VIBRATIONS FROM FRANKI PILE DRIVING: MEASUREMENT AND PREDICTION by PHILIP JOSEPH TATKO BSCE, Syracuse University (June, 1973) Submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of of the requirements Master of Science in Civil Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June, 1975 Signature . ...'-. . -* . . of Author . . . . . 9, Department of Civil Engineering, M h-.. . .-.. by.··. . T Certified Accepted by . . . . -' 1975 E Thesis Superv/sor . - Chairman, Departmental Committee o Graduate Students of the Department of Civil Engineering ARCHIVES JUN 20 1975 2 ABSTRACT VIBRATIONS FROM FRANKI PILE DRIVING: MEASUREMENT AND PREDICTION by PHILIP JOSEPH TATKO Submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering on May 1975 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering Little quantitive data has been assembled on the damaging effects of pile driving. Although pile driving has been known to cause damage to structures. The objective of this investigation was to study the vibration levels resulting from the driving of a specific type of pile (Franki). Ground vibrations were monitored at ground surface at various distances from the pile driving source. The investigation resulted in the following accomplishments. 1) Dimensionless plots of particle velocity levels were obtained for various projects, taking into account soil type and various driving techniques. 2) Free vibration response was recorded for two structures. Realistic values of the fundamental frequencies of vibration and critical damping fractions were obtained from the response of these structures. For one project free vibration was observed in a firm layer of soil overlying a peat deposit. 3) Response spectra have been calculated for ground motions from pile driving. 4) Seismic site velocities were obtained for each project study. 3 5) Attenuation relationships for peak particle velocity have been compared in relationship to subsurface stratifaction. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Charles H. Dowding Professor of Civil Engineering 4 Acknowledgements This investigation was conducted in the Department of Civil Engineering at the Massachussetts nology in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Institute of TechProfessor C. H, Dowding served as the author's advisor whose inspiration, ideas, and comments are gratefully acknowledged. The author also wishes to ackowledge Mr. R. J. Barry of Franki Foundation Company who permitted the gathering of field data; Mr. V. Murphy of Weston Geophysics for the use of their instruments; the Departments of Civil Engineering and Geology at MITfor allowing the use of the digital computers-M70 and M80, digitalizer, equipment used for data analysis; and other Haley and Aldrich, Con- sultants, for the use of their instruments; and the supervisors and workmenof Franki Foundation Companyfor their assistance on construction projects. 5 Table of Contents Page Title page ! Abstract 2 Acknowledgments Table of Contents 5 List of'Tables 8 List of' Figures 10 list of Symbols 16 Chapter 1 - Introduction 20 of the Investigation 20 1.1 Objective 1.2 Scope of the Investigation 21 - Literature Review 22 2.1 Nature of Ground Vibration 22 2.2 Response 2.3 Response of Buildings to Vibrations 29 2.4 Previous Studies on Pile Driving Vibrations 33 - FrankiPile- General Driving Procedure 36 3.1 General 36 3.2 Installation Procedure 36 2 Chapter Chapter 3 of Humans to Vibrations Chapter 4 - Attenuation of Particle Velocity 23 42 4.1 Scaling Techniques 42 4.2 Seismic Velocity Calibration 48 6 Table of Contents Continued 4.3 4.4 Chapter Page Attenuation Relationships Separated According to Idealized Subsurface Profiles 55 Variation in Particle Velocity Over Depth 62 5 - Response of Buildings to Pile Vibrations 65 5.1 Single-Degree-of-Freedom Model 65 5.2 Response Spectra 69 5.3 Results of Project Studies 74 5.3.1 Introduction 74 5.3.2 Measured Structural Response 75 5.3.3 Comparisons of Response Spectra 78 5.3.4 Simplied Method to Determine the Response Spectra 79 5.3.5 Response Spectra Causing Damage 81 5.3.6 Problems With Predicting Building Motion 81 6 - Legal Aspects of Pile Driving Chapter 84 6.1 Types of Complaints 84 6.2 Author's Solution 87 Chapter 7 - Conclusion 91 7.1 General 91 7.2 Response Spectra 91 7.3 Scaling Relationships - Comparison 91 7.4 Scaling - Conclusions 95 List of References 97 7 Tables of Contents Continued Page Appendices A. Details of Field Studies B. Digital Computer Analogue of the SingleDegree-of-Freedom System 191 C. Field and Digitizing Instrumentation 193 D. Delmag D-30 Hammer Data 195 99 8 List of Tables Table Pane 2.1 Constants for Equation 2.1 35 4.1 Variables Considered in Dimensional Analysis of Explosion or Impact Phenomena (After Ambraseys and Hendron, 1968) 43 4.2a Data for Determining Phase and Seismic Velocities 52 Data for Determining Phase and Seismic Velocities 53 Typical Shear and Compression Wave Velocities (After Whitman, 1973) 54 4.4 Constant for the Attenuation Equations 61 5.1 Calculated Versus Measured Structural 4.2b 4.3 76 Response 5.2 Corrected, Particle Velocities and Particle Displacements With Appropriate amplification Factors 80 7.1 Conversion Data 92 J1 Joyce Chens Project 104 M1 Mass. Eye and Ear Project 114 N1 NDP Housing Project 123 C1i Cramer Electronics 131 B1 Brookline Village Project 140 Si Sagamore Towers Project 150 D1 Drake Village Project 161 CH1 Charlestown High School Project 17) ME1 Medi-Mart Project 181 Project 9 Page List of Tables Continued DE1 Delmag D-30 Data DE2 Delmag D-30 Tube Driving 196 Rate 197 1'0 List of Figures Figure 2.1 2.2 Pae Reiher - Meister Scale of HumanPercep- tion (1931) 25 Effect of Vibration UponHumans(After Liu, Kinner, and Yegian, 1974) 26 Scales of Human Perception (After Wiss and Parmelee, 1974) 28 Scales of Human Perception With Damping (After Wids and Parmelee, 1974) 30 Response of Structures in Good Condition to Vibration (After Koch, 1953) 31 Effect of Vibration Upon Structures (After, Liu, Kinner, and Yegian, 1974) 32 Maximum Vibration Intensities Expected From Pile Driving on Wet Sand, Dry Sand, and Clay (After Wiss, 1967) 34 3.1 Franki Pile Installation Procedure 37 3.2 Franki Pile Installation Procedure 39 4.1 Seismic Velocity Determination 49 4.2 Typical Records for the Determination of the Phase Velocity 51 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 4.3 Idealized Scaling Graphs of Particle Veloci- ty Versus 4.4 4.5 4.6 Scaled Range, Combined Data Idealized Scaling Graph of Particle Veloci- ty Versus Scaled Range. Combined Data 57 Idealized Scaling Graph Of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Combined Data 58 Idealized Scaling Graph of Particle Veloci- ty Versus Scaled Range, Combined Data 4.7 56 59 Idealized Scaling Graph of Particle Vloei- ty Versus Scaled Range, Combined Data 60 11 List of Figures Continued 4.8 Page Maximum Particle Velocity Versus Depth, Drake Village Project - Pile No. 31, h = 32.2 ft. 63 Maximum Particle Velocity Versus Depth, Medi-Mart Project - Pile No. 1, h = 19.0 ft. 64 5.1 Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems 66 5.2 Typical Free Vibration Response of a Building (Velocity-Time History) 70 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Cramer Electronics Project 72 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum With Damage Bounds 82 Maximum Particle Velocity Expected from the Driving of Franki Piles 93 7.2 Depth Effect on Vibration Levels 95 J1 Case Study, Joyce Chens, Cambridge, Mass. 105 J2 Case Study, Joyce Chens, Cambridge, Mass. 106 J3 PseudoVelocity Response Spectrum, Joyce 4.9 5.3 5.4 7.1 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 Chens Project 107 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Joyce Chens Project 108 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Joyce Chens Project 109 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Joyce Chens Project, Transverse Component 110 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Joyce Chens Project, Vertical Component 111 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Joyce Chens Project, Longitudinal Component 112 12 List of Figures Continued M1 N2 M3 M4 M5 M6 N1 Page Case Study, Mass. Eye and Ear, Boston, Mass, Subsurface Soil Profile 116 Case Study, Mass. Eye and Ear, Boston, Mass. 117 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Mass. Eye and Ear Project 118 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Mass. Eye and Ear Project 119 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Mass. Eye and Ear Project 120 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Mass. Eye and Ear Project 121 Case Study, NDP Housing Project, East Boston, Mass. 124 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, NDP Housing Project 125 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, NDP Housing ProJect 126 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, NDP Housing Project 127 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, NDP Housing Project 128 Case Study, Cramer Electronics, Newton, Mass. 132 C2 Particle Velocity Ratios Versus Range 133 C3 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Cramer Electronics Project 134 N2 N3 N4 N5 C1 C4 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Cramer Electronics Project 135 13 List of Figures Continued C5 Page Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Cramer Electronics Project, Transverse Component 136 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Cramer Electronics Project, Vertical Component 137 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Cramer Electronics Project, Longitudinal Component 138 Case Study, Brookline Village, Brookline, Mass. 141 Case Study, Brookline Village, Brookline, Mass. 142 B3 Particle Velocity Ratios Versus Range 143 B4 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Brookline Village Project 144 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Brookline Village Project 145 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Brookline Village Project, Transverse Component 146 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Brookline Village Project, Vertical Component 147 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Brookline Village Project. Longitudinal Component 148 Case Study, Sagamore Towers, N. Quincy, Mass. 152 Case Study, Sagamore Towers, N. Quincy, Mass. 153 S3 Particle Velocity Ratios Versus Range 154 S4 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Sagamore Towers Project 155 C6 C7 B1 B2 B5 B6 B7 B8 Si S2 14 Page List of Figures Continued Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Sagamore Towers Project 156 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Sagamore Towers Project, Transverse Component 157 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Sagamore Towers Project, Vertical Component 158 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Sagamore Towers Project, Longitudinal Component -159 Case Study, Drake Village, Arlington, Mass. 163 Case Study, Drake Village, Arlington, Mass. 164 D3 Particle Velocity Ratios Versus Range 165 D4 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Drake Village ProJect 166 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Drake Village Project 167 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Drake Village ProJect 168 S5 S6 S7 S8 D1 D2 D5 D6 D7 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Drake Village Project, D8 Scaled, Transverse Field 169 Component Measurements of Particle Ve- locity Versus Scaled Range, Drake Village Project, Vertical Component D9 CH1 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle 170 Ve- locity Versus Scaled Range, Drake Village Project, Longitudinal Component 171 Case Study, Charlestown High School Charlestown, Mass. 174 15 Listof Figures Continued Page CH2 Particle Velocity Ratios Versus Range 175 CH3 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Charlestown High School Project 176 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Charlestown High School Project 177 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Charlestown High School Project 178 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Charlestown High School Project 179 Case Study, Medi-Mart Project, Cambridge, Mass. 183 Case Study, Medi-Mart Project, Cambridge, Mass. 184 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Medi-Mart Project 185 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Medi-Mart Project 186 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Medi-Mart Project 187 Pseudo Velocity Response Spectrum, Medi-Mart Project 188 Scaled, Field Measurements of Particle Velocity Versus Scaled Range, Medi-Mart Project, Vertical Component 189 Driving Records from the Medi-Mart Project Pile No. 1, Vertical Component 190 CH4 CH5 CH6 ME1 ME2 ME3 ME4 ME5 ME6 ME7 ME8 16 List of Symbols Aa . . Spectrum acceleration bound amplification factor A 6 . . . Spectrum displacement bound amplification factor AV . . . Spectrum velocity bound amplification factor a Maximum ground acceleration . . · C1 . . Viscous damping coefficient of the single-degreeof-freedom system c . Site wave seismic velocity, also phase velocity . · Shear wave seismic velocity Cs · . . Cp · . . Compression wave seismic velocity D . · . d · . . Depth of Franki tube E Maximum relative displacement (= Ua x) . . . Energy released during an explosion or drop of a pile hammer · . . Frequency of motion g . · . Acceleration of gravity h · . . k Horizontal distance of seismic pickup from the pile or distance between pickups . . . Linear spring constant of the single-degree-offreedom system 17 List of Symbols continued Mass of the single-degree-of-freedom system . m . N ,.. . * n . . p * . p2D · . . R . . . Travel distance, range (h * . V. . 2 + d2 ) . . · Number of fundamental independent variables .. Change in distance . .· Damped period . . Time 0 Time of maximum response tmax u Maximum pseudo acceleration Damped circular frequency of a single-degree-offreedom system T t Maximum pseudo velocity . . . r s number of fundamental dimensions Undamped circular frequency of a single-degree-offreedom system . . . pD Standard penetration 'N' value Relative displacement between the ground and the mass of the single-degree-of-freedom system . 0 Maximum ground particle velocity 18 List of Symbols Continued Calculated velocity response of a structure (pseudo velocity) Vcalc Vmax . Maximum velocity response of a structure Vt . . Maximum transverse particle velocity Vv . . . Maximum vertical particle velocity V1 . . . Maximum longitudinal particle velocity .. x . . Absolute displacement of the mass of a singledegree-of-freedom system Absolute velocity of the mass of a single-degreeof-freedom system x . . . Absolute acceleration of the mass of a singledegree-of-freedom system y . . . Absolute displacement of the ground (Ymax y. y . . . . 