
Books - Authored Research (Commercial Publisher) [A1]
Book Chapters (Commercial Publisher) [B1]
11. Blackmore, C.P. & Ison, R.L. (2012) Designing and developing learning systems for
managing systemic change in a climate change world. In Wals, A. & Corcoran
P.B. eds. Learning for sustainability in times of accelerating change. pp. 347364. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Education and Sustainable
Development Series, Wageningen, The Netherlands..
10. Ison. R.L. (2012) A cybersystemic framework for practical action. In Murray, J.,
Cawthorne, G., Dey, C., and Andrew, C. eds. Enough for All Forever. A
Handbook for Learning about Sustainability, pp. 269-84. Champaign, Illinois:
Common Ground Publishing
9. Ison, R.L. (2012) Systems practice: making the systems in farming systems research
effective, in Farming Systems Research into the 21st Century: the New Dynamic,
eds Ika Darnhofer, David Gibbon, Benoit Dedieu, Springer, Dordrecht The
Netherlands, pp. 141-157.
8. Blackmore, C.P., Cerf, M., Ison, R.L. and Paine, M. (2012) The role of action-oriented
learning theories for change in agriculture and rural networks. In Ika Darnhofer,
David Gibbon and Benoit Dedieu, (eds). The farming systems approach into the
21st century: The new dynamic. pp. 159-178. Springer, Dordrecht.
7. Hubert, Bernard, Ray Ison, Nadarajah Sriskandarajah, Chris Blackmore, Marianne
Cerf, Isabelle Avelange, Marc Barbier and Patrick Steyaert (2012) Learning in
European agricultural and rural networks: Building a systemic research agenda.
In Ika Darnhofer, David Gibbon and Benoit Dedieu (eds). The farming systems
approach into the 21st century: The new dynamic. pp. 179-200. Springer,
6. Hubert, B., Ison, R.L. (2011) Institutionalising understandings: from resource
sufficiency to functional integrity, In Kammili T., Hubert, B., Tourrand J.-F. (eds).
A paradigm shift in livestock management: from Resource Sufficiency to
Functional Integrity pp. 11-16. Cardère éditeur, Lirac, France.
5. Ison, R.L., Wallis, P. (2011) Planning as Performance. The Murray-Darling Basin Plan.
In Grafton Q, Connell, D. eds. Basin Futures: Water reform in the Murray-Darling
Basin, ANU ePress, Canberra.
4. Ison, R.L., Russell, D.B. (2011) The worlds we create: designing learning systems for
the underworld of extension practice. In Jennings, J., Packham, R.P., Woodside,
D. eds. Shaping Change: Natural Resource Management, Agriculture and the
Role of Extension pp. 66-76. Australasia-Pacific Extension Network (APEN),
3. Ison, R.L. (2010) Systems Practice: How to Act in a Climate Change World. Springer,
2. Godden, L., Ison, R.L. (2010) From water supply to water governance. In Davis, M.
Lyons, M. eds More Than Luck. Ideas Australia Needs Now. pp. 177-184 CPD,
Sydney (Also at:
1. Ison, R.L. (2010) Governance that works. Why public service reform needs systems
thinking. In Davis, M., Lyons, M. eds More Than Luck. Ideas Australia Needs
Now. pp. 215-228. CPD, Sydney.
Journal Article - Refereed Scholarly Journal [C1]
18. Paschen, Jana-Axinja & Ison, R.L. (2014) Narrative research in climate change
adaptation – Exploring a complementary paradigm for research and governance.
Research Policy (in press)
1 17. Colvin, J., Blackmore, C., Chimbuya, S., Collins, K.B., Dent, M., Goss, J., Ison, R.L.,
Roggero, P.P. & Seddaiu, G. (2014) In search of systemic innovation for
sustainable development: a design praxis emerging from a decade of social
learning inquiry Research Policy (in press).
