics of a particular fuel/plant/ control option. Using the suggested categories in Table 6.0-1 most of the numbers are normalized: fixed and variable costs and cost per unit output. It may also be important to have non-normalized costs such as total investment and annualized cost. The reason for this is that some technology such as fusion may show up as an attractive alternative on a normalized cost basis, but the $10 billion outlay for the typically (0,OOOMWe) sized unit may be an important constraint to some decision makers. An example of an exhaustive display of some economic Resultant Factors from (V; NASA; 1976; p355) is shown in Figure 6.1-1. 6.2 Performance Resultant Factors For interested parties with more focused perspectives, such as environmentalists, performance measures might be of little concern. In terms, however, of fitting into a long-range utility plan, size, reliability, and lifetime can be among the most important considerations. In the example in Table 6.0-1 energy efficiency could as appropriately be considered in resource requirements as in performance indexes. 6.3 Applicability Resultant Factors This category of displayed results deals primarily with the logistical problems associated with the fuel/plant/control options. Again using the categories in Table 6.0-1 some of these results show whether and when this combination can be built, some show likelihood of difficulties (operating experience) or improvements, and some categories show numbers that can help in regional and national scale-ups. With some experience using the overall assessment mechanism should come better ideas for categories and more precise assumptions for the quantification of results. For example, in Table 6.0-1 the commercialization date is defined as the year at which 2000MWe (equivalent) of production is on line. However, it might be better to use the definition as the year the third nominally sized facility begins operation; this would help display the difference between technologies that would have typical full-sized capacities of 25MWe and those of 10,OOOMWe capacities. 6.4 Resource Requirements These resultant factors are the standard, often easily available, land, manpower, water, energy, and materials requirements normalized to a common out-152- System steam(atlospheric Advanced turnacet Case 69 Advanced steam WF8) 31 Advanced steam ipressurizedboiler) 49 Advanced steamPi81 49 gasturbine Open-cycle (simplecycle) 26 LJ L_ a'l Mjor components i balanceof plant '11] Contingency andinterest L1 Escalation 1~~~~~~~~~~~~- Open-cycle gasturbine Irecuperated Open-cycle gas turbiine/organic 96 Combined cycle 63 Closed-cycle gaslturbine Irecuperated) 27 Closed-cycle gas turbinelsteam 42 Closed-cycle gas turbine/organic 52 Llquid-metal Rankine 13 111111111:1 EY/// I II F1'.'.- ff 1 7/////// 101 VI1A, i ;''t* lVase case2) Open-cycle MIHD ILBTU integrated gasilier)isteam 4lhase case3) ' 11 Alkalineuel cells 11 -,.. ) // 2 Phosphoric acidfuelcells '' ' . / /. / ////.. ' ' ''' ' M%/X////S Solidelectrolyte tfuelcells / // //Z,,.: .f .. ___?/ R\\,WY "-- ' - : ;'I., .,-. -I I 0 .''.,' :ii?:-? '".''' !!. 71]" 777 MX/~m' tuel carbonate Molten cells/steam \~~~~~~~~~~7_, ; !.' Open-cycle MHDtdirect coal ired)ilsteam 12 71 , 12base case1) MHD/steam Llquid-metal :-. ME/11 Open-cycle MHDdirect indirect coalired)/steam Closed-cycle MHD/stear F Y////// -z~~~~~~_TIj 4 20 10101111,1A I 0 I I I 1) 2() 300 400 I I 1__1 500 6 700 1_ gS)OOC 900 1000 110 _ 120 1 ,I., 1300co I 2000 Capitalcost. SlkW Figure 6.1-1 Display of several economic Resultant Factors for a specific set of economic Non-Technical Factors (V; NASA; 1976). -153- put number. Some additional categories that might be worthwhile for consideration include: domestic and mported ratios on material and resource uses, quantitative measures of the cartel-vulnerability of imported materials, and ppm or ppb measures of the ratio of resource use to total resource availability-a type of measure that spotlights the use of scarcer resources. 6.5 Environmental Consequences This is the largest and most uncertain portion of the list of resultant factors. Most comparative assessments stop at tons of emissions for 5 to 10 different pollutants, the common pollutants for which there are standards. These common pollutants are sometimes extrapolated to ambient and damage figures. Seldom are uncommon pollutants traced to ambient conditions and seldom are public health effects displayed for anything but common pollutant impacts. Occupational effects are largely available. The rest of the environmental resultant factors listed in Table 6.0-1 are untried, and precisely because this is new territory there are likely to be important and revealing results in these categories that could evolve from the future Argonne efforts on this project. -154- 7. Ordering Mechanisms and Critical Factors The place of the ordering mechanism in the overall assessment procedure is shown in Figure 7.0-1. The "priorities" shown feeding information back and forth between the modeling options and the ordering mechanism represents the interactive nature that could exist between the user and the computer terminal. 0 factors operation USER ~/Assessment controls Optionsand / /_ Non-Technical Inputs r-- . . . . .. _ _ I I I I I I . COMPUTERIZED ASSESSMENT MECHANISM 1 Figure 7.0-1 i 1 Block diagram representation of relationship between user and the computerized assessment mechanism The input to the ordering mechanism can best be visualized as a matrix of entries. Each of the columns in such a matrix would represent a different fuel/plant/control or a different assessment option. Each of the rows of this matrix would represent a different type of resultant factor. In the most general case each entry in the matrix would be not just a single number but a set of numbers or a function that characterized the uncertainty of that piece of information. 7.1 Ordering Models Once the matrix of plant alternatives and resultant factors has been constructed, the decision maker is left with the task of sorting through those alternatives to find which ones are most suitable based on selection criteria. Even in the deterministic case, where each entry of the matrix is a single number, it can be a very formidable task to seek out the most attractive alternatives. The inclusion of uncertainty in that analysis complicates the task to the point where some kind of ordering or screening mechanism is essential. There are several requirements for a useful ordering mechanism. It must be flexible enough so that decision makers with different selection criteria and different attitudes toward risk can use it. It must be capable of handling the uncertainty in the resultant factors in a meaningful way. And, because the decision making is ideally an iterative process, the screening model should be interactive to allow the decision maker to see the results of each step and to backtrack or go forward using these results. At some point, the screening model arrives at a subset of the original resultant factors, a subset which here is defined to be the set of critical factors. It may be that soma resultant factors, such as