University of Delaware Athletic Training Alumni Newsletter College of Health Sciences

University of Delaware
Athletic Training Alumni Newsletter
Volume 9– Summer 2012
College of Health Sciences
Department of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology
UD Alum Jeff Cooper to be Inducted into NATA Hall of Fame
The following was excerpted from the May 2012 edition of the NATA News
Inside this issue:
From the Desk of…
Alumni Spotlight
Hen Droppings
New and Notes from the
desk of: Dr. Tom Kaminski,
Director of Athletic Training
The 2011-12 school year began with us
welcoming 16 new AT students into
the sophomore class, as well as 5 new
graduate students. It was an exciting
year to say the least and I’m always
amazed at how quickly the year passes
by. Needless to say I was worn out
following graduation week as it felt I
was on a month-long whirlwind with
our senior class. Between the senior
slide show, senior night out, senior
breakfast, SATC end-of-year picnic, and
graduation week festivities, I barely
had time to breathe! Nonetheless, I
was proud to welcome the 18 graduates into our UD ATEP Alumni network
on May 26th! The Class of 2012 was
special indeed as was the 1st time in
my 25+ years as an athletic training
educator all students passed the NATA
BOC exam on the 1st try! Remarkable
accomplishment indeed!
Beginning with this the 9th Edition of
the UD ATEP Alumni Newsletter, I have
decided to provide a greater emphasis
and focus on you the ALUMNI!! I encourage all of you throughout the year
to send me bits and pieces (“hen droppings”) of your coming and goings,
including that happening in your own
personal life (babies, weddings, etc…).
I am not a Facebook or Twitter user so
old-fashioned e-mail works best with
I want to send out my personal congratulations to Mr. Jeff Cooper on being selected for induction into the NATA’s Hall of Fame Class of 2012. Many
of you know that Jeff had an illustrious
career as head athletic trainer for the
Philadelphia Phillies. Jeff joins Doc
Rylander, Joe Godek, and Bill Prentice
as proud Blue Hens in the hall!
Speaking of UD ATEP Alums, UD Athletics welcomed Mr. Jon Boone (2008)
to their staff in the Fall 2012. Jon’s
primary responsibility has been working with UD’s Men’s Basketball team.
Interestingly, Jon will be spotlighted in
the 2012 edition of UD’s “Southern
Delaware” magazine—
sodelaware.html Jon is a Delawarean
hailing from Milford, DE. Jon has established himself as an excellent clinician and role model/mentor for the
students in the ATEP. Welcome Home
UD’s ATEP received some good news
this past Spring as it was announced
that our accrediting agency CAATE
(Commission on the Accreditation of
Athletic Training Education) has extended our accreditation 3 more years
until the 2016-17 school year. This
translates into 10 years of accreditation since our last site visit. This is a
strong testament to the high quality
standards our program has in place
and speaks volumes to the expertise of
our educational and clinical faculty/
staff. Additionally, we have top notch
students who work so hard to achieve
academic and clinical success. Success
by our alumni practicing as qualified
health care professionals is also a positive reflection on the quality of UD’s
ATEP. Nice work to all for helping us
achieve this lofty standard of quality
achievement and success!
We continue in our pursuit for a dedicated Athletic Training Teaching Lab
and are optimistic that this will happen in the next few years. UD recently
announced plans for the College of
Health Sciences to become the first on
the new Science, Technology and Advanced Research (STAR) campus on
the site of the old Chrysler headquarters. Renovations are set to begin
soon. Although plans do not call for
the ATEP to be part of Phase I relocation efforts, we are optimistic that we
will gain some space in the 2nd floor
of the Human Performance Lab currently being occupied by the Biomechanics Laboratory. Remaining close
to our colleagues in athletics and our
academic classrooms on this side of
the street is an important benefit to
our program at this point in time.
Stay tuned as plans continue to unfold.
Hard to believe that I am set to begin
my 10th year here at UD. Seems like
just yesterday my first graduating class
(Class of 2004) finished up! Please
send your alumni updates to —
alumni_news.html Please feel free to
e-mail or call me at any time with suggestions/feedback/comments, etc We
are all in this together! Hope to see
you in St. Louis on June 27th at the UD
ATEP Alumni Party! Go Hens!
Dr. K.
PS — Please be sure to support our
Newsletter sponsors!
New and Notes from the
desk of: John Smith, Head
Athletic Trainer
Hello to all ATEP Alumni, Family, and
Friends. I hope all of you had a great
year and are ready for summer. I am
pleased to report that the athletic
training curriculum combined with
clinical experiences in the athletic
training rooms is providing success for
our students at unprecedented levels.
We continue to strive to provide clinical experiences that make the Athletic
Training Education Program standout
as one of the best in the country.
Over the past year one significant
change to note is that the Bob Carpenter Center addition is complete. This is
a much needed facility that will serve
the basketball and volleyball teams.
We have also made many positive aesthetic updates to the BCC & DFH athletic facilities. This past year many of
our athletic teams had great success:
Men’s Soccer, Volleyball and Women’s
Basketball teams reached the 2nd
round of their NCAA Tournaments and
as a result our athletic training students were able to gain valuable experience and lifelong memories as part of
these teams.
