Faculty Hiring Guide Including Procedures for Hiring Academic Administrators

Faculty Hiring Guide
Including Procedures for Hiring
Academic Administrators
Office of Compliance and Equity Management
117 Gilchrist Hall
Campus Code-0028
Phone: (319) 273-2846
Fax: (319) 273-7045
Revised 12/12
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Suggestions for Successful Recruitment ................................................................................................ 4
Recruitment Procedures: A Step-by-Step Guide .............................................................................. 5-12
Preparing for the Requisition Process .................................................................................................... 5
Search Requisition Authorization Form ....................................................................................... 5
Preliminary Review of Search Committee.................................................................................... 5
Recruitment Plan ........................................................................................................................ 5
Advertising Development ......................................................................................................... 6-9
Sample Ad .................................................................................................................................. 7
Requisition Creation .................................................................................................................... 9
Screening and Selecting Applicants for Interviews........................................................................... 9-10
Interviews ............................................................................................................................................. 10
Confidentiality ............................................................................................................................ 10
Background Checks and Degree Verifications .................................................................... 10
References ........................................................................................................................ 11
Search Committee Recommendation.................................................................................... .…. 11
Selection. ....................................................................................................................................... .…. 11
Employment Offer. .................................................................................................................... .11
Notification to Applicants Not Selected ....................................................................................... 12
Storage of Search Materials......................................................................................................... 12
Extending or Closing Searches .................................................................................................... 12
Appointment Status Types ................................................................................................................... 13
Definitions of Racial/Ethnic Groups and Other Protected Classes ...................................................... 14
A. Example of Email Directing Applicants to Jobs@UNI................……………………….……....... 15
B. Example of Appointment Letter to Selected Candidate………………………………….……...... 16
C. Selection Procedures: Department Heads……………………..………………………….……...... 17
D. Selection Procedures: Deans…………………….…………………………………….….……...... 18
The Faculty Hiring Guide describes the recruitment and selection process for faculty and
academic administrators at the University of Northern Iowa. It offers step-by-step procedures
from advertisement placement until the offer has been accepted. The sections of this guide
describe the responsibilities of search committee members, interviewing information, and the
affirmative action process. For additional assistance please contact:
Julie Weatherly, Equal Opportunity Specialist
Office of Compliance & Equity Management
117 Gilchrist Hall-0028
Phone: (319) 273-2846
FAX: (319) 273-7045
Website: www.uni.edu/equity
Email: julie.weatherly@uni.edu
To further assist with the recruitment and selection process, the Hiring Toolkit is provided at
http://www.uni.edu/equity/hiring-toolkit and includes:
 Jobs@UNI step-by-step user guides
 Ad development guidance and sample advertisements
 Sample interview questions and rating forms
 Reference check information
The University of Northern Iowa is committed to recruiting and maintaining a roster of faculty
who will continue the University’s long standing tradition of excellence. This commitment
embraces not only the desirability of promoting high academic standards, but also seeks faculty
representation from persons of color, women, persons living with disabilities and veterans at a
pace beyond that which might otherwise occur. This, we believe, enriches the working
environment for faculty members and the learning experience for students.
Recruit on a year-round basis. The department should continuously maintain contacts which
may be used for recruitment purposes when an opening occurs.
Advertise positions in appropriate professional journals, newsletters, electronic mailing lists,
and registries specifically designed to attract minority and other protected class applicants.
Post a link from your department/college websites to Jobs@UNI (http://jobs.uni.edu).
Use local, regional and/or national media for advertising positions.
Contact academic departments that offer doctoral or terminal degrees and who may have
candidates eligible for consideration.
Request that each member of your department and college assist in searching for minority
and women applicants.
Solicit assistance from professional organizations and colleagues for identifying minority and
women applicants.
Attend professional meetings which may assist in establishing contacts with potential
applicants for your department.
Contact minority and other protected class individuals who are referred to your department as
potential applicants even if a position is not currently available.
Maintain a record of applicants who are well qualified but not selected in previous searches.
Contact persons of color and women currently holding positions in research institutions,
industry, government, etc.
Maintain a current departmental mailing list of potential applicants.