installment cost, go directly into the final set of critical factors since the decision maker may know he will always be concerned with cost; whereas other resultant factors, such as plant efficiency, may become apparent as critical only during the course -155- of the analysis. For eample, there may be a large tradeoff between installment cost and plant efficiency of which the decision maker is not initially aware. As the analysis proceeds, the decision aker may become aware of this tradeoff and realize that plant efficiency will be critical in arriving at a decision. The screening model described below is designed solely to identify the critical factors. Once the critical factors have been obtained, methods such as tradeoff analysis or sophisticated graphics may be employed to arrive at a fuller understanding of the relationships among the final alternatives. The description of the screening model itself can be broken down into two parts. First, there are the strategies available to the decision maker for eliminating variables. Second, there are the operations performed within the model which will reduce the matrix once a variable has been eliminated. The elimination strategies will be discussed first, with the definitions of the different types of elimination given in section 7.1.3. 7.1.1 Elimination Strategies Descriptions of four major different types of elimination strategies are given in the following subsections. There are other kinds of strategies, a number of which have been developed and used in sources listed in section 9.VI, but most of these are minor variations or combinations of the following types. Threshold Criteria This procedure requires the decision maker to indicate threshold values above or below which an alternative would not be considered. These thresholds may be government or industry standards, maximum resource availabilities, or absolute system constraints. If there are uncertainty measures associated with the data, the threshold criteria can be given in probabilistic terms. For example, one criterion might be that all plants have a 90% chance of meeting the 1980 pollution standards. Once all fuel/plant/control options that are unacceptable to the decision maker have been removed,then the matrix can be further reduced using row and column elimination techniques (described in section 7.1.3). Using threshold criteria alone, however, is not likely to reduce the matrix to a small enough set of critical factors to enable the decision maker to formulate any overall conclusions. Therefore, threshold criteria most probably must be combined with one of the other strategies described below. Indifference Elimination Elimination by indifference is an interactive strategy in which the decision maker successively eliminates particular resultant factors or specific plant alternatives because they do not appear at that stage to be important concerns. After each such procedure the matrix is thus reduced by the elimination of a row or a column. At any time, in an ideal interactive mechanism, the decision maker should be allowed to replace a variable previously eliminated and to start down a different elimination path. For example, a decision maker may look at the acreage requirements for the various alternatives, decide that they are relatively unimportant and eliminate them from the matrix. Later in the procedure he may realize that he is not indifferent to the acreage requirement and thus elect either to return to the matrix as it was or to retain all the elimination up to that point and just to reinstate the row of acreage requirements. Some advantages of the indifference elimination strategy are that it does not require the decision maker to quantify preferences among variables and that -156- uncertainties in the data do not change the effectiveness of this strategy. It does not, however, allow for anything but binary, totally in or totally out, decisions. The strategy described in the next section is designed to remedy this. Relative Weighting In the weighting model, the decision maker initially enters a relative weight for each resultant factor. For example, a decision maker might put a weight of 1.0 on all cost factors, a weight of 0.5 on all pollution factors, and a weight of 0.25 on all resource requirement factors. This would mean that there were no factors more important than costs, that pollution factors were half as important as costs, and that resource requirements were one quarter as important as costs. For factors with zero weights, the strategy is identical to the indifference elimination strategy, so that initially any factor with a zero weight is removed from the matrix. The inclusion of uncertainty complicates the model considerably, therefore, the weighting model will be discussed first assuming that each resultant factor is represented by a single number. Because the resultant factors are in different units (dollars, dollars/MWhr, tons/4NWhr, and so on), they are difficult to compare, and must be reduced to some common denominator. One method for accomplishing this is to compare them to the best available technology for that type of plant. The resultant factors could thus be converted to nondimensional ratios comparing performance to that of the best existing technology. For example, a plant which produced 50% less S02 than the best existing technology would have a resultant factor of 1.5 for S02 pollution. Once the resultant factors have been reduced to a common unit of measurement, then the relative weight can be applied. It may be desirable to eliminate rows of resultant factors for which the remaining plants are essentially the same. This may be done either by the decision maker or by setting a tolerance range within the model. There are a number of other obvious ways that weighting factors can be used. For example, for resultant factors with common units of measure, such as air pollutant emissions, it is quite easy to combine these few rows into a single index of, in this instance, air pollution. For environmental consequences, across-the-board weightings of radically different types of impacts have been looked at previously (V; Reiquam, et al.; SY7). Combinations of rows are not, of course, restricted to the environmental factor. A weighted combination of investment and operating costs, for example, could be used to determine which alternative technology best fills a certain type of slot in a utility's future plans. Weighted combinations of columns are also potentially useful. For example, if several different coal samples or several different future economic assumptions are each followed through for a particular technology it might be helpful to combine these columns to form a single vector that represents a typical composite or averaged view of the likely performance of that technology. Strategies Using Uncertainty All of the discussions above have assumed that each resultant factor is represented by a single number, ignoring the upper and lower bounds. However, the additional information on the uncertainty of a value may be important in reaching a decision. To include the uncertainties explicitly in any of the sorting mechanisms