ROOTS 13 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Contents Introduction 5 Principles and definitions of environmental sustainability 7 1.1 Poverty and the environment 7 1.2 Sustainable development 9 1.3 Our environmental footprint 10 1.4 Understanding water resources 10 1.5 Understanding forest resources 12 1.6 Understanding and responding to climate change 13 A biblical perspective on the environment 21 2.1 Understanding the environment from God’s perspective 21 2.2 Understanding people from God’s perspective 24 2.3 Practical response 25 Sustainable energy 27 3.1 Energy and development 27 3.2 Renewable and sustainable energy resources 28 3.3 Developing an energy project 30 Organisational environmental sustainability 35 4.1 Modelling good stewardship 35 4.2 Issues to consider 35 4.3 Benefits of good stewardship 36 4.4 Good practice in office-based environmental stewardship 37 4.5 Developing an organisational environmental policy 39 4.6 Encouraging staff ownership 41 4.7 An environmental audit 41 SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 © T E A R F U N D 2 0 0 9 3 ROOTS 13 Environmentally sustainable projects 45 5.1 The benefits of environmentally sustainable projects 46 5.2 How to carry out a basic environmental assessment 48 Using advocacy to help protect the environment 67 6.1 Introduction to advocacy 67 6.2 Advocacy and sustainable management of natural resources 70 6.3 Advocacy and waste management 71 6.4 Advocacy and sustainable energy 73 6.5 Advocacy and disaster risk reduction 74 6.6 Advocacy and climate change 76 Personal lifestyle 79 Resources and contacts 83 Glossary 85 Index 87 Templates 89 SECTION 5 SECTION 6 SECTION 7 4 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY T E A R F U N D R O O T S R E S O U R C E S