Program Evaluation Resources UNI RSP Last Update: 1/31/2013 HOW TO DO PROGRAM EVALUATION NSF Evaluation Handbook NSF Online Evaluation Resource Library DOE Evaluation Primer CDC Bibliography on Logic Models APS Online short course Planning an Effective Evaluation Plan (funded by NIH to assist early career-minority investigators learn about evaluation) DOJ (BJA) Center for Program Evaluation – including Guide to Program Evaluation PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS ON EVALUATION Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation American Evaluation Association FINDING AN EVALUATOR Iowa-Based Organizations that Provide Evaluation Services Center for Social and Behavioral Research, UNI, Gene Lutz or Mary Losch. Broad range of expertise, including public policy, secondary and higher education, health and behavioral health care (inc. gambling), corrections, environmental issues, housing, the media, gender, and cultural diversity. National Resource Center on Family Centered Practice, UI School of Social Work, Miriam Landsman or Brad Richardson. Expertise in family & child welfare, juvenile justice, mental health, substance abuse, community development, public policy issues, disabilities and cultural diversity. Center for Evaluation and Assessment, UI College of Education, Don Yarborough. Expertise in K-12 and postsecondary education, professional development, health, and related areas. Iowa Consortium for Substance Abuse Research and Evaluation, based at the UI, Stephan Arndt. Expertise in substance abuse, mental health, & corrections, with special populations (e.g., aging). 1 Program Evaluation Resources UNI RSP Last Update: 1/31/2013 Iowa Center for Evaluation Research, UI College of Public Health, Anne Wallis. Expertise in public health, substance abuse, child welfare, and other areas. Strategic Marketing Services, UNI College of Business Administration, Ron Padavich. Expertise in customized market research and analysis, strategic planning, marketing plans, competitor analysis, and market channel assessment. Market research capabilities include both qualitative and quantitative methods such as focus groups, web based surveys, mail surveys, in-depth interviews and web-based research. Statistics Consulting Lab, UNI, Mark Jacobson. Expertise in statistical analysis and programs. Small activities free for UNI faculty and staff. Individuals Who May be Willing to Serve as External Evaluators Edward Amend, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus & Faculty Teaching Consultant, HFA/Religion. Expertise is as a qualitative consultant-evaluator because of vast experience in higher education, particularly in humanities and religion. (Also has experience in grant-making in the humanities.) Has been serving as evaluator for Carver LAC Institutes and Carver Graduate Teaching Institutes. Joanne Dorhout, Expertise in instructional technology, with background in biology, music and just general K-12 curriculum. Has done some work w/ strategic planning and leadership in organizations. Michael Fleming,, Associate Professor in Family Studies. Expertise in evaluation of social service programs and applied research in youth and family studies, including diversity and gender issues. Member of American Evaluation Association. Gary Phye, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology & Professor of Curriculum and Instruction; Director, Psychology in Education Research Lab, Iowa State University. Expertise in secondary education, use of technology in education, and testing; qualitative methods and growth curves. Email; (515) 294-1962 (phone); (website). Sharon Smaldino, Ph.D.,, office phone: 815-753-9144, Professor, Teacher Ed Innovation, and Ruth G. Morgridge Chair in Teacher Education and Preparation in the College of Education, Northern Illinois University in DeKalb. Former UNI faculty in Ed Tech. Expertise in use of technology, teacher education, and communication disorders. Article about her: A good place to look for individuals w/evaluation expertise might also be ISU’s Graduate faculty in Measurement, Stats, & Eval. Sources to Use in Hunting for a Contract Evaluator Iowa Educational Research and Evaluation Association – potential in-state source of evaluators. (Tony Gabrielle & Charlotte Haselhuhn are current UNI officers). American Evaluation Association – national database of evaluation contractors The Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University – also has national directory of evaluators 2