could be very cumbersome, since one would expect bounds to overlap for many alternatives, so that no one alternative would ever be clearly better than another. There are several strategies for reducing probabilistic data to single -157- numbers that include some presumption about the treatment of the uncertainty. One simple strategy is to take the expected value of each resultant factor and to proceed without any reflection of the variance in that parameter. This can have serious disadvantages, especially, for example, to a decision maker who was greatly averse to taking risks. He might, for example, not be interested in a plant if there was some chance of it being very costly, even though the expected cost might be relatively low. To circumvent this, one could look at points other than the expected value on the probability distribution curve. For example, for a mildly risk-averse decision maker, one could elect to represent all resultant factors by that value that had a chance of 70 percent or better of occurring. This technique could have the same disadvantage as did the taking of the expected value in that it does not reflect the variance of a parameter, nor the decision maker's attitude towards that variance. Fortunately, decision analysis, or more specifically utility theory, has been developed because of just this sort of problem. Decision analysis is a relatively new field, so there are many unanswered questions, particularly for multi-attribute types of decisions. The following paragraphs briefly outline the theory of decision analysis. An excellent reference is (VI; Raiffa; 1968). The first step in decision analysis is to quantify a decision maker's attitude toward taking risks. It is easiest to think in terms of money, but the theory is by no means limited to this; one could draw up curves that showed a decision maker's risk attitude toward pollution, reliability, or whatever. In monetary terms, then, someone's attitude toward risk is usually assessed using lotteries. One is given a choice between two lotteries, both with the same expected value but different variances, and asked which is preferable. Or one is asked for how much one would sell a given lottery. Through a series of questions, a curve such as that shown in Figure 7.1-1 can be drawn up. A "utility" of 1.0 is usually assigned to the largest value and a utility of zero to the lowest. The intermediate values are scaled accordingly. Used in this sense, utility" means the ultimate usefulness of an outcome to the decision maker, rather than its face value. The shape of the utility curve reflects one's attitude towards risk. A concave curve means that one is risk averse. A straight line means one is risk indifferent, or equivalently that one uses the expected values to make decisions. A convex curve means one is risk prone or that one enjoys taking risks. As an example, suppose the decision maker were presented with a choice between two plants. One plant has a 30% chance of costing $500 per installed kW and a 70% chance of costing $1000 per W. The other plant has a 60% chance of costing $750 per kW and a 40% chance of costing $1250 per kW. Suppose, in addition, that we have exactly characterized someone's preferences and they are displayed in the curve in Figure 7.1-1.The first plant then has an expected utility of (.30 X 1.0 + .70 X .5) = .65. The second plant has an expected utility of (.60 X .7 + .40 X .33) = .55. So the first plant is preferred by this particular person. Ideally, one could assess the decision maker's attitude toward risk for each resultant factor, and his attitude toward the interactions among the resultant factors in order to arrive at the overall utility for each plant. One would then simply choose the plant with the highest utility. Unfortunately, such multi-attribute decision problems are complex and only a few special cases have been solved. Even if the plant assessment problem could be formulated as one of these special cases, there would remain the task of assessing the utility curves for each of the resultant factors. Therefore, in the design outlined below, it is anticipated that decision analysis would be used only in the final stages. -158- 1.0 .9 .8 .7 4O "~ '6 4J H5 4 0J .4 a; ' .3 Pi .2 .1 .0 0 Figure 7.1-1 7.1.2 $500 $1000 $1500 dollars per kW $2000 $2500 Utility curve showing the preferences of a decision maker General Ordering Mechanism Combining all of the methodologies outlined above, the following ordering mechanism emerges. First the decision maker enters any threshold criteria that must be enforced. The resulting size of the matrix is displayed. The decision maker may elect to stop, to have specific rows displayed, to have additional resultant factors eliminated, to enter a vector of weights for the remaining factors, or to begin again with new threshold criteria or other strategies. If the decision maker arrives at a point where he can no longer eliminate variables, but the uncertainty in the data prohibits him from making a decision, he may elect to have his risk profile assessed for various parameters. New resultant factors would be displayed which would show, for example, the cost utility or pollution utility, of each alternative. This may aid the decision maker to reduce the size of the matrix to a small set of critical factors so that a reasonably simple decision can be made. 7.1.3 Elimination Operations There are just two different types of elimination operations, column elimination and row elimination. The column for a plant alternative may be eliminated from the matrix when there exists another column that is superior in all important aspects. This may occur after the decision maker has eliminated a resultant factor from the matrix or after a row elimination. For example, suppose there were two fuel/plant/control options, identical except that one had been made more efficient in the conservation of resources and consequently has a higher capital and maintenance cost. If the decision maker is indifferent -159- to resource usage, then the cheaper plant would be preferred and the more efficient one eliminated from the analysis. A row of resultant factors mraybe eliminated when all elements are less desirable , or are the same to within some specified tolerance. This than some other row may occur after a plant alternative has been eliminated, either by the decision maker or by column elimination. For example, if solar technologies were eliminated because they would not be available soon enough, then the resultant factor displaying fraction of energy need that is from renewable sources might at that point be zero across the remaining technologies and thus the row of data on renewable energy would be eliminated from the matrix. -160- 0 U ) >, :j (l rd t U 0 0 _ o 'H O 04 ::)' 4(1 0 'ci Cq ,1 'oil 4 0 ' -4 0 44 -H4 fl 0 ' 'T}O ci *r > 0 U) liI0 0 4 .0.0O a -4 Ul F; ', 4 0 0 OC ,cd 31) ;O ttTi.. IM r-t 44 > I (1 44 44 C4 4 '.4 4J . 4-4 V) 0 : 4U 4 4 '>t''T' 0)0 CL >1U) 0 ci 4 -H '4I 'Di C'4-4 0 '0Z 04 U) . . U) O- ,-4 IQ 44 N-H1-4v0 >i ,u0 '44 tn . co - 0 * ,-4 >, r 4 >.4 0 o 0 .1 41 .- oU C ,-1f 4 0- 0 Q 0O 4 Id 44J J i 4_t r ?>) 0 4 0 > r -:3)- . 