Staff Updates…
Rachel Schlachet & Jon Boone joined
the Athletic Training Staff this past
year. Rachel comes to us from Colorado, and most recently from the Women’s National Basketball Development
League (NBDL). Rachel provided care
this year to the Women’s Basketball
team and out of season sport teams.
Jon Boone is originally from Milford
DE, and joined us following completion
of his Master’s Degree from the University of Kentucky. Jon is a 2008
University of Delaware graduate of the
Athletic Training Education Program.
Dan Tocci and Christina Shields completed their respective Master’s degrees this spring. Congratulations to
both of them on a job well done. Dan
and Christina are both seeking employment in the college/university
Congratulations to Jen Halterman. Jen
was accepted into the Occupational
Therapy Program at the University of
Pittsburgh. Jen completed her Master’s degree in 2011, but continued as
a staff intern this past year n order to
obtain pre-requisites courses for O.T.
School. Best of Luck to Jen!
Joan, Dan, Courtney, Rachel and Jon
send along their best wishes to all
alumni and friends of U.D. Athletic
Congratulations to the ATEP class of
2012! Eighteen students strong, this
class was successful in the athletic
training room and in the classroom
and all eighteen on passed the NATA
exam. I want to acknowledge each of
you for your hard work and dedication
the last three years. Best of luck in
your future endeavors.
Oct. 20th: University of Delaware vs.
Rhode Island is the annual Homecoming Game. If you are in town, please
stop in and say “hello”. It’s always a
great day and a pleasure to see past
Follow UD Athletics on-line at—
Next year we will welcome five (5)
new graduate assistants:
Shawn Hanlon-Rowan University
Sean Stryker-Penn State University
Kelly McGuire- University of Connecticut
Andrew Waer-West Chester University
Kelsey Shonk-Mount Union University
Dan and Minda Watson adopted Jude
Daniel on June 28, 2011. Jude wears
the Blue & Gold with pride.
Keith Handling is the proud grandfather of three (3). He continues to
teach in the ATEP Curriculum and offer
valuable insight and wisdom to the
Athletic Training Staff.
Thinking about giving to the University of Delaware Annual Fund
Campaign? Designate your gift
to the UD ATEP Gift account by
using the code HNES412112.
Through the generosity of caring
alumni and friends the ATEP is
able to purchase capital equipment to be used in support of
the educational mission of the
Evaluation of Upper/Lower Extremity lectures. During
Faculty Spotlight:
my first 2 years here, I was a member of a cadre of 46 graduate students who taught the lab component
Alan Needle, MS, ATC
of this under Laura (Miller) McDonald’s guidance for 1
-2 days per month. I had the opportunity in my third
year to step into the role of head TA for this lab. But
finally, as of Fall 2010, the lab has branched off into
its own weekly lab that allows our sophomores to
apply what they learn in lecture on a more regular
Another year has come and gone in the AT Education
basis, and for an evaluation process that is more qual-
Program. The last five years passed so quickly and I
itative. What thrills me the most about this lab is the
feel privileged to be involved with our undergraduate
constant evolution I’ve been a part of, from incorpo-
and graduate education programs. I have truly been
rating senior students as teaching assistants to tweak-
in awe realizing how much time has passed since my
ing the evaluation process based on feedback from
arrival here, but this pales in comparison to my
our clinical instructors.
amazement of how much has been accomplished by
Aside from my involvement with the undergraduate
our undergraduate and graduate students. The next
AT education program, I cannot recap on the past
year should ideally be my last here at UD as I com-
several years without addressing the growth and pro-
plete my dissertation project and begin to move on to
gress among our AT Research Lab and graduate pro-
the next stage in my career.
gram in Sports Medicine. Over the past 3 years, my
Throughout my time here, I have played many differ-
role in the day-to-day operations in the lab has grown
ent roles. I began serving as the first Graduate Assis-
exponentially. Aside from my own research, which is
tant Athletic Trainer at Delaware State University for
collaborating with labs from the Departments of
2 years, a position I am glad we have continued to
Physical Therapy and Mechanical Engineering, as well
cultivate as an opportunity for a member of our grad-
as through the University of Paderborn in Germany to
uate program each year. I proceeded to a Graduate
investigate changes in the nervous system in those
Assistantship with UD’s volleyball and swimming
with repeated ankle sprains; I have been fortunate
teams for 2 years. Even though I no longer work with
enough to supervise several graduate and undergrad-
athletic teams at the collegiate level, I’ve still been
uate researchers in projects ranging from alterations
offered the opportunity to practice clinically among
in knee stiffness to the effect of Kinesio® tape on mul-
local high schools, as well as internationally in Israel &
tiple biomechanical factors.
Brazil through Maccabi USA. During this time, I have
So as one year wraps up with another right around
had the opportunity to instruct our undergraduate
the corner, I am excited and grateful to continue my
students, both clinically and in the classroom, teach-
involvement with this program. It’s hard to believe
ing KAAP305 (Fundamentals of Sports Health Care),
how many different students I’ve worked with in my
and KAAP488/489 (Evaluation of Upper & Lower Ex-
time here, and I cannot wait to see what waits around
tremity Injury Lab).
the corner for next year.
