Social and Biophysical Dynamics of Reforesting Systems: Tensions between Macro-scale Theories and Local-scale Findings Tom P. Evans1 1 Department of Geography and Center for the Study of Institutions, Population and Environmental Change 2 Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis Indiana University Bloomington, IN (USA) Contact: May 23, 2007 Trajectories of Global Land Cover Change Considerable amount of research focused on proximate causes of deforestation, especially tropical deforestation 2 Lambin et al. 2001, Global Env. Change Reforestation in Context of Global Environmental Change Less attention has been focused on reforestation Reforestation of increasing relevance 3 Global climate change and carbon related policy programs (carbon trading) Biodiversity loss Impact of forest regrowth on hydrological dynamics What is the potential for reforestation to offset losses of carbon due to deforestation locally and globally? What trajectories of land cover change are likely among countries currently experiencing net deforestation? Forest Transition Theory abandoned/ 4 Foley et al. 2005. Science Pathways of Forest Transition Transition to Forest Regrowth/Recovery Rudel et al. 2005, Global Env. Change and others… Economic Development Path As economy develops, labor shifts from on-farm activities to off-farm wage labor opportunities Loss of on-farm labor results in abandonment of more remote, less productive areas Path reinforced when governments purchase unproductive areas Greece, Ireland, Portugal, USA(?) Forest Scarcity Path 5 Much of the US National Forest System followed this pathway As timber products become more scarce, price for timber increasese, (some) landowners plant trees instead of crops (e.g. India; Foster and Rosenzweig, 2003) Path reinforced when governments initiate reforestation programs and subsidize tree planting efforts India, China, Bangladesh, Vietnam Pathways of FTT 6 Economic Development Path generally occurs at a higher ‘deforestation trough point’ or level of net forest cover than the Forest Scarcity Path US, European countries, generally 15-30% Less developed countries, generally < 15% Rudel et al. 2005 Reforestation Transitions Forest Transition Theory 7 Tied to process of economic development and transition Therefore, generally applied to national scale Applicability at regional or local scale is uncertain and one source of criticism What switches system from deforestation to reforestation? What determines rate of reforestation? What determines (probable) point of maximum reforestation? % Forest Cover Time System States and FTT Forest transitions and system states Five phases or system states can be imagined in FTT Is shift between states the product of large shocks or modest dynamic changes? 8 Natural system Deforestation Stable forest cover (trough) Reforesting Reforested ??? Black death 14th century Europe Great Depression (1920s) - US World War II (1940s) - US % Forest Cover Time Complexity and Land Change Science (LCS) Geography/Human Dimensions of Global Change perspectives on complexity (Manson 2001) “Algorithmic complexity” Difficulty in defining salient system components Simplest possible system definition that can replicate behavior of the system (Chaitin 1992) “Deterministic complexity” “Aggregate complexity” 9 Interaction between system components can lead to shifts in system state or equilibria emergent behavior approach – interactions of agents/actors at one scale leads to particular outcomes (e.g. landscape configuration) at another scale Complexity and Land Change Science (LCS) Deterministic complexity Aggregate Complexity 10 Resilience Alliance – Local level decision-makers (households), aggregate scale outcomes (regional scale land cover composition and pattern) Interactions between households Deforestation in Eastern United States 11 Deforestation in Eastern United States Indiana (68%) and Ohio (72%) experienced the most dramatic loss of forest cover in the United States Large areas suitable for agricultural production where native ecosystem type is forest (pasture/grassland native state in Iowa, Dakotas, most of Illinois) 12 Reforestation in Eastern United States 13 Reforestation in Eastern United States Most states have experienced net reforestation, especially Northeast US Modest gains in Midwest US Subset of states net deforestation 14 Florida, NJ – urban growth North Carolina, Tennessee? 15 Flat topography in north, rolling topography in south One major “urban” area 16 Indianapolis (850,000 residents) Landscape dominated by corn/soybean rotation in north and mosaic of forest and agriculture in south Local Scale Dynamics Private land owners critical to trajectory of forest cover change in Indiana 87% of forest land in Indiana is on private land holdings Remaining forest lies within federal and state managed lands, the majority of which are actively managed Selective harvesting, some clearcutting Communities are relatively weak sources of institutions in this context Some counties have planning/zoning but not all, and those counties that do have zoning do not necessarily have plans that reinforce healthy forest management Stay tuned… 17 Trajectories of Forest Change in Indiana 18 Monroe County, Indiana (Midwest US) Roughly 30x40km, modest but steady population growth 100,000 in 1980 120,000 in 2000 Net Forest cover increase ~43% in 1939, ~60% in 1997 This trough point and net amount of reforestation analogous to that seen in Northeast USA Monroe County Population and Forest Cover in Indian Creek Township 1600 65.0 Population 1500 Forest Cover 60.0 1300 1200 55.0 1100 1000 50.0 900 800 45.0 700 600 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 