Dptprmlr'!.tion of the Somatic Chromos')rne Numoar of Polygorlum tel1ue Ar Honors fhpsis (ID 499) By .Janice L. BDby Dr. The'mas R. Mertens Ban 3tat,p University IVjunc-le, Ind i.ana tv:ay. 1 Q78 3prinp: )uarter, 1(~78 De+>ermi n;:ct ion of +,h'? ~)omat 1c Chromosome Number of Pol,vgonum I,enue Int.roduction Plant taxoJlomists hi'iV8 disagreed for years cor:cerning the sect"ion of genus Polygonum has been ~o whlch tradit~0nally f. tenue should be i'issigned. Although the species assigned to genus Pol,vBonum, section Avicularia (Polyp;onum). sev,?ral resei'irchers have proposed thi'it TTlember of genus .?olygonum, seetlon Duravia. fi'ict that several tra} ts of .E. E. tenue is actua1ly a This pronos;1J is haSf'd on the tenUf-? are contradictory to t.hose characteristiC' of section Avicularia as a whole. Hedberg (6) established t.he ] 1 mlts of perms Polygonum. sect ion Avicularia on the b:-'lsis of snecies from -:-:0]] 8T' sec-~ion mornrnlor;y. Th):::-, rd j mi!'1i'i ted most North Ameri C'2.n Avicularia. and pJaced them in section Duravia. Biosystematic studies donp in thr- 19606 clarified the positions of ,;everal of those North American snecies assi~ned to section Avicularia. Styles (13) nerformed a detailed biosystematir study of section Avicularia in the British Isles wh'ch resulted in estat'lishin,rr SPAdes limits based on floHer and achene characteristics. habit, leaf char~cteristics. He-dens (q) founel .E. StyLes al.Sr. corrplated these trajts with p1a!lt habitat, ard rhromoso~p number. Raven anrl ienUI? tel bl? morrJholoP:2cal1y s;mila.r:' t.o four ot.her memhers of sectinn AVl r 'ularia with reEpect to fruit and pe"ianth rharactpristics, but fouml the D011,::;n to be of thf' tyne found in plant.s of section Duravia. 1 2 An investi,a:at-,irln by Savarp arrl Mprt(~ns (11), usinf, StvlRs' method"" of other wp~ber? of section study, aJ~,n f 01.: nrl of ~r=40 .E. teJ'lW" fe' be lacki"'fY th's ba'lo. or 2n=60. they were more rolygonu~. ~~ture. revP21ed order to 5 m~ ('0)(1 lonv. shc'cl{ P1 The I'("Ie D probrvos. :ips Hero then placed in a 0.002 mol'l: Gollltio)'l 0+' ",x,vqllinol ire for three hO'Jrs tc CCi 1lse thl"' ~f'rC"10S0me~, t,n ('0ntr'l('t. li1:nn 'Jnt'l it Ttl' rr; i 1 Prj • Th? 1 :-'.st 1 PH'1 4 (In'? cell was color film ;81-83. nh()togT~phod lJsin,o; i< Tnp cell und,?r +he 1 lOx W;LS Koc!a~; 15 b:,-ck and Kodak photorricrogra:>hv TYJ'1 0 i 1 o".i{~cti factor of 1.2, givl'1f" a t.otal- magnific"ltion of 1200x. 'So spconrls Hith the 11sht at maximll;>l i'1-i- py]sity ve. wi I h ~l zoom EXIJ('Sllre timp wl.S and uS1ng nhilse cantril,,+; oDt1cs. 113t'1 and Discussion Def1 n; te chrnf!1osome counts wen? obt:l i :'8ri :'or Polyv,onum terpJe fron two seeds: p. t.'