Books Book Chapters

Minarik, D., & Lintner, T. (in review). Social studies and exceptional learners. Silver
Springs, MD: National Council for the Social Studies.
Book Chapters
Lintner, T., & Beziat, T. R. (in press). The Common Core State Standards and reading
the social studies classroom: Implications for students with learning disabilities. In J.
Clabough (Ed.), Social Studies and the Common Core. Charlotte, NC: Information
Lintner, T. (2014). Digital resources in the social studies classroom for students with
learning disabilities. In W. Russell (Ed.), Digital social studies (pp. 61-74). Charlotte,
NC: Information Age.
Quaynor, L., & Lintner, T. (2014). Critical race theory. In S. Totten & J. Pederson
(Eds.), Education about social issues in the 20th and 21st centuries: An annotated
bibliography (pp. 51-68). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
Book Reviews
Lintner, T. (2014). [Review of the book Social Studies, Literacy, and Social Justice in
the Common Core Classroom: A Guide for Teachers]. Teachers College Record,
Date Published: February 7, 2014 ID Number 17408
Quaynor, L. (2013). Review of Refugee and Immigrant Students: Achieving Equity in
Education. Teachers College Record.
Articles and/or Conference Proceedings
Hanson, K. (2013). The playground's hidden curriculum. Proceedings of the 35th
International Conference of the Council for Learning Disabilities.
Hanson, K. (2013). The critical issue of social skills for children with learning
disabilities. Proceedings of the International Association of Special Education World
Conference. British Columbia, Canada.
Hanson, K., & Puryear, A.S. (2014) Teacher Perceptions of Play of High Achieving
and Gifted Students. National Association of Gifted Children, Mosaic.
Hanson, K., & Puryear, A.S. (2014) Teacher Perceptions of their Twice Exceptional
Students’ Social Skills. International Play Association World Conference
Lintner, T. (in press). Practical strategies for teaching social studies to students with
disabilities in inclusive classrooms. Journal of Liberal Arts.
McMurtrie D. H., Coleman, B. K., Ruppert, N., & Senn, G. J. (2014). The Impact of
Service Learning on Middle Level Pre-Service Teachers. Current Issues in Middle
Level Education, 19(1), 36-42.
Minarik, D. W. and Lintner, T. (2013). Disability history: Humanity worth defending.
The Ohio Social Studies Review, 50(1), 15-21.
Quaynor, L. (2014). “The means to speak”: Educating youth for citizenship in postconflict Liberia. Journal of Peace Education. doi 10.1080/17400201.2014.931277
Regelski, J. (2014). What about science? The importance of motivating students in the
middle school classroom. South Carolina Middle School Journal, 25-29.
Senn, G. J. (2014). News from SEPA States. Southern Skies, Journal of the
SouthEastern Planetarium Association, 34(2), 27.
Senn, G. J. (2014). News from SEPA States. Southern Skies, Journal of the
SouthEastern Planetarium Association, 34(1), 18.
Senn, G. J. (2013). News from SEPA States. Southern Skies, Journal of the
SouthEastern Planetarium Association, 33(4), 30-31.
Senn, G. J. (2013). News from SEPA States. Southern Skies, Journal of the
SouthEastern Planetarium Association, 33(3), 41.
Weaver, K., & Vanderburg, M. (2014). Technology: Finding informational texts for
classroom use on the web. South Carolina Middle School Association Journal, 5458.
Vanderburg, M. A. (2013). A teacher's perceptions of inquiry: Where inquiry
experiences, beliefs and practice intersect. (Order No. 3593170, University of South
Carolina). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, 171. Retrieved from (1438112997).
Beziat, T. & Coleman, B. Measuring Classroom Assessment Knowledge of Pre-Service
Teachers. Eastern Education Research Association Annual Meeting. February, 2014.
Jacksonville, FL
Coleman, B. K., McMurtrie, D. H. & Senn, G. J. RAFTing with raptors: Connecting
science with Common Core State Standards. Presented at the Association for Middle
Level Education conference. November, 2013. Minneapolis, MN.
Coleman, B., Regelski, J. Jackson, W., & Reid, T. Building Partnerships from Middle
School and Beyond. STEM Symposium, Aiken Technical College. January, 2014. Aiken,
Hanson, K. Advocating for recess: Why do children need recess and how do we get it
back? Presented at the Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Education.
November, 2014. Charleston, SC.
Hanson, K. Accessing the playground's hidden curriculum: Will new state standards
help? Presented at the 35th International Conference Proceedings of the International
Conference of the Council for Learning Disabilities. October, 2013. Austin, Texas.
Hanson, K. The critical issue of social skills for children with learning disabilities.
Presented at the International Association of Special Education World Conference. July,
2013. British Columbia, Canada.
Hanson, K., & Puryear, A.S. Teacher Perceptions of their Twice Exceptional Students’
Social Skills. Presented at the International Play Association World Conference. May,
2014. Istanbul, Turkey.
Hanson, K., & Puryear, A.S., Teachers’ Perceptions of the Value of Play for, and the
Play Skills of, Gifted and High Achieving Students. Presented at the International Play
Coalition Conference. February, 2014. Clemson, SC.
Hanson, K., & Puryear, A.S. Adjunct Adjustments. Presented at the South Carolina
Association for Teacher Education Conference. September, 2013. Gaffney, S.C.
Hoesli, C. & Coleman, B. Making Math an Adventure using Literature. SC Middle
School Association Annual Conference. March, 2014. Myrtle Beach, SC
Lintner, T. Gatekeepers or Advocates? The Case of the Struggling Social Studies
Preservice Candidate (with Drs. Stricker, Marks, Anderson, and Cude). Presented at the
annual College and University Faculty Assembly (CUFA) of the National Council for the
Social Studies (NCSS) Conference. November 22, 2013. St. Louis, MO.
