Who? What? Why? When?/How?

Charleston CUSD #1 Mandated and Recommended Trainings for School Personnel
Bloodborne pathogens
Educator ethics,
teacher-student conduct,
and school
employee-student conduct
Child abuse and neglect
All employees who work
with pupils
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Mandated by OSHA
29CFR1910.1030, Section
(g)(2)(ii) and Section (g)(2)(v)
Mandated by 105 ILCS 5/1022.39 and Board Policy 5:100
Upon employment and annually
Provided by GCN Training titled “Bloodborne Pathogens”
Mandated by 325 ILCS 5/4 and
Board Policy 5:90
Every 2 years
Provided by GCN Training two titled “Ethics & Boundaries for School
Employees” and “Professionalism (Conduct and Appearance)”
Sexual harassment and
Recommended by Title IX
Behaviors that constitute
prohibited bullying
Recommended by 105 ILCS
Life-saving techniques
(Heimlich & rescue
Measures to control the
spread of head lice at school
Domestic and sexual
violence; needs of
expectant and parenting
Food allergies: anaphylactic
reactions and management
Recommended by 105 ILCS
(effective July 1, 2014) Within one year of initial employment and at least every
5 years thereafter. Provided by GCN Training titled “Mandated Reporter -- IL”
or https://www.dcfstraining.org/manrep/index.jsp
The law does not specify when this training must occur. This training can be
completed at any time by the employee, or it may be coordinated by the
building principal.
Provided by GCN Training titled “Sexual Harassment”
The law does not specify when this training must occur. This training can be
completed at any time by the employee, or it may be coordinated by the
building principal.
Provided by GCN Training two titled “Bullying -- IL” and “Cyber Bullying – IL”
Encouraged annually
Provided by Red Cross Certified district employees
Addressed by 7:250-AP1
School nurse provides information material and/or in-service
Mandated by 105 ILCS
Every 2 years
Provided by GCN Training two titled “Domestic and Sexual Violence” and
“Needs of Expecting and Parenting Youth”
Mandated by 105 ILCS
5/10-22.39 and referenced by
105 ILCS 5/2-3.148
Mandated by the Care of
Students with Diabetes Act (105
ILCS 145/25)
At least every 2 years
Provided by GCN Training titled “Anaphylaxis and Anaphylactic Shock”
All employees
All employees who work
with pupils
(updated: 08-12-15)
All employees in schools
that have a student with
Diabetes care (in general)
Delegated care aides for
students with diabetes
Diabetes care (for a
particular student)
Mandated by the Care of
Students with Diabetes Act (105
ILCS 145/25)
Shaded areas indicate mandated trainings.
The law does not specify when this training must occur. This training can be
completed at any time by the employee, or it may be coordinated by the
building principal.
Provided by GCN Training titled “Diabetes Awareness” and “Diabetes Awareness
Level II”
At least annually and when the diabetes care plan is changed
Coordinated by the school nurse and provided by a licensed healthcare provider
with expertise in diabetes or a certified diabetic educator
Charleston CUSD #1 Mandated and Recommended Trainings for School Personnel
Employees who work with
pupils in grades 7-12
Employees who work with
Mental illness and suicidal
Mandated by 105 ILCS
Recommended by 105 ILCS
All licensed school
personnel and
ADD/ADHD; non-aversive
behavioral interventions;
psychotropic or
psychostimulant medication
Mandated by 105 ILCS 5/1020.36 and Board Policy 5:100
Chronic health conditions
Addressed in 105 ILCS 5/3-11;
more specific information will
be release when rules are
(updated: 08-12-15)
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Upon employment
Provided by GCN Training titled “Suicide Prevention -- IL”
The law does not specify when this training must occur. This training can be
completed at any time by the employee, or it may be coordinated by the
building principal.