3' S . = S) Absolute velocity of the ground of a singledegree-of-freedom system Absolute acceleration of the ground of a single-degree-of-freedom system . . Critical damping fraction of the ground of a single-degree-of-freedom system . . Unit weight of soil in the ground . Maximum ground displacement 19 List of Symbols Continued . . ri . . Poisson's . ratio A dimensionless product . . . w. . p. . . Mass density (unit weight of soil divided by acceleration of gravity) 3.14159 T . . . Variable of integration w . . . Circular frequency at which the peak ground motion occurs 20 Chapter I Introduction 1.1 Objective of the Investigation A measure of the damage potential of earthwaves is nec- essary in order to extrapolate experience from one building site to another. Presently, peak particle ground velocity is widely used to assess the damage potential of a passing earthwave. Peak particle ground velocity assessment is commonly employed where blasting vibrations is concerned (Crandell, 1949; Edwards and Northwood 1960, 1963). In recent years, response spectrum analysis has been used to study the effects of earthquake ground-motions upon structures (Veletsos and Newmark, 1964). Little quantitive data has been assembled on the damaging effects of pile driving. Although pile driving has been known to cause damage to structures. The object of this investigation was to study the vibration levels resulting from the driving of a specific type of pile (Franki). Ground vibrations were monitored at ground surface various distances from the pile driving source. The investigation has resulted in the following accomplishments. 1) Dimensionless plots of particle velocity levels were obtained for various projects, taking into account soil type and various driving techniques. 21 2) Free vibration response was recorded for two structures. Realistic values of the fundamental frequencies of vibration and critical damping fractions were obtained from the re- sponse records of these structures. 3) Response spectra have been calculated for ground mo- tions from pile driving. 4) Seismic site velocities were obtained for each case study. 5) Attenuation relationships for peak particle velocities have been compared in relationship to subsurface stratifaction. 1.2 Scope of the Investigation The investigation has been centered around the Franki pile with some records of blasting vibrations. Chapter 2 reviews previous work in the assessment of pile driving damage. In Chapter 3 the installation of the Franki pile is explained. The data upon which the investigation is based and conclusion from the data are presented in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 gives a discussion of the response spectra and presents plots of results. Legal aspects of pile driving are presented in Chapter 6, while Chapter 7 outlines the major conclusions resulting from the investigation and makes recommendations for future research. appendices contain the details of the field studies. The 22 Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Nature of Ground Vibration When dealing with the problems caused by pile driving, it is necessary to understand the dynamic behavior of the Pile driving causes three major types of ground ground. waves. First, there is a pressure wave which is a body wave of oscillating compression and rarefraction. This wave is radiated on a spherical wave front and travels at a relatively high speed. The pressure wave attenuates with distance comparatively quickly owing to its three dimensional dispersion. The second wave type is the shear wave, also a body wave radiated on a spherical wave front. The shear wave travels at a lower velocity than the compression wave. The shear wave is similar to a wave travel- ing along a rope resting on the ground and 'whipped' at one end. The third wave type is the Rayleigh wave. This is a surface wave similar in nature to a water wave and travels within the top 6 - 30 feet of soil. The impact of a weight striking the ground will generate the three types of waves described above. At any point on the ground surface the pressure wave arrives first, followed by the shear wave, and finally, the Rayleigh wave. The pressure and shear waves will travel faster through the harder materials. When examining a vibration record 23 generated by pile driving, it is many times difficult to distinguish the arrival of the three types of waves. This difficulty is due to the addition of components reflected from the boundaries of various strata. With regard to im- pact pile driving, soil is set into oscillation by the combination of two phenomena. First, the initial hammer im- pact sets the soil into motion producing the three types of waves described above. Secondly, the pile tube is set in vibration in the elastic medium of the soil. The tube vi- brates at a frequency which depends on the weight of the pile and the resilience (or effective spring rate) of the soil surrounding the pile. The resilience is due to the shearing elasticity of the soil surrounding the pile and the compressional elasticity of the soil under the bulb of the pile. As the pile (or pile tube) is driven into the ground, its length above ground decreases which increases the natural frequency of the pile remaining above the ground. From observing driving records, the frequency of the ground vibration from Franki pile driving is independent of depth and remains constant. As a result one concludes the ground vibration is a function of the soil type surrounding the pile. 2.2 Response of Humans to Vibrations Research has been conducted on human response to ground vibrations. In 1931 Relher and Meister performed a 24 study in which healthy young people were subjected to a varying range of frequencies and amplitudes of continuous sinusoidal vibrations. The reactions of the people were classified and are presented in Fig. 2.1. Measured Franki pile vibrations are of such intensity that that fall within the classification 'Just perceptible' to annoying' even at considerable distance from the source. possible to be in the It is even unpleasant, range with pile driving. The Reiher and Meister study foundthat severe vibrations to persons come at a range 1/5 of that needed to damage structures. Fig. 2.2, from Lul, Kinner, and Yegian** (1974), shows that particle velocities greater than 0.5 in./sec. are considered to be very annoying to people, while particle velocities of 0.01 in./sec. are Just perceptible to humans. The Fig. 2.1 study was conducted with a continuous- ly rotating unbalancedmotorproducingsinusoidal aotions. As a result, the maximumvelocity, V, is equal to fumax, and the maximum acceleration, a, is equal to f2usaxfor a. given frequency, f.* In general, the sinusoidal waveapproximaton is not a correct approximation for a transient wave such as in pile driving. There is no reason to believe the tran. *since u = umax sin ft, V cos ft, therefore V = du/dt = fumax cos ft = fumax, similarly, a- -t:2uaa **obtained data from personal communicationwith Professor Whitman, MIT, 1974 I-. '-:_-1."--H__II ., I._* ttl-I___ __.. 1.0 M I I ;I L Lli 1 1i1I Hr- .J-Id ttlt~l I - I rLIH i llriill i. .. l- :... ! ..1 S 1i -_1 1 =1 1 > tggT 1l 4111114 L L.LLr 1.1__-,rT L.1 l4 I-I- - 1 11. i T r- I _ 1 rLL 1 I11 111 IL ! I 1 11 1 1I 11 11iLlli 11 - -t- . i :-. . ·-.... 1i, t: I i-1,I.-!.. - , ll:_ !!!!!! 11 I I I i i tin= ,!~.'1.j -% '.' ,-- 1i11111 III' .-1i-- -; '' IIII -5llF~,IIII i tfI . 0.1 111111Iliil T '.004 a t -iiiiii 1,119. - - I ."%- 4+1 1111115 IIHIILII.ISVo J. I I 1.1-11 =I J., "II"_l I I II .I . N1 1A WflH -11 Hiiffl fl I 0I Ii Ii I 11111 a-,V , - . .. _.. ----- __i- LW! 116 I, ei~~~tffll -RO~ I--. . i I - ~~~ !w111ll i ll U k p 6 m--t-:m3-lllllllr *~~~~~r - -1 -i.t1,11111tt ;t+tlti- W I,- zIIJ I x ., '... -t.1: . w -- -. -Qi, , ., j+ . -1 11 IL .!, I:' ~ll -~ ~~ tr -ti-tmtT; *E 0.005 i if 1 {It lN :_r, 7 ~II, I I -t:i4. tjf b I I II I f i L: .tlr. I 14 Ii fti-T2 :. z i i. 1 0 I ! 6 ! i I · 1~~~~~~~4-1I ' < I- iJD!I v I I II 1 1l lHI t t 7 li-- t: I 1 - '14L p 1 11 1 11 11It1i 1' IIIi PW444R4 i4- 4-4 - f1lioaH+ H41 11 I 111I I I1,I I I I IPh11111111 I I I I I Ill - II, II I - I! I- III. I, I. I.II I.,I I, I...11II, , I. ILI , . .13d - SI , ,1,. II, I. I, I. I, .I I.. IN mt=t=t=t=m _t7t=t:td I! l 4 l.1 .. . I , , ,. I i 1 At 1 I I IJ IJt>tt1 · g z:t:j:ztjd__ Bi- isg :44 I I IITliw I I IIla -I, l \r =Ldzj=ttj HtLtLt I I A T.i I Ii..'.' .444' Au 11 1 I cl, 4. = -H..... 7I , ' i .|* '' !I M-i ii i ^, -v4I -,t ItI.flll iW111111 7 i-' -j1 : T , T ,7 T ' .~~~~~~~~ s .00 -4-444+4 ~~4z1 1 1111114 __II..±. _ I- il1111111 Ill - AIU ll1 .V II1111S-: [, U I I I :I IL I * I · '~!,~ !....... :'"~ lil'" 0.01 -- II1 'II ;A I A tftl U"' ,\_ - 0.05 " N II11 T LJ I ii -7 -+7+-_1 n ,,' PLC:= l 1- I . IllI- iti 4; J ] I I 7 I 1 - . - ;t I Ii; 1 ll ' t l I 11tt1titIt JI I I I I -1 n 'DI 11 1 iI i IiiI I0 FREQUENCY - HZ FIG.2.1 REIHER-MEISTER (1931) -sll7i'w . . rris . - .- !IT t IWH I I II T i T nI II I r T lil M 5 I I I11I1II IlT- I ; I I l I. II I I SCALE Ii!1111 I I111 . ii 50 OF HUMAN .Di I I I I · _ 1 ~ 100 D.v w v PERCEPTION 26 -4, 3^ 0" .Z 0 03 w 'ia I orx U3 m --4 1 w m rcn i, 0 0 00 Frequency-Hz FIG. 2.2 UPON HUMANS EFFECT OF VIBRATION (After Liu, Kinner, and Yegion, 1974) 27 sient wave is sinusoidal. Even though this assumption is commonly found in the literature. A study was performed by Wiss and Parmelee (1974) on human perception to quasi transient waves of limited duration with decay. The decay rate called the damping is usually expressed as a fraction of critical damping. Critical damping is the minimum amount of damping that will cause a system to return to its original position without oscillating, after the system has been displaced from its equilibrium position and released. The equation for computing the critical damping fraction, , is explained in Section 5.1. Including damped sinusoidal waves of limited duration in the human perception, results in a more close represent tation of the transient wave of pile driving or blasting, Fig. 2.3 compares results of Reiher and Meister with Wiss and Parmelee for 8= 0. Note that the Reiher and Meister study is the same data presented in Fig. 2.1 with velocity, fumax, plotted against frequency, f. In the Reiher and Meister study each person was exposed to steady-state motion for 5 min., while in the Wiss and Parmelee study the exposure was 5 sec. The differences in vibration imply that continuous sinusoidal motion (without noise)a re more noticeable than sinusoidal motions of limited dura- 1.0 I II .....- Jl AFTER I I Ii REIHER-MEISTERji ...... - :4 tf1 -4 -14 I r 1 fl I 1I· ttt i I .1! ; 1-I ' i 1-!W; T i--t: Fi-i-hi f tt ff t -+- I i]r,.. 114 I·I I ~ PAINFULL iI U .,:t; , .. . . . . . . 1 i, ·---- -· III I I i I II Iliil zrll I I I ~ ~ f ·3 T tIII : . I , I j| f! 4 ii '. It . .1. I!11 f I1 ''11 _ - - -._ .... Iw zr PERCEPTIBLE STRONGLY _;_ Tccc . . T 3] .. I T - i L 4 7 Vici d - - .r UNPLEASANT 0.1 to i t SEVERE i:2 Ike iv._T' tt__ - I 4-L_+ II f: I II I -.lI . I 1- I.1 -1 i . _ I. S .l :!it! 1 . It-~i t 6=O ff Ili, I1_t+fm f" ' l S3T ·r ;+ ; t--4 14 . t - WISS- PARMELEE [ AFTER [IlIl . . -,4 - - . i i rj . F :I .i. ii ' 28 __ .. 1 -t-- .. -t f d i- tt- t DISTII NCTLY . ANNOYING I' I It I I C-t-l I.L &.~ &~-J , I I-*, I I I. i ! if p .J J m ?---i m i .:... 7-4 PERCEPTIBLE ,, · , . ,, , [ [f ! "r-rT-i I Tl I---I - I--1-, tttfFt+ffftf:-i+ffffF i I E !I o.o11 I-I I , ;l ,Jil II .' .; : JjI I - ;' L E N i i H iiiiiiii- i t.F'. - NOTICEABLE I .I .i I II ILl I J I I i I I 1 I I i t ' I t 11 I I iI I .I I . I. I.. . . 1--4 I i : . -.± i- I i' tt It1L.,I.:,L i. . II |j1 i' I .1 I LI ti--4-|-141-4- + EA,SILY 111111 I II BARELY Iff-.t: I.-H--t+HFi-. :i JUST PERCEPTIBLE i I] PERCEPTIBLE · t .C,- ·- { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, W-: Pt t .. .....'"T._.f-- '==".~.~ I_t:-, I~ ; . ' -. I I .1.,l11111Il L -:'i!'.~~~ ~ 2-'-IMPERCEPTIBLE ,-i- a ~; . .:~ "~!. ~~~~~~~~~ ..A-I 0.001. i. f T''' ....i . I**tW11 2.5 ti l-r-i-l i- l j44-- I4 L IMPERCEPTIBLE ' ,llt, llll rf7L "+R ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.4- j, FREQUENCY- HZ FIG 2.3 SCALES OF HUMAN PERCEPTION (After Wiss and Parmelee, 1974) 25 29 tion. Fig. 2.4 shows plots of human perception with 0.02 and 0.04, which are , ings. ' = values commonly found in build- In order to form these plots the author had to as- sume that the vibration ratings or perception levels were frequency independent, such as the plot directly from Wiss and Parmelee on Fig. 2.3. But, Reiher and Meister found that annoying, unpleasant, and painfull ratings were frequency dependent. One does find from Fig. 24 that as increases the vibration ratings increase or become less disturbing to humans. Therefore, pure sinusoidal vibra- tions of limited duration are more annoying to people than transient vibrations (>0) for a given amplitude of vi- bration. 2.3 Response of Buildings to Vibrations Much work has been performed in the area of vibration damage to structures. Here two figures will be pre- sented to compare building reponse to human reponse. Fig. 2.5 is based upon the reasearches of H. W. Koch (1953) and et. als. for strucures in good repair. Comparing this fig- ure with Fig. 2.1 of human reponse shows that damage to buildings must be anticipated if the vibration comes into the 'annoying' range of human perception. Caution is nec- essary in applying Fig. 2.5 to old buildings which have 1.0 - r ! - --- . . . . . . .!1 I! . . . . . -''' !0; .li !i I I II i 1!I i -cI.' Tr I t+ ! l I I +I -t Illll , r I t ab I T I. [ & ; I ii.- -t l PERCEPTIBLE I- .I - I- I .I I I I I III I 11111 ' n I- - ~-].-- [l - . isT I I 30 w | l I I -11 7 1 1 1 1 I I I I.''' PERCEPTIBLE I . I-t4 -I ,' H_ 1 _ jQo4 ki II· ·. 1 t _ | f s TI STRONGLY . I r | ...I.r- STRONGLY ti .'H I I -- tLi + t l 0. i = | I I [ . If I 'I . M - 'l I ~tt 4 -- i: : " lir li I - 1LL . . - . -I I . f i :-e--! - . . t.1 .... ; ! j- III I I 11 . . mill i I DISTINCTLY . .. ... 0.1 r PERCEPTI BLE L, I 11.1 1II I II I 1 I I~t I II ~I rr-r-r 7I I I 1 I i T1 PERCEPTIBLE r DISTINCTLY I I I I FrrTn'T TII I I r ~ IM I I 1 [ I ··- ·---II III1 I I I I I IIIII r i -'44WH -+H -H U) w I l l LIII _ I. rr.~~~~~ I . Iz1 "IT Hjff'4I i. .1 fti .i.. > tJ0.01 I BARELY i. I I - ' r fit T *TT l, .. - aIARELY +t- t PERCEPTIBLE ERCEPTIBLE ,, I I ii.w ~i' 'Ii ifl1ij-. f-!I : ---1 i.! ,4 !. i ' .4 4 1 i' 't~t+ft--t--t-F 11Il .t l 1 L 1 i [I I 1 1 1 11 11 f i ;w;i , i · · 1 "iMPERCE 1 IT1,, I I .1 r .Irr- Il I¶lI1 I Ii I 1 I I 1I E ! IMPERCEPTIBLE I rIrII11I I I t L II ~~I- r -? ,1·-I ,.