Document 10778231

College of Health Sciences
Dept. of Health, Nutrition & Exercise Sciences
Volume 5 --- Summer 2008
Keith Handling is Stepping down as UD’s Head Athletic Trainer
President Harker Unveils UD’s Path to Prominence Strategic Plan
UD’s Director of Athletics Edgar
Johnson and Department of
Health, Nutrition & Exercise
Sciences Chair Dr. Susan Hall
have announced re-structuring
plans that involve Keith Handling
stepping down as Head Athletic
Trainer and assuming a 100%
faculty appointment in HNES
where he holds a tenured
associate professor rank. In
addition, John Smith has been appointed UD’s new Head
Athletic Trainer. He along with Joan Couch (Associate
Head Athletic Trainer) will assume duties 100% in
athletics. Both however will continue to teach Practicum
classes in support of the CAATE accredited
undergraduate Athletic Training Education Program.
Keith has served many student-athletes in his tenure in
the athletic training room that spans the course of 35+
years. Keith will continue in his teaching role for the
ATEP and will assume other academic service activities in
support of the program.
University of Delaware President Dr. Patrick T. Harker
unveiled the Path to Prominence: Strategic Plan for the
University of Delaware in May 2008. Six strategic
milestones will advance the University of Delaware on our
path to national and international prominence. Included in
the strategic plan are a number of initiatives that involve
health care and professional preparation programs such
as UD’s ATEP. The ATEP faculty and staff are excited
about these new plans and feel that they will positively
impact both the undergraduate and graduate programs in
athletic training and sports medicine respectively.
Athletic Training alumni are encouraged to stay involved
with the process by visiting the Path to Prominence web
site at
President Harker with ATEP students at a FB game in October
2007. L-R Kelly Stafford, Erica Braun, Sarah Murtagh, Julia
Brandt, President Harker, Ashley Scanlon and Paul Lowry.
Inside this issue:
From the Desk of…
Alumni Spotlight (Darryl Conway – Class
of 1993)
St. Louis Alumni Party Information
Athletic Training 1
News and Notes from
the desk of: Dr. Tom
Kaminski, Director of
Athletic Training
The last three weeks of the 2007-08
school year (my 5th at the helm of UD’s
ATEP) were a whirlwind; culminating last
weekend with Commencement
ceremonies for 12 new ATEP graduates
(four who are already NATABOC
certified!) and 3 new Sports Medicine
graduate students. There never seems
enough hours in a day to get everything
done, but the enjoyment I get from the
everyday challenges as Program
Director still keep me going.
Through the efforts of Dr. Buz Swanik,
the Department of HNES will now have
a graduate concentration in Sports
Medicine effective with the 2008-09
school year. This option will enable ESS
graduate students an opportunity to
pursue specific coursework related to
athletic training and sports medicine.
Many of our 2nd year graduate students
will switch into this option next year,
with our two incoming graduate
students (Alison Kim and Megan O’Neill)
pursuing this option as well. Please
spread the word that UD now has a
graduate program in Sports Medicine
ATEP students have begun benefitting
from two semesters of Rehabilitation
of Athletic Injuries. Special thanks to
John Smith for all his efforts in getting
these classes split into a Fall and Spring
semester. Additionally, student
feedback on the new “General Medical”
rotation has been very favorable.
Currently we have 10 area physician
signed up to mentor our students in
these practice settings.
This summer will mark the first time
students who have worked in the
Athletic Training Research lab and
completed their studies in the
Biomechanics and Movement Science
doctoral program will graduate.
Congratulations to Greg Gutierrez and
Katie (Kolar) Morrison and best of luck
with your future endeavors.
My friends at American Airlines were
not willing to cooperate with me last
June, so I never made it out to
Anaheim, CA for the NATA Annual
Meeting and Symposium. However, Al
Douex and Joan Couch were able to
take care of matters and a fun time was
had by all at our annual UD alumni
gathering. I plan to be in St. Louis this
year and would encourage all of you who
plan on attending to join us on Friday
June 20th from 7:00 – 10:00 pm at the
Morgan Street Brewery for this year’s
alumni social.
Please keep us updated with your
whereabouts and updates on the Alumni
web page link
umni.html. Keep spreading the word
about the ATEP to those you meet and
have an interest in athletic training as a
career. Word of mouth is our best
recruiting tool. Best wishes for a safe
and healthy year!
Dr. K.
News and Notes from
the desk of: Keith
Handling, Head Athletic
I will begin by saying the 2007-2008
academic year has been filled with a lot
of interesting events. Once again the
football team advanced to the National
Championship Game in Division I-AA.
