SSR 2016 - 02 A Resolution for: Transportation Regulation in Iowa

SSR 2016 - 02
A Resolution for:
Transportation Regulation in Iowa
Sponsored by:
(Campus Relations) Senator Hofmeyer, Senator Upah, Senator
Junk, Senator Larsen
First Reading:
April 22nd, 2015
Speaker Action: ______________________________________________________________
Parker Bennett – Speaker
WHEREAS: Currently each city in the state of Iowa has the jurisdiction to regulate
transportation network companies within their city limits; and
WHEREAS: Such legislation has been proposed in the Iowa State Legislature to regulate
transportation network companies (TNC) in the State of Iowa; and
RECOGNIZING: This legislation would create a new chapter for the purpose of regulating
transportation network companies as they come into the state to provide services to Iowans; and
RECOGNIZING: This legislation would require a TNC to maintain insurance coverage on its
drivers from the time they turn on the smart-phone application alerting customers that they are
available to the time they turn it off; and
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: The legislation proposed does not permit a driver to operate if:
(1) the driver has had more than three moving violations in a three year time period; (2) the
driver has been convicted in the prior three year period of operating without a valid license,
reckless driving, or driving with a suspended license; (3) the person has been convicted of
operating while intoxicated, and/or any crime involving fraud, sexual-offense, use of a motor
vehicle, property damage, theft, and an act of violence or an act of terror; (4) the driver is not at
least nineteen years of age; (5) the person does not possess proof of vehicle registration as well
as financial liability coverage for the vehicle to be used to provide transportation services; and
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: Such legislation regulates TNCs statewide opposed to various
local city ordinances, which would make it easier for drivers to navigate through multiple cities
in Iowa; and
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: This bill requires TNC’s such as Uber, Lift, and other rideshare
programs to send customers/riders a report about their driver which includes: (1) a photo of the
driver; (2) license plate number of the vehicle; and (3) Make/Model of the vehicle; and
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: Customers/riders would be prohibited from requesting
transportation from TNCs from the side of the road which encourages safe transportation
because all customer information is provided in the smartphone applications; and
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: From a public safety standpoint the University, its students, and
community stand to gain from services such as Uber, Lift, etc. The potential for less alcohol
related traffic violations as well as safety and well being of both students, the Cedar Falls
community, and people across the state of Iowa is quite promising; and
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED: The students of the University of Northern Iowa support
such legislation for its safe and reliable transportation in order to create a safe campus and city
environment for the great students and residents of Cedar Falls, Iowa; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED:That the University of Northern Iowa Student Government
writes this opinion, which represents the student body of the University of Northern Iowa to state
legislators at the Iowa Capitol; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of this resolution be sent to the following people:
State Representative Baxter; State Representative Deyoe; State Representative Baltimore; State
Representative Finkenauer; State Representative Hagenow; State Representative Dawson; State
Representative Steckman; State Representative Wessel-Kroeschell; State Representative
Upmeyer; State Representative Jacoby; State Representative Kelley; Iowa Speaker of the House
Paulson; State Representative Heddens; State Senator Quirmbach; State Senator Jochum; State
Senator McCoy; State Senator Todd Bowman; Michael Triplett, Uber Technologies; Joe
Murphy, Iowa State University State Relations Officer; Mary Braun, State Relations Officer for
the Iowa Board of Regents; Patricia Geadelmann, Special Assistant to the President for Board
and Government Relations.