- . r - ~t '~ 0.001 1 1;- .!,+;i IMPERCEPTIBLE ·.; 4 _1tre11t: 1 _, ':i ,:| t · II t Tr 2 I I i i $il T I i IIH - 4I 4~~ I 25 . FREQUENCY- HZ FIG. 2.4 SCALES OF HUMAN PERCEPTION WITH DAMPING (After Wiss and Prmelee, 1974) 25 31 A PEOPE NP* iMIFI"! In M 0.04 l -| -i.i--i,I- Illil _l .14. OaM O.S -i .,. Ii - 4- 'j -1 If.:l:1t: i- ;.11. -- 1 -C- . I.-1- - . I II AiO V 'I pI - F i,: -- l I Ii I.. 0.1 -4 M I 11 11 11 lx .I. i-- I I [. [ ii I I [- il- I - - 0.05 tc-ts i . I ;0l 1s ^ ffl .+. ':--' T"T'T'T'' JLHI H-· * [-- ['+t 11 .i- .'1'1 1 1 111 I-' -Li_ P V O~~~~ -7 I 1,~~iC It TT ' - . t rC~ Cl A 7" [N '- -[I'-I AN7I6,.L 'I I % -LY \ -HTTI hil '_ -11 o.004 0;r i., 4, 0 Xt- . ."" ' . _._. - .I .,'t:-T;; , . . ,t . . II . II 6$ . I .~ tpL ". I 0.000O -H R4 . . I , .?- II L ' TT 1 0.002- _- i0 i m :]-11-- I II 110.00i4 :::: . 4o h.1-· I ! III 4 A 1.1 IA ffFIBBLU I "·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .0 -I V 'tJH - V -B0 .r,- I H-- -1 rrmm z~I I WL X3' s-· 0 - _. 1- zz~~J 0; _ e 0.005 I- e---- n -P i . ti4 -- - 0 0.0 I - ..... I. . . . .- .. . : 1I .. .1 I .1.,., .. . 11-i :7 1; ii I I i I lP-Ji-li+H44 iI!I' 10 11 I I Ii I I .. Z. ,P I. lLAILM ~~~~I 1\ I i 0VI I in4 t1 A :I ; '; 0~f· II IL''L - :'S ijJ I I kJ 4 i i I- 0.001 ?!.-!I ml-lmmml- I I I I 1 I I| I9, '- '· I I . . . I . . , 5 l i 11 . - - . --. I 1 ! II ! I I I I - ! I ! 1, I . . . .- | i OF TO VIBRATION I 50 · I I II I.i It I ! la 1 60P0004 - HZ STRUCTURES (After 1 | I I. I .... I0FREUENCY - HZ FREQUENCY FIG. 2.5 RESPONSE ! I ( gI IN GOOD CONDITION Koch, 1953) 32 cs w 2 0 0 V) x 0 I .1 I -4 i I 0-j ;i 0.i 0O I 5 10 FREQUENCY - HZ 50 100 FIG. 2.6 EFFECT OF VIBRATION UPON STRUCTURES (After Liu, Kinner, and Yegion, 1974) 33 strained in any way. 2.2 . Fig. 2.6 is to be compared with Fig. The theshold of major damage on Fig. 2.6 has been proposed by many researches to be a particle velocity of 2 inches/sec. Plotted on Fig. 2.6 are the results from Hendron and Oriard (1972) for a frequency range of 5 to 100 HZ. Nicholls and others (1971) have combined the Bureau of Mines data as well as data from Edwards, North- wood and Langefors obtaining the same theshold damage limit. 2.4 Nicholls frequency range was from 1 to 1000 HZ. Previous Studies on Pile Driving Vibrations A few studies on pile driving vibrations performed but none specifically pile. have been toward the Franki type Somestudies have been theoretical while others, like the authors, have measured vibration levels and pre- sented attenuation plots. Results of a study by Wiss (1967) are shown in Fig. 2.7. Here the velocity, V, is plotted against the square root of the piles energy divided by the range, R. The data in the graph is a combination of results from the driving of sheet piling, wood piles, and H piles. Wiss claims there is no difference in the vibrations produced by the various types of piles provided all other variables are constant. Fig. 2.7 alsorindicates the levels of vi- brations at which human react. 34 I U w V) bJ C') i I- Z z i-. I L) 0 .J w w i 0 I a... I R FIG. 2.7 FT. INTENSITIES EXPECTED VIBRATION MAXIMUM FROM PILE DRIVING ON WET SAND, DRY SAND, Wiss, 1967) AND CLAY (After 35 The author has assembled the constants below from Fig. 2.7 for equation 2.1. V* = KFE) (2.1) Table 2.1 Constants for Equation 2.1 K m wet sand 0.277 0.996 dry sand 0.178 0.996 clay 0.110 1.49 A study was performed by Attewell and others (1973) with pile vibrations from H piles, driven sheet piles, diesel hammer driven piles, and driven circular mandrels. The fol- lowing equation for design purposes was proposed. V= 0.2617/E (2.2) R Equation 2.2 is plotted on Fig. 2.7 and falls between Wiss, curves for wet sand and dry sand. *Units for V are in inches/ sec., E is in ft.-lbs., and R is in feet, for this equation 36 Chapter 3 Franki Pile - General Driving Procedure 3.1 General The Franki pile casing is driven by repeatedly drop- ping a 7000 pound weight at a typical height of to a plugged casing (drive tube). 20 feet on- The height of drop can be varied and in some cases a 5000 pound hammer is used. Though, typically, the input energy is 140,000 foot-pounds (7000 lbs. x 20 ft.). Once the pile tube is driven to the desired depth a bulb is formed at the end of the tube. 3.2 Installation Procedure When installing a Franki pile, the drive tube i ed at the desired location and aligned vertically. p- A quan- tity of 3 to 5 cubic feet of dry gravel or concrete is dropped into the top of the tube and tamped with the drop hammer to form a compacted plug for driving (Fig. 3.1a). Normally the hammer is then raised to a 20 ft. height and allowed to drop freely on the plug. As a result the plug is forced into the ground causing the tube to be pulled along (Fig. The mark on the cable shown in Fig. 3.2c gives an indication of the plug height in the tube. If the plug was forced out of the tube during driving, the marking on the cable would fall below the top of tube and consequently wa- 37 - _1 . - -Z -Z-xc ALa: -r IX mW-A X.' r-" *'-- -0,0 - *-- -v ---4 -L,.·-~- _.~. , ~ r_-~_Ir_v- `-:-L--xg ....-- ~--~ __ tC;T',34P,~',J~.o- e -6 rL5-;~~~j rJJ ~ ' ~ r. p TUBE (a) INITIAL PLUG (b) DRIVING (c) MAKING BULB (d) FORMING UNCASED SHAFT FIG. 3.1 FRANKI PILE INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 38 ter or mudcould enter into the drive tube. Whenthe tube has reached the design depth, a penetration test is commonlymade. The amount of tube penetration is recorded for 10 blows of a 4 foot drop height and for 1 blow at a 20 foot drop. The drive tube is then raised slightly by a hoist on the pile driver and the plug is partially expelled by dropping the hammer. Small quantities of zero slump concrete are poured into the tube as the hammer is dropped from 20 feet. The space between the hammer and the tube walls is large enough such that concrete can be poured into the tube while dropping the hammer. This process causes an extruded bulb to be formed at the base of the pile. (Fig. 3.1c). Generally 5 cubic feet of concrete is needed to form the bulb. The number of 20 foot blows required to form a bulb is recorded in a workments notebook along with the penetration resistance for each pile. With uncased shafts, after the bulb is formed the shaft is built by ramming into the soil successive quantities of zero slump concrete while progressively raising the tube in 12 to 24 inch increments. When forming the shaft, the hammer drop heights are generally 2 to 3 feet and a shaft 20 to 24 inches in diameter is formed (Fig. 3.1d and 3.2a). This method causes concrete to come in direct contact with the soil around the shaft. Thus, skin friction load resistance 39 -4 -r-'~ t-~ II I 6-4-jFI T~~~~~~~~~ I--r (a) FINISH -- -a UI~~~~~p- UNCASED PILE (b) PLACING SHELL III I %-.AC-0 , -L0 -Va. -- I-%* I.ra tr rX C (C) FINISH FIG. 3.2 CASED PILE FRANKI PILE (d) DRIVING TUE WITH DELMAG HAMMER INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 40 can be relied upon with the uncased shaft. When installing cased shafts, the procedure is the same as for the uncased shafts through the forming of the After the bulbis bulb. formed, the hammer is pulled out of the tube and a steel shell is placed into the tube. Next a concrete plug is placed in the shell and driven to achieve contact with the concrete in the bulb. The drive tube is then withdrawn and the permanent shell is filled with concrete. The concrete placed in the shell is typi- cally of 3000 pounds per square inch compressive strength. Before the concrete is allowed to set, steel reinforcing bars are placed at the top of the shell, (Fig. 3.2b and 3.2c). For uncased shafts water may seep into the pile's shaft if the tube is withdrawn too quickly as concrete is placed and tamped in the tube. Seepage is less likely to happen with a cased shaft since the tube is withdrawn after the shell is in firm contact with the bulb. Note also with the cased pile that the soil around the shell is loosely displaced. Here one does not consider any skin friction be- tween the shell and the soil to resist the load on the pile. Other variations in the above installation procedure for Franki piles have been used. Many times the drive tube is installed by a Delmag D-30 Diesel hammer which exerts a 23,870 - 54,000 foot-pound blow to the top of the drive tube 41 thus, forcing the tube into the ground. A steel cap or driving shoe is placed over the tube at the ground surface to prevent soil from entering the tube as it is driven through the soil (Fig. 3.2d). When the drive tube is driven to the desired depth, the Delmag hammer is withdrawn and the bulb of the pile is formed by the Franki hammer. The Delmag hammer has an advantage in driving the tube faster than the Franki hammer. Thus, when placing Franki piles at depths of 20 - 90 feet, the Delmag hammer is commonly employed. Another alterative installation method for placing piles at large depths, is to pre-bore a hole with an auger. Auger boring can only be performed when rocks or boulders are not present. The purpose of auger boring is to allow the drive tube to penetrate the ground more easily. But the augering method requires elaborate equipment for boring and removing boring muck. 42 Chapter 4 Attenuation of Particle Velocity 4.1 Scaling Techniques A number of variables effect the values of peak particle motions of displacement, 6, velocity, V, and acceleration, a. These variables are the energy released during the explosion or impact, E; the coupling of the energy released within the ground; the configuration of the medium or the layering effect, the site seismic velocity, c, and the mass density of the medium, p; and the travel distance, R. S, V, and a are called dependent variables, while E, c, p, and R are called independent variables. A model similitude approach can be used to relate the independent variables to the dependent variables even though the exact functional relationship is not known (Ambraseys and Hendron, 1968). The model similitude approach is based upon the Buckingham P1 theorem, which states when there are r dependent and independent variables in which there are n dimensions* or fundamental quantities; these variables can be expressed in terms of r - n dimensionless products. Once the dimensionless products are determined the physical phenomena under study can be better understood through the relationship among the variables comprising a Illl- *Mass, length, and time are three fundamental dimensions. 43 dimensionless product. Also, the number of comparisons needed between variables is reduced to r - n dimensionless The dimensionless products are products. graphically. compared ommoly By plotting dimensionless products from one study, one can extrapolate to other situations with similar dimensionless products. Also with dimensionless plots ea- suring units are eliminated. Therefore, with a dimensionless plot the ft. - lbs. - sec. or the meter - gram - sec. unit systems can be used when interpolating the plot. Recently dimensional analysis has been *uggested for the interpolation of blasting vibrations (Ambraseys and Hendron, 1968; Dowding, 1971). This approach is discussed below. Table 4.1 presents a list of significant variables in determining the ground motions resulting from blasting operation. Table 4.1 Variables Considered in Dimensional Analysis of Explosion or Impact Phenomena (After Ambraseys and Hendron, 1968) Variable Symbol sion Dimeni II I Independent Variable Energy released E FL Distance R L c LT from the explosion Seismic velocity of the rock or soil mass ml-1 _ Table 4.1 continued Symbol Variable Dimension Mass density of the soil or rock mass FTL Time t T Maximum ground displacement 6 L Maximum ground velocity V LT- 1 Maximum ground acceleration a LT-2 Frequency of the motion f ' 1 T Dependent Variable F = Force L = Length T -Time Applying the Buckingham Pi theorem there are: r-n=9-3=6 independent dimensionless products. The P theorem further states that to form the dimen- sionless products one choses n variables and combines them with each of the other variables, one at a time (Li and Lam, 1964). If one choses E, R, and c* and combines these variables with the other variables - V, a, f, a, t, p. following dimensionless products are obtained: The 6/R, V/c, aR/c2 , Rf/c, tc/R, and E/(pc2 R 3 ). Depending on the initial chosen n parameters other dimensionless products can be formed. For example, choosing E, R with c, a, V, 6, t, p, and f and combining one obtains Rf, , V , 6, ft, E c f R Rf R Rf *The chosen n variables must not form a dimensionless product by themselves. z as the dimensionless products. 45 The Pi theorem further states that the above six products may be raised to any power, any two or more products may be multiplied together, and any one product is a function of the other products. Even though , V, and a are dependent variables, that is, they depend on the independent variables, they also are functions of themselves. For the Pi theorem states one dimensionless product can be written as a function of the other dimensionless products and makes no distinction in regard to independent or dependent variables. Problems can arise with dimensionless analysis by choosing too few or too many initial variables. A problem is in determining what variables enter into the problem. In the example shown above, if the variable p was left out of the original variables, thinking it had no effect on the other variables of 6, E, f, V, a, R, c, and t, the following dimensionless products could be formed. choosing initially - E, R, c combining with - f, t, a, v, 6 Thus, obtaining the dimensionless products of Rf/c, R/(ct), a/(c 2 R), V/c, SR Here the variable E doesn't enter into any of the dimensionless products. But E is a major variable in the blasting or pile driving analysis. with a force Since p and E are the only variables term in them, both of them would have to ap- pear together in a dimensionless product in order to cancel 46 the 'force' term. omitting E. Leaving p out of the analysis results in Including variables not necessary in the dimen- sional analysis, that is, a variable that remains constant, may unnecessary complicate the problem. Dimensional analysis does not solve any problems, but helps to eliminate many comparisons by grouping variables together into one dimensionless product. The numerical values of the variables have to be obtained by experimentation and/or measurement and the results plotted. The cor- rect method of plotting results is to plot one dimensionless product against all the rest. Dimensional analysis gives the following results, for the blasting vibration example. 