FUNDAMENTAL STUDIES OF OXIDATION KINETICS AND SALT PRECIPITATION IN SUPERCRITICAL WATER Research Supported by NASA-Johnson Space Center Contract No. NAG9-252 Final Report, Volume I: Research Summary January 1987 - September 1992 J. W. Tester P. A. Webley F. J. Armellini H. R. Holgate J. C. Meyer Energy Laboratory and Chemical Engineering Department Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 November .. I 15, 1992 FUNDAMENTAL STUDIES OF OXIDATION KINETICS AND SALT PRECIPITATION IN SUPERCRITICAL WATER Final Report, Volume I: Research Summary Table of Contents 1. Introduction and Scope ................................... 1 2. Project Objectives ....................................... 2 3. Approach ............ 3.1 Oxidation Studies 3.2 Salt Studies .... ........................................ ........................................ 22 ........................................ 4 4. Research Accomplishments ......... .............................. 4.1 Experimental Oxidation Studies ............................ 4.2 Elementary Reaction Modeling ............................. 4.3 Salt Studies .............. ............................. 5. Suggested Future Work ... 5.1 Oxidation Studies . 5.2 Salt Studies ..... 7 7 15 18 ...................................... ...................................... 2828 ............................I......... 28 6. Research Impact .............................................. 29 7. Acknowledgements ............................................ 30 8. Literature Cited .............................................. 30 9. Documentation of Research Contributions ........................... 9.1 Papers Published and Accepted for Publication ................. 9.2 Completed Doctoral Theses ................................ 9.3 Other Published and Forthcoming Papers ..................... 32 32 33 34 i 1. Introduction and Scope Future long-term space flights will require on-board water/waste recycling in a partially or fully enclosed life support system. Development of suitable water recycling systems is therefore of prime importance to the future of the space program. Oxidation of the products of human metabolism in supercritical water has been shown to be an efficient way to accomplish this recycling, since even refractory compounds such as ammonia can be oxidized rapidly and completely without formation of harmful by-products. In the supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) process, the slurried metabolic waste stream is mixed with air (or oxygen) and then heated and pressurized above the critical point of pure water (374°C and 221 bars (3205 psia)). Due to its unique solvation properties, supercritical water provides intimate single-phase contact between oxygen and the waste, which results in high destruction efficiencies. Partial oxidation of human wastes leads to the formation of smaller compounds, whose oxidation is frequently the rate limiting step in the overall destruction of the waste. A fundamental understanding of the oxidation kinetics and mechanisms of a wide range of organic compounds in supercritical water is central to the successful design and development of a SCWO unit. In addition to the near-complete destruction of the organic matter, the oxidation of metabolic waste in supercritical water also provides a means for the separation of salts from the aqueous waste stream. Salts are a natural constituent of human aqueous waste, and are also formed during the oxidation and subsequent neutralization of certain metabolic wastes. Due to the low solubility of most salts in supercritical water, the salts rapidly precipitate from the waste stream. Knowledge of nucleation and crystal growth rates of salts in supercritical water is essential for efficient salt separator design in the waste treatment process. The work reported here covers the period from January 1987 through September 1992 when research on oxidation of organic compounds in supercritical water was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. During that period several related projects in our laboratory received partial support from other organizations including the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, and the Army Research Office. Research results from all studies conducted in our laboratory relevant to the proposed use of SCWO for space missions are summarized in this final report. Volume I summarizes the major findings of our work, provides recommendations for future studies, and discusses the impact of the research to applications of SCWO for metabolic waste treatment and water recycle on long-term space missions. Volume II contains the detailed documentation of our research in the form of a complete set of indexed papers and reports published during the project. 1 2. Project Objectives The main objectives of our research project were to: 1. Obtain a better understanding of the kinetics and mechanisms involved in the oxidation of organics in supercritical water. Specifically, the effect of process variables such as temperature, reactor residence time, feed concentration and pressure on the rates of oxidation will be determined to aid in defining optimum process conditions. 2. Determine the effect (if any) of the reactor walls on the rate of oxidation. This is essential if conclusions regarding reaction mechanisms and the effect of process variables on oxidation rates are to be made. In addition, catalytic effects could be exploited to achieve higher oxidation rates. 3. Obtain a fundamental understanding of salt formation during the supercritical water oxidation process, including determining salt crystallization mechanisms and rates to provide basic data for developing efficient separation methods and procedures. 3. Approach 3.1 Oxidation Studies Our group at MIT has constructed an isothermal, isobaric, continuous-flow reactor system for the measurement of oxidation kinetics of organic compounds in supercritical water. A schematic of the experimental apparatus is shown in Figure 1. The reactor consists of 4.71 m of 0.635-cm OD x 0.171-cm ID tube of corrosionresistant, high-strength Inconel 625 and is immersed in a high-temperature fluidized sand bath for temperature control. The operating capability of our reactor is 25-700C, 1-250 atm and residence times of 5-20 seconds. Feed concentrations of oxygen and organic are restricted by the solubility of oxygen and organic in water at room temperature and at the pressure of the feed gas. The reactor system allows us to measure the rate of oxidation of model compounds, such as methanol and ammonia, as a function of temperature, feed concentration and residence time. This information is useful for the design and development of commercial-scale, supercritical water reactors. In addition, measurement of the composition and concentration of the products of oxidation allows chemical pathways to be determined. This information is useful for testing theoretical and semi-empirical models describing oxidation in supercritical water. 