10 3'0 O000-4 4 IGS. > O 0 <41>1C \ 0 0 r > U W H0 0 (A cO 0 4 14 ° ta ci M0 -H 4 14 O rr >- _. ._ Rr 0,>h J r.0 >. CD O .U O C) 0) . tt :.: ... a) 44' 0 0 43 O) > EH W U r- g 0 44O J W U) 0 0) ' 4 4 r4 0 4 U 0H43 4 0 0 U) 0 .0 0% 4-. 0, C) u 4 "A (V -40 C) 1 040t 04 0t S4u W1 ) 0 c;02 ( co -. a >,0 -H U ) 44 4C: U)4 -44 'A H4--4 O 4J 4 0 W f g 0 t4 : _ ... . ' 0 S4 -," 0 4J HO u U4 tl444 0 C >H1-0U -C U; 0: : d O: - 0.4 r000~1-. 01 ra 0 Jt 5)' 40 0 ' 0 > U] v C 4 4 W H P~ 1 44 U -r i 404 r -H 4jU M>.0 C) 4C-*r4 S -4 4 4 -r4 3 r4 -,A C 0 QL Oj q 14 tn r'H r4~4 V: ~ U)~ r4 -$ (: ° U~ / / ~ \OU)0[ P O-H-H e) ,- -H r(C E4 & VIIC) - - \ :4 -,A O (0Co0)0'0H'H'F:HF.1U U1 ) 11 : ) Oj E -i*r [14 4tJ j j IJ > >, : : ,c C) En U r4( Id ) U)U)'H 4 >, CC) 444d g; ts 4 D3 O r1 4 4 0 \ a) 0 00 Id Wq W 4-4 ci U1. 0 0h4 C, 0 Cr IH)J0U > 0 0 o0>0:0"00 WOO-1 'H t-J 0 4w4 4J. °0g: r;'4 --rJ4q rdr ,r4 4J Li Q4 Ql,o ' i:J C)J M-44': (f4 04 E:IE0. 4Or.' 0OO>310>*Jr f 0 4t . 44 0 4 0 V4 4J r- 00 r 4 0 - U) )4-1H4 404 " 4 U 14-r .0 4 ) -r4 -Gr4 r4. 4 Q 1) ~", 4 11 1 ·'4H 4J U) ) , r-l 4I C.) Cd (A -1 Co 4/ \4 _4_ 'Oil r 0 4~~~~~ r I 4 >1 0 I 10 >44 144 O 4) r4 VA 'r. ; 24 'rO 44) -HA o 4 .4V D-. o -r40 0 C). o~~~~~ 411 ~ 'J 0 4j 144 ~~ I0 I 0N n C) 0 or tn 4404 v-H >4 'II 0 0 14-4 14 14 0 U)g 1J r ":- rl~~~~~~~~~~~~ I)4 At ~ :>/ ~ 4- --4. e. 4J Og*,4 0 a, W I4 !il I0 I.0 if4 u() 0rJ Q) >1 'I iJ ,"C ) o¢i r-l 0c-,P ' C) · / 4 \j C 0 r r*t]O* ~, 0 441l IQlW 4) / e O CoC >s } >, 4rJ 21 S-4 \ - v ~~~~~::~0 CLo I~~~41 U Ci I 04 O., 0444- u) 4 4J P0 >c 4 00~ 4! 0 0 no \ *0 l J EL__I -161- O 'H mC- a 'HO 10 lC U U) D C., 00 P. 7.2 Example of Interactive Ordering Mechanism All of the elimination strategies discussed above can be combined into a general ordering mechanism. A flow chart of the procedures is given in Figure 7.2-1. The example below follows the flow chart and shows the result each decision has on the matrix. The original matrix is shown in Table 7.2-1. 1) In the initial scan of the matrix, the availability resultant factor is eliminated. No other rows or columns can be obviously eliminated. 2) The decision maker enters threshold criteria: a) S02 emissions must have a 95% chance of being less than 250 tons/ year. b) Particulate emissions must have a 95% chance of being less than 50 tons/year. c) Plant must be available in 1985. Result on matrix: a) High sulfur coal is eliminated. b) Liquefaction is eliminated. c) All plants will be available in 1985; no effect. New matrix is 6 x 16 (see Table 7.2-2). LOWSULFUR COAL -CCN.¶IfC PHYSICAL COAL CLEANING FLUIDIZED BED COBUSTION LOW TU GASIFICATION 445.-47O·-540. 470.-490.-650. 520.-555.-695. 8.4-8.9-10.0 9.8-10. 2-13.5 12.4-132.- 15.8 RESULTANT FACTORS CAP~ITALI;EV-':.S7T :OM.ALIZEO C$1000/INVE0.-{6T·- 5LIE CPERATING COST (SI/MWH R) 7.8-8.2-9.5 (PERCENT) . 68.-68.-68 8..........68.-68.-68 .... PER1RMANC'2 RESULTANT FACTORS AVAILABILITY IN'RAY EFFICIENCY (CVERALL P-'FCENT) 34.-34.-34. 32.-32.-32. 32.-34.-35. 22.-24.-27. 1976 1976 1981 19d2 10 9 4 2 100. 80. 60. AFPPECARILITYRES{LTANT FACTORS CcMiERCIALiZATI)N DATE (2C'".C .~,~E/YEAR} I.AXMU.1 RATE OF NSTALLATION .. (10.C .1 E/EAR) FRC3ABILITY OF SUCCESS (P. _-NC NT) ES7t-.':ANTAL AIR- NOX 10c. RESULTA.T FACTORS (ICNS/MWYzAR) ... 70.-88. -105. AlR - S02 (TONS/MW-YEA R) 52.8-66.-79. 116. - 145. - 174- AIR - CO (TC.S/MW-YEAR AIR - PARTICULATES {ONS/nW-YEAR) 5.-6.1-7.3 10.-12 -15. AIR - TOTAL ORGANICMATTER (T3SS/MW-YEAR) WATER- SUSPENDEDSOLIDS 1.1-1.42-1.7 (TOSS/;MW-YEAR) SCLID - ASH (TONS/M.-YEAR) SOLID - SLUDGE ATTER . 0.0 15.4-19.3-23. .87-1.09-1.31 632-790.-948. 408.-510.-612. 0.0 43.2-54.-64.8 HEAT RATE ASSUMED 1C,lCO ETU/KEW CONVENTIONALLOLLER LFICIENCY 34% CONVENTIONAL COAL-FIRED BOILER COST = $465/K" CCNVENTIONAL PCILLR C'SIiATIG ..... 3 .4-62.- . 31. [0-51.-7 . 2 b. 6 70.' 2 .9-1.32-1.7 9.9-14.1-1.3 10.B-13.5-16:2 .. 47.6-41.-62.4 · 42.-71.-9J.4. 12.7-15.9-19. 13.2-22.-31.U 0.0 .16-.26-.36 1070.-1530.-1989. 738.-i23b.-1722. 14.7-21.-27.3 -. .. 18.-30.-42. .. CCST = $8. 2C/MWI1R ALL COSTS IN 1975 DCLLARS. PLANTS TO BE BUILT STARTING IN 1985 DEFINITO1~ OF BUNDS ... ---- '-- -- VARLAI'LF A.,; 576 CIANCE OF' BEING LESS ITIAN UPA'Eh bOUND VARIAL'LE HAS 50% CHANCE CY BEING LESS THAN MIDDLE VALUEi(:'XPUCTED VALUE) VARl1AiPLE AS 95% CHANCE CF BEI:IG GREATES TAh LGdL-( BOUND $UMBERS DERIVED FRC EA STUDY (Ii;HALL,CF!IN AND KROPP;1974) WITH ADITIONAL ASSUMPTIONS AND HYPOTHETICAL QUANI3?ICATICIS OF DATA PESrN1ED SUBJECTIVELY. TABI.- 7.2-1 MATRIX O? INITIAL PESULTANT FACTORS (continued on following page) -162- 117, 164. 1.3-1.88-2.6 12.-19.8-27.7 0.0 .8-1.02-1.2 (TONS/3W-YEA ) . .87-1.09-1.31 48.-61.-73.2 (TONS/MW-YEAR) (TOS/'1W-Y`A.) b.6 .3 3.9-4.9-5.8 16.-20.-24. 21.-27.-32. WATER- DISCLVED SOLIDS WATER - TOTAL GRGANIC 0S.- 9.8-14.-18.2 LIQUVFICATICN LIMESTGN£ SCRUEBI4NG ECCVOC"IC RSULTAHT FACTORS CAPITALIN'VESrE'NT NOR.ALIZED (S10C )/ 1) CPERArI:;GcOsr (:/ fi HI;li SULFiIE Cn A L SC li BI G 11G'1 5 N 510,-535.-61C. 525.-545.-690 R) 1J.-14.2-17.0 PEF.FORMA.CEPSULTANT FACTOPS AV.'AILA3ILITY (?p RCZ-NT) ZNERSY FFICIENCY (OVERALLPE3CSNT) AFPICABrLIETY !:'STILTANT FACTORS CCv_`_.ClA LZ.ATI0N DAT'. (2CO .,E/Y.3R) eAxr.ll RATEOF INSTALLArION (1000 ,-4/YEAY) PPFCBABILITYO? SUCCESS 10.3-lC,- 51 .- 35.-6 10. 1".3-10.7-12.1 12.1 68.-b8.-68. 68.-68.-68. o8. -68.-6t. s3.-25.-27. 32.-32.-32. 32.-J2.-3. 1984 1976 1976 2 8 li 60. 95. 95. 44n. -4,. 7.5-; .2- 'I. 1 76 .. (P ERC E) -53C. . 1 I01. ENVIRO!;.INTAL RFS[ILT.NT FACTORS AI OX (TCNSS/tW-YEA R) [IR - S02 (T0NS/tW- YEAR) 48.-96.-1444. 'I{ . -... 52.-86.-12C. AIR - CO 5.-8.3-11.6 (TONS/NiW-YEARi AR - PARTICULATES (TO N$5/.- YEAR) A R - TO-AL ORGANIC .8-1.6-2.4 ( CNS/.W-YEAR) WATER - SSPNDSD SOLIDS (TC,S/.W-YEAR) TER - DSCLVEZDSOLIDS (IONS/.'lW-YEAR) 45.5-91.- WATFR - TTAL ORGANIC MATTER (TO NS/W- YEAR) SOLID - ASH 137. 14. 5-29.- 43.5 .68-1. 36-2.04 960.-1920.-288. 19.-38.-57. 19.-38.-57. (T NS/!W-YEA R) SOLID - SLUDGE (TCNS/.M -YE R) 1IEAT RATE ASSUMED = 10,100 -5 37.6-4,7.-5i (.J'.b 1. 4- 23.-Z7. 1.0-1.21-1.5 1.0-1.21-1.5 AS 95 CANCE .36-1.07-1.28 14 .-230.-,'76. .8-1. CO -1.2 134.-230.-276. 2030.-2600.-3120. OF BEING LESS THAN IPEiR bCUJND F 3EING LESS rHAN MI1DL VLUJ(£XP'CTEU GREATEP THAN L:;R TABLE 7.2-1 MATRIX OF INITIAL -163- RESU'L.AN:T V,LUZ) IO1JI)] NUMBERSDERIVEDFROM PA STUDY {III;IALL,CIlIIN ANDKRlOPP;1974) WIril AITINIIlAL AND HYPOTHETICALQANTIuIL.TIONS OF DATA Il'ESNTi:D SJlECTIVEIY. .7d- . ,- 1. 11 813 4.- 1.Q).-1272 16.3 -21 .- 25. 18. 4-23.-27. E/KWH VARIABLE HAS 95% CHANCE CF BING . JJ-1 . 1 -1 .3 J 12.7-1,.9-19. 13. 4-16.7-20. DEFTNITICN OF ECUNDS : VARIABLE HAS 50% CANCE ,, 8 CONVENTIONALCILENi FFICIFNCY = 3L CONVENTICNiAL CCAL-FIEIC ECILER COST = $465/KHi CON'VENTIONALCIL1ih 0P-RATING COST = 8.20/mHHe ALL CSTS IN 1975 DOLLARS. LANTSTO E BUILT TA:ITIN,; IN 19'15 VARIAPLE -S1. I,I .4 18.4-23.-27.6 43.2-54.-64. 511. U.13-5.4-6.5 4.3-5.4-6.5 33.-55.-77. ATTER 37.6-47.-56.14 AS;I.I'"lONI; ,ACTORS (continued) - r 7AI -,-1 In I_ 0 . 0 . -0P- :] W) h i .-=a *E _ I : '4 4' u I .0 D * I I f4' . 4 U-) I - -r .4 S i - 4 I N * I 0 .4 I ro I0 IInI ,, 4.4 U-.. In I-n, u4l I . '4 aN I _ . · a,:: . . C(-4 - N NfS I I ci rvI I . 