Document 10787789

University Council Benjamin J. Allen President March 28th, 2012 Francesca Soans MFA, Associate Professor, Communica5on Studies, instruc5ng students in a ligh5ng workshop. Photo by: Sam Castro, photojournalist. Agenda  President’s Welcome  FY12 Budget Update  FY13 Budget Proposals  Academic Updates  Q & A FY09-­‐FY12 State AppropriaLons General Fund State AppropriaLons FY09 (July 1, 2008) = $98.3 M FY10 (July 1, 2009) = $83.7 M FY11 (July 1, 2010) = $79.0 M FY12 (July 1, 2011) = $74.7 M Total Loss = $23.6 M However, since July 1, 2008, total state appropria5ons have been reduced by $26 M (which includes general fund and all special line-­‐item appropria5ons). Budgeted AppropriaLons and Fall Enrollment $100.0M $98.3M 13,201 $95.0M 13,080 $90.0M $85.0M 13,168 13,000 $79.0M $80.0M 13,200 13,100 $83.8M 12,908 13,300 $74.7M $75.0M $70.0M 12,900 12,800 12,700 FY 09 FY 10 Budgeted Appr State $ Per $7,615 Student $6,407 FY 11 FY 12 Fall Enrollment $5,984 $5,673 Source: Board of Regents, State of Iowa Reports Changes in State AppropriaLons and Gross TuiLon Revenue 80.0% 70.7% 71.2% 71.2% 71.2% 71.1% 71.6% 68.1% 70.0% 63.6% 59.1% 59.1% 59.5% 57.6% 58.7% 57.8% 60.0% 53.0% 52.3% 50.7% 50.0% 49.3% 47.7% 47.0% 40.0% 30.0% 42.4% 41.3% 42.2% 40.9% 40.9% 40.5% 36.4% 31.9% 29.3% 28.8% 28.8% 28.8% 28.9% 28.4% 20.0% FY96 FY97 FY98 FY99 FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 State Funding TuiLon Funding Source: Board of Regents, State of Iowa Reports General Fund ReducLons Chart consists of only General Fund State Appropria5ons and Net Tui5on Revenue 153.4M $155,000,000 $150,000,000 $145,000,000 $142.8M $142.3M $140,000,000 $140.7M $135,000,000 $130,000,000 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 General Fund Appropria5ons and Net Tui5on Revenue has decreased since FY09. This has resulted in a $12.7M (-­‐8.3%) reduc5on in our General Opera5ng Fund. Projected Budget ShorXall for FY12 Major budget changes from FY11 $ Millions State appropria5ons decrease (4.3) Salary/fringe increase Indirect cost recovery/interest/sales & services decrease Es5mated net tui5on (a_er addi5onal set aside for student aid) (3.3) Net projected shor`all (5.0) (0.1) 2.7 Board of Regents FY13 LegislaLve Request OperaLng Budget Requested Increases –  General Fund = $3M –  Coverage of Salary and Benefits Cost = $4M
Special Purpose Funds –  Economic Development = 4% ($22,989) + $.5M –  Real Estate Educa5on = 4% ($5,012) –  Recycling and Reuse Technology Transfer Center = 4% ($7,010) –  Iowa Math & Science Educa5on Partnership (IMSEP) = $3M Special UNI AppropriaLons Request –  Budget Base adjustment = $4M LegislaLve Session FY13 Proposals FY13 Regents Enterprise Request = $40M FY13 Governor’s Budget = $20M Proposals’ Impact on UNI General Fund Base Budget General OperaLng Fund Special Request End Result with TuiLon Increase* Governor +1.4M +2M -­‐1.4M House -­‐3.0M 0 -­‐7M Senate +4.5M +4M +3M * If tui5on is frozen for Fall 2012, net impact is an addi5onal -­‐3M to the General Fund Budget.
Proposed FY13 Funding Proposed Funding for Special AppropriaLons: STEM (IMSEP)* Econ. Dev. ** Real Estate Educ. RRTC *** Governor $4.7M $574,716 $125,302 $175,256 House $1.7M $517,716 $125,302 $175,256 Senate $4.7M $718,716**** $125,302 $175,256 * Iowa Math & Science Educa5on Partnership ** Ins5tute for Decision Making, MyEntre.Net, Metal Cas5ng Center *** Recycling and Reuse Technology Transfer Center **** Senate also includes $3.8 M for the Regents Innova5on Fund that will be split among the three Regent ins5tu5ons. Academic Updates Academic Programs –  Undergraduate –  Graduate­‐changes/academic-­‐program-­‐changes Malcolm Price Lab School –  Level II and III clinical experiences –  Transi5on Updates­‐changes/malcom-­‐price-­‐laboratory-­‐school Conclusion QuesLons & Answers 