P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 1997. 35:167–90 c 1997 by Annual Reviews Inc. All rights reserved Copyright ° BARLEY YELLOW DWARF VIRUSES W. Allen Miller and Lada Rasochová ∗ Plant Pathology Department and Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology Program, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50010-1020; e-mail: wamiller@iastate.edu; http://www.public.iastate.edu/∼wamiller/ KEY WORDS: luteovirus, aphid transmission, translation, RNA virus, satellite RNA ABSTRACT Barley yellow dwarf viruses represent one of the most economically important and ubiquitous groups of plant viruses. This review focuses primarily on four research areas in which progress has been most rapid. These include (a) evidence supporting reclassification of BYDVs into two genera; (b) elucidation of gene function and novel mechanisms controlling gene expression; (c) initial forays into understanding the complex interactions between BYDV virions and their aphid vectors; and (d ) replication of a BYDV satellite RNA. Economic losses, symptomatology, and means of control of BYD are also discussed. INTRODUCTION Every year barley yellow dwarf viruses (BYDVs) cause substantial losses throughout the world wherever their hosts, mainly wheat, barley, and oats, occasionally rice and maize, are grown (57). In addition to their economic importance, the gene expression mechanisms, evolution and taxonomy, satellite RNA, and intimate interactions with their aphid vectors are quite fascinating and unlike those of any other viruses. These latter aspects form the subject of this review. For more comprehensive coverage of barley yellow dwarf disease and epidemiology the reader is referred to the book, Barley Yellow Dwarf: Forty Years of Progress (24). This review provides an up-to-date overview focusing mostly on the viruses rather than the disease or epidemiology, and emphasizing recent discoveries since the publication of the above book. ∗ Current address: Plant Pathology Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706. 167 0066-4286/97/0901-0167$08.00 P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 168 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 MILLER & RASOCHOVÁ CLASSIFICATION Serotypes BYDVs present challenges in classification. They are members of the luteovirus group (82), which is defined as having icosahedral, T = 3, 25–30 nm virions that are nonmechanically transmissible, but rather are transmitted only by aphids in a persistent, circulative manner; and are confined to the phloem in the plant. Differences among BYDV isolates were first characterized by Rochow (88, 90), who identified five isolates from New York that are transmitted preferentially by different aphid vectors. The isolates and their major vectors (in parentheses) are: RPV (Rhopalosiphum padi), RMV (Rhopalosiphum maidis), MAV (Sitobion avenae), SGV (Schizaphis graminum), and PAV (R. padi, S. avenae, and others). These are distinguishable serologically (114). Laboratories worldwide use antibodies to classify local isolates into one of the above serotypes. However, aphid-transmission properties do not always correlate with serotype (21, 58), and symptoms can vary widely among different PAV isolates (18). Thus, the simple five-serotype scheme may have been overapplied. Subgroups Numerous observations support division of barley yellow dwarf viruses into two viruses and even into separate genera. The former notion was first proposed based on cytopathological differences (45) and subsequently supported by serological evidence (114) and, most strikingly, by differences in genome organization (66, 70) (Figure 1). Currently, the PAV, MAV, and SGV serotypes, and any isolates that resemble them are subgroup I BYDVs, whereas RPV, RMV, and isolates that resemble them are members of subgroup II (82). The International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) working group on luteoviruses is considering a reclassification in which subgroup I serotypes would be called BYDV, and members of subgroup II would be renamed cereal yellow dwarf virus (CYDV) (P Waterhouse, personal communication). This dichotomy extends to other luteoviruses at the level of gene homologies and organization (discussed in more detail in References 66 and 70). Beet western yellows luteovirus (BWYV) and potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV) resemble subgroup II BYDVs. Soybean dwarf luteovirus has a subgroup I-like organization and replicase, but the structural genes are most similar to those of subgroup II (85). The chasm between subgroups is so deep that the subgroup II BYDVs are more similar to PLRV and BWYV in genome organization, replication genes, and cis-acting signals than they are to subgroup I BYDVs. Conversely, other than in the structural genes, subgroup I BYDVs are more closely related to SDV than to BYDVs in subgroup II. Hence, the ICTV is also considering raising each subgroup category to the level of virus group or genus. The groups P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 BYDV 169 Figure 1 Genome organization of the BYDVs. Boxes indicate open reading frames, numbered as in Martin et al (63), with molecular weight of protein products in kilodaltons (K). Black-shaded ORFs are conserved between subgroups. Abbreviations: CP, major coat protein gene; POL, putative polymerase gene; AT, readthrough domain probably required for aphid transmission; MP?, putative cell-to-cell movement protein. Checkered POL ORF has homology to Tombusviridae, especially dianthoviruses. Striped POL ORF is homologous to sobemoviruses. Unshaded ORFs have no significant similarity to ORFs of any virus, with the exception of a possible protease motif in ORF 1 of subgroup II. Known positions of subgenomic RNAs are shown below the genomes. would all be members of the Luteoviridae family. Thus, not only would RPV and PAV be different viruses, they would be in different genera. This reclassification proposal is supported not only by the major differences discussed above, but by additional differences between gene function, expression mechanisms, replication strategies, and the ability to support a satellite RNA, all discussed in this review. We compare subgroup I with subgroup II