Foto kandidaat Fractie Positie op lijst: 1 TSB Personeel Naam kandidaat: Annet te Lindert Mijn naam is Annet te Lindert en ik ben senior lecturer Medical and Clinical Psychology (MCP) at Tilburg University. Ik wil de focus de faculteitsraad TSB leggen bij strategie, beleid en gezonde financiën voor innovatief en kwalitatief hoogwaardig onderwijs en onderzoek. Herkenbaarheid van departementen: Samenwerken waar het kan, uitblinken waar het moet. Mijn speerpunten hierbij zijn diversiteit, gender vraagstukken en een goede dialoog rondom maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen als internationalisering, mantelzorg, balans werk en privé. 1 Picture Party Position on list: 2 TSB Personeel Name candidate: Tim Reeskens I'm Tim Reeskens and am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology. My research interests concern mainly the social consequences of immigration and diversity. I'm a passionate researcher, lecturer, and do love to communicate sociology beyond academia as the Socioloog des Vaderlands (together with Peter Achterberg). As a candidate for the Faculty Council, I would like to bring the same passion for social sciences into the Faculty. As a point of focus, I would like to invest in establishing ties between departments. Recently, we have witnessed successful collaborations between departments concerning education (for instance, with the establishment of the research masters and the GMSI-bachelor). Because I believe that not only education but also research can flourish from ties between departments, I would like to put effort on initiatives to exchange ideas across departments. 2 Picture Party Position on list: 3 TSB Personeel Name candidate: Dorien Kooij My name is Dorien Kooij and I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Resource Studies. I have been a member of the Faculty Council since 2013. Before that I was a member of the Educational Committee of Human Resource Studies. For me, important topics are excellent research and teaching, internationalization, and of course Human Resource policy. Picture Party Position on list: 4 TSB Personeel Name candidate: Roger Leenders Hi, my name is Roger Leenders, Professor of Intra-Organizational Networks in the Organization Studies department. For many years, the faculty council has had no full professors as member. I am a candidate, because I think the council should have representation across all levels of the school. Main topics of focus are the promotion policy and the position and rights of the employee in our school, where I think much can and should be gained. Also, it is important to seriously think about the way we are going to deal with an increasingly international population of students and employees. Another topic concerns the balance between teaching and research: many of us are having a hard time protecting research time because of high teaching duties, this both creates additional pressure on our research productivity and may make us value teaching quality less. Finally, I think much can be gained by reconsidering the way we evaluate people, teaching quality, and research quality. I believe the current evaluation procedures may be more stifling than inspiring. 3 Picture Party Position on list: 5 TSB Personeel Name candidate: Fieke Wagemans My name is Fieke Wagemans, I’m a third-year PhD student in the Social Psychology department. For my PhD project, I investigate the role of emotions in morality by focusing on the underlying cognitive mechanisms. Besides conducting research, I also teach a variety of courses in the Psychology Bachelor and I have been a member of TSB’s PhD council for almost 2 years now. That membership is almost ending but I still like to have an active role in an advisory committee, so therefore I would now like to become a member of the Faculty Council and focus on research and educational policies that are relevant to all employees and students of our faculty. 4 Picture Party Position on list: 6 TSB Personeel Name candidate: Margot Joosen My name is Margot Joosen and I am a senior researcher at Tranzo. Since 2012, I am a member of the Faculty Council and I am looking forward to use my experience as a Faculty Council member in the next two years. Examples of important topics discussed last year in the Faculty Council are gender diversity, finance and human resource policies. In the upcoming years I would like to continue my work in the council and use my experience to keep a critical perspective on the work of the management team. 5 Picture Party Position on list: 7 TSB Personeel Name candidate: Hilde Augusteijn My name is Hilde Augusteijn and I am a PhD student at the MTO department. I’m currently in the first year of my project, and I would really like to be part of the Faculty Council. Previously, I’ve studied communication and information sciences at the Humanities faculty. After several years of as student member and chair of the faculty council of TSH and a position as student-advisor of the TSH faculty board, I would now like to be the voice of the employees at TSB. I believe that my previous experience in other faculty councils would make me a valuable addition to the council. As a member of the MTO department, I have connection with both members and students of the other TSB departments and I am looking forward to representing all TSB employees. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Best regards, Hilde Augusteijn 6 Foto kandidaat Fractie Positie op lijst: 8 TSB Personeel Naam kandidaat: Luc van Baest Even voorstellen: Mijn naam is Luc van Baest en ik ben vanaf 1998 verbonden aan het departement Methoden en Technieken. Werk daar als docent en met heel veel plezier: onderwijs geven is prachtig! Heb in het verleden drie periodes zitting gehad in de faculteitsraad - waarvan één periode als voorzitter. Wat kun je van mij verwachten als FR lid?: Vooral focus op onderwijs. Er zijn allerlei ontwikkelingen gaande binnen de faculteit (internationale bachelors, implementeren nieuwe onderwijsvisie CvB, Data Science ). Maakt de faculteit alleen maar sterker binnen de TiU en vraagt veel van medewerkers. Met name op het laatste punt wil ik als FR lid een vinger aan de pols houden. Ander belangrijk speerpunt: wat is - de komende jaren - de uitwerking van de BEST operatie binnen onze faculteit? Kortom, genoeg om me de komende periode op te focussen. 7 Picture Party Position on list: 9 TSB Personeel Name candidate: Hans van Dijk My name is Hans van Dijk. I wrote my dissertation at the Human Resource Studies department, and am now an assistant professor (tenure track) at the department of Organization Studies. I value my experience in both departments, and believe there’s ground to gain in a stronger collaboration between departments at TSB. Another point of interest for me is the promotion policy at TSB – not just for tenure trackers, but at all positions. Further, I’m really interested in the new international Bachelor programs and the increasing internationalization of our school. I consider it a very good development, but it’s important that at all levels the school is well adjusted to these changes. 8