2 I I I U) m-a Co Ca a I- oc)0 i) Co i) U- 3 A packed bed reactor has also been constructed of Inconel 625 for the determination of possible effects of the reactor wall material on the rates of oxidation. The reactor is 61.67 cm long with an inner diameter of 0.912 cm and an outer diameter of 1.429 cm. It is packed with -60+100 mesh (150-250 Mm)Inconel 625 beads. With a free volume of 15.63 cm3, the packed bed reactor has a surface-tovolume ratio 20.5 times that of the tubular reactor. Rates of oxidation, if affected by the reactor surface, should be significantlydifferent in the packed bed reactor. 3.2 Salt Studies An experimental apparatus capable of operating in either a static or dynamic mode has been constructed for studying phase equilibria and precipitation phenomena in aqueous salt solutions at sub- and supercritical conditions. The static experiments are used to identify phase boundaries in salt-water systems, while the dynamic or flow experiments are used to characterize salt formation at conditions prevalent in the actual waste treatment reactor. The primary component of the salt studies apparatus is an optically accessible cell, which is shown in Figure 2. The cell is constructed from a high nickel, corrosion resistant alloy, Inconel 625, and is capable of operating up to 600°C and 340 bars. The cell is cubic in shape with an outer length of 12.7 cm and an inner working volume of approximately 25.0 cm3. All six faces of the cell contain threaded ports, in which either Inconel 625 window holders, plugs or flow tubes are inserted. All the ports are interchangeable, which allows for many different cell configurations. The cell is designed for both side and forward light scattering measurements up to angles of 10° from the centerline. A schematic of the experimental apparatus for studying phase behavior in saltwater systems is shown in Figure 3. The apparatus is assembled to perform extinction measurements on a static solution. Light extinction or visual observation is used to identify phase transformations and thus locate phase boundaries. The optical equipment includes; a 10 mW He-Ne laser, a 5x beam expander, a silicon photodetector, and a picowatt power meter. Twelve strip heaters (two attached to each face ) heat the cell, which is encased with high temperature ceramic insulation. A high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) pump with a self-flushing head keeps the pressure constant in the cell during the isobaric experiments. The entire apparatus sits on an optical table, which dampens any undesirable room vibrations. The dynamic experiments simulate the rapid mixing of a waste stream containing dissolved salts with supercritical water in the SCWO process. Figure 4 shows the apparatus for the flow / shock crystallization experiments. The two feeds in the experiments are a pure supercritical water (SCW) stream (typically at 550°C, 250 bar, and flowing at 10.2 g/min) and a cooler salt solution (0.5 to 10.0 wt%, typically at 150°C, 250 bar, and flowing at 0.5 g/min). The Inconel 625 optical cell is configured with two large flow tubes (0.912 cm ID) in the top and bottom ports, two 4 Flow Tube Inconel 625 Cell Body Gold Plated Copper Gasket T 12.7 cm. O0 20 (5.0") Sapphire Window 1.91 cm. dia. 0.953 cm thick Thermowell Inconei riug Figure 2. Cross-sectional view of high temperature and pressure optically accessible cell. chart pressure transducer pressur gauge recorder I metering valve ne high pressure pump relief valve v relief valve regulator aperture, laser filter and photodiode He/Ne Laser gn0 Inconel 625 Optical cell Figure 3. back pressure - meter strip heater _ ceramic insulation Schematic of apparatus for static isobaric phase equilibrium experiments. 5 SCW Feed Jet Feed injection valve electric heater W/ ?NMV//Z CW Q) thermocouple to center of cell drain pressure relief transducer valve metering back valve pressure regulator Figure 4. Schematic of apparatus for flow/shock crystallization experiments. 6 window holders in the front and back ports for photographic documentation and light scattering measurements, and two Inconel 625 plugs in the other side ports. The salt solution is injected co-axiallyinto the SCW stream as a jet using a water-cooled nozzle, which passes down the center of the top flow tube. Particle collection runs and laser transmission measurements are performed with the nozzle exit located in the upper flow tube to assure complete mixing of the jet and the SCW stream. The flow experiments are used to identify important mechanisms of salt growth and estimate particle sizes of the solids formed in the process. 4. Research Accomplishments 4.1 Experimental Oxidation Studies To date, we have measured the oxidation rates of a variety of model compounds in supercritical water: hydrogen, carbon monoxide, ethanol, methane, methanol, glucose, ammonia, and ammonia/methanol mixtures. A first-order Arrhenius plot (in which the reaction is assumed to be first order in organic and zero order in oxygen) for the individual model compounds is shown in Figure 5, and the regressed global rate forms are shown in Table I. These compounds were chosen as representative products of oxidation of larger organics such as cellulose and urea, and would be the rate limiting step in the overall oxidation to carbon dioxide and nitrogen. In particular: (1) The oxidation kinetics of carbon monoxide over the temperature range 400 to 540°C were determined at a pressure of 246 bar (24.6 MPa). In addition to direct oxidation with oxygen, it was found that reaction of carbon monoxide with water (the water-gas shift reaction) was significant. At 400°C, as much as 70% of the carbon monoxide was oxidized by water and not oxygen. This fraction decreased with increasing temperature, to about 25% at 540°C. The effects of temperature and concentration on direct and indirect oxidation kinetics of carbon monoxide were correlated with global models. The oxidation of carbon monoxide was found to be first order in carbon monoxide and independent of oxygen concentration over the range investigated. Elementary reaction models were also used in an attempt to model the complex chemistry of the reaction pathways, with only some success. (2) Arrhenius parameters for ethanol oxidation were determined over the temperature range 480 to 540°C, assuming the reaction was first order in ethanol and zero order in oxygen. The major products of the reaction were carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and acetaldehyde. The reaction exhibited an apparent activation energy of 340 kJ/mol. The ethanol results have been omitted from Figure 5 for clarity. 7 ci 0) 0) D O . . . . .I . . . . .I . . . . .I . . . . . . . . . .I . . . . . . . . . .I . . .. . . . . . . '. OO 0O C) O O ,O O ,o 0 C 'O. a) .Al 0 m O Oa ,, I.