16. Ison, R.L., Grant, A., & Bawden, R.B. (2013) Scenario praxis for systemic and
adaptive governance: A critical framework Environment& Planning C:
Government & Policy (in press)
15. Patterson, J.J., Lukasiewicz, A., Wallis, P.J. Rubenstein, N., Coffey, B., Gachenga,
E., Lynch, A.J.J. (2013) Tapping fresh currents: fostering early-career
researchers in transdisciplinary water governance research, Water Alternatives
6(2): 293-312.
14. Wallis, P.J., Ison, R.L., Samson, K. (2013) Identifying the conditions for social
learning in water governance in regional Australia. Land Use Policy 31, 412-421.
13. Ison, R.L., Grant, A., Bawden, R.B. (2013) Scenario praxis for systemic and adaptive
governance: A critical framework. Environment & Planning C: Government &
Policy (in press)
12. Ison, R.L, Blackmore, C.P., Iaquinto, B. (2013) Towards systemic and adaptive
governance: exploring the revealing and concealing aspects of contemporary
social-learning metaphors, Ecological Economics 87, 34-42.
11. Ison, R.L., Blackmore, C.P., Collins, K., Holwell, S., Iaquinto, B. (2013) Insights into
operationalizing communities of practice from SSM-based inquiry processes.
Systemic Practice & Action Research (DOI 10.1007/s11213-012-9275-3)
10. Wallis, P.J., Ison, R.L. (2011) Institutional change in multi-scalar water governance
regimes: a case from Victoria, Australia (pdf, 444kb), The Journal of Water Law,
9. Wei, Y.P., Ison, R.L., Colvin, J.D., Collins, K. (2011) Reframing water governance in
China: a multi-perspective study of an over-engineered catchment. Journal of
Environmental Planning & Management (DOI:10.1080/09640568.2011.597589).
8. Ison, R.L., Collins, K.B, Colvin, J.C, Jiggins, J. Roggero, P.P., Seddaiu, G., Steyaert,
P., Toderi, M., Zanolla, C. (2011) Sustainable catchment managing in a climate
changing world: new integrative modalities for connecting policy makers,
scientists and other stakeholders, Water Resources Management 25 (15) 39773992.
7. Wallis, P., Ison, R.L. (2011) Appreciating institutional complexity in water governance
dynamics: a case from the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia, Water Resources
Management 25 (15) 4081.
6. Iaquinto, B., Ison, R.L., Faggian, R. (2011) Creating communities of practice: scoping
purposeful design. Journal of Knowledge Management 15, (1), 4 - 21.
5. Wallis, P.J., Mac Nally, R., Langford, J. (2011) Mapping Local-Scale Ecological
Research to Aid Management at Landscape Scales, Geographical Research,
49(2), 203-216.
4. Collins, K.B., Ison, R.L. (2010) Trusting emergence: Some experiences of learning
about integrated catchment science with the Environment Agency of England and
Wales. Water Resources Management 24 (4), 669-688.
3. Paschen, Jana-Axinja (2010) Book review: Warren D. TenHouten (2009) A general
theory of emotions and social life, Emotion, Space and Society, Volume 4, Issue
1, February 2011, Pages 63-64
2. Collins, K.B., Ison, R.L. (2009) Jumping off Arnstein's ladder: social learning as a new
policy paradigm for climate change adaptation. Environmental Policy &
Governance 19 (6) 358-373.
1. Collins, K.B., Colvin, J., Ison, R.L. (2009) Building ‘learning catchments' for integrated
catchment managing: designing learning systems and networks based on
2 experiences in the UK, South Africa and Australia. Water Science & Technology
59, (4) 687-693.
Journal Article - Other Refereed Contribution to a Scholarly Journal [C2]
2. Godden, L., Ison, R.L., Wallis, P. (2011). Water governance in a climate change world:
Appraising systemic and adaptive effectiveness, Water Resources Management
(Editorial, Special Issue) 25 (15) 3971-3976.
1. Collins, K.B., Ison, R.L. (2009) Living with environmental change: adaptation as social
learning. Editorial, Special Edition, Environmental Policy & Governance 19, 351357.
