1 Educational Goals for Coloma Community Schools Mission Statement Coloma Middle School fosters a safe and respectful school environment while challenging students to reach their full academic and social potential. 2008 Philosophy The board realizes that they are responsible for the education of all the students enrolled in Coloma Community Schools. They are obligated to provide schools that will give equal opportunity for students to acquire the knowledge, understanding, techniques, skills and attitudes essential to becoming useful citizens in our society. District Goals and Objectives The board shall participate in long-range planning through an annual meeting with the superintendent and senior staff to review progress on the implementation of priorities, initiatives, and long-range plans, to determine which goals have been achieved, whether any new efforts are needed, and to review major issues that may affect the future of the district. The board also shall consider and act upon objectives and major activities proposed by the superintendent to achieve longrange goals. The superintendent shall develop necessary procedures, forms, or other measures to implement the goals of this policy using simple, logical, and collegial processes. The superintendent shall provide opportunities for interested patrons to become knowledgeable about the district long-range planning process, and to review and to make recommendations concerning specific district long-range plans. The superintendent shall give the board periodic reports each year on the progress and success of various plans, and shall ensure that similar progress reports are available to the news media and the district patrons. Equal Education Opportunity Every child, regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, cultural or economic background, or handicap, is entitled to equal opportunity for educational development. No student will be excluded from participating in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity conducted by the district. The board shall treat its students without discrimination as this pertains to course offerings, athletics, counseling, employment assistance, and extracurricular activities. JAAA School of Choice: The Coloma Community Schools shall be a “Schools of Choice” school district consistent with all of the statutory terms provisions and requirements set forth in MCL 388.1705 as amended and MCL 388.1705c as amended, for the first and second semesters of the 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 school years and to meet all application for enrollment and acceptance for enrollment time deadlines set forth in MCL 388.1705(2) and (3) and MCL 388.1705c(2) and (3). The district’s administration is directed to conform its “Schools of Choice” program practices and procedures to all of the requirements and procedures set forth in Mel 388.1705 as amended and 388.1705c as amended. The district’s administration, in its judgments, may limit the number of non-resident pupils eligible to apply for “Schools of Choice” enrollment to certain grades, schools, or program sin the district. The district’s administration is directed by comply with all of the statutory terms and provisions of MCL 388.1705 as amended and 388.1705c as amended, and specifically with each sections’ applicable subsections (6), (7) and (8) on non-discrimination acceptance/enrollment practices, subsection (11) on acceptance/enrollment preferences, and subsection (13) on acceptance procedures. The district’s administration is directed to only consider for acceptance and enrollment non-resident applicants who: 9a) reside in a school district which is a part of the geographical area of the Berrien county Intermediate School District (for acceptance/enrollment under MCL 188.1705), or reside in either the Van Buren Intermediate School District of the Lewis Cass Intermediate School District (for acceptance/enrollment under MCL 388.170c); (b) have not been expelled from another school district in the preceding two years; (c) for a student applying for enrollment in grades K-6, has not been suspended from another school district in the preceding two (2) school years for a violent act or illegal act, or In the 1 2 preceding one(1) school year for all other acts; or (d) for a student applying for enrollment in grades 7-12, has not been suspended from another school district in the preceding two (2) school years. The district’s administration is directed to seek all necessary information on non-resident applicants from the applicant’s district of residence before making any decision to accept the non-resident applicant for enrollment. During the district’s participation in the “Schools of Choice” program, the district shall not provide district transportation (i.e., student bus transportation from points inside the student’s district of residence to a Coloma school, or from a Coloma school to points inside the student’s district of residence) to any non-resident student attending a Schools of Choice” program in another district. However, the district’s administration shall comply with subsections MCl 388.1705(16) and MCl 388.1705c(16) and provide to the parent or legal guardian information on available transportation to and from school in which the pupil enrolls. The district’s administration is authorized to develop a bus transportation plan which will allow enrolled Schools of Choice students to ride on Coloma’s school busses between Coloma’s schools and the district’s regular student pick-up and drop-off bus stop locations inside the Coloma district, provided that the student’s parent-guardian assumes the responsibility to drop off and pick up their child(ren) at the regular bus stop location each day by the regular scheduled drop-off and pick-up times. Coloma Community Schools shall complete the 2002-2003 school year as a “Schools of Choice” school district. Thereafter, the Board of Education shall revisit the “Schools of choice” program and determine if it elects to continue to participate in the program. If it so elects, the District’s continued participation will be voluntary and not required by those remaining provisions of the Settlement Agreement which may still be in effect beyond the 2002-2003 school year. Approved: February 11, 2002 2 3 Middle School Staff The Middle School staff is comprised of teachers in both the South and North middle School. Staff members are listed under the buildings in which their teaching stations are located. NORTH STAFF SOUTH STAFF th th Ball, Sharon Hammerschmidt, Trudy Brown, Tina Thumm, Tonya Macerata, Natalie 5 Science/Math th 5 ELA/Soc Studies th 5 Self Contained th 5 ELA/Soc Studies th 5 Science/Math Mantei, Laurie Oles, Kevin Rodriguez, Connie Zahrt, Ted 6 Lang. Arts th 6 gr. Science th 6 Math th 6 Social Studies Ludwig, Paula Knaff Nita Denise Dunleavy Rand, Stefanie Speech EMI-self-contained th th 6 /7 Sp. Ed. th th th 5 , 6 , 7 Special Ed Allen, Rebecca Parker, Melissa Cattes, Katherine Sieber, Jan 7 gr. Science/6 Math Support th th 7 Math/7 Math Support th 7 gr. Lang. Arts, Yearbook th th& th 7 gr. Soc. Studies/6 7 Current Events Paula Reed Thomas, Cheryl Selvidge, Alan Amy Johnson Selvidge, Rebecca Counselor Kimmerly, Tonya th th 5 -7 Band Clore, Peggy th 5 Art Veine, Patrick th 6 Enrichment Pazera, Theresa th th th 5 Vocal Music/6 /7 Choir th th th th 6 /7 Electives/Tech Support th th Title I/7 Reading Support/5 G.L. th th 7 PE/6 Enrichment th th th 5 & 6 PE/7 Enrich 3 4 Schedule First Day of School Until 8:20 All students to remain outside 8:20-9:20 Middle School – N Gr. 5 students report to Activity Center for special assignments. They will return near st the end of 1 hour to the A.C. for homeroom assignments. Middle School – S students to pick up schedules in Media Center Class schedules: th th th 5 ,6 7 grade: Full DAY Regular Schedule th 5 grade band/choir starts: th 5 Gr. Lunch 11:59-12:29 th Sept 4, 2012. 6 Gr. Lunch 11:29-11:59 th 7 Gr. Lunch 12:30-1:00 st Review of Uniform Discipline Code Book, Mr. Pauley will schedule with individual teachers for the 1 hour during the month of September. Scott will discuss the student handbook with each class within the first two full weeks of school. In-Class First and Second Day Items & Ideas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Welcome, introductions, etc. Schedules discussed Discuss you class rules and expectations-(Should reflect your TEAM Rules) Supplies should just be reviewed since the list is on-line. Hand out special supply sheets unique to your class (P.E., V.M., Sci. Lab., Library) Point out fire and tornado room signs-Take student through practice drill “Getting to Know Your Experiences”: (various kinds) Name School last year Interests Etc. Learn names early Sponge activities Favorite Number, Teacher, Powerpoint, Learning Styles Inventory 4 5 Daily Schedule Grade 6 Announcements will take place at 8:15. st 1 8:20- 9:21 nd 2 9:24-10:25 rd 3 10:28-11:29 LUNCH 11:29-11:59 th 4 12:02-1:03 th 5 1:06-2:07 th 7 2:10-3:11 Advisory 3:14-3:32 th 5 grade AM BLOCK PM BLOCK Advisory Grade 7 5th grade Students are expected to be in their first hour class. st st 1 8:17- 9:18 1 8:20- 9:21 nd nd 2 9:21-10:22 2 9:24-10:25 rd rd 3 10:25-11:26 3 10:28-10:59 th 4 11:29-12:30 LUNCH 10:59-11:32 th LUNCH 12:30- 1:00 4 12:02-1:03 th th 5 1:03- 2:04 5 1:06-2:07 th th 6 2:07- 3:08 6 2:10-3:11 3:11-3:32 3:14-3:32 8:20- 12:00 12:30 - 3:14 3:12 – 3:32 Teachers with conference period to supervise outside for last 5 minutes. BREAKFAST: Buses to arrive after 8:00 A.M. Breakfast served between 8:00 – 8:15 . 