Always take advantage of priority registration even if you are not quite certain of what courses
you would like to take for the upcoming semester. There is a certain window of time that is
allowed for you to make changes in your schedule if you choose to do so. If you do not register
early you will not be allowed to register until regular registration in January or August,
depending upon the upcoming semester.
Before meeting with your advisor, please review the schedule of classes for course offerings and
your advisement guide sheet for degree requirements. Each academic discipline has prepared an
advisement guide sheet for its major that outlines the requirements for that particular degree
program. If you do not have a copy of the guide sheet, please get one from your
school/department secretary. Once you have reviewed these two items, prepare a tentative
schedule with alternate courses. Please select alternate courses as your first choice of classes
may close out, even at priority registration.
A full-time academic load is in the range of 12 – 17 credit hours. To register for 18 hours or more
you must obtain course overload approval. You must complete a Course Authorization form and
obtain approval from your academic advisor and your school/department head. You are eligible to
take 18 hours or more if you have earned at least a GPA of 3.0 for the preceding semester while
taking a minimum of 12 credit hours.
During your advisement session, present your tentative schedule and alternates to your advisor for
discussion. Remember that the advisement process is a collaborative effort. You must take an
active part in the planning of your academic and career goals. Your academic advisor is here to
help you in any possible way she/he can, but it is your responsibility to reach your ultimate
goal of graduation. That is why it is so important for you to have a copy of your advisement
guide sheet so that you can monitor your academic progress along with your advisor. Also, please
make every effort to become familiar with the USC Aiken Bulletin. All academic regulations and
policies are included in the bulletin. Please review the index so that you will know where to find
answers to questions you may have. The bulletin is basically your contract with the university.
Schedule appointments with your advisor at times other than the scheduled advisement and
registration periods. The purpose for meeting at other times is so that you will have the
opportunity to discuss with your advisor your reason(s) for choosing your particular major and
your career goals and objectives. Hopefully these discussions will confirm why you chose your
major or you may decide that your chosen major may not be the one for you after all.
If you have any questions regarding your advisor, major, or the advisement process, please stop
by the Academic Success Center. The office is located in room 108 of the Penland Administration