4, '! J a, ~ - 6 'a I-I g o -fi o 40 ._ 4 ,-, 7 4 r-j I N· i, I c', 0 0 -N - .N,, . rI 'N .2' . J "- C' I C . 'n, I-I1 .' .N . .1 I -1 N r-. !4 I_ r-- *4 . '.4 a ' .- . ,',' I t 'N '- I * . . T' N * I I I {>4 -a I· T I CO 0 -4 I N '- . . I I Ir ". Ns f. e I N * _ '-4': 4 -. * -,2 ,^ U13 4 .% * ": I r-- -C, _- f 4 In fO t4 r- * . I .- I * · t J w '0 UO n (4 14 I . 4-I 4.4 I I 0J * I- :\0 rq '40 -4 .4( I o F1 * ,4 .: .4 '0 , .1 If) I * C I Z. r'- a, ; 0 C' '. 41 * .. . I ('4 on W 4 I 14 C: -4 * . N . . * . 'Ni ,.) i r,', :n 4I.I .4 ¢: r, ;?. I -4 - -4 * t- - 4 , I 0 a' II -4 C.- n Q ,c " : Vv _r _ I I- ;t . I- .: I: .4. .4 r N 4I I 4v .% ? .0 .I . . I* - . I I * .4-. f4 U .r | 4 . ' N 4_ I C) 'r., 4-: -- - C.' ,: I4 x I C-- 4-' C I- - . (.4 ,- '.4 F) -'.4rz_,.. r -4 ~. . 00 0< ,C ,i'< a,.0'. 0' I I 10 I C' N~ , . * JI 04 I . I I I . 'Nt I -'0 i * - :4. 't. N4 'N 4 I I ,4 U 'C . '4 *. '?I _rC* I . -0 1" . 0 r , I_ D Ir 4.q 1;3 '4 m -.. F-,4 I I I -o -, .40 . _ I 4: 4' J _4 ,4 LN -.-C -4 I ,,4. r ~4` ` I-4 - t -4 I -"4 , t . '. N: :: 44 .a¢ oo r 4zvIIm . * u{ r m o .; 4. D .4 0 Ut 4 a : UO 0 °1* fW . ' 0 0 uZ? I ' I o4 0I - -0. 44 * a> I 0 I ,.'4 r- '0 r- I . N I ('4 ( 4 -, I I ('. I(* r0 4 4 4 I I '4t I . :· I I r l: o r"- * O I ll -. 'N C fN - . c.) . 0 ( 0 (4 .. "44 -. - .,00W tJ _.4 - c.0 44f 0~' , _ '14 ; -44.4 f 4 r" :t , <4.4t f _,, t, - F' ,.4-4_4. 1 -4 . It c4:1 - ' '.4.4 '- t 4' re :-.1~: vf-' f · .- ~. o. I,,- I )J 't 0 4t>(-. t) (40 Z4- 2 I4 _-. 0 14 C -4 a -'fJ4 0-4t.4-4 EQ /4f (-4 ooC ~ j.,-4 .4.¢4 < 7.^ .":4. .4 -C4 W LI fF- N -4 -4 -4. -4 [.4/ :'-4 UfFC" :-]. -4 4/ 4- :- J.4 f' 0 E~ 4/4 In U F *.- -r.~ -. -4 .k".C r .4.44(r' - -. C .- i- . '. .1 (4 EI i .4 V4 "4 I4 0t ,. "C, -F -r - .4.-.-. U.- 4' O 0n h - I. . 0)~,, . 47 ..>- ' . 4. Sc (- 1 4q .4. 4c 4 ;-~ - - I. 4-' '4 4. ( 4- '-.4 I 4- 4-4 I - V.c I 4( 44. F /. - 4 -164- c4a;~ . . Ol = t (44 >* '.4 I 44 ,c (0>'1 4 .c (4(_f .) r- 4 =.-- ' '.44 01 0 400' 'i -4 4 4 4.. , t ~ ~I L4. 1'. : _4. ,r , t', 4. .- - 3r. ~ ',, '-4 v NwA C) , o4C;4h 4. .f 414 "'4 0 Z 4.:~ .44 '-d 4.. E-. ff- [' -4 - F- .4 <F - . .r 4 - ' - . -,q ( 4 . ' 0 4 -3 co _ 414, 4, !n- (A E;,< t C,~ e.U 0 0 -4 I * LI LI I * 0 21-4 '* I I* 0 I 0 LI 0 -4 3 3' -4 I I 0 17 I 3 . -o 0 S * -.3 I 3 3 I 1.0 0 I 0 0 (N L'I I * (N 0 I . 0 2 (N r- 0 0 0 r- I - r,* 0 t" 04 C, I t:. I , I 0 I 3 F.4 r (N I 3 3 * * - o iI I. -4 4 --bP I .4 U. ;; * (N 0 0 HU ?i .3 * * 0 0 0 I. * 0 - (N 0 0 0 3' .0 I I -I 0 3' I (N 0 1 * I 0 0 I 0 I 41 0 I 3 3 3' .0 ifl .0 I 3 'r- 0 I 0 * 0 I I-4 I 0 3 I. -4 (N 0 3 -4* 3f. N r )* A4 -4 4 I (N I 1 ! LI 01* (N I 00. 3 I? I 0 02CI C)I f(t C 0 VI - ,: I I Ic I ., I I I 3U 1.4 2.. I I (N 01 (N !' -I _.I ' I I I * (- -4% , -r, _ 0 12 H 0 -4-4 . '4 I · ,1-4 1 7 1-1 - I_ r l I IL - 0- .1 4 7 I~ · ·2 . · rI-1 ~ (N 0 -* ,-'. s *_' .3!_ I - 0. . 0 10 4 ? I * 3' 1 '- - I' _ 0rr 3 I Ir r' 1 12- 21), (1 11 11 C U. -4 -4 1 I _ I . . 3 I r -4 ".N- -D. .311 D *- 0 C3 1 I ('N * -3: I 1-. I ' o4 7 * 3. ' r -4 r4 _-0 . ,,.' n 0 I * 3'1 I N -. 1* -4 'O0D 0,4 V -4- 0 >. I I I I 0s .3 -D 3 0 * 3' 0~ (N * - * ~ 00U 0 I EqU I,. 14 (1 .4-71 12-10 -4 4 .4 -403'; 1.2 .00.C f. ~ 0~~~~~~v rviF-4 U: .13 1' rd < . H z 1-I tr 0r > (.1 -0 r0 Li, 0 I.. 0 I UO -'-"f 0 -S . 1-1 -4011.21' O aHS r 0s - O3 GI' O 4.-I . 0 14 _1 ,} 00r -' ii) (Cl -4 H -4 :, > IN7 _1 f.. . LI> 1.41.J t, II.,n "'. C.) r. C, 143, [.1 I (11 .1 '. I 11"i 1 I ;.:.i 0 Cl 0 1'7 1) '140-42 H I H I 2--. 1 I 1- -4 I .4 I H '-I Li)U1,10,L1,,1..JII -i 1-4 0 -4 2.7 .7. .4 N 'A .1 32 0 N N o H UI t-.. .~ 4 t4t ¢.0r ,~~ I -t. .. 4 . H V] -- Cl 00,) 1-11 '. -4 ' "' 'J ', ~~~, = 2-I . -4J J 00.- a0 (2 u'4 Li Cs 111 -4 Li.->>i '3 ' F. t~~~i : Kr4 ¢ 1VH - i V 4Z sC Ul N III N H 1 21 ~~I-': .4 II (2 1.12 .. C7..4 2--. Li 2-- I I .42 I 0 II i . i . _ -4I--e.-41-4 0 404 f- _ -r 1:* -%19 7_1 0 w. '7 2J 0t H (4 N N I '31 I Li I Li Cl Li 0 0 I Li 01401.40 0 0 .4 Cl 21.. .9 (1. (3 11 1.) 111 (3 .o -165- 12 :r_04A (U 0 cl 0:c , . . 1-4> 4-4 U H P -Li -4 4 Fq 0 I. r2. -w0 (.4 ,: -4~~~~ :r C &£ 00 0 4f ., {3 00 ~ C E4 4 42 > ~ ngzI :0C11.1 >21 -4 r . 11)2s -fS r(1 10 4 b.D t Li 22 0 ...-7, ,XJ _ II ,-4 0,r *)1.0 U2 W0 r~. J ... i _i 4 O w 000 _ -40 .4-lu.' ! ! 1 -4 .- I{ - I HO t 01.F4 O C) 1~~~~~~~~4 I1 v,>4r (IIL W' * O' -' X (-4: o r 0't I 3 I 0 o * a7 · . I I 0 ,, I ,- :t' I * C I _ I * * '3 0 0Y :r 1 0 c C) ,~ ~ (74( U U L'C, -4 ..i- a# Of- , - ! -4 ¢1:l - *-* Il 3( i.z.4 rIA · -4K >' -1i I * I I7 -W .. JZ: - .. I *4 3· The decision maker indicates he is indifferent to: commercialization date, maximum rate of installation and water environmental factors. Result on matrix: a) Indifference factors are eliminated reducing the matrix to 6 x 11 (Table 7.2-3). b) With the water factors eliminated, MgO scrubbing dominates limestone scrubbing; that is, they are the same in all aspects except sludge for which MgO scrubbing is clearly superior. Limestone scrubbing is eliminated. No further reductions can be made. The new matrix is 5 x 11 (Table 7.2-4). 3) LOW SULFUR FLUIDIZED PHYSICAL COAL LO0 BTU GASIF ICATIr-N BED · CC¶B $ST IO CLEANING CO.AL SULTANT FACTOFS gCOOIC CAEITAL I:VS;TtEN£ NORMALIZED 440..-465.-530.445.-470.-540. 470.-490.-650. ($1000/m.4) CFER.TING COST 9.8-10.2-13.5 '$/MiHR} 7.8-8.2-9.5· 8.4-8.9-10.0 PIFCRMANC:E:PESULT.ANTFACTCRS T E(OERLYEFVC . (OVERALLPCENT} APTLTC%1ILTY - r) o-n..- 34. 3 23CY 32.-32·.-32. 3a. -. 100. PESULTANTFACTORS E.NVIRONiEXTAL AIR - SOX 70.-88.-105. ' ( TONS/.'tW-YEAR) 52.8-66.-79. AIR - S2 ... . - 9.8-14.- 43. 2-54.-tb4. (7.ONS/:W)0.0 - -l6.2 9. ')- 14l. 1--18.3 32.-32.-32. 95. 60 " 0.2.'117.-164 -37.6-47.-56.4 1.3-1./8-2.6 12.-19.8-27.7 14.3-5.4-6.5 18.4-23.-27.6 8 14.7-21. -27.3 Id.-3);-42. 18.4-23.-27.!6 D&FINITIO5.OF BCUNDS VARIABLL HAS 95. CHANCE CF BING LESS THAN UPPER BOUND VALUE) VARIABLE HAS 50% CHACE CF 3EING L3S TH.N MIDDLE VALT1E(eX:)ZCEI:D VARIABLE HAS 95% CHANC C BEING GREATEN THAN LOWER BOUND AND KOPP; 1974) WITH ADDITIONAL ASIJIPTIONS 40USBERSDERIVED ROMEPA STUDY (III;1[ALL,CHIIN CF DATA PSENTED SUBJECTIVELY. AND YP3THETIC&LQUANiZ71CATIONS 4) MATRIX AFTER ELIMINATIoN OF LIMESTONESCRUBBING The decision maker enters weighting factors for pollution. He decides to use expected values as a basis for comparison with weighting factors of: .7 Air - NOx 1.0 Air- S 2 .5 Air - CO 1.0 Air - Particulate Air - TOM .3 .6 Solid - Ash .7 Solid - Sludge To find the relative weighting of each technology Physical Coal Cleaning is arbitrarily chosen as the basis. The new entry in the matrix is given by: where -15 1070.-1530.' -1989.'738.-1230.-1722. 184.-230.-276. -.-. HLAT R:ATEASSUMED 1 C. 1 o0 eTU/KV CONVENTIONAL POILES EFFICIENCY =X CONVrNTIONAL COAL-FIRED eOILL3 COSr = $465/KW COIVE};TIONAL OILER OPERATING COST = 8.20/MHR ALL COSTS IN 1975 OLLARS. PLANTS TO BE BILT STARTIN3 IN 1985 TABLE 7.2-4 ... 31.8-53.-74.2 " 46.4-58.-69.6 '' .10.8-13.5-1b.2.1.0-11 0.0 4)8.-510.-G12. .. 32.-90.-98. - - . . -1.7 9-1..12 ~~~~~~~~~~_ (TCGS/AW-YEAR) 22.-24.-27. 43.4-62.-80.6 108.-13b.-163. 1i6.-145.-174. ............. ' {TC.IS/MW-YLAR) AIR - CO 3.9-4.95.8 5.-6.1-7.3 (0N5/'W-YEA 1) AIR - PARrIC'/LATES lb->O.-2 -712'-5 1 ... YEAR) (TO8S/MWAIR - OrAL ORGANIC MATTER 2-1.7.. 87-1.09-1.31 -1 42 FA.)