Of my teaching endeavors, the class of which I am
most proud has been the evolution of the
KAAP488/489 – a laboratory component to Dr. K’s
The fall of 1972 was my freshman year at the Univer-
Alumni Spotlight:
sity of Delaware and the main athletic training room
was located in the Fieldhouse. It was approximately ½
John Knarr MS, PT, ATC
of its current size and “The Big Bob” was an athletic
field used for the freshman football program. C. Roy
“Doc” Rylander was the Head Athletic Trainer and
Keith Handling was in his first year as his only Assistant Athletic Trainer. There were a total of 3 student
trainers for the entire athletic department in my first
year and the training room handled all sports or at
least attempted to do so. The training room wasn’t
John Knarr a 1977 graduate from the Athletic Training
set up to be co-ed so any females that wanted to
Education Program and one of the first from UD’s ini-
work as a student ATC or for that matter a female
tial accredited program. This past November (2011)
student athlete that needed services in the training
John was one of eight UD alumni receiving the pres-
room had to go to the front office secretary and
tigious Presidential Citation—
phone back to the training room for an escort down
the hallway…..its come a long way. Doc had a few
The following was excerpted from the brochure hon-
preseason and game day assistants one of which was
oring John “John Knarr, who received a bachelor’s
Edgar Johnson our former Athletic Director. Needless
degree in physical education in 1977, a master’s in
to say we made it fun and learned a great deal along
physical education in 1981 and a bachelor’s degree in
the way. Long days and low to no pay were a norm
physical therapy in 1990, is owner and physical thera-
but we did get to pose with the football team for the
pist with Elite Physical Therapy in Rehoboth Beach,
program picture as well as free hotdogs at halftime of
Del. Knarr also was founding director of the UD Physi-
the games. My junior year was when the curriculum
cal Therapy clinic.
was approved by the NATA and I was one of the first
students to graduate from both the curriculum as
Besides providing many fond memories, Knarr said
well as attain enough hours (2000) to pass the ap-
UD prepared him with a good foundation for career
prenticeship route and sit for the exam.
The annual district 1 & 2 meetings were held in New
“The interactions with faculty and staff, both as a stu-
York State at Grossinger’s resort. It has since closed
dent and later as a professional, were very helpful in
and District 1 & 2 had outgrown the facility anyway.
guiding my career and helping me set personal and
professional goals,” Knarr said. “The blending of all
I was fortunate to work in that scenario as it provided
these has created a successful journey for me.”
a great deal of practical experience under some very
knowledgeable Athletic Trainers. I feel that this was a
John has also been featured as a distinguished alum-
great foundation for my career as it provided me a
na from UD’s highly acclaimed PT program—http://
wealth of knowledge about the field of sports medi-
cine and caring for injuries.
I have fond memories of all the friendships and life
Here John shares a few comments about his days as
experiences I have encountered through the UD Ath-
an athletic training students at UD:
letic Training room and sports programs.
ATEP News:
Senior AT student Maggie Griebert was one of 35
UD students to graduate with highest honors on
May 26th. Her project was titled “ LOWER-LEG
STRESS SYNDROME” Maggie is shown here presenting her poster at the CBER Research Day on
April 24th.
2012 ATEP Awards Winners Announced:
Dr. Julie Moyer-Knowles Award
Jessica Bonnett
Dr. C. Roy Rylander Outstanding Senior Athletic
Training Student Award
Kiefer Gooch
Paris Delligatti Memorial Scholarship Fund
Regan Jones
Jillian Seamon
Leigh Waters
SATC Student Service Award
SATC members coordinated efforts to secure the
McDowell Hall display case to promote Athletic
Training Month. Pictured below (l to r) are SATC
Officers Jillian Seamon, Maggie Griebert, Kim
Hume, John Taggart, and Regan Jones
Kim Hume
Lee J. Hyncik Athletic Trainer Achievement
Deanna Lapp
Sarah Neal
Casey Niemela
The Catania Family Athletic Training Academic
Achievement Award
Casey Niemela
Keith Handling Scholarship Award
AT juniors students (pictured
here L-R) Kate
Leigh Waters,
Deanna Lapp,
and Casey Niemela) accompanied DATA president Dan Watson and president-elect John
Smith to the
2012 NATA sponsored “Hit the Hill” Day. The students had an opportunity to meet with DE leaders.
Jillian Seamon
Junior Athletic Training students awarded state
and national scholarship awards:
DATA Scholarship:
Alissa Claiser & Jillian Seamon
ATEP News:
UD ATEP hosted several student groups during the 2011-12
school year including a group from Conrad School of Science chaperoned by UD ATEP alums Ms. Maureen Olejar
and Ms. Renee Allen (shown below)
ATEP seniors enjoy a senior nite out visit to Grotto’s. Somehow they convinced Dr. K. to stroll with them a bit longer than usual!