(S Ln O 4 ,) . 0 0CC 0 o~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r_ , . X 4- 0 O- cis 09 0 9.- ?, I* a 0E5 U) aEQ) co I *0Se I- c 0o -_. C_) .. i ~0~U) I I C 'a C) I **. I -o I c 0 44 oo U) . a) - <a E0 (: n CZ1- c 0 0 i 1r o 0 E -0 E a .E C . co O _I . . II . . . , C CM I U) ._ Cu I .. . 1 . I . I. · J···········_····_ I o 0 < 0 0 . · _________ CI LS ') o Co /4 o~~4i4 I-C -'0 Cd DE4EI a 4 4.4 i /' L I ~~~~~~I CU0 m0 tI LO) I Ul 8 .I , CD I 0 I . . . . f- I c 6 I Cl 0\ 00 Y a.) 0 o0 0) 0 0 tco E 0 Q cJ * ' r4 c C .- cr .- i o a. © -. I E0U i c'4 ooo °° ,q. (' a) .) 0 0 00 - z0i.== r~ Z Z © n .) o a *i I C-i 0 o11a * 0 0 00 Eo ~1 .E3 oe fi~~~~~~~i o o 01 0Cl c0 00 [-. ,-1 V1 0 O0 ce Co 0 C0 ?9., oc0 O IY + . ' o 6 -0 I 6 0 Cli 0 0 - E o o o M0o 6oo - 0 -IE +I~ ~ ~~~~* OV .R 9 "T' o .0 E _ V-+ - 0', a~ Rs ooX~ q 06 ~~~~~ a. , z II 0> a.)~~~~~~dr a.) ~~~~~~. 00b 0'~ 0zn 0'-4a.) a - 0~~~~~~I t (3) The oxidation kinetics of methane over the temperature range 560 to 650°C were determined at a pressure of 246 bar. The major products of the oxidation were carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. No methanol was detected in the effluent. The oxidation was first order in methane and 0.66-order in oxygen over the range of concentrations investigated. The dependence of the reaction on oxygen concentration accounts for the scatter in the methane data in Figure 5. The activation energy was 179.1 kJ/mol over the experimental temperature range. Attempted pyrolysis of methane gave no conversion at 650C and 15 seconds residence time. Oxidation of methane in the packed bed showed no significant rate increase over the tubular reactor. Elementary reaction models were used to model methane oxidation, but the models showed limited ability to reproduce experimental results. (4) The oxidation kinetics of methanol over the temperature range 450 to 550°C were determined at a pressure of 246 bar. The oxidation was found to be highly activated, going from zero conversion at 4500 C to complete conversion at 540C, both at a residence time of 8 seconds, with an apparent activation energy of 408.8 kJ/mol. The products of oxidation were carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. The oxidation rate was found to be approximately first order in methanol and zero order in oxygen over the concentration range investigated. Attempted pyrolysis of methanol gave a conversion of 2.2% at 5440 C and 6.6 seconds residence time. A single oxidation experiment in the packed bed reactor showed no rate increase over the tubular reactor. Elementary reaction models of methanol oxidation correctly predicted the experimental conversions, although the predicted activation energy was too high, no hydrogen was predicted in the effluent, and the product CO/CO2 ratio was too high. (5) The oxidation kinetics of ammonia over the temperature range 650 to 700°C were determined at a pressure of 245 bar and residence times of 10-15 seconds. Over this range conversions run from 0 to 15%. The product of ammonia oxidation is exclusivelynitrogen; no NO or NO2 was detected. The oxidation was roughly first order with respect to ammonia, and was weakly dependent on oxygen concentration, although the typical power-law rate form did not fit the data well. Instead, a catalytic model yielded a much better fit. Duplicate runs in the packed bed reactor, in the temperature range 530 to 680°C, showed that the oxidation was strongly affected by the increased presence of Inconel 625. Conversions up to four times higher were observed in the packed bed reactor at operating conditions similar to those in the tubular reactor, demonstrating that ammonia oxidation is at least partly catalytic. Small amounts of N2 0 were detected in the effluent of the packed reactor. A pyrolysis experiment at 700C yielded no decomposition of ammonia to nitrogen and hydrogen. 10 (6) The oxidation kinetics of mixtures of ammonia and methanol were examined in the tubular reactor over the temperature range 480 to 520°C. The conversion of methanol was slightly enhanced by the presence of ammonia The conversion of ammonia was unaffected by the presence of methanol in the tubular reactor, although in the packed reactor the rate of ammonia oxidation was slightly retarded by the addition of methanol. (7) The oxidation kinetics of hydrogen were examined in the tubular reactor in the temperature range 495 to 600°C and at a pressure of 246 bar. Over the range of experimental conditions, the reaction was independent of oxygen concentration and first-order in hydrogen concentration, with an activation energy of 372 kJ/mol. Figure 5 also shows that hydrogen is more refractory than carbon monoxide up to a temperature of about 550C, indicating that hydrogen oxidation was probably unimportant in the earlier carbon monoxide oxidation experiments in which hydrogen was formed as a product. The hydrogen oxidation reaction was also found to possess a distinct induction time of approximately 2 s at 550°C; this observation represents the first reported identification of an induction time in supercritical water oxidation kinetics (see Figure 6). (8) Oxidation of carbon monoxide has been reexamined at 246 bar and 420 to 5930C in an updated tubular-reactor experimental apparatus over an extended range of concentrations and fuel equivalence ratios (oxygen/carbon monoxide feed ratios). Figure 7 shows rate data for the direct oxidation (CO + 2 2 -, CO2) and indirectwater-gas-shift(CO + H 20 - CO + H2) pathways. Reaction of the carbon monoxide with water during preheating of the reactor feeds was quantified on the basis of heat-transfer experiments and was found to be unimportant for the experimental conditions studied. Regression of the newer carbon monoxide oxidation data to a global rate form (for the direct-oxidation pathway) revealed a fractional-order dependence on oxygen concentration, which had not been observed earlier. The global reaction was first-order in carbon monoxide, with and activation energy of 134 ld/mol. Additional experiments showed that carbon monoxide oxidation in supercritical water also possesses an induction time. Furthermore, hydrogen formation (by the global water-gas shift pathway) during carbon monoxide oxidation was facilitated by the presence of oxygen, and was very slow in the complete absence of oxygen. Hydrogen formation was also strongly dependent on the fuel equivalence ratio, with fuel-rich conditions favoring its formation. Higher water concentrations favor hydrogen formation, and the water-gas shift pathway is thus expected to be less important under practical supercritical water oxidation conditions, where water concentrations are lower. (9) As shown in Figure 8, the oxidation of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, at 550 and 570°C, respectively, was strongly pressure (water-density) dependent over the range of 118 to 263 bar (approximately a threefold variation in density, from 0.03 to 0.08 g/cm3 ), with higher pressures favoring higher oxidation rates. 