Document 10772181

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1. Name the following polynomials by both degree and the number of terms:
a. 2 4 Cubic polynomial
b. 5 2 Linear binomial
c. 5 5th degree monomial
2. Perform the following polynomial operations:
a. 2 3 1 3 4 3 3
b. 5 7 5 3 6 3 5 10 6 2
c. 2 33 2 6 5 6
d. 2 4 5 7 6 20
3. Graph the following functions:
b. 4 3
a. 6 5
4. Find the zeros of the following quadratics:
a. 5 14
7, 2
b. 2 8 8
c. 16
d. 3 9
0, 3
5. Find the vertex of the following quadratics:
a. 4 3
2, 7
b. 6 7
3, 2
c. 3 12 9
2, 3
6. Knowing the parent function is , describe the following transformations
Translates right 3 units and down 8 units
a. 3 8
b. 2 4
Parabola gets skinner/narrows and translates up 4 units
c. 4
Reflects across x-axis (opens down) and translates left 4 units
7. Solve the following quadratic equations:
a. 6 3 4
7, 1
b. 3 2 14 6
, 2
c. 3 5 14
6, 0
d. 3 2 8 0
no solution
e. 5 25 10
f.2 12 20 2
≈ 5.37, 0.37
8. A man stood at the top of the St. Louis arch 630 feet in the air and threw a penny toward the ground at a
speed of 94 feet per second.
a. Write an equation of height in terms of time. ℎ 16 94 630
b. When did the penny hit the ground?
√ !
≈ 3.99 seconds
9. A man stood at the top of the St. Louis arch 192 meters in the air and threw a penny up into the air at a speed
of 20 meters per second.
a. Write an equation of height in terms of time. ℎ 4.9 20 192
b. When did the penny hit the ground?
"√ !.
10. Solve the following systems of equations:
% 5 6
5, 6; 2, 8
a. $
% 2 4
b. $
% 2 4 10
% 6 1
% 4 2
c. $
% 2 2
no solution
0, 2
≈ 8.62 seconds
11. Solve the following inequalities:
a. 6 5 ' 0
b. 3 28 ( 0
c. 2 8 8 ) 0
12. Graph the following inequalities:
a. * 2 8
b. ' 5 6