Blackpool Role Name

Panel Chair
Patient/Public Representative
Sue Crutchley
Sue Crutchley is currently self-employed after working as a senior manager in local government for
the past twenty years. Sue was the programme manager for the Department of Health funded
Healthy Communities Programme supporting local government's role in tackling health inequalities
and improving health.
Patient/Public Representative
Gillian Stone
Gill Stone is a member of the PPI groups for Yorks Cancer Research Network (YCRN) and National
Institute of Health Research (NIHR) at St. James Hospital, Leeds. In addition she is a member of her
local health practice Patient Participation Group (PPG) and the consumer group Healthwatch.
Patient/Public Representative
David Tredrea
David Tredrea is an ambassador for the Patient's Association and has an interest in studying and
furthering patient issues, communications and liaison. His background is in burns research then pain
psychology with many years in Africa as UNICEF consultant in child trauma in front-line battle zones.
Patient/Public Representative
Amit Bhagwat
Amit has been chair of a national mental wellbeing charity, a learned body, a Healthcare Computing
Congress panel and in the NHS CCG authorisation sites visits process, besides multiple lay board
memberships in the third sector and elected public governorship of an NHS FT. He is keen advocate
of public empowerment, preventative care and early intervention, helping the population stay healthy
to make the NHS viable in an aging population.
Junior Doctor
Leslie Hamilton
Dr Krishna Chinthapalli is Clinical Fellow to the National Medical Director. He has 7 years clinical
experience at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and University College London Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trusts. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and is the lead for a National
Quality Improvement conference.
Mr Leslie Hamilton is a consultant cardiac and transplant surgeon at the Freeman Hospital,
Newcastle upon Tyne. He is involved in the Royal College of Surgeons, both through its “Invited
Review Mechanism” and as Director for Professional Affairs in the north-east. He is past president of
the Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery (SCTS).
Steve Graystone
Mike Bewick
Brief Biography
Dr Mike Bewick is Medical Director at NHS North of England and Deputy Medical Director, England.
Mike previously worked at NHS Cumbria, where he was PCT Medical Director from 2008. He has
worked in both the acute and primary healthcare sectors, based in medical oncology until 1987 when
he moved into general practice as a GP in Egremontin, West Cumbria.
Dr Graystone is Associate Medical Director for Patient Safety at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS
Trust, a post he has occupied for the last 3 years. He is also a consultant in anaesthesia and
intensive care medicine and has been with the trust in that role since 1999.
Student Nurse
Sarah Weight
Sarah Weight is a student nurse with experience in acute medicine for the elderly and acute spinal
injuries. She has an interest in acute and emergency nursing, and would like to work in this area.
Simon trained at Charing Cross School of Nursing, London and qualified in 1991. He spent a year
working on a renal medicine ward at CXH before moving to Guy’s Hospital, London to take up a band
5 post in ICU. He stayed in ICU initially at Guy’s then at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Trust when the two
hospitals merged and the next 12 years culminated in him becoming Lead Nurse for Critical Care at
Guy’s & St Thomas’. In 2004 he took up the post of Head of Nursing for Surgery at Guy’s & St
Thomas’ and in 2008 moved to Lewisham Hospital as Head of Nursing Development and Quality. He
moved to Salford Royal in February 2009.
Peter Murphy
Peter is Deputy Director of Nursing at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust. His clinical background
is in critical care nursing and recognition and response to acutely unwell ward patients. Prior to his
current role he was the Assistant Director of Nursing responsible for the Quality Improvement
Gill Heaton
Gill Heaton is Chief Nurse and Director of Operations with over 20 years of experience of working in
large acute hospitals.
Trust Senior Manager
Nikki Pownall
Nikki Pownall has been a general manager at Nottingham University Hospital for the past 6 years,
with responsibility for both medical and surgical specialities with a combined annual turnover of over
£100 million. Nikki moved into NHS management in 2005 following 16 years as a dietitian, primarily
within diabetes.
CQC Representative
Julia Harratt
Julie Harratt is a compliance inspector with the Care Quality Commission, Julie has worked as an
inspector for the Care Quality Commission and its predecessor organisation the Healthcare
Commission for nine years. Prior to this she worked for over twenty years in risk, operational and
corporate management roles in the NHS.
Senior Regional Support
Preeti Sud
Preeti is the Regional Medical Manager in NHS England North. She works with the medical director’s
team on quality improvement across the North of England. Preeti has worked in the healthcare sector
for over 12 years. She has worked specifically on patient empowerment and clinical engagement in
her past roles in NHS.