Grading Rubric for Statistics 301 Project 2

Grading Rubric for Statistics 301 Project 2
Model Building & Regression Diagnostics
Group Members:
1) Working with JMP
a. 3 pts Did you find and adequately
describe the best single variable model?
b. 3 pts Did you find and adequately
describe the second best single variable
c. 5 pts Selection procedures – Did you use
the Forward selection procedure
correctly? Did you adequately describe
the final model from Forward selection?
d. 5 pts Selection procedures – Did you use
the Backward selection procedure
correctly? Did you adequately describe
the final model from Backward selection?
e. 4 pts Selection procedures – Did you use
the Mixed selection procedure correctly?
Did you adequately describe the final
model from Mixed selection?
Total: __________ out of 20 points
2) Finding the best model
a. 10 pts Did you find and completely
describe the best model?
b. 5 pts Did you describe, in detail, how
you determined you had found the best
Total: ________ out of 15 points
3) Regression Diagnostics
a. Standardized Residuals – 7 pts Did you
identify potential outliers and test for
significance? Did you discuss whether
the residuals could have come from a
normal distribution? Did you comment
on the equal standard deviation
b. Leverage – 4 pts
Did you identify points with high
leverage? Did you test for statistical
significance? Did you comment on what
contributes to the high leverage?
c. Influence – 4 pts
Did you comment on if there are any
values of Cook’s D greater than 1? Did
you report the largest value of Cook’s D?
Did you test for statistically significant
influence using Studentized residuals?
Total: _______ out of 15 points
Total Project Score: ________ out of 50 points