Conference Publication - Full Paper Refereed [E1]
25. Ison, R.L., Carberry, P., Davies, J., Hall, A., McMillan, L., Maru, Y., Pengelly, B.,
Reichelt, N., Stirzaker, R., Wallis, P., Watson, I., Webb, S. (2014) Programs,
projects and learning inquiries: institutional mediation of innovation in research for
development, Proc. European Farming Systems Research Conference, Berlin,
Germany, April 2-4.
24. Ison, RL, Blackmore, CP, Collins, KB & Lonsdale, K. (2014) Towards systemic
governance of social-biophysical systems: social learning as collaborative
performance, Proc. "Resilience & Development: Mobilising for Transformation”
Conference, Montpelier, France May 4-8th.
23. Maru, Yiheyis T., Wolf Wanjura, Onil Banerjee, Ray Ison& James Butler (2013)
Improving approaches, design and implementation of research for better food
security impact: insights and lessons from thought leaders. Proc. First
International Conference on Global Food Security, 29 September - 2 October,
Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
22. Rodriguez, Luis Walker, Daniel H. Maru, Yiheyis T., Ison, Ray, Wanjura, Wolf,
Kershaw, Ian Dixon, John (2013) Learning from food security interventions in
Sub-Saharan Africa: development of evidence-based propositions to improve
practice Proc. First International Conference on Global Food Security, 29
September - 2 October, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
21. Ison, R.L. (2014) Tales of a normal distribution: designing institutions for adaptation.
Proc. IV. Albrecht Daniel Thaer Kolloquium: “Institutional Economics & Climate
Adaptation, March 18, 2014, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
20. Ison, R.L. (2013) In the spirit of Copenhagen: innovating in water policy research
and practice, Proc. Knowing Water Workshop 27-28th August, Performance
Research Unit & Systemic Governance Research Program. Monash
Sustainability Institute, Monash University, Clayton, Australia.
19. Rodriguez, Luis, Daniel Walker, Yiheyis Maru, Ray Ison, Wolf Wanjura (2013)
Learning from Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) programs in SubSaharan Africa, First Global Conference on Research Integration and
Implementation, August, Canberra, Australia.
18. Ison, RL, Allan, C and Collins, KB (2013) Exploration of metaphors to transform
water governance praxis, Proc. Water in the Anthropocene: Challenges for
Science and Governance. Indicators, Thresholds and Uncertainties of the Global
Water System' Maritim Hotel Bonn, Germany, 21-24 May 2013.
17. Wallis, P.J. Bosomworth, K., Fuenfgeld, H., Millin, S., Rance, A., Lonsdale, K. (2013)
Perceptions of climate change adaptation among catchment management
authorities -Findings from an empirical study in Victoria. Climate Adaptation 2013,
Sydney Hilton, Sydney, Australia, 25-27 June 2013.
3 16. Wallis, P.J., Ison, R.L., Godden, L.C. (2012) What role for systemic and adaptive
governance? (pdf, 1.7mb) Climate Adaptation in Action: 2012 National Adaptation
Conference, Sebel Hotel Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia, 26-28 June 2012.
15. Wallis, P.J., Godden, L.C., Ison, R.L., Rubenstein, N. (2012) Building a Community
of Conversation about Water Governance in Australia, Practical Responses to
Climate Change, Canberra, Australia, 1-3 May 2012.
14. Ison, R.L., Bruce, C., Carberry, P.S., Maru, Y.T., McMillan, L., Pengelly, B.C.,
Sparrow, A., Stirzaker, R.J., Wallis, P.J. (2012) A 'learning system design' for
more effective agricultural research for development, Producing and reproducing
farming systems. New modes of organisation for sustainable food systems of
tomorrow, International Farming Systems Association, Vienna Austria, pp. 1-13.
13. Moore, G.A., Langford, J., Ayre, M., Learmonth, G., Brizga, S., Wallis, P.J. (2011)
The Murray-Darling Basin Game – A model to explore water allocation decisions
(pdf, 1.3mb), 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Perth,
Australia, 12–16 December 2011.