Lintner, T. Putting the “Social” Back in Social Studies. Presented at the annual National
Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) Conference. November 23, 2013. St. Louis, MO.
McClellan, S. NAEYC Accreditation. South Carolina Early Childhood Association.
January 24, 2014. Myrtle Beach, SC.
McClellan, S. Outside the academy: Implementing appropriate strategies for African
American primary students. Presented at the NAEYC annual conference. November 23,
2013. Washington, DC
McClellan, S. Moderator for Leaders’ Panel. Presented at the SCAEYC annual
conference. October 3, 2013. Columbia, SC.
McClellan, S. and Fields, E. Update on Research Agenda. Presented at the SCAEYC
annual conference October 3, 2013. Columbia, SC.
McClellan, S. and Fields, E. Literature Reviews, Proposals, Funding. Presented at the
SCAEYC annual conference. October 3, 2013. Columbia, SC.
McClellan, S. Stepping Stones. Presented at the SCAEYC annual conference October 4,
2013. Columbia, SC.
McClellan, S. Watch Me Grow. Presented at the SCAEYC annual conference. October 5,
2013. Columbia, SC.
McClellan, S. and Fields, E. Historical Solutions to the Historical Problem of
Racism. Institute for the Study of African American Children. May, 2013. Hilton Head,
McMurtrie, D. H., Coleman, B. K. & Senn, G. J. (2013, November). Rhapsody with
raptors: Connecting science to Common Core ELA Standards. Presented at the
Association for Middle Level Education conference. November, 2013. Minneapolis, MN.
Puryear, A.S. Diving Into Student Teaching. Presented at the Future Educators
Association National Conference. April, 2014. Minneapolis Minnesota.
Quaynor, L. Whose global citizenship?: Conceptions of global citizenship and effects of
international aid in curricula from Ghana, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society. March,
2014. Toronto, Canada.
Quaynor, L. Including Non-Formal Contexts in Education for All: Atai Shops and
Intellectual Forums in Liberia. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Comparative
and International Education Society. March, 2014. Toronto, Canada.
Quaynor, L. Youth activism in out-of-school contexts: Atai shops and the intellectual
forum in Liberia. Paper presented at the Northeast regional meeting of the Comparative
and International Education Society. November, 2013. Amherst, MA.
Quaynor, L. Telling many stories—engaging with diversity in the classroom.
Presentation for the Georgia Teaching Fellows. July, 2013. Augusta, GA.
Regelski, J. Baby steps: Introducing engineering design in the science classroom.
Presented at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) annual meeting. May,
2014. New Orleans, LA.
Regelski, J. Scientific argumentation using online simulations. Presented at the National
Science Teachers Association (NSTA) annual conference. May, 2014. New Orleans, LA.
Schweder, W., & Puryear, A.S. Preparing Teachers for the Classroom with High
Expectations. Presented at the Future Educators Association National Conference. April,
2013. Orlando, Florida.
Senn, G. J., Coleman, B. K., & McMurtrie, D. H. Geocaching as a hands-on,
integrated activity. Presented at the South Carolina Middle School Association
Conference. March, 2014. Myrtle Beach, SC.
Senn, G. J., Coleman, B. K. & McMurtrie, D. M. Traveling Interdisciplinary Literacy
Trunks (TILTs): Best Practice and Research from the National Professors of Middle
Level Education. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Middle Level
Education (AMLE). November, 2013. Minneapolis, MN.
Senn, G. J., & Senn J. Putting science together with Web 2.0 & mobile apps. Presented
at the EdTech 2013 conference. October, 2013. Greenville, SC.
Senn, G. J. Outdoor Solar System Exhibit. Presented at the annual meeting of the
International Digistar Users Group. August, 2013. Hamilton, NY.
Smyth, T.J.C., Moon, N. & Starrett, A. Putting IT Together with Presentation Tools.
Paper presented at the South Carolina Educational Technology Conference. October,
2013. Greenville, SC.
Smyth, T.J.C., Mobile Learning and the Flipped Classroom, Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI). February, 2014. New
Orleans, LA.
Vanderburg, R., & Vanderburg, M. Questions targeting student interaction and
learning. Paper presentation at the South Carolina Middle School Association Annual
Conference. March, 2014. Myrtle Beach, SC.
Vanderburg, M., & Weaver, K. Be in the know: Finding, collecting, and using
informational texts in your middle level classroom. Paper presentation at the South
Carolina Middle School Association Annual Conference. March, 2014. Myrtle Beach,
Puryear, A. S. Gifted and Talented Endorsement/Certification South Carolina State
Department Grant, $34,000
Senn, G. J., Rhodes, L. Aiken Writing Project – Summer Institutes. National Writing
Project, $20,000.
Senn, G. J., Allen, G. W., & Johnson, G. B. STEM Forward – Building High Impact
Talent. Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant. South Carolina Department of
Education through the U.S. Department of Education. $335,212
Senn, G. J. Science and Technology Enrichment Program (STEP). Savannah River
Nuclear Solutions, $33,000.
Senn, G. J. Science and Technology Enrichment Program (STEP).National Audubon
Society, $24,000.
Senn, G. J., Rhodes, L. Aiken Writing Project – SEED Grant for High-need School.
National Writing Project, $20,000.
Smyth, T.J.C., USC Aiken Chancellor's Innovation Grant: The Flipped Classroom and
Mobile Learning.