When a vacancy occurs within a department (resignation, retirement, promotion, etc.) a
requisition should be prepared using the Jobs@UNI system to request permission to fill the
position. Prior to beginning the requisition process, the following steps may be necessary:
If preparing a request in Jobs@UNI for the first time, the Search Requisition Preparer
Authorization Form will need to be completed and submitted to Human Resource
Services (HRS) (http://www.vpaf.uni.edu/hrs/documents/jobs_authorization.pdf).
Notification will be emailed once the form has been received and you have been granted
the necessary access to the system.
A search committee can be drafted by the department head and/or the dean, and emailed
to the Office of Compliance and Equity Management (OCEM) for preliminary review if
desired. If a committee typically meets to discuss the details of the position and to
develop advertisement language, then it is necessary to request a preliminary review. If
the committee will meet after the requisition has been entered/approved in Jobs@UNI
system, then the committee will be reviewed at the time the requisition is approved.
Committees should reflect the diversity of our campus community and include, when
possible, minority representation from members of protected classes. The membership of
the search committee should not be announced until approval has been secured from
This Faculty Hiring Guide will provide information on the following:
 Requisition process
 Advertisement development
 Screening applications and interview selection process
 Selection and employment offer process
 Conclusion of search
Although the department heads are involved in conducting portions of the employment process,
the deans remain accountable for the entire search process.
A recruitment plan should be determined by the department head, in consultation with the dean
and OCEM as necessary. All proposed sources that will be utilized to advertise the vacancy (i.e.
print ads, internet advertising, electronic mailing lists) will need to be entered in the Recruiting
Resources section during the requisition creation process. Once the requisition is submitted for
approval, the sources will be reviewed and approved by the dean, provost and OCEM.
Information on advertising locations and resources may be found here:
Ad copy should be developed and submitted to the Office of Compliance and Equity
Management for review (a position announcement is no longer needed). Please allow at least
two working days for review of advertisement drafts. Responsibility for placing and funding
advertisements resides with the department head and/or dean. Discounted ad packages have
been purchased for several frequently used publications. Contact the Employment Manager in
HRS for more information regarding discounted ad opportunities.
External ads cannot be placed until approved by OCEM. All versions that will be used must
receive approval. Approval to advertise will be given by OCEM at the same time the position
has received approval in the Jobs@UNI system.
Various versions may be prepared to meet the posting requirements of ad locations. The ad copy
is to include:
The UNI logo. The official logo is to appear in all display ads and in all newspapers. To
obtain a logo, contact University Relations.
The position’s University-approved title.
Responsibilities of the position.
A brief description of the University and community, if desired. Please use the
standard descriptions of UNI and Cedar Falls available at
http://www.uni.edu/equity/description-uni-use-recruitment and
The minimum required qualifications of the position.
The following statement regarding background checks: “Pre-employment background
checks are required.”
The following statement regarding application procedure to direct applicants to the
Jobs@UNI website: “To apply, visit http://jobs.uni.edu.”
The following statement regarding timeline for applications: "Applications received by
date (a minimum of 10 working days) will be given full consideration."
Specific ways the applicant may find out more information about the position including
the departmental website and search chair’s contact information.
Affirmative action and equal opportunity statements.
The following statement is to be included in the narrative of display and
classified ads: “The department encourages applications from persons of color,
women, persons living with disabilities, and veterans.”
The following statement is to be placed at the end of display and classified ads:
“The University is an equal opportunity employer with a comprehensive plan for
affirmative action.”
The following smoke-free campus statement in italics and at the end of the ad: “UNI is
a smoke-free campus.”
Sample Ad
Assistant/Associate Professor
Department of Management
A tenure-track position as Assistant Professor of Management is available August 2013. The successful candidate’s
primary teaching responsibilities will be to teach leadership or project management courses to undergraduate
students enrolled in a new program that develops leadership skills through experiential and other innovative learning
activities. The successful candidate will also be able to contribute to one or more of the traditional management
areas such as organizational analysis & organizational behavior, human resources, operations, supply chain, or
strategy. Applicants who seek a balance in teaching/research responsibilities will find a collegial work environment
at UNI. Rank dependent on qualifications and experience. The Department encourages applications from persons
of color, women, persons living with disabilities, and veterans. Required qualifications include a Ph.D. in
Management or a related business field from a nationally or internationally-recognized doctoral program. ABDs in
Management or a related field from a nationally or internationally-recognized doctoral program with evidence of
degree completion by August 2013 will be considered. A record of excellence in teaching; demonstrated ability to
produce publishable research in business-related journals; and demonstrated organizational, communication and
interpersonal skills are also required. Active participation in appropriate professional associations is preferred. Visit
http://www.cba.uni.edu/management for additional information. Pre-employment background checks are required.