BYDVs, using current nomenclature. PAV is the best studied BYDV, especially at the molecular level. It is also the most widespread (23) and usually causes the most severe symptoms. RPV is the best studied subgroup II BYDV, but it is much less well characterized than other subgroup II luteoviruses (BWYV and PLRV), or PAV. Thus, we refer to PAV and RPV as representative members of each subgroup, but often use BWYV or PLRV as additional representatives of subgroup II. We also compare BYDVs with related viruses outside the luteovirus group. The polymerase and translational frameshift signals of subgroup I luteoviruses are more similar to those in red clover necrotic mosaic (RCNMV) and other dianthoviruses than they are to those in subgroup II luteoviruses (70, 117). P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 170 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 MILLER & RASOCHOVÁ Conversely, the polymerase genes of subgroup II luteoviruses are most closely related to those of sobemoviruses. Pea enation mosaic virus (PEMV), the sole member of the enamovirus group, has two RNAs, each encoding its own polymerase (27). The polymerase of RNA1 is subgroup II-like (26) and that of RNA2 is subgroup I-like (28). PEMV is aphid transmissible, probably by the same mechanism as luteoviruses, but it is also mechanically transmissible (27). Knowledge about these viruses is applied to BYDVs throughout this review. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE BYDVs can have a serious impact on, and be an important limiting factor for, grain production wherever cereals are grown. However, global yield losses due to the BYDVs are difficult to estimate because of insufficient information. Average yield losses attributable to natural BYDV infection can range between 11 and 33% (57); in some areas the losses were reported to reach up to 86%. The relationship between the disease incidence and yield loss was found to be linear in wheat and oats. A 1% increase in BYD disease incidence caused yield reduction to increase from 20 to 50 kg/ha in wheat and from 30 to 60 kg/ha in oats (F Nutter, personal communication). Hewings & Eastman (48) calculated that hypothetical 5% losses caused by BYDVs in the United States in 1989 would result in crop losses valued at $847.0 million for corn, $387.1 million for wheat, $48.5 million for barley, and $28.0 million for oats. A PAV-like virus may also cause sugarcane yellow leaf disease in Brazil, Hawaii, and Australia (104a). Thus the range of economically important crops affected by BYDVs may be greater than previously thought. INTERACTIONS WITH PLANTS The host range of BYDVs consists of more than 150 species in the Poeaceae (23). An Australian isolate of PAV, but not either of two diverse isolates of RPV, can replicate in Nicotiana tabacum protoplasts (LR, unpublished). No BYDV isolate is known that can infect dicot plants. Symptoms Symptoms induced by luteoviruses are often difficult to distinguish from symptoms caused by other pathogens, nutritional deficiencies, or cold weather (23). The symptoms in wheat are not always obvious; often they are limited to stunting that can result in substantial yield loss while remaining undetected. In contrast, BYDV causes yellowing and stunting in barley, and yellowing, reddening, leaf stiffness, reduced tillering and heading, and numerous sterile florets in oats (23). Recently, a virus serologically related to PAV was found to be associated P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 BYDV 171 Figure 2 Northern blot hybridization showing viral genomic RNAs isolated from oats inoculated with various BYDV isolates. Inoculation, RNA extraction, and northern blot hybridization were performed as described in Reference (84). For each RNA tested, the same blot was hybridized, then stripped, and reprobed with the three different probes. The 50 RPV(−) and 30 RPV(−) probes are complementary to the nucleotides 809–1191 and 5026–5723, respectively, of the RPV-NY genome. The 50 PAV(−) probe is complementary to bases 1–546 of the PAV-IL genome. with sugarcane yellow leaf disease, which results in yellowing, reddening, and impaired growth of sugarcane (104a). BYDV isolates vary greatly in symptom severity. A severe isolate of PAV (PAV-129) causes stunting and corkscrewing symptoms in otherwise PAVtolerant varieties of oat (18). We have sequenced its genome (5). PAV-129 differs from other sequenced PAV isolates more in the polymerase gene (88% amino acid sequence identity) than does MAV [98% identity to Australian and Purdue isolates of PAV (102)]. It also differs the most from ten other PAV isolates (16) and MAV in the 30 untranslated region of the genome. In contrast, the coat protein gene of PAV-129 is more PAV-like (87% identity) than MAVlike (70% identity). Thus the virulence determinants are not obvious from the sequence. A severe isolate of RPV (RPV-Mex1) isolated by Bertschinger at CIMMYT in Mexico causes severe stunting, corkscrewing, and leaf notches in wheat. We have sequenced the 30 half of its genome (5). The coat and readthrough proteins of RPV-NY and RPV-Mex1 have more than 90% similarity except for a ten-codon extension at the carboxy-terminus of the RPV-Mex1 readthrough protein gene. Strikingly, a large region of the 50 half of the genome bears no homology to either RPV-NY or PAV, based on northern blot hybridization (Figure 2). Interactions between BYDVs Cross-protection occurs between BYDVs of subgroup I but not between BYDVs of subgroup II or between subgroup I and II BYDVs (116). While similar BYDVs can cross-protect against one another, mixed infections with unrelated P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 172 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 MILLER & RASOCHOVÁ BYDVs, i.e. one from each subgroup, can have the opposite effect. Mixed infections of PAV and RPV give more severe symptoms, including more stunting and higher virus titer, than do infections with either virus alone (1, 73). This is consistent with the phenomenon observed among many luteo- and luteo-like viruses (73). In all cases, the synergistic interaction involves a replicating RNA with a subgroup I-like polymerase and one with a subgroup II-like polymerase, suggesting a