Year 19 1980 1990 40.0 2000 % forest Number of people 1400 Net Reforestation in Monroe County Aerial photography 19392003 provides the ability to develop spatially explicit data farther back in historical record 100 Percent 80 60 Forest 1939 Forest 1939 Forest 2003 Forest 2003 40 20 0 0-5 5-10 10-20 20-30 Slope (Degrees) 20 30+ Macro Explanations of Reforestation? Population and Forest Cover in Indian Creek Township Plausible 1940-1960 1970-2000??? Commodity prices? Majority of reforestation occurred in early to mid-1900’s 60.0 1300 1200 55.0 1100 1000 50.0 900 800 45.0 700 600 1930 Great Depression Land abandonment, particularly marginal, non-sustainable agricultural areas 1940 1950 1960 1970 1990 40.0 2000 Price Indices 500 4 Timber Crops 400 3 300 2 200 1 100 0 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 Year 21 1980 Year Timber Price Index Forest Cover 1400 % forest Demographic change? 65.0 Population 1500 1970 1980 1990 0 2000 Corn Price Index 1600 Macro Explanations Number of people Biofuels and Ethanol Production 16 million hectares currently enrolled in CRP, much of which is due to expire Price of corn 22 $1.86 in January 2006 > $3.70/bushel now (with projections > $4/bushel) Huge implications for global food prices Huge implications for current trend of reforestation in US Local Scale Dynamics Household level surveys 1998 and 2003, land cover data derived from Landsat satellite imagery 1984 and 1997 23 HH survey results integrated with landcover data through parcel boundary data Both reforestation and deforestation occurring, but more reforestation (8.4%) than deforestation (4.9%) for a net forest cover increase of 3.6% Older landowners more likely to have reforestation Parcels with more steep topography exhibited more reforestation Overall, statistical results explain a relatively low proportion of the variance for parcel level land cover change Local Scale Dynamics Large proportion of modeling literature focuses on relatively simple explanations for land cover change trajectories 24 Topography Accessibility, distance to markets These simplistic explanations under-emphasize the role of decision-making, and especially the diversity of decisionmaking strategies employed by land holders Why would two landowners with similar land attributes (parcel size, topographic distribution, accessibility) make different land management decisions? Spatial Clustering of Landcover Change 25 Concentration of parcels with steep slopes in NE and East part of county Concentration of parcels with shallow slopes in SW part of county NW and south-central areas exhibit heterogeneous mix of ‘steep’ parcels and ‘shallow’ parcels Spatial Clustering of Landcover Change Trajectories Most locations exhibit heterogeneous mix of landcover change trajectories Selected locations of clustered LCC Deforestation (large blue dots) Reforestation (large pink dots) 26 Agent-Based Modeling of Land Cover Change Agent-based modeling focuses on individual actors (households) How do interactions between actors at local scale produce particular landscape outcomes at higher scales? 27 How does heterogeneity (diversity) of actors affect land management outcomes? Focus on Parcel/Household level analysis Land-cover patterns at the landscape scale as emergent property of interactions at local scale Ownership parcels as building blocks of the landscape that are related to both composition and configuration 28 Agent Based Modeling of Land Cover Change Model of labor and resource allocation Labor allocated to various land uses according to time series of price data Homo-economicus or “Economic Man”… Perfect decision maker Forest, crops, pasture, off-farm labor Perfect information, makes decisions that optimize utility Model using landowners with diverse characteristics/preferences produces best fit to observed land cover change at parcel level (Evans and Kelley 2006, IJGIS) 29 Land Change Science - Integrated Research Design Empirical Data Analysis Spatially Explicit Natural Resource Based Experiments Data Collection 30 Modeling Theoretical Developments Policy Recommendations Experimental research Common in some fields (psychology, economics) and becoming accepted in other fields (political science, anthropology) D. Kahneman, 2002 Nobel Prize Ostrom and Nagendra 2007. Insights on linking forests, trees, and people from the air, on the ground and in the laboratory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Spatial experimental research 31 Test theories of land-use decision-making to support empirical data analysis from the field Resource allocation experiment Spatial Experiment – Resource allocation Basic structure 15x15 cell landscape 9 subjects/partitions, 25 cells each (5x5) – 45 subjects/experiment Subject decision: Place cells in either use B or G resource Prices of B and G change through experiment Cash payout, subjects told their payout is proportional to their success in the experiment 32 40 total decision-making rounds (prices exogenous) Total revenue received through all rounds Experiment Interface 33 Spatial Decision-Making Experiments Comparison of landscapes from experiments and landscapes from agent-based model demonstrate that experimental subjects often do not choose optimal resource allocation Landscape Composition of 5 s0e0 Experiment Sessions with Landscape Composition of Simulated Agents and s0e0 Simulation Experimental Subjects 120 Percent of Land in B 100 413 80 414 614 60 615 616 40 simulation 20 0 0 10 20 Round 34 30 40 Spatial Decision-Making Experiments Landscapes emerging from “Non-optimal” subject decisions have different spatial characteristics than “optimal” landscapes produced from simulations of “perfect” decision-makers