To apply, visit http://jobs.uni.edu. Applications received by September 1, 2012 will be given full consideration.
For more information, contact Dr. Atul Mitra, Professor of Management, at Atul.Mitra@uni.edu or by phone at
(319) 273-6202. The University is an equal opportunity employer with a comprehensive plan for affirmative action.
UNI is a smoke-free campus.
Abbreviated print ads may be used as a component of the overall advertising plan when
advertising in professional journals such as the Chronicle of Higher Education, Diverse Issues in
Higher Education, etc. Below are examples of abbreviated ads.
Assistant Professor
Department Name
Department Name
The University of Northern Iowa seeks a
tenure-track Assistant Professor
beginning August 2013.
Doctorate degree in (specify area)
required. ABDs in (specify degree area)
will be considered with evidence of
degree completion by August 2013. For
details call (319) 273-XXXX or go to
http://jobs.uni.edu. Pre-employment
background checks are required.
Applications received by “date” will be
given full consideration. EOE/AA
The University of Northern Iowa seeks an
Instructor for a term appointment beginning
August 2013. Earned master’s degree in
(specify degree area) required. For details
call (319) 273-XXXX or go to
http://jobs.uni.edu. Pre-employment
background checks are required. Applications
received by “date” will be given full
consideration. EOE/AA
UNI is a smoke-free campus.
UNI is a smoke-free campus.
The abbreviated ad is to include:
1. The UNI logo.
2. The position's University-approved title.
3. Rank.
4. Department.
5. The minimum required qualifications of the position. If minimum requirements cannot
be included in entirety, requirements should NOT be listed and the following statement
should be used instead: “For qualifications, as well as application information, please
visit http://jobs.uni.edu.”
6. The following statement regarding timeline for applications: "Applications received by
date (a minimum of 10 working days) will be given full consideration."
7. Specific ways the applicant may find out more information about the position including
the Jobs@UNI website and the search chair’s contact information.
8. The following statement regarding background checks: “Pre-employment background
checks are required.”
9. Affirmative action and equal opportunity statements. EOE/AA may be used;
however the longer version of these statements is encouraged whenever possible.
10. The following smoke-free campus statement in italics and at the end of the ad: “UNI is
a smoke-free campus.”
Once the search committee, recruitment plan, and ad copy have been drafted, the request may
be entered into the Jobs@UNI system by the department head or designee. Step-by-step
instructions for creating a faculty requisition using Jobs@UNI are found here:
If a preliminary review of the search committee was not requested prior to creating a requisition,
please note that the committee make-up will be reviewed by OCEM during the requisition
approval process. Proposed committees should reflect the diversity of our campus community
and include, when possible, minority representation from members of protected classes. Don’t
just rely on the regulars, but bring a variety and balance to the process – consider age, rank,
discipline, race, gender, students, staff, community members, etc. Once you have these people at
the table, hear them out. They may bring different, yet valuable points of view that would
otherwise go unheard. The membership composition of the search committee should not be
announced until final approval has been secured from OCEM.
After the requisition is created and approved, the position posting will be “live” on the
Jobs@UNI website. Applicants will then be able to view the position details and submit
application materials for the vacancy. At this time, departments may proceed with placing
external ads with the advertising sources that have been indicated in the requisition.
If an applicant attempts to apply for a vacancy without using the Jobs@UNI system, please email
the applicant to notify them that they will not be considered unless he/she applies through the
online hiring system. A sample email directing applicants to Jobs@UNI can be found in
Appendix A.
The search committee will review the applications and select a pool of applicants for on-campus
interviews. Phone screening candidates to collect additional information prior to on-campus
interviews is a great way to assist the search committee in determining which candidates to
invite to campus and is strongly encouraged. OCEM approval is not needed prior to
conducting phone screens. Search chair and committee member step-by-step instructions for
reviewing application materials and selecting candidates for interview using Jobs@UNI are
found here: http://www.uni.edu/equity/hiring-toolkit.
