Document 10787788

University Council December 7, 2011 Ben Allen President Agenda •  President’s Welcome •  Campus Updates •  PresidenAal Forums •  Our Commitment to Integrity Our Commitment to Integrity “While there are a lot of good people, they’re afraid to stand up and speak out on things.” Uniden:fied individual as quoted in the Chronicle of Higher Educa:on, November 18, 2011 Context of the problem  Integrity of higher educa:on as a whole is being called into ques:on  Not issues that are isolated to iden:fied departments  Internal vs. external issue management InsAtuAonal effects  Damaged reputa:on  Damaged rela:onships  Ongoing and long las:ng impact Four ExpectaAons at UNI 1. Commitment to disclosure and ac:on   Legal, ethical, moral, compliance   LeOer of the law and spirit of the law   Confiden:ality -­‐-­‐ Know what you can/cannot promise Four ExpectaAons at UNI 2. Report •  Why: –  Right thing to do –  It may be required of your role  Mandatory Reporter (per Iowa Code)   hOp://  Clery Act/Campus Security Authority  Title IX  UNI Discrimina:on and Harassment Policy   hOp:// Four ExpectaAons at UNI 2. Report (con:nued)   Where • 
Supervisor Designated offices University police Ethics Point Outside the chain of command if need be   When: •  Immediately Four ExpectaAons at UNI 3. Cooperate   With the process   With the individuals 4. Support   Individual making the report (if known)   Poten:al vic:m (if known)   Those inves:ga:ng or taking ac:on   The process Resources •  UNI Public Safety: •  Ethics Point:­‐hotline •  Discrimina:on and Harassment Policy: •  Student Sexual Misconduct Policy: •  Violence-­‐Free Campus Policy: •  Personal Conduct Rules (BOR): hOp:// •  Violence Interven:on Services: •  Employee Assistance Program: •  Health and Safety Office: •  Clery Act:­‐act •  UNI Non-­‐Retalia:on Policy: Nearing comple:on (various policies now cover retalia:on, but this will be a comprehensive policy) Next steps  Understand your role  Share roles/responsibili:es with your staff/faculty  Personal Conduct Rules  Title IX audit  Training for departments/staff if requested  Monitor current situa:ons and con:nue to refine processes based on lessons learned QuesAons and Answers 