AGENDA University Staff Senate January 14, 2016 Northwoods Room, MSC 2:00pm – 3:30pm I. Call to Order by Chair Entzminger II. Approve Agenda A. Entzminger motioned, Stone 2nd, approved by consensus III. Approve December 8, 2015 minutes – posted to SharePoint and attached A. Entzminger motioned, Wahl 2nd, approved by consensus IV. Discuss Grievance Procedure Updates A. HR received information from system legal on the discipline portion, took out pre-file step for discipline related grievances; revision approval date added; wording simplified and description added to clarify what ‘disciplinary action’ means. B. Vote on changes: Entzminger motioned to approve the updates; Verbal affirmative vote, no abstentions, no nays V. Discuss Compensation Policy and University Staff Performance Evaluation Form A. Compensation Policy Discussion: i. Longsdorf: grammatical correction suggested in 2.C.1 ii. Salary Adjustment Form: Wahl lead discussion - single form for all staff; only one choice for salary adjustment type; much of the form speaks to unclassified staff; Entzminger will send form link to University Staff Senate. Anyone can request a salary adjustment, a compensation analysis/pay equity study with salary and seniority data for all Stout employees in the same title must be included with request. iii. Update of system re-titling committee from Wahl: the formation of the committee is delayed; timeline is three years. iv. Entzminger motioned to approve compensation policy and salary adjustment form, Boyette 2nd; Verbal affirmative vote, no abstentions, no nays B. University Staff Performance Evaluation Form: i. Revisiting the idea to revise the form; Personnel and Compensation Subcommittee will review form and make recommendations VI. Senate Budget and Release Time Proposal A. Entzminger reported: Senate of Academic Staff and Faculty Senate have about $1,500 annual budget; willingness to share, but may not be enough. Wahl – should we discuss with Linda Borofka in the Senate Office? Entzminger – yes, Linda is okay supporting USS budget. USS consensus to make a request for budget beginning in fiscal year 17. Release time – Faculty Senate chair gets release time, Senate of Academic Staff chair gets backfill budget for LTE. Entzminger estimates he spends at least 10 hours/week on Senate work. Three options: release time (not sure how with hourly pay), stipend or hiring of LTE to help with chair’s other job duties. Decision to take closer look at how these are used by other senate chairs and what other university staff at other UWs are doing, Entzminger will ask Linda Borofka and email the system university staff senate list serve. VII. Charge Standing Subcommittees to Develop Bylaws A. Executive Board would like each standing subcommittee to create a set of bylaws. This will help to clarify information used for elections. These do not need to be as detailed as the full Senate bylaws; i.e. membership, processes in place, etc. Please provide to Senate Secretary to Julie Zack by February 9, 2016. VIII. Progress on Safety Shoe Recommendations A. System conducted survey of UWs on current practices, most still doing $30 annual reimbursement; HR suggests an Administrative Policy be drafted (covers all employees) regarding safety shoes; Wahl suggests USS recommends that the Safety Committee draft the policy since they are more familiar with these details and process; Janiak will take this recommendation to the Safety Committee. Entzminger will send a memo to the Safety Committee. IX. Discuss Compensation Philosophy A. Asst. Chancellor Meridith Drzakowski and Faculty Senate Chair Nelu Ghenciu drafted a philosophy and brought it to the Strategic Planning Group (SPG) for review. The draft philosophy is a commitment to bring unclassified staff up to 80% CUPA when funds are available. Senate Chairs met with Drzakowski and said that merit has to be a part of this philosophy, this has been added to be the #1 consideration, then equitable pay will be determined. Continued discussion on the best way to determine merit since it’s so subjective. X. Reminder of Call for Nominations A. Call for nominations will be coming out in a couple of weeks. We have 60+ university staff openings for committee and Senate spots. i. Boyette has an email draft in SharePoint for Senate review; nomination call going out 2/8/16 ii. Voting launch date is 3/7/16 B. Discuss Inclusion of Craftworkers in Senate Representation i. Previously, craftworkers have been excluded because they are union represented, should we add them? Senate consensus to include craftworkers moving forward. XI. Sub-Committees: Reports A. Bylaws i. Krahn: HR ex-officio representation in bylaws – Wahl/Entzminger table until further information is received on what ex-officio does ii. Aligning with other Senates, edited wording in Article VI, Elections, to say ‘in conjunction with Senate Office’ iii. Article VII, Executive Board: update that terms will start June 1st. iv. Updates are needed to standing committee wording due to changes in election process B. Personnel and Compensation i. Discussed in above items C. Awards and Development i. Met with Cally Henderson from Human Resources regarding existing orientation provided to new university staff employees as a first step in recommendation for new employee cohort program. D. Election Committee i. Discussed in above items XII. Informational A. Strategic Planning Group and Chancellor’s Advisory Council meeting minutes can be obtained through the Informational Portal. B. Next USS meeting 2-9-16, 9:30 to 11:00 a.m., MSC Northwoods C. UW-System Shared Governance Meeting, Jan. 29th, 9:00am – 2:00pm, Pyle Center, Madison XIII. Adjournment A. Entzminger moved to adjourn, Smith 2nd the motion, approved by consensus Excused Absences: Josh Schram, Toni Simons