CE 527 Solid Waste Management Fall 2001 Iowa State University Department of Civil & Construction Engineering Instructor: S.K. Ong, 486 Town, Tel. No. 294-3927, skong@iastate.edu Office Hours: Tuesday 2 - 4 pm. Objectives: • to develop an understanding of the characteristics of municipal solid waste • to develop an understanding of various disposal and materials recovery methods: landfilling, thermal, composting, resource recovery and recycling Text: Integrated Solid Waste Management, Tchobanoglous et al., McGraw-Hill, (1993) Grading: Midterm Exam – 35 % (take home) Final Exam – 35 % Homework – 10 % Project – 20 % ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Week Dates Topics Reading Assignment 1 Aug. 25 Introduction and Legislation Chap 1 2 Sept. 1 Legislation/Sources and Properties of Solid Waste 2, 3, 4, 5 3 Sept. 8 Waste Generation/Handling/Collection/Transfer 6, 7, 8, 10 4 Sept. 15 Disposal - Landfills 11 5 Sept. 22 Disposal - Landfills 11 6 Sept. 29 Landfill Design 11 7 Oct. 6 Landfill - Water Balances/HELP model Notes 8 Oct. 13 Site Visit – Landfill /Recycling and/or Ames Resource Recovery Plant ---- 9 Oct. 20 Landfill- Water Balances/HELP model Notes 10 Oct. 27 Materials/Resource Recovery Facility (MRF) 9, 12 11 Nov. 3 Materials/Resource Recovery Facility (MRF)/Recycling 9, 12 12 Nov. 10 Disposal – Thermal/Final Project Evaluation 13 13 Nov. 17 Thanksgiving Break ----- 14 Nov. 24 Disposal – Thermal/Other Disposal Methods (Composting) 13 15 Dec. 1 Other Disposal Methods 13 16 Dec. 8 Dead Week /Other Disposal Methods 17 Dec. 15 Final Exam _______________________________________________________________________________