12. Colvin, J., Blackmore, C., Collins, K.B., Goss, J., Ison, R.L., Roggero, P.P., Seddaiu,
G., Wei, Y. (2011) In search of system innovation: Learning from a decade of
inquiry with the SLIM social learning praxis. Proc 9th International Conference of
the European Society for Ecological Economics, 14th-17th June 2011
11. Colvin, J., Blackmore, C., Collins, K.B., Goss, J., Ison, R.L., Roggero, P.P., Seddaiu,
G., Wei, Y. (2011) In search of system innovation: Learning from a decade of
inquiry with the SLIM social learning praxis. Proc 9th International Conference of
the European Society for Ecological Economics, 14th-17th June 2011
10. Ison, R.L., Blackmore, C.P., Iaquinto, B. (2011) Social learning: exploring the
revealing and concealing aspects of historical and contemporary metaphors. Proc
9th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics,
14th-17th June 2011.
9. Ison, R.L. (2011) Cybersystemic conviviality: addressing the conundrum of
ecosystems services. ASC (American Society for Cybernetics) Column,
Cybernetics & Human Knowing 18 (1, 2), 135-141.
8. Paschen, J.-A., Ison, R.L. (2011) Narrative research for climate change adaptation
policy and practice: opportunities and challenges. Proc. Resilient Cities 2011: 2nd
World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change, 3 - 5 June 2011,
Bonn, Germany
7. Ison, R.L. (2008) Methodological challenges of trans-disciplinary research: some
systemic reflections. Natures Sciences Sociétés 16, 241-251.
6. Ison, R.L., Blackmore, C.P. (2011) Social learning: exploring the revealing and
concealing aspects of historical and contemporary metaphors. Proc 9th
International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics,
14th-17th June 2011.
5. Collins, K.B., Ison, R.L. (2010) The importance of choice: framing the social
dimensions of environmental change and governance for climate change
adaptation. In: Social dimensions of environmental change and governance
Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Berlin,
8-9 October 2010.
4. Ison, R.L. (2008) Reprising "wicked problems": social learning, climate change
adaptation and the sustainable management of water. Proc. 2008 ANZSYS
(Australia NZ Systems Society) Conference, Perth, 1-2 December.
3. Collins, K.B., Ison, R.L., Colvin, J.D. (2009) Your epistemology or mine? Social
learning as an adaptive form of governance for managing natural resources. Proc.
IHDP Conference, Berlin, April.
4 2. High, C., Ison, R., Blackmore, C., Nemes, G. (2008). compleclimaright: Reframing
participation though stakeholder analysis and the politics of invitation. Proc.
Working Group 13 ‘The OECD's New Rural Paradigm', XII World Congress of
Rural Sociology, Seoul, Korea.
1. Collins, K.B., Colvin, J., Ison, R.L. (2008) Building ‘learning catchments' for integrated
catchment managing: designing learning systems and networks based on
experiences in the UK, South Africa and Australia. 11th International and
Specialised IWA Watershed and River Basin Management Conference, 4-5
September, Budapest, Hungary.
Conference Publication - Full Paper Non-Refereed - Not Subject to Review by
Editorial Board [E3]
6. Rubenstein, Naomi, Philip J. Wallis and RL Ison (2013) Water governance as
performance: exploring the political dramaturgy of the Murray Darling Basin,
Australia, Proc. Knowing Water Workshop 27-28th August, Performance
Research Unit & Systemic Governance Research Program. Monash
Sustainability Institute, Monash University, Clayton, Australia.
5. Ison, R.L., Grant, A., Bawden, R.B. (2010) Scenario praxis for systemic and adaptive
governance: a critical review. VCCCAR Project on Scenarios for Climate
Adaptation. Critical Perspectives Workshop, Melbourne, 11th November.
4. Ison, R.L., Iaquinto, Ben Collins, Kevin, Floyd Josh (2010) Transitioning Sydney to a
water sensitive city. A report based on two day workshop with 119 water
practitioners in Sydney in February 2009. Sydney Metropolitan Catchment
Management Authority, Blacktown City Council, School of Geography and
Environmental Science, Monash University & Centre for Water Sensitive Cities,
Monash University, Melbourne.
3. Ison, R.L. (2010) Strategic governance of the urban water sector. Independent review:
Topic 10: Organisational and Industry Operation, Culture, Skills and Capacity,
The Future of the Urban Water Sector, NWC, Canberra.
