Dear Applicant:
On behalf of the Department of Housing, we appreciate your interest in the Resident Mentor
(RM) position at the University of South Carolina Aiken. The University Housing RM position provides students with skills applicable throughout their college years and beyond.
Resident Mentors provide an important link between students living in campus housing and the
University. The RM position requires students to undertake a significant mentoring role and a high level of responsibility. This position certainly offers many challenges, but the rewards you will gain from this experience are many.
Enclosed in this packet you will find several pieces of vital information: guidelines and instructions for completing your application packet, a detailed job description and requirements
(subject to change), an application and reference forms. Please take the time to carefully review these materials.
We strongly encourage you to take the time to speak with current University Housing staff members about the Resident Mentor position. We want you to make an informed decision, and we hope you will decide to join the selection process.
Deri R. Wills
Director of University Housing
Completed Application Packet Are Due By 5:00pm Friday, February 12, 2016 in the
University Housing Office, Pacer Crossings 130
The Selection Process is very challenging and affords applicants a variety of ways to convey their skills and competencies for the Resident Mentor position. The process will encompass the following activities:
All application materials will be screened for completeness, quality, a required minimum USCA GPA of
2.500, not accepted in the nursing program, and will be available for the entire 2016-2017 school year
(No December Graduates). Disciplinary records will also be examined and you must also have been a resident of Housing for an entire year before starting the job. Applicants not meeting these basic requirements will be screened out of the process at this time, and will be notified by University Housing.
Application, Letter of Intent, & Resume
Completed application materials will be accepted in the University Housing office, Pacer Crossings 130, until 5:00pm, Friday, February 12, 2016. Applicants are encouraged to contact Career Services for assistance with resumes and letter of intent. Please print clearly on your application and type your resume and letter of intent. See the application for further instructions for your letter of intent. Please turn in all materials together in a manila envelope or folder (If you do not have a folder you may request one for your application in the main office when you turn your application in). Failure to submit all of the above materials will result in elimination from the selection process.
Each applicant must provide contact information for 2 references. Please use the forms provided. One of your references must be from a faculty, or staff member at USCA. Please select references that can best comment on your work ethic, leadership skills, and abilities. It is your responsibility to make sure that your completed application is submitted by 5:00pm, Friday February 12, 2016.
Selection Process
Each applicant is required to complete an interview(s) with members of the University Housing Staff.
Interviews will occur after the application deadline and you will be contacted to schedule an interview time. Please arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the start time for your interview. Also, please remember that this is part of the application process, so please dress appropriately.
University of South Carolina Aiken
Department of University
Resident Mentor Job Description
The Purpose of the Position: Resident Mentors are an integral part of the Department of
University Housing. They are the staff that has the most direct and constant contact with students. Resident Mentors are assigned to a residence area of 24-64 students. Their primary responsibility is to act as a facilitator for the residence hall/apartment community and to enhance the on-campus living experience for residents. The Resident Mentor articulates for students the philosophy and policies of the Department of University Housing and University. Resident Mentors are expected to know and adhere to all rules and regulations and act as a role model. The seven basic roles of the Resident Mentors are 1)
Community Facilitator, 2) Referral Agent, 3) Team Member, 4) Administrator, 5)
Programmer, 6) College Representative, and 7) Mentor. The Resident Mentor is responsible to the Assistant Director/Community Director.
A Resident Mentor is expected to maintain a minimum USC-System cumulative grade point average of 2.5. If a Resident Mentor's USC-System cumulative GPA falls below a 2.5, he/she will be terminated. Additionally Resident Mentors must carry a minimum of 12 credits per semester. Dropping below 12 credits may result in forfeiture of stipend and/or termination from the position. If the Resident Mentor wants to take more than 15 credits per semester or has an interest in student observation, he/she needs to meet with their supervisor(s) before enrolling in more than 15 credits to ensure balance between the RM job and academics.
A Resident Mentor will be placed on his/her area/hall as determined by University Housing and may be reassigned at the discretion of the Department of University Housing during the academic year.
A Resident Mentor is expected to maintain an ongoing communication with their Supervisor, other student staff, and the Department of University Housing.
A Resident Mentor may not participate in internships, student teaching, Pacesetters, Pacer
Spirit, Peer Educators, MAP mentors, or accepted nursing majors.
Positions of leadership in any extracurricular activities must be approved in advance through their Supervisor(s).
