Stat 544 Spring 2006 Mini-Project #2 The US government regulates the amounts of 6 pollutants that may be legally emitted by a type of internal combustion engine. A manufacturer of such engines periodically pays for a very expensive set of tests to determine emission levels for an engine sampled from its production line. Below are test results for n = 6 engines. These are (coded) logs of measured emission levels x1 , . . . , x6 for these selected engines. Notice that complete test results are available on only 4 of the engines. Engine x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 1 .95 .50 .02 2 .88 .50 .92 3 −1.41 −1.78 −.94 −1.26 −1.41 −1.72 4 .36 −.14 1.41 .50 .39 .52 5 .93 .32 −.32 1.02 .92 .80 6 .11 −.22 −.14 −1.26 .11 −.53 On the same (coded log) scales as are used in the table above, regulatory limits on the various kinds of pollutants are Variable x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 Regulatory Limit (U ) 3.9 9.1 6.6 2.4 2.7 1.5 It is a plausible assumption that logarithms of measured pollutant levels for these engines are multivariate normal. Of primary concern is the fraction of engines produced by this company meeting emission standards. For the single pollutant i, this is the parametric function pi (μi , σ i ) = Pμi ,σi [Xi < Ui ] ¶ µ Ui − μi = Φ σi For I [Xi < Ui ] = ½ 1 if Xi < Ui 0 if Xi ≥ Ui the fraction of engines produced by this company simultaneously meeting all 6 emission standards is " 6 # Y p (μ, Σ) = Pμ,Σ I [Xi < Ui ] = 1 i=1 (This is the value of a multivariate normal cdf that does not in general have a convenient closed form.) Begin by considering the emission levels of the pollutants one at a time. Make and interpret an appropriate (univariate) Bayes analysis for each pi (μi , σ i ). (Note that WinBUGS has a standard normal cdf.) 1 Then consider the joint behavior of the various types of engine emissions. Make what seem to be minimally informative prior assumptions on the 6-dimensional mean vector μ and the covariance matrix Σ (you will probably want to investigate how strongly your choices of prior parameters affect the posteriors). Then consider p (μ, Σ). You can’t compute this directly inside WinBUGS but for fixed μ, Σ you can approximate it by simulating a large number Q6 of multivariate normal vectors and finding the fraction that have i=1 I [Xi < Ui ] = 1. Make and interpret an appropriate Bayes analysis for p (μ, Σ) based on such approximate evaluation of p (μ, Σ). Suppose that this manufacturer is planning a design change in these engines. A single prototype will be made and tested in an attempt to learn something about the fraction of engines of the new design that would meet all 6 emission limits. What would you suggest for a prior for a Bayes analysis of those test results? Limit what you type up to turn in to a cover page plus at most 6 typewritten pages (including whatever figures you want to include). Use at least 11 point fonts and 1 inch left and right margins. Also include an Appendix with "commented" WinBUGS and/or R code that you have used. (This Appendix does not count in the above "6 typewritten pages" limit.) 2