positive interaction between the two polymerases or the RNAs that they recognize. This interaction has important practical applications. First, it is unlikely that transgenic plants expressing a subgroup I BYDV polymerase will be resistant to a subgroup II BYDV. More importantly, such transgenic plants could be more susceptible than untransformed plants to a virus of the opposite subgroup if they express the synergy-conferring gene at high enough levels (73, 104). GENE FUNCTION Replication Proteins Gene functions are not well characterized for BYDVs and are currently under investigation in many laboratories. Sequence comparisons revealed that open reading frame (ORF) 2 encodes the catalytic domain of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (Figure 1) (75, 102, 107). There is no evidence that the product of this ORF, P2, is translated by itself in luteoviruses of either subgroup. Rather, it appears to be expressed only fused to P1 (product of ORF 1) via translational frameshifting (see Gene Expression), in a P1-2 fusion (Figure 1). Consistent with a role in RNA replication, deletion mutations in ORFs 1 or 2 of PAV (77) or BWYV (86) destroyed the ability to replicate in plant cells. Because P1 is expressed by itself (the most abundant form) and fused to P2, it has two functions. In its rarer form, fused to P2, it is part of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. Its function when expressed by itself is unknown for PAV. Habili & Symons (46) proposed that it is a helicase. It makes sense that a replicase-associated protein would have such a function, keeping (+) and (−) strands apart during RNA synthesis. However, Koonin & Dolja (54) and Gibbs (39) assert that this ORF has no homology to known helicases and that RNA viruses with genomes under 6 kb lack helicases. ORF 1 of subgroup II-like RNA1 of PEMV (26) and all subgroup II luteoviruses including RPV (70) have homology to the catalytic triad of chymostrypsin-like proteases. This implies that the P1-2 fusion protein has a protease in its N-terminal half, and the polymerase in its C terminus. Such an arrangement resembles poty-, como-, and picornaviruses that have a VPg-proteasepolymerase polyprotein, which subsequently self-cleaves as replication initiates. The VPg is a genome-linked protein covalently attached to the 50 end of P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 BYDV 173 some viral RNAs including those of subgroup II luteoviruses (64, 78). Thus we speculated that the VPg of RPV might be encoded in the 50 end of ORF 1, upstream of the protease domain. However, the Vpg of PLRV was recently mapped to a position between the protease and polymerase domains (F van der Wilk, personal communication). Luteoviruses also appear to differ from others in that the Vpg would be produced in large molar excess to the polymerase which is expressed only as a result of a rare frameshift event (6, 31). In contrast to our speculation several years ago (76), ORF 4 does not encode a genome-linked protein (VPg). Despite much phylogenetic (70), biochemical (98), and genetic (77, 86) evidence that ORF 4 does not encode the VPg, some researchers still refer to ORF 4 as encoding the VPg. Furthermore, we now have direct chemical evidence that PAV RNA lacks a VPg (E Allen, unpublished). Structural Proteins Much progress has been made recently in elucidating the roles of the proteins most conserved among all luteoviruses, those encoded by ORFs 3, 4, and 5. Besides its obvious function in forming virions, the coat protein (encoded by ORF 3) may have roles in virus movement in plants (119) and in replication. Mutations that render ORF 3 untranslatable reduced accumulation of genomic RNA of both BWYV (86) and PAV (77). This may be due to simple increased sensitivity of the genomic RNA to nucleases during extraction because it cannot be encapsidated, or the CP may be involved more directly in RNA replication. The coat protein is obviously required for aphid transmission and it may confer aphid vector-specificity (see Aphid Transmission). ORF 5 is expressed as a carboxy-terminal extension to the CP, produced in low abundance by in-frame readthrough of the CP ORF stop codon (see Translation, below). The CP and the extended form containing the readthrough domain (RTD) make up the virion (19, 36, 111), with the RTD probably located on the surface (35). A significant portion of the C terminus of the RTD is cleaved proteolytically to give the truncated form of the CP-RTD fusion (MW 51–58 kDa) that is found in purified virions. Substantial evidence indicates that this truncated CP-RTD is required for aphid transmission (see Aphid Transmission). The C-terminal portion that is cleaved off may be involved in systemic movement in the plant (see below). None of the RTD is required for virion formation. Deletions in this ORF in PAV and in BWYV actually increased RNA replication in protoplasts and did not affect the ability of the RNA to be encapsidated (77, 86). Movement Protein ORF 4 probably codes for a cell-to-cell movement protein. This protein may facilitate viral genome movement only through the specialized plasmodesmata P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 174 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 MILLER & RASOCHOVÁ of phloem cells and thus explain confinement of virus to these cell types. P4 of PLRV has many of the biochemical properties expected of a movement protein. It binds single-stranded nucleic acid nonspecifically (97); it has a protein-protein binding domain (99); and it localizes to the membrane fraction [referred to in (98)]. Knocking out ORF 4 (but not the overlapping CP gene) did not affect accumulation of PAV (77) or BWYV (119) in protoplasts. PAV mutants containing this mutation could not be transmitted to plants (17). Virus from protoplasts mixedly infected with two mutant PAVs, one containing this ORF 4 knock-out mutation and the other containing a deletion in ORF 5, was able to infect plants. The only viral genome that accumulated in plants from this mixed inoculum was that containing the deletion in ORF 5 (17). Thus P4 is required for systemic infection of plants but not for infection of protoplasts. This is consistent with a cell-to-cell movement function. In