A Resident Mentor must remain in good standing judicially within the University.
A Resident Mentor is expected to act as a positive representative of the University Housing and the University at all times.
A Resident Mentor planning to be absent from their hall/area overnight must get prior approval from their Supervisor(s). Resident Mentors are entitled to two weekends away a month. Weekend will be arranged in consultation with the supervisor(s). A weekend is defined as the period beginning at 6:00 p.m. Friday and ending when your respective office opens on the following Monday morning. Special weekends (i.e. Family weekend, Special
Hall/Area Events) require all staff to remain on campus.
Attendance at pre-and in-service staff development sessions, RM training and all other RM meetings are expected.
A Resident Mentor is expected to be available and accessible to residents especially the first six weeks of each semester.
A Resident Mentor contract starts on August 5, 2016 and goes through May 6, 2017. If a
Resident Mentor resigns before the end of his employment dates, a letter explaining the circumstances will be kept in the Resident Mentor's permanent employment file. All policies regarding residency requirements and breakage fees will apply.
Upon leaving the Resident Mentor position, a room assignment will be made with consultation with the Supervisor.
Outside employment from the RM position is not allowed.
Actively Participate in at least one University Housing committees each semester.
RESPONSIBILITIES: A Resident Mentor is expected to carry out the following responsibilities:
A. Community Facilitator
Become acquainted and build a rapport with each resident in your section/floor.
Be available and accessible to the students in their area/floor by spending "interaction hours" in the section/floor.
Within the first week, know all the residents by name in your section/floor.
Advisor the section/floor council.
Hold at least one monthly area/floor meeting in consultation with the section/floor officers.
Implement area/floor standards.
By implementing area standards facilitate interaction of students in the section/floor.
By implementing section/floor standards create an atmosphere conducive to personal, social and academic growth.
Identify strengths and weaknesses of students and be aware of major behavior changes in students. Report concerns immediately to your supervisor.
Respect and maintain the confidentiality of staff and students.
Consistently confront and encourage personal responsibility on the part of section/floor members.
Welcome each resident at the beginning of the Fall Semester at the start of Spring Semester and new residents as they arrive, by providing section/floor and door decorations.
Assist with new student orientation.
Assist in the resolution of roommate and/or suitemate conflicts, personal difficulties and academic concerns.
Be a listener.
B. Referral Agent
Report all emergencies and serious situations to your Supervisor or the Assistant
Director/Community Director on-call immediately.
Know and thoroughly understand the protocol when referring students if they need special assistance or have special problems.
Act as a referral agent for students to different campus and community resources.
Inform residents of campus activities and encourage participation therein.
Identify student interests and abilities and channel their energies toward projects and organizations in which they can become involved.
C. Team Member
Attend and participate in all staff training and workshop sessions. These dates include, but are not limited to: o Student Staff Spring Training Beginning on January 2, 2017
Attend all weekly staff meetings, bi-weekly meeting with your supervisor, and contribute to the efficient functioning of the community area.
Help develop an Area staff community, which includes facility staff, Resident Mentor staff, office Mentors and Assistant Director/Community Director.
Participate in the recruitment, selection and training of new staff members.
Discuss and have approved in advance, all outside activities (membership in clubs, student government, etc.) with the Supervisor.
D. Administrator
Be available for and participate in the opening of the residence halls at the beginning of each the semester (Spring January 5-9, 2017).
Assist with the end of the fall and the year closing and checking out activities. Resident
Mentors will be required to stay in their building until 5:00 p.m. May 6, 2017.
Stay through the closing of University Housing for Thanksgiving, December Holiday and
Spring Break as requested by your Supervisor.
Be available the last two weekends of the spring semesters.
Be available for special staffing assignment such as Family Weekend, Open Houses, RSA events, & Community Council events.
Rotate day/night/weekend duty at the discretion of the Supervisor. Weekday duty will start on
Monday at the opening of your respective building and go until 6:00 p.m. Friday evening.
The Resident Mentor on duty must be in her/his room or in the building/area where residents can reach he/she at all times. Weekend hall coverage extends from 6:00 p.m.
Friday evening until the opening of your respective building on the following Monday. The only time Resident Mentors on weekend duty should leave his/her community area is to go eat at the cafeteria.
Never change schedule without the Supervisor’s approval.