and a group from the Tower Hill School chaperoned by UD
ATEP Alum Ms. Chris Morrow (shown below)
Arguably the best ever class from an overall GPA standpoint, UD’s ATEP graduated 18
students on Saturday May 26, 2012. Congrats to this group of senors who for the first
time ever had a 100% pass rate on the 1st try of the NATA exam. A new tradition began
this year in that all graduating seniors received a UD ATEP yellow graduation stole that
accented their cap and gown ensemble. Pictured here (L-R) bottom row: Alissa Claiser,
Jillian Seamon, Katie Powers, Carolina Merchen, Brittany Van Sickle, Middle Row: Maggie
Griebert, Amanda Detrich, Kim Leonard, Kim Hume. Top row: Dr. K, John Taggart, Chrissy
Beckman, Kiefer Gooch, Regan Jones, Terry McHugh, Harrison Grube, Evan Jay.
As tradition, SATC honors the graduating ATEP seniors with
a cake at the annual SATC End-of-the-Year Picnic. This
year’s event finally took place in very good weather. The
seniors and juniors also prevailed in our annual kickball
Here is a list of the graduating seniors and their future plans:
Chrissy Beckman — ATI Physical Therapy /Old Mill Senior HS (MD)
Alissa Claiser— graduate school/GA position @ University of Arkansas
Amanda Detrich —PT school @ UMDNJ
CeCe Fedele —graduate school/GA position @ Drexel University
Kiefer Gooch—PT school University of Delaware
Maggie Griebert—employed as an athletic trainer/PT aide CCHS
Harrison Grube —intern Seattle Seahawks of the NFL/ begins part-time AT position with
Pencader Charter School Fall 2012.
Laurel Hellhake—graduate school/GA position @ the College of Charleston (SC)
Kim Hume — children outreach service work @ the J. Austin White Cultural Center
Evan Jay — medical school
Regan Jones—graduate school/GA position @ Louisiana State University (LSU)
Kim Leonard — graduate school/GA position @ Iowa State University
Terry McHugh — PT school University of Delaware
Carolina Merchen — athletic training intern @ University of Illinois (Chicago)
Katie Powers — PT school University of New England
Jillian Seamon —graduate school/GA position @ University of Georgia
John Taggart —graduate school/GA position @ Old Dominion University (ODU)
Brittany Van Sickle —graduate school @ Univ. of Delaware—Behavioral Health
Research Update:
The “Research Update” column will spotlight the research taking place at UD in both our undergraduate and graduate programs. The Athletic Training Research Lab is located in Room
160 of the Human Performance Laboratory and is home to a
cadre of undergraduate and graduate student researchers.
The lab’s primary focus is on ankle instability, sport-related
concussions, and lower extremity biomechanics and athletic
Needle, A.R., Swanik, C.B., Farquhar, W.B., Kaminski, T.W., &
Rose, W. Resting Muscle Spindle Activity Correlates with Ankle Stiffness. Journal of Athletic Training (Supplement) 46 (3),
S-183, 2011.
Kaminski, T.W., Gustavsen, G., Liu, K., Naguib, S., & Glutting,
J.J. Time to Peak Torque Analysis in Intercollegiate Athletes
with Self-Reported Ankle Instability. . Medicine and Science
in Sports and Exercise, 43 (5), S-342-343, 2011.
Gutierrez, G.M., Knight, C.A., Swanik, C.B., Royer, T., Caulfield,
B, & Kaminski, T.W. Examining Neuromuscular Control During
Landings on a Supinating Platform in Persons With and Without Ankle Instability. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 40
(1):193-201, 2012.
Dr. Kaminski travelled to Ghent, Belgium May 14-16, 2012 to
participate in the 3rd
World Conference
on Science and Soccer. He presented a
paper titled
“Examining Concussion-Related Symptoms in a Group of
Collegiate Female
Soccer Players Following an Acute
Bout of Purposeful Heading.”
Thomas, S.J., Swanik, C.B., Kaminski, T.W., Higginson, J.S.,
Swanik, K.A., Bartolozzi, A.R., & Nazarian, L.N. Humeral Retroversion and Its Association with Posterior Capsule Thickness in
Collegiate Baseball Players. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow
Surgery. 2011 Aug 17. [Epub ahead of print]
Dr. Buz Swanik has been selected for fellowship status in the
National Athletic Trainers’ Association (FNATA). He will be
recognized in a ceremony at the NATA’s Annual Meeting and
Clinical Symposia in June 2012.
Listed below are research activities including honors, conferences attended, journal publications, poster and podium
presentation by UD faculty/staff/students:
Thomas, S.J., Swanik, C.B., Higginson, J.S., Kaminski, T.W.,
Swanik, K.A., Bartolozzi, A.R., & Nazarian, L.N. A Bilateral Comparison of Posterior Capsule Thickness and its Correlation with
Glenohumeral Range of Motion and Scapular Upward Rotation
in Collegiate Baseball Players. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow
Surgery. 20(5),708-16, 2011.