contrast, ZieglerGraff et al (119) constructed a mutant BWYV genome with three stop codons interrupting ORF 4. Progeny virus replicated well, maintained the mutations, and was aphid transmissible to other hosts. In both PAV (17) and BWYV (7), mutations in the RTD reduced virus titer in plants, leading Ziegler-Graff et al (119) to propose that a domain in the C terminus of the RTD was required for movement in the plant, perhaps redundant to, or stimulated by, the P4 function. GENE EXPRESSION BYDVs use a combination of RNA-templated transcription and noncanonical translation mechanisms to express their six genes from a single genomic RNA. One of the most remarkable features of BYDVs, PAV in particular, is the plethora of unusual mechanisms by which the genes are translated. These include cap-independent translation, ribosomal frameshifting, in-frame stop codon readthrough, and leaky scanning [reviewed in more detail in References (66, 70, and 69)]. Subgenomic RNA Synthesis Viral RNAs with 50 truncations but the same 30 ends as genomic RNA are generated in infected cells. These subgenomic RNAs serve as messages for the 50 -distal open reading frames. The 50 end of subgenomic RNA 1 (sgRNA1) of PAV has been mapped to base 2769 by Dinesh-Kumar et al (32), and to base 2670 by Kelly et al (52). This difference may be due to strain variation, but we now have data that support the base 2670 start site (G Koev, personal communication). The apparent 50 end of 2769 is probably incorrect owing to an unlucky combination of misleading results. The 50 end determined by Kelly is appealing because it shares sequence with the 50 end of the genome: (A) GUGAAG (A in parentheses is absent in sgRNA1), and is similar to the 50 end of sgRNA2 at base 4809: AGUGAAGA (52). SgRNA1 is the mRNA for ORFs 3, 4, and 5 P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 QC: MBL/uks 17:10 T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 BYDV 175 (32). SgRNA2 can act as mRNA for ORF 6 in vitro (52). The first ten codons of ORF 6 vary only in the wobble position giving silent mutations (no change in amino acid sequence), suggesting that its product, P6, is functional. However, the remaining codons are not conserved, as the rest of the ORF is the most variable region in the BYDV genome (16). P6 has not been detected in vivo, despite considerable efforts (M Young, personal communication). Mutation of the ORF6 start codon reduces but does not eliminate genomic RNA replication in protoplasts (77). The role of sgRNA3, which seems to have no message function and which differs at its 50 terminus (GACGACC) (52) from the other viral RNAs, is unknown. Subgroup II BYDV sgRNAs have not been studied, but the 50 ends of genomic and sgRNAs of other subgroup II luteoviruses begin in ACAAA (68), as does genomic RNA. This sequence is also present within 20 bases of the 50 ends of PAV genomic and sgRNAs (70). One candidate start site for sgRNA1 of RPV (70) at base 3576 begins in ACAAACGUA, which is a perfect match with the start site of RCNMV sgRNA1 (118). If this is the start site for RPV sgRNA, we can expect that subgenomic promoter analysis of RCNMV may apply to RPV. Alteration of the ACAAA to ACUAA in an infectious transcript of RCNMV had little effect on sgRNA synthesis (118). Changes that may weaken a proposed minus-strand stem-loop structure, which flanks the complement of the RCNMV sgRNA1 50 end, eliminated sgRNA synthesis (118). However, whether it is secondary structure or actual RNA sequence that provides promoter function was not determined. In our laboratory, mutations at bases flanking the PAV sgRNA1 start at base 2670 knocked out sgRNA1 synthesis with little effect on genomic RNA replication (BR Mohan, personal communication). Alteration of the ORF6 start codon to AUC abolished accumulation of sgRNA2 (77). Either this mutation disrupted the promoter of sgRNA2, which begins 114 bases upstream, or by making sgRNA2 untranslatable, the stability is decreased. It has been assumed that sgRNAs are synthesized by internal initiation of the polymerase on full-length minus stranded RNA (118), based on studies of brome mosaic (71) and other viruses. This may be the case for BYDVs, but also plausible is the possibility that the replicase terminates prematurely at a defined site during minus strand synthesis (69). Plus strand synthesis would then initiate at the 30 end of this 30 terminally truncated minus stranded RNA to make plus stranded sgRNA. The extensive homology between 50 termini of genomic and sgRNAs, and the abundant, subgenomic-sized double-stranded RNAs in BYDV-infected tissue (42), support this possibility. Functional dissection of subgenomic promoters will determine which mechanism applies. Translation In all luteoviruses, ORFs 3 and 4, and in subgroup II luteoviruses, ORFs 0 and 1 (65, 106, 119), are translated by leaky scanning. LEAKY SCANNING P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 176 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 MILLER & RASOCHOVÁ According to this mechanism, if the first (50 -proximal) AUG on an mRNA is in a poor context, some scanning ribosomes can ignore this AUG and start protein synthesis at the second AUG. The AUGs of ORFs 4 and 1 are the second AUGs on their mRNAs and are indeed in better contexts than the first AUGs, which initiate ORFs 3 and 0, respectively (70). Both products of ORFs 3 and 4 (CP and P4) can be translated from sgRNA1 of PAV (32), RPV (108), BWYV (105), and PLRV (96). In addition to the primary sequence context controlling AUG choice as expected, further observations led us to propose a new mechanism by which pausing of ribosomes during initiation at the second (ORF 4) AUG transiently “melts” secondary structure, which enhances initiation at the upstream (ORF 3) AUG by the following ribosome (33). The arrangement of ORF 4 completely nested within, and out of frame of, ORF 3 led to the hypothesis that ORF 4 evolved relatively recently as a kind of accident during out-of-frame translation of ORF 3 (51). RIBOSOMAL FRAMESHIFTING In all luteoviruses, the polymerase is translated by minus 1 (−1) ribosomal frameshifting. During the elongation process in translation of ORF 1, a small fraction of translating ribosomes slip back