Complete in a timely fashion administrative tasks such as check-in, checkout, maintenance requests, incident reports, surveys, apartment/suite condition reports, door decorations, guest registration, damage reports, consolidation, community complaints, informational signs, and other tasks as assigned by the supervisor.
Be responsible for knowing the information in the staff manual.
Report necessary repairs and safety concerns to your supervisor.
Never provide any medicine to any student.
Meet deadlines for all necessary paperwork.
Assist students who are locked out of their room.
Fill out work request on any common area repair that is needed.
Perform Health and Safety inspections three times a semester.
Assist with the room selection process for the coming year.
Assist with staff selection process for the coming year.
Work 5 hours a week in respective Area Office.
E. Programmer
Facilitate effective programming and insure the existence of community programming on the floor.
Utilize the Housing programming model to develop and facilitate designated number of hall programs per semester for their area and floor. Moreover, you will need to complete a designated number of bulletin boards each semester for your section/floor using standards set by the Department of Housing.
Actively encourage participation in Section/Floor Council events and be supportive of
Community Council and RSA. Attend a Community Council meeting each month or events.
Involve faculty members in area/floor programs so that faculty member gets to know the residents.
Assists with Safety and Security week activities.
Meet programming requirements as determined during Fall and Spring Training.
Be aware of student needs and encourage, plan and implement programs of an academic/educational, cultural, recreational, service and social nature to meet these needs.
Involve students in the planning of area/floor activities. Assist in the development of a responsible living environment on the area/floor by providing effective educational and community programs for students.
F. College Representative
Demonstrate exemplary behavior at all times by abiding all University Housing and University policies.
Know, explain and enforce South Carolina State Laws, University, and Housing policies and appear at disciplinary proceedings.
Provide factual, accurate information in all community complaints immediately following incident in an incident report.
Will keep disciplinary related information confidential.
Follow-up appropriately to all emergency situations and assist outside agencies when request to do so.
Serve as a liaison for the University Housing Staff and convey student concerns related to policies.
G. Academic Mentor
Know what services the Academic Success Center Offers
Know how to use the Academic Success Center Webpage
Know how to refer a student for Math Tutoring; Writing Workshop and general tutoring
Know Academic key dates
Role Model study skills
Help student organize study groups
Know and explain the importance of Early Warning Letters
Remuneration: Waiver of room cost (worth at least $5,614) and a stipend of $1500 a year.
*This job description and some dates are subject to change*
Personal Information (Please type or Print Clearly)
Full Name_______________________________________ ________ VIPD#______________________
Campus Email ________________________Cell Phone #___________________________________
Current Local Address ______________________________________________________________________
( Apartment # and Building Name or Street Address ) (City) (State) (Zip Code)
Including this semester, how many semesters have you lived in a residence hall (one year is required)? ______
Have you ever been arrested?
Yes No If yes, please explain (provide additional documentation if necessary)
Educational Information
Major(s) ____________________________________________Classification (circle one) FR SO JR SR
Anticipated date of Graduation (month/year) ______________ Number of credits completed ______________
USC-System Cumulative GPA and all subsequent semesters)
Last Semester GPA (2.5 is required at time of application
Have you participate in: (Circle all that applies):
First Pace Pacer Pathway Minority Achievement Program (MAP) RSA Community Council
Please briefly answer each of the following questions in your letter of intent: (Please type in a separate document and attach to application)
Why are you interested in the Resident Mentor Position?
How do you see the RM position contributing to your personal growth?
What, in your opinion, is the most important aspect of the RM role?
Describe something that has impacted you since you been in college. How would you apply what you’ve learned from that experience to your role as a RM?
What specific skills (at least three) can you bring to the RM position and three areas of improvement for you?
If selected to become an RM, what do you expect to learn from the experience?
What are your expected involvements with organizations, or collegiate sports for the 206-17 school year and describe the amount of time per week that these involvements will require?
I would like to be placed in consideration for a Resident Mentor Position at the University of South Carolina Aiken and have indicated so by completing this application.
Signature of Applicant Date
Completed Application Materials Are Due By 5:00pm February 12, 2016 in the University
Housing Office, Pacer Crossings 130
Reference Form
Resident Mentor Selection 2016-2017
University Housing
University of South Carolina Aiken
Applicant Name (printed): __________________________ ________________________________
First name Last Name
Completed Application Materials Are Due By 5:00pm Friday February 12, 2016 in the University
Housing Office, Pacer Crossings Office 130.