Lecture 35: Residuals – Solitary Confinement Residuals Prisoner[Solitary] The split plot/repeated measures design has two “Error” terms. Solitary Factor: Prisoner[Solitary] Day Factor: Error Differences among prisoners in the same solitary confinement condition contribute to this “Error” term. 1 2 Prisoner[Solitary] Fisher Conditions “Residual” = Prisoner average frequency – Solitary Mean. Equal standard deviation relative to the factor for that part of the experiment. Normal distribution. Solitary/No; Mean = 15.833 Hz Solitary/Yes; Mean = 11.766 Hz 3 Solitary “Residuals” 15 10 Average Freq centered by Solitary 4 There is slightly more variation for prisoners in solitary confinement than those not in solitary confinement. The Fisher condition of equal standard deviations is probably met. 5 0 -5 -10 -15 No Yes Solitary 5 6 1 3 .99 2 .95 .90 1 .75 .50 Normal Quantile Plot Lecture 35: Residuals – Solitary Confinement Solitary “Residuals” 0 Although the histogram is slightly skewed right, the box plot is symmetric and the points on the Normal plot follow the Normal model line. The Fisher condition of Normal distribution is probably met. .25 -1 .10 .05 -2 .01 -3 8 7 5 4 Count 6 3 2 1 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 7 8 Day “Residuals” 4 3 The residuals that go into the “Error” term for evaluating Day are made up of what is left over after all the model effects have been accounted for. Fit Model – Save Cols – Residuals automatically calculates and saves these residuals. Residual Frequency (Hz) 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 1 4 7 Day 10 3 .99 2 Day “Residuals” .95 .90 1 .75 Normal Quantile Plot 9 0 .50 .25 -1 There is more variation on Day 1 than on Day 4 than on Day 7. The difference in variation is not great. The Fisher condition of equal standard deviations is probably met. .10 .05 -2 .01 -3 10 Count 15 5 11 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 12 2 Lecture 35: Residuals – Solitary Confinement Day “Residuals” Comment The histogram is fairly symmetric, the box plot is symmetric and the points on the Normal plot follow the Normal model line. The Fisher condition of Normal distribution is probably met. Solitary “Residuals” go from –15 to +15. Day “Residuals” go from –4 to +3. 13 14 Comment Comment Solitary “Residuals” are more variable because they have variation from prisoner to prisoner, treated the same. The Day “Residuals” are less variable because variation from prisoner to prisoner treated the same is accounted for separately. Reusing prisoners (blocking) in the second part of the experiment has been effective in reducing the size of the mean square error used in evaluating a factor of interest. 15 16 Question? Answer? How could we redesign the first part of the experiment to take advantage of the reduction in mean square error due to blocking? Run the first part of the experiment as a randomized complete block design instead of a completely randomized design. 17 18 3 Lecture 35: Residuals – Solitary Confinement Blocking Random Assignment Form 10 blocks of two prisoners based on a baseline brainwave frequency measurement. Within each block assign Solitary or No Solitary with a flip of a coin. Heads – Prisoner 1 in block gets no solitary. Prisoner 2 gets solitary. Tails – Prisoner 2 in block gets no solitary. Prisoner 1 gets solitary. Two highest frequencies – Block 1 Next two highest – Block 2 Etc. 19 Analysis: Solitary 20 “Error” Term The interaction between Solitary and Block will serve as the “Error” term for evaluating the significance of the Solitary factor. Source df Solitary 1 Block 9 Solitary*Block&Random 9 21 Source Solitary Block SS DF MS F Ratio Prob > F 248.067 1 248.067 20.5580 0.0014* 1501.600 9 166.844 13.8269 0.0003* Block*Solitary&Random 108.600 9 12.067 Day 256.900 2 128.45 45.3353 <.0001* Day*Solitary 260.433 2 130.217 45.9588 <.0001* Error 102.000 36 C. Total 4.2588 0.0008* 2.833 2477.600 59 23 22 Effect of Solitary F = (248.067)/12.067 = 20.558, P-value = 0.0014. The small P-value indicates that the difference in Solitary means is statistically significant. 24 4 Lecture 35: Residuals – Solitary Confinement Benefit of Blocking Benefit of Blocking By blocking on initial brain wave frequency, the difference between prisoners in and out of solitary confinement is now statistically significant. By being able to account for differences amongst prisoners’ initial brain wave frequencies, the “Error” term is much smaller. 25 Benefit of Blocking 26 Comment Each part of the Split Plot/Repeated Measures design can be run with any type of design; e.g. completely randomized, randomized complete block, Latin square. Completely Randomized MS“Error” = 89.455. Randomized Complete Block MS“Error” = 12.067. 27 Experiments 28 Experiments The rest of the semester will look at different experiments using different combinations of factorial crossing and designs. Factorial Crossing Design CRD, RCBD, RLSq, Split Plot/Repeated Measures. 29 30 5