GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-196 Inoculation Trials With Phytophthora ramorum on Moorland Species1 Stefan Wagner2, Katrin Kaminski2, and Sabine Werres2 Abstract Moorland plants are important for landscape and garden culture in many European countries. Studies on the host range of Phytophthora ramorum, in other words first infection trials with the moorland genera Calluna and Erica, should give a first impression on the susceptibility of these plants. Two cultivars each of Calluna vulgaris and Erica gracilis were infected with four different P. ramorum isolates. Wounded and non-wounded twigs were inoculated with zoospores or mycelium. First results indicate that P. ramorum can infect C. vulgaris and E. gracilis. E. gracilis seemed to be more susceptible than C. vulgaris. Both inoculation with zoospores and with mycelium resulted in infection. The experiments with unwounded plant material indicate that P. ramorum can infect the healthy (twig) tissue. There was a difference in the aggressiveness of the tested isolates; isolates from the United States exhibited the highest aggressiveness. There were also several interactions between inoculation method, inoculum, cultivar and isolate. These must be verified in further experiments. Key words: Phytophthora ramorum, Calluna vulgaris, Erica gracilis, infection. Introduction In many European countries the Moorland genera Calluna and Erica, which are produced in specialized nurseries, are important for landscape and garden culture. Until now, only a single plant of Calluna vulgaris, infected with Phytophthora ramorum, has been detected in a Polish nursery. Thus, the aim of our studies was to test whether P. ramorum can infect cultivars of C. vulgaris and E. gracilis and therefore pose a potential hazard for these European plants. Furthermore, the best inoculum and inoculation method should be evaluated for further tests. The present study is part of the research project RAPRA (“Risk analysis for Phytophthora ramorum”, a recently recognized pathogen threat to Europe and cause of the sudden oak death in the United States), which is funded by the European Union and is important for the estimation of the potential host range of P. ramorum in Europe. 1 An abstract of a poster presented at the Sudden Oak Death Second Science Symposium: The State of Our Knowledge, January 18 to 21, 2005, Monterey, California. 2 Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Institute for Plant Protection in Horticulture, Germany; 520 Proceedings of the sudden oak death second science symposium: the state of our knowledge Material and Methods Detached twigs of C. vulgaris ('Amethyst', 'Long White') and E. gracilis ('Weißes Schloß', 'Glasers Rote') were tested. Three European isolates (1376, from Viburnum tinus “Eve Price”, UK; 1577 from Rhododendron catawbiense, Germany; 1578 isolated from Rhododendron grandiflora, U.K.) and one American isolate (from Vaccinium ovatum) of P. ramorum were tested. Isolates were cultivated on carrot piece agar (CPA five percent) at 20o C with 16 hour white light for 14 days. Induction of zoospore release was achieved by flooding the colonies with five ml of sterile distilled water, then incubated at 4 °C for one hour, followed by 60 minutes at room temperature. Twigs and sterile distilled water were used for the negative control. Mycelium plugs, eight mm in diameter, were taken from the edge of an actively growing colony. Sterile CPA was used for the negative control. Wounded and unwounded twigs were dipped with the apical end into zoospore suspension for 5 seconds. Wounded twigs were pressed into a mycelium plug and placed on a wet sterile swab. Twigs were incubated for 6 days in a wet chamber at 20° C with 16 hours light. Seven twigs were used for each trial. Verification of the infection rate was calculated by the length of discoloration in mm followed by PCR amplification using specific ITS-Primer for P. ramorum ( /g/pramorumneu/pramorum start.pdf). Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA was used on ranked means with P ≤ 0,05. Results Both C. vulgaris and E. gracilis could be infected with P. ramorum. 96 percent of the Calluna twigs and 99 percent of the Erica twigs showed discoloration. The length of discoloration was significantly longer on the Erica twigs (fig.1). The susceptibility of the two C. vulgaris cultivars differed significantly, in contrast to the two Erica cultivars (fig. 2). The U.S. isolate 1403 caused longer discoloration than the three European isolates (fig. 3). Both zoospores and mycelium caused discoloration on the twigs but the damage was significantly higher with zoospores. In comparison to non-wounded plants, wounding did not increase the length of necrosis after inoculation with zoospores (fig. 4). 521 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-196 1 0 ,0 a b Length of dicoloration (mm) Length of dicoloration (mm) 6 ,0 4 ,0 2 ,0 0 ,0 Erica gracilis Calluna vulgaris 10,0 8 ,0 a a 8,0 a b 6,0 4,0 2,0 0,0 C a llu n a v u lg a r is E r ic a g r a c ilis n = 1 6 8 , 9 6 % tw ig s w it h d is c o lo r a t io n n = 1 6 8 , 9 6 % t w ig s w it h d is c o lo r a tio n Glasers Rote` Long white´ `W eißes Schloß´ `Am ethyst´ n = 84, 96% twigs n = 84, 96% twigs n = 84, 99% twigs n = 84, 100% twigs with discolouration with discolouration with discolouration with discolouration Figure 1: Disease rate by C. vulgaris and E. gracilis. Figure 2: Susceptibility of different C. vulgaris and E. gracilis cultivars. 10,0 b 8,0 a 6,0 a a 8,0 a Length of discoloration (mm) Length of discoloration (mm) 10,0 a 4,0 2,0 0,0 6,0 b 4,0 2,0 0,0 Isolate 1376 Isolate 1577 Isolate 1578 Isolate 1403 US n = 82, 99% twigs with discoloration n = 82, 98% twigs with discoloration n = 82, 96% twigs with discoloration n = 82, 99% twigs with discoloration Figure 3: Disease rate in dependence of the P. ramorum isolate. 522 inoculated with zoospores twigs wounded n = 112, 100% twigs with discoloration inoculated with zoospores twigs unwounded n = 112, 97% twigs with discoloration inoculated with mycelium plugs, twigs wounded n = 112, 96% twigs with discoloration Figure 4: Influence of the inoculum and inoculation method.