2 , Rf/c, tc/R, V/c = function(aR/c 6/R, E/(pc R3)) or Since, plotting can be performed only with one dimensional product plotted against another product, four dimensional products would have to remain constant, while the two remaining products would change their value during the experiment. Such as shown below. 2 Tr. 7r. -r3 , r-4 , Tr5 are constant 47 A problem is created for a true dimensional analysis ,T,r 3 jT4, and because rTI and rj ; and r6 cannot be held constant while T 5 are allowed to vary since variables in are also in other 16 T'S . Instead an approximate analysis is performed by varying TT and -g6 and plotting the results, while the other dimensionless product are ignored. Other plots are also made choosing different combinations of any two dimensionless is products. Though not completely correct, this method better than plotting one variable against all other variables. In this paper plots will be made with two dimensionless products using log versus log paper. the log-log comparison is The basis for the supposed exponential attenu- ation of a, V, and s over distance. That is, the dimen- sionless products vary from each other in a logarithm manner as shown below. -r log (constantX-rrn -n log Tij In which n is the slope of a straight line approximation of the log lriversus log n-wplot, while 111 and any two dimensionless products. j represent 48 4.2 Seismic Velocity Calibration The seismic shear velocity was obtained by first recording the phase velocity. These pickups known distance apart, h. 4.1 by the numbers and 2. times, a phase time, t, is locity, Recording pickups are place a are shown in Fig. From the differences in arrival obtained. Thus, the phase ve, c, is h/t. As explained previously, the compressive wave arrives first, followed by the shear wave, and finally the Bayleigh waves arrives. In practice it is difficult to distinguish the arrival times of these three wave types. This is be- cause of the reflection of wave fronts combining to form a distorted wave pattern. Instead a phase time, t, was re- corded base on the first dominant peak of particle velocity (see Fig. 4.1). This is believed to be the shear wave are. rival time, but may not be for all cases. With regard to the dimensional analysis plots, which necessitated the recording of the seismic velocity, any seismic velocity or phase velocity could be used as a variable as long as consistency is followed. The author has used the shear seis- mic velocity, Cs, in the dimensionless plots. Fig. 4.1 shows the assumed relationship between the pickup geometry and the pile, from which the calculated seismic shear velocity was obtained. Shown in the figure are two methods for determining the seismic shear velocity. 49 h I, PICKUPS d I rI~Os 2 FI ch I AE '9/S el/ c = PHASE VELOCITY h = t PICKUP NO. 2 RECORD CRAMER FROM teLCe PRO4CT VERTICAL PARTICLE VELOCITY RECORD ----At = 4t - '111 FIG. 4.1 SEISMIC h c o s or cs RI R - R t Cs =m h C (COS e")c (4.2) VELOCITY DETERMINATION (4.1) 50 Both methods give slightly different answers. Equation 4.1 was used to determine the Cs values in Table 4.2. Sinoe Cs is not constant with depth, the Cs.obtained by this method is only accurate within a few feet below the ground surface. If one further assumes a uniform soil deposit with onstant C8 , the Cs obtained would represent an average value over the depth, d, considered. In order to determine a C value which is more repre- sentative of soil the h distance was varied giving different values of t. As a result a plot of the h values was plotted against the corresponding t values. The slope of this plot at any point is the phase velocity. Such a plot is shown in Fig. 4.2 from which an average phase velocity is obtained. An average phase velocity can also be obtained for other case studies, where more than one h and t value are obtained. In recording the c velocity in the field it is best to make h as small as possible, so as to make e' and e as equal as possible, since equality of analysis. ' and e"is assumed in the Only the relative geometry of the pile bulb and the pickup locations are needed to calculate and e". Table 4.2 has the calculated values e' and e"as can be seen, they vary quite extensively. This is because of the equip- ment employed in this study had an limit of accuracy in recording the t values for small h values. For example, for a seismic velocity of 5000 ft./sec. the two pickups would have to be placed a distance of 100 feet apart in order to get an RECORDS FROM CHARLESTOWN HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT LOCATION LOCATION NO. I NO. 2 LOCATION NO. I LOCATION NO. 3 __ LOCATION NO. I PILE FIG. 4.2 TYPICAL RECORDS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF THE PHASE VELOCITY 51 52 _C I I 1. I I I II IIlI 1111 I IIIl l III I III III II I II ) I I I I I I Cq. I I I 4' I .P, cr 4l II +4.) I II I I I I W \0\O \0 0 0%00 H 4-4 C) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U\U\ 1 I 00 HHI \0 0 \0 \0 O IrC I II I I I I I I I I I I \0 \O0 (C\0 \O I 0 0 00 0 o cocococo00 * n C4 4 II I I I I I I I I I 44 r r r4 44 r rI N rqN rNr \0 \ r4HHHq 44I r H I I I 00000 \O0 O I I N CQ N C 1 I-I H EV I I II c4 r4 r c II 4*444 II I I I I I I I * * *0a 0l cr'Cr Cer'osoc o C CV CQ > I I I 0 I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0000 00 * 0000 c0 co co co 00D0000 Hr HH *. H 00o I I I * 0 H**0000r0 00r r 00rq CQ CV C C C Q \ \0.0 \ r- r- *000 H $4. rC, * N 0 0 N4 N N U 000 4000 * 0 0 o* 00 0 0 H 0 C Cl 0 000000 o 0000 *; 0 0 coco00 0 00 ton 0~U 0 CQ 0r * 0 4 r44r414 00000 \0Z\0 \0 · \03;t444 O H cn HHHH r0 a: m a: 000 H I VVV 44 HHH H nQAQQ In o CW) 4) O 0 0\ 0 4) o 000 4. H 0> $4 0a 2 Q ;6Z r-I VW3 2 S m =3 n) I O 00 H 53 0 ·I IH IH 0 CN ncD Co0 I I I I I II IH I r-I IC 10 I ..O U I I 0l I I I I ' _o: Vo %\l-\ I 1 I in I II I I I I 4I II O II I I I I w I I I 0\I C N I I I I C- I0 r. 1o) 0 0 - t\O cH \ *O H \O Hq U.''C Cl N CQ N CO -4 4 Cl .C H 0Z; C, a0) a) 4% 0 W WWV CJ ,.-I 0 c n H - n n -- tU\ 0 \ \0 \ \0 VI U'l% U VI E- Q fil a) 4 ·- o" 00. \) . -':t I I I -4 U I 0 I 00 4 4 \ \O c- c-- ' U'lON C I U' I 4-. I 0 I C rI U'O I \0 -.4 -' o I I I 0 I I 0 ICm I I I I I 0 la O' '3I4' I IU.'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I\I 0 I N1 I II I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I 100 I I * I I I * I O I I H (V -=t IL)r 1111 I III IIII lII I I I I I III III 1 l 1111 I I I 0 Io l I I Io 0 l CV.4t c\N r 0 0 000 ll 11 HI u'C\ 0 C0r- 0 C\0 0000 IO N,, 0' CN 0* 0 0 I I I I I * I I 0 I 01I H*, 0,,* I I1 I1 aO 0 II 0 1 00 11 1 54 accurate t reading. The seismograph can be accurately inter- pret only to 0.02 sec. therefore, h = 100 = 5000ft./sec. Since compression wave velocities are in this range and sometimes larger, it was difficult to obtain these values. It was found that eq. 4.1 or eq. 4.2 gave Cs or Cp values of the same order. As a result the criteria of e'a8" did not seem important. It is probably best to use the phase velocity, a, to supply one of the site parameters needed for each field case in order to normalize the data. This is because the phase velocity can be obtained without assumption, whereas, the shear wave velocity, Cs, is dependent upon the assumption of path linearity and consistency with depth. Table 4.3 gives values of C s values commonly observed in earth materials. This table or the values recorded in the case studies can be consulted to obtain the Cs value when field data is not available. Table 4.3 Typical Shear and Compression Wave Velocities (After Whitman, 1973) Description Cs(ft./sec.) Soft clay Medium clay Dense sand Cemented sand Soft rock 490 820 1150 1480 1970 Cp (ft./sec.) 800 1350 1890 2425 3235 55 The compression seismic wave velocity, Cp, is related to the Cs value by the following formula. Cp = /2 Using a value of I+Y (4.3) Cs = 0.35, the Cp values n Table 4.3 were calculated from the Cs values with equation 4.3. Table 4.2a&b presents the seismic velocities gathered from various field studies. Only a few Cp values were ob- tained as explained earilier due to instrument accuracies. The Mass. Eye and Ear Project and the NDPHousing Projects resulted in unusually low Cs values. Noting that in these projects piles were placed at great depths. Therefore, the seismic waves travel upward at larger angles (e") than at other projects. As a result the cos e" value is much less than one, thus, resulting in a smaller C value. Also, as waves propagate more vertically upward the accuo racy of the phase velocity is lessen due to reflection of the seismic wave as it travels upward through the soil layers. 4.3 Attenuation Relationships Separated Accordzln to Idealized Subsurface Profiles Scaled plots of data from similar idealized soil profiles are presented in this section. The graphs can be used to predict particle velocity when only the soil profile is known. For cases in which the Cs value is not known an suggested value is given. Even when a Cs value 56 TRANSVERSE >o E 1/3 FIG. 4.3 IDEALIZED SCALING GRAPHS OF PARTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS SCALED RANGE, COMBINED DATA Ilfl ww w-i m- i- l Z'.--:E,. - r LONGITUDINAL " m - * an I ',.t4 =E .1 -~+ H t-T -He - - r 57 i r 1 -... m W;~fi .. . - . I _l_ -- L I L . .Lti '. i +4j~-1±lIIt. L1.I I_ L I 4'i~ -I i Nl: 14-11 :. -F.#t- t IL, i .t i-: .;. ±.Hit l L I- -| --r-: '-.f ~ .. 11 - - _.r _ t- _1. -4.. s- .1 . - . I , 3-CI± lU l __ - i- I .t:- I:' t I .r X R- IDEALIZED SOIL PROFILE !l t 100 It f- I _o I II 10 I4 X1 - . ! . . T i . : M . I .. . ---t". I I I . I I i I !;-i' I! -4 I-. 4-I4--4-4l -- ..- . L i . i '- ! IiI. : : . 11, T -1AI . ±'~ ... : i r, i. 4...i-l; I1r!-1 ii: i· ir ,l Iii nj -- t--' -. .. r -17tiI - L-l-. -i- N- 1-i t ;1· i Iti··l i 1000 W EI/ 3 FIG. 4.4 IDEALIZED SCALING GRAPH OF PARTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS SCALED RANGE, COMBINED DATA TRANSVERSE. 600 li I - : Itl-HrIllt-L11 I ,i 4 1-, _S ·t 0 i :: t- -i W j I i ,. I1+IEI fI .41 ,,,·I,, :. 1: l I~-:l II .I!:1 iI rC fCC iCi C. 1 ; LL .L.. t ! t i I:L I i, _ ':' r- I -··. t1-.k '9,_ -- ·I i 58 VERTICAL. LONGITUDINAL IDEALIZED . SOIL PROFILE --- l--------.. . I .!. A T-.i B..1 i I ._ A SAND :f . i, d 417-19 FT. Iii ki.IN. L Lt t" -+ 100 -..- Cs = 492 FT/SEC. I . X ,:' ,| DATA FROM TABLES CI, BI i .' 0 O >10 I: i t.1 . . . _ i -f.4! ! ! t Fll-qt Ii., _0 cr-rt-+-y . i-I ' :: i . i !- . ' . s 1 .] z 1. -I ri il : -t . ..i-11}. I-;. - -..L. 1.--.- 1- .. , - 4j4. :. I I i :i!- t1 .' 1: g III 0 10 i- +1" I - _ ! I I I I I 111 1 1 1Ilillil!lJll I Pl I 1s1 111111111111-1 '" II I I lr lU - I I 1 I... I ....... I ..... 1 11 11 44I I Ii+ mI~ i...4..1-. I-..-. I+4. :.,,-+l H. . ig- ... .I· -i .1, I ,.1 - t : .L 4Iri . Hil-11 ft -4 i ..;-:f LI i j .i! I i!"11 4' It - .- I . j -f I .1111111111111 I ccc~ I -i X - --1 -i. - , . -: 1 1 . I t : f-'tmt '- i tt ' '-t -I.. .. . . .LU-lLL- I-I-4.+-HN- T: 44.l 1 !I E~IEI3 -~ -. ! I - .1I -t !7 . J--1· .. . r Hc ,b. | . I I : -I :I 1:: IU H--4I _ _ Il- 1 1 1 ' . | ! . M {-H·C I i.-_tt$-fi-t ---!-A ....ll , I i_---: C . t. .1 ! i I fl7t. / I i i II: 1.1 *1* Nf!!; -1r iI I i I I . . . . . . . . .- . . . . - . t- i ! .1 . I a. I 1-f tf1 1111 I I 1 IIl I I II 11 1 11111 1 1,11 1 11 I 1M !l lt -t II 1 !tT!TI-1"t-l ; II . . . - . . .. - . - . I - . - .- II . . . 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . I I. . I 1 11 111 I 1000 R(p C2) 1/3 El/3 FIG. 4.5 IDEALIZE[ ) SCALING GRAPH OF PARTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS SCALED RANGE, C;OMBINED DATA TRANSVERSE. VERTICAL. LONGITUDINAL IUUJU X X = _ _ _ JL_ . |-"*F . w _ _ _ _ . _ ! I t ltt:I-4~:'4t41 I - -1:4-i _r.Utl . 4- . .T I. .:t-. -:I4 : i F *L- T"'-R-:, ,,-...- .. .,= _ ' _J-,.E -· .L _ - . . -" ,- i MEDIUM SAND d.1[ i-4- -- 1i _- f.- . _ q ; ..- -I .I , I . --- a -. -... - ! --. '[IT ilI : 0 ..t. I-t,.!- 10 II , i i I I 1 i I ! _: · '.J _~ ZTtF17 =T r I I I a i .r- 4 [ i 1'T'- 9 - V -r" *. JC.= 540 F1[/SEC. I _ .,, . 1.1.--1: r_1 T I l r r H -f I i I[ t COARSE SAND AND/OR GRAVEL IlllII II!1! I I III II ffI Ii :i II Il :DATA FROM TABLES SI, DI i I-, ": -T ill .:`1 i j--[ I i ;11 it -L- ,f.ft -4. 10 I * IMM-7 - i s 11>, -T- [l i ! ..- t ~..l ,TT7 : .d . ....' _ i ! . l. . m I [, il1l,T,, I ..,,.. F , l,,, - I ' or l !''Iill " '^""' N II _-' 1.1 . -10 I I ti I 1 - - -I, wL I - I t''' I -' F lc i - IDEALIZED SOIL PRORLE i; i -- " I I 100 -f--tt . i . l'-ttt~tt ;' .i ., . . - .-- -e t: .. .i- .f i ,4-let - r*4 .. _ I-! i - 1 . .1 Ii -4rr_ 59 _ _ i7H' 1-1 . i 'i " .1 -.. 4 it L ,.i I I Il-I . - I lT ; . .·)·( : Itt-tt i I i II I I . ;: . . I I 1, . 1 I i' .44. -i: t -t.1 i-l-- -~;j - 44i :. L^L I-·i~~~~~~~~~~~T ivi . i . d-t. ,I . : ; ,I .i.- .... i :11iSflz1e1 H .-.. I T-'-;'4 - '. -1 , , .. -I - : . .. : .. I . . -.- I i I . 1 !-1 '-I -. rT I-T1- :-4. 'I1 : - H' I i I i ;j -ft.. Till I .. .. Ii I 10 ilz; ... 't : I !1 .i . I -T.ffifI i E 100 I I I . 7H 1fli I I I 1000 R(pC2)1/3 FIG. 4.6 IDEALIZED SCALING GRAPH OF PARTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS SCALED RANGE, COMBINED DATA 6o __.. TRAP JSVERSE. VERTICAL. LONGITUDINAL "' 80uo _' ........... ..... -- IDEALIZED SOIL PROFILE I - -lF j. --f+ ·-~~~~~~J -4r- -- - 5 -L H17r ,, 5_ -4 -i I FILL ~!if! H. ""i i d=14-30' iI -it- i -TI ilt--11 .u , 7:-7 :r L~-- | -iT7 A- L' 4¶ 4:'l I PEAT - 'jj I +F - k i I -I-44 ' -t-t I II.i t-i-i-HI!: , - -·-·-! ! . : a .it- , 0 -4 I .' I !! I I I0 10 0 44q -1--' :11---- *|--1 ; 1 1 1 1I I III H .-:- -k-4-4 f l----- t - II 111 ~ r ! ! [ :fl -tI ! II II I i - 4 .;-. _ 4-- ,t "[~1H:i t !I5 t-t 11! c~+ -1 - :t l I I iI I : I 1111 I I11 i I ! 11!!11! !1 1 111 -·--0 ~I- --I kr~1 I- * TABLES JI, MEI + TABLE DI t' 17f T:H-1 .. t i -L- 77 -i· - '...... '' -fA ,. I I LJ I i I --- I -I --H- I ._ I. -I- · to II LLL. _JJ. i JIl VL-^ ;; . SAND AND GRAVEL -- I L-1I . t . - .. . I I .r I I ~qTcr . .1]1-l L.,I-- -..... j I -!- LT-FT | NI ! iI I I i Elill II !I .- I 11 ll , - ; 1T Fti- -i I-I11 -i-- itI .1 -1.-, * ctr ' 4- 't-1 EL ll 1- 1 1 ! -.(--- -..--+_ -- OR SILT I Cs = 300-50FT/SEC , § 1 |1 1-4 A- I ill iI IIIll~ ( iI - J k-.I t--I L-i F cl I-.-l l IiII l· _ *+/ A .-.I 'I:i: ..+-e 11-Vi: HI:iI I 100 h-I I 11 I ... ,Wtct4"'I -JIr 1 t - T t 7,r ___.__.... 