?r:'Je t Rocheste-C'. Ful Lm Co •• Ind SomC3..~,i;::-ef)',H:t of'Vl· (Figure 1). ian~, (lctnr.)f?r 2, 1 077. p. ~!let Ro~host.'?r, FuJt'm Co., Ind.iana, Oct.ober 2,1 077. Somatic:: cf)unt of Jh (Fir;ures ?,~). the chromnsol'1Ps,,"C', thev ,'1,;:me:tr8d in +J'1J' eel.ls. Mold ofte'1 g-r8W In tho soeds, m'1kin.n: those root til'S unusahle; "1any seeds simply did :.ot E:,')rn:irl.t.e 3.t. many root thus t~ns ma~in7 ~t w?re not. ClJl; :1.':rl ~row~n~ f~st difficult to find Of' those' seeds trnt d i c1 ,a:erminat.e, pnou~h ~811s w!~h ~0 hqve many cells chromosoMes. rtividi~g, Many of the cells wi,t,h chromosomes vis i b1e rlir1 no:' have the n '1clF?ilY' membra.neG ruc'turf~:l, so tha+, th0 chromosomes wen; not sDn'ad aTl;j rt suffici ently, or else the chr:Jm0somes were not flattened enough, ;:t1so Several it in section ~evR rnak~nrr ~t impossin1e to mak..; an ac(;u,..ate count. have been constructed for Av~clJla.:ia. E. tenue, all of whleh ~nclude o·p t.hese keys, the rno'3t recent is one hy Savilp'e and Mertens (11), whkh uses ;i.shenp cha ncteri~3tics to position the rii fferent snec~",s of s,-'cti:m the k8.v for sect ion .- AVlclll~iri.a. Avi.cl~+ari.a Savage a:'d Merterls il'Jcluded E. tel'Jue 1:1 for conveni enee, ::.1.1 tho'.w;h they fel t +.h'{ + P. tmllle be1::m9:ec' in ser!tion Duravi.a. Their k(~yis ;l~~ follows: Achene surfE.ce nrrc;dnmi nantl.v smoot h 3.ni shin.v but may havp ~'it 1, DDled or ~,;tr; ;lted edGes; i :lflo~escences a :lpeilC to he terl1j r!a1, thf' flow':'s heiClt'; moy'p-(lr-les c c1ustr:rerl at. tlJe <?'"'ris of 2,tr;'~::, :l1'or'grp,1: 1c ed leaves , • .. • I, • • •• .' ~ , •, , , ,• • •• , f , ~ F'ip;ure 1. Dia,o;r:rrmaLir: 1 i 'Ie draw:tDp: of cell of Pol onum tenue. number 2.Q.'-14 (1200x l1HfTnification • , Chromosome , , ...-- • , •, ,.. • .,.•,, •, ,, • , • • • f ", •• • Fi p:ure 2. riP dr!~wi ng of cell of Pol v onum tenue. number 2n=:~4 (120()x mar;nification • Diavramrrat"ic 1 i L:hromosorne Fir::ure '3. PhotolYraph of chr l-'i,a:u re 2. lmOSC''i1(':3 of reI] of J:olyp:onum t',nu.£. as shown ChroIr.O",ome nu mber 2Q=1 L} (120Cx map"n i fi eel, t -i on) • in 7 or bracts; D~~rianth t i Pc'rt.J y o;Yc'ressed to the achf,me, wh j ch hCls threE' equal concave s ii es. E:tsh f~l~'" of bl2.ck, tri,o;or'ous CJ.