11 "Induction Times" 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0 "r - 0.5 I 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 Figure 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Residence Time, s 7 8 9 10 Normalized Hydrogen Decay Profiles for Stoichiometric H 2 -0 2 -H2 0 Mixtures, Demonstrating Effective Induction Times. Experimental conditions: 550±2 °C; [H20] = (4.25±0.08) x 10-3 moVcm3; A-[H2]o= (3.06_0.03) x 10-4 moVcm , [02]o = (1.55±0.02) x 10 - moVcm 3 ; O3-[H2]o= (2.06±0.02) x 10- moVcm 3 , [0210= (1.04_0.01) x 10- 6 moVcm 3 ; 3 x 10 - 6 moVcm 3 . 1-[H 2], = (1.065±0.015) x 10- moVcm , [0210 = (0.54+0.01) 3 Curves are exponential fits to data. 12 Reactor Temperature, °C 3 600 580 560 540 520 500 480 460 440 420 400 2 1 0 co ? -2 ' -3 E o -4 0,'c -5 c -6 E -7 'e -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1000/T, K -1 Figure 7. Arrhenius Plot of Direct Carbon Monoxide Oxidation and Water-Gas Shift Data, Including Global Rate Expressions. Direct oxidation data include both the current data and the data of Helling and Tester (1987). 13 Fluid Density, g/cm 3 0.01 T U3 0.40 0.02 I 0.03 I 0.04 I 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 I I I I I I !' 0.35 m 0.30 550+2 °C 0o 0.25 + 9 0.20 cr · 0.15 9 0.10 r 0.05 I 0.00 1 -0.05 I . .' .. 0 . '. ' I ' 100 50 I' , I' ' ' ,, , 150 ' ' I 300 250 200 Operating Pressure, bar Effects of Operating Pressure on Apparent First-Order Rate Figure 8a. Constant, k*, for Hydrogen Oxidation at 550 °C. Experimental conditions: [H2 0 = (1.06±0.02) x 10- mol/cm3, [0210= (0.53+0.01) x 10- 6 mol/cm 3 . Fluid Density, g/cm 3 0.01 T U) 0.45 0.02 0.03 I l 0.40 - I I 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 I I I I I I I 570±2 °C m 0.35 U C o 0.30 * 4.1 s O 3.4s 1 0.25 c" · 0.20 9 0.15 iT 0.10 2 0.05 -0.00 .I 0 Figure 8b. .1 . I 50 . . . . I I 100 . . . I a a I I I . . . I 150 200 250 Operating Pressure, bar . . . . . . L . . 300 . 350 Effects of Operating Pressure on Apparent First-Order Rate Constant, k*, for Carbon Monoxide Oxidation at 570 °C. Experimental conditions: [CO]o= (1.03+0.01) x 106 mol/cm3 , [0210= (0.51 0.01) x 10-6 movcm3 . Results for two residence times (3.4 s, 4.1 s) are shown. 14 The effective order with respect to water for stoichiometric carbon monoxide oxidation at 570°C was 1.7. This dependence suggests that a slight kinetic penalty is incurred for operation of the supercritical water oxidation process at lower pressures (or lower water concentrations). (10) Limited studies of hydrogen and carbon monoxide oxidation at 246 bar and 550 and 560°C, respectively, in the packed bed reactor showed that the additional Inconel 625 surface area tended to inhibit oxidation, most likely through termination of free radicals. The inhibitory effect of the surface was not so severe, however, suggesting that tubular-reactor kinetic results at higher temperatures are representative of a homogeneous reaction pathway. (11) Glucose hydrolysis and oxidation in supercritical water were studied at 246 bar and 425 to 600°C. Glucose hydrolysis was found to proceed rapidly in supercritical water, with a conversion of 97% at 425°C for a reactor residence time of 6 s; kinetic measurements of glucose disappearance were therefore not feasible in our normal range of operating conditions. Typical HPLC chromatograms for the liquid effluent from comparable hydrolysis and oxidation experiments are shown in Figure 9. Clearly, the number of liquidphase products is greatly reduced under oxidizing conditions, with a correspondingly higher extent of gasification. The products formed from glucose hydrolysis are diverse but also undergo hydrolysis; at 600°C and a 6-second reactor residence time, glucose is converted completely to gases, even in the absence of oxygen. The presence of oxygen accelerates the destruction of the intermediate products, with no liquid-phase products found above 550C at a 6-second reactor residence time. The major, persistent intermediate products of glucose hydrolysis and oxidation are furfural, acetic acid, acetonylacetone, propenoic acid, and acetaldehyde in the liquid effluent, and carbon monoxide, methane, ethane, ethylene, and hydrogen in the gaseous effluent. Small quantities of methane, hydrogen, and possibly ethylene are present in the glucose oxidation effluent at temperatures up to 600°C at a reactor residence time of 6 seconds. The high-temperature stability of methane is consistent with our earlier study of methane oxidation. 4.2 Elementary Reaction Modeling An elementary reaction model for hydrogen oxidation (Figure 10A), with certain modifications for high pressure, was largely successful in reproducing the experimentally observed kinetic behavior, including the global reaction orders and Arrhenius parameters and the effect of pressure. A similar model for carbon monoxide oxidation (Figure 10B) was somewhat less successful, exhibiting a higher overall activation energy than the data and lacking an oxygen dependence. Hightemperature data under stoichiometric and fuel-rich feed conditions were reproduced well. However, results for fuel-lean conditions were not correctly predicted by the carbon monoxide model. The principal effects of the high pressure (water 15 Glucose Hydrolysis 500 °C RPattnr PRcitrIonra Timm - c.-c. 'a .! x c c 10 0. 0 .o o o .0C M C 9 0)0 C a a0 0a V Q 0o I I u ° U I $110 ,o 0Co C u 0CL 0 xo E -o 'a ° ; e0 0) C'J I a- UL U- > UM I T I U 0.0 l U ll I l I llUI I Ul ll I I I I I I I 60.0 6< 0 ) Glucose Oxidation 500 °C o c. g a, 20 C .O I ;LA' I[ Reactor Residence Time = 6 s c IL: - - -. ,, .0o 60.0 Retention Time (min) Figure 9. Comparison of HPLC Chromatograms of Liquid Effluent from Glucose Hydrolysis and Oxidation in Supercritical Water. Nominal initial conditions: 500 °C, 1 x 10 mol/cm3 glucose, 6 x 10- mol/cm3 oxygen (for oxidation), 6 s reactor residence time. UV detection at 210 nm. 16 He OH + H 20 ' H20 2 H 02+ M H2 0 HO M HO2 Figure 10a. Major Free-Radical Reaction Pathways in the Elementary Reaction Network for Hydrogen Oxidation in Supercritical Water. Arrow thicknesses indicate relative rates of reactions. AA OH + CO 2 OH OH H2 HO0 H2 02 A H2 0 H2 0 02 02 A-' OH HO,2 HO2 OH- H 20 02 Figure 10b. Major Free-Radical Reaction Pathways in the Elementary Reaction Network for Carbon Monoxide Oxidation in Supercritical Water. Arrow thicknesses indicate relative rates of reactions. 