Before arrangements are made for on-campus interviews, the search chair is responsible for
submitting a Pre-Interview Report requesting approval to bring selected candidates to campus.
Once notification is received that the Pre-Interview Report has been approved, on-campus
interviews may be scheduled. Step-by-step instructions for creating a Pre-Interview Report are
found here: http://www.uni.edu/equity/sites/default/files/searchchairguide_100412.docx.
If additional interviewees are proposed after the initial on-campus interview pool has been
approved by OCEM, the search chair must prepare a second Pre-Interview Report for approval.
Interviews must be held on-campus and the interviewee must physically be present for the
interview. Phone screening candidates to obtain additional information prior to on-campus
interviews is a great way to assist the search committee in determining which candidates to invite
to campus. However, phone screening, the use of Skype, etc. does not replace the need for
an on-campus interview.
Please allow at least two working days for OCEM to grant approval for the selected on-campus
interview pool.
It is important to know the basic requirements of an effective hiring process. To assist you, the
Hiring Toolkit contains sample interview questions arranged by topic, an interview rating form,
and a link to the Iowa Workforce Development’s “Successful Interviewing Guide” for a list of
interview topics/questions that are viewed as discriminatory and should be avoided. Refer to
http://www.uni.edu/equity/hiring-toolkit for these resources.
CONFIDENTIALITY: All application documents submitted by an applicant or on behalf
of an applicant are considered confidential. Search-related materials should be shared only
with those directly involved with screening and selecting applicants for consideration until an
on-campus interview pool has been determined. At that time, limited information may be
released at the discretion of the Search Committee Chair and the Department Head. Faculty
or staff members whose family or close acquaintances are applicants are expected to refrain
from reviewing application materials. Applicants shall not have access to the Search
Committee deliberations, notes, or application materials.
interview, the department head shall direct all interviewed candidates to complete the
Disclosure and Authorization form for consent for pre-employment background checks. The
Disclosure and Authorization form is found here:
http://www.vpaf.uni.edu/hrs/ps/documents/ps_disclosure_auth.pdf. Please refer to the Policy
for Conducting Pre-Employment Checks at http://www.uni.edu/policies/430 for more
Also, credentials must be verified if the position requires a specific degree, certificate, or
license. Credentials can be verified by completing a Credential Verification Request form
found here:
http://www.vpaf.uni.edu/hrs/newemployees/documents/credential_verification.pdf. This
form should be completed and submitted to HRS along with the Disclosure and
Authorization form. If the department has already received original transcripts, this step is
not necessary.
REFERENCES: Several references should be contacted for each final applicant after
interviews have been conducted. References should be selected from the list provided by
the applicants and contacted either by phone or email. Documentation of the information
obtained from reference checks should be kept with the search file. Further information
regarding reference checking, including a sample reference check form can be found here:
At the conclusion of the interview process, the search chair will prepare a Post-Interview
Report to provide the name(s) of the candidate(s) recommended for final selection to the
department head and dean. There is no established minimum or maximum number of candidates
that must be submitted, however all candidates found eligible after interviews should be
recommended. If only one candidate is recommended and that person is not approved by the
dean or declines the offer, then an entirely new search will need to be initiated. Although the
Post-Interview Report details are only entered by the chair, the candidate(s) recommended for
final selection represent what has been agreed upon by the committee as a whole. Step-by-step
instructions for creating a Post-Interview Report are found here:
If a disagreement among committee member(s) occurs, the chair is to temporarily suspend the
search process immediately. The chairperson is to send a report describing the problem(s), as
well as all related materials to the OCEM for review. OCEM will inform the chairperson of how
to proceed after the review.
After reviewing the search committee recommendations, the dean, in consultation with the
department head, shall select a candidate to be offered the position. The dean will prepare the
Search and Selection Summary and route it to the Executive Vice President and Provost for
review and approval. Step-by-step instructions for creating a Search and Selection Summary are
found here:
A verbal employment offer may be made by the dean or designee once notification has been
received that the Search and Selection Summary has been approved by the Executive Vice
President and Provost. It must be made clear that the offer is contingent upon successful
completion of relevant background checks. If the offer is accepted, a letter of appointment is
promptly sent. All letters of offer must include a statement about candidates providing
documentation to verify their employment eligibility in the United States. A sample appointment
letter can be found in Appendix B.
