1 WI Courses Offered Fall 2016 Subject ARTH BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM Course A398 A345 A345 A345 A345 A345 A345 Section 002 001 002 003 61Z PC2 PC3 Title of Course History of Animation Business Communication Business Communication Business Communication Business Communication Business Communication Business Communication Primary Instructor Culler, Jeremy Engel, John Engel, John Engel, John Hazzard-Robinson, Deborah Hazzard-Robinson, Deborah Hazzard-Robinson, Deborah BADM BADM BADM BADM BIOL CHEM CHEM COMM COMM COMM COMM EDEC EDEC EDEX EDPY EDPY EDRD ENCP ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL EXSC EXSC EXSC A379 A379 A380 A380 A502 A511L A541L A332 A332 A497 A499 A411 A540 A425 A235 A235 A421 A361 A245 A264 A284 A285 A288 A291 A291 A291 A362 A405 A427 A460 A467 A401 A440 A440 001 PC2 001 PC2 001 001 001 001 002 001 001 001 001 001 001 002 001 001 001 001 001 001 002 001 002 003 001 001 001 001 001 001 061 061 Soc, Ethcl & Legal Aspts Bus Soc, Ethcl & Legal Aspts Bus Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Adv Cell/Molecular Biology Adv Inorganic Chemistry Lab Physical Chemistry Lab I Writing Across the Media I Writing Across the Media I Directed Capstone Internship Service Learning Capstone Exp Child Develop Early Learning Child Study and Assessment Meth & Mat Tchng People w/LD Intro to Educational Psy Intro to Educational Psy Assess. & Correct. Reading Diff. Instru., Measurement & Stats Writing in the Workplace Introduction to Creative Writing Survey American Literature 1 Survey American Literature II Survey of British Literature I Intro to Non-Western Literature Intro to Non-Western Literature Intro to Non-Western Literature Literature and Media Cultures The English Renaissance American Realism Advanced Composition Argumentation Management of Fitness Program Topics in Allied Health Topics in Allied Health Rodriguez, Linda C. Rodriguez, Linda C. Hoover, Brent M. Van Bulck, Hendrikus E. Jackson, William H. Rowe, Gerard T. Fetterolf, Monty L. Elliott, Peggy O. Elliott, Peggy O. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. McClellan, Sally L. McClellan, Sally L. Hanson, Kathleen E. McMurtrie, Deborah H. McMurtrie, Deborah H. Vanderburg, Michelle A. Paul, Titan Fornes, Karl F. Seeger, Roy D. Hagstette, Todd A. Geyer, Andrew Smith, Kathleen K. Claxon, William N. Claxon, William N. Higbee, J. Douglass Rhodes, Lynne A. Smith, Kathleen K. Geyer, Andrew B. Rhodes, Lynne A. Fornes, Karl F. Craps, Jami W. Gelinas, Patrick O. Gelinas, Patrick O. 1 2 EXSC HIST HIST HIST HIST HIST HIST IDST MATH MKTG MUSC MUSC MUSC NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS POLI PSYC SOCY SOCY SOCY SOCY STAT A458 A202 A202 A202 A362 A447 A499 A201 A518 A455 A175 A175 A371 A202 A308 A315 A315 A315 A315 A315 A315 A413 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A301 A328 A248 A410 A410 A498 A510 001 001 002 003 001 001 001 001 001 001 006 007 001 001 061 001 002 003 004 005 006 001 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 001 001 001 001 002 001 001 Resrch Mthds Exer & Sports Sci Hist of US 1865 to Present Hist of US 1865 to Present Hist of US 1865 to Present Modern Latin America The Arab-Israeli Conflict Senior Capstone Interdisciplinary Methods Industrial Mathematics I Consumer Behavior World Music World Music History of Western Music I Theoretical Fndtns Nrsng Pract Professional Nursing Community Health Nursing Community