one base at a specific sequence, called the shifty heptanucleotide, and then resume translation in a new reading frame. This shift allows the ribosomes to bypass the stop codon of ORF 1. This has been demonstrated for several luteoviruses including PAV (6, 31, 38, 70). The consensus signals known to facilitate −1 frameshifting for polymerase expression in corona-, retro-, and yeast viruses are the shifty site with the consensus XXXYYYZ, followed by a region of substantial secondary structure, usually a pseudoknot (34). These sequences and structures are present or predicted in all luteoviruses (70). They are also present in other −1 frameshifting plant viruses, all of which are members of the groups most closely related to luteoviruses, including cocksfoot mottle sobemovirus (61), both PEMV RNAs (26, 28), and the dianthoviruses (53). The actual frameshift signals differ between the subgroups. PAV and MAV have GGGUUUU as the shifty site, followed by a region that can be folded into two stem-loops in which the loops base-pair to each other, or into a large stem-loop (6). We favor the latter structure, based on phylogenetic comparisons (70). A shifty site of GGGAAAC followed by a small, conserved pseudoknot has been found for BWYV (38) and predicted for RPV (70). More recently, we found an additional sequence required for frameshifting by PAV. Remarkably, it is located four kilobases downstream of the frameshift site (113)! In vitro translation of PAV genomic RNA transcripts carrying various deletions revealed that a region 30 of, and possibly including, ORF 6 is necessary to achive full −1 frameshifting in wheat germ extracts (Figure 3; C Paul, personal communication). This is higher than the very low level observed in P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 BYDV 177 Figure 3 Map of cis-acting signals regulating PAV RNA translation (69). Bold line indicates RNA on which boxes with different fill patterns demarcate the locations of sequences required for the indicated translational event. Solid-headed arrows indicated long-distance interactions. Openheaded arrows indicate subgenomic RNA synthesis. sgRNA3 is not shown because it contains no ORFs and does not appear to be translated (52). Reprinted with permission of Academic Press. reporter gene studies in oat cells using constructs that lacked the downstream region (6). We have no idea of the mechanism, but this is only the first example of downstream elements controlling translation of PAV RNA (see below). READTHROUGH As mentioned above, ORF 5 is expressed by readthrough of the coat protein gene stop codon during translation of sgRNA1 (32), i.e. when the ribosomes reach the stop codon, a small portion of them do not stop, but continue translating in the same frame 30 of the stop codon. The actual rate of readthrough is difficult to estimate because the ratio of CP-RTD fusion protein to CP in purified virions varies greatly (between 1:100 and 1:4) among BYDV serotypes (36, 111) and even among individual virus preparations. In the most reliable cell-free wheat germ translation system, the rate was about one percent. P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 178 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 MILLER & RASOCHOVÁ Researchers in our laboratory studied the cis-acting signals required for readthrough of the PAV CP ORF stop codon by translating an in vitro transcript of sgRNA1 containing various mutations (8). In addition, these mutations were placed in a PAV cDNA clone such that resulting infectious transcripts contained a modified reporter gene (GUS) inserted in ORF 5 so that readthrough of the CP gene stop codon was required for GUS activity in oat protoplasts. Using these two assays, two regions 30 to the stop codon were identified as necessary for readthrough (8). One is a repeated sequence motif: CCN NNN, located about 20 bases 30 to the stop codon. A second sequence, located 697 to 758 bases 30 of the stop codon, was also required (Figure 3). It occurs naturally within ORF 5, but functions well in the GUS-expressing virus, in which it is located two kilobases downstream of the CP stop codon and in the untranslated region following the GUS ORF. Highly conserved bases at and flanking the CP stop codon were not necessary. Deletions in and around the homologous regions in infectious clones of BWYV also destroyed or greatly reduced accumulation of RTD in infected plants (11). In PEMV, a single, naturally occurring base change in the region homologous to the downstream readthrough element of PAV prevented readthrough and aphid transmissibility of the virus (29). As in the case of frameshifting, we do not know the mechanism of readthrough. Long-distance base-pairing between the two required sequence elements can be imagined (8) but this is not conserved among luteoviruses. Gibbs & Cooper provided evolutionary evidence that these two regions may interact during RNA replication (40). They proposed that strand-switching by the replicase facilitated recombination at these sites. Furthermore, Demler et al (29) found a natural PEMV deletion mutant in which a large region of the readthrough ORF, including portions of the proximal and distal elements and all the sequence between them, was deleted. This deletion could be explained by an intramolecular strand-switching event that would be favored if the two sequence elements were located in close proximity. If they are in proximity during replication, they could also interact during translation, and facilitate readthrough. The only type of readthrough control that remotely resembles this is that of selenocysteine-encoding genes. A sequence called the SECIS element in the 30 UTR, located kilobases downstream of a UGA (stop) codon, facilitates recognition of the UGA codon by a special tRNA charged with the amino acid selenocysteine (109). The luteovirus readthrough resembles this only in that the distal element functions at large, variable distances downstream. There is no structural similarity, nor is readthrough dependent on a UGA or any other particular stop codon (8). CAP-INDEPENDENT TRANSLATION SIGNAL IN THE 30 UNTRANSLATED REGION OF PAV RNA An unexpected finding was that a sequence we call the 30 translation