Email or fax a copy of the signed acceptance letter along with the department account number to
HRS to initiate the necessary background checks. If necessary, degree, certificate, or licensure
verification should also be initiated. HRS will report whether candidates are “acceptable” or
“unacceptable” to the appropriate hiring official. If the background check is unacceptable, HRS
will also notify the finalist in writing. Direct any questions regarding the background check
policy to HRS. Once notification has been received of an acceptable background check, email or
fax a copy of the signed acceptance letter to OCEM. Please refer to the Policy for Conducting
Pre-Employment Checks at http://www.uni.edu/policies/430 for more information.
If the selected candidate declines the verbal offer and more than one candidate has been
recommended by the committee for appointment, the dean may prepare a second Search and
Selection Summary and route it to the Executive Vice President and Provost for review and
approval so that a second offer may be made. When preparing the second Search and Selection
Summary, note in the “Other Comments” section the reason provided by the first candidate for
declining the position (if known).
Emails notifying applicants of their non-selection are to be sent by the search chair following a
signed acceptance letter and successful background check. Step-by-step instructions for
initiating the automated email process are found here:
Search related materials should be filed in the unit in which the search occurs for a period of
three years beginning with the date the position is filled. Records of searches that are under civil
rights review due to a filed complaint are to be retained indefinitely.
EXTENDING: OCEM should be contacted if a committee would like to consider extending
the full consideration date for a search. Extending a search allows the timeline for the receipt
of applications to remain open for an extended but specific timeframe. Advertisements for
extended searches are to be sent to OCEM for review and approval.
CLOSING: OCEM must be notified in writing when a decision is made to close a search.
Emails notifying applicants that a search has been closed are to be sent by the search chair.
Step-by-step instructions for initiating the automated email process are found here:
Also, the job posting should be removed from the Jobs@UNI site by following these
instructions (starting from the Faculty Search Committee Options homepage): Click on
Manage Requisition Advertising in the Administrative Tools section. Change the Ad End
Date to the previous day. In the Advertising Date Options section select Standard 14 Days
or Until End Date Above. Then click Edit Requisition.
Descriptions and Recruitment Guidelines
Further information regarding appointment types can be found in the Master Agreement. A
brief description of each status is provided below:
Tenure Track – The initial appointment is probationary, which allows for the opportunity to meet
the requirements for tenure. Tenure track appointments require a search.
Renewable Term – The initial appointment is for a minimum of two years, with the first two
years of service considered probationary. After the initial two year appointment, reappointment
will be for one year at a time. Renewable term appointments are at the rank of instructor and
faculty do not earn tenure. Candidates must have earned a terminal degree in the field or be
recognized as having expertise by the search committee. The search process is consistent with
searches for tenure track positions. The number of renewable term appointments per College is
limited. See the Master Agreement for details.
Term – The appointment is for a minimum of two years and a maximum of four years. The
appointment expires as specified by the initial letter of appointment. When a term position
becomes vacant, a new search must be conducted. If the budget line for a term position changes
to probationary status, a full search must be conducted. Term appointments require a search.
Temporary – Full-Time, Part-Time or Emergency
Full-Time Temporary – The appointment is for one academic year, and may be renewed for
one additional year upon written request and approval from Compliance and Equity
Management. A full-time temporary appointment may not be continued beyond two
consecutive years. If the budget line for the temporary position changes to term or
probationary status, a new search must be conducted. Temporary appointments may be filled
by a search, but a search is not required. If advertising for the position is needed, a search
must be conducted.
Part-Time Temporary – The appointment is for one semester only and automatically
terminates at the expiration of the semester. Temporary appointments may be filled by a
search, but a search is not required. If advertising for the position is needed, a search must be
Emergency Temporary – The appointment is made when circumstances require immediate
replacement of a faculty member, or when a vacancy occurs prior to the beginning of the fall
semester but not earlier than June 1. Emergency temporary appointments are not to exceed
one academic year. Emergency temporary appointments may be filled by a search, but a
search is not required. If advertising for the position is needed, a search must be conducted.
Tenure Eligible – The appointment may be used for searches involving academic administrators.
Clinical – The appointment is used in rare cases. Special permission must be obtained from the
provost prior to selecting this appointment type.