Landscape Edge of 5 s0e0 Experiment Sessions with s0e0 Landscape Edge of Simulated Agents and Simulation Experimental Subjects 160 140 120 413 Total Edge 100 414 614 80 615 616 60 simulation 40 20 Greater landscape diversity 0 0 10 20 30 40 Round More landscape edge Landscape Edge of 5 s1e0 Experiment Sessions with s1e0 Landscape Edge of Simulated Agents and Simulation Experimental Subjects Directly supports findings from agent-based modeling Diverse agent types More complex landscape patterns than predicted solely by land suitability 160 140 120 225 Total Edge 100 226_1 226_2 80 302 304 60 simulation s1e0 40 20 0 0 10 20 Round 35 30 40 Matching Experiments to Simulations Simulation run No positive spatial externality Heterogeneous suitability Experiment run No positive externality Heterogeneous suitability Simulation run Positive spatial externality Heterogeneous suitability Experiment run Positive externality Heterogeneous suitability 36 Optimal allocation by round BLUE MIX GREEN Complexity in Transition from Deforestation to Reforestation We do see support for “shock” explanation of system state change, transition from deforestation to reforestation Continuing process of reforestation is more subtle Change in economic opportunities Importance of heterogeneity, change in preferences, experiences and information among actors As economy develops, more off-farm wage labor opportunities Evidence from household surveys supported by insights gained from agent-based models and experimental research Diversity of household level attributes key to the regional level pattern of land cover change, transition from deforestation to reforestation In-migration Agricultural extension 37 New agricultural practices introduced Innovators adopt new agricultural methods, diversify land uses Education Environmental valuation Risk, learning Limitations of Forest Transition Theory Reforestation has generally occurred in areas most marginal for agricultural production Steep slopes, areas of low accessibility, poor soils Physiographic diversity of reforested state is lower than pre-settlement forest cover Large amount of reforestation, especially in developing countries, is plantation forest (e.g. eucalyptus) Alleged benefits in terms of carbon, more questionable ecological benefits Hydrological benefits Loose definition of forest 38 Lowland forests, valley bottoms Implications for ecological diversity Rubber plantations in Laos, palm oil categorized as forest in Southeast Asia Again, questionable ecological benefit Rubber Adoption in PDR Loas Rural landscape dominated by smallholders practicing shifting cultivation Diverse land suitability, areas suitable for lowland rice vs. areas for upland crops Introduction of rubber from China (social networks) 7 year lag between planting trees and collecting rubber Major household decision to allocate land, must consider level of risk aversion and prediction of future rubber market prices 39 Rubber Adoption in PDR Loas Agent based model 40 Households allocate labor to different land holdings based on HH labor availability HH decide to maintain existing land uses or transition to new land uses Spatial interaction and social network measure, lead to faster or slower adoption within community Are early adopters better off than late adopters? Demo Acknowledgements Midwest US/Brazilian Amazon project Laos PDR project 41 U.S. National Science Foundation (US research) Elinor Ostrom, Shanon Donnelly, Hugh Kelley, Wenjie Sun, Jimmy Walker, Sean Sweeney, Jerry Busemeyer, Vicky Meretsky Jeff Fox, John Vogler, Khamla Panvilay – East-West Center NASA, NSF funding Center for the Study of Institutions, Population and Environmental Change (CIPEC); Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis; Indiana University Literature Elmqvist and e. al. (2007). "Patterns of Loss and Regeneration of Tropical Dry Forest in Madagascar: The Social Institutional Context." PLoS ONE 2(5). Evans, T. P. and H. Kelley (2004). "Multi-scale analysis of a household level agent-based model of landcover change." Journal of Environmental Management 72(1/2): 57-72. Evans, T. P. and H. Kelley (in press). "Assessing the transition from deforestation to forest regrowth with an agent-based model of land cover change for South-Central Indiana (USA)." Geoforum. Evans, T. P., W. Sun, et al. (2006). "Spatially explicit experiments for the exploration of land-use decision-making dynamics." International Journal of Geographical Information Science 20(9): 1013-1037. Foley, J. A., R. DeFries, et al. (2005). "Global Consequences of Land Use." Science 309(5734): 570-574. Geist, H. J. and E. F. Lambin "Proximate Causes and Underlying Driving Forces of Tropical Deforestation." BioScience 52(2): 143-150. Lambin, E. F., B. L. Turner, et al. (2001). "The causes of land-use and land-cover change: moving beyond the myths." Global Environmental Change, Part A: Human and Policy Dimensions 11(4): 261-269. Ostrom, E. and H. Nagendra (2006). "Insights on linking forests, trees, and people from the air, on the ground, and in the laboratory." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 0607962103. Perz, S. G. (2007). "Grand Theory and Context-Specificity in the Study of Forest Dynamics: Forest Transition Theory and Other Directions." The Professional Geographer 59(1): 105-114. Perz, S. G. and D. L. Skole (2003). "Secondary Forest Expansion in the Brazilian Amazon and the Refinement of Forest Transition Theory." Society & Natural Resources 16(4): 277-294. Rudel, T. K., O. T. Coomes, et al. (2005). "Forest transitions: towards a global understanding of land use change." Global Environmental Change 15(1): 23-31. 42 Thank you.… Questions? 43