6th & 7th grade Choir and 7th gr. Band students will catch the bus outside of the South Building around 2:10. This time may be adjusted. We will run a shorten schedule with all classes on a half-day. There will not be Comet Time or Advisory on a half-day. 5 6 SUPERVISION SCHEDULE Middle North Every teacher is expected to be in or immediately outside his/her classroom from 8:05-8:15 A.M. (Students enter the building at 8:05 A.M.) Teachers designated for hall duty must be highly visible by their classroom door. At no time will those teachers leave their classrooms unsupervised. Each teacher in N-Middle School has hall duty twice a week as indicated in the schedule below: END OF DAY North bus loading Monday Tuesday Wednesday BOTH DAYS (BEFORE SCHOOL) Upstairs Main floor Friday Thursday Ball Hammers. Thumm/Chamberlain Knaff/Macerata 1x Macerata Ground floor Oles/Pazera Oles or Pazera Oles or Pazera The upstairs and main floor groups may propose a different schedule. Ex. – On Mondays and Fridays, Thumm & Chamberlain has A.M. supervision on main floor and P.M. bus supervision North. *The ground floor is a problem area. Supervisors must stand by Kevin’s door to view all halls. Fine Arts SUPERVISION Rebecca Selvidge – pre & post class supervison M-F p.m. Thomas-pre & post class supervision M-F p.m. Elias-pre & post class supervision M-F p.m. Teachers on hall duty in Fine Arts must be highly visible by their classroom door. Do not leave classrooms unsupervised. END OF DAY supervision: On the days teachers have hall supervision duty, same teaches MUST follow students out to the Coloma buses or to area between buildings Oles/Pazera check out the front of the North Building. Be visible until buses depart or your official day ends. Bathroom supervision: Each teacher is encouraged to keep close track of students using the bathrooms either during class by noting in the planner or passing times. 6 7 SOUTH BUILDING SUPERVISION HALL SUPERVISION (8:05 - 8:20 a.m. TWICE a week per teacher - see schedule below) Monday & Friday HALL A (next to office) Rodriguez HALL (near restrooms) Veine HALL B (west end) Cattes Tuesday & Thursday Mantei Zahrt Sieber Monday & Wed. Reed Dunleavy Parker Tuesday & Friday Brown Clore Each hall group may propose a different schedule to Scott Teachers on hall supervision should ask adjoining teachers to supervise their classrooms (if students are coming in for a class) and reciprocate. Every classroom must be supervised at all times. End of day supervision - on the days teachers have hall supervision duty, the same teachers are to follow students out to the buses parked at North. Be visible until buses depart or your official day ends. Restroom supervision Every day for 3-4 minutes prior to every teacher's conference period. If several teachers share a conference period, some should station themselves in restrooms; others in hallway next to restrooms. 7 8 Questions to Help you Analyze a Lesson Standards Did the students seem to know what was expected of them in terms of behavior? Did the teacher have difficulty getting students into learning atmosphere? Were all materials and equipment necessary for the class session in place and ready for use? Was time wasted during taking of attendance and/or record keeping? Anticipatory Set (introduction) Was the learning for that session clearly stated to students? Were students shown how the learning related to previous learning they had experienced or to needs in their lives? Teaching Did the teacher give an adequate explanation of the learning before students were expected to put it into practice: What strategy did the teacher use to put across the learning? ___lecture ___group discussion ___student input ___inquiry ___role playing ___other (questions) Did the teacher model the learning and its application for the students: Practice Did the students practice the learning through some form of overt behavior? Was the practice directly related to the learning? Did the teacher monitor each student’s practice of the learning? Did the teacher re-teach the learning when and where necessary Was the teacher aware of who learned and who did not? ___yes ___no ___yes ___no ___yes ___no ___yes ___no ___yes ___no ___yes ___no ___yes ___no ___yes ___no ___yes ___no ___yes ___yes ___yes ___yes ___yes ___no ___no ___no ___no ___no Closure Did the teacher close the class by having students identify what the session’s learning was? Did the students leave the class knowing and understanding what the learning for that session was? ___yes ___no Follow Up (Unguided Practice) Did the teacher assign homework based on the day’s learning? ___yes ___no ___yes ___no Motivation During the class session, did the teacher use any of the following forms of motivation? ___increasing/decreasing anxiety ___maintaining friendly atmosphere ___adding notes of interest ___giving students knowledge of their results ___granting rewards ___allowing students moments of success 8 9 Administrative Procedure on Inclusion for Special Education and Chapter I Students Coloma Community Schools The research based movement toward inclusion of all students in the regular classroom setting is proving to be beneficial to all students. “It is a false assumption that, to succeed, poor readers need a “different” type of instruction from the good or average readers-usually outside of their classroom.” (R. Allington) The following are guidelines for the instruction of special needs students within the regular classroom. These procedures are to be followed for students for whom it has been determined that the least restrictive environment will be an inclusion program. The IEPC process continues to be available to review the most appropriate program for special education students. Coloma Community Schools is prepared to offer a continuum of services to all special needs children. Any deviation from this po9licy needs to be discussed with an approved by the building principal. 1. All students should be involved in all whole class instruction activities. 2. Grouping of students should be heterogeneous in cooperative learning activities. 3. When a small number of students require instruction and/or reinforcement activities on specific skills, knowledge or processing those groups should meet when other students are grouped. a. Groups should not be only special education students or only Chapter I students, but should be made up of any student in that classroom requiring extra assistance in that specific area. b. Such groups should gather at a location within the classroom and only while other students are also meting in groups. (Sample: Such groups can meet while a team teacher is assisting other students with special projects, other groups can be working independently on inquiries or projects.) Special needs children should not be grouped and separated while the remaining class members are receiving direct instruction on another topic. c. It is recommended that special grouping needs be addressed during team teaching times. 4. As several groups will be meeting simultaneously and no large group instruction will be going on at that time, distractions should not be a problem. Therefore, all students should remain in the classroom. Only when a group’s activities require a large space and/or loud reciting should a group be in another location. This should be rare and not happening on a routine schedule. 5. Material used to offer additional experiences in learning specific skills or processes should be related to the regular classroom curriculum content. RESOURCE TEACHER’S RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Be involved in monthly planning session. 2. If class is divided into groups, each teacher to be prepared. 3. If no grouping, request for help to come from regular teacher. Initiative = responsibility of regular teacher 4. All parties to read all texts and make suggestions to regular teacher. 5. If you want the resource teacher to be prepared then the lesson plans are to be submitted to our website by 4:00 p.m. on Friday at all times. 6. Special Education and Chapter I students must be successful through combined efforts of all teachers. 7. The focus of resource teachers will be the Chapter I and Special Education students but should help all students. Regular teachers are not to put something into lesson plan, if not to determine how information is to be taught. 