..........i (TNS.0W-- 1.1--I. (TONS/?MW-YEAR) SOLID - ASH SOLID - SLUDGE 80. 51C.-535. -61. 12.4-132.-15.8 1C.3-1C.7-12. I 32.-34.-35. ES3lTANT ACTCRS OF_.O!E.A F........ . . 100. (PEiCENr) 520.-555.-69 5. hGC SCJ isINj Wi aij = [1.0 + P!, - Xil Pi aij = new element for factor i, alternative j -166- = expected value for factor i, alternative j Xi = expected value for factor i, basis technology = weight for factor i. The new pollution index factor for each alternative is: fj = Tdij The weighted pollution matrix is given in Table 7.2-5. resultant matrix is given in Table 7.2-6. LOWSULFUR COAL The new PHYSICAL COALFLUIDIED BED LOW U CLEANING coUSrION GASIFICATION SCRU.b:,G WAIGHTED ENVIRONMENT L PESULTANTFAC , TORS .- AIR - NOX (TONS/,K`W-YEAR) AIR - S02 0.47 (TONS/3W-YEAR) AIR - CO (IONS/nW-YEAR) AIR - PARrICTJLATES 0 0.70 . (ICNS/3;;-Y?AR) . ..... 1.:1 . .1.5. G.4I1 O.5 0. 1.3.. 1.00 1.30 1.01 0.85 .....................0.21 0.30 .. .O.4. -3.12 . 0.27 0.60 1.40 0.70 5.04 4.80 . (TON$/~-¥EAR) C.78 C.94 . 0.87 . AIR - TOTAL ORGANIC MATTER SCLI1 - ASH 1.5 . 0.50 .0.38. (TOS/NW-YEAR) 1.25 1.0 .93 .. . . 0.16 -0.25 0.93 1.13 1.u1 1.10 5.91 1.44 6.1.2 -0.60 SOLID - SLUDGE (TCNS/32-YEAR) NEg _,V!...IFST.AL INDEX _ TABLE 7.2-5 MAIRIX OF WE1GHTEC ENVIrONMENTALFACTORS PHYSICAL COAL FLUIDIZED BD CLEANING CO1BUSTION LOW SULFUR COAL LOW TU GASIFICATION - GC SC;SUBBING ECONOMIC RESULTANT FACTORS CAPITAL NVESTMENTORMALIZED 440.-465.-530. 445.-470.-540. 470-490.-650. ( 1000/mW) CPEiA ING COST (s/%J H.) 7.8-8.2-9.5 P.FOR.ANC.: SESULTANT FACTORS .NEI'.Y FFFICI-NCY (OVERALL ERC!NT) 3:.-34.-34. 8.4-8.9-10.0 9.8-10.2-13.5 32.-32.-32. 520.-555.-695. 51C.-535.-61J. 12-112.-15.8 10.3-10.7-12.1 32.-34.-35. 22.-24.-27. 32.-32.-32. AFPLrCA:'ILTTY ESUlrA47 FACTORS £EC2AhILtTY F SCCESS (EiF V EN rAL I}:DEX 100. -- . 5.04 HEAT RATE ASSUED = 1C.100 100. .. 4.80 . 5.91 80. 1. ... 60. 6.02 95. TU/KVH CIN'JENTICNAL 130ILLU FFICIEhCY = 3% BOILER COST = $465/KW CONVZNTICNAL[OIL,< OPERATINGCOST = S8.2/MWHR ALL COSTS IN 1975 OLLARS. PLANTS TO BE BUILT STARTIN3 IN 1985 CONVENTb0NAL CCAL-FIbED DEFINITION OF BCUNDS VARIAPLE HAS 97 CHA!CE CF BEING LESS TAN UPPE BOUND VARIABLE HAS 5% CHANCE CF BEING LESS TdAN MIDDLE VALUE(XPECTEDVALUE) VARIAbLE HAS 95,%CIiAUCE OF BEING G-CTER TiAN LOWEi BOUND NUMPERSDERIVEDFROM EPA STUDY (III;Ai.L,C!IN AND KOPP;1974) WITH ADITIO1:AL ASSUMPTIONS ]Nr HYPOTRETICALQ.%-TLCATIONS CF DTA PSLuIEO SUBJECTIVELY. TABLE 7.2-6 5) MAIRIX WITH NVIRONI.'1NTAL RSULTANT FACTORS RLACED BY THE ENVIHRt:JF-NTAL i!UDZX The decision maker eliminates Low Btu Gasification since it has the lowest efficiency, lowest probability of success, and the lowest (Low Btu Gasification is left out only because of' environmental index. personal choice because it is not strictly dominated by any other technology.) At this point, the decision maker indicates that all factors are critical and the process stops. The final table of critical factors -167- is given in Table 7.2-7. This matrix of critical factors has the most attractive alternative fuel/plant/control combinations as its columns and has the vital differences between those combinations displayed in its rows. LOW SULFDR COAL C S 'C 1 PHYSICAL COAL CLEANING (5130/ni) 4tO.-4u5.-530. C?3ATIN~G cosr PE':IANCE 7.8-8.2-9.5 ?SLTANT 445.-470.-540. 470.-490.-650. 8. 4 -8.9-10.0 9.8-10.2-13.5 34.-34.-34. RF5SILA'' F! 2 .3LLI_.Y (F EC ENT) OF SCCESS 32.-32.-32. 32.-34.-35. 5.100. 5.014 100. 4. 80 5.91 32.-32.-32. HE1l RATE ASSUMED = 1C,lCO o80. 95. 6.02 BTU/KWH C''%:VNTiCNAL ECILER FFFLCIENCY= 34% CONIESICNAL CCOA-FITF.D OIIER COST 31465/KW C3NVENTIONALECILER FLEAT.£NGCST = .8.20/tiWtHR ALL COSTS IN 1975 LOLLAiS. :L!NTS TO B BUILT SARTIN; DEFINITION CF BCUNDS V';R1ADLE HAS 95 CANCE VARI A,'L HiAS i 50S CANCE IN 1985 F iBEING LESS THAN UPPER OUND CF EING LESS THAN MIDDLE VA LUE(EXPECTED ~~VAPIAL'LE AS 95 CANCE CF NUI.ERS DERIVEDFRC E?A STUDY (I'I;HALL,CHIN AND HYPOH-TICAL 10.3-10.7-12.1 FACTORS E!;VION.'1NTAL INDEX . 510. -535.-610. ?ACTCRS PiCENT) F7-.:C.T/trY ·*~ S iINGO SC.; UJDI1NG S LTAN? FCTORS. CAPITAL INVFSTSNT NOtYIALIZ:D (CVRALL FLUIDIZED E3D COz,3 1ST10N VALUE) BEING GREATEI IHAN .LOWLRBCUND AD KRCP;1974) WITiHADDITIONALASSUMPTIONS QUANf-FICATIONS OF DATA PREISENtIED SUBJECTIVELY. TABLE7.2-7 TABLE OF CRITICAL FACTORS -168- 7.3 Examples of Critical Factors The previous section showed an example of the process of developing a set of critical factors. In the general usage of such an ordering mechanism the types of factors that will finally end up as critical factors will depend largely upon the special interests of the person operating the ordering mechanism. The ultimate size of the unreducible set of critical factors will depend upon the number of original fuel/plant/control options being studied and upon! the extent to which the decision maker is inclined to make judgements on the relative importance of the items displayed. Although the names "ordering mechanism" and "critical factors" are not explicitly used, the following examples from the literature demonstrate the great variety of potential sets of critical factors. Tables 7.3-1 and 7.3-2 originally developedby J. Gruhl in (III; White; 1974) show a quantitative, comparative display of the performance of several different technologies. Despite the fact that this is a rather large set of information it is by the definitions in this project a set of critical factors because, for the purposes of that report, there was a decision not to make any further reductions of the dimensionality of that matrix. It should be interesting to note that some descriptive informations occupy some of the entries of that matrix, certainly a possibility in the context of the proposed framework for this project, with its descriptive technical factors. Another rather large set of critical factors comes from (V; Argonne National Lab; 1973) and is shown in Table 7.3-3. Whereas the previous example showed a decided emphasis on the economic and applicability informations this set of critical factors is strongly aimed at environmental implications. A third example is given in Table 7.3-4 from (V; NASA; 1976). These two sets of critical factors, although only two among many displayed in that study, show that in both cases a great deal of reduction has been performed to get from the set of all available information, that is to say, the resultant factors, to this particular set of critical factors. This is one of the few displays of probabilistic information, here in the form of ranges, and shows that there is no reason why this uncertainty can not be left and displayed in the final set of critical factors. The two extreme cases in the utilization of an ordering-mechanism are: 1) the case where the decsion maker will not make any subjective decisions and thus the matrix of resultant factors becomes the matrix of critical factors, and 2) the case where the decision maker feeds enough subjective criteria into the ordering mechanism to result in a set of critical factors that is just a single number rating of each fuel/plant/control option. An example of the latter type can be found in the EPA project (V; Hall, Choi and Kropp; 1974). In this study each of the resultant factors has been converted from a physical quantity to a subjective, through 10, number by a type of weighting process, see Figure 7.3-1' Then in one collective process all of these ratings have been weighted together to from a single critical factor for each of the technologies, see Table 7.3-5. Regardless of the extent of ordering that is accomplished in any given decision making session it is clearly advantageous to have a record of the information as it was before there was any subjective handling, that is the matrix of resultant factors, and the documentation of the step-by-step ordering and elimination procedure that was performed. -169- = LLJ I~ (,O lC lJ :-, :D C LL. C/') U ~_ _ v) cO Q C/ o- " L,.