Date ______________________ Search No. _________________ University of Northern Iowa SAMPLE REFERENCE CHECK FORM Applicant Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Name of Reference and Phone # __________________________________________________________________ Relationship to applicant: □ Supervisor _____________________ □ Co-Worker □ Academic □ Other (Describe): - Dates of Employment (if applicable): ______________________________________________________________ Reason for Leaving: ___________________________________________________________________________ Eligible for Rehire: Yes No Script for how to answer the following: I am going to ask you a few questions about (applicant’s name). These include aspects such as attendance and leadership. For each aspect of the job, please tell me if (applicant’s name)’s performance is/was excellent, satisfactory, needs/needed improvement, or unsatisfactory. RATING Attendance Communication Dependability Leadership Quality of work Quantity of work EXCELLENT SATISFACTORY NEEDS IMPROVEMENT UNSATISFACTORY UNABLE TO COMMENT Teamwork Additional Questions for Reference: 1. Describe the type of work the candidate was responsible for? 2. Did the individual earn any promotions or special recognition? 3. How would you describe the individual’s overall performance? 4. This position entails __________. Would you recommend him/her for this position? 5. Additional comments? ____________________________________________ Signature of Person Completing Form ________________ Date