1 Best Linear Unbiased Prediction and Related Inference in the Mixed Model In the usual mixed model Y = Xβ + Zu + ² with E µ u ² and using the notation ¶ = 0 and Var µ u ² ¶ = µ G 0 0 R ¶ V = ZGZ0 +R we consider problems of prediction related to the random effects contained in u. Under the MVN assumption E [u|Y] = GZ0 V−1 (Y − Xβ) (1) which, obviously, depends on the fixed effect vector β. (For what it is worth, µ ¶ µ ¶ u G GZ0 Var = Y ZG ZGZ0 + R and the GZ0 appearing in (1) is the covariance between u and Y.) Something that is close to the conditional mean (1), but that does not depend on fixed effects is ³ ´ b∗ b = GZ0 V−1 Y−Y (2) u b ∗ is the generalized least squares (best linear unbiased) estimate of the where Y mean of Y, ¡ ¢ b ∗ = X X0 V−1 X − X0 V−1 Y Y The predictor (2) turns out to be the Best Linear Unbiased Predictor of u, and if we temporarily abbreviate ¢− ¡ (3) B = X X0 V−1 X X0 V−1 and P = V−1 (I − B) this can be written as b = GZ0 V−1 (Y − BY) = GZ0 V−1 (I − B) Y = GZ0 PY u (4) b and the problems of quoting appropriWe consider here predictions based on u ate “precision” measures for them. b is an obvious approximation and a To begin with the u vector itself, u precision of prediction should be related to the variability in the difference u−b u = u − BY = u − B (Xβ + Zu + ²) = u − BXβ − BZu − B² This random vector has mean 0 and covariance matrix Var (u−b u) = (I − BZ) G (I − BZ)0 + BRB0 = G − GZ0 PZG 1 (5) (This last inequality is not obvious to me, but is what McCulloch and Searle promise on page 170 of their book.) b in (4) is not available unless knows the covariance matrices G and Now u V. If one has estimated variance components and hence has estimates of G and V (and for that matter, R, B, and P) the approximate BLUP b b b 0 PY b = GZ u may be used. A way of making a crude approximation to a measure of precision of the approximate BLUP (as a predictor u) is to plug estimates into the relationship (5) to produce ³ d b´ b b 0 b b b = G−GZ PZG Var u−u Consider now the prediction of a quantity l = c0 β + s0 u for an estimable c0 β (estimability has nothing to do with the covariance structure of Y and so “estimability” means here what it always does). As it turns out, if c0 = a0 X, the BLUP of l is ³ ´ 0 0 b b ∗ + s0 u b = a0 BY + s0 GZ PY = a0 B + s0 GZ P Y (6) l= a0 Y To quantify the precision of this as a predictor of l we must consider the random variable b l−l The variance of this is the unpleasant (but not impossible) quantity ³ ´ ¡ ¢− 0 Var b l − l = a0 X X0 V−1 X X0 a + s0 GZ PZGs−2a0 BZGs (7) (This variance is from page 256 of McCulloch and Searle.) Now b l of (6) is not available unless one knows covariance matrices. But with estimates of variance components and corresponding matrices, what is available as an approximation to b l is ´ ³ bb b 0 GZ b 0P b Y l = a0 B+s A way of making a crude approximation to a measure of precision of the approximate BLUP (as a predictor of l) is to plug estimates into the relationship (7) to produce ³ ´− ³ ´ d 0b b b −1 X X0 a + s0 GZ b 0 PZ b Gs−2a b BZGs Var b l − l = a0 X X0 V 2