~hene is smooth ard. shiny but bordered with st_rlCited or stippled ;na.rgin; plant slenner, stiff' or wir v : leaves lirear , SavaD'p and ~1erte'ls (11) also desr~ribed the habitat of t-.h"" filant, <~indirlf" i t s'lndv ilY!c1 hil-v (Flf'llreS 4,5). Kevs by other alJ i ,hors, how"Jr-r, The key 'oy CorreH and ,Johnst.on (2) 1188 different. chara.cteristics. ohse-y'vl[lO" Lh1.t this snecies prefers slirrht1y acjcl soil, and exnosed areas wh·'~re few 0;' n(' other n1·'3.rts 1X'" i~3 r:r'owing (Figures Deam (3) found in L", til. Fernald (h) uses the S;lTre stc'm and hr'lnrh t.rQ. its as dops Deam, but ~tls0 does: hOWf';ver, p(~diceJ trait" and thE" serr2.t1or of leaves arp 2.1sn 'lsed by traj t,s to senara - e P. ten)1f' f'rorn C.hr: ()thor species in sect.ion Aviculariq: axillar.v r;l'Jsters; stem hrancherl. mainly from achenes ova 1d. haSei br;lnches erect or ','he general rnnrnhologi ca 1 dpSl",l nt i authors do not vary greatly. rl n. the Unfnrtu~ately, 0YlS of ,E. none of the tem~~ b:J ;c:11 desc~i~tions O~ ljowever. llSP cl-tromos0me rurnbp:s in thel r desr:ri pt ions of Pol,v(,;omlm 5'0", Whi ch 'lre found ',n Eurone am' assi rr l'0d to section Avicularia. This. howevny,. 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- Fi p:ure L}. Fhot,cl",;ranh of FolJgonum tenue. 9 Fir;ure '5. Fhoto,,,;ranh ot Pol,"flODUl1 ~pnuf.'. 3'" found ::It sit,,, of near Rochester, Fulton Co" Indiana. col1(,ct~on 10 AmRric~. is found only in North Differ~nces Avjc'-ll?ri_~ between sections and Dur'2-yia are descr1 bed t,h;:lt sect50Y's ----_. Duravia and mosLly by Hpdhprg and Small. there were f,ome specie"', i r ~",~ti ('1", .!b ::;a.',!1;'\. 1 whose pol1<?r gra ins were vc.-ry 2) the furrow length ~n :'ect:on Dur.'1.via was shorter thar that of' ~"'c+.io!l the polar axis, while furrows in ]"(i1] Pll 11" J 1 en war f01Jnci onl y w;:J.S founri Sm~ll ~ n ~o11er ; n nla'l+s f'rorn the nlant:~ fr0TT1 TT10si in Avicularia were from sect;0~ N(~w WorJr' , whil~ :;:::"l~ti("n P.vicu~,Ctria --_. __._. rarts of the wer] d. (12) descrlh<?d thp mornholo~v of n]ants ;:J.ssigned to sections Aviculari'l Clnd Dllravia. He founrl +.h" ;'12.nts in th0 tW) ~',ed,jons to be veY'y were 1) in sec:tion Du-"';J,V;2, the leaves were not. articul'lted to thr> ocre"'~. ser.tjon Duravia - ;Fl..S f'~Vf'-Di:lrlpd, hut could be fiv0- or six-TBri.ed in sf'ct~on 11 of all the s-pec:ies i.n question -pe"rnit assip;nrnpnt of these Sp P c1PS to section Duravia as he dF:scribed the c;ecUon (12). The more recent keys and dpscri.rt:inns mel"'t,ioned above ':11so permi.t assip;nment of P. tenue to section Duravia. There is st,j 11 need for work nn the taxonomy of ~enus Pol;vgonum. An attAmnt should be made to r;ather ('hromator:raphic data allri rhro:1:oso1"1e nu~bers ~or as m':lny of the snecies currently asslGnF:d to sectlcns Avicul~ria and Duravia as nossL ble, in order to determ~ne wO'lld ,g]so hAlr to ~p!,(>rrn i rH~ which sPPcl es hel em!:', to whether t.h"'rp is a need La subdivide +hA c:ef'llS at all. Conclusions 1) The somatic chromosone nUMber of P. tenup is ?n=l4. ' 2) The chrn:nosome number. pollen morpholop;,v. chromatop;raDhic delta, to section DUraVl':1 of rr,enlls PO]YfWnum. 