Study Abroad Application PART A: General Information

Study Abroad Application
PART A: General Information
Personal Information
Name (First/Last):______________________________________ Preferred Name:_________________
USCA ID:_________________________ USCA
Local Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Permanent Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________
Home Phone:__________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________________
Birth Date: ____________________________ Citizenship: _______________________________
Academic Information
Major: ____________________________ Minor: ________________________________
Academic Advisor: _______________________________________(Name/Department)
Current GPA: __________
Class Year: ⃝Freshman ⃝Sophomore ⃝Junior ⃝Senior
Graduation Date: ________________
Honors Student: ______Yes _______No
Program Information
USCA Study Abroad Program*: School of Business Study Abroad Program
*specific program requirements may apply; check on the back of the application for more information
Affiliated Program (Name and Location):____________________________________________________
How did you find out about this program? _____________________________________________
Semester to study abroad?
Fall 20__
Spring 20__
Maymester 20__,
Passport # (if known): ______________________________________________
Summer 20__
PART B: Statement of Purpose
Please address the following questions on a separate piece of paper and in no more than 500 words
1) Why are you interested in studying abroad in this particular country and this particular
2) What are your specific academic goals and how do you think the study abroad program of your
choice will help you achieve them?
PART C: Emergency Contact Information
Please provide contact information for 2 individuals who we can contact in case of an emergency.
Name:____________________________________________ Relation to you:______________________
Home Phone:___________________________ Work Phone: ______________________________
Cell Phone:_____________________________ E-mail:___________________________________
Name:____________________________________________ Relation to you:______________________
Home Phone:___________________________ Work Phone: ______________________________
Cell Phone:_____________________________ E-mail:___________________________________
Dear Student,
By signing your name below, you permit USCA’s International Programs Office to release information to
the guardian(s) you have indicated above. This information will include, but will not be limited to, predeparture information regarding the program, billing statements and other financial information, and
information regarding your whereabouts while you are abroad.
If you choose not to sign below, we will NOT be allowed to release any type of information to your
guardian(s) while you are abroad, except in case of an emergency.
I, ________________________________________, permit the USCA International Programs Office to
release information to the guardian(s) I have indicated above.
Student Signature
History of Criminal Behavior
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Yes
If you circled Yes, please explain the circumstance in detail in the space provided.
PART D: Detail of Fees
1. Tuition costs are regular USCA course fees.
2. Covered program costs, excluding tuition, are estimated to be:
• $4,600
3. Tuition is additional and paid to USCA separately according to the dates and conditions
published for the Summer 2016 schedule of classes.
4. The following are covered as part of the program costs:
• Roundtrip travel from the United States to Europe
• Ground transportation in Europe for class trips and sightseeing
• Hotel rooms
• Breakfast
• Speaker fees
• Other direct program expenses including guided tours, supplies, health insurance, gifts
for speakers, etc.
5. Tuition is NOT included.
6. No other costs will be charged to students. No payments to USCA or the School of Business for
overhead or other expenses will be made. Faculty expenses will include only the program costs
for travel, hotels, meals, and tours that are specifically included in the program for students.
7. Students will need to bring money for non-covered meals (most lunches and dinners) and
personal expenses. These costs vary.
8. A non-refundable deposit of $550 should be paid directly to the Business Services Office in the
Penland Building, room 114.
Date Paid: __________________________________
Amount Paid: _______________________________
Received by: ________________________________
Required Statement of Understanding
If I accept a study abroad placement, I agree to the following conditions/statements:
1) I will enroll in at least one of the following USCA School of Business courses offered in Paris,
France and London, England in May 2016:
BADM 383 (International Business – 3 credits)_____________
BADM 398 (Topics in Int’l Business – 3 credits)_____________
2) I will take part in all aspects of the Program, including orientation, evaluation and fundraising.
3) I understand that by signing below and paying the $550 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit I commit to:
• Enroll in the above USCA Maymester course(s) offered in Paris, France and
London, England
• Travel according to the arrangements made by the School of Business
• Pay USCA for the course expenses and travel costs, in full, by February 5, 2016
4) I will be able to travel from May 19 through May 31, 2016. You will be notified of exact
times/dates once airline tickets have been purchased.
5) I have read the Detail of Fees portion of this document, and understand my financial obligations.
6) I understand that only under extenuating circumstances can I request to be released from my
commitment. I understand that the $550 deposit is non-refundable. I also understand that I will
only be released from my commitment if the airlines and others are willing to make refunds. I
also understand that the USCA refund policy governs tuition refunds.
7) If I withdraw prior to the purchase of my airline ticket, I will be fully reimbursed for any down
payments with the exception of the $550 non-refundable deposit.
8) While studying abroad, I am responsible for compliance with all conduct regulations of the
University of South Carolina Aiken. I also understand that I am subject to the laws and
regulations of the host country.
Please be aware that the stress of travel and adjusting to a new culture can exacerbate physical or
psychological conditions that may be under control at home. Physical and psychological disorders can
become serious under the stresses of a new environment. Therefore, if you have a physical or
psychological condition it is necessary that you meet with your physician or counselor to discuss how
studying abroad could affect your condition. Addressing your health issues prior to studying abroad will
help you to identify those resources that will or will not be available at your program.
I, ______________________________________, have read and understood the above statements.
_________________________________________ ______________________
Application Verification
, verify that I have completed this Study Abroad application
truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if it is discovered that any of the
information provided is false or less than true, I will accept any appropriate consequences.
Return completed Form and statement to:
Dr. Sanela Porča
School of Business Administration
Mail address: 471 University Parkway, Aiken, SC 29801
Physical Address: Business and Education Building, Room 225
Tel: 803-641-3232
A copy of all completed applications and contact information will
be shared with:
Mr. Andy Kabasele
Office of Global Studies and Multicultural Engagement.
Mail address: 417 University Parkway, Aiken, SC 29801
Physical Address: SAC
Tel: 803-641-3671 Fax: 803-641-3728