Liu, K., Naguib, S.A., Gustavsen, G. & Kaminski, T.W. Plantar
Flexion and Inversion Strength Deficits Revealed in Previously
Sprained Ankles. Journal of Athletic Training (Supplement) 46
(3), S-13, 2011
Thomas, S.J., Swanik, C.B., Kaminski, T.W., Swanik, K.A., Higginson, J.S., Nazarian, L.N., & Bartolozzi, A.R. Humeral Retroversion and Its Association with Posterior Capsule Thickness in
Collegiate Baseball Players. Journal of Athletic Training
(Supplement) 46 (3), S-27, 2011.
BIOMS doctoral student Kathy Liu was selected as a recipient
of the Biomechanics Interest Group (BIG) travel award. Kathy
was honored at the ACSM Annual Meeting May 30—June 2,
2012 in San Francisco, CA.
O’Neill M., Needle, A.R., Swanik, C.B., Jaric, S., Glutting, J.J. &
Kaminski, T.W. The Effects of Fatigue and Gender on Reach
Scores in High School Athletes. Journal of Athletic Training
(Supplement) 46 (3), S-72, 2011.
Miller, H.E., Needle, A.R., Swanik, C.B., Gustavsen, G. & Kaminski, T.W. The Effect of External Prophylactic Support on Ankle
Laxity in Healthy, Unstable, and Previously Sprained Ankles
Following Activity. Journal of Athletic Training (Supplement)
46 (3), S-111, 2011.
Dr. Kaminski has partnered with UnderArmour to perform
research on a new football cleat called the “Brawler” - http://
20cleats| Several student-athletes from UD’s football, lacrosse, and rugby teams participated in the project.
Fayson, S.D., Needle, A.R. & Kaminski, T.W. The Effects of
Kathy Liu is a finalist for 2012 NATA Free Communication
Ankle Kinesio Taping® on Ankle Stiffness and Dynamic Balance.
Doctoral Student Award in St. Louis.
Journal of Athletic Training (Supplement) 46 (3), S-114, 2011.
[NATAREF Undergraduate Student Award Finalist 2011]
Research Update:
UD Sports Medicine graduate students completing their master’s degree requirements this past Spring 2012 semester
included Christina Shields and Dan Tocci. Each student presented their research finding during a final thesis defense.
Here are the pictures with their committee members following their defense dates:
Moffit, D.M., Swanik, C.B. (2011) The association between
athleticism, prenatal testosterone, and finger length. J
Strength and Conditioning Res., April, 25(4):1085-1088
Swanik, K..A., Huxel, K..C., Swanik, C.B. (2011) Rotator Cuff
Muscle Recruitment Strategies during Shoulder Rehabilitation
Exercises, Journal of Sports Rehabilitation Nov; 20(4):471-86.
Christina Shields successfully defended her thesis on Friday
May 4, 2012. The title of her thesis was " THE EFFECTS OF
her committee members (L-R) Dr. Rose, Dr. Swanik, and Dr.
DiSanto, T.J., Swanik, C.B., Swanik, K.A., & Straub, S.J. (2011)
Concurrent Validity of the Anterior Drawer Test and an Arthrometer in Evaluating Ankle Laxity. Athletic Training &
Sports Health Care. Jan;. 3(1): 15-20.
Kim, A.S., Swanik, C.B., Higginson, C., Thomas, S.J. (2011) A
Gender Comparison Of Reactive Knee Stiffening Strategies
Under Cognitive Loads National Athletic Trainers’ Association
Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposia, 46(4), suppl.
Winters, J.D., Kumar, D., Swanik, C.B., Rudolph, K.S. (2011)
Rate of Muscle Force Development and Instability in Knee Osteoarthritis American College of Sports Medicine Annual
Meeting, Med Sci Sports & Exer 2011 - Volume 43 - Issue 5 - p
Needle, A.R., Swanik, C.B. (Jan 2011) Force Sense & Reactive
Stiffening in Patients with Unstable Ankles & Potential Copers
Eastern Athletic Trainers Association, Boston MA.
Dan Tocci successfully defended his thesis on Monday May 7,
2012. The title of his thesis was "The Effect of Eccentric Exercise on the Optimum Length of Hamstrings in Collegiate Athletes" Dan is pictured here with his committee members (LR): Dr. Swanik, Dr. Kaminski and Dr. Knight.
Swanik, C.B., Needle, A.R. (2011, May) Ankle Copers Demonstrate Increased Anterior Stiffness compared to Healthy and
Unstable Ankles National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual
Meeting and Clinical Symposia, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Needle, A.R., Swanik, C.B., Kesar, T., Palmer, J.A. (2011, Dec)
Corticospinal Excitability of Peroneus Longus is Correlated with
Ankle Laxity. Delaware Society for Neuroscience, Newark, DE.
Funded Research Grants
$10,000 Funded: University of Paderborn, Baumeister, J.,
Swanik, C.B. (Jan 2012) Detection of Changes in Afferent
Muscle Spindle Traffic and Somatosensory Cortex Activity Due
to Anterior Loading of Ankles.