4 d FE..' I_ I I. I 1 l- j,; I . '. -11 T It 1-I- 4 --- -,t-ft I - I I I - II I I I I I I i i r I I 100 J--4-1 II- I II I I I I L I. I I ''TtT'tt:+t+-rm-tr I r I r r r I rl ill 1 'I + I I I i I Iil ll I I I J II. II .. . . I . i IIi m 1000 R(pC2) c 6 1/ FIG. 4.7 IDEALIZED SCALING GRAPH OF PARTICLE VELOCITY COMBINED DATA VERSUS SCALED RANGE, 61 is known and it varies largely from the recommended value, it is best to use the recommended value with the graphs (particularly when the soil profile is known). Figures 4.3 and 4.4 presents the combined data from three projects in which bulbing was performed at depths of 64 to 86 feet. The tube was driven in all cases with the Delmag hammer. All points plotted on the graph (represented as dotes) represent vibrations resulting from bulbing. The following equation would estimate the par- ticle velocity for all three components. The equation is most conservative, that is overestimates the particle velocity for most cases. V/C -. IIR(PCs21/31 1 E -3.041 J Presented below are constants for attenuation relationships of peak motions in three other frequency encountered idealized soil profiles (Figs. 4.5, 4.6, & 4.7). Again these equations apply to all components of particle velocity. [R( pCS2)1/3lm E1 /3 V/C s = K J TABLE 4.4 CONSTANTS FOR THE ATTENUATION EQUATIONS Fig. K m 4.5 4.6 4.7 0.9919 7.467 0.7478 -2.239 -2.729 -2.194 62 4.4 Variation in Particle Velocity Over Depth Some particle velocity data was collected as the tube was being driven with the Franki hammer (Figures 4.8 and 4.9). The two figures reflect the effect the geology of an area has on the particle velocity. For the Drake Village Project the particle velocity is about constant with depth. The only large variation was when the pile's bulb was formed at the base of the pile, in which the vertical component decreased largely. This decrease may be due to the holding of the drive tube during bulbing which restricts tube motion. At the Medi-Mart Project large vertical particle velocity was observed as the drive tube was first driven, while the longitudinal and transverse components were near zero (see Table ME1). peat layer. A layer of fill soil overlies a This soil profile is analogous to a board floating on water. The board can be rocked easily when struck and so can the fill layer lying oer the peat. 63 MAXIMUM PARTICLE VELOCITY - INCHES/SEC. 0.5 1.0 Y 17, T 18 w w IL. I a. 19- I w 0 20 V LT 21I $ .--oBULBING V FIG. 4.8 L T MAXIMUM PARTI( .LE VELOCITY VERSUS DEPTH, DRAKE VILLAGE PROJECT- PILE NO. 31, h=32.2' 64 MAXIMUM PARTICLE VELOCITY - INCHES/SEC. 0.5 1.0 1 0 I 1 + + + 10- DRIVING TUBE VERTICAL DATA COMPONENT w w I. I -. 0 30 r FIG 4.9 + MAXIMUM PARTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS DEPTH, MEDI-MART PROJECT-PILE NO. I, h= 19' 65 Chapter 5 Response of Buildings to Pile Vibrations 5.1 Single-Degree-of-Freedom Model To determine the damage potential of a passing earth- wave it is best to consider the earthwave's effect on a structure. Ideally one would like to consider a modeled structure and to compute displacements of the structure caused by an earthwave. If one knows the relative dis- placements between the ground and the structure, a dynunlcally induced stress can be determined for the structure. When considering a modeled structure, the model must incorporate the masses and stiffnesses of the nents of the structure. main compo- The model must also consider the dissipation of energy that is absorbed by the structure. Such a simplified system shown in model is the single-degree-of-freedom Fig. 5.1a. The spring represents the stiffnesses of the main components; the concentrated mass is analogous to the mass of the whole structure; and the dashpot models the dissipation of energy. u, is the dif- ferential movement between the abolute displacement of the mass, x, and the absolute displacement of the ground, y, at any time t. Fig., which has all the components of Fig. 5.1la, shows how a modeled structure of a one- or two-story building behaves when movement in one horizontal direction is 66 x & CI x(t) - y(t) (a) m rIwI I I I' r r· I u(t)= (t)- y(t) (b) (b) FIG. 5.1 SINGLE-DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEMS 67 considered. The differential equation for the single-degree-of freedom systems in Fig. 5.1a and when considering free vibration is: m + c + ku = o, (5.1) where i is the absolute acceleration of the mass, m, clis the viscous damping coefficient, is the velocity of the mass relative to the ground, k is the linear spring constant, and u is the relative displacement between the ground and the mass. Using the relationship for the relative displacement, u, x(t) = u(t) + y(t), (5.2) Equation 5.1 becomes mu + cl (5.3) + ku = -my. The solution to equation 5.3 for relative displacements at any time, t, may be expressed in terms of an integral of the absolute ground-acceleration time-history as u(t p 11S,62 y('1)e- 8 p(t T) sin( Pd (t-)) dI ( where u and fi are zero at t(o) (Veletsos and Newmark, 1964). p, is the natural circular frequency of the undamped springmass system which is equal to V/k7 damping, , is equal to The fraction of critical cl/(2Ai-). For/? equal to 1 the mass will not oscillate when it is displace and released from its equilibrium position. The natural circular frequency 68 I-. of the damped system, Pd' is equal to 2 The ground- acceleration time-history, is represented by y(t), where,T, is the variable of the integration. The ground-acceleration time-history is integrated from zero time to time t. Equation 5.4 yields the response of a single-degreeof-freedom system to a ground acceleration tory. If one integrates time input his- equation 5.4 by parts and combines the terms, the results is t u(t) =.() e f/IB. _ P(t- T) cos(Pd'(t-.[))d'I sin(Pd(t-l))dT (5.5) where u and are zero at t(o). Here (t) is a ground velocity time-history input. With the following relationships: CI =-~ ~7 E _and p Jk/ (5.6) with equation 5.3, the following equation can be obtained. U+2Bp + p 2u =-y (5) From the equation 5.7, it can be seen that if p andS are known, equation 5.7 can be solved without having to assume the values of m, k, and cl. Values of p and can be obtained from an actual free vibration time-history of a structure. 69 Values of m, k, and cl are difficult to quantify, such as the degree of fixity of the columns which effects k. A record of free vibration of a structure was measured by the author in Fig. 5.2. The record is a longitUdi- nal velocity time-history recorded next to the building The dampednatural period, T, is ob- wall on the floor. tained from the free response part of the velocity-time history as shown, along with the value of found to be about 0.03. 6. # was Since damping fractions for un- damaged structures are typically 2 to 3 percent, p will be about equal to Pd. For example, if 9 is assumed equal to , 3 percent, and using the relationship Pd = P J1-obtains Pd = 0.9995P. Concluding, Pd = one P Response Spectra 5.2 The previous discussion has dealt with the response of The re- of a particular structure to a passing earthwave. sponse spectra plot enables one to consider the effect of different types of earthwaves on a wide variety of structure s. By developing a computer program to evaluate equation 5.5 for a velocity-time input wave motion, a specified value of ing this caluation 9 (t), with and Pd a u(t) is obtained. for various values of Pd and f9 Repeatone ob- tains the response of a number of buildings each having a 9 and Pd value. These responses are plotted on the re- 70 -I .E 2e _ cil * S~~GI 3 QC u~I. a a,~ ~ 'I ~ ~L~ ~~a 0.~~~~~~ b - I..I~ cX -~~~ e"U ~ ~K IL ( § 71 sponse spectrum plot. The type of response plot used in this study is shown The response in this particular spectrum is on Fig. 5.3. given in terms of the pseudo-velocity, pD, which is maximum relative displacement, D ( the umax), multiplied by the natural circular frequency, p. The special type of tripartite paper on which the response spectra is plotted has two inclined axes. One inclined axis represents the maximum relative displacement, u, and the other inclined axis represents the pseudo acceleration, p 2 D.* The two inclined axes and the ordip nate coordinate, pD, are functions of the relative displacement and the natural frequency of the system. The pseudo velocity, pD, obtained from the response spectra can be used to determine flexural Also, obtained from the strains in structural components. response spectra is stress and the pseudo acceleration which approxi- mates the absolute acceleration, . From the absolute acceleration the base shear acting on a structure can be determined. To find how well the pseudo acceleration, p2 D, approximates the absolute acceleration, , a zero is *p2D and pD are called pseudo acceleration and pseudo velocity because they are sinusoidal approximations. Bt these pseudo values closely approximate the absolute aocele*ation of the mass and the relative velocity of the system, (Veletsos and Newmark, 19 64 ) 72 a-. /K {I}/vv~~w v/, n vIA 0 0 cr w Qz C ,O ,' \/5 zm. . 'X, ?°o:/')05 o'nO aD t doz tl3 OO ' 0a IJ U.xo _oO Z >. 2 -'1/ 0 w -I ui -d /Iw- a- w ar to 0u w a. Fa,O 9aX u.) N C, 0. 00 00 d *oes/'u! '4t4!oole^ opnesd - 0 o d , OO 0 O O 0 0 o o 60 6 U.L substituted in equation 5.7. sees that x =-p 2 u. Most f are less than 5%, which 73 And using equation 5.2, one values for building motions ustifies the assumption =-p2u. The response spectra is commonly calculated by a computer because of the many computational steps involved. As a result, methods have been devised to simplify the calculation of a spectrum. A common method consists of multiplying values of the maximum ground input acceleration, a, displacement, 6, and velocity, V, by approximate values of amplification factors. Three bounds of the response spectra are determined by the amplification factors which are As, A, and Aa. The subscripts on the amplification factors indicates the the values of 6, v, or a corresponding to the amplification multiplication factor. The ratio of the natural frequency of the system to the principal input frequency of the earthwave being analyzed, p/w, indicates which bounds are appropriate. When p/w is extremely small or large the system's response is the same as the input displacement and acceleration, respectively. For example, at low p/'s the response spe.- trum is subparallel to the peak input displacement. This portion of the response can be approximated by an amplification factor, A s , multiplied by the peak ground displacement,6. At values of high p/b's the response spectrum is 74 subparallel to the peak input acceleration. This portion of the response spectrum can be approximated by an amplification, Aa, multiplied by the peak ground acceleration. The interior region of the spectrum can be specified by an amplification factor, Av, multiplied by the peak ground velocity, V. For earthquake motion of A6 , Av and Aa are commonly determined for various recorded earthwave motions. The bounds of the response spectrum are estimated by multiplying the value of , V, and a by the appropriate ampli floation factor. The:resultant boundsdelineate-the appropriate response spectrum for earthquake design. plification The' am- factors vary as a function of the type of system, that is 9 values and the type of earthwave input. , the smaller the amplification The larger the value of factor will become. 5.3 Results of ProJect Studies 5.3.1 Introduction This section summarizes calculated response spectra from nine project studies of Franki pile driving induced ground motion. Also included is one blast-induced grouiu motion for comparison. At two Franki sites building mo- tionswere monitored in which realistic , were recorded. damping fractions, Details of the monitoring of these 75 ground motions are presented in Appendix A. Other appendices supplying background data for this section are AppendixC (Field and Digitizing Instrumentation) and Appendix B (Digital Single-Degree-of-Freedom Computer Analogue of the System). Appendix C contains further details concerning the effect of the pickup placement and limitations of the instrumentation. Appendix B contains a detailed description of the preparation of the measured time-histories of ground motion necessary to numerically solve equation 5.4 or 5.5, and to obtain the first integral or the displacement of the ground motion. 5.3.2 Measured Structural ResDonse As previously mentioned, the author was able to record the reactions of two structures while recording the ground motions adjacent to the strucutres. It was therefore possible to comparethe measuredresponse of the structures with the calculated response of the single-degree-of-freedom model. The modeled response was calculated adjacent ground motion, and the free-vibration riod, T, and the critical dampingfraction, structure, as explained in Section 5.1. Table 5.1 compares the calculated with the natural pe- , of the and the measured response, where Vmaxis the maximumvelocity response of a structure from a ground vibration. The calculated re- 76 I 0 4 ~E-e il~~-lilil C) H 0 0 z0 * * l.11 w r'4 %A r..I o H *CO ~E 00 0 otrI '0 oo 0 lii 0 0~~~~0 Cl, Owu oJ 0t I **I 3 0 nNo 00 0.O) 3v6q >J4-02.0- N -4 C4 co 0 U 0000 0 0000 'l IOZO' NO e e-4 O o, ..-I C, E-O 0 0% -P- V*4 0 P 0 oh 0 o~ -P -4 4 -I4 0O OOO 0000 0 4co Ed 0 44 0 o 0 ~a u4 % 0* * O~$ * C 0 H 4" O ·. ~ * * o C 04)-H 0 00r9 00r P4 bOH' 0 0000 A mr CO) -H WH Z C, 00k 0 zO 011 p4 o~C '- 0 0 H -0m V E :^e 0H 0 QP C) a 0 0-i :C '4 0000 * Ow "'4) I H ,~0 0000 0 0 h Ih-HQ n li Ocb*1 E- P 04) FQ 0 ir4 0 w4 0 -P r-4 ol 77 sponse, Vealo, is found using a measured a (always equal to 0.03) and a measured damped fundamental frequency, f, with the computer program. V is the particle velocity adjacent to the structure in the ground. At the Joyce Chens Project a 8 value of 0.03 was obtained from the wall motion in the transverse direction or perpendicular to the wall. recorded the same value of 8 on The Drake Village Project the floor slab of a ga- rage in the longitudinal direction (toward the pile). The fundamental frequency, f, of two structures are shown in Table 5.1. Comparing these frequencies with a predicted formula from the Structural Engineers Code of California gives good agreement for the Drake Village Project. The formula recommends that the period, T, may be estimated by multipling the number of stories of a structure by 0.1. With this approximation the fundamental frequency, f, of a single-story structure is 10 cps. At the Drake Village Project motion was recorded in a one story garage. The floor slab freely vibrated in the lon- gitudinal direction only, with a frequency of about 7 ps. Vertical free vibration was not expected since the floor slab was heavily damped by the soil under it. Window sill motions were the largest in the garage (0.281 in./sec. vertical, bulbing), but no free vibration was recorded. The recorder may of been rocking on the window sill and thus 78 not indicating any free vibration. All free vibration readings were observed at a depth of about 20 feet when the pile's bulb was being formed. The response monitored on the Joyce Chens building occurred at a frequency of 17 cps. This two story build- ing should have a frequency of about 5 cps (f 1/ 2x0.1). 