P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 BYDV 179 enhancer (30 TE), located between ORFs 5 and 6, confers very efficient translation on mRNAs lacking the 50 cap structure that is normally required for translation of eukaryotic mRNAs (Figure 3) (113). In order for the 30 TE to function, the mRNA must also contain the 50 UTR of either PAV genomic RNA or sgRNA1. This cap-independent translation has been observed in wheat germ translation extracts (113) and in oat protoplasts (112). Deletion or mutation of the 30 TE reduces translation of uncapped mRNA by more than an order of magnitude and renders the virus unable to replicate (112). Addition of a cap restores translatability (113). The only other known eukaryotic mRNA that has a cap-independent translation signal in its 30 UTR is satellite tobacco necrosis virus (STNV) RNA (25, 101). There is little or no sequence homology between STNV and PAV RNA. However, a portion of the 30 TE sequence is conserved in all subgroup I luteoviruses and in the 30 UTR of tobacco necrosis virus (TNV) RNA, the helper for STNV. Because TNV RNA is naturally uncapped, the sequence homologous to the 30 TE may facilitate translation initiation. As we would expect, PAV RNA also appears to lack a 50 cap (112; WAM, unpublished). This 30 TE phenomenon may be confined to subgroup I luteovirus and TNV RNAs. No sequence with homology to the 30 TE was detected in subgroup II luteoviruses, even though it is expected that subgroup II luteoviral genomes would also translate cap-independently because other VPg-containing genomes can do so (14, 91). APHID TRANSMISSION OF BYDVS BYDV virions pass through at least three barriers in the aphid (Figure 4) by specific uptake. They do not replicate in the aphid. Each BYDV serotype is Figure 4 Schematic diagram of aphid feeding and luteovirus transmission (from Reference 17). Arrows indicate circulative pathway of transmission. ASG, the accessory salivary gland; HG, hindgut; MG, midgut; PSG, principle salivary gland. P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 180 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 MILLER & RASOCHOVÁ transmitted efficiently by only a limited number of aphid species (80). The vector specificity of BYDVs does not always correlate with serotype (47, 56, 58). For example, Creamer & Falk (21) described an RPV isolate from California (RPV-CA) that is transmitted efficiently by Sitobion avenae, which gives it the transmission phenotype of PAV. The genomes of RPV-CA and the type RPVNY isolate exhibit sequence homology in the 30 halves but are unrelated in their 50 halves, based on the northern blot hybridization (Figure 2). The transmission phenotypes of BYDVs also may be altered transiently by heterologous encapsidation during mixed infections (22, 89, 115). (For more detailed discussions of aphid transmissiion, see References 45a and 80.) Role of the Readthrough Domain Aphid transmission of luteoviruses requires that the genome be encapsidated (17). BYDV virions contain 180 subunits of CP (82). A few copies of CP in the virion also contain the RTD discussed above (36, 111). BYDV mutants deficient in the RTD can form virus particles (36, 77) but are not aphid transmissible (17). These experiments can be difficult to interpret because a portion of the RTD may also be required for efficient virus movement within the plant (7). Chay et al (17) avoided this problem by using a complementation experiment in which an RTD mutant that replicated better than wild-type RNA in protoplasts was heterologously encapsidated in wild-type CP and CP-RTD that were provided by a co-infecting PAV transcript containing a mutation in another gene. The RTD mutant RNA could then be transmitted by aphids to plants, in which it replicated and spread. The virus in these plants could not be transmitted by aphids. Thus the absence of aphid transmission of the RTD mutant that was observed originally was not due to an inability to replicate or spread in the plant. Similarly, mutations in ORF 5 of BWYV knocked out its ability to be transmitted by aphids to plants (7, 11). In these experiments, infectious DNA clones of the virus were transmitted to Nicotiana clevelandii plants by Agrobacterium-mediated inoculation. Those with mutations in ORF 5 were not transmittable by aphids to other plants. As mentioned previously, BYDV virions purified from plants contain an approximately 50-kDa, C-terminally truncated form of the RTD (19, 36, 111), suggesting that the amino terminal half of the RTD provides the aphid transmission function. Interactions within the Aphid How do the CP and RTD interact with the aphid? After acquisition from the phloem, virions are transported to the aphid hindgut. The virus must then cross three distinct transmission barriers to complete the transmission process (Figure 4) (41, 43). The first barrier is the hindgut epithelium. The virus is transported into the hemocoel in coated vesicles (41). The recognition at the P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 BYDV 181 hindgut membrane appears to be luteovirus-specific but not serotype-specific, as most BYDVs can be acquired into hemolymph of both vectors and nonvectors, whereas unrelated viruses, such as BMV, that are not transmitted in a circulative manner are excluded. It is likely that a hindgut receptor interacts with CP domain(s) shared among most BYDVs (18, 41). The readthrough protein appears not to be required for the translocation of BYDV virions across the hindgut membrane because PAV mutants lacking the RTD still accumulate in the hemolymph (17). IN THE HEMOLYMPH Infectious virus can remain in the hemolymph for the life of the aphid if the aphid is not continuously feeding (80). Virions may persist by interacting with the most abundant protein in the aphid, called symbionin, that is produced by a bacterial endosymbiont. Symbionin is closely related to heat-shock proteins in the GroEL family. GroEL is a chaperonin, i.e. a protein that facilitates proper folding of other proteins. Van den Heuvel et al (103) reported in vitro binding of PLRV virions to symbionin. In vitro, PAV virions, and RTD in particular, specifically bind symbionin (SymL) isolated from R. padi and S. avenae, but not GroEL (35). PLRV was reported