17 concentration) on the oxidation mechanism are threefold: a) the dissociation of hydrogen peroxide (H2 0 2 - OH + OH) is at or near its high-pressure limit; b) the dissociation (recombination) of the hydroperoxyl radical (H + 02 - HO 2) approaches its high-pressure limit; and c) the rate of the HO 2 + H20 - H2 0 2 + OH branching reaction is greatly accelerated by the high water concentrations (densities) present in supercritical water relative to typical gas-phase oxidation conditions. The majority of the pressure (density) dependence of the oxidation reactions is accounted for by the effect of the changing water concentration on the rate of the branching reaction. The models for hydrogen and carbon monoxide oxidation are both highly sensitive to the rate constant of the HO2 + H 2 0 - H 20 2 + OH reaction. Experimental data could be reproduced with the assumed reaction network only if the value of this rate constant under supercritical water conditions is significantly lower than its most probable gas-phase value. 4.3 Salt Studies Experimental techniques have been developed to determine phase boundaries and precipitation mechanisms in aqueous salt solutions at conditions prevalent in the SCWO process. So far, two salts have been studied, sodium chloride and sodium sulfate, which are both contained in metabolic wastes. Specifically: (1) An optical cell capable of operating up to 6000 C and 340 bars was designed and constructed in cooperation with Harwood Engineering (Walpole, MA) for direct in-situ measurements of salt solubility, nucleation, and deposition. The ancillary equipment for operating the optical cell in both a static and a dynamic mode and performing laser extinction measurements was assembled. (2) A series of isobaric experiments examining phase behavior in the sodium chloride and water system at the typical SCWO reactor pressure of 250 bars were performed. These experiments verified the ability of the static experimental apparatus for estimating phase boundaries. Figure 11 shows the results of the isobaric runs on the NaCl-H20 phase diagram at 250 bar. Homogeneous sodium chloride solutions of known concentration were heated at constant pressure until a phase boundary was crossed and a new phase was nucleated. In these experiments, which were documented on video tape, the nucleation was identified visually, and appeared as small vapor bubbles rising in the cell. (3) Static isobaric phase equilibrium experiments were performed on the Na 2SO 4 -H 2 0 system at 250 bar. The nucleated phase was solid salt, which appeared as fine particles settling inside the optical cell and salt crystals with needle/dendrite morphology growing on the inner window surface. These results are plotted on the sodium sulfate-water phase diagram in Figure 12. The results verify the phase behavior of this system, which is distinctly different than the NaCl-H2 0 system under conditions encountered in the Modar process. 18 500 , 450 0 a liquid;olid region E F 400 350 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 wt% NaCI compilation of Bischoff and Pitzer (1989) 0 A Parisod and Plattner (1981) - - - prediction of Pitzer and Pabalan (1986) Sourirajan and Kennedy (1962) V + Bischoff, et al, (1986) estimated from Unke, (1958) v Olander and Uander (1950) Khaibullin and Borisov (1966) Present study Figure 11. Results of sodium chloride static isobaric experiments shown on the temperature-composition NaCI-H2 0 phase diagram at 250 bar. 19 450 .. ... . .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 1250 bar 400 | fluid-solid salt region o0 4, I.. a 350 Ione phase fluid region 300 v This Study Ravich and Borovaya (1964) r wCnCv. . . . ) .... ·. . .· . 1. . . . . . . . . I. . . I. . . I,, . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . I.. . . . . . I. L,,,,,,, 5 10 15 20 wt% Na2 SO4 Figure 12. Results of sodium sulfate isobaric experiments shown on the temperature composition Na2 SO4 -H2O phase diagram at 250 bar. 20 (4) The solubility of sodium chloride in water vapor was determined at supercritical temperatures ranging from 450 to 550°C and sub- and supercritical pressures varying from 100 to 250 bar. In the experiments, pure water was fed through an Inconel 625 tube packed with solid salt. Figure 13 shows a representative sample of the results at 500°C, compared with data from other investigators. Measured sodium chloride concentrations in this study ranged from 0.9 to 101 ppm (by weight), and were regressed with the following semi-empirical correlation, logCNaa = 3.866 logpw 1233.4 T T + 7.772 where log is the logarithm in base 10, CNaa is the saturated NaC1l concentration in ppm, pwis the pure water density in g/cm3 , and T is the temperature in Kelvins. The equation does a good job of representing our data over the full pressure range. Hydrolysis of solid NaC1lto form NaOH and HC1 was found as a possible explanation for the discrepancies between our data and those of Martynova (1964) and Styrickovich et al. (1955) at pressures below 150 bar. Also, Sourirajan and Kennedy (1962) may have had difficulties with their vapor-phase NaCl detection (Bischoff et al., 1986), while Alekhin and Vakulenko (1988) determined NaCl concentrations using a novel but unproven in-situ radioactive tracer technique. (5) Solubility experiments with sodium sulfate at 500°C and 250 bar were also performed. Measured sodium sulfate concentrations were 0.9 ppm + 0.2 ppm, and exhibited unsteady behavior. Figure 14 compares our value at 500°C with data from other investigators. As with NaCl, there is large scatter in the data. Though, only an estimate of Na2SO4 solubility could be obtained, this value was over two orders of magnitude lower than that for sodium chloride at identical conditions. Future experiments with Na2SO4 will be performed in a batch system, to hopefully explain the discrepancies in the solubility data. (6) The shock crystallization of sodium chloride was examined at a pressure of 250 bar and a final mixed stream temperature of about 550°C. Jet concentrations ranged from 0.5 to 10.0wt% with an exit temperature of approximately 150°C. Results from SEM analysis of precipitated solids, in-situ laser extinction measurements, and visual observation of the jets, indicate that sodium chloride solutions first pass through a vapor-liquid state before solid salt is formed. As shown in Figure 11, the vapor-liquid region in the phase diagram extends over a wide concentration range. The size and morphology of precipitated solids were concentration dependent. As shown in Figure 15, the solids formed from a dilute 0.5 wt% jet appeared shell-like with lengths from 5 to 20 im, while kernel-shaped particles with lengths from 10 to 50 Am were formed from a 3.0 wt% jet. The effect of operating at a subcritical pressure of 200 bar was also examined. For NaCl, the subcritical pressure caused a dramatic increase in particle size, most likely due to a phase boundary shift in 21 .9 - . I I I I I I . . . I . . . I . 11 I . . I . I , I I I I I I I . I . _ ## r(o L . 