Any combination of the following:
American Indian or Alaska Native
Person who has origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central
America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.
Person who has origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian
subcontinent, including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the
Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Black or African-American
Person who has origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Terms such as "Haitian" can be
used in addition to "Black or African American."
Hispanic or Latino
Person who has origins in Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, South or Central America, or other Spanish
cultures, regardless of race. The term "Spanish origin" can be used in addition to "Hispanic or Latino."
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Person who has origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific
Person who has origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
Person with Disabilities
Person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life
activities; has a record of such an impairment; or is regarded as having such an impairment. (EEOC)
Applicants and employees 40 years of age and older are protected from discrimination on the basis of
age in hiring, promotion, discharge, compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment. In Iowa,
the age is 18. (EEOC)
(Definitions provided by the US Department of Education, unless otherwise noted)
Subject: Application Process
Thank you for your interest in employment at the University of Northern Iowa (UNI). In order
to be considered for the position of _____________ in the Department of___________, it is
necessary that you apply for the position through our online hiring system. Please click here to
begin the application process for this position: http://jobs.uni.edu/faculty/view/(requisition
number). If you require assistance with the online application process, please use the “Contact
Us” link found on the Login page. Best wishes as you pursue future career opportunities and
thanks again for your interest in UNI.
(To be sent by the Dean on letterhead)
Selected Candidate
Street Address
City, State Zip
Dear (Selected Candidate):
On the recommendation of _______________________, Head, Department of _____________________, and with
the approval of Executive Vice President and Provost _________________, it is my pleasure to offer you the
position of _____________________ in the Department of _____________________ at the University of Northern
Iowa. The appointment of (title/rank) will be effective at the start of the fall (fill in year) semester, and is a (tenure,
tenure-track, renewable term, term) position with a beginning salary of (salary amount).
In addition to your cash salary, you will be eligible for fringe benefits that include University contributions to such
programs as annuity, life insurance, health and dental insurance, and disability insurance. Forms for application to
various benefit programs will be distributed at the new faculty orientation held immediately prior to the beginning
of the fall semester. The Benefits Administrator in Human Resource Services is available at (319) 273-2824 to
answer any questions you have concerning benefits.
In compliance with federal laws concerning work eligibility in the United States, you must be able to provide
documents showing employment eligibility prior to your start date.
This offer is contingent upon a satisfactory pre-employment background check.
We are confident that you will find this position interesting, challenging and rewarding. We look forward to
working with you. Please indicate your acceptance of this offer by signing below and returning to me by email or
fax. A University ID (UID) number is also needed to begin employment at UNI. To establish your UID, please go
to www.uni.edu/newhire and follow the instructions provided. Enter your new UID number after your signature
below. If you have questions about the UID and CatID creation process, call (319) 273-2422.
Dean, College of __________________
cc: Department Head
Executive Vice President and Provost
Compliance and Equity Management
I accept the conditions of this letter of offer as outlined above.
University ID#
Academic department head recruiting shall be in accordance with Affirmative Action Policy,
hiring procedures, and other applicable personnel policies. The policies and procedures of the
Office of Compliance and Equity Management (OCEM) documented in the Hiring Guide for
Faculty Recruitment are to be reviewed and applied.
2. The Committee shall be composed of a maximum of five tenured/probationary faculty
members selected by the department. One student or alumnus/alumna, one department head
from within the college, and one faculty member, also from within the college, may be
appointed by the dean if so desired. Any committee member electing to become an active
candidate shall be replaced on the committee according to procedures above.
3. The committee will meet with the dean of the college to develop the position description and to
discuss the search policies and procedures.
4. The committee shall pursue applications and nominations from a wide variety of sources
including the teaching faculty, administrative staff, professional associations, and other
colleges and universities.
5. The committee shall provide comparable opportunities for applications, interviews, etc., for
off-campus and on-campus candidates.
6. The committee shall screen the applications and nominations and, in consultation with the
dean, make arrangements for interviews by the committee, departmental faculty, and
appropriate university officials for a reasonable number of candidates. The candidate list is to
be reviewed and approved by OCEM before arrangements are made for on-campus interviews.