*-] (9 LJ.J LU L-J LJ F_ LU Z:9 L/') CO LiJ =CD >i-D Lo CO HUC) LU -- L: c- I LU _J __J <-<: C- _ a: LUi C/) l_ C >a/' :_- -- a: crO H- C) LLJ C) (0 (/ C-' I- c'= IID C- U)/)C) C) U) 'H '34 4.) CGO a: a~: cr >- cr: >>'co) CD co) LU II (u f-- H-'- C,5 l.--C~C) LCO LC ,..L- -- CK iLU LJ - - C/) =) C CO C, LUJ LUi I--- C- J >) <C .....L:O CL OO :LU CO L. LL - - LU CC) LLJ LLJ LLI U (.I- c X 02 g) LLUt a o U~ LI) ,-, 0 cO 07_ L' C) LL CO . _ CO 0D ') C) LI LUJ C) C) LW C) 0 CD C- C) C:) C:) r-i r- AA Q C) U) CD C: C) rA C) D C -i A C) C) CD A ( CC :0 LA CL =-1 :w- bl ,H r- C) CNI NI' . I CN C) 0oL 22:s t* Y*§ $* $* CD V V C.) 2: C) C/) CD Z <- 0 L-' r LuJ ) . 2: Lu O Lu _J =/ C_) i-- CD CD O <2 U) Cs OCD LrLr- Ln _D co CIO C) CO CO (C) r-. CO CO (C) r Co CC C) O C) CO C-D 0 o co ~_tn t o 2: O U. (3 CD O~ _ --- C) C) C) O C, C7 C,7 C) a) a)- 2: co CD O C) c-O Ca) a)) a7) Cl ) ani 4 LL 0CO J -i LLJ CD t-,) $" C) *w L- LC tl ) CD Ui-H C CD cL-I a: .L L l I I I 00 Co C) a) CD c) C:0) CDO a) CO L CO (NI CO -J Ct)f CO m I- Ui C/) LLJ fC- LLJ V) LU LU ui it C) C) C_) CD CD CD C) CD .* CD r. r-1 o CO ci -i () ,Li tL Lu _Lv N" C) C) C1 CD _tU O O L~C) r-. _CD OC- Nl * fi -- C - V Ha)H ) OH ,- H .JC ,U I' .LU:_F_ C L-._ CO r, -O u,) J __S -3_ CD LU J --. ) ILu I C . CS) C C Li H II m r1 0 ZE __j Q- Ca oH Ln C1 Cn LUCD H-- O .(3clI C. H bO: ICL--., C .- LLJ J cO CL) c2)D CD CC >_ CD LC C) . H- H -a-- ,_- C.-: CL - -- rCC) - LL] L_ H- Lu C) Cl LJ LU Cl) V) Q= C) C-C CD CD C CO .- CL ciO -,, L. U Li <_ W -170- o t- C I< <~~~ /2 I tHH 1D C-LU : 0n -J A (5 CO _ - C/) ;-i CO V)) I-2) 2)= C) C) = -. ·i C J0 -<U L ~. _C ~L ~ ~ 0LLu L C) aL: U: i J L '- a : C) Li_ CD C) ,' C) LU CD Z X __X LU -+- ' ..,_ Wr-4 r'" e'r' U i J U') 0o () - U 0c- I LU O LU -J oL U_ I-u C--',J 0OLL. - - :D -LL- C').3 '- C4 ,U <._ C: C_- <O C r-'a. LI LC r- Cn uJ v_ o) ,..._J<.< _ -zU '..d < -- < 0- LU < <() (D ,_JU LU ,iil 00~ LL O3J 1 . wD. .i O L: U O LU H P.A: LlI J) --'2 -J LU OHLUj ._ oU LUH) -=< CD C9 C) L.LI UL 'L LU I < HLW 'C -<z -- LLJ C:: .- I-- C:- CD ,-4 I CD C- C; U) 00 L I r-1 G' ,-4 - r- Z1 \0 - V LU cI - (z co c2, U) w LU t v 2 2 t. -LU .O C) CUL) 13013 LD tD (-'W Hu -L -7*^ -.. ' J - tl :2 H ON 44 -- ci VD n uJi Z LLCO .Ll ; ) LL!CO LU U)D- U) CD O (U) W,_- - .... 1:: 0,< C: cO o < _ o- <ui C CO:)LLn-_._ C:D Lu c) LL. LA ,, Ci ¢V 31 HO(- 0 < C..) h!Z o0 0 U (_3< O-' <) , LI 09 . Lu- o zLu t.j LUH F -~ <'.% _- z _ 09 o Co 0 C 0 l--L' .'../ -0 > O <J oo) < C: OHL' LU -- wZ::: >0C..D -- I H < CD >o L· .- .- %- C4 ) . O0 ¢HI CO I-1 H O CO O ,1 r-,- O: -1 4J C1) (C I Il I C' N_ LA I ¢-41 ; v -0- 0 CULt. U- C-- C- L-) - CD CO CO CO C) < [°° rCo C'O C) a: co - C'- C'- C-- C- CD C- lt. I_ r,: . I*). CD k.,. ICD C") Co (-) 0 ,"t ~A0! o ') C-) c'( -X ,. I 4H 2 UD LIN 00 C) -4 I C::) -j ~.O LO I I CD - C t-j C". 0 J Ln I-) CD -i C Li r- CO (-Cs I,,-I 0-C (Cl I,,-" I Co CoI ("4 Cw7 C' .ICD * CLA -'~ QO O 'J'C- t'- C0 zzi~_, -4 - '- ',.., L.. (3) c ._. < ': Ll OD L_ __: co) J CD =D >- 70 . jLJ __j C7) 1- 0LU J L ~ -H 44 0 .r H L X 0 0 0' LU >- .4 4-1 0 .r3 u--i C0, HOCO} -.0C)CD L CD ~CCD 0O) LU _ CD ( 0_ C oLU1 H-O0 (3 C U) 10) V) ) L F'~~~ C.l =--C ~~~-L..2J IG ". .-. / ~ t -CO F--L U O r-i - co r'11 r4 4q M .- t.dC) ~ -3 C'l _ IC-I t LU_t tA1 3O o-~ J c._ I c-i U (5 44 Cr0C) ow Li>' C- _"_ CU) LID _ 0 -lt 0 -I rC0 CD1 COl CO 3 (73 (70 CD CCD C-I . CiO -~ _ CD D CD C CD LO CD I CO C;I _4 uI CC . CD o l- O4 C) 0 Ca o .H 4-J CD C"J Oq I CD C--4 (-0 ,-4 CO -I LA u-: U') D U -- kO Cl I I LA m t.'"N-0 CD IA CD CO u-I I CO CD l- CN I r'-, U ) ::D LU LA1 -rJ co _n C- L0 0t CD a- -J- -i C'- I 1J ) CDF- CD) C) C) C- _C/) C.) 0 - ~CO - -171- -. 3 C C3 C) V) LC3 =D . n * I t C--l L. .. > _ I ,0 CD cn cL - HU I O4 * * $ I_ H2 C* 4 · o o 4- A., C CA " '-I U) fO; "4 - , 0000'J cn 0,, *) LI) 0 C I oo I &Qd C" n C),,.O-C a) ..L C o Q3o ,-4 .4 '0 f- 4 I I oI 1 Cooo O -4 · cs04 04 - 4J 3. C 0 H o .I CO,- L49 'H 0 0 cQE ' -P coo" 04 4 ) to aw_ .1 3 0 I. C) c3 * 0 2o O o LO Ci*0 S 0 0 CD aC C) C) a CD C C,4 CS 4 (:) Q) -r *-4 0 *0 C3 ~4 0 0 eoo .. d)'U O ·- '4~ 0 -- 0 00 .4W 0 0~ C) C0 C.) C,1 0 0 0 00 4 C) I4t oin C) 0 0 JC-) U 0 C, cn - ..4 "- r4 0 0 4-4 : ~ LI~ 0 , C)0C 00~ O O . , "a tX *SO f) 4Ji 00 c~ Cv) L4J O- ) ) t- C4 04-i "a 00· * Co "'' 8 0 0C, 0 00 0) 0 ea CL 0 0- 0 00~ o'o 04 C 1 0 0 CZ' 0.>, ~] .5.4 '4n .-0o Z) C) co 1l)0 or-o r 4J d4~ 1) 4J >4 00U 4.. w 4 NI ri a.. 'j ~ O~ C) c., - U),C) K.~~ C) C) -4 c3 I 1) H- ·''. ( T r-- :s' ': r ~= b C) ' EO E-4 -) C *.A- '-. a '.J C ° .,,br (; C ~;i'; _ ° , e <, r.o ,4 ' [^z. U 6U-t. (. c. :0 C,cl~ //'c: '{ L(9 . 01)>s C) t _ \ I -172- 0 cJ) -H System - - Cost of Overall electricity, ene rg. i mills/k W-hr efficiency, percent Advanced steam Powerplant effic ien cy, pelrcent 30 - 38 34 - 40 34 - 40 31 - 37 33 - 39 19 31 - 37 20 - 22 42 - 43 23-33 21 - 37 34 - 48 34 - 49 3:8 - 43 15 - 34 3. - 38 26 - 34 36 - 4t5 .20 -. 34 35 - 38 20 - :33 50 - 79 35 - 41 35 - 41 40 - 61 34 - -11 :3. - 41 41 - 48 40 - 53 -41 - 57 Open-cycle gas turbine: No bottoming Organic bottoming Combined cycle 15- Closed-cycle gas turbine: No bottoming Orlganic bottoming Steam bottoming Supel'critical CO9 Liq uid-metal Rankine MIII) Open-cycle Closed-cycle MAIII) ,16 - 73 26 - 46 ,5 - . (; Liq uid-metal M11D 58 - 110 17 - 39 28 - 39 12 - 45 31 - 60 24-1- 3:-14 2.t- :;- 12 - 31 25 - 51 FIuel cells: i llat LIue iteml)e l Iow tempera tl re System Descriptionl O,- rall Construcefficiency tion time, Advanced Capital costs, $/kWe a malnten.ncee yr A Operation and Mid-1974 Actual co.ts costs, mills/kW-hr estimate (mid-1981) 0.38 5 2.5 500 843 steam B Combined cycle with .40 4 2.5 350 580 C Open-cycle .50 7 3.8 650 1137 MHJD tH11 D._ alnclude$ 6.5 pelrcelltescalation and 10 percent nterest duringcstruction. Table 7.3-4 Twosets of critical columns the other reduced factors, one reduced to just three to three -173- rows (V; NASA; 1976). 10 8 f. O6 3 4 2 0 Efficiency,-% Figure 7.3-1 An example of a very subjective type of weighting used to reduce factors to sets of common ratings (V; Hall, Choi, and Kropp; 1974) Normalized Weighted Energy Technology Rating Stack Gas Cleaning, throwaway 52.2 Physical Cal 51.9 Cleaning Stack Gas Cleaning, by-product 51.3 Resid Desulfurization 49.4 High Pressure Fluidized--Bad, coal 43.38 Che=ically Active Fluidized red, oil 48.7 Cheamlcal Coal Cleaning 43.2 Coal Gasification, low Btu 35.2 Ccl Refining (liquefaction) Coal Gasification, high Btu 33.1 33.0 Table 7.3-5 A set of critical factors that represents the ultimate reduction, to a single piece of information, for each technology (V; Hall, Choi, and Kropp; 1974) -174- The step beyond the development of the set of critical factors is the display f the information contained in those factors. Obviously one display technique is the tabular exhibition of the critical factors. Another often used display technique involved the utilization of a tradeoff curve, see Figure 7.3-2 and Figure 7.3-3 from (V; Beller; 1976). Probabilistic information aev ,4^ r 315 0 0 4* 0I) 310 -J O 0 I- 305 300 - 2 I 295 ! 