100 E aa ^^ I11111 c 101 z 1 - 0 - Al V. I I I , I , , I I .I 0 v I I, II , 100 200 Pressure (bar) I I I 300 This study semi-empirical correlation (see text) - - - Pitzer and Pabalan model prediction (1986) Styrickovich, et al. (1955) O Martynova (1964) O Sourirajan & Kennedy (1962) o Galobardes, et al. (1981) * Bischoff, etal. (1986) # Alekhin & Vakulenko (1988) * Figure 13. Comparison of sodium chloride solubility measurements and model prediction at 5000C. 22 1000 " 111 I I...I 11 I . . I EZ1 100 II.I . II II I Il _m _- _ _ I O _- __1 E / - 0c I I 0 f ! 10 C I- c 1 z 0.1 * * 0 A ....... I...... .... ... ,,,I ...... .... .... .. . 0.01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . ,,....I........,I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Pressure (bar) A o 0 * v Figure 14. Martynova and Samoilov, 1962 Martynova, 1976 Morey and Hesselgesser, 1951 Styrikovich et al, 1955 Present study Comparison of sodium sulfate solubility measurement at 5000C and 250 bar with data from other investigators. 23 (a) (b) Figure 15. SEM photos of NaCI particles precipitated from a jet mixed with supercritical water at 250 bar, (a) 3.0 wt% jet, (b) 0.5 wt% jet (Jet feed: 1.0 g/min, 110-140 0 C; SCW feed: 10.2 g/min, 540 0 C). 24 the NaCl-H2 0 system. Particles with lengths between 0.5 and 1.0 mm were formed from a 3.0 wt% jet at 200 bar. (7) The shock crystallization of sodium sulfate was examined at a pressure of 250 bar and a final mixed stream temperature of about 550C. Jet concentrations ranged from 0.5 to 5.0 wt% with an exit temperature of approximately 1500C. Because of the phase behavior of the Na2SO4-H20 system at 250 bar (see Figure 12), sodium sulfate solutions nucleate solids directly from a homogeneous fluid phase. The precipitated solids appeared much finer and also more agglomerated than the sodium chloride solids. As shown in Figure 16, the diameter of the primary sodium sulfate particles ranged from 1 to 3 microns, while the aggregates reached diameters up to about 20 microns. The precipitation mechanism changed with pressure. At 200 bar, a small vaporliquid region exists in the system, which possibly caused some solid formation from a concentrated liquid brine phase. The size range of the collected particles increased to between 2 and 50 Am. (8) In-situ laser transmission measurements were performed to quantify the extent of solid formation during the shock crystallization experiments. Transmission is defined as the attenuation of light intensity by scattering, which was calculated as the measured laser power with a pure water jet (Io) divided by the laser power measured during salt injection (I). Thus, a transmission of 100% represents no measurable scattering or zero turbidity. Figure 17 compares the transmission values for various NaCl and Na2SO4 jets. At 250 bar, the transmission measured during shock crystallization experiments with sodium chloride jets was always much greater than that for sodium sulfate jets under identical run conditions. Although only rough estimates, the average Na2SO4 particle sizes calculated from the data were all between 0.3 and 1.6 Aum,while the calculated NaCl particle sizes ranged from 5 Am for the 0.5 wt% jet to 90 Aumfor the 10 wt% jet. Transmissions for the 200 bar jets were all approximately 100%, which suggests a shift to higher average particle sizes due to the subcritical pressure. These results are consistent with SEM analysis of the collected particles, described above. (9) Solid precipitation from mixed NaCl/Na 2 SO 4 solutions was studied at 250 bar. From laser transmission measurements, it was concluded that the increased solubility of Na2SO4 in NaCl brines caused less fine particle nucleation, and favored liquid brine formation. The collected solids were caked on the inner walls of the cell, which suggests that concentrated liquid brines exist in the NaCl-Na 2 SO 4 -H2 0 system up to temperatures of 6000C. (10) Certain individual growth mechanisms believed to be important during the shock crystallization process were modeled. Diffusion-limited growth was shown to be a possible explanation for the micron size of the sodium sulfate precipitates. A time of only 10 ms was estimated to be required for the diffusion-limited growth of a 1.0 gsmNa2SO4 particle in supercritical water 25 (a) (b) Figure 16. SEM photos of Na2SO4 particles precipitated from a 3.0 wt% jet mixed with supercritical water at 250 bar, (a) aggregates collected on a Hastelloy disk, (b) primary particles collected on a Hastelloy frit (Jet feed: 0.5 g/min, 110-140 0 C; SCW feed: 10.5 g/min, 550°C). 26 100 · iTEo B1 0 80 o o 60 - 0 E cr C 40 .a, 2,. il- 20 J XI, 0 0 1 2 3 4 10 wt% Salt in jet feed Figure 17. In-situ laser transmission measurement during the shock crystallization experiments as a function of jet concentration. 27 from a 3.0 wt% jet at 385°C. This time is much less than the 10 s residence time available for growth during the shock crystallization experiments. Agglomeration calculations showed that primary particle collisions in the bulk SCW medium could not account for the large Na2 SO 4 aggregates collected during some runs. The aggregates, which had spherical heads of diameter of about 20 /zm and long tails (see Figure 16(a)), most likely formed near the jet exit where enhanced particle concentrations and velocity gradients existed. (11) Thermodynamic modeling of solubility and non-ideal behavior of NaCl-H2 0 systems from sub- to supercritical conditions was performed. The saturated vapor-phase was modeled with the Peng-Robinson equation of state, while conventional activity coefficient models were applied to the saturated liquidphase. In their present form, these approaches do not satisfactorily describe the very non-ideal nature of the system in the temperature, pressure, and composition ranges tested. 5. Suggested Future Work 5.1 Oxidation Studies Future efforts will be directed toward improving experimental capabilities. Modifications to the experimental apparatus will be made to increase the range of operating conditions (concentrations, residence times, and pressures) and to maximize the flexibility of the system. With the improved experimental resources, temporal evolution of reactant and product concentrations during model compound oxidation will be examined in greater detail, to provide additional data for validation of elementary reaction models. With additional data, modeling efforts may be extended to more complex compounds, and models may be examined in greater detail to reveal sources of shortcomings. Experimental efforts will also be extended to additional model compounds, including acetic acid, dimethyl sulfoxide, and possibly acetaldehyde. Furthermore, additional glucose hydrolysis and oxidation experiments, possibly at subcritical temperatures and pressures, will be conducted to quantify global oxidation kinetics and to identify the implications of operating under off-design conditions. Finally, the role of hydrogen peroxide as a more efficient oxidant will be explored both experimentally and theoretically. 