Provided by GCN Training titled “AIDS/HIV Awareness”
At least once every two years
Provided by GCN Training three titled “ADHD” and “Psycho-Tropic or
Psycho-Stimulant Medications” and “Behavioral Interventions for Students
with Disabilities”
Required at teacher institutes conducted by the regional superintendent
Provided by GCN Training titled “Chronic Health Conditions”
Gang resistance and
Recommended by 105 ILCS
The law does not specify when this training must occur. This training can be
completed at any time by the employee, or it may be coordinated by the
building principal.
Provided by GCN Training titled “Gang Awareness”
Every school board
Open Meetings Act
Mandated by 105 ILCS
Board members taking office after January 1, 2012 must complete this training
no later than 90 days after taking the oath of office.
Every school board
elected/appointed after
June 13, 2011
School board members
who participate in a vote
on a PERA dismissal
Education and labor law;
financial oversight and
accountability; fiduciary
Mandated by P.A. 97-08 (105
ILCS 5/10-16a)
Offered through the IASB at http://www.iasb.com/training/
Within the first year of the board member’s first term.
Offered through the IASB at http://www.iasb.com/training/
Performance Evaluation
Reform Act (PERA)
Mandated by P.A. 97-08 (105
ILCS 5/24-16.5)
Evaluation training and
Mandated by 105 ILCS 5/24A3
Grades 7-12 school officials
responsible for receiving
reports of teen dating
Teen dating violence
Mandated by 105 ILCS
Shaded areas indicate mandated trainings.
Prior to voting on a dismissal based upon an “optional alternative evaluative
dismissal process for PERA evaluations”
Offered through the IASB at http://www.iasb.com/training/
Prior to undertaking any evaluation and at least once during each license
renewal cycle.
Provided by the State Board of Education
The law does not specify when this training must occur.
Provided by GCN Training titled “Teen Dating Violence”
Charleston CUSD #1 Mandated and Recommended Trainings for School Personnel
Personnel who work with
hazardous or toxic
materials on a regular basis
(e.g. science teachers,
maintenance workers)
Maintenance and custodial
Hazardous Materials
Employees who supervise
school fitness activities
All athletic coaches and
High school coaching
personnel and athletic
First Aid/AED
All coaches of non-athletic
extracurricular activities
All frontline staff of USDA
funded Child and Adult
Care Food Program and
those who supervise
frontline staff
All Freedom of Information
Act Officers
Asbestos Awareness
Concussion awareness and
reduction of repetitive
sub-concussive hits and
First Aid/CPR
Civil rights in child
nutrition programs
Freedom of Information
All Open Meetings Act
Open Meetings Act
Employees who have
access to Social Security
Protecting the
confidentiality of Social
Security Numbers
(updated: 08-12-15)
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Mandated by 105 ILCS 5/1020.17a and 23 Administrative
Code, Section 1.330;
referenced in Administrative
Procedure 4:160
Mandated by the federal
Asbestos Hazard Emergency
Response Act
Mandated by 210 ILCS
74/5.25; 410 ILCS 4/10; IL
Admin. Code Section 525.400
Mandated by Board Policy
Mandated by 105 ILCS
Upon employment/assignment to a position of recurring contact with
hazardous materials and annually thereafter
Provided by GCN Training titled “Hazard Communication” or by the district’s
Building and Grounds Supervisor
Recommended by 105 ILCS
Mandated by USDA
Encouraged annually
Provided by Red Cross Certified district employees
Training materials can be accessed at
Mandated by 105 ILCS
120/1.05 and 5 ILCS
Mandated by Senate Bill 189,
Public Act 096-0542
Training can be accessed at
Training can be accessed at
The law does not specify when this training must occur. This training can be
completed at any time by the employee, or it may be coordinated by the
building principal.
Provided by GCN Training titled “SSN Confidentiality -- IL”
Mandated by
5 ILCS 179/35(a)(2)
Shaded areas indicate mandated trainings.
Within 60 days after commencement of employment
Scheduled by the district’s Building and Grounds Supervisor
In accordance with the American Red Cross; at least every two years
Provided by American Red Cross Certified district employees
Provided by American Red Cross Certified district employees
Every 2 years, review the IHSA’s online material and pass the concussion
certification available at http://www.ihsa.org/default.aspx