9 10 DISPLAY CASE SCHEDULES Display cases are excellent tools to show the public and each other what learning takes place in our classrooms. Therefore, showcase displays should feature students’ work at all times except for the first few weeks of school. If you would like to switch months with another staff member, it will be no problem as long as both parties agree. Any written work should be neat and easy to read. For information purposes, it helps, if the teacher identifies the learning activity on small poster board, etc. Smaller science projects and/or artifacts may also be displayed. There will be display cases in the Alwood lobby for season sports. We are taking digital images at all in-season athletic events. MIDDLE SOUTH TROPHY CASE: Office staff will use this display. th 7 grade pods: Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Allen Sieber Oles Mantei Cattes DunLeavy Parker Rodriguez Zahrt MIDDLE NORTH Main hallway bulletin boards: Thumm, and Reed all year. Lighted case across from room 102: Sept. Knaff Oct. Hammerschmidt Nov. Ball Dec. Pazera Jan. Thumm Feb. Macerata Mar. Chamberlain Apr. Rand May Office 10 11 MS Behavior Incident Report (To office & call home) COLOMA MIDDLE SCHOOL Behavior Incident Report Form L2 Student Name: ______________________________ Date: __________ Grade: _______________ Teacher: ___________________ Location: Repeated Infraction-description: (L1) _______________ ________________________________________________________ Behavior incident (L2): ___ Talking Back/Disrespectful to staff ___ Failure to obey staff ___ Inappropriate/profane gestures ___ Damaging properties ___ Profanity/vulgarity toward staff/peers ___ Bullying ___ Inappropriate cell phone usage ___ Racial/ethnic slurs ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ snow violation spitting stealing violation of technology policy cheating disruptive behaviors threat/intimidation cussing theft/burglary Teacher intervention: ___ Teacher/student contact ___ Teacher/parent contact Phone no. & contact person ______________________ ______________________ Consequence for infraction: ___ After school detention ___ Lunch detention ___ OCS AM PM ___ Community Service ___ Suspension Date/served ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Administrative Follow-up: Parental signature, please ___________________________________________________________________ COLOMA MIDDLE SCHOOL Behavior Incident Report Form L3 Student Name: ______________________________ Date: __________ Grade: _______________ Teacher: ___________________ Location: _______________ Behavior incident (L3): ___ Presence of weapons or drugs ___ Inappropriate sexual behavior ___ Threat of harm to self or others ___ Inappropriate sexual/racial comments ___ Bullying severe ___ Leaving building/campus ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Teacher intervention: ___ Teacher/student contact ___ Teacher/parent contact Phone no. & contact person ______________________ ______________________ Consequence for infraction: ___ After school detention ___ Lunch detention ___ OCS AM PM ___ Community Service ___ Suspension Fighting involving injury Illegal drugs/alcohol/possession use Student is a major disruption Physical aggression Spitting at someone Date to serve ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Administrative Follow-up: Parental signature, please ___________________________________________________________________ 11 12 PLANNER PLANNER Purpose of Planner ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Communicate messages of significant value to and from home Record the daily agenda of class topics and homework due Teach organization Bathroom pass It is the child’s responsibility to notify the teacher of parent messages in the planner. Use of Planner a) The student will write down the daily agenda in their planner or planner sheet if planner is not available b) The student’s citizenship’s grade may be reduced for that marking period as a consequence for the first noncompliance incident. c) Further noncompliance will be referred to the administration. A parent conference will be arranged. d) The planner will be checked by the p.m. core academic teacher for the fifth grade. The sixth and seventh grade planners will be checked by the Advisory teacher. e) Additional planner(s) should be purchased if the original planner is lost. f) The planner is the only officially recognized bathroom pass during regular classroom instruction. Note: No consequence for parents not signing the planner. If a student loses their planner, they will purchase another after a phone call home by the administration. If a student leaves their planner at home, then the student will copy the daily agenda on a piece of paper and show it to the last hour academic teacher. If the student refuses to cooperate, then a referral for defiance is appropriate. 12 13 TEXTBOOK DEPOSIT RECEIPT PROCEDURE COLOMA MIDDLE SCHOOL Each homeroom teacher will receive receipts and an envelope. Students are to pay their book deposit fee during homeroom the first week of school. Deposit fee is $25.00 per student. Recommend that a check be made out to Coloma Community Schools. 5th grade and new student pays homeroom teacher before textbooks, key fobs, and/or lockers can be issued. All students and staff are required to have a key fob in order to access the middle school. Turn all money and checks plus the duplicate copy of the receipt to the office. (By the end of first hour every day). Partial payments should be made at the office. Teachers are to write down on the textbook condition form any defects in the books students are issued (see form in back of handbook). This is kept by the teachers for reference in June. Remember – NO MONEY – NO TEXTBOOKS ISSUED. If students lose textbooks, they should report to the office with a note from the teacher. The replacement cost of a new book is deducted from their deposit. Students, who bring a note stating they are unable to pay the deposit, should be sent to the office. The office staff will issue a “NO PAY” receipt. Coloma Community Schools Charge for lost book 1st year 2nd year 3rd year $45.00 $30.00 $20.00 New Book: Full Price 75% of price 50% of price Charge for lost key fob $7.00 Charge for lost I.D. $5.00 13 14 To All Employees of COLOMA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Concerning Sexual Harassment and Intimidation Educators can no longer afford to ignore the fact that sexual harassment occurs in schools. Employees as well as students are protected under Civil Rights Acts and the Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972. Coloma’s School Board Policy, approved in December of 1993 states: The superintendent shall maintain a working environment in the district that is free from discriminatory insult, intimidation of harassment due to sex. Any incident of sexual insult, intimidation, or harassment in any form shall be promptly reported to the employee’s immediate supervisor, or the building principal in the case of students. The immediate supervisor or principal shall report such incidents to the superintendent. Any employee who engages in sexual insults, intimidation, or harassment shall be reprimanded and counseled to refrain from such conduct. Any employee who continues to engage in such conduct-shall receive progressively severe discipline up to and including discharge. Definition of Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is a form of misconduct that undermines the integrity of a relationship. Sexual harassment is any unsolicited and unwelcome sexual conduct or overtone that may be verbal, physical, written or visual and may constitute sexual harassment where: 1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a person’s employment or educational development 2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment or educational decisions affecting such individual; and 3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or educational performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or educational environment. Concerning student to student harassment, school administrators and educators must be aware that: Hostile environments can be in several locations including bus routes, a playground, and school hallways as well as in a classroom. The fact that the students are sufficiently mature to realize all of the meanings and nuances of the language that was used does not obviate a finding that sexual harassment occurred. District’s responses to complaints can be flawed by its failure to treat the incidents as possible sexual harassment and to follow the board approved procedures. Proper procedures involve interviewing standards, record keeping and notification of parents. Someone knowledgeable about the sexual harassment procedure should be involved early on in the investigation. Sexual Harassment concerns may be reported to your immediate supervisor or to the Sexual Harassment and Intimidation Officer for your District. The Sexual Harassment and Intimidation Officer for Coloma Schools is: Rita Moore, Coloma Administration office: 4682424. 14 15 Student Council Groups??? Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. Enable greater understanding and appreciation among the student body. Involve students in more decision-making. Address school-related concerns as they arise. Promote pride for the middle school Group composition: 1 student from each homeroom class Meeting date: Wednesday (subject to change) Meeting time: ???? Procedure for selection of student representatives: 1. Complete an interest application 2. Research and write a one page paper on a selected topic 3. Orally share written paper to homeroom class 4. Class will vote for one representative Middle School Absence Policy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The parents of an absent student must call the office by 3:30 p.m. the day the child is absent. If above-mentioned procedure is not feasible for parents, they should send a written excuse to the office by 8:20 the day the student returns to school. Last hour teacher must turn the excuse over to the office by the end of the day. Attendance will be taken in the morning, with teachers receiving usual typed absence list. Suspended students will be marked. Teachers will receive a list the following morning of absent students showing excused or unexcused. Excuses recognized as valid for an excused absence: 1. Illness of child 2. Contagious disease within the home 3. Death in the immediate family 4. Legal business 5. Religious holiday 6. Prearranged absence 7. Vacations with family 8. Suspensions (Home) All work may be made up for full credit for excused absences. Unexcused absences work made up will not receive credit. Students suspended must receive an admit from the office before returning to class. 