Health Nursing Community Health Nursing Community Health Nursing Community Health Nursing Community Health Nursing Nursing Research Leadership & Mgmt in Nsg Leadership & Mgmt in Nsg Leadership & Mgmt in Nsg Leadership & Mgmt in Nsg Leadership & Mgmt in Nsg Leadership & Mgmt in Nsg Leadership & Mgmt in Nsg Leadership & Mgmt in Nsg Scope & Methods of Poli Sci Meth and Design in Beh Sci Sociological Inquiry & Measure Social Demography Social Demography Sociological Rsrch Dsgn & Anlys Statistical Quality Assurance Parr, Brian B. Georgian, Elizabeth A. Georgian, Elizabeth A. Georgian, Elizabeth A. Peterson, Heather R. Deal, Roger Dwyer-Ryan, Meaghan Bowdoin, Natalia T. Reid, Thomas F. Heiens, Richard A. Strong, Willie F. Strong, Willie F. Strong, Willie F. Ball, Lynne J. Mooney, Katherine Havens, Robyn L. Havens, Robyn L. Havens, Robyn L. Havens, Robyn L. Havens, Robyn L. Havens, Robyn L. Gaffney, Mary K. Long, Vicki Long, Vicki Long, Vicki Long, Vicki Long, Vicki Long, Vicki Long, Vicki Long, Vicki Thornburg, Matthew Weed, Keri A. Petrie, Michelle Gore, DeAnna L. Gore, DeAnna L. Kuck, Douglas L. Reid, Thomas F. WI Courses Offered Maymester/Summer 2016 Subject BADM ENGL Course A380 A285 Section 061 061 Title of Course Entrepreneurship Survey American Literature II Primary Instructor McGrath, Leanne C. Geyer, Andrew 2 3 ENGL A345 061 ENGL HIST FREN GERM SPAN NURS NURS NURS MGMT MKTG A385 A202 A345 A397 A397 A315 A413 A423 A411 A455 061 061 005 005 005 002 001 061 061 061 Business Communication Studies Non-Western Literature: Caribbean Literature Hist. of US 1865 - Present The French Film Experience German Film Hispanic Film Community Health Nursing Nursing Research Ldrshp & Mgmt in Nurs for RN's International Management Consumer Behavior Rhodes, Lynne A. Miller, Matthew Dwyer-Ryan, Meaghan Stevenson, Nicki Stenger, Karl Banko, Adrienne Mooney, Katherine Gaffney, Mary K. Long, Vicki Rodriguez, Linda C. Heiens, Richard A. WI Courses Offered Spring 2016 Subject BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM EDEC EDEC EDEL EDPY EDRD EDRD EDEX ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL Course A345 A345 A345 A345 A345 A379 A379 A379 A380 A380 A383 A383 A540 A411 A432 A235 A421 A518 A402 A250 A285 A291 A345 A400 A407 A407 A435 A462 Section 001 002 003 PC1 PC2 001 002 003 001 61Z 65Z PC1 001 001 001 001 001 061 001 001 001 001 061 001 001 002 001 300 Title of Course Business Communication Business Communication Business Communication Business Communication Business Communication Soc, Ethcl & Legal Aspts Bus Soc, Ethcl & Legal Aspts Bus Soc, Ethcl & Legal Aspts Bus Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship International Management International Management Child Study and Assessment Child Develop. Early Learning Tchg Science in Elem School Intro to Educational Psychology Assess. & Correct. Reading Diff. Content Area Reading & Writing Autism, TBI, & Severe Disabilities Rhetorical Grammar Survey American Literature II Intro to Non-Western Literature Business Writing Anglo-Saxon Literature Shakespeare Shakespeare African & African-Amer Lit Technical Writing Primary Instructor Engel, John Engel, John Engel, John Wilt, Randolph R. Wilt, Randolph R. Rodriguez, Linda C. Rodriguez, Linda C. Rodriguez, Linda C. Hoover, Brent M. Van Bulck, Hendrikus E. Grosso, Jean-Luc Grosso, Jean-Luc McClellan, Sally L. McClellan, Sally L. Martin, Sylvia Chavous McMurtrie, Deborah H. Vanderburg, Michelle