Some Additional Notes on ANOVA-Based Gauge R&R Estimation We consider the model (2.4), page 21 of V&J and a standard Gauge R&R data set consisting of m (repeat) measurements of I different parts by each of J operators. ANOVA calculations produce mean squares M SA, M SB, M SAB, and M SE. Point estimators for the quantities of most interest in a Gauge R&R study are partially summarized on the bottom of page 27 in V&J. These are σ̂ 2rep eatability = σ̂ 2 = M SE and σ̂ 2reproducibility µ ¶ M SB (I − 1) 1 = max 0, + M SAB − M SE mI mI m Although it is not presented in V&J, an appropriate estimator for σ2R&R = σ 2β + σ 2αβ + σ 2 (that is called σ2overall in V&J) is σ̂ 2R&R = 1 I −1 m−1 M SB + M SAB + M SE mI mI m It is possible to state standard errors for σ̂rep eatability , σ̂ reproducibility and σ̂ R&R . In fact, it is possible to use these estimates to make an exact confidence interval for σ rep eatability and to use the Satterthwaite approximation to make at least rough confidence limits for σ reproducibility and σ R&R . That goes as follows. Let ν rep eatability = IJ (m − 1) Then, confidence limits for σrep eatability are ⎛ ⎞ s s ν ν rep eatability rep eatability ⎝σ̂ rep eatability ⎠ , σ̂ rep eatability χ2ν r e p e a t a b i l i t y , upp er χ2ν r e p e a t a b i l i t y , lower and a standard error for σ̂ rep eatability is s σ̂ rep eatability 1 2ν rep eatability For estimating σ reproducibility , let ν̂ reproducibility = ¡ MSB ¢2 mI J −1 = 1 m2 µ + ³ σ̂ 4reproducibility ´2 (I−1)MSAB mI (I − 1) (J − 1) + ¡ MSE ¢2 m IJ (m − 1) σ̂ 4reproducibility ¶ M SB 2 (I − 1) M SAB 2 M SE 2 + + I 2 (J − 1) I 2 (J − 1) IJ (m − 1) 1 Then approximate confidence limits for σ reproducibility are ! à s s ν̂ reproducibility ν̂ reproducibility , σ̂ reproducibility σ̂ reproducibility χ2ν̂ r e p r o d u c i b i l i t y ,upp er χ2ν̂ r e p r o d u c i b i l i t y ,lower and a standard error for σ̂ reproducibility is s 1 2ν̂ reproducibility σ̂ reproducibility For estimating σ R&R , let ν̂ R&R = ¡ MSB ¢2 mI J −1 = 1 m2 µ + ³ σ̂ 4R&R ´2 (I−1)MSAB mI (I − 1) (J − 1) + σ̂ 4R&R ³ (m−1)MSE m ´2 IJ (m − 1) M SB 2 (I − 1) M SAB 2 (m − 1) M SE 2 + + I 2 (J − 1) I 2 (J − 1) IJ Then approximate confidence limits for σ R&R are à ! s s ν̂ R&R ν̂ R&R σ̂ R&R , σ̂ R&R χ2ν̂ R & R ,upp er χ2ν̂ R & R ,lower and a standard error for σ̂ R&R is σ̂R&R r 2 1 2ν̂ R&R ¶