R genes: Structure, recognition, signaling, & evolution – part 1


R genes: Structure, recognition, signaling, & evolution – part 1

• Major classes of R genes

• R gene structure

• Early signaling events

• R gene evolution

The zigzag model for plant pathogen interactions

Dangl and Jones. 2006. Nature 444:323-329

Plant immune system

Dangl. 2013. Science. 341:746

R protein structure

R proteins encompass multiple domains involved in different aspects of activation and signaling, and intramolecular interaction is involved.


TIR – Toll/Interleukin-1 receptor

CC – Coiled coil

NBS – Nucleotide binding site

LRR – Leucine-rich repeat

R protein classes



NB-LRR, NBS-LRR, NLR – Nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat

Cloned disease resistance genes

NBS-LRR is largest class

Major subclasses of NBS-LRR are:



R gene class and pathogen are not correlated

TIR-NBS-LRR are not found in cereals

Liu et al. 2007. J. Genet. Genom.


Major classes of R proteins

Liu et al. 2007. J. Genet. Genom.


P loop sequences



Nucleotide binding site (NBS) kinase 2 kinase 3a



4 hydrophobic amino acids followed by D (e.g. LIVLD )

Highly conserved tyrosine or arginine (e.g. FGNGSR)

Tammeling et al. (2002) Plant Cell 14, 2929–2939

Inferred structure of R protein nucleotide binding sites

McHale et al. 2006.

Genome Biology.


Inferred structure of LRR domain

McHale et al. 2006.

Genome Biology.


Variation in numbers of LRRs

Structural models of domains in NLR proteins

Takken. 2012. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 15:375-384

Model of LRR motif of lettuce downy mildew resistance protein, Dm3

Michelmore. 2013. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 51:291-319

LRR is least conserved part of R genes

Michelmore and Meyers. 1998. Genome Res. 8: 1113-1130

NLR proteins are involved in plant & animal innate immunity

Bonardi et al. (2012) Curr. Opin. Immunol. 24:41-50

Evidence for intramolecular interaction between domains of a CNL protein

CPindependent HR when TEX’d

Co-expression of fulllength GPA2 with either LRR or ARC−LRR of Rx did not lead to a

CP-dependent HR. However, coexpression of GPA2 with Rx NBS−LRR resulted in a

CP-dependent HR (Figure 2B). This result demonstrates that a CC domain can be provided by fulllength CC−NBS−LRR protein. Our observation that Rx NBS−LRR produced a CP-dependent HR when expressed in rx genotype potato leaves can be explained in the same way (Figure 2C). Presumably, a CC domain was provided to

NBS−LRR by full-length homologues of Rx and GPA2 that are present in the rx potato genome (Bendahmane et al., 1999).

Moffett et al. (2002) EMBO J. 21:4511

Intramolecular interactions - continued

N protein oligomerizes in response to elicitor

Mestre. 2006. Plant Cell. 18:491-501

NLR proteins – Mechanisms for activation

Bonardi et al. (2012) Curr. Opin. Immunol. 24:41-50

NLR folding and signaling

Takken. 2012. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 15:375-384

Signaling by animal NLR proteins

Ting et al. 2008. Nat. Rev. Immunol. 8:372-379