1/T = Two possible reasons for the high measured frequency are: a frequency of 17 cps represents a mode of vibration not considered by the single-degree-of-freedom model, or the motions recorded are that of the walls and not of the structure. The latter explaination is the more likely case. 5.5.3 Comparisons of Response Spectra Looking at response spectra in Appendix A, little noticeable differences in the general shape is observed. The peak particle velocity always seems to occur at or near 20 cps frequency. This seems true for driving the tube or forming the bulb, or for bulbing in firm soil or less firm soil. But, at the Medi-Mart Project the response spectrum peaked at about 4 to 8 cps (Fig. ME4). This happened for an input motion record in which the ground freely vibrated. Since one-story buildings freely vibrate close to 10 cps, response spectra which peak at this frequency are most harmful to this type of building. That is, if 79 two response spectra peak at the same pseudo velocity, but different peak frequencies, the response spectra closer to 10 cps will excite a one-story building more. It was observed how the frequency of the input motion affected the response spectrum. Comparing Fig. ME5 and ME6 in Appendix A, Fig. ME5 peaked at a frequency of about 8 cps, while Fig. ME6 peaked past l0cps. Though this dif- ference is small, a trend is observed in the vibration records. Records with lower frequencies have a response spectra which peaks at lower frequencies. The records used to calculate Fig. ME5 and ME6 are shown in Fig, ME8(b)&(c). As can be seen the two records have near iden- tical V values, but different frequencies. This lower peak response trend for low frequencies can also be seen with Fig. ME8(a) and Fig. ME4. 5.3.4 Simplified Method to -Determine the espose Spectra The response spectrum can be drawn by knowing the peak ground motions (particle displacement, 6, particle velocity, V, and particle acceleration, a) along with the corresponding amplification factors, A s , Av, and Aa. The author has assembled in Table 5.2 such data for the projects studies. Unfortunately no ground acceleration values were obtained therefore, no A ed. could be calculat. As discussed in Section 5.2 to describe the bounds 80 TABLE 5.2 CORRECTED, PARTICLE VELOCITIES AND PARTICLE DISPLACEMENTS WITH APPROPRIATE AMPLIFICATION FACTORS Project Pile 6 (in.) Joyce Chens Mass. Eye & Ear V Brookline Village Sagamore Towers Drake Village 3 0.0177 1..138 109 o. 00179 109 0.00285 0.137 0.221 K-3-C K-3-C 0.00101 0.113 0. 00136 0.125 1.9 o.0031 0.759 0.339 Cmpo- nent V T 2.5 V 1.7 3.6 .5 L T 2.3 4.0 T 1.1 2.2 2.7 1.0 1.7 3.2 L 0.321 1.2 0.00237 0.176 1.7 4.5 V V V E-14-C 0. 00943 E-14-C 0.00831 0.741 1.4 2.0 V 0.775 1.2 3.9 L 120 120 0.01076 0.00758 1.106 1.4 0.973 1.4 3.6 2.7 T L 31 31 0.00556 0.00352 0.678 0.526 1.4 5.3 Di 1(1) 0.00286 0.00535 0.334 0.390 1.4 1.1 0.00193 0.00745 0.00159 0.852 0.339 0.139 1.5 1.6 1.9 1 2 5 Dl (1) MediMart 2.5 3.8 1.813 O. 00 02 Charles- town 1.3 1.5 0.0132 0.00241 Cramer Elect. Av 1 2 NDP Housing A6 (in./sec.) 1 1 2 t.7 T .9 T 6.3 4.i T L 3.0 3.2 3.0 V V V 81 of the response spectrum one would multiply the values of V and 6 by the corresponding amplification factor, flaty velocity bound stretches between 10 and 20 The ps, while the displacement bound would stretch from 0.3 to 10 cps. 5.3.5 Response Spectra Causing Damage A study by Dowding (1971) included data on response spectra that caused building damage, in which such response spectra were calculated and the results plotted. Fig. 5.4. shows the damage bounds due to blasting vibrations. Also, included on the figure in one of the largest responses recorded from the author's project studies. The damage bounds due to blasting vibrations refer only to well constructed single- and two- to three-story structures. The spectrum bounds have to be reduced for the protection of old or poorly constructed structures. 5.3.6 Problems With Predicting Building Motion The response spectrum has been shown to be a useful tool in estimating structural response and for determining fundamental frequencies of structures andstructural components. But someparts of a structure vibrate at different fequencies than other parts. Care must be exercis- ed in selecting the proper position for ground-motion measurement. Placing the recording instrument outside the _ ___ I xS <% >X 82 7 G~b 11 lb j I is \ --- N · ___· I Is m Z D 11 z N 0 a '4 N 9 1,1/ r Ilt ,4aN 'IN I- 2 oe S Vt 'I 4 x x lx ,Z7 N0 4- U) / F x 2 s I. s I Z KI 7G,< \/Y." i A V ( 4 s h N C Nk /N 1 aO 'IN aCz ",-.Z V U o7^ N C0 1Z wZ P 2- N\ Am I I _o -- gg bI O 4Q O 0 .v 0i, i I A#v . \i f r·"i ,0 "Aw~ ,17\ ,\ , x, '.,x.N.t, , JN ,.I _ _, I v- . f i,, 5 I II C t a et4f X I I C. 3o8/'U! '4!oIA V .k .s X^4 0 _J W~i K -i w i c ?W11111N' X/N~ VI . .Z I 53 eN Y I.XKXIX. --- o C CL - 11 I 6 Xi I XNNIV , 3 I Xklt~~~~~~a \ II efY." LL 4 aP e "IV I ;ollllo &I v XI A )1-11x U- [-'s c- a 11 .4- I0 i 4 I' "X ¢ I Z0°o 00 VA I o; \ < S 4 N1 It N9~ v 10 t I ;e C i -. X .4 I'l II I IL ID h4 11 t Z t I 11/ ooo, \ I L I /A O/ V \ N ao f A' 0. a) ! II \ I 4 l/XCt^' , /) cr I t 4- I I N N 2 X /,""\W 7 /\ 4-'j N; Z 7 0 0to t0 .44 0 t~ II F 0 >i 1i CD PC I \1 .4>"I X V 23 4 7, IO 'I -W I , - \ N -- Co 1' 74 N / I r, 1-1--- II 9 . ..----- Vt. ·-- ..- \ · -·-····-- Q co opnessd-Od , X. · ·--- O , I . A X XI3 - ------C 0 ' t IL 0 cn 83 structure within a couple inches the structure is not recommended by the author. Joyce Chens Project. This is what was done at the As a result the calculated response overestimates the measured response. This is because the building motions can effect the ground motions near a structure by reflection. Observing Table C1 in Appendix A, the (*) marked piles indicate the instrument location was next to a building. One sees that for the same R and E, the motions are larger for the (*) marked piles (compare pile 1 with piles 4*, 5*, and 6*). The transverse and longitudinal components are larger for piles 4*, 5*, and 6* even though the scale range, R, is larger. Onehasto experiment with the recorder location in order to determine the best input motion for a structure. From AppendixA, Fig. D5 would predict better than Fig. D4. ground motion the building motions Fig. D5 is a response spectrum of ' 15 ft. from a building, while Fig. D4 is from ground motion 2 in. from the buildings all. Based on observed vibration levels in the building, Fig. D.5 gave a more realistic building response. 84 Chapter 6 Legal Aspects of Pile Driving 6.1 Type of Complaints Liability resulting from pile driving can occur in being negligent; the conducting an three different forms: intrinsically dangerous operation; and causing a nuisance. Some states hold that there is no liability for such vibration damages unless there has been negligence on the part of the pile driver. This is the rule in New York, Alabama, Arizona, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Texas. en in order Negligence would have to be prov- for a contractor Continuing to be liable (137 Conn. 562). to operate a pile driver while knowing of damages occuring would constitute negligence. A e- fendant might argue that the continuance of the contract with the only economically praticable method to finish within the time required is not negligence. In determining whether the pile driving damage was inevitable, the test is not whether the method employed was absolutely necessary, but whether in choosing another method so as to avoid damage the expense would be so great as to make any other method impractical. A quoteon the meaning of an intrinsically ous situation comes from a Connecticut case. danger"A person who uses an intrinsically dangerous means to accomplish 85 a lawful end, in such a way as will necessarily expose the person of another party to the danger of probably injury, is liable if such injury results. Eventhough all proper care is used" (98 Conn. 51). It might be difficult to label a pile driving opera- dangerous. For an automobile tion as intrinsically be also dangerous if not controlled properly. can Intrin- sically dangerous work is work that is necessarily attendant with danger no matter how skillfully or carefully it is performed. It may be proper to impose absolute liability without fault, whenever a pile driver is used (137 Conn. 562). The term "nuisance" as a ground of liability usually results in confusion and frequently is a method of avoiding precision in analysis. It might mean interference by someone with another person's use and enjoyment of land. Liability in such action should be based on the grounds the interference was intentional and unreasonable or resulted from conduct which is negligent or reckless. Public policy allows that private citizens should be compensated for damages to their property caused by vibrations. Nearly all urisdictions accord the right to reoov- er for damages caused by rocks hurled on one's land from their neighbors, explosions of dynamite. Such rock hurl- ing damages could form a basis of recovering on trespass. 86 Damages for injury caused by vibration could not be recovered in an action of trespass because vibrations are not a physical invasion of the real property. Trespass to real property is the act of directly injuring that property with force (52 Am. Jur. 836). Such recovery is only possible where there has been nuisance or negligence. A defendant may make the claim that public policy would prevent the application of liability to the case where blasting or pile driving is done with a contract with a governmental organization. The argument is that the social value of the use of dynamite in a public work outweights the risk of damage resulting from vibration. Therefore the rule of liability ought to be relaxed for such a case. Looking at the viewpoint of a property owner, damage to his property is ust as real when it results from vi- brations in connection with a public works as with a private enterprise. The advantages to society of a public work are not as great as to require that private citizens should suffer without compensation. Moverover, there should be no relaxing of the liability for the public work case. The measure of damages would commonly be the diminution in value of the plaintiff's property caused by the defendant's pile driving. The diminuation in value could 87 be determined by the cost of repairing the damage. The cost of repairs should not exceed the former value of the property over what is was before it was damaged. 6.2 Authors Solution Unlike blasting, pile driving is more of a gradual damage induced process. One pile blow at normal distances will not usually cause severe damage to a building. There- fore, when piles are driven next to a building cracks may slowly appear and any settlement caused by the pile driving will occur gradually. If proper monitoring is tak- ing place, the contractor will know his pile driving is damaging to a nearby building. Negligence could be an issue here if the contractor continues his pile driving knowing damages are occurring. The contractor may have no other means of placing piles and the specifications call for piles to be used as a foundation. The contractor has no options to him, but must continue his driving process in spite of the damages he is causing. If there was a contract and the damage was not a necessary result of the contract, and the contractor was negligent then the contractor would be liable. If the damages were inevitable as the result of the contract which could not be changed, then the contractor would not be liable (342 Mass. 689, 692). Who would be liable in such a case 88 is difficult to say. If the owner was a state highway agency, one might want to pass the blame onto them. It might be unfair to turn to the owner for fault. For the owner is the man who knows nothing of the construction process. He has relied on the architect or engineer to build for him. The owner doesn't care whether the building is on piles or not. a building which the architect All the owner wants is r engineer is to build at the owner's expense. In a Connecticut case of Caporale vs. Blakeslee, a subcontractor was found liable in damages that occurred due to his pile driving (149 Conn. 79). Blakeslee and Sons, a subcontractor, was driving piles in the construction of the Connecticut Turnpike. The highway depart- ment of Connecticut was aware of the risk involved and what they were asking Blakeslee to do. Blakeslee had no choice of driving piles; he had contracted to drive piles and had made his bid based on his pile driving technique. This could be one case where the owner should accept the responsibility of damages occurring. If a damaging situation occurs, due to pile driving, it may be possible to change the design. could be placed instead of piles. Concrete piers The engineer could de- cide if there is such an alternative and compute the added cost. This would be handled in the same way as a field 89 order. Cost would be passed off to the owner. But once a foundation is developed and initiated the cost of replacing portions of an existing foundation may prove any alternative unfeasible. It may be more desirable to continue the driving procedure knowingthat damagesare oc- curing. Later, if a suit is filed against the ontractor, the ontractor~ would pay for the damages which the court decides. The Caporale case might be a little unfair to the contractor, but it is not grossly unfair. A calculated risk was undertaken by the contractor in which the innocent party should not bear the cost of the risk. contractor's The defendant should make good any harm that re- sults by his conduct even though his conduct may be free from fault. It may be always proper to allow the contractor to pay for damages, for he knows better than anyone else whether his pile driving will be damaging to a structure or not. The experienced contractor contracts to drive piles and should know of the risks involed. If the con- tractor was not considered liable, he might become careless in his pile driving methods. In conclusion, it is difficult to develop a standard law dealing with pile driving cases. On one side is the innocent party, who should somehow be compensated 90 for damages to his property. The other side is the con- tractor and/or engineer trying to construct or design an economical foundation. I tend to favor the damagedparty and feel the contractor taking the responsibility is not highly unreasonable. Quoting a Connecticut case, "If a court concludes vibrations caused by a defendant's blasting operations has damaged a plaintiff's building, the defendant is liable for that damage. Even though the defendant exercised all proper care and is not guilty of negligence in the conduct of his operations. The plain- tiff is entitled to recover the costs of the repairs" (Worth vs. Dunn, 98 Conn 51, 59, 118 A. 467). 