Document 10790509

University of South Carolina Aiken
471 University Parkway - Aiken, South Carolina - 29801
Readmit Application
Please fully complete the following application, including the residency
information on the reverse side, and attach a $10.00 application fee.
Term and year you expect to begin:
Spring 20
July 20 q
Maymester 20 Fall 20 q
June 20
Social Security #____________________________________ Name
Legal Last
Legal First
Legal Middle
Maiden/Any other name on records
Permanent Address____________________________________________________________________________________________
(All mail will be sent to this address).
City, State and Zip Code_______________________________________________________County __________________________
Telephone #_________________________________________ E-mail Address___________________________________________
Date of Birth _______________________________________ Gender:
you a citizen of the United States?
Male 
 Yes  No If no, what is your country of citizenship?
If no, are you a permanent resident alien of the United States?
 Yes  No If no, what is your immigration status in the U.S.?
Permanent Residents: Resident Alien Number
(Note: You must submit a copy of your resident alien card with your application.)
If you are not a U.S. citizen and do not have permanent residency, please fill out the international student application form located at
USC Aiken is required to collect information on the ethnic and racial composition of its student body and report this information to the
U.S. Department of Education.
Do you consider yourself to be either Hispanic, Latino or of Spanish origin? 
Please select one or more of the following groups with which you identify:
 American Indian or Alaska native  Asian  Black or African American
 White
 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Have you attempted any college course work or attended any colleges since you last attended a USC campus?
q Yes q No If yes, list colleges below:
College City & State Dates Attended
Degree earned?_________________________________ At which college?_______________________________________________
Major you intend to pursue________________________________ Are you a participant in the PATS Program? q
Please be sure to complete in full the residency information on the reverse of this application.
Failure to do so will result in being charged out-of-state tuition.
Yes q
Residency Classification For Tuition And Fee Purposes
All public colleges in South Carolina are required to document the residency status of each student who enrolls. No person is eligible
for in-state status unless he/she meets state requirements for domicile. Failure to complete each question of this section will result in
the student being classified as a non-resident and billed the out-of-state tuition rate.
Are you a legal resident of South Carolina? q Yes q No q Uncertain
How long have you been a legal resident of South Carolina? (years) (months)
Are you a legal resident of Richmond or Columbia County, GA q Yes q No q Uncertain
How long have you been a legal resident of Richmond or Columbia County, GA (years) (months)
Please list city, county and state where you have physically resided for the past three years (list dates).
County State
from month/year
to present
County State
from month/year
to month/year
County State
from month/year
to month/year
If you moved to South Carolina or Richmond/Columbia County, GA in the past two years what prompted your move?
q Education q Employment q Other (describe)
Are you, your parents, or spouse on active duty military? q Yes q No
If you are under 25 years of age answer the following questions:
State where
your parents
Mother Whoand
the majority
of yourreside:
last year?
Who provided the majority of your support last year?
Who last claimed you as a dependent (exemption) on their federal income tax return (do not list yourself)?
City/State of Residence of Person
Tax year person last claimed you
Will you be claimed as a dependent (or exemption) on someone’s federal tax return for the current year? q Yes q No
Certification and Signature
I hereby certify that the information supplied by me in this application is accurate, complete, and without omission. I have listed any and all
colleges/universities that I have attended. I understand that any omission or misrepresentation of fact will constitute cause for nullification of
my application and is grounds for immediate cancellation of registration at the University of South Carolina Aiken.
I have truthfully disclosed my citizenship status and understand that any omission or misrepresentation may cause dismissal from the
University in keeping with South Carolina immigration law.
I further understand that the University may find it necessary to request additional information from previous schools concerning my record,
and I grant permission to do so. I understand that all credentials become the property of the University of South Carolina Aiken and are not
The University of South Carolina Aiken provides affirmative action and adheres to the principle of equal educational and employment opportunity without regard to race, color, religion, sex,
creed, national origin, age, disability or veteran status. This policy extends to all programs and activities supported by the University. The University of South Carolina Aiken is accredited by
the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award baccalaureate and master’s degrees.