A. Smyth, Thomas J. Hanson, Kathleen E. Fornes, Karl F. Miller, Matthew L. Claxon, William N. Rhodes, Lynne A. Carlson, Eric R. Smith, Kathleen M. Smith, Kathleen M. Miller, Matthew L. Rhodes, Lynne A. 3 4 ENGL A466 001 ENGL HIST HIST HIST PHIL SOCY SOCY SOCY ARTH ARTS MUSC MUSC MUSC NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL GEOL CHEM EXSC A494 A202 A202 A202 A302 A248 A410 A498 A206 A345 A175 A175 A372 A202 A315 A315 A315 A315 A315 A413 A413 A421 A421 A421 A421 A367 A370 A550 A576 A102 542L A440 001 001 002 300 001 001 001 001 002 001 006 007 001 001 001 002 003 004 005 001 061 001 002 003 004 001 001 001 001 001 001 061 MATH MATH PSYC PSYC PSYC PSYC COMM COMM COMM A503 A519 A328 A340 A445 A465 A190 A190 A335 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 002 001 COMM 497 150 Writing Workshop - Fiction Studies in Major Authors: Lee Smith Hist of US 1865 to Present Hist of US 1865 to Present Hist of US 1865 to Present Ancient Philosophy Sociological Inquiry & Measure Social Demography Sociological Rsrch Dsgn & Anlys History of American Art Intermediate Graphic Design I World Music World Music History of Western Music II Theoretical Fndtns Nrsng Pract Community Health Nursing Community Health Nursing Community Health Nursing Community Health Nursing Community Health Nursing Nursing Research Nursing Research Leadership & Management in Nsg Leadership & Management in Nsg Leadership & Management in Nsg Leadership & Management in Nsg Neurobiology Ecology and Evolution Immunology T: Topics in Environmental Science Historical Geology Physical Chemistry Lab II T: Topics in Allied Health Geometry for Middle and High School Mathematics Teachers Industrial Mathematics II Meth and Design in Beh Sci Social Psychology History & Systems Psychology Psychology of Addictive Behaviors Introduction to Communications Introduction to Communications Writing Across the Media II Directed Capstone Internship at WNR Gospel in all aspects of radio Geyer, Andrew Claxon, William N. Georgian, Elizabeth A. Georgian, Elizabeth A. Georgian, Elizabeth A. Dillard-Wright, David B. Petrie, Michelle Gore, Deanna L. Kuck, Douglas L. Culler, Jeremy Fowler, Michael R. Strong, Willie F. Strong, Willie F. Strong, Willie F. Ball, Lynne J. Havens, Robyn L. Havens, Robyn L. Havens, Robyn L. Havens, Robyn L. Havens, Robyn L. Gaffney, Mary K. Gaffney, Mary K. Long, Vicki E. Long, Vicki E. Long, Vicki E. Long, Vicki E. Vieyra, Michelle L. Dyer, Andrew R. Jackson, William H. Dyer, Andrew R. Dennis, Allen J. Fetterolf, Monty L. Gelinas, Patrick O. Reid, Thomas F. Reid, Thomas F. Weed, Keri A. Pazda, Adam Ellison, Phyllis A. Carrigan, Maureen H. Harpine, William D. Harpine, William D. Wallace, Jeffrey B. Wilson, Charmaine E. 4 5 COMM 497 151 COMM 497 152 COMM 497 154 COMM 497 155 COMM 497 156 COMM 497 157 COMM 497 158 COMM 497 159 COMM 497 160 COMM 497 161 COMM COMM 497 497 162 163 COMM 499 150 COMM 499 151 COMM 499 152 COMM 499 153 Directed Capstone Internship in Marketing at United Way of Aiken County Directed Capstone Internship at the USCA Sports Information Office Directed Capstone Internship at the SC Dept. of Juvenile Justice Directed Capstone Internship in event planning at the USCA Alumni Relations Office Directed Capstone Internship at the USCA Athletics Department Directed Capstone Internship in Marketing & Social Media--USCA Sports Information Office Directed Capstone Internship in Event Planning at Cote Designs