5.2 Salt Studies In the future, phase equilibria and precipitation phenomena in other salt-water systems will be studied, such as, KC1-H2 0, NaSO 3 -H2 0, and Na 2 HPO 4 -H2 0. The effect of other components, such as organics or gases, will also be explored, since these components make up a significant percentage of the actual SCWO reactor contents. Additional shock crystallization experiments to determine the effect of 28 nozzle diameter on NaCI and Na2 SO4 particle sizes and morphology are required for proper extension of the results to systems of larger scale. Experiments using a lowangle light scattering instrument to measure in-situparticle size distribution were hindered by laser power fluctuations. Before additional tests are conducted, modifications to the experimental apparatus are necessary to decrease the temperature gradients in the optical cell, especially from the window ports. Finally, the diffusion-limited growth and agglomeration calculations should be extended to estimate the effects of concentration and temperature gradients at the jet exit. These gradients can be approximated from transport modeling. Numerical simulations of a laminar jet exhibited unrealistically slow mixing rates, thus some degree of buoyancydriven turbulence must be considered. 6. Research Impact The primary benefit of our research has been to provide fundamental information for the design and operation of supercritical water oxidation systems. Kinetic studies of model compounds have furnished global rate expressions which can now be used in the design of future systems; in fact, ABB Lummus Crest and MODAR, Inc. are currently using the global rate expression for ethanol oxidation in their coupled kinetic/hydrodynamic design and modeling study of a commercial-scale reactor. In addition, the studies have identified rate-limiting steps in the oxidation of organics and metabolic wastes; for example, in the case of glucose, carbon monoxide is the dominant rate-limiting intermediate at lower temperatures (450 to 550°C), while methane and possibly ethylene are rate-limiting at higher temperatures (around 600°C). Experiments conducted during this project, have revealed identities of many of the problematic liquid-phase products of the incomplete oxidation of glucose, including furfural, acetaldehyde, acetic acid, acetonylacetone, and propenoic acid; however, our studies have at the same time demonstrated that complete destruction of all of these species may be accomplished very easily at temperatures near 600 °C. Project research has improved our understanding of the role of water in the oxidation process, and indicated that the primary effect of density/pressure results from the change in the water concentration. Since practical SCWO systems in general operate at much lower water concentrations than our experimental system, the change in water concentration with operating pressure will be less drastic in a practical system, and the kinetic penalty of operating at lower pressures will be much more minor than observed in our studies. In practice, the SCWO process may therefore be operated at lower pressures without seriously affecting oxidation kinetics. Elementary reaction modeling has allowed interpretation of mechanistic pathways in waste oxidation, and has provided an understanding of the process at a level much more basic than that of global kinetics. By using theoretically consistent modifications to combustion based free radical elementary reactions for H2 and CO oxidation to correct for higher pressure and density, we were able to successfully 29 represent observed kinetic results, including the production of H 2 via the indirect water-gas-shift pathway. The salt studies have provided aqueous phase equilibrium data for two salts contained in metabolic wastes (sodium chloride and sodium sulfate) at conditions encountered in the MODAR process. Also, precipitation mechanisms have been developed for the two salt-water systems. This information will aid in the design of efficient salt separation devices for the SCWO process. Knowledge of phase boundaries are required to predict where solid formation will occur in the system. Estimates of particle sizes have also been obtained, which are needed to design both impingement and filter salt separator units. For both salts, larger solids were formed in the shock crystallization experiments at 200 bar. Although further studies are necessary to determine the effects of gas dilution, our results for NaCl and Na2SO4 suggest a significant advantage by operating at lower, even subcritical, pressures, since salt separation should become easier as particle sizes increase. 7. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank NASA for partial support of this work. We are particularly grateful to Donald Price, Albert Behrend, and Ted Wydeven for their interest and guidance in carrying out the project. Many present and former MIT faculty members have provided thoughtful comments and discussions, while serving as thesis committee members. They include Adel Sarofim, Janos Beer, Bill Deen, Jack Howard, Preetinder Virk, and Mike Modell. We also thank Rich Helling (DOW Chemical), for his efforts on the project prior to the NASA funded phase and his helpful suggestions throughout the project, and MIT Students, David Stevenson, Victor Antaramian, Jay Corbett, Ashley Shih, Matt DiPippo, Phil Marrone, and Bryce Mitton for their capable and valuable assistance in the accomplishment of our experimental objectives. Glenn Hong, William Killilea, K.C. Swallow,Alan Bourhis, and Dave Ordway, of MODAR, Inc., provided generous assistance with both the experimental and theoretical aspects of this project. 8. Literature Cited Alekhin, Yu.V. and A.G. Vakulenko (1988), "'Thermodynamicparameters and solubility of NaCl in water vapor at 300-500C up to 300 bar", Geochemistry International, 25(5), pp. 97-110. Bischoff, J.L. and KS. Pitzer (1989), "Liquid-vapor relations for the system NaClH 2 0: Summary of the P-T-x surface from 300 to 500 OC", Amer. J. ScL, 289, pp. 217-248. 