UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA AIKEN INDEPENDENT STUDY CONTRACT ALL REQUIRED SIGNATURES MUST BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO REGISTRATION. Student’s Name (Print): __________________________________________ Local Phone: ________________________________ VIP ID#: ______________________________________________________ Major: _____________________________________ COURSE: Department TERM: Prefix Fall Course No. Spring Suffix Summer I Section Credit Summer II Schedule Code Year Instructor’s Name (Print): ___________________________________________________________________________ THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY THE INSTRUCTOR WHO WILL SUPERVISE THE STUDY. COURSE TOPIC: (Will appear on Academic Record-limit 80 characters) Course Summary and Objective: Textbooks, Readings, or other sources to be used: Method of Evaluation (check all that apply): Oral Presentation(s) Formal Lab Book Satisfactory Lab Performance Written Report Research Proposal Lab Meeting Attendance _____% Other Additional comments: _____________________________________________________________ Instructor’s Signature Complete the following if applicable to the project: Funding for this project being provided by: None Human Subjects: IRB (Institutional Review Board ) Vertebrate Lab Animals: Animal Use Approval ( IACUC) Recombinant DNA: IBC (Institutional BioSafety Code) I certify that this Independent Study: ( Magellan grant Other___________________________________ N/A or Approval #_____________________________ Date___________________ N/A or Approval #________________________ Date___________________ N/A or Approval #__________________________ Date___________________ ) will be used as part of my: ( Connections grant ( ) Major ( ) Minor ( ) Cognate ( ) BAIS/ BSIS Concentration ) will not be used as part of my major, minor, or cognate. I understand that completion of this form does not constitute registration, and that I must register for this course with the Office of the Registrar. Student is to present original copy to the Office of the Registrar to complete registration. ____________________________________________________________________ Student’s Signature ____________________ Date ____________________________________________________________________ Advisor’s Signature ____________________ Date ____________________________________________________________________ School Head/Department Chair Offering the Course ___________________ Date