to bind symbionin-like molecules from both vectors and nonvectors (103). Therefore, it is unlikely that symbionin determines vector specificity of luteoviruses. Van den Heuvel et al (103) speculated that the interaction between virions and symbionin is involved in maintaining virus integrity and thus infectivity. Symbionin binding may also permit the virus to evade the aphid immune system (45a). Filichkin et al (35) proposed that the interaction occurs with the N terminus of the RTD that is conserved among luteoviruses. If the purpose of the interaction is indeed to stabilize virions, localization of binding to the RTD appears to be inconsistent with the observations of Chay et al (17) who detected virions lacking RTD in hemolymph (above). However, the level of virus lacking RTD was possibly reduced to a level below a threshold required for aphid transmission, but still detectable by the PCR method they used (17). Treatment of aphids with antibiotics to kill the endosymbiotic bacteria and purge symbionin from the hemolymph inhibited the ability of aphids to transmit luteoviruses (103). However, this treatment made the aphids sick and thus may have inhibited their ability to transmit virus only indirectly. The biological role of symbionin remains to be demonstrated. ENTERING THE ACCESSORY SALIVARY GLAND Once the virus reaches the accessory salivary gland (ASG) it must penetrate the ASG basal lamina and plasmalemma to be released into salivary canals and ducts (Figure 4). The virus is then excreted in the aphid saliva during the feeding. Both basal lamina and basal plasmalemma of ASG have been implicated in vector-specific transmission of P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 182 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 MILLER & RASOCHOVÁ BYDVs (43, 80). The association of BYDVs with basal lamina probably requires specific interaction between the BYDV capsid and binding sites on basal lamina (43). PAV and MAV virions did not attach to the basal lamina of nonvectors. Similarly, BMV virions failed to accumulate in the basal lamina when injected into the aphid’s hemocoel. However, RPV did concentrate in basal lamina of a nonvector but was unable to cross the ASG basal plasmalemma (44). The transport of BYDVs across the ASG plasmalemma occurs in coated vesicles, probably via a receptor-mediated endocytosis (41). The receptor on the ASG plasmalemma as well as domains on BYDV virions that interact with the receptor are unknown, and identification of these entities is a major goal of current research. Because the RTD is not required for virions to enter the hemocoel, but is required for aphid transmission, it may be required for transport of luteoviruses across the ASG membranes (17). The coat protein may be the major determinant of vector specificity. By examining exchanges of regions of the CP gene between infectious genomic clones from serotypes with different vector specificities, Young and colleagues found that a portion of the CP itself seemed to harbor the vector-specificity determinant (M Young, personal communication). Thus, even though the RTD is required for transmission, it may not be the component that determines the precise vector specificity that distinguishes BYDV isolates. SATELLITE RNA During the process of genome sequencing, a 322-nt, single-stranded, noncoding satellite RNA (satRPV RNA) was discovered serendipitously in an Australian isolate of RPV (72). This mysterious RNA is difficult or impossible to detect in the field and has been found only in Australian RPV-like isolates only after greenhouse propagation. It has no significant sequence similarity to BYDV genomic RNA (72) and it depends on RPV genomic RNA for replication (93). SatRPV RNA is the only known satellite of a luteovirus, although a different class of satellite RNAs is associated with some luteo-like viruses (27). SatRPV RNA replicates by a symmetrical rolling circle mechanism (93). This resembles that of satRNA of tobacco ringspot virus (satTRSV RNA) (10) and several other viroid-like satellite RNAs (9). Linear and circular monomers and linear multimeric replication intermediates of both strands, which are formed during replication by this mechanism, were detected in satRPV RNAinfected cells (93). Newly formed multimers self-cleave into monomers in vitro at sequences that fold into hammerhead ribozyme structures, one in each strand (72). The (+) strand hammerhead is an unusual derivation from the consensus structure. It has additional base-pairing that results in a pseudoknot P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 BYDV 183 that inhibits self-cleavage (74). This alternative conformation may serve as a molecular switch. The hammerhead conformation performs the self-cleavage function, and the pseudoknot conformation is required for some other step of replication (M Aulik, personal communication). The known range of helper viruses that support satRPV RNA is limited to subgroup II luteoviruses. RPV and BWYV support satRPV RNA replication (83). PAV and a BWYV-associated RNA (ST9a RNA), which encodes a subgroup I-like polymerase, do not replicate satRPV RNA (83, 93). SatRPV RNA can be transmitted to plants by aphids that acquired virus from infected protoplasts. It reduces accumulation of RPV helper virus RNA in oat plants and protoplasts, and ameliorates symptoms caused by RPV in oats (84). SatRPV RNA had no effect on PAV RNA accumulation and did not affect symptoms caused by the severe mixed infection of RPV and PAV BYDVs in oats (84) or by BWYV and ST9a RNA in shepherd’s purse plants (83). SatRPV RNA symptom modulation seems to be determined by the competition between the satRPV RNA and its helper virus for both replication and encapsidation. Because satRPV RNA can replicate and move systemically in monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous hosts, the helper virus (probably the replicase gene) and not the type of plant host range is the limiting factor for satRPV RNA replication (83). DISEASE CONTROL BYDV is controlled mainly by the use of plant lines that are tolerant or resistant to certain BYDV isolates to varying degrees. Spread of the disease can be controlled by aphicides (67a) or by carefully timed planting when aphid