Unfortunately, in a hard fought game
we lost to Appalachian State University.
On a more personal note Linda and I
became grandparents. Our oldest son
Matt and his wife Sue are proud
parents of a son. His name is Jack.
Hopefully, some day he will become a
Blue Hen.
Matt is completing a Sports Medicine
Orthopedic Surgery Fellowship at New
England Baptist Hospital in Boston,
Massachusetts. One of his
responsibilities is to cover the Boston
Celtics home basketball games. By the
time you read this, hopefully they will
NBA Champions. Matt and his family are
moving back to Wilmington in August
and he will be joining First State
Orthopaedics. My wife is retiring from
the Tatnall School after 25 years of
teaching and coaching field hockey and
girl’s lacrosse. She is getting ready to
do some babysitting. With all those
things happening, I have decided to
step down as Head Athletic Trainer and
take on a full-time teaching position in
the Athletic Training Education
Program and newly formed Department
of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology.
This will give me more time to spend
with my wife and grandson. The
Athletic Department Administration
has appointed John Smith, to take my
place as Head Athletic Trainer. John
has worked with me and the football
team for several years. He has a great
deal of experience and will do a great
job. As always, if you have an
opportunity to visit the University of
Delaware, please stop in and visit with
Athletic Training 2
Faculty Spotlight
Al Douex, MS, ATC
BS: California State University, Fresno 1996
MS: University of Florida 1999
Pursuing PhD from University of Delaware
Teaching Responsibilities:
HESC155 – Personal Health Management
HESC210 – Emergency Management of Injuries and Illnesses
HESC220 – Anatomy and Physiology
HESC257 – Athletic Training Practicum I (co-instructor)
HESC310 – Pre-Clinical Anatomy and Physiology (co-instructor)
HESC350 – Basic Concepts of Kinesiology
Professional Activities:
Head Athletic Trainer – UD Men's Ice Hockey Club
Approved Clinical Instructor
One feature of the newsletter is to spotlight a faculty or staff member who is a vital part of the Athletic Training
Education Program. This year we focus on Al Douex. Although somewhat unusual to spotlight a doctoral student, Al has
been an instrumental part of the ATEP over the past 4 years. During his tenure he has worn many hats and is always willing
to support the program in any way that he can. In addition to teaching a variety of classes (Personal Health Management,
Emergency Management of Injuries and Illnesses, Anatomy and Physiology, and Basic Concepts of Kinesiology), Al is also very
involved with the Athletic Training Interest (ATI) weekly in-service program. Fortunate for us, Al was awarded a
University Graduate Scholar Award for the 2008-09 school year, which will enable him to complete his doctoral degree.
Fittingly, the Student Athletic Trainers’ Club @ UD presented Al with its’ annual Service Award at their banquet in
December. THANKS Al for all that you do for the program.
My experience at UD over the last 4 years has been quite a rewarding one. I have had the opportunity to teach multiple
classes in the Department of Health, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences (HNES), specifically to those students majoring in
Athletic Training, Exercise Science, and Fitness and Health Behavior Management, amongst others. UD’s Men’s Ice Hockey
Club team has kept me relatively involved clinically and as an Approved Clinical Instructor. As a senior member of the
Athletic Training Lab and a doctoral student in the Biomechanics and Movement Sciences (BIOMS) program, I have become
absorbed in several research projects, other than my own set of dissertation experiments.
Upon receiving my MS from the University of Florida, I moved to the Mid-Atlantic region where I worked as the Head ATC
and an adjunct faculty member at Cecil Community College (MD). Here, I had the opportunity to build my own athletic
training room from the ground-up as well as work with some top-tier NJCAA programs, such as Men’s Basketball and
Baseball. After 2 years, I assumed a faculty position at West Chester University (PA), where I taught in the ATEP and was
Athletic Training 3
charged with covering Volleyball, Men’s and Women’s Basketball and Baseball. Later, I took a position at Morgan State
University (MD) as an Assistant ATC. In 2004, I was reunited with Dr. Tom Kaminski (a member of my thesis committee at
UF), when I joined the Athletic Training Research Lab in the fall.