$11,155,777 Funded: National Institutes of Health [RR-05002] PI: Buchanan, TS. (2006-2011, August) Competitive Continuation of Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence
(COBRE) Osteoarthritis: Prevention and Treatment, Project #5
Knee Stiffness, Proprioception and Instability affect Knee
Control in OA PI: Rudolph, K, Resiman, D., Swanik, C.B.
Dr. Kathy Liu received her doctoral degree from the Biomechanics and Movement Science (BIOMS) program during a
hooding ceremony on Friday May 25, 2012. She is pictured
here with Dr. Kaminski her doctoral advisor.
New Sports Medicine Graduate Students Fall 2012
Shawn Hanlon (Rowan University), Molly Johnson (Penn State Univ.), Kelly
McGuire (Univ. of Connecticut), Alex Salinas (Grand Valley State Univ.), Kelsey
Shonk (Mount Union College), Sean Stryker (Penn State Univ.), Andrew Waer
(West Chester University)
New BIOMS Doctoral Students Fall 2012
Jaclyn Caccese (Penn), Andrea DiTrani (Arizona School of Health Sciences), and
Aaron Struminger (UNC-Chapel Hill)
Student Athletic Trainers’ Club
The 2011-12 SATC officers included Kiefer Gooch (president), John
Taggart (VP), Kim Hume (treasurer), Maggie Griebert (secretary),
Jillian Seamon (historian), and Regan Jones (social chair). Here is a
list of the variety of social, philanthropic, and community services
projects SATC was involved in this year:
SATC Officers presented this year’s SATC Service Award to UD Staff Athletic
Trainer Dan Watson. Dan is shown here with SATC officers (L-R) Regan
Jones, Kiefer Gooch, Maggie Griebert, Jillian Seamon, John Taggart, and
Kim Hume.
DE Special Olympics
Relay for Life
Car Wash
Holiday banquet
Fun Semi-Formal @ Timothy’s
DE Adopt-a-Family Service Award
SATC’s time honored tradition of the spring semester Car Wash continued
again this year at the Beeson Funeral Home. The club washed a record
number of cars and took in over $700.00 for the club’s coffers!
DIAA Wrestling Tournament
Grotto’s Pizza Fundraiser
SATC End-of-Year Picnic
DATA 5k Run *
The 2nd Annual DATA 5k Run was another huge success. The
event was held on Sunday May 6, 2012 on the UD campus. Here is
a group photo from the event:
SATC participated in UD’s annual Relay-for-Life event to benefit the American Cancer Society and were recognized as being a Top 3 team for their
fund-raising efforts!
SATC established their own Google web site this year as a clearinghouse for all of their images and activities. Check it out at—
Here are some images taken throughout the year of various SATC
events: udstudentathletictrainersclub/home
Hen Droppings
Jon Boone (2008) returned to his alma mater
this year and now serves as the athletic trainer
for UD’s men’s basketball team. Southern
Delaware Magazine is doing a story on Jon’s
travels some of which is excerpted here:
“Boone, who grew up in Milford, Del., had
spent the first year after graduation with the
NFL’s New York Jets and the next two working
on a master’s degree at the University of Kentucky. After three years away, he was happy to get the call to come
back to UD.
Congrats to Greg Gutierrez
(BIOMS 2009) and his wife
Christy gave birth to their first
child Natalie Elizabeth
Gutierrez on 4/24/12.
Boone’s new position with UD’s men’s basketball team brought him
a bit more excitement than he expected—the Hens finished fifth in
the CAA regular season standings while posting their highest win
total in more than a decade.
“It was an absolutely awesome season for both the men and the
women,” Boone says. “I feel very fortunate to have been a part of
But Boone’s return to Delaware was about more than just being
part of a winning basketball season.
“I learned so much in New York and Kentucky that I can now share
with the students here at UD,” he says. “At Kentucky, I worked with
the football team, and in the SEC there are no easy games on the
schedule. Head athletic trainer Jim Madaleno knows how to get
guys back on the field, which is an important lesson no matter what
sport you’re working in.”
Boone is finding it interesting to be on “the other side of the fence”
at UD.
“When you’re a student,” he says, “you don’t realize the work the
staff and faculty put in to making a great program but rather complain about the rigors of the program and coursework associated
with it. Now that I’m involved in meetings with the same people, I
see how much work goes into making this a top-notch program.
They kick your butt here, but you come out prepared for just about
UD AT graduate Mandy Merritt (Class of 2001) is currently
serving as Head Athletic Trainer for the Men's Lacrosse team
at Notre Dame and was recently featured in a video of the
triple overtime win against the University of Denver --- check
out the video clip here
UD ATEP graduate Chelise Strickland (Class of 2011) - PhysioTherapy Associates recently renewed its contract with Cecil
County Public Schools, and I will continue on as the Head AT
for Elkton High School for 2012-2013.
UD ATEP alums Meagan Maguire
(Univ. of Utah) and Kathleen Kenney
(Drexel Univ.) got together on opposite sides of the softball fields when
there teams played this spring
UD ATEP alums seem to have the Southeastern Conference (SEC)
covered. Recent graduate assistant athletic trainers from UD can be
seen roaming the sidelines for SEC teams Alabama, Arkansas, LSU,
Georgia, and Kentucky.