3) Further lnvesti.o:atiorl (E. cioup"J.asji. 4) The wri I" ClS chromaiop;ranhic !latsori, etc.1 shou1d be done in cH' effort to clilrify the ter r(,co[)1mend~, t hct t section AvicuJaria a,no Duravia type of rhr()mo~cme nunbe:rs"nd t.h;d:~! s",ct l on Dura via should 1'(> r:le~;('rir'tjon cescribecl by Hedberg. SPDc'lrR Led from of t.he f'nrner secLion be marie on 12 Literature Cited t. Brnoks. Geor~e R. and Thomas R. st.')OV ,f' FolvF,onum Irdian.~. Acad~. Sci. Mer~p~s. 1972. A hi0systpm~t10 ramos'Lssimum al!d PolYP'onum tf'nup. 81: 27'7-?8'1. Frac. 2. Correll. DO'1ovaY' S. and Marshal] C. Joh:ston. lQ70. iViarlual s;f. th.r.;. Vascu};lr Plant-,s of Texas. Texas Hesoarch F'oundat1on. Rem·Qr. '3. Deam. 4. ~'prrlald, 5. Glf?asor, H. A. 1052. ;~ew Britton ano Brr·wn Jllustrat.eri E'10r:. !)f 1l'.t. Northeast.ern Urd ted St.;jt.es ii.nd_ fanar-!?, Vol 2. New Ynr'k"lota,Yllca] Garopn, New York. 6. Herlb::rr, Ol:w. 19h6. "pollen morDholopy in the. fSenw; PoJyP;onum L. s. lat.. a'1d its t.axnrlomica 1 ,;jrrr.iri 0arce. Svensk. Boian. Tidskr. Ch~J..:rJ=·s C. 191..1-0. Flora cf Indiana. Conservation. 1nrJianapol is. ['1. L. 19<:;0. C"., N?w York. Indiana De--P3xt.r!pnt of Crav's Manll§-l of Botany, Ed. 8. Ampr-jran B00K 1+0: 37t-404. 7. Jones. funi·:;-l M. and Thomas n. Mertens. 1971. A taxo:lomic sT.udy of genus .Polygonum employinlf chromato.<:jraphic methods. Proc. lDQiana Acad. :;3cL 80: 422-1+30. B. L~ve, A. anri 9. MerteN;. ThOr:las R. (3 r'rl Peter H. Raven. 1965. Taxonomy of PoJ. vgonum. sectio, PoJygo[1um (Avi'C'llaria~1 in North Amprjca. Ma.dro-n(~ 18: D. L8ve. 1956. Chromosomes and taxonomy of eastern North American Pol,v&.onum. Can • .T. Bot. 111.: 501-521. 35-92. , H. Mertens, 2nd Joyce ~. Highwood. 1970. Cytotaxonomic note~ on ,-~pr'\Js Pol,v~onum, section PoJ,vp;onum. Free. Inoiana Acad. Sc i. 79 : ~i96-400. ---,---------- 10. !V;oore, Donald 11. SavagG, Argyle D. a.wl Thomas R. Mertr",s. 1968. A t.c~xonomic ~3t,ud'.' of p;pnus ?olYBonum, s0ction Polygonum (Avicularia) in Tndiana and WiSCOr!3in. ?roc. ndiana Acad. ~cj. '77: 357-369. 12. Small, J. K. 189'5. A Jl-lanop;ranh 0[' the North Amf'rlcan Species of the Genus !olygonum. Memoirs frrm t.he Depa.rtment of Botany of Columbia ColleG'~' Vol 1. 13. 3tyles. B. T. 1062. The taxonomy of Pol,vp;onwr. aviculare 3.nd -its '"-lJ~es in Br~,ain. Watsonia 5: 177-2F+-. 14. Tutin, T. G." \' 1 ~. et a1.. cds. 19ffi. Press, Ca.mbridge. UnivAr~;:ity ?'lora tl,uropa,('a. Vo1. 1. Cambridge