University Council Sept. 30, 2009

University Council
Sept. 30, 2009
President’s Comments
• July 1, 2009
Gloria Gibson, new executive
vice president and provost
• Oct. 3, 2009
Richard O. Jacobson Human
Performance Complex Dedication
• May 18, 2010
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
of Tibet to visit campus
Councils and Task Forces
• Sustainability Council and Energy
Conservation Committee
• Diversity Council and Diversity
Advisory Committee
• Cost Containment Task Force
• Revenue Enhancement Task Force
• Information Technology Task Force
UNI Priorities
• Offer a premier undergraduate education program
in Iowa and to be among the best in the Midwest
• Ensure that UNI is the leading academic
institution in Iowa for addressing Pre-K through
12 issues, and among the best in the country
• Increase our efforts to assist the state in
economic, social and cultural development
Board of Regents Priorities
For 2009-2014 Strategic Plan:
 Access, student success and affordability
 Productivity, efficiency and investment to
support excellence and impact
 Alignment with educational, health, cultural,
and economic development needs of Iowa
UNI FY ’11 Appropriations Request
• Full-funding for salaries and benefits from state
(fund negotiated bargaining contracts/and comparable
increases for non-bargaining unit employees)
• Replacement of one-time resources
with recurring state appropriations
UNI FY ’11 Capital Requests
• Fire and Environmental Safety = $1,000,000
• Building Deferred Maintenance = $3,000,000
• Bartlett Hall Renovation/Baker Hall Demolition =
• Commons Renovation = $6,000,000
Deferred to FY ’12
• Total $30,400,000
UNI FY ’11 Tuition Request
Requests have not been approved by
the Board of Regents, State of Iowa
A. Undergraduate:
•  In-state = 2.7%
•  Out-of-state = 2.7%
B. Graduate:
•  In-state = 2.7%
•  Out-of-state = 2.7%
Student Mandatory Fees
  Overall, proposing an increase in fees of $26
  Reflects a 2.95% increase
American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act
Nature of ARRA funds
• One-time FY ’10 funds from state fiscal
stabilization funds
• UNI’s portion of FY ’10 ARRA funds = $12.3
• Four criteria for uses of the funds
 Spend quickly to save and create jobs
 Improve student achievement
 Ensure transparency, reporting, and accountability
 Invest the funds to minimize the “cliff” in FY ’11
Allocation of UNI ARRA funds into
these Categories of Uses
• Transitional funding for adjuncts and each
• Sustainability and Energy Projects
• Educational Technology and Training
• Transitional costs of Early Retirement Incentive
• Partially fund Student Information System
• Foundations of Excellence Initiatives
• Revenue Enhancement, Cost Containment, and
Risk Management Initiatives
State Appropriations
(July 1, 2008) FY09 = $98 M
(July 1, 2009) FY10 = $83 M
Result: State appropriation reduction of $15 M
(FY10 = one-time ARRA funds of $12.3 M)
(July 1, 2010) estimated FY11 = $83 M
 1% reduction in state appropriations = $838,000
 1% salary increase = $1,208,000
 Every 100 student results in net tuition revenue= $451,000
 1% tuition increase results in tuition revenue = $716,000
Budget Observations
• Challenge in FY ’11
 strategy for the $4 M base budget deficit
 increased salary obligations
• Additional tuition revenue of $2.7 M for FY ’10
• Possibility of a FY ’10 state
appropriation reversion
Academic Affairs Update
• Reaccreditation
• Assessment of Academic Program Reviews
• Search Updates (Deans)
• Strategic Plan
Administration & Finance Services
• Campus Construction
• Sustainability Council
Student Affairs Update
• FY ’10 Enrollment
• Student Information System
• Flu Update
FY ’10 Enrollment
Fall ’09
% Change
+ 1.3%
- 3.4%
+ 3.4%
Multicultural Students
International Students
- 2.4%
Out-of-State Students
- 12.0%
Fall ’08
Fall ’09
Overall Enrollment
New Freshmen
New Graduate Students
New Transfer Students
Retention Rate
Source: Registrar’s Office. Calculated on students enrolled through the end of the second week of class.
Student Information System
• Project office located in Campbell Hall
• Time Line
•  Implementation officially began in July
•  Phase 1: Discovery currently underway
•  Phase 2: Basic configuration begins in October
• Go Live Dates
•  Admissions
•  Residence
•  Financial Aid
•  Student Records
•  Student Financials
July 2010
September 2010
January 2011
April 2011
July 2011
• Project Web site available at
Flu Update
• Focus on encouraging students, faculty
and staff to take steps to prevent the flu
• Centralized communication available at
• Flu vaccine update
 Seasonal flu
 H1N1 flu
$150 million
2005 - 2013
National Kickoff:
Fall 2010
Faculty and Program Support
For academic and student services programs, faculty positions, cultural,
service and athletics programs and facility enhancements
Raised to 6/30/09: Approximately $70 million,
including $6.9 million from current
and emeritus faculty and staff
UNI Brand Development Process
Next Steps:
• Reconvene Branding Task Force
• Meet with campus leadership/departments
• Following completion of UNI strategic plan:
launch brand – March 2010
Federal Update
Question & Answer