30 Bischoff, J.L, RJ. Rosenbauer, and K.S. Pitzer (1986), "The system NaCI-H2 0: relations of vapor-liquid near the critical temperature of water and of vaporliquid-halite from 300 to 5000 C', Geochim. Cosmo. Acta, 50, pp. 1437-1444. Galobardes, J.F., D.R. Van Hare and LB. Rogers (1981), "Solubility of sodium chloride in dry steam", J. Chem. Eng. Data, 26, pp. 363-366. Khaibullin, I. Kh. and N.M. Borisov (1966), High Temperature, 4, pp. 489-494. Linke, W.F. (1958), Solubilities - inorganicand metal organiccompounds, VII ACS, Washington DC. Martynova, O.I. (1964), "Some problems of the solubilitiy of involatile inorganic compounds in water vapor at high temperatures and pressures", Russ. J. of Phys. Chem., 38, pp. 587-592. Martynova, O.I. (1976), "Solubility of inorganic compounds in subcritical and supercritical water", in High Temperatureand High PressureElectrochemistryin Aqueous Solutions, D.deG. Jones and R.W. Staehle editors, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX, pp. 131-138. Martynova, O.I. and Yu.F. Samoilov (1962), 'The formation of solutions of inorganic substances in water vapor", Russ. J. Inorg. Chem., 7(4), pp. 372-375. Morey, G.W. and J.M. Hesselgesser (1951), 'The solubility of some minerals in superheated steam at high pressures", Econ. GeoL, 46, pp. 821-835. Olander, A. and H. Liander (1950), 'The phase diagram of sodium chloride and steam above the critical point", Acta. Chim. Scand, 4, pp. 1437-1445. Parisod, C.J. and E. Plattner (1981), "Vapor-liquid equilibria of the NaCI-H20 system in the temperature range 300-400°C",J. Chem. Eng. Data, 26, pp. 16-20. Pitzer, KS. and R.T. Pabalan (1986), "Thermodynamics of NaCl in steam", Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 50, pp. 1445-1454. Ravich, M.I. and F.E. Borovaya (1964), "Phase equilibria in the sodium sulphatewater system at high temperatures and pressures", Russ. J. Inorg. Chem., 9(4), pp. 520-532. Sourirajan, S. and G.C. Kennedy (1962), The system H 20-NaCI at elevated temperatures and pressures",Amer. J. Sci, 260, pp. 115-141. Styrikovich, M.A., I.Kh. Khaibullin and D.G. Tschvirachvili (1955), "Solubility of salts in high pressure steam",Akad. Naukl SSSR Dokady, 100, pp. 1123-1126 (in Russian). 31 9. Documentation of Research Contributions A complete listing of papers and reports presented and published during the course of this project is given below. Copies of the actual papers are provided in Volume II: Appendix of the final report. Copies of the thesis summaries (digests) for the PhD dissertations of Paul Webley, Rick Holgate, and Fred Armellini are included as well. Copies of complete theses are available upon request. Also for completeness, earlier and forthcoming publications of our group related to SCWO technology are listed in the final section. 9.1 Papers Published and Accepted for Publication (1) Webley, P.A. and Tester, J.W. (1988) "Fundamental kinetics and mechanistic pathways for oxidation reactions in supercritical water." SAE Technical Paper Series #881039, 18th Intersociety Conference on Environmental Systems, San Francisco, CA, July 11-13. (2) Webley, P.A. and Tester, J.W. (1989) "Fundamental kinetics of methanol oxidation in supercritical water." ACS Symp. Ser. 406: SupercriticalFluid Science and Technology,K.P. Johnston and J.M.L Penninger, eds. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society, pp. 259-275. (3) Armellini, FJ. and Tester, J.W. (1990) "Salt separation during supercritical water oxidation of human metabolic waste: Fundamental studies of salt nucleation and growth." SAE Technical Paper Series #901313, 20th International Conference on Environmental Systems, Williamsburg, VA, July 9-12. (4) Webley, P.A., Holgate, H.R., Stevenson, D.M., and Tester, J.W. (1990) "Oxidation kinetics of model compounds of human metabolic waste in supercritical water." SAE Technical Paper Series #901333, 20th International Conference on Environmental Systems, Williamsburg, VA, July 9-12. (5) Webley, P.A. and Tester, J.W. (1991) "Fundamental kinetics of methane oxidation in supercritical water." Energy & Fuels 5, pp. 411-419. (6) Webley, P.A., Tester, J.W., and Holgate, H.R. (1991) "Oxidation kinetics of ammonia and ammonia-methanol mixtures in supercritical water in the temperature range 530-700C at 246 bar." Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 30(8), pp. 1745-1754. 32 (7) Armellini, FJ. and Tester, J.W. (1991) "Experimental methods for studying salt nucleation and growth from supercritical water." J. SupercriticalFluids 4, pp. 254-264. (8) Armellini, FJ. and Tester, J.W. (1992) "Solubility of sodium chloride in sub- and supercritical water vapor." Presented at the AIChE National Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, November 17-22, and accepted for publication in Fluid Phase Equilibria. (9) Holgate, H.R. and Tester, J.W. (1991) "Fundamental kinetics and mechanisms of hydrogen oxidation in supercritical water." Presented at the Second International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Boston, MA, May 20-22, and accepted for publication in Combustion Science and Technology. (10) Holgate, H.R., Webley, PA, Tester, J.W., and Helling, R.K. (1992) "Carbon monoxide oxidation in supercritical water: The effects of heat transfer and the water-gas shift reaction on observed kinetics." Energy and Fuels 6, pp. 586-597. (11) Tester, J.W., Webley, P.A., and Holgate, H.R. (1992) "Revised global kinetic measurements of methanol oxidation in supercritical water." Accepted for publication in Industrial and EngineeringChemistry Research. 9.2 Completed Doctoral Theses (12) Webley P.A. (1989) "Fundamental oxidation kinetics of simple compounds in supercritical water." Doctoral thesis, Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. (13) Holgate, H.R. (1993) "Oxidation chemistry and kinetics in supercritical water:. hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and glucose." Doctoral thesis, Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. (14) Armellini, FJ. (1993) "Phase equilibria and precipitation phenomena of sodium chloride and sodium sulfate in sub- and supercritical water." Doctoral thesis, Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 33 93 Other Published and Forthcoming Papers (15) Helling, R.K. and Tester, J.W. (1987) "Oxidation kinetics of carbon monoxide in supercritical water." Energy & Fuels 1, pp. 417-423. (16) Helling, R.K. and Tester, J.W. (1988) "Oxidation of simple compounds and mixtures in supercritical water: Carbon monoxide, ammonia and ethanol." Environ. Sci TechnoL 22(11), pp. 1319-1324. (17) Tester, J.W., Holgate, H.R., Armellini, FJ., Webley, PA, Killilea, W.R., Hong, G.T., and Barner, H.E. (1991) "Supercritical water oxidation technology: A review of process development and fundamental research." Presented at the Third Annual Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Hazardous Waste Management, Atlanta, GA, October 1-3, and to appear in an ACS Symposium Series volume, Emerging Technologiesfor Hazardous Waste Management III, D.W. Tedder and F.G. Pohland, eds. (18) Holgate, H.R. and Tester, J.W. (1992) "Oxidation of hydrogen and carbon monoxide in sub- and supercritical water. I. Experimental Results." To be submitted to the Journal of Physical Chemistry. (19) Holgate, H.R. and Tester, J.W. (1992) "Oxidation of hydrogen and carbon monoxide in sub- and supercritical water. II. Elementary reaction modeling." To be submitted to the Joumal of Physical Chemistry. (20) Holgate, H.R., Tester, J.W., and Meyer, J.C. (1992) "Glucose hydrolysis and oxidation in supercritical water." To be submitted to the AIChE Journal. (21) Armellini, FJ. and Tester, J.W. (1992) "Precipitation of sodium chloride and sodium sulfate from supercritical water: Morphological characterization." To be submitted to the J. Supercrtical Fluids. 34