STORMS: A CHALLENGE OF KNOWLEDGE Papili Sonia , Thomas Wever , Yves Dupont 1 2 3 (1)Belgian Navy-RCMG: VSW-MWU, Marinebasis Zeebrugge, Graaf Jansdijk 1, 8380 Zeebrugge, Belgium. (2) Wehrtechnische Dienststelle für Schiffe, Marinewaffen, Maritime Technologie und Forschung, WTD 71 Berliner Str. 115, D-24340 Eckernförde, Germany. Thomas (3) Belgian Navy: Marinebasis Zeebrugge, Graaf Jansdijk 1, 8380 Zeebrugge, Belgium. Introduction Dealing with storms is always a fascinating matter. They are uncontrollable and destructive. It is not always possible to get real data measurements during a storm due to large magnitudes involved. Having recording instruments deployed on the seafloor and properly working, gave the rare opportunity to observe and analyze the storm impact directly on the sea-floor. Area of investigation This paper presents the effects of two storms on a measuring object deployed on the seafloor in shallow water. The experimental area has a water depth range between 7 to 12 meters, depending on tides. Two storms passed the experiment site during a three months experiment directed towards a better understanding of the sand mobility in a highly dynamic environment. Storm 1 1.6 Hc r for sedi m ent s with fi ne gr anu lo me try Hc r for sedi m ent s with me di um gr anu mo me try Hc r for sedi m ent s with coar se g ra nul o met ry 4 me asur ed H 2 a 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 12000 m 8000 4000 80 0 b 60 600 40 700 800 900 1000 1100 20 12000 1200 water depth 6m 8m 10m 12m 1.2 current speed (m/s) bu rial v olu me (%) wa ve en erg y (J /m ²) l 0.4 16000 0 16000 0.8 n 0.4 0 600 700 800 900 ID number 1000 1100 1200 8000 2 3 4 date 5 6 7 4000 c 0 600 Measuring instrument 0.8 600 100 The experimental area named Wandelaar (blue circle in figure 1) is located at 12 km distance from the port of Zeebrugge in the vicinity of the main navigation channel on the Belgian part of the North Sea. It is a sandy shallow water area characterized by the presence of small to large dunes (sensu Ashley, 1990), of up to 2 m in height. 1.2 0 0 Fig. 1: extract from a grain size map on the BCS. (Verfaillie et al., 2006) current speed (m/s) 6 wave energy (J/m²) w av e h ei ght (m) 8 700 800 2 900 ID n um ber 3 da te 4 1 0 00 5 1 1 00 6 Fig. 4: storm in October 2008: comparison between measured curves of current speed (l and n) and calculated curve of wave energy (m). Curve l represents current speed measured for superficial layer of water depth, curve n for deep water. 1 2 00 7 Fig. 3: storm in October 2008. (a): comparison between measured curve of real wave height (red) and calculated curves of critical wave height (different tone of grey); (b): curve of burial volume; (c): curve of wave energy. The hydrological and meteorological data were analyzed to evaluate the two storms affecting the area during the experiment. The threshold necessary to initiate movement of sand grains on the seafloor was calculated. The threshold orbital velocity for sediment motion is used to calculate the corresponding required critical wave height. The calculated curves were compared with the measured wave height, percentage of sediment volume around the object, and current measurements. Fig. 2: BRM: experimental instrument Storm 2 The Burial Recording Mine (BRM) is an experimental instrument recording presence or absense of sediment at programmed time recording. With its 3 rings of 24 led bridges (sensors) equally spaced on its sides and its centre detects the sediment height surrounding itself once is deployed on the sea-floor. It has a lenght of 1.70 m, diameter of 0.47m and weight in air of 500 Kg. Accelerometers inside the object monitor the pitch and the roll and their variation in time. Fig. 5: storm in November 2008: comparison between measured curves of current speed (l and n) and calculated curve of wave energy (m). Curve l represents current speed measured for superficial layer of water depth, curve n for deep water. burial volume (%) current magnitude (m/s) 1.2 0.8 l 0.4 a 80 b 60 40 20 0 16000 16400 16800 17200 16000 12000 m 8000 4000 0 16000 16400 16800 17200 1.2 Wave energy (J/m²) 16000 wave energy (J/m²) 2 100 0 current magnitude (m/s) 4 0 1.6 Conclusion During both storms wave affecting the seafloor caused reduced burial (i.e., sediment coverage) of the BRM. After the storms increased burial of 60% (October) and 80% (November) was observed. The high storm waves eroded sediment in the vicinity of the BRM and created scour holes at both ends. Once the scour holes merged to form one, the BRM rests on a small sediment cone. Upon collapse of the cone the BRM rolls into the bigger scour hole. During the sedimentation phase this new deeper hole is filled and causes a higher percentage of buried volume. wave height (m) 6 12000 8000 c 4000 0 0.8 n 0.4 5400 5600 ID number 5800 6000 24 26 0 16000 16400 16800 17200 20 22 date Fig. 6: storm in November 2008. (a): comparison between measured curve of real wave height (red) and calculated curves of critical wave height (different tone of grey); (b): curve of burial volume; (c): curve of wave energy. References Ashley, G.M. (1990). Classification of large-scale subacqueous bedforms: a new look at an old problem. J. Sedim.Petrol., 60, 1,p. 160-172 Verfaillie E., Van Lancker V;, Van Meirvenne M. (2006). Multivariate geostatistics for the predictive modelling of the surficial sand distribution in shelf seas. Continental Shelf Research, 26, p. 2454-2468 Acknowledgements Current data by Ministery of the Flemish Community, Maritime Services, Coastal Division/Hydrography Hydro-meteo data by 'IVA MDK - afdeling Kust - Meetnet Vlaamse Banken' I would like to thank The Belgian Navy, founder of this research, Prof. Dr. M. De Batist and Dr. Vera Van Lancker, promotor and co-promotor of the related PhD research; Ralf Ludher, from the German Navy; all my colleagues from the Belgian Navy and from Ghent University.