15 16 Student Confidential Information Re: A.D.D.H. Form According to our policy, teachers are not allowed to send out any type of confidential information unless requested in writing by a recognized agency involved with the child. Agencies and professionals need to contact us directly and have your written permission for us to give out any information. This policy is for the protection of you and your child. GUIDELINES FOR ACCOUNTING IN COLOMA MIDDLE SCHOOL Diane will still be doing our accounts BUT 1. All checks will be made out through the Administration Building. 2. If you make a purchase, submit it to Diane with the receipt. NO RECEIPT, NO CHECK. Request turned into Diane by Tuesday. In the past a check was back to you by Friday. 3. No more cashing personal checks. 4. We have only a small petty cash on site and this money will be used for emergency use only. 5. If you need to make a purchase, we will reimburse if you acquire prior authorization. The speed of your reimbursement depends on the amount and if Central Office personnel is available. 6. No purchase of stamps from the office due to extra work load of office personnel. Publishing Grades Just a reminder about publishing grades... In order for parents to be able to see the assignments, you must publish your grades. If there is an orange exclamation point next to your assignment, your grade is not published. Publish Assignment: Select the Publish tab for the assignment. Click the publish scores box. (see example below) Click Save. 16 17 Online Grade Reporting First, just to be clear, these instructions are for online grade reporting. This replaces the bubble sheets that are being phased out. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Open your Internet browser, either Netscape or Internet Explorer. On the address line, enter bcisd.org and tap the enter key. On the screen that comes up, click on the drop down arrow next to Student Accounting. Scroll down and click on REPORT CARD (Mark Screen). You will get to the LOG IN screen for the BCISD microframe. Enter your login name and password, and click SUBMIT. The next screen will have your teacher number listed. Most of you only have one and only need to click SUBMIT again. The next screen that comes up will let you select a semester and a particular class hour. Make sure that semester 1 is selected. As you complete each page of a class be sure to click the UPDATE button. When you are done with a class, click the FINISHED button. Clicking the drop down arrow next to COURSE will allow you to select a different class hour and enter those grades. Report Card Comments 1. Open PowerTeacher Gradebook. 2. Choose Final Grades. The Citizenship column will app ear in the gradebook. 3. Open the Score Inspector: right-click or choose Tools from the menu bar, then select Score Inspector. 4. Click the Comment tab. A dialog box displaying all pre-entered comments will appear. 5. Insert comments by either double clicking a comment or clicking a comment one time then click on the Insert Selected Comments button. Multiple comments can be added by control-clicking (Windows)/command-clicking (Apple) or shift-clicking desired comments, then clicking the Insert Selected Comments button. 6. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to ignore changes. 7. Click the arrow next to the student or assignment name to add comments to another student/assignment score. 8. Close the Score Inspector. Upon closing, the changes will be saved. 9. Note that comments may also be entered by typing text in the comment box. 10. To clear the comments, click on the Clear button then close the Score Inspector. 11. Once comments are added to a score, a comment icon displays next to the score in the Spreadsheet view. 17 18 E-MAIL on the INTERNET 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Get on the internet and open Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer Go the site with this address: www.ccs.coloma.org (or this may appear automatically) On the right hand side click on Berrien RESA Enter your user name and password Ice WARP MAIL will appear click on Webmail Enter your user name and password for your e-mail Click on get messages It is important to remember that this does not remove your messages from the server unless you set it up to do so. Look under the Settings items on the menu bar and click the appropriate box to do so. It is also important to remember that your WEBMAIL mailbox has a size limit. Deleting messages that you no longer need is very important. Homework Calendar on the INTERNET 1. Open your Gmail account 2. At the top left portion of the screen click on Calendar. 3. Your Google Calendar should appear 4. Click on the desired date of your assignment 5. Event bubble will show 6. Type in the event (homework) 7. Then select which calendar you want it to be assigned (if you have more than 1 assignment) 18 19 HEAVY EQUIPMENT/SAFETY GLASSES Please note that students are not to move heavy equipment located on top of carts or send students up and down stairs carrying heavy equipment. The liability factor is very high. Note: Re: Safety glasses Policy EBB and EBB-R It is important that you and your students are wearing safety glasses during any and all hazardous activities. USE OF PESTICIDES We have been informed that the new amendments to ACT 171 and Regulation 636 make is a violation of Michigan law for any person to apply any pesticide for a commercial purpose or to apply any pesticide as a scheduled and required work assignment in the course of his or her duties on the property of another or any person, unless that person is either a certified applicator or a registered technician. This applies to licenses commercial business, non-licensed commercial business, such as colleges, universities, schools, campgrounds, golf courses, cemeteries, apartments, condominiums, city and county parks, etc. It is my understanding that his would mean specifically that dandelion killer, weed and feed, vegetation killer around fence posts, etc., cannot be applied without the applicator being certified. Indirectly this would also mean Raid-insect, mosquito, fly spray, etc. Our choice to take care of our needs then would be to have one or two people from Coloma Community Schools certified or contract everything out commercially. PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES As part of the Annual Educational Report, Section 1204(a) of Public Act 25 requires all school districts to report to their public and to the State Board of Education on the number and percent of students whose parents or legal guardians participate in parent-teacher conferences. P.A. 25 asks schools to report on such conferences at the elementary, middle and secondary school levels. For the purpose of this report, parent-teacher conferences are defined as face-to-face meetings between parents or guardians of students and school educators for the purpose of improving the educational program or student learning. The school report should include information on the type of conference held, the purpose of these conferences and the number of and percent of students whose parent or guardian attended at least one such conference during the school year. PLEASE NOTE: this information will be collected after each parent/teacher conference. South bldg. the office personnel will collect this information. Fifth grade staff will turn in their forms to Diane. 19 20 COLOMA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS USE OF AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS EDUCATION RESOURCES SELECTION AND USE Audiovisual materials (films, records, video-tapes (commercial or taped off TV), film strips, etc.) are important teaching tools. The proper use of such materials will stimulate group discussion, individual thinking and enrich the classroomlearning environment. When the teacher desires to use audiovisual materials within the classroom, the following steps are to be followed: 1. The teachers are to preview all new (to the teacher) materials before using them in the classroom. 2. The use of audiovisual materials is to be scheduled on an incorporated into the lesson plan. Care is to be exercised to select only those audiovisual materials that meet the needs of that particular student group. The attached form will be filled out with the principal as per the instructions on the form. 3. Introductory and/or follow-up activities will generally accompany the material. 