Directed Capstone Internship at South Company in Media Marketing Management Directed Capstone Internship in Alumni Affairs at Augusta University Office of Advancement Directed Capstone Internship in Strategic Communication with Senator L. Groomes Directed Capstone Internship in Strategic Communication at USCA's Sports Information Office Directed Capstone Internship tba Service Learning Capstone Experience at J.D. Lever School with Speech/ Language Pathologists Service Learning Capstone Internship at the Swansea Community Medical Center's Outreach Service Learning Capstone Internship in Social Support & Strategic Comm.--My Father's House Service Learning Capstone Experience in Event Planning at the City of Aiken Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. 5 6 COMM 499 154 Service Learning Capstone Experience in Career Counseling at Goodwill Industries Wilson, Charmaine E. WI Courses Offered Fall 2015 Subject BADM BADM BADM BADM Course A345 A345 A345 A379 Section 001 002 61Z 061 BADM BADM MGMT EDPY EDPY EDPY COMM COMM COMM A380 A380 A411 A235 A235 A235 A320 A320 A332 001 65Z 001 001 002 199 001 002 001 COMM COMM COMM COMM COMM ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL HIST HIST HIST HIST HIST HIST HIST SOCY A332 A497 A499 A499 A499 A245 A264 A286 A291 A360 A423 A429 A430 A460 A463 A201 A201 A201 A202 A202 A202 A499 A248 002 150 150 151 152 001 001 001 001 300 001 001 001 300 001 001 002 003 001 002 003 001 001 Title of Course Business Communication Business Communication Business Communication Social, Ethical & Legal Aspects of Business Entrepreneurship--WRI Entrepreneurship--WRI International Management Intro to Educational Psychology Intro to Educational Psychology Intro to Educational Psychology Research Methods in Comm Research Methods in Comm Writing Across the Media I Writing Across the Media I Directed Capstone Internship--WRI Service Learning Capstone Intern Service Learning Capstone Exp--WRI Service Learning Capstone Exp Writing in the Workplace Introduction to Creative Writing Survey of African-American Lit Intro Non-Western Literature—WRI Composition Studies Modern British Literature Contemporary Amer Literature Southern Literature Advanced Composition Writing Workshop - Nonfiction Hist of United States to 1865--WRI Hist of United States to 1865--WRI Hist of United States to 1865--WRI Hist of United Stated from 1865Hist of United Stated from 1865Hist of United Stated from 1865Senior Capstone Sociological Inquiry & Measure Primary Instructor Engel, John Engel, John Hazzard-Robinson, Deborah Rodriguez, Linda C. Steen, Julie C. Van Bulck, Hendrikus E. Rodriguez, Linda C. McMurtrie, Deborah H. McMurtrie, Deborah H. Beasley, Beth C. Han, Bing Han, Bing Wallace, Jeffrey B. Wallace, Jeffrey B. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. Wilson, Charmaine E. Fornes, Karl F. Geyer, Andrew B. Miller, Matthew L. Claxon, William N. Rhodes, Lynne A. Higbee, J.Douglas Miller, Matthew L. Claxon, William N. Rhodes, Lynne A. Fornes, Karl F. Georgian, Elizabeth A. Georgian, Elizabeth A. Georgian, Elizabeth A. Ryan, Meaghan D. Ryan, Meaghan D. Ryan, Meaghan D. Georgian, Elizabeth A. Petrie, Michelle 6 7 SOCY SOCY SOCY SOCY ARTH MUSC MUSC MUSC NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS A248 A410 A410 A498 A335 A175 A175 A371 A202 A309 A309 A309 A309 A309 A309 A315 A315 A315 A315 A315 A315 A413 A421 A421 A421 A421 002 001 002 001 002 006 007 001 001 001 002 