Rumor has it that the following ATEP alums are engaged to
be married: Andrew Balick (07’), Alison Ingalsbe (06’), Kirstin
Notorfrancesco (07’), and Ginette Torres (08’).
Hen Droppings
Dr. Kaminski attended the 9th Annual Paris Delligatti Foundation
Golf Classic on Monday June 18, 2012. This is the first time in the
history of the event that UD’s ATEP has been represented. The
event continues as the cornerstone of the foundation’s activities in
support of the Paris Delligatti Memorial Scholarship Fund given
annually to deserving ATEP students. Check out the YouTube video
created by this year’s recipients—
Many thanks to the alumni and friends of UD ATEP who took
time to view the YouTube video our students put together as
part of the NATA’s campaign to promote Athletic Training— Although
we did not win the competition, the true Blue Hen spirit
came through loud and clear!
Last year’s (2011)
graduation ceremony
was supposed to recognize UD ATEP student Christina Saadeh
(Class of 2011) as being one of 3 students
to achieve a perfect
4.0 GPA, instead a fact
-checking glitch on the
part of the Registrar’s
Office did not include
her. We however
with persistent and
relentless in our efforts to get her the recognition she deserved and thus her name is now among those saluted for
their achievements in UD’s Hullihen Hall.
Here are some other photos taken at the event:
Dr. K. was teamed with
Greg, Lou, and Tom for the
4 man “Texas Scramble”
golf format @ Oyster Bay
Golf Course.
Pictured L-R:
Kathy Delligatti,
Sue Kaminski,
Adam Kaminski,
Dr. K., and Chic
1998 UD ATEP graduate Amy Blansfield was honored with the
Henry Schein/Micro Bio Medics Award at the EATA Annual
Meeting in Boston, MA January 2012. Amy serves as the
head athletic trainer @ Polytech HS in Dover, DE. She is pictured here with Mary Mundrane –Zwiecher (right).
Hen Droppings
UD ATEP alum Bernadette Olson
(1988) was recognized by the Board
of Certification (BOC) at its’ annual
recognition ceremony in June 2011
as the Dan Libera Award recipient.
The BOC Dan Libera Service Award
was established in 1995 in recognition of Dan’s contributions to the
BOC certification program. The
award recognizes individuals who
have shown dedication to the mission of the BOC. Long-standing contributions to the BOC’s programs are the primary criteria for the
award.. Congrats Bernadette!
Rachel Groff (Class of 2008) completed her graduate studies in the
Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Duke University and is now
practicing as a physical therapist at a hospital-based outpatient
orthopedic clinic in Cedar Falls, Iowa.
UD’s College of Health Sciences will be
involved as a cornerstone tenant of the
new STAR (Science, Technology and Advanced Research) Campus on the site of
the former Chrysler facility ——http:// CHS Dean
Kathleen Matt has been instrumental in
moving the plans forward to locate some
sectors of the college on the campus in
Phase I of the development process. UD’s
ATEP is expected to benefit from space
freed up as a result of the renovation plans.
Katie Morrison (UD BIOMS 2009) and her husband Jack welcomed
their 2nd child into the world on May 11, 2012. Their newest baby
girl is named Paige Elizabeth Morrison.
UD’s women’s basketball team had a very successful 2011-12 season that concluded with a trip to the White House as guests of Vice
President Joe Biden. Staff athletic trainer Rachel Schlachet and
senior AT student Terry McHugh took part in the visit.
UD alum Katie (Naftzinger) Palmer (Class of
2007) and her husband welcomed their first
child into the world on May 28, 2012. Here is
a picture of Bailey Lynne Palmer
Dr. Kathy Liu (BIOMS 2012) will join the faculty at the University of Evansville (IN) and reunite with Laura (Miller) McDonald who started there in August 2011.
Tamerah Hunt (Class of 2000) returned to the UD campus in
October 2011 and spoke to the ATEP students about her undergraduate experiences and delivered the BIOMS Seminar
UD ATEP alums were
in attendance at the
wedding of Eric
Cousino (Class of
2006) at the Cape
Cod Ocean Edge
Resort in Brewster,
MA. Pictured with
Eric in this image are
(L-R) Matt Koscs (05’ & 08’), Kristin (Dorr) Koscs (06’), Alison
Ingalsbe (06’) and Dr. Kaminski.
Abbey (Steele) Conley’s (Class of 2004) son
Chase was shown in one of this year’s issues
of UD’s alumni magazine “The Messenger”.