4. If a commercial film (rental or cable) is used the film industry’s rating of films given below is to be used in conjunction with the guidelines in this document when determining whether something will be shown: “G” “PG” = = suitable for family viewing. (Grades K-12) parental guidance, minor language and some violence, recommended that youngsters under the age of 10 years not be allowed to view. (Grades K-12 with principal approval and parental permission slip) “PG-13” = parental guidance, no one under 13 allowed to view, adult situations, mild profanity. (Grades 7-12 with principal approval and parental permission slip) “R” = not admitted without parents under the age of 17, heavy violence, full nudity, sexual situations, undue use of offense and profanity. Audiovisual materials containing material that would cause them to be rated “R” or “X” will not be shown. Audio visual materials with a rating of “G” or “PG” or PG-13 must meet the criteria outlined above and must have the principal’s approval as set forth in the attached “Educational Resources Selection and Use” form. IFBC-R Instructional Materials and Media-Center Evaluation The collection will be evaluated, from time to time, in relation to changing curriculum, new instructional methods and current needs of teachers and students. Service Materials will be purchased throughout the school year as needed. Areas of emphasis will be determined by the needs of each media center as judged by the person in charge of the media center or the building principal, within budgetary limits. Authority The board authorizes the district’s trained personnel to make selections for the media centers subject to board policies and rules. Gifts (Cf.K.H.) All gift materials must meet qualitative standards of selection as stated above. Gift materials will be acknowledged and credit given in the media center records. 20 IFBC-R B. C. D. E. F. G. 21 Instructional Materials and Media Centers When the principal and media specialist feel they cannot resolve the problem in discussion with the complainant, they will ask that a signed complaint be presented in writing, using the following form. They will also inform the complainant of the procedures to be taken to assure him of a courteous and fair hearing. Material being objected to will not be withdrawn until a final decision has been reached. The written complaint will be turned over to the media director who will call a committee composed of the following for re-evaluation of the material. One parent Ass’t. Supt. For curriculum Media Director Appropriate level administrator Appropriate level media specialist Appropriate level teacher Two appropriate level students, if in junior high or high school The committee will consider the materials and report its findings to the superintendent and in writing to the complainant. An appeal of the decision of the committee may be made by the complainant within two weeks to the superintendent and his decision may be appealed within two weeks to the board. Any oral or written criticism of library materials should first be directed to the appropriate building principal and media specialist whether the criticism is received by a member of the board, an administrator or teacher. IFBC Instructional Materials and Media Centers To cooperate with teachers and administrators in programs which will promote the professional growth of the school staff. Criteria for the Development of Media Center Materials Collection Development The media collection should be developed systematically so that it is well balanced in coverage of subjects, types of materials and variety of content. Selection Criteria Materials will be chosen to support and supplement the curriculum, to promote wise use of leisure time, to develop literary discrimination and appreciation and to encourage students to become productive citizens. Materials will be chosen on various reading levels presenting different points of view concerning the problems and issues of the times. Books and other instructional materials will be evaluated before purchase, either through direct examination or by consulting reputable, unbiased, professionally prepared selection tools approved by the media specialist. Accuracy, artistic quality, format and authoritativeness will all be considered before making purchases of materials. Staff Libraries A professional library may be maintained in the building media centers. Technology The board encourages district employees to develop computer software and support materials for instructional and administrative use by the district. 21 22 Protective Services Quagmire Reasonable cause to suspect – report to be made in good faith. ** Important clause child abuse must have been inflicted by person responsible for child’s welfare Within 72 hours a written report to be sent to DSS* identity of reporting person to be kept confidential by DSSDSS personnel criminally and civilly liable for disclosing such information without authorization Recommendations: (state in written report) Reasonable cause that I believe in good faith that a person responsible for child’s care is responsible for child’s abuse/neglect. ()With this, I may be held criminally and civilly liable) Staff members must notify me if they make a recommendation (does not include notification of superintendent). Counselors and school nurse must notify me, if they file a report. All teachers, principals, counselors, etc. to sign written report; this provides them protection under umbrella policy of confidentiality and immunity, as provided under statue. Question: must parents be notified prior to referral? Must parents be notified of DSS visit with child? Recommended process: DSS may conduct investigation in school setting; School must cooperate with parental consent; Principal to ask DSS, is this visit necessary to complete this investigation, if yes, fine-cooperate (place burden of proof on DSS) School is responsible for notification of parent that interview is or just was held; statue “at time of interview” Even if parent insists on prior notification of interview, principal to ask DSS “is this visit necessary to complete this investigation?” – if yes, again cooperate. Parents’ wishes secondary. Principal/teacher does not have the right to sit in on interview. DSS cannot send someone from another department, ex. The police. Do not cooperate, but contact DSS instead. Try to sit in, if police interviews. Anonymous phone class = not reasonable suspicion for principal to act INFO FROM CAFETERIA SUPERVISORS No child will be allowed to leave the lunchroom without a pass from a teacher. The teacher who has issued the pass will then assume responsibility for that child. The teacher who issued the pass must be with the student when they return from the cafeteria. We cannot be responsible for any child who is in a class without supervision. This would include hallway. No child will be allowed to go to the front of the line just because he/she has been issued a pass by the teacher (unless “work” is indicated on the pass). This is not fair to all the rest of the children who have been waiting in line. The lunchroom is not a detention hall. Please keep children in your class, if they are to be punished. 22 23 TORNADO Procedure – North Building *Students to move downstairs in 2 lines along right and left sides for smoother evacuation. Signal = Intermittent ringing of bells. Room# Gym 100 11 103 207 206 102 Teacher Pazera/Veine Thumm Oles Macerata Ball Trudy Knaff/Mehgan Basement Shelter Area Dungeon shower Dungeon locker room Dungeon shower Dungeon locker room A.C. stairs Dungeon stairs Conference room # of students 30 28 28 28 28 28 12 Notations need flashlight need flashlight enter through A.C. enter through A.C. against wall IF TIME PERMITS FOR THE SOUTH BUILDING TO EVACUATE Cattes Brown Sieber Parker Allen Mantei Rodriguez Zahrt Dunleavy Rand Long stairs to main floor Dungeon Lower Hall by long stairs Conference room/Cove Lower Hall by Bridge Building room Lower Hall up to stairs by Alwood Gym Lower Hall up to stairs by Alwood Gym Lower Hall up to stairs by Alwood Gym Dungeon Conference room/Cove 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 10 10 Wheel chair bound students will go to custodian’s closet in boys locker room. Fine Arts Band room Choir room = = to main hall in VB Fast ForWord lab If we have plenty of advance warning, VB population to come through North building and go to the lower hallway through the AC stairs. TORNADO PROCEDURE SOUTH BUILDING Sixth and Seventh grade classrooms are to proceed to the center hallway. th If time permits, the South Building will evacuate through the 7 grade outside doors, go through the Alwood Gym, and then go to the aforementioned assignments. Tornado drill: Classes are to line up with their back against the wall. In case of a real emergency, students will be informed to face the wall on their knees. 23 24 FIRE DRILLS Regarding fire drills: South students exit doors to outside (through the west side of west pod doors) Teachers close fire doors between pods, to hall and exit doors. Classes are to line up on the far side of the football field at 5-yard intervals. Attendance is to be taken immediately! SOUTH Side of Field Brown 45 yard line Sieber 50 yard line Zahrt 45 yard line Allen 40 yard line Parker 35 yard line Cattes 30 yard line Kimmerly 25 yard line Veine 20 yard line Mantei 15 yard line Rodriguez 10 yard line Clore 5 yard line Dunleavy/Rand Goal line Media Center End Zone (west) Selvidge End Zone (center) Cafeteria personnel Press box NORTH SIDE OF FIELD Thomas Johnson Rand Macerata Oles Pazera Thumm Knaff Trudy Ball Chamberlain Veine 50 yard line 45 yard line 40 yard line 35 yard line 30 yard line 25 yard line 20 yard line 15 yard line 10 yard line 5 yard line Goal line Bleachers *Information re: fire drill during lunch hours: Students to line up along football field fence by the class they attended before lunch. Individual routes are posted in your rooms and will be in your emergency bag. 24 25 HOMEWORK GUIDELINES The following indicates suggested time that may be spent on homework per night for each student. t should be noted that extenuating circumstances could lengthen or shorten time spent on homework. Kdg. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th - basically no homework unless child needs remedial work. - approximately – 15 min. - 20-30 min. - 30 min. - 30-45 min. - 30-60 min. - 1-1½ hrs. - 1-1½ hrs. - 1-2 hrs. - 1-2 hrs. - 1-3 hrs. - 1-3 hrs. - 1-3 hrs. The following are types of homework assignments that may be assigned in the K-5 grades. Kdg. 1-5 - Basically no homework unless child needs remedial work. Oral reading practice. Mastery of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts. Penmanship practice. Spelling words memorized. Any daily work that is not finished class period. Special reports and projects. Supplementary reading. Suggested purpose of homework: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Help fix concepts introduced in school. Overcome a deficiency in specific area. Make-up work lost due to absence. Enrich the basic areas of the curriculum. Provide ESSENTIAL practice in needed skills. Help pupils establish good work habits. Encourage self-direction. Learn to budget time. Encourage students to use out-of-school resources. Promote growth and responsibility. 25 26 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE POLICY As adopted at a regular meeting Of the Coloma Board of Education on September 10, 1990 The use, distribution, dispensation and/or manufacturing of controlled substances, as defined by state and federal law, by district employees on district grounds, in district buildings and/or in connection with any district activity, is prohibited. Any district employee who violates the above policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. In addition, the employee may be required to satisfactorily participate in a drug assistance or rehabilitation program approved by the board. Any district employee who has been found guilty of violating a criminal drug statute in the workplace shall notify the superintendent within five days after a conviction relating to the drug offense. The superintendent shall notify the appropriate federal agency within ten days after receiving notice of a workplace related drug conviction on the part of the employee. The superintendent shall develop a drug-free awareness program for district employees. District employees who request assistance for drug counseling and/or rehabilitation shall direct their request to the superintendent. Annually, the board shall allocate funds to support the drug-free awareness program. The superintendent shall include in the district’s employee in-service programs a drug-free awareness program, which shall include the following information: a) the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace. b) The employer’s policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace. c) Available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs/ and d) The penalties the board may inflict upon employees for drug abuse violations. In the developing the in-service program, the superintendent may utilize the services and assistance of the district’s insurance carrier, local or county health departments, local or regional medical health center or other substance abuse agencies in the immediate area. This policy shall be published annually in the district’s faculty and staff handbooks. 26 27 AESOP ON-LINE ABSENCE TEACHER’S PROCEDURE ON-LINE At the beginning of the year, you will be registered with AESOP, our automated substitute system. If you are absent and need a substitute, you will need to go online to www.aesoponline.com or call 1-800-942-3767 to report an absence. At the beginning of your employment, you will need to register with a username and password. You will need that information handy before you access AESOP. Once on AESOP, you may report your absence, upload lesson plans, and write notes to administration. You need to put in notes if you are attending a workshop and what workshop. GRADING SYSTEM The board encourages a uniform grading system for use in the elementary and secondary grades. Approved December 13, 1993. LEGAL REF: MCL, 380.132; 380.1261; 380.1282, 380.1300; AG Opinion #5879 Full details of the district’s grading system shall be published in the appropriate faculty and student handbooks. Grading Scale 100 - 93 92 - 90 89 - 87 86 - 83 82 - 80 79 - 77 76 - 73 72 - 70 69 - 67 66 - 63 62 – 60 Below 60 Grade Point Average A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF 4.000 3.667 3.333 3.000 2.667 2.333 2.000 1.667 1.333 1.000 0.667 0.000 I or Inc. = Incomplete Work; D- = Conditional Grade; N = No Mark; W = Withdrawal How to Add Citizenship 1.Select a class from the Classes pane. 2.Click the Scoresheet tab, then click Final Grades mode. The Scoresheet Final Grades window appears. 3. Enter one of the following choices H (1) S (2) N (3) U (4) 4. Click save. 27 28 How to Add a Final Grade Comment 1.Select a class from the Classes pane. 2.Click the Scoresheet tab, then click Final Grades mode. The Scoresheet Final Grades window appears. 3.Click the final grade field of the student for which you want to enter a final grade comment. 4.From the gradebook menu bar, choose Tools > Score Inspector. 5.Manually enter final grade comments in the Comment field or click Comment Bank to select one or more predefined comments. Note: To view different sets of pre-defined comments, make a selection from the Show Comments pop-up menu. The set of comments you select displays in the Comment Bank. 6.Use the Previous and Next arrows to repeat for each student, if applicable. 7.Click Save on the scoresheet window. A blue circular “C” appears within the selected student final grade field. How To Override Final Grades 1.Select a class from the Classes pane. 2.Click the Scoresheet tab, then click Final Grades mode. The Scoresheet Final Grades window appears. 3.Choose a reporting term, week, or month from the Filter By Reporting Term pop-up menu. The Scoresheet window refreshes and displays only those assignments and scores with a due date that falls within that selected reporting term, week, or month. 4.Click the final grade field of the student for which you want to manually override a final grade. 5.From the gradebook menu bar, choose Tools > Score Inspector. 6.Select the Manual Override checkbox. 7..Enter the new letter grade in the Grade field, if applicable. 8.Use the Previous and Next arrows to repeat for each student, if applicable. Note: The final grade field appears shaded until you click Save. 9.Click Save. The final grade appears within the selected student final grade field. Note: The final grade appears bolded, italicized, and with a red circular exclamation point (“!)”. If a comment was entered, a blue circular “ C” also appears. How to Submit Final Grades 1.Select a class from the Classes pane. 2.Click the Scoresheet tab, then click "M1 in Progress". 3.M1 Final Grades Completion Status dialog box appears. Check box and hit OK. DISTRICT’S DISCIPLINE POLICY Student Discipline The board approves of the following disciplinary measures for use in the district for those students violating the district’s student code of conduct: Deny participation in special school activities; before or after school detention; disciplinary contractual arrangements; assertive discipline model; out-of-school suspension; in-school suspension; expulsion; and/or disciplinary probation. The superintendent and district’s administrators shall develop the appropriate procedures dealing with student conduct and shall consider: An effective parental communication plan; the use of the district’s counselors, social workers, psychologists and/or shall arrange such services with other units of state government. All employees are responsible for the regulation of student conduct. Any battery to a teacher or staff member will automatically be presented to the board for permanent expulsion. Any battery to a fellow student will automatically be presented to the board with a recommendation for expulsion for the remainder of the semester if the fight is not stopped immediately upon command of a school staff member. Further, the expulsion recommendation will specify loss of credit for the semester regardless of the number of days left in the semester. 