7. The committee will forward the names of at least three candidates whom it endorses to the
a. The committee should submit evaluation comments for each candidate interviewed.
b. The candidates shall not be numerically ranked. The dean will consult with the
committee and the department faculty prior to making a recommendation to the
Executive Vice President and Provost. The dean will inform the faculty and others at an
appropriate time about the president’s recommendation to the Board of Regents, State
of Iowa, for an appointment.
8. In unusual circumstances, the dean, in consultation with the department faculty, may request
from the Executive Vice President and Provost variance from any or all of the above
procedural steps except for Item 1, in which case OCEM is to be consulted.
9. The dean will prepare a Search and Selection Summary for approval by the Executive Vice
President and Provost prior to the announcement of the President’s recommendation to the
Board of Regents, State of Iowa.
(Academic Affairs 9/89)
(Affirmative Action 2/90)
Appointments – Academic Deans, Dean of Graduate College, Dean of Continuing Education and
Special Programs, and Dean of Library
1. Recruitment and hiring for these positions shall be in accordance with Affirmative Action
Policy, hiring procedures, and other applicable personnel policies. The policies and
procedures of the Office of Compliance and Equity Management (OCEM) documented in the
Hiring Guide for Faculty Recruitment are to be reviewed and applied.
2. Membership, Dean Search and Screening Committees
2.1 Dean of Academic College
The committee shall be composed of five faculty members, two appointed students, three
department heads and a representative of the Council of Deans. The student members
shall consist of two students appointed by the Northern Iowa Student Government
president with the consent of the Student Senate. The administrative members shall be
appointed by the Executive Vice President and Provost and will include three department
heads and one representative from the Council of Deans. The faculty members shall be
selected by the College Faculty Senate, or other representative body, by a method to be
determined by that body. The committee will select its own chairperson.
2.2 Dean of Graduate College
The committee shall be composed of five faculty members, two appointed graduate
students, three department heads and a representative of the Council of Deans. The
administrative members shall be appointed by the Executive Vice President and Provost
and will include three department heads and one representative from the Council of
Deans. The faculty members shall be selected by the University Graduate Council. A
graduate faculty member from each college is to be selected. The Council shall also
appoint two graduate students. The committee will select its own chairperson.
2.3 Dean of Continuing Education and Special Programs
In the case of the search for a Dean of Continuing Education and Special Programs, the
Committee shall be composed of one faculty member from each college, two students,
three department heads, and one representative of the other deans. The student members
shall consist of two students appointed by the Northern Iowa Student Government
president with the consent of the Student Senate. The administrative members shall be
appointed by the Executive Vice President and Provost and will include three department
heads and one representative from the Council of Deans. The faculty members shall be
selected by the College Faculty Senate, or other representative body, by a method to be
determined by that body. The committee will select its own chairperson.
2.4 Dean of Library
The Committee shall be composed of five faculty members, two appointed students, three
department heads and a representative of the Council of Deans. The student members
shall consist of two students appointed by the Northern Iowa Student Government
president with the consent of the Student Senate. The administrative member shall be
appointed by the Executive Vice President and Provost and will include three department
heads and one representative of the Council of Deans.
The faculty members shall be selected by the Library representative body by a method to
be determined by that body. The Committee will select its own chairperson.
3. Recruitment Procedures. The Committee shall develop a recruitment plan for review and
approval by the Executive Vice President and Provost. Applications and nominations from a
wide variety of sources, including UNI faculty, administrative staff, professional
associations, and other colleges and universities, shall be solicited.
4. The Committee shall screen the applications and nominations in order to select an interview
pool. This interview pool will be reviewed by the Office of Compliance and Equity
Management before arrangements are made for on-campus interviews.
5. The Committee will submit a Post-Interview Report of at least three candidates to the
Executive Vice President and Provost with specific comments or advice the Committee
wishes to offer. The Executive Vice President and Provost will inform the faculty and others
at any appropriate time about the President’s recommendation to the Board of Regents, State
of Iowa, for an appointment. The Executive Vice President and Provost will consult with the
department heads of the college and with the Dean’s Search and Screening Committee prior
to making a recommendation to the President.
6. The Executive Vice President and Provost will prepare a Search and Selection Summary
prior to the announcement of the President’s recommendation to the Board of Regents, State
of Iowa.
(Academic Affairs 9/89)
(Affirmative Action 2/90)