I have been funded for the last 4 years on a Teaching Assistantship from HNES. I have been the instructor record for
Personal Health Management, Emergency Management of Injury and Illness, Anatomy and Physiology, and Kinesiology, while I
have co-instructed AT Practicum I and Pre-Clinical Anatomy and Physiology. I have instructed roughly 500-600 students
while in my tenure; I am proud to say that I have loved every minute of it. As a service to the Athletic Training Interest
(Freshmen Observational) program, I have conducted a weekly in-service designed to teach them the ins-and-outs of
athletic training and some fundamental clinical skills. Lastly, in an administrative role, I’ve served on the Athletic Training
Education Steering committee helping in the decision-making regarding the curriculum and reaccreditation. My teaching and
mentoring efforts culminated last winter when I was presented with the Student Athletic Trainers’ Club (SATC) Service
Award. The ATEP students refer to me as “a challenging instructor”; the truth is I only want OUR students to be the best
possible AT students they can be. I am sincerely appreciative for the privilege to be associated with such a strong Athletic
Training Education Program. I am very thankful that I can wake up each day and do what I love and that is to help shape the
minds of young clinicians, to contribute to the future of our field, and to interact with all of them, to share in their
education and clinical joys and sorrows, ups and downs, etc., but most of all watch our students grow as young adults.
Clinically, I have the chance to “keep my feet wet” while working with the UD Men’s Ice Hockey (ACHA) Club team. A native
Californian, working ice hockey was a very novel experience for me. Our team has been very successful over the last 3 years
that I have served as the head ATC, qualifying for the national tournament each year and finishing in the Final Four the last
two years. More importantly, I have had the chance to supervise 3 wonderful students on the ice, who ambitiously
volunteered their time outside of their regular clinical rotations. Props to the team and our students for a continued
success, after all, this is about them, isn’t it?
From a researcher’s standpoint, I have also been very fortunate to have landed at UD. Dr’s. Tom Kaminski and Buz Swanik
command a large contingent of Doctoral and Masters’ level graduate students. We have packed both the sports medicine
and biomechanics laboratories with students and have subsequently packed our research agendas. I have proudly served as
a mentor to several of our graduate and undergraduate research students. My own research interests lie in the areas of
ankle instability and the relationship between neuromuscular fatigue and injury. With a few projects under my belt, I am
hoping to complete my dissertation next year with a ground-breaking study, better linking some of the processes of fatigue
and its predisposing effects on injury. I have presented these results on the national and regional stages over 10 times and
was a doctoral oral award finalist at last year’s NATA Annual Meeting. This year, I won a University Graduate Scholars’
Fellowship for 2008-09 and I hope to continue to push the envelope of functional fatigue research, ultimately in an effort
to help us help the field of athletic training.
Upon graduation, I hope to return home to California to assume a faculty position in an Athletic Training Education Program
and build it to be as robust as UD’s ATEP. Additionally, I hope to continue to pursue my research goal of bridging the gap
between fatigue and unintentional injury. Until then, I will enjoy (and endure) my last year at UD…Go Blue Hens!!!
Hen Droppings:
- Five ATEP students were recognized at a May 11, 2008 ceremony recognizing African-American Students of Distinction.
These students were recognized for having a GPA of 3.3 or higher and include: Rae Everson, Collin Francis, Bryce Gaines,
Renee Lancaster, and Laide Olaogun.
- ATEP junior and standout Field Hockey player Rae Everson was recently elected to serve as the President of UD’s Student
Athlete Advisory Council. Rae represented UD at the annual NCAA National Student-Athlete Development Conference May
25-29 at the Walt Disney Resort in Orlando, FL ---
- Delaware Head Athletic Trainer Keith Handling was recognized on June 6th as the winner of the Ted Quedenfeld Award
for outstanding athletic training service in the greater Philadelphia area by the Philadelphia Sports Medicine Congress.
Athletic Training 4
Student Athletic Trainers’ Club (SATC) News
May 2008 ATEP Seniors at the Senior Breakfast
AT Seniors gather on a chilly day at the SATC end-of-year picnic
Congratulations to our 2008 graduates:
Victoria Bakre (undecided), Katie Blackwell (undecided), Jon Boone (Intern New York Jets), Megan Burger (Disney On Ice Program), Rachel
Groff (PT school – Duke University), Renee Lancaster (Athletic Trainer in Hampton/Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA area), Jessica Mutchler (AT
grad program @ Old Dominion University), Laide Olaogun (Athletic Trainer in New Jersey), Derek Rivera (AT grad program @ Florida
International University), Kelly Stafford (AT grad program @ University of Kentucky), Ginette Torres (AT grad program @ Florida
International University), and Lindsay Tunney (AT grad program @ Florida International University).
SATC Service Award Recipients for the 2007-08 School Year
Al Douex – December 2007
Al Douex shown here with SATC Service Award at the
2007 Holiday Banquet
Brian Catania – May 2008
Brian Catania, ATC, PT serves as a clinical supervisor for ATEP
students at the Christiana Care PT PLUS facility located in Glasgow,
DE. He is pictured here with ATEP students Sarah Murtagh (L) and
Rachel Groff (R).