populations are monitored (79). However, this is economically feasible only in the most intensive agricultural systems. Usually, especially in the developing world where disease pressure is high, growers simply live with losses to BYDV. Breeding for resistance, either by conventional or transgenic methods, remains the most feasible means of disease control. Natural Tolerance to BYDVs Well-characterized resistance genes to BYDVs are few. Tolerance is conditioned by one to four genes in oats (13). In general, tolerance or resistance is specific only against certain isolates of a serotype or subgroup (45b). A single partially dominant gene, Bdv1, confers tolerance to BYDV in some wheat varieties (94). Genes of resistant wild wheatgrasses (Thinopyrum or Agronpyron species) have been introgressed into wheat in interspecific crosses to produce wheat lines containing a portion of the wheatgrass chromosome that confers substantial resistance to BYDVs (2, 55, 92). The best characterized resistance P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 184 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 MILLER & RASOCHOVÁ to BYDV is conditioned by the Yd2 gene in barley, which confers resistance only to subgroup I BYDVs (1, 12). Barley lines containing the Yd2 gene express a unique polypeptide that is tightly linked to Yd2 (49). It encodes a putative subunit of a vacuolar proton-translocating ATPase (37). A high-resolution map of chromosome 3H around the Yd2 locus has been generated, and cloning of the Yd2 gene is imminent (37). This will provide a major breakthrough in our understanding of BYDV-plant interactions. Transgenic Resistance Research on transgenic resistance to BYDVs has until recently lagged behind that of other viruses because of the absence of efficient transformation methods of hosts of BYDVs. PLRV has become a model for transgenic resistance to luteoviruses, mainly because of the ease of transformation of potato. Genes encoding coat protein (3, 50), replicase (100), or putative movement protein (98) have been reported to confer resistance. In one case, potato plants lacking the transgene acquired resistance during the transformation process (81), presumably owing to somaclonal variation. Potato plants expressing P4 were more resistant to potato viruses X and Y than to PLRV (98). The replicase genes have provided a high level of resistance to PLRV in several generations of field trials in northeastern Oregon (100). Now that transformation of wheat (4), barley (110), and oats (95) is routine, several groups have transformed these hosts with BYDV genes, but as of this writing, we are unaware of any examples of resistance published in peerreviewed journals. Lemaux et al generated barley transgenic for the PAV CP (110), some of which were reported at a scientific meeting to be resistant (60). Other transgenic resistance reported only at meetings include coat proteinmediated resistance in oats (59) and wheat (20, 67). In collaboration with D Somers (University of Minnesota), we have transformed oat plants with the replicase gene of PAV. One resulting tolerant line lacked a transgene, suggesting somaclonal variation. A transgenic tolerant line showed a recovery phenotype in which symptoms decreased with time after inoculation (G Koev, personal communication). However, none of the lines was immune to BYDV infection. Stable, effective transgenic resistance to BYDV may have been achieved in other labs but not disclosed because of the proprietary nature of the research. In the near future, barring unforeseen regulatory barriers, transgenic resistance to BYDV will be available publicly in cultivars of wheat, barley, and oats. SUMMARY Because of the economic importance of the BYDVS, more research is needed. There are surprisingly few data on the dollar value of yield reduction caused P1: JER/rkc P2: ARK/vks June 26, 1997 17:10 QC: MBL/uks T1: MBL Annual Reviews AR036-ML AR036-10 BYDV 185 by the BYDVs. The specific locations and timing of virus outbreaks, and the particular causal isolates, need to be monitored. This is will allow breeders to decide which BYDV isolate to target with transgenic resistance in a given locality. It will help growers decide whether to pay the extra premium for BYDV-resistant crops. Another area of applied research may be to engineer aphid-resistant crops. This could obviate the need for BYDV resistance. BYDVs have become a surprisingly valuable source of basic research knowledge. Studies of PAV have provided fascinating insight into mechanisms of decoding the genetic code not known previously in any organism (69). Structurefunction analyses of the self-cleavage structure in the satellite RNA of RPV (74) contributed to understanding of the three-dimensional structure of hammerhead ribozymes (15). Hammerhead ribozymes have great potential as anticancer and antiviral therapeutics. The work on aphid transmission is providing fascinating new knowledge of insect cell biology and physiology. Progress since the first review on luteovirus molecular biology in 1990 (63) has been immense, but it has only opened up more avenues for research and heightened the excitement about future studies. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank M Young, F Nutter, E Allen, BR Mohan, S Wang, R Beckett, C Paul, M Aulik, and G Koev for making unpublished data available, and S Gray for providing Figure 4 and reviewing the manuscript. This work was funded in part by grants from the USDA Risk Assessment Grants Program no. 94-39210-0531, and USDA National Research Initiative grant no. 94-373030469. This is paper No. J-17193 of the Iowa State University Agricultural and Home Economics Experiment Station Project 3270, and supported by Hatch Act and State of Iowa funds. Visit the Annual Reviews home page at http://www.annurev.org. Literature Cited 1. Baltenberger DE, Ohm HW, Foster JE. 1987. Reactions of oat, barley, and wheat to infection with barley yellow dwarf isolates. Crop Sci. 27:195–98 2. Banks PM, Larkin PJ, Bariana HS, Lagudah ES, Appels R, et al. 1995. The use of cell culture for subchromosomal introgressions of barley yellow dwarf virus resistance from Thinopyrum intermedium to wheat. 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