91 Chapter 7 Conclusion 7.1 General Field measurements of Franki pile driving induced ground motions were obtained from field studies. With this data scaled plots of particle velocity versus scaled range were drawn. Response spectra of a single-degree-of- freedom system model were calculated from ground motions. 7.2 Response Spectra The response spectra calculated from the ground motions generally contained one principal peak with a well defined displacement bound. The principal peak oc- curred at a frequency of about 10 to 30 cps. The accel- eration bound of the response spectra did not have a definite shape. Free vibration was observed from a wall on the Joyce Chensbuilding and in a floor slab in a garage at the Drake Village site. At the Medi-Mart site free vibration was observed at the ground's surface. Measured building motion was compared with predicted calculated motion. 7.3 Scaling Relationships - Comparison Field measurement data was used to form dimension- less products. Such scaled products included the vari- 92 ables of V, Cs, R, p, and E. Separate scaled plots were formed with the dimensionless products taking into account the geological effect of an area. The scaled plots have certain limitations. They apply only to the Franki pile with energy inputs of 100,000 to 140,000 ft.-lbs. and R values from 20 to 150 / 13 Thus R/E ft. By using the re- varies from 0.4 to 3. lationship, E1/2/R = E1/ 6(1/(/E the data from the studies of Wiss 1/3) (7.1) ad Attewell, etc. can be compared with the author's study. Attewell's data which approximates the average of Wiss' data, is presented below in Table 7.1. TABLE 7.1 CONVERSION DATA E = 140,000 ft./lbs. R/E1/3 (ft.)/(ft.-) 0.4 * 1 /3 E1/2/R R V* (ft.-#)1 /2 /ft (ft.) (in./sec.) 18.0 20.8 1.0 7.21 51.9 2.0 3.0 3.60 2.40 103.9 155.8 4,7 1.9 0.94 0.63 Data is from Fig. 2.7 from Attewell (equation 2.2). To compare Fig. 2.7 with the data in-this study the particle velocity, V, was plotted against R/E1 / 3 . presents such data from nine project studies. Fig. 7.1 Certain 6.0 - - i -- -i -+ 1-!i--H /# -- - -4. -* I-+ -. T-4-4-4-4 AFTER _ cAND ETC. h111" , - , ., _-i t- 't - tt -,-4- +'t__-- _; [I iii' . .: 4- ... : __ s~~I - - ,. r I TW-9"JJ JJM~ "16"Ir -f -..I l - ·11 -- tt4 t . ... -I- !-i-; -. 4-r ---'r· ..II4 _.F-F -'-- ..w - f | --t - -- 4 _ =~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l· I I 93 - - SI, D * TABLES CI,BI ATTEWELL _. _ TABLE dl TABLE MEI VERTICAL COMPONENT . I:- . ul NICHI I eL I X TABLES MI, + TABLES Ml, N4 CH I DATA I! 1- A, 1.0 I i ! I I i__Jitl "-P 1 t II tt4,t 't q-Jf'-tf- ! t- - MAKING BULB AND DRIVING TUBE I I CI - lf*Ak*'l'bkllll I'litl[1 - v .LI I N! 1 H! N If 15- I - .: , ... t-L i - I --t . . .. -- · 1 _ II cn .. . . I. .... =W_: = z t ---- .4 + ·; _, L·-. :t:' 4--4-- Z ..i.-. t4--l .i i I -rl i 1--- 1 i-. rt-t~-,ttl I II I1-1-Ttl-t!I I El I 1 I I I IL _1tj. . rill-ill ii 1 I i 1I l I 111IIII 71 I I I I I IV 1=1 1.!.. I 0.1 ._ .- 4- .i ...T- , i .! ,I 4 ttm1 I I I I ll I I I I I 1 1 1I I I I I I 11I I I |e - i i. I 4-..,1-.4-.I i; I I f Te I , i . I !-hi i .,j t I I , II 4- i K I i , -l 441+41-- _- - L:1 ,, -I~~ ~ i·~1-I ~ iU:-i . -,=-,1 +k,- :q ..:... :: . . I , ......... . '. :-' i,.. .- . . :. .4-. . . I. . 1. . - , 1! ffl! Hp7 .4-- I ~i I _ ~,j ) I , ! i . I. kF ..... . 1 ..· : - _ I ; _ . t'. i-: ..... . 0. ----. _ J tL _.---~ 1I1ItI1I11M 1 + V2-;JiI74iliii4Iimll4irilfzt 11 -" .O;,: U R E I/3 . 7 7MM7I l IJ _ .U + FT . M1111 , . .,, -+ (FT.-LBS)1/3 FIG. 7.1 MAXIMUM PARTICLE VELOCITY EXPECTED FROM THE DRIVING OF FRANKI PILES _Li1 I0 cases with similar soil profiles have their data combined to represent the same point on the figure. equations represent these plotted points. Two Equation 7.2 is from a line drawn directly through all the plotted points to represent an average line. Equation 7.3 is from a line drawn above the plotted points which would predict the highest possible expected particle velocity levels. For equation 7.3, two straight lines had to be drawn. line applies for R/E/1 3 values from 04 One to 2,0 and the other line applies for R/E1/3 from 2.0 to 3.0. These equations are given below. R/E1/ 3 =0.4-2.0 R/E1/=2.0-3.O V = 0.1581(R/E1/3)-2. 6 61 ' ' V = 0.6124(R/E1/3.) 242 V = 18.75 1 (WE1/3' ) 6 ' 22 9 (7.2) (7.3) Also, presented on Fig. 7.1 is the results from Attewell or Wiss' average result.' Such a line lies well. above all the points from the author's study. -'Thedata from the Wiss and Attewell was from different types of piles than the Franki pile. Energy inputs were almost al- ways lower than the energy input of the Pranki hammer, The final plot from Wiss and Attewell represent the largest particle velocity readings from the combined pile data. The author believes that much of the Franki hammer's energy is dissipated in the energy required to displace the 95 soil. Also, unlike the other type piles the Franki hammer energy is released at the end of the drive tube. Whendriving a H pile energy is released along the entire pile length. Though not plotted on Fig. 7.1, the Delmag hammer data recorded in Fig. DE1 also plots below the Attewell line. Observing the data further on Fig. 7.1, one sees that bulbing at depths of 80 to 90 feet gives larger vertical particle velocity than bulbing at depths of 20 to 30 feet. for a given scaled range. Fig. 7.2 shows two cases of identical R values but different h and d values. As the pickup is more nearly over the bulbing of the pile larger particle velocity in the vertical direction is observed. This maybe due to the reflection of waves from the bedrock below the pile and to energy transfered upward through the pile's tube. In Section 4.2 this effect has been isolated with idealized scaling plots with depth, d, limitations. L Fig. I~~ ~ 7.2 h DEPTH EFFECT ON VIBRATION LEVELS ~ ~I-_hh 5RJ 7.4 Scaling applies best for cases of constant energy, E, 96 identical soil deposits, and constant hammer type. Using dimensional analysis scattering of data points is less than plotting non-scaled variables. The energy effect can be seen from the Medi-Mart Project on Fig. ME8(b)&(c). The figurue shows two records with identical soil conditions but different drop height. Yet the maximum particle velocity changes only slightly. One possible reason for this variation may be the 4 foot blow excites the soil at its natural frequency. This shows that the energy can not be scaled for the Franki hammer for this case. This would be an area for further study. Soil profile types have been isolated in Section 4.3 to eliminate the geological effect upon vibration intensities. One sees from Fig. ?.1 that combining different soil profiles and non-scaled variables results in greater scattering of the data than the isolated scaled plots of Figures 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7. 97 List of References Alpan, I. and Meiday, Ts., (1963), "The Effect of Pile Driving on Adjacent Buildings, A Case History," Proceedings, Rilem, Budapest, Vol. II. pp. 171-181. Ambraseys, N. R., and Hendron, A. J., (1968), Dynamic Behavior of Rock Masses, in Rock Mechanics in Engineering Practice, Edited by Stagg and 0. C. Zenklewicz, John Wiley and Sons, London, pp. 203-227. Attewell, P. B. and others, (1973), "Attenuation of Ground Vibrations from Pile Driving," Ground Engineering, June, No. 4, pp. 26-29. Crandell, F. J. (1949), "Ground Vibration Due to Blasting and Its Effect upon Structures," Boston Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 36, No. 2. Dalmatov, B. I., Ershov, V. A., and Kovalevsky, E. D. (1967), "Some Cases of Foundation Settlement in Driving Sheeting and Piles," Proceedins InternationalSymposium on Wave Propagation and Dynamic Properties of Earth Materials August, Albuquerque, New exico. Dowding, C. H., (1971), Response of Buildings to Ground Vibrations Resulting from Construction Blastin, Ph.D. Thesis, University of i'llinos. Koch, H. W., (1953), "Determining the Effects of Vibration in Buildings," VDI Z. 95, 21, pp. 744-747. Li, W. H., and Lam, S. H., (1964), Principles of Fluid Mechanics (Dimensional Analysis), Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., pp 8-28. Liu, T. K., Kinner, E. B., and Yegian, M. K., (1974), "Ground Vibrations," Sound and Vibrations, October, Vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 26-32. Nicholls, H. R., Johnson, . C. F., and Duvall, W. I., (1971), "Blasting Vibrations and Their Effects on Structures," U. S. Bureau of Mines. Bulletin 656. Relher, J., and Meister, F. J., (1931) "Die Empfindlichkeit des Menschen gegen Erschutterungen Human Sensitivity to Vibration)," Forsch. Gebiete Ingenieurw, 2(11): 381-386. 98 List of References Continued Veletsos, A. S., and Newmark, N. M., (1964), Design Procedures for Shock Isolation Systems of Underground Protective Structures, Vol. III. Response Spectra of Single-Degree-of-Freedom Elastic and Inelastic systems, Report prepared for the Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Contract No. A. F. 29(601)-4565. Whitman, R. V., (1973) Class notes, Soil Dynamics, MIT. Wiss, J. F., (1967), "Damage Effects of Pile Driving Vibration," Highway Research Report No. 155. Wiss, J. F. and Parmelee, R. A., (1974), "Human Perception of Transient Vibrations," ASCE, Journal of the Structural Division, Vol. 100, April. 99 Appendix A Details of Field Studies This appendix contains soil boring data most ap- propriate to the piles driven, field measurements,response spectra, and other general data gathered in the field. Of the nine field studies, eight used the 7000 pound Franki hammer and one used the 5000 pound hammer for forming the pile's bulb. In five of the studies the DelmagD-30 diesel hammerwas used to drive the tube. All piles were driven from a level surface. times the site was graded before driving. At Since the site was level the Pythagorean theorem was used to obtain the travel distance, R, for all The unit weight of soil, ases. , was not known from the boring data supplied at the site. Instead an estimated value was assumed for all cases. Since the variation of 7is not more than 20%, the assumed value of 120 bs,/ft, 3 will produce little error. The following pages give symbols found on figures and tables in Appendix A. from the boring records. The ground water as obtained As a result, it may not truly represent ground water elevation at the time of the pile driving. In some cases the ground water elevation varied with the tide. In any case, ground water elevations are 100 not expected to vary much from the reported elevation. Even though scaled plots make no distinction with regard to the pile resprented by the points, determination of plotted points can be found in the data table for each case. With the h value of a plotted point (ob- tained from the table) one can determine the pile and pickup location on the plan figure of the site. The Franki hammer drop rate was about 12 blows/min. for a drop height of 20 feet. For a drop height of 4 feet the blow rate was about 42 blows/min. From observ- ing repeated blows on the particle velocity-time histories no vibration levels from one blow interfered with a successive blow. 101 Symbols for Appendix A Of Indicates pickup location of three component seismograph 6 0 * 0 Indicates location of vertical component geophone, gain unknown * 0 Indicates pile location Means pickup reading was recording the bulbing of the pile's base B . .*l D . * * L . * 0 T . * 0 V. * -0 Indicates vertical component of the pickup reading * 0 Indicates ground water elevation · 0 * 0 Distance from pile to pickup (horizontal) d . * 0 Depth of pile tube R . * 0 Distance from bottom of tube to pickup,R =h 0 0 xVZ. h . *' Means pickup reading was recording the driving of the tube of the pile Indicates longitudinal component of the pickup reading (movement toward the pile) Indicates transverse component of the pickup reading Indicates ground water elevation varies with the tide 2 + d2 A point on a plot that indicates the bulb was being formed 102 Symbols for Appendix A continued . + * N . . . A point on a plot that indicates the tube was being driven Standard penetration N value, number of blows required to move a 2 inch spit spoon samplier 6 inches, 1 blow is a 140 pound weight falling 30 inches 103 JOYCE CHENS PROJECT - MIT HOUSING At this project two seismographs were employed. One was placed at the base of the Joyce Chens building next to the outside wall on the ground. Another seismograph was strap mounted on the building wall directly above the seismograph on the ground. The wall motion was mainly vertical and perpendicular to the wall. vibrated. to Some free vibration was observed perpendictiar the wall. a frequency, Data indicated the wall rarely freely From pile 2 a of 0.03 was computed with f, of 17 cps. Pile 1 produced the largest particle velocity reading of all the projects which was 1.875 in./sec. in the vertical direction. cy104 \0 > \0o\04 r c0 Co -0 0' I w o aO H 00o o( .N cV a: O\ * * 0 0 4C C -\O .- oH 0 0 Na, * (J2 O. "~ , 0r-0 cq C) HHO4 : U 0c Oh * \O · * 0 0 oo n0*CIQC H r'-4 ' H O OH O \O v"~ uzt r- i o Or-O ach N *O C r0 0 O OOOC1- UHO OOO .H CICQ * * 000 0 .I.3 n O 0 a, -, O O11CM C m *-- re I0 ir0. H 4A 4 0\ C \0 4 \0o \0 O O O O o0 q-~WI C- C~- ' C co 0 ( U cO 4 as n0 H . "o 0 0 0H C\ 0 H H r r r CQ O\ a -l 0 ItzI 0 0 ;t14 H I r4 · -- r-I -P 0 o C-N \0 * .U 0 0 C-4 1- '0 q-i0 rH 4-4 A C0 N' N r- CH C CN c c'n n 0 * 4-4 CO (I 0 4 4 0 * 0 c> c H N cq C0 N H H H4 a 0 H 1* I\ cO n n n U H- a, r-q 4-I rH H 4 rH r- 4 j i-I* '0 N .O\ H1 r0 0\ I -. n u SUBSURFACE PROFILE FROM A TYPICAL BORING N LOOSE SAND, CINDERS, 2-3-3 SOME GRAVEL FILL 3 WET DARK I-I-I GRAY I 105 8 SILT 15 FIRM TO MEDIUM GRAY SAND TRACE OF LARGE GRAVEL n .i_ 8-10 I k 12-5 10-10 9-13 24 w w L. I 15-19 HARD FINE TO COARSE SAND GRAVEL 18-20 12-19 0. 21-20 w 35 13-19 HARD FINE BROWN 28-30 9-13 SAND, TRACE OF CLAY 13-17 45 FINE TO COARSE BROWN 4-6 SAND AND GRAVEL 13-22 50 2-3 MEDIUM GRAY CLAY 3-4 2-3 3-5 3-4 2-3 62 wm FIG. JI CASE STUDY,JOYCE CHENS, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 1o61 I JOYCE II m CHENS I I BUILDING I I 11 =I1 i -I l l I , I 1 CROSS 2 SECTION NOT TO SCALE A 3 . 20 0 SCALE- FEET RESULTS OF DRIVING TUBE RESISTANCE TEST AND BLOWS PER BUCKET (I BUCKET=5 CU. FT.) PILE NUMBER 10 LOWS AT 4 DROP I 2 3 OTHER DATA: I BLOW AT 20' DROP (INCHES) (INCHES) 0.75 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.63 0.25 WEIGHT OF HAMMER BLOWS PER BUCKET 42 43 46 = 7000 LBS. PILE DESIGN LOAD=140 TONS, CASED PILES DRIVING TUBE WITH FRANKI HAMMER FIG. J2 CASE STUDY, JOYCE CHENS, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. I 107 w 0 cr z -l i o Io W O 0. Lr D I F iv-0,I w ci) z0 . _~ (I0,,9&: ~x~ o qxX x x >(~-~ < ><;xe ,0 ;,~~~~~~~s ''<i w S cr- X Zc, (s 2-(D >,o w 0>- 00 w rr) -, o3/'U! 6 N 0u '4!oo01^A OPnlsd - o 0 d 0 0 0 6 0 0 LL 108 IO 0 t \o/\, SX \> ,. PI "s o tSG 5 a. /,, zw,) CID ,i 0 -<~~~~ P0 ~~C ,qC/~~ ~¥",,/'% /~ , fj~f ,/,,%'4,% %.,)X I xl 0n w C,) z a: w U) 2 0o a. z , .,/ ;< 7,, X_ zdb .. , A.. , '< nw ,A o ZO (E/\A >a. t r \7°w 04 0 Ur)0 > 0 0 >, X w U)C w W (0 x~ a lt DO 0 00 0 .oss/'u! '!:oi*^ 0 _ opnesd -ad C C O0 v 0 0 0 < o (. 