Vocabulary CSE 115 Spring 2006 January 20 & 23, 2006

CSE 115
Spring 2006
January 20 & 23, 2006
 Java
 yeager
 coldplay
 hadar
 Eclipse
 PuTTy
 fileZilla
 operating system
 file
 directory
 “creating a file”
 Baldy 21
Java: Name of a programming language,
in fact the programming language we will
use this semester.
Programming language – A language that we
use to communicate instructions to the
computer. The first programming language was
FORTRAN (1957). How did we communicate
with computers before then?
Programming Languages
 Iterative/Procedural
BASIC, C, Pascal
 Functional
LISP, Scheme, ML
 Object-Oriented
Simula, Java
 Declarative
 Scripting
JavaScript, VBScript, PHP
Are HTML and XML programming
So, what makes a language we use in the
computer a programming language?
Three key features…
We will see how these three ideas are
implemented in Java as the semester
Computing environment
UB computing account (UBUnix)
workstations compute servers
file server
e-mail server
CSE computing account
Baldy 21
compute server
file server
e-mail server
CSE computing infrastructure
(partial picture)
file server
netapps appliance
compute server
thin clients in
Baldy 21
compute server
compute server
remote sessions
run Eclipse from this server
 Yeager – All CSE 115 students have an account
on yeager.cse.buffalo.edu. If you are not
physically in the lab, you will log into yeager
 PuTTy – A secure telnet client that allows you to
connect to other systems from your home
machine. If you want to work on your CSE 115
assignments, you would log into the system
named yeager.cse.buffalo.edu and use the same
username and password as you would in the
More Definitions
 UNIX – The operating system that is run on the
systems in the CSE department. It was created
in 1969 at Bell Labs. Other noteable 1969
creations – the ARPANET. The ARPANET is the
precursor to the ???
 operating system – Software that is directly
responsible for coordinating all activities of both
the hardware and the software on the computer,
and facilitating communication between the two.
Still More Definitions
coldplay – Another compute server in the
CSE department. Eclipse is installed on
this machine. You will be using coldplay
during your recitation/lab time.
Eclipse – The IDE (Integrated
Development Environment) that we will be
using this semester to help us create our
Even More Definitions
 Hadar – the name of the file server for all the
CSE machines we have talked about so far
(yeager, coldplay, everest). Because all three of
those systems are file-served by the same
machine, this means that the same files are
accessible no matter which of the three you are
logged in to. You should not log into hadar
remotely or from within the lab unless you are
simply going to change your password.
Passwords for your CSE accounts can only be
changed on hadar.
Geez there are a lot of Definitions
fileZilla – A program that allows you to
transfer files from your home machine to
one of the CSE machines, and vice versa.
When you are transferring files, you will be
transferring them to the system that is file
served by hadar.
Last Definition!
Baldy 21 – The place you need to go to for
your recitations. Please make sure to do
the work that needs to be completed
before going to lab. It is also an extremely
good idea to read over the lab assignment
before going to your lab session and even
perhaps printing out the assignment to
have with you and take notes on during
your lab time.