PILLARS reporting sheet Name of Regional Language Convention: For the period (please circle as appropriate): 15th October -15th April 15th April – 15th October Please complete the table by filling in how many of each resource in each language you have distributed or sold over the past 6 months. Then please answer the questions below. Name of PILLARS guide Number of (English) Guides distributed Number of (English) Guides sold Number of Guides distributed in local language Number of Guides sold in local language Eg. Building the capacity of local groups Mobilising the community …. 1. Do you have any comments about any of the PILLARS Guides? Please give details. 2. Please tell us about any response or comments you have received from readers. 3. Is there an issue you would like us to deal with in a future PILLARS Guide? 4. How much are you selling the (English) Guides for? 5. How much are you selling the local language Guides for? 6. Are you facing any problems distributing, selling or using the Guides? Please give details.