More Hen Droppings: UD’s nationally ranked doctoral physical therapy program will be moving into the College of Health
Sciences beginning in July 2009. The program had previously been housed in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Several of our graduate students have done collaborative research with many of the PT faculty throughout the years.
- Beginning July 1, 2009 the ATEP will be part of the newly formed Department of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology.
Athletic Training 5
Highlights from various SATC functions during the 2007-08 School Year
Jon Hernandez (2010) poses at the SATC Parent’s Weekend
Get-Together with his mom and brother.
The last crew standing at the SATC May 2008 car wash
fundraiser! From L-R Jessica Miller, Pershae Joyner,
Kelly Stafford, Ricker Adkins, Jon Boone, Juan Correa,
Corey Lopez, and Kathleen Kenney
Steve Feldman given 1st ever SATC Student Service
Award for his efforts with the club!
Karen Hsu, Paul Lowry, Julia Brandt, Sarah
Murtagh and Steve Feldman pose at SATC’s
annual Relay-for-Life event to benefit the
American Cancer Society. This year the
students surpassed their goal of $1500.00!
More Hen Droppings:
- Alumni interested in supporting the Paris Delligatti
(class of 1997) Foundation my do so by contacting Chic
Delligatti @ 516-764-3715.
SATC students volunteered at the Ronald McDonald
House in February as part of their community
service efforts. Here SATC students Rachel Groff,
Collin Francis, Ashley Scanlon, Ricker Adkins,
Heather Heidel, Julia Brandt, Megan Burger and
Steve Feldman pose with Ronald McDonald.
Athletic Training 6
National Athletic Trainers
Association- Certified Athletic
Trainer (certification number079302406)- 1993 to present
National Athletic Trainers’
Association Education Council-
Approved Clinical Instructor
(ACI)- 2003 to present
American Red Cross- CPR/AED
for the Professional Rescuer
Instructor- 1996 to present
State of Maryland Emergency
Medical Technician- Basic
(pending July 2008)
Darryl Conway – UD Class of 1993
Current Positions•
Assistant Athletic DirectorSports Medicine // Director
of Sports Medicine
o University of
Maryland- College Park
(June 2004 to
Athletic Trainer {Volunteer}
o City of Laurel Police
Emergency Response
Team (March 2007 to
Alma Mater•
Adelphi University (1995)Master of Arts- Physical
Education; Certificate in
Sports Management
(1993)Magna Cum Laude
Bachelor of Science- Physical
Education Studies / Athletic
Darryl Conway is in his fourth year
as Maryland’s Assistant Athletic
Director for Sports Medicine /
Director of Sports Medicine. In
this capacity, Conway oversees all
sports medicine and athletic
Terrapins’ 27 varsity athletic
studentathletes, as well as coordinating
Maryland’s In-House and NCAA
Drug Testing programs. Conway is
responsible for a staff of five
Trainers, and twenty student
assistants. Conway also serves as
the Athletic Trainer for the City
of Laurel, MD Police Department in
a volunteer role.
Conway, who has been an athletic
trainer at both the collegiate and
professional levels, came to the
Terrapins in 2004 after serving as
the Head Athletic Trainer at the
University of Central Florida for
three years. At UCF, he was the
Head Athletic Trainer for the
Golden Knight Football Team, while
supervising a staff of thirteen
athletic trainers that provided
athletic training coverage to UCF’s
17 varsity sports.
Conway also
taught many classes within UCF’s
Program and served as a Clinical
Instructor and Field Experience
Supervisor for athletic training
Prior to his position at UCF, Conway
served as the Director of Sports
Medicine at the University of
Northern Iowa, working as the
Head Athletic Trainer for the
basketball programs and teaching in
their Athletic Training Education
Program from 1999 to 2001. He
was the Head Athletic Trainer at
Morgan State University from 1998
to 1999, and was an Assistant
Athletic Trainer and Assistant
Professor at the University of
Delaware from 1996 to 1998. From
1993 to 1996, Conway was an
Assistant Athletic Trainer for the
NFL’s New York Jets Football Club.
Conway earned a Magna Cum Laude
Bachelor’s Degree in Physical
Education Studies and Athletic
Training from the University of
Delaware in 1993, before receiving
a Master’s Degree in Physical
Education and a Certificate in
Sports Management from Adelphi
University in 1995.
presentations on various sports
medicine topics and has coauthored
publications and book chapters. He
has been a member of the National
Athletic Trainers’ Association since
1989 and has served on various
professional committees in that
time, and currently serves as an
Advisory Board Member of the
Conway and his wife of seven years,
Tracy, have one son, Michael (5),
and reside in Laurel, MD.