003 004 005 006 001 002 003 004 005 006 001 001 002 003 004 Sociological Inquiry & Measure NURS A421 005 Leadership & Management in Nsg-WRI Long, Vicki E. NURS A421 006 Leadership & Management in Nsg-WRI Long, Vicki E. NURS A421 007 Leadership & Management in Nsg-WRI Long, Vicki E. NURS A421 008 Leadership & Management in Nsg-WRI Long, Vicki E. BIOL CHEM CHEM EXSC EXSC EXSC EXSC MATH STAT PSYC PSYC A502 A511L A541L A401 A440 A440 A458 A518 A510 A328 A445 001 001 001 001 061 062 001 001 001 001 001 Sociology Demography--WRI Sociology Demography--WRI Sociologicl Rsrsch Dsign & Anlys--WRI History of Twentieth Art World Music World Music History of Western Music I--WRI Theoretical Fndtns Nrsng Prac--WRI Adult Health Nursing I--WRI Adult Health Nursing I--WRI Adult Health Nursing I--WRI Adult Health Nursing I--WRI Adult Health Nursing I--WRI Adult Health Nursing I--WRI Community Health Nursing--WRI Community Health Nursing--WRI Community Health Nursing--WRI Community Health Nursing--WRI Community Health Nursing--WRI Community Health Nursing--WRI Petrie, Michelle Gore, Deanna L. Gore, Deanna L. Kuck, Douglas L. Culler, Jeremy Strong, Willie F. Strong, Willie F. Strong, Willie F. Ball, Lynne J. Jennings, Heather E. Jennings, Heather E. Jennings, Heather E. Jennings, Heather E. Jennings, Heather E. Jennings, Heather E. Havens, Robyn L. Havens, Robyn L. Havens, Robyn L. Havens, Robyn L. Havens, Robyn L. Havens, Robyn L. Nursing Research--WRI Leadership & Management in Nsg--WRI Leadership & Management in Nsg--WRI Leadership & Management in Nsg--WRI Leadership & Management in Nsg-WRI Adv Cell/Molecular Biology Adv Inorganic Chemistry Lab Physical Chemistry Lab I—WRI Management of Fitness Program T: Topics in Health--WRI T: Topics in Health--WRI Resrch Methds Exer & Sports Sci Industrial Mathematics 1 Statistical Quality Assurance Meth and Design in Beh Sci--WRI History & Systems Psychology--WRI Long, Vicki E. Long, Vicki E. Long, Vicki E. Long, Vicki E. Jackson, William H. Rowe, Gerard T. Fetterolf, Monty L. Craps, Jami W. Gelinas, Patrick O. Gelinas, Patrick O. Parr, Brian B. Reid, Thomas F. Reid, Thomas F. Weed, Keri A. Ellison, Phyllis A. 7 8 WI Courses Offered Maymester/Summer 2015 Subject BADM BADM MGMT MKTG ENGL HIST GERM NURS NURS NURS Course A380 A380 A411 A455 A345 A202 A397 A315 A315 A423 Section 061 062 061 061 061 061 005 001 001 061 BIOL A366 001 Title of Course Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship International Management Consumer Behavior Business Writing Hist of US 1865 to Present German Film Community Health Nursing Community Health Nursing Ldrshp & Mgmt in Nurs for RN’s Animal Behavior Instructor McGrath, Leanne C. McGrath, Leanne C. Rodriguez, Linda C. Heiens, Richard A. Rhodes, Lynne A. Ryan, Meaghan D. Stenger, Karl L. Lawrence, Martha K. Lawrence, Martha K. Long, Vicki E. Vieyra, Michelle L. WI Courses Offered Spring 2015 Subject BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM EDEC EDEC EDPY EDPY EDRD EDRD EDRD EDEL EDEL EDEX COMM COMM COMM COMM COMM ENGL ENGL Course A345 A345 A345 A345 A380 A380 A380 A411 A540 A235 A235 A421 A518 A520 A432 A432 A402 A190 A190 A335 A497 A499 A250 A285 Section 001 002 003 6AA 001 002 61A 001 001 001 199 001 061 300 001 199 001 001 002 001 150 150 001 001 Title of Coursetion Instructor Business Communication--WRI Engel Engel Engel Hazzard-Robinson Steen Steen Van Bulck McClellan McClellan Riley Lewis Vanderburg Smyth McClellan/Horton