500 550 ENVIRONMENTAL I "600 650 700 INDEX Figure 7.3-2 An example of the use of a tradeoff curve to display the possible choices between two critical factors (V; Beller; 1976). can be introduced into these tradeoff curves by showing the concentric set of curves associated with different levels of certainty. In the case where instead of a tradeoffcurve there is just a collection of several points that represent the opportunity set, the probabilistic information can be displayed in the form of deviations or ranges, see Figure 7.3-4, about those points. Regional aggregation results can also be displayed in a number of different ways. One method, obviously, involves the tabulation of the weighted results of the aggregations of the various different single plants. Another display technique that has often been used, see Figure 7.3-5, consists of shading various regions of a map according to threshholds of one or more of the critical factors. -175- zen _ 315 0a m II (o 00 (.11 6 310 -J 0I305 5 300 4 I 295 117.5 115 120 RESOURCE 122.5 5 USE-IO 125 127.5 Btu Figure 7.3-3 An example of a tradeoff curve display of the best four systems from the standpoint of two critical factors (V; Beller; 1976). / *N / r-CCMIO I I I !\S.,/ ,t II r Alkaline fuelcells I Phosphork acidfuelcells, .- E 4 / i -~~~~~~ /- -ollen carbonate fuelcells ---- r Solid electrolyte .- ___J'_fuel cells OGTIorganic I 8 Iv, /'-, % °% CGT, O%C " /0 r 6';,6 OCMID /AVAHD OGT-' " - ~.--...... ~%_c,,l,,/P °(, ;I I 1 Combined cycle LMR '4A Advanced steam in .10 tA - IB .20 t IB I Ovrall ener4y eficiency Overall energy efficiency IJ .50 II ! .60 Figure 7.3-4 The display of points on a tradeoff curve with the incorporation of probabilistic information associated with those points (V; NASA; 1976). -176- .c 4-4 ,-l) . ctro c) ,{ 0 0 0Ov C.) CA ~4.U)o 0 c) en CO0 U) ~0 CH l W rA H *H X O) -U ·. 4r-. uD ! a)r-) 0I 4 -177- 8. Conclusions and Future Research Needs It is becoming increasingly clear that the choice among future energy technologies will be a choice among different degrees and balances of economic and health insults. In that type of comparative analysis, magnitudes are of' paramount importance. Early estimates on these magnitudes can also be used to prioritize the future research efforts among the infinite number of alternative tasks. A physically significant simulation approach is suggested rather than use of regression studies. Regression of previous effects to previous emissions carries a number of assumptions that are difficult to reconcile with the decreasing quality of sites, increasing densities of populations, and widely varying siting alternatives (river versus offshore, for example). Also, extrapolations to situations far different from existing conditions is difficult, especially for very different energy and emissions mixes, new background pollutant levels, and 'new' pollutants. A physically significant approach can be initially attacked and continually improved on all fronts; fuel-characterization, combustion modeling, dispersion, aerochemistry, exposure patterns, and dose-response relations. Finally, a probabilistic framework is suggested rather than a deterministic formulation. The key assumptions, models, and data all contain different degrees of uncertainty. It is important to follow these uncertainties forward through the simulation to determine the quality of the analytic results, so that intelligent comparativesdecisions on risks can be made. It is also important to be able to follow the critical, but poor quality, results backward through the simulation to identify and prioritize research to reduce the responsible uncertainties. There is a considerable amount of work that is implied by the modularity and the capabilities for parameterizations that are implied in the previously discussed methodology. This approach is, however, believed to pay very great dividends in versatility and sensitivity studies. A significant amount of work has already been begun as described in (V; Argonne National Lab; 1976). Combustion and control technologies are being examined to search out the information that is necessary for the comparative assessment task. Additional research areas will, however, certainly arise, particularly once new applications for this assessment mechanism are found. For example, in studying the penetration of some technology into the utility industry it might be necessary to arrive at new factors that more accurately describe some of the intangibles in the decision process. As the horizon is pushed ahead on the period to be assessed new technologies will have to be added. Complex national studies of the commercialization potential of some technologies may require more automated procedures for arriving at valid scenarios of Non-Technical Factors. Or as a final example, the "electric utility perspective" may switch to cover sensitive health issues, conservation of fuel resources, lowest risk of energy shortfalls, or any of a number of other possible perspectives. There are strong indications that we could be making better environmental control choices and that we could be directing searches toward more desirable energy/ health balances. The discussions in this report have revolved around the possibility for developing a methodology that might aid in deciding those choices and directions with more assurance than is otherwise possible. -178- I. 9.0 References and Bibliography The references are listed in this chapter in the sections designated by the Roman numerals that appeared with their citations. More comprehensive bibliographic information can be found in: Gruhl, J., 19 7 6 a. "Components for modeling the public health impacts of energy facilities - A bibliography, MIT Energy Lab Report #MIT-EL 76-024wp, Cambridge MA, 34pp, October. Gruhl, J., 1976b6. "Health/environmental consequences of energy conversion alternatives - A bibliography," MIT Energy Lab Report #MIT-EL 76-020wp, Cambridge MA, 30pp, August. 9. I Fuels Abernathy, R.F. and F.H. Gibson, 1963. "Rare Elements in Coal," US B of Mines I.C. 8163, US Dept. of Interior. Abernathy, R.F., et al., 1969. "Spectrochemical Analyses of Coal Ash for Elements," Report of Investigations #7281, Bureau of Mines, July. Trace American Chemical Society, 1966. Coal Science, Advances in Chemistry Series, Number 55, American Chemical Society. Asbury, J.G. and K.W. Costello, 1976. "Price and Availability of Western Coal in the Midwestern Market," Argonne Lab., ASME Ind. Power Conference, Memphis, Tenn., 48PP, May 17-18. Austin, L.G., 1974. 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