28 29 Corporal Punishment The board does not condone corporal punishment. No employee, volunteer or contractor of the district shall threaten to inflict, inflict or cause to be inflicted, physical pain by any means upon a student. Reasonable physical force may be used only to protect the student or others from immediate physical injury, to obtain possession of a weapon or other dangerous object form the student, or to protect property from physical damage. Employees should not find it necessary to resort to physical force, violence or threats to compel obedience. If all means fail, staff members may always resort to the removal of the student from the classroom or school through established suspension or expulsion procedures. APPROVED: LEGAL REF: December 13, 1993 MCL, 380.1300; 380.1312 Student Supervision A reminder from the superintendent: If you keep students after school for any reason you must remain with the student(s) until they leave. The supervisor/sponsor/coach should be the last one to leave. Supervision for Student’s INTERNET USE The key is proper supervision: • • • • Students must attend training put on by media specialists Students and parents must sign agreement Students receive license Students must have license in possession to use Internet The forbidden fruit includes pornographic sites, sites which promote violence or racism, or any site that is demeaning to any group of people. Students may not enter “chat rooms” or use e-mail at school. Filters are useful, but not fool proof. 29 30 END OF YEAR SUPERVISION Spring 2012 MIDDLE SCHOOL – NORTH Last Days of School year – Precautionary Posts: Please check for water balloons, toys, eggs, improper wearing apparel, etc. NORTH DOORS: 8:15-8:30 a.m. (visual check) None – Students do not come through this door. EAST DOORS: 8:15-8:30 (visual check) Ms. Knaff Mrs. Thumm Ms. Chamberlain DOWNSTAIRS HALL: 8:15-8:30 and at dismissal until buses have left (visual check) Mrs. Pazera Mr. Oles Mrs. Ball UPSTAIRS: 8:15-8:30 (visual check) follow students out at end of day Mrs. Hammerschmidt MAIN FLOOR: 8:05-8:20 and at dismissal Mr. Pauley Thanks for your cooperation. It’s much appreciated and greatly needed on the last days of school to keep undesired incidents from happening. 30 31 End of Year Supervision Spring 2011 MIDDLE SCHOOL – SOUTH Last days of school year – Precautionary Posts: Please check for water balloons, toys, eggs, improper wearing apparel, etc. One staff member to stay until 8:25 at each station to check for stragglers. CIRCULATE at South bus loading and unloading: 8:05-8:20 and at dismissal until all busses have left *Mr. Cook ??? to be at buses at 8:00 A.M. SOUTH DOORS: 8:05-8:20 a.m. (visual check) *Mrs. Pazera Mr. Oles Mrs. Ball follow students outside at end of day, supervise until buses have left Between buildings: 8:05-8:20 (visual check) *Reed *Mr. Veine Mrs. Macerata th 6 grade pod: 8:05-8:20 and at dismissal until buses have left (visual check) *Mrs. Rodriguez Teachers to stand between and cover east-west classrooms MAIN DOORS SOUTH BUILDING 8:05-8:20 (visual check) and at end of day until buses have left * Mrs Mantei *Mr. Zahrt * Ms Brown OUTSIDE (doors by gym lobby): 8:05-8:20 (visual check) and at end of day until buses have left * Mrs Cattes *Mrs. Sieber *Ms Allen th 7 grade pod: 8:05-8:20 (visual check) follow students out at end of day Teachers to check east-west classrooms *Mrs. Parker Cafeteria 8:00-8:20 and at dismissal Mr. Coombs ____________________________________________________________________________ * At end of day, wait until hall is totally clear before going outside to supervise. Thanks for your cooperation, it is much appreciated and greatly needed on the last day of school to keep undesired incidents from happening. TEXTBOOK DISTRIBUTION FORM 31 32 COLOMA MIDDLE SCHOOL Date: ________________________ Teacher: ________________________ Room: ________________________ Name of text and/or copyright ___________________________ Book # Student's Name Condition--New/Fair/Poor SEXUAL HARASSMENT COMPLAINT FORM 32 33 Date: ___________________ Person making complaint: Complaint made against: Building: _____________________ Grade: _____________________ _________________________________ Mr./Ms./student _________________________________ student/staff Nature of complaint: Action taken: Copies to: check those to whom distribution is made ___ Counselor ___ Ass’t. Principal ___ Principal ___ School Harassment Office ___ Police ___ Parent 33 34 STUDENT SEXUAL HARASSMENT REPORT FORM NAME ____________________________ GRADE _____________ Homeroom Teacher: ______________________________________ Name of person(s) you believe sexually harassed you: _______________ When did this incident happen? ____________________________ Where did this incident(s) happen? ____________________________ Describe the incident(s) as clearly as possible. Tell all details (continue on back if necessary): What did you do? How did you react to the incident? ______________ The above information is true, correct and complete. Signature ____________________________ Date: ______________ Received by ____________________________ Date: ______________ *To be attached to Harassment Investigation Report. 34 35 Coloma Community Schools ________________________________________________________________________ Scott Pauley Principal (616) 468-2410 (North) (616) 468-2429 (Fax) Coloma Middle School 274 West Street Coloma, MI 49038 Assistant Principal (616) 468-2415 (South) (616) 468-2445 (Fax) Permission for Pre-Arranged Absence Please fill out the form below and return it to the office: Student: Date: _________________________________ Date/s of Absence:___________________________________________ ______________ Requested by: Teacher:____________________________________________ ____ ____ phone parent ____ ____ written note other (explain) Teachers: Please indicate below whether the above student is passing or failing at this time and sign (initial). Class Grade Other Comments Lang. Arts _____ ___________________________________________ Math _____ ___________________________________________ Science _____ ___________________________________________ Soc. Studies _____ ___________________________________________ Reading _____ ___________________________________________ Dear Parent: _____ Your son/daughter is passing all classes. We encourage you to help him/her keep up with classes while gone. Have a safe and pleasant trip. Thank you, Principal ___________________________________________ _____ Your son/daughter is failing _____ class(es) at this time. Because of this, I must recommend against your taking him/her on this trip. If you still feel his/her presence is important enough to require going against this recommendation, please understand that the school cannot be responsible for any negative effects on your child’s academic achievement. Thank you, Principal ____________________________________________ Regardless of your decision on this matter, you can, of course, expect our full cooperation in providing work for your son/daughter while you are gone; and we will make every reasonable effort to assist him/her to achieve to the best of his/her ability. You should understand that the work given is not necessarily all of the work that will be missed and that additional make-up may be required. Have a safe trip!! 35 36 HEALTH/REPRODUCTIVE EDUCATION NOTICATION Dear Parents or Guardians, According to the State School Aid Act for FY 94, you have the right to review the materials and curriculum content to be used in health education which includes HIV and other serious communicable disease prevention, as well as reproductive health education. The local board of education, in compliance with this statute, has made these materials available for your review. Wednesday, November, 14th, during our parent teacher conference night, you will be able to review the 5th and 6th grade materials. Fifth grade students receive two 45-minute sessions and sixth graders, three 45-minute sessions during the school year. Seventh graders cover this material in their science class. If you are unable to attend this meeting and would like to review the materials or curriculum content, please contact our middle school counselor, to arrange a time for your review. This statute allows you to excuse your child from participation in the classes which include health education, sex education, and/or HIV and other serious communicable disease instruction. Please return the bottom portion of this notice to school. Sincerely, Scott Pauley (Please sign and return) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I, the parent/guardian of _______________________________Grade ________, am aware of my rights under the State School Aid Act for FY94. ______I grant my child permission to receive this instruction during this school year. ______I desire that my child be excused from this instruction this year. ______I would like to preview this material, please call me at______________________. _________________________________________ Parental Signature ___________________ Date 36 37 APPLICATION TO ATTEND CONFERENCE ________________________________ (NAME) ___________________ (DATE) ________________________________ (BUILDING) ___________________ (Conference DATE) (DEPARTMENT) Title and location of conference and a brief summary of program/s you will be attending: Estimated Costs Miles @ .42/mile Registration fees *Food Housing Substitute = = = = = ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Actual Costs ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ *The school allocates $_____/day for food. ____________________ Principal’s Signature ____________________ ___________________ Dept. Head Signature Teacher’s Signature (DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE) (Date Application Received by a Member of the Committee) ____________________________ Approved ____________________________ Disapproved Reason: ____________________________________________________________ __________________Written