Regelski Johnson Regelski Harpine Harpine Wallace Wilson Wilson Fornes Miller Business Communicatin--WRI Business Communication--WRI Business Communication--WRI Entrepreneurship--WRI Entrepreneurship--WRI Entrepreneurship--WRI Child Develop. Early Learning--WRI Child Study and Assessment--WRI Intro to Educational Psy--WRI Intro to Educational Psy--WRI Assess & Correct Reading Diff--WRI Content Area Reading & Writing--WRI Literacy Instruct. Early Grades--WRI Tchg. Science in Elem School--WRI Teaching Science in the Elementary School Autism, TBI, & Servere Dsblties--WRI Introduction to Communications--WRI Introduction to Communications—WRI Writing Across the Media II--WRI Directed Capstone Internship--WRI Service Learning Capstone Exp--WRI Rhetorial Grammar--WRI Survey American Literature II--WRI 8 9 ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL ENGL HIST HIST HIST SOCY SOCY SOCY MUSC MUSC MUSC NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS NURS BIOL BIOL GEOL A285 A291 A291 A345 A407 A407 A419 A428 A462 A201 A201 A201 A410 A498 A498 A175 A175 A372 A202 A202 A309 A309 A309 A309 A309 A309 A309 A309 A315 A315 A315 A315 A315 A315 A413 A413 A413 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A421 A365 A576 A102 002 001 002 061 001 002 001 001 300 001 002 003 001 001 002 004 007 001 001 H10 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 001 002 003 004 005 006 001 002 061 001 002 003 004 005 006 001 001 001 Survey American Literature II--WRI Intro Non-Western Literature--WRI Intro Non-Western Literature--WRI Business Writing--WRI Shakespeare--WRI Shakespeare--WRI The Victorian Age--WRI Modern American Writers--WRI Technical Writing--WRI Hist of United States to 1865--WRI Hist of United States to 1865--WRI Hist of United States to 1865--WRI Sociology Demography—WRI Sociologicl Rsrsch Dsign & Anlys--WRI Sociologicl Rsrch Dsgn & Anlys--WRI World Music World Music History of Western Music II--WRI Theoretical Fndtns Nrsng Prac--WRI Theoretical Fndtns Nrsng Prac Adult Health Nursing I--WRI Adult Health Nursing I--WRI Adult Health Nursing I--WRI Adult Health Nursing I--WRI Adult Health Nursing I--WRI Adult Health Nursing I--WRI Adult Health Nursing I--WRI Adult Health Nursing I--WRI Community Health Nursing--WRI Community Health Nursing--WRI Community Health Nursing--WRI Community Health Nursing--WRI Community Health Nursing--WRI Community Health Nursing--WRI Nursing Research--WRI Nursing Research--WRI Nursing Research--WRI Leadership & Management in Nsg--WRI Leadership & Management in Nsg--WRI Leadership and Management in Nursing Leadership & Management in Nsg--WRI Leadership and Management in Nursing Leadership & Management in Nsg--WRI Animal Nutrition--WRI T: Restoration Ecology--WRI Historical Geology--WRI Geyer Claxon Claxon Rhodes Smith Smith Wise Miller Rhodes Georgian Georgian Georgian Gore Kuck Kuck Strong Strong Strong Ball Ball Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Jennings Havens Havens Havens Havens Havens Havens Stark Stark Stark Long Long Long Long Long Long Vieyra Dyer Dennis 9 10 CHEM EXSC MATH MATH PSYC PSYC PSYC A542L A440 A519 A590 A328 A350 A445 001 060 001 001 001 001 001 Physical Chemistry Lab II--WRI T: Topics in Health--WRI Industrial Mathematics II--WRI Math/CS Capstone Seminar--WRI Meth and Design in Beh Sci--WRI Principles Learning & Behavior--WRI History & Systems Psychology--WRI Fetterolf Gelinas Reid Li Weed Hoffman Ellison 10