Hen Droppings
Helen Degree (Class of 2011) was working as an outreach athletic
trainer for Andrew’s Sports Medicine in Alabama and wrote to us of
the importance of staying current in CPR techniques! “I also want
to let you know about a situation I never thought I would see that
happened at the high school I work at. I had a wrestler go out for a
short run which ended up being him walking half a mile. He came
back short of breath. His coaches gave him his inhaler and called me
to come up and check on him. I ran up to the wrestling room expecting to see a kid sitting against a wall but instead found him laying on the ground completely unresponsive to anything. After a
minute his breathing and pulse stopped so I had to perform CPR
until the paramedics arrived, which thankfully was very quickly. It's
just another reminder that anything can happen! I thank Joan for
making us take CPR retraining seriously. I know that we were difficult for her. The athlete is still in the ICU in critical condition which is
a hard thing to handle but the coaches and administration are very
helpful in letting me know I did everything I could. The doctors are
trying to figure out what happened but are pretty sure it was not an
asthma attack or allergic reaction of any kind. They are starting to
think it's something with his heart but can't directly speak to anyone
but the athlete's parents so everything we hear is through them. “
Laide Olaogun (Class of 2008) began a job as an athletic trainer with JAG PT in Cedar Knoll, New Jersey.
Maggie Morfin-Gonzalez began work this past year as an athletic trainer at Orange High School in New Jersey.
Congrats to UD ATEP grad Sarah Murtagh (Class of 2009) who
successfully completed the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Duke University. Sarah is now employed by Long
Island Athletic Services.
Congrats to Meredith Link (Class of 2009) who graduated
from UD’s Physical Therapy program in January 2012. Meredith is picture here 4th from the left in the front row.
UD Clinical Coordinator Jeff Schneider (Class of 92’ & 95’) has been
an instrumental part of the success of the International Coaching
Enrichment Certification Program (ICECP). This program is a partnership between UD and the US Olympic Committee. Jeff is pictured here (far left back row) with the 2011-12 class of coaching
Gabe Fife (MS 2011) writes: After getting my MS degree from
the University of Delaware, I have since moved to Seoul,
South Korea where I have been hired as a full time professor
of athletic training. In Korea, athletic training education is in
it's infancy and I am the first international professor to begin
teaching athletic training in Korea. There are developing
plans to initiate international exchange programs between
Dong-A University, where I an a faculty member, and US institutions.
Hen Droppings
Carrie (Steinman) Conte (Class of 2006) was wed to Jeremy on October 1, 2011. Serving as her matron of honor was fellow UD ATEP
classmate Nikki Surdam (06’), while 07’ graduate Mike Phillips
served as the best man. Here are a few photos from the wedding:
Christina Saadeh (Class of 2011) is actively involved in AmeriCorps through a partnership with Creative Mentoring a Wilmington, DE non-profit. She spent this past year mentoring
elementary school students at Richardson Park Elementary
School. Nice work!
Christina will be serving the Africa Inland Mission (http:// this Fall in Kenya. She can be reached
Alumni are encouraged to attend the UD ATEP annual Alumni
Party in St. Louis on Wednesday June 27th. Here are some
pictures from last year’s event on Bourbon St. in New Orleans!
The Keith Handling Scholarship is close to attaining “endowed”
status. UD’s Office of University Development has given us an extension to reach the $50,000.000 level of funding. If you have not
already done so please consider a tax deductible gift to the scholarship fund by going online at
main.action use the code KAAP412112 when making your donation.
Hen Droppings
Interestingly, an advertisement
for the NATA Store features an
image of three UD ATEP graduates taken a few years ago as
part of a feature on UD ATEP
students in the NFL. Here is the
entire ad with the photo of Jon
Boone (08’), Derek Rivera (08’)
and Andrew Balick (07’):
Thanks to the legislative efforts of Bethany Hall-Long and her
colleagues in the State of DE legislature, SB 69 requesting
that Athletic Trainers be recognized under Delaware Code—
Section 1716: Unit for Academic Excellence was passed into
law. Dr. Kaminski and Dan Watson (Class of 1995) and current DATA president attended the signing into law of the bill
in August 2011. They are picture here with (L-R) Bethany Hall
-Long, Dr. Michael Axe, and Governor Markell.
Rebecca Styers (Class of 2003) writes to let us know that she currently working for the USMC practicing athletic training within the
recruit boot camp setting in San Diego. Last year someone came
out from NATA to follow us and take some pictures of this different
setting. Lucky me, I got my mug on the NATA website under
'Athletic Trainers.' Thought you would like to know a UD alum has
made the big time....haha!
Gabe Fife (MS Class of 2011) and his wife Hyunju welcomed
their first son Noah Lee Fife into the world 6/26/11. Here is a
picture of Noah:
Rob Viles (Class of 2011) has spent the last year working as a
seasonal intern with the NFL’s New York Jets. Rob (back row
far right) is pictured here with his colleagues in a staff photograph:
Morgan Street Brewery
721 North 2nd Street
St. Louis, MO 63102
Wednesday June 27, 2012
7:00—10:00 pm
$5.00 Fee payable at the door
Sponsored By:
Proud to sponsor the UD ATEP Alumni Social
and the UD ATEP Alumni Newsletter
President– Dan Watson (95’)
Secretary—Courtney Butterworth (03’)
Treasurer—Carrie Steinman (06’)
See you all in St. Louis!
Proud to again sponsor the University of Delaware Athletic Training Education Program’s
Alumni Newsletter and Alumni Social