Community Unit School District No. 1 6:235 Instruction Access to Information and Communication Technologies Information and communication technologies (ICT) are a part of the District’s instructional and administrative programs. These technologies serve to promote educational excellence, the mission of the district, and the approved curriculum. The Superintendent shall develop a procedure for this policy and appoint a system administrator(s). This procedure will define the parameters under which these technologies may be used by all users. The School District is not responsible for any information that may be lost, damaged, delayed, interrupted, retrieved or transmitted when using these technologies. Furthermore, the District will not be responsible for any unauthorized charges or fees resulting from utilization of these technologies. Curriculum and Appropriate Online Behavior The use of the District’s information and communication technologies (ICT) shall: (1) be consistent with the curriculum adopted by the District as well as the varied instructional needs, learning styles, abilities, and developmental levels of the students, and (2) comply with the selection criteria for instructional and library media program materials. As required by federal law and Board policy 6:60, Curriculum Content, students will be educated about appropriate online behavior, including but not limited to: (1) interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and (2) cyber-bullying awareness and response. Consistent with the district’s procedure plan, staff may use information and communication technologies in their curriculum. District technologies are part of the curriculum and are not a public forum for general use. Acceptable Use All use of the District’s information and communication technologies (ICT) must be: (1) used to support education and/or research, and be in furtherance of the goals stated herein, or (2) for a legitimate school business purpose. Users are expected to be good digital citizens by demonstrating safe and responsible behavior. Copyright laws, fair use guidelines and district policies should be followed when using any information and communication technology. Use is a privilege, not a right. The failure of any user to follow the terms of this procedure will result in disciplinary action, limitation or loss of privileges and/or appropriate legal action. Users have no expectation of privacy when using district ICT resources including information created, received, transmitted and stored on these resources unless such right is guaranteed by statute or other law. The District reserves the right to monitor and access all use of ICT content. The District’s Acceptable Use Procedure for Information and Communication Technologies supports this policy and lists uses in dealing with respect, education, protection and potential violations. Safety/Security Measures Safety and security are a high priority of the school district. The Superintendent or designee shall include technology protection measures in this policy’s procedure to address the following: Utilize a filtering device that protects both adults and minors against Internet access to language, sites, and visual depictions that are (1) obscene, (2) pornographic, or (3) harmful or inappropriate for users, as defined by the federal law and determined by the superintendent or designee. An administrator, supervisor, or other authorized person may disable the filtering device for bona fide research or other lawful purpose, provided the person receives prior permission from the Superintendent or system administrator. ©2013 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards 6:235 Page 1 of 2 Community Unit School District No. 1 6:235 Utilize the features of social media (electronic communication, blogs, social walls) when the district can ensure the privacy and security of end users as well as protect against language, sites, and visual depictions that are (1) obscene, (2) pornographic, or (3) harmful or inappropriate for minors, as defined by the federal law and determined by the superintendent or designee The District reserves the right to monitor and access all use of or content on the District’s technologies and networks. Ensure supervision of student access to information and communication technologies. Educate users on the digital citizenship themes of respecting, educating and protecting yourself and others. Minors will be educated on appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites, in chat rooms and on cyber bullying awareness and response. Authorization for Information and Communication Technologies Every user must sign the District’s Authorization on the AUP for Information and Communication Technologies Access as a condition for using these technologies. Any user who is a minor must also have his or her parent(s)/guardian(s) sign the Authorization before being granted use. All users of the District’s ICT resources shall maintain the confidentiality of student records. Reasonable measures to protect against unreasonable access shall be taken before confidential student information is loaded onto the network. The failure of any user to follow the terms of Authorization on the AUP for Information and Communication Technologies Access, or this policy and its procedure, will result in the loss of privileges, disciplinary action, and/or appropriate legal action. LEGAL REF.: No Child Left Behind Act, 20 U.S.C. §6777. Children’s Internet Protection Act, 47 U.S.C. §254(h) and (l). Enhancing Education Through Technology Act, 20 U.S.C §6751 et seq. 47 C.F.R. Part 54, Subpart F, Universal Service Support for Schools and Libraries. 720 ILCS 135/0.01. CROSS REF.: 5:100 (Staff Development Program), 5:170 (Copyright), 6:40 (Curriculum Development), 6:60 (Curriculum Content), 6:210 (Instructional Materials), 6:230 (Library Media Program), 6:260 (Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs), 7:130 (Student Rights and Responsibilities), 7:190 (Student Discipline), 7:310 (Restrictions on Publications and Written or Electronic Material) ADMIN PROC.: 6:235-AP1 (Administrative Procedure - AUP for Information and Communication Technologies Access), 6:235-AP1,E1 (Exhibit – Student Authorization on the AUP for Information and Communication Technologies Access), 6:235-AP1, E2 (Exhibit – Staff Authorization the AUP for Information and Communication Technologies Access) ADOPTED: July 17, 2013 ©2013 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards 6:235 Page 2 of 2