Athletic Training 7
Memorable UD Moments•
Coming back to UD as a staff
member/instructor and
influencing younger students
Winning back-to-back
conference championships as a
student athletic trainer for
the Men’s Basketball Team
(1992 and 1993) and going to
the NCAA Tournament those
Traveling with the Men’s
Basketball Team to Japan in
1992 as a student athletic
Traveling with the football
team in the Athletic Training
Room Suburban to various
Being a member of the UD
Cadaver Anatomy with Dr.
Hanging out in Sports Medicine
with Mary
Organizing a Sports Auction to
raise money & Directing a camp
for high school students
interested in athletic training
UD Role Models•
Tony Decker
Mike “Coach” King
Mary Zagar
If you would like, you may now target your gift to UD to be sent directly to the “Athletic Training Education Program” gift account (code#:
HNES412112). Those athletic training alums that wish to do so may send the check to the University of Delaware - Office of University
Development or visit the “Campaign for Delaware” web site at and enter your
pledge amount using the “Other Designation” category.
Athletic Training Student News and Notes
Twenty two Athletic Training Interest (ATI) students are vying for a spot in the ATEP. The ATI students
spent the year honing their skills and taking classes to prepare them for the rigors of the academic/clinical
program. Interviews were held on May 22, 2008 and the students will be notified after the selection meeting
on June 12th.
Courtney Butterworth (2003) returned to UD this
year as an athletic trainer with the UD athletics.
Her primary responsibility is with the women’s
basketball team. Congrats to Courtney!
UD ATEP and Study-Abroad Program
UD’s ATEP is proud to be included among the many UD students who spend the Winter/Summer Session in the
acclaimed Study Abroad program. The 2008 program saw involvement from Victoria Bakre – China, Katie
Blackwell – Australia, Megan Burger – Australia, Christi Gilsdorf – Australia, Rachel Groff – Italy, Christina
Saadeh – Costa Rica, and Lindsay Tunney – Australia.
UD’s ATEP Pipeline to NFL Internships Continues
UD’s ATEP is proud to claim that they will have four students working NFL camps this summer as athletic
training interns. They include junior Bryce Gaines (2nd season with the San Francisco Forty Niners), and
Sophomores Steve Feldman (Seattle Seahawks), Collin Francis (San Diego Chargers), and Jon Hernandez
(Carolina Panthers). Nice work guys!
Athletic Training 8
ATEP Student Honored at the 2008 CHS Convocation Ceremony
Congratulations to the following AT students who were selected for Department of Health, Nutrition &
Exercise Sciences awards and who were recognized at the College of Health Sciences Honors Day ceremony on
Friday May 9, 2008 @ 2:30 pm in the Trabant University Center Theatre:
L-R: Rae Everson, Jon Boone, Kelly
Stafford, Christina Saadeh, Meredith
Link, Derek Rivera, Steve Feldman, and
Dr. Kaminski.
ATEP Sophomore Liza McHugh (2010) was selected as a UD Science and Engineering Scholar and
will spend the summer working as a research assistant in the Athletic Training Research Lab.
- A steady rain on graduation day forced the ATEP graduates into the training room for pictures. Here is a
photo taken of the graduates with Joan Couch, Keith Handling, and Dr. Kaminski shortly after the ceremony
concluded in the BCC on Saturday May 31, 2008 and another with the seniors anxiously awaiting the procession!
- ATEP Junior Sarah Murtagh held several leadership roles this past year including serving as the ATEP
Student Representative to the Department of HNES Undergraduate Studies Committee and Team Recruitment
Chairperson for UD’s Relay-for-Life program.
Athletic Training 9
The Morgan Street Brewery
Located in the Laclede’s Landing section of St. Louis
721 North Second Street
St. Louis, MO 63102
WHEN: Friday June 20, 2008
TIME: 7pm-10pm
Sponsored by: The Delaware Athletic Trainers’ Association (DATA),
Delaware Orthopedic Center, Isokinetic International, and 3B
Orthopaedics, P.C.
Athletic Training
Athletic Training
Athletic Training
Athletic Training
Joint Replacement
Rollover Our Doctors To Select
Robert E. Booth, Jr., M.D.
Arthur R. Bartolozzi, M.D.
David G. Nazarian, M.D.
Jess H. Lonner, MD
Joseph A. Abboud, MD
Carl Deirmengian, MD
Hari P. Bezwada, M.D.
Sports Medicine
Arthur R. Bartolozzi, M.D.
Joseph A. Abboud, MD
Richard A. Balderston, M.D.
Philip M. Maurer, M.D.
Scott A. Rushton, M.D.
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