report of conference filed upon return 37 38 PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCE REPORT (Please write in dates) Student’s Name Fall Spring Open Conf. Conf. House IEP’s 38 39 COLOMA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS COLOMA, MICHIGAN AUDIO-VISUAL RESOURCES SELECTION AND USE Please complete this form for all commercial films (rental or cable) other than those directly provided for by the school district or from REMC. Any resources rated G (for grades K-12) or PG (for grades 5-12) or PG-13 (For grades 7-12) must have the principal’s approval. Teachers must inform the principal of any contents that may be objectionable. TEACHER: _________________________ Class/Subject: ___________________ SCHOOL: _________________________ Date: _________________________ I plan to have a film, videotape, videodisc or TV presentation (circle one) _________________________________ class on _____________________________ (Period/Grade) (Date) The title is ____________________________________________________________ *Rating (if any) ____________________ Not Known _________________________ The topic relates to the instructional program in the following manner: Parent to be notified: _________ Yes ________ No (if yes, include copy of letter) ________________________________ (Teacher) Principal’s Response: ___ Approved ___ Request Meeting for review of material ___ Not Approved: Reason _________________________________________________ NOTE: Complete and submit to the principal’s office. A copy will be returned to the teacher. *In the event that a PG (for grades 5-12) or a PG-13 (for grades 7-12) video or film has been approved for viewing, a permission slip stating the name of the video must be sent to the parents for their signature indicating their approval for their son/daughter to view the video and returned to the teacher prior to the showing of the video or film. 39 40 CITIZEN’S REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS Type of material _______________________________________________________ Title ____________________________________________________________ Author ____________________________________________________________ Publisher ___________________________ Request initiated by (name of individual) Edition _________________________ _____________________________________ Telephone number ______________________________________________________ Home address ______________________________________________________ Complainant represents: ______ himself ______ a group (identify) ________________ _____________________ an organization (give name) ___________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To what do you object? (Please be specific; cite examples) Why do you object to this material? Is there anything good about this material? Are you familiar with the material in its entirety? If not, what part or parts did you examine. What do you believe is the theme or purpose of this material? What would you recommend that the school system do about this material, i.e. ____ ____ ____ do not assign it to my child withdraw it from use by all students send it to the appropriate body for reconsideration and re-evaluation _______________________________ (signature of complainant) 40 41 Coloma Community Schools P.O. Box 550, Coloma, MI 49038 Terry Boguth, Superintendent Scott Pauley, Principal Coloma Middle School North Phone: (269)468-2410 Fax: (269)468-2429 Coloma Middle School South Phone: (269)468-2415 Fax: (269)468-2445 MIDDLE SCHOOL PARTIES DATE: ____________________ PLACE: ________________________ TIME: ____________________ TEACHER: __________________ The following is a brief outline regarding the Middle School party policy. 1. 2. 3. 4. th Halloween parties will be held in 5 grade classes ONLY. Christmas parties will be held at the discretion of the teacher (applies to all grades). Any student, who would like to eat some of the goodies during any party, must return the note below. SORRY, no parental signature – no food. A few homeroom students are chosen to bring in store-bought food items. An excessive amount of treats will be discouraged. ----------------------------------------------------CUT & RETURN----------------------------------------------------------------------------------_____ Yes, my son/daughter _____________________________ has a food or treat restriction that his or her teacher needs to be aware of.* _____ No, my son/daughter _____________________________ has no food or treat restriction that his or her teacher needs to be aware of. *The restriction is ________________________________________________________________ I fully understand that this note only advises the teacher of any possible food restrictions, but that it is really my child’s responsibility to avoid foods harmful to him or her. ____________________________ (Date) ______________________________ Signature of parent 41 42 FIELDTRIP REQUEST FORM This form should be filed with the principal at least seven (7) days prior to the date desired for any field trip. All trip requests must have the building principal’s signature before being presented to the superintendent. Building _____________________________ Organization Date of Report Trip Date _____________________________ __________________________________ ____________________________ Destination _____________________________ We wish to leave at __________________ and return at _______________ . We will leave from ___________________________ building and return to _______________ building. Method of transportation __________________________________________________________ Describe how this trip fits into the curriculum: _________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ List of chaperones Supervising Teacher # going on trip include chaperones _________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Absent for lunch __________ (if yes, please notify cafeteria personnel) If you plan to stop somewhere for lunch, please indicate:_________________________________ (Place) The supervising teacher will make the appointment with host institution and arrange for meals out, if so planned. Also, he will notify the cafeteria of their planned absence. Student permission slips should be on file in the office before leaving the school. The office will arrange for the bus, driver and bus permit. A “phone tree” for emergencies must be listed below before approval will be given. APPROVED: ______________________________________ Date: (Building Principal) _____________________ 42 43 DATE: __________________________ TEACHER BUDGET REQUEST Company's Name and Address: Curriculum Goal/Object ____________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________________________ _______________________________ Supplies Teacher Qty. Grade: ________ __________________________ Item# Description Page Priority E=Essential D=Desirable Subject: ________________________ Justification Unit Price Total Price 43 44 Checklist to be completed before teacher leaves on last day of school For Teacher ______ For Principal ______ *All Special interest groups given to Mr. Pauley ______ ______ All information completed and placed in CA-60 ______ ______ Crisis Manual turned in to office ______ ______ Summer address and telephone number given to office ______ ______ Library books returned to Shelley ______ ______ Desk drawers, cupboards, lockers and shelves orderly ______ ______ List of repairs given to office ______ ______ Bulletin boards stripped. Hall bulletin boards covered ______ ______ All putty residue removed from walls, cabinets, closets, blackboards, desks ______ ______ Textbooks counted and placed in classroom ______ ______ Keys turned in. Must be in envelope, labeled with room number and name ______ ______ Class record and attendance book turned in ______ ______ Professional Development Form Checks will not be issued until the principal has checked your list. Principal’s signature: SUMMER ADDRESS Teacher’s name: ______________________________________________________________ Summer address: ______________________________________________________________ Summer phone number(s): ________________________________________________________ List of needs/repairs: ________________________________________________________ 44 45 INDIVIDUALIZED DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND ASSESSMENT FORM NAME: Assignment: Building: I. Curriculum/Instructional Strategy: (Instructional practices - ITIP, knowledge/delivery of content, planning, student assessment, MEAP etc.) Assessment of Plan: Complete at evaluation time Did the skills developed better enable the teacher to increase student achievement? ____________________________ ___________________________ ____________________________ II. Learning Environment: (Management of students, positive climate etc. III. Relationships/Communications: (Quality rapport with parents, students and/or faculty) IV. Professional Growth: (Goal related to Bldg. school improvement plan and teacher's needs and interests) ________________________________________ Principal (have met to cooperatively develop this IDP ________________________________________ Principal (have met to assess the success of this IDP ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Teacher Date ____________________________ Teacher Date Teachers' mentor teacher (required 1st year only) 45 46 46