2. Ison, R.L., Collins, K.B., Bos, J.J., Iaquinto, B. (2009) Transitioning to Water Sensitive
Cities in Australia: A summary of the key findings, issues and actions arising from
five national capacity building and leadership workshops (pdf, 3.1mb).
NUWGP/IWC, Monash University, Clayton
1. Ison, R.L., Collins, K.B. (2008) Public policy that does the right thing rather than the
wrong thing righter. In Analysing Collaborative and Deliberative Forms of
Governance. One-day workshop, 14th November 2008, The Australia National
University, Canberra.
Research Reports - Commissioned by Government or Industry [K0]
6. Ison, R.L., Holder, R. & Davies, J. (2013) Integrating Social and Biophysical
Researching in R4D: African Food Security Initiative Researcher Perspectives
MSI Report 13/6, Monash Sustainability Institute, Melbourne, Australia.
5. Ison, R.L., Wallis, P. Bruce, C., Stirzaker, R. and Maru, Y. (2013) Enhancing learning
from AFSI research: Notes for the Field. MSI Report 13/10, Monash Sustainability
Institute, Melbourne, Australia
4. Paschen, Jana-Axinja, Ison, R.L. (2012) Exploring local narratives of environmental
change and adaptation: A report from the VCCCAR Project: 'Framing multi-level
and multi-actor adaptation responses in the Victorian context'. Final Report,
September 2012, ISBN 978 0 7340 4826 4
5 3. Paschen, Jana-Axinja, Ison, R.L. (2011) Local Context, Drivers & Issues Analysis in
Port Fairy. A report on the findings of the Port Fairy Social Research Project
‘Exploring local narratives of environmental change and adaptation'.
2. Paschen, Jana-Axinja, Ison, R.L. (2011) Narrative Research in Climate Change
Adaptation - Exploring a New Paradigm for Research and Governance VCCCAR
(Victorian Centre for Climate Change Adaptation Research) Working Paper.
1. Sachdeva, A., Wallis, P. (2010) Our Demand: Reducing Electricity Use in Victoria
through Demand Management, Research report, Monash Sustainability Institute,
Clayton, Victoria, Australia.
Expert Commentary [N]
2. Ison, R.L., Wallis, P., Godden, L. (2011) House of Representatives Standing
Committee on Regional Australia. Reference: Impact of the Murray-Darling Basin
Plan on Regional Australia, Wednesday, 2 March 2011, Canberra Hansard
1. Ison, R.L., Wallis, P. (2009) Submission to the Advisory Group on the Reform of
Australian Government Administration (pdf, 113kb)
Other Publication Categories [O]
5. Wallis, P.J & Ison, R.L. (2013) ‘All Systems Go’ RipRap Magazine Edition 35, 46-47.
4. Ison, R., Grant, A., Iaquinto, B., Floyd, J., Sposito, V., Faggian, R. (2010) Conceptual
and methodological opportunities for the Victorian DPI with systems thinking and
practice. Final Report (Phase One) (pdf, 4mb). Monash Sustainability Institute
Report 10/5, Melbourne. Also: Synthesis Report
3. Chan, T., Langford, J., Mac Nally, R., Wallis, P.J. (2009) Prediction of the Impact of
Increasing Frequency of Bushfire on the Water Resources of the Forested
Upland Catchments of the Murray Basin: A scoping study of model options and
linkages for a whole ecosystem model, Monash Sustainability Institute, Clayton
Vic Australia, pp. 1-56.
2. Ison, R.L., Russell, D.B., Wallis, P. (2009) Adaptive water governance and systemic
thinking for future NRM - action research to build MDBA capability (pdf, 2mb)
(pdf). Monash Sustainability Report 09/4. Monash University: Clayton 68p.
1. Wallis, P.J., Birrell, R.J., Griggs, D.J., Healy, E.J., Langford, J., Stanley, J.R., (2009)
Melbourne's water situation: The opportunity for diverse solutions, Monash
Sustainability Institute, Monash University Clayton Campus, pp. 1-29.