109 O. 0 z I -J O *- 0 3 0L - w ~v ~....~I.. 00 o, AF / _,,N :X /\eIL X X , z, o2,0 O 2 hi ,I X L) z X /Cx:x <3~~~~~~~> . , >, a: 0W 0 I I 0 0 0 0 cl 9 o *os/u! '4!oolsAone$d - d , 1 0 ) d6 ct 110 luu IAA -· i-- 1-- i -t74 -rt tt-ilr I I[ -j I I I ! I II [T I I I I H!l171Wi~r1~i i -4ldi I . A Is.,....i. 'r:'1 I- - t i-il- , ?tt ., t e ;-· i 10 i. -'"-'I 4-!. DRIVING TUBE -· --- ,, I I I- I I . . I- i II I II I I li il.l.. illI .ll. i I I.I t- II II II I ! l li lil)- c.l I-I --- 1 I.... IIillllII ~ !|~ I I I ! -l ll 1 1 1 1111E III I ----- - ' . I l4 . L14 !__-. ccr . t 111 L I I sitt r .; _: . . 4oi_ ,-'i ll .,. I . - · --: '' "" '''S . , ... 1 .----- II 11- ' .! .I. . .i".i.i _ I; II' ' . .. d ._.,.:L . q! _ . ?. T~ ·- FTT- !.I Hll 1 - 1! t..i ._ + it 7'~ . -'.1.}' .. l .1- ' FI; .: l llll I'I I I >1d.0 .... BULBINe l i II1 . . . I :.i. i * 4I l i ] .I., W, it t- iH I-1 .1IL _1` If' 11 _i;, !:F~ F-- -:I i1ti+ j .I II I .I I0 S _ K . _ .1 . .I I 1 1. -t I·H -I' I I I t+t+ , ................ I - I I I. I' I. t .fij . I c.. I... I I I iIlllllliillI1: I I I I It I lll ... t C~+-tl II I II II I I I I II t100 OO0 R( P C2)1/3 E 1/3 FIG. J6 I | SCALED, FIELD MEASUREMENTS OF PARTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS SCALED RANGE, JOYCE CHENS PROJECT, TRANSVERSE COMPONENT 1ll 100 I 0 K 10 x" I R(pC2)1/ FIG. J7 3 SCALED, FIELD MEASUREMENTS OF PARTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS SCALED RANGE, JOYCE CHENS PROJECT, VERTICAL COMPONENT 112 U 0 >K R(p C ) E 11/ 3 FIG. J8 SCALED, FIELD MEASUREMENTS OF PARTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS SCALED RANGE, JOYCE CHENS PROJECT, LONGITUDINAL COMPONENT 113 MASSACHUSETTS EYE AND EAR HOSPITAL PROJECT Vibration readings were recorded in a level excavation about 6 feet below the sidewalk elevation. cavation was about 120 x 65 feet in plan. The ex- Two existing buildings bordered two sides of the excavation. Street traffic bordered the other two sides of the excavation. Other points: 1- Vibration levels were also recorded for the Delmag D-30 hammer. This data is presented in Appendix D, along with the number of blows required to drive the tube with the Delmag hammer. 2- Nearby traffic vibrations limited the spacing of the pickups greater distances than the length of the excavation. recorded. No reading farther than 85.5 feet away was The closest reading was 10 feet from the pile. Thus R, varied only from 81 to 122, since the bulb was formed at about 86 feet. As a result, a good attenua- tion plot could not be drawn. 0 > IU2 - ~4 0 W 114 U)O cn * * 0 \ZOomo \DN 0- , mm 0 o 0\\O Vl\ \\O O\ * * aOrI N N Cx =!C * * 0 Nt~N 0 C\ * H 0 C0 U N * 0* aa a OOO cl- H100 *0 5 o 0 0 0 Cr\ 0 Ca OOH Cl > a C C CQ o\ C 0 C- co a\ o C 000 000 *O*O 000 r'Ir-tr'' 0 00 0 * 0 0 * 0* oco 00 q, 0 0 0 00 O0 O 4. 4r CW m V-4 A Pi 1 fit . 0 H p C.) '-# I U Ck C- N C- ri r4 -4 4 * 0 0- CK C- C1-c-- - - C1- -t 4 CI-- - * rH 14 H- 4 4 4- - i4 O O O * H4 C0 H 0t: 0 o 4*, mq C-. f: 44, - co 0 co 0 c 0 0\ co co 0\ O o d: ' -4 I., C'- (n 0 C- 0 0 o m C) u c0 o C o CQ 0 * * (; a- co CX 0 H o o0 * * oo A c com Q a mO E-AUl\ 0 \D c-U-N V'0 CL un 0 mu 0o OcOO 0 o 0o OO", , .-\OOmO o (,',O'NO oD 0 O 0-CO r-i U; r-4 r* r nr H WN Cr~INHHr-q C l f4 C CH NHN N NNOO 0 0 .o 0H ^m p 0 Eu-oo 1- 0 uoN rl C. c C 0I0 \0 Em4 P^i o,> o CH C$ H ;) H , 4C C-I C; N C 14 N~j cf,\ iQ : p oucx:o n c0f o0 cxo oN o0'4., E- ,'1 a00, H ,, ,oN mO ,,H 000 000 0t N 0 4 1:: O O O C1 f-I CVCIO * 0 r \ 00 0 00 000 000 i00 03 u"K H- r-- 03 u0 0- 0 o 0 0 0 0 00o o" V *0 ' U) rr P4 -It 431 O 1 I q- H U) U r -t * * 4 r4 * 0 H r H H N C- -. \0O . H 43 . $N - m C! N0 C0 0 uoI rIH r H r ,1 ri H N O . c O\ N ND r- r4 H H H- r. NO O O r 0 0O 0 4-, 43 I -P Enq o O, r- Ct- C,- \0 r rH -t -t -t . -t r4 r * 14 4 r4 r4 \0 H Ho 0 * * H 0* C- C>- vU) tr ur U-N \Z \. IZ \Z 0 0 VUN V' 0 \0 Co 0 Co 0 0o \Z 1D 03 0D 0 o0 00 00 N C0 H H cO C>- 00 0s CY" 00 ,O 0 CC) r-H 0N ON 0r-H C- , H H 0 C>- C%- H 0 H C C0 0 N 4 -4 rH N v 0, , 0 \ n 0\ C0 0 Co Co 0 o 0 -. C.4 ' v p4 -,a) 43 rI rI 00 00 00 00 0~ 0 ' H H Hl H 0\ O O 0 0 H H r4 oH 0\ 0O 0O-' H0\ N 0, _ COARSE SAND, GRAVEL 12-9-4 AND 9-4-4 RED BRICK FILL _ 116 +9 2-1-1 SILTY SAND WITH TRACES 1-1-2 OF WOOD AND 4-5-5 SHELLS 5-5-6 -10 -14 - 16 FINE GRAY SILTY SAND AND SHELLS HARD BLUE CLAY 1-2-2 HARD YELLOW CLAY 7-11-14 MEDIUM YELLOW CLAY 7-7-8 9-12-14 -26 -30 w w 1-2-3 LL SOFT BLUE CLAY I 2-2-3 2-3-3 a. -43 3-4-4 MEDIUM BLUE CLAY 3-4-5 3-3-4 -59 MEDIUM LAYERS -67 CLAY WITH OF COARSE SAND 2-3-3 2-3-12 HARD YELLOW CLAY WITH -73 BLUE LAYERS OF COARSE SAND AND GRAVEL 8-10-31 __ ._ -R5 __ VERY HARD COARSE 20-19-27 SAND AND GRAVEL 30-35-41 tJ 30-35-41 _" _ FIG. M I CASE STUDY, MASS. EYE AND EAR, BOSTON, MASS. SUBSURFACE SOIL PROFILE 117 L_ _____ - - SIDE OF EXISTING BUILDING 0 63 C09 + 109 79 la 3 83 + +! 0 13a 10 20 SCALE- FEET BLOWS PER BUCKET (I BUCKET REQUIRED TO MAKE BULB = 5 CU. FT. ) PI LE NUMBER BLOWS PER BUCKET I ST. 63 83 109 34 34 65 58 79 OTHER 64 48 - - DATA: WEIGHT OF HAMMER = 7000 LBS. PILE DESIGN LOAD = 150 TONS, CASED PILES 94' LONG DRIVE TUBE- INSIDE DIAMETER = 22" PRE- AUGERED TO 65', THEN DROVE TUBE TO 84-87, DIAMETER SHELL = 17-5/8" DRIVING TUBE C s = 280 FIG. M2 2 ND. WITH DELMAG D-30 HAMMER FT./ SEC. CASE STUDY, MASS. EYE AND EAR, BOSTON, MASS. 118 O w 0 0. b~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 ,,,. 4 w > 3a~~~~~~~Y >0 a I. cn 0~~~~~~~6 in d n NO IK , ,,. 3 F_ S ,AC/I,o°4,NC~c E B m i. Zj RB E> h o\ nuWXI/h B .<P4CI WKX~~I nY\ /h /d :~, ;Y ~~~~,~ /\ ~_~ '\ ~\ x\ X~< ,,o,, -,~ Z S_ i =Si >,7Kgi t'<° Z o, w ' oo ' < X & /L 'I- SX X to, @1 7 / ~I' _ :/.P X\,. X . \/ I_ r v s4 ~J m I \D\\7/>^\t -I z r9CD 8 /><1> V 1i< §10i t) a Uo a. Al o-.o o o' 0 0 o * el/u! 'u11OO^ op"esd - a d o 0 q 0 0 9 .0 o 6 CD U. 119 Vy ;K/ eVI\/ x N I\ ~ ,/X N~,% X / V V It 0 %,S b O IN Zl\ "IN~~~~ " C~~~~ d //%", Da5)#f· g3 \, /%.,x % , 3', 55 CS /§ _ W 5 X z d/.' X %/%S X~~ko 2/ar,' x/% / X\2 ~~~~~~~~~ / 0 , ; <~~~~~~ S a 7-0 o L >- o 7 m ' K/l~~~~~~~/o 60~~~~~~~~~~ c r7gt 'Qo E 4. ,' a- YOUJ S, ,Ne g <3 z -m s, Zd ~~ w -r V 0 w CDg~ .9 b EL CL NS/ O N~ 11 1\. z L) 0 FP C) w a.O O ,, -i 9 11 ): ino I /N D N O .; . o N/ O co~t Q=ItdWII N \NI aci 11 11 < KNA,~~~bp" :D w U) a. mu 0. I o o ·*8s/'U! 0 '!O1OA o OpUnsd - o ad 9 4 O v CU O 06 o L. 1 n TRANSVERSE . proqram ii, _j ! .. ii I I r I I I Ii lI , 4-4. .f -- 120 LONGITUDINAL q d- II.1 1 ..[ 441 t t-tt .1 U1A1 TIIIt ,, [-t J t 117, L! ... -- -4- -- t - -+4% ,. 1-t-1 ' I fl . I . ! ·-..- r . tti --3-$-- i.j.. - .. 22. I· zI4. 1 -· |'..;~ -t_ 1~ ' . . [t ..._ .'1 i. L 4: ... 1· f;i : t r IrrCe Fm_ S_ ... I . I .,m V ! I.7... i ; - -I -- I-. 1 I f X 1. i, i. i _- - |' . , I-r iI : x - . .I~ ~ ~~t' i i ii Iii!!!!H 1H . Bi4, L1 L~ I 000 F .4--i... II ' -''.'--i +. tti~ 1 = . l, '..L...|:- 4-t'41,11#l -', * .--,-t-l -2rT^XIIII 415 CD : l i,....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I 11 I411 - >o I VL -1 1-ttt; '-''' 100 !, 1 1 IIi 1i ; i o: j_ i III :1 !. I- ! I 4......*._ H- : . i.. l '11'ii ' ji, !i-Ht '4t -LI ,t-H I+Ht i I 1: . I cu I ' 'i I ::'.~1 I ti I_ II - !- -- ' -t· -- 1 .I.. ...- 44-i .7 . I- I -;.,. -: -1 -- H -i.4 It'; Hfti - hI )0 . m I I . l I I; ' -L - .41 -F- 1--: -7 I_ l .. , i a-1- -t I i hL II ::3 4 I iI ItI-1-". 3-. Fr-H-IfFF I rr Mai .- --- '- ' . - - Hi .,~ .i I ·· · I I I I I 11 I I-J~.-- _ _ _ _ _ _ ......................................................... 1000 --t''-t .;, I I : I 1 I 1 II 10 I!! I ...... .... , , 1 i 1000 C2)1/3 SCALED, FIELD MEASUREMENTS OF PARTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS SCALED RANGE, MASS. EYE i A H4 lI11 I-- _i II lu IL.- 37 T ., R( FIG. M 5 1 1I *I 1I . II 1.. i . I i . !-!1 II . +H-1 " i? In0 -IC -i i i .I I l- ! ; I ' -I 4 I Lhi--r I4 -,: 1_ .4 1j: .. _. ..II. L E p01 _j I : . _ '-It !I! .. . II .LL. I. I I -1 -AI :.7, _ I I I I I-i f tBF . I it 1 - Irr I : .i i ,. ; II , i t L -7,· *J r V ... - AND EAR PROJECT 121 VERTICAL 500 100 (o 0 >0 I0 I 1000 '100 R(p FIG. M6 SCALED, FIELD VELOCITY AND EAR Cs)1 /3 MEASUREMENTS VERSUS SCALED PROJECT OF PARTICLE RANGE, MASS. EYE 122 NDP HOUSING PROJECT 1- The tube was driven with the Deluag D-30 Diesel hammer to a typical depth of 80 feet. 2- Driving was in a large level area with boring elevation the same as the pile driving elevation. 3- Sometimes encountered large granite stones which hampered driving. 4- Like the Mass. Eye and Ear Project, bulbing at a depth of 80 feet gave a small range of R values. This is shown in the table below. h d R R(pC V 2) 1/3/ 1/3 (ft.) (ft.) (ft.) (in./sec.) 13.5 81.5 82.6 0.125V,B 106.3 85.5 80.0 117.1 0.0348V,B 150.7 On a log plot a poor attenuation curve is drawn due to the small variation in R(pC2)1/ 3 /E1 / 3. Even though V varied by a factor of over 3, increasing h out to 150 ft. produced very small particle velocity readings. -t \ \ \10 I 0 I> * 0 Hm q q C J N. .cno -I C - Cr\O U 000 0 o 000 ol* o\0 o 0O 0C CC_ UC Cq ,0 . 0 0 .-4(1 00 c- O\al HE> Cl CQ o 0o r4 000 o000 00 rlH ooOO.H C oHoH H W W u P? a, 0 CO IO ,,00 UCq cq I:E) *'I No 00 O q- ,o Co,, r-4 Cy q J 0 ~ C- O O n \Z \ U0 04 O O II U] r'-I N. · 0 El ,0 0I-) P4 I zH 43 :g o0 -.t . t -t - H Hr r-I H H H H oO * 0 (O a, co a, co a, 4-) -. Hr HHr-4 co O a, O a, O a, rH 0 H O O O4 C A N N H H m m n 0 0 I I I ~d :g 0 mq ... v4 C4 O aO 'O A 434 .1-4 p-4 -ri P4 0 a O m I I * I4 In I4 I n I I W I4 CVI I 123 SUBSURFACE PROFILE FROM SOIL BORING CI! _ · AUGERED 0-30' 124 A TYPICAL _ N - NO SAMPLES FILL AND CLAY 30 _ I- w w SOFT CLAY I WASH a. BORING w a 55 - SANDY CLAY AND GRAVEL NO SAMPLES 74 _ . CLAYEY SAND AND GRAVEL 77 FINE 81 GRAY SAND AND GRAVEL, TRACE 44-120-100 CLAY REFUSAL OTHER 0 20 DATA: I JL WEIGHT OF HAMMER = 7000 LBS. PILE DESIGN LOAD = 150 TONS, CASED PILES 84 LONG DRIVE TUBE - INSIDE DIAMETER= 19" DRIVING TUBE WITH DELMAq D-30 HAMMER DIAMETER SHELL = 17-5/8 AND 16I Cs = 283 FT./SEC id C 40 SCALE- FEET J4 z cr N-S K-3-C +- 0+ + K-3-8 -..-- ---- 9-- LEWIS STREET FIG. NI CASE STUDY, NDP HOUSING PROJECT, MASS. EAST BOSTON, a \a 711-0 IwO 125 ~_ - 1 71vlz: I SR(Wk;i · x.,x, /\, ;5t "lX/ < <" NY\, N ?s N 7 Ix \l jI 11 A x'N NIN x/%. / /\ k /, Ix .1 4-K 'tx.,d -71~ 0 ~~ ~ ~ N I /C d \X ' >A ,,,x, \/, 7 Z PO4kC / I-- 0el /'"A 0 V O 0 ,"I,,x~.N\oo.\ a /. KN 0 OD K 1xl N :\ C t N',x\ / ' ,w \l / N S < x / IX yXIX,'7 ~0 "Al < x)( IN'//\ 'o,\ X ll \ /111, , \l/ IZ :3 Ao . X77R~~ N SI' I>, XxX 21 e / \tC/IY( J,..A'.XA o=r mr / / 1I A (%Ž-7/X/V4 AXo > \ . A -/X~fL(AV"I'V/\, X-7 V 9 0 e87,F 00IQ ol 4 d~lx z 't \ IN, \Y\ x 0 / 7 x'/x, xN"', /N A',, // h4 x, V , g', I/ >5N j 1>1> to \,eI K / V C .1, I ,0o I (m D , < Y z , 0. ~ ~Z -N aw3 _c z row .c -aEj~~~!2 zo ?/>~X,.",',,,, , o ¢(/, -U. o, Wa: :K,~1 Q: iJ *1 . 'NJ C) - 0O oo l ^A%.,/" 9V x,I , " r) ZIJIhZLJ - . - - _ --- _- 0 - =-- - o 0 - O 0 us/-U! '4i!jOleA opn*sd - o ad 00 0. -4 w 8 w aO II II .. /vIJ< C, I j> 00 o 6 0o S z U. 126 iE~~~~v Ivl A / ,\vStiSE T3-na~ \X ' A' < 0 x' X or~vuu Lcs ·.,~~~~~ ,, 0 a. CD "I r 1/1\ 7\ Ys ;,)d~r ,K b Y\ i)O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O <YUh O ID'2 Z X CD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~D n, %,, ~ :o. /N.~.,,.>qi',z'~ V'. XZ>¥/ L3 C,) La. z C) z if ,'iX, fL) O-W ". X x 0OJnVom . - > 0 o~~~~~~~ z',, ,x,V//xX'/"v" 0~\x,,'~. x '/ p- _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o LL. cn CA 0> 0 .C, o o *es/'u! o '4!OOlSA oPneOd 0 o 0 d o o 0 0 0d o0 c6 Io 127 100 W f TRANSVERSE I -I S-~C l iI fi .-- I, - l cce -L -- i !' -: ...I.- I I 1I I ...,. T --i-t 1 -HI-t i cc - -*i r .. t-.· ,13 LI i F I .i ._1 I _ . _.. h-I -I i I - !I | i--t. I -tI! I Ill - . I LONGITUDINAL I I .t T l 4t I -i Hc -- t 4 I-4:-l'. .- t I i rrn 4+ 1ftf --F ITh : 4,tt-i :; . I .2 ifl i, IIc - J_ Hill, i3 fiil 11- i :44 -4·4 1 I 4l1i-tt-- t $:: 1 rf· I ': :.i...i. · ~-I ' -4t. 1 -:- · · -) · ·- · CI i i i i ,.... i i IIIIIIIIIII _. -rt -_, -I I I I II I II:I:I:I I -- i : I I -r > I ; '' ' i 'I+TTT,,'t .. I1. -.X - I I l l S~~1 11111 TV! ~~~~~I . - Of . . - l. . . . . . I' ''''l at 1 i .r . . ' ' I I I bre r l r ·· · 1 Vi., t1 Fm I t -+l"F 4 41 ·+ i-I ot .j i;·r I · I -;-- i- I (g -I- '· 44 ______ 1 1 i · -·r·· I III -- 100 I i it Itt : I e; m+t.T3E M _ Ii -- _i~t. 1000 1000 100 R(pC 2 )"1/3 3 EIl/3 FIG. N 4 Ll - OF PARTICLE SCALED, FIELD MEASUREMENTS VELOCITY VERSUS SCALED RANGE, NDP HOUSING PROJECT 128 IC 0 0 4, R( p C ) 1 /3 El/3 FIG. N 5 OF PARTICLE SCALED, FIELD MEASUREMENTS VELOCITY VERSUS SCALED RANGE, NDP HOUSING PROJECT 129 CRAMER ELECTRONICS PROJECT The Cramer Electronics Project consisted of driving the tube and bulbing with a 5000 pound hammer in a large level parking This lot. is hammer was employed. the only project in which the lighter the 7000 pound operator agreed to raise the hammer to All other projects used Franki hammer. The pile driver 25 feet; thus, giving a 125,000 ft.-lb. blow which could be compared with the 100,000 ft.-lb. - 20 foot blows. Little differences in readings were noticed. As discussed in Section 5.3.6, the placement of the pickup next to the existing Cramer Electronies building effected the vibration readings differently than when the pickup was not next to the building. In Table C1 the (*) mark indicates the pickup was located within a few inches of the Cramer Electronics building. The values of Vv, V1, and Vt are effected as well as V 1 /Vv and Vt/Vv by the build- ing's motions. From the boring log the values penetration resistance, N, indicate a loose fine sand and silt deposit at a depth of 8 to 30 feet. The pile was bulbed at a depth of approximately 20 feet with an average of 31 blows per bucket.** The seismic shear wave velocity was calibrated Blowsper bucket required to form a bulb at the pile's base is explained in section 3.2. 130 to be about 550 ft./sec. Velocity readings were taken as close as 20 feet and as far as 146 feet (horizontal distance). The largest particle velocity recorded was 0.75 inches/see. at 20 feet. This reading was in the vertical direction and was larger than the longitudinal and transverse readings by a factor of about 6. At a distance of about 40 feet vertical and longitudinal components started to become equal, being larger than the transverse components. At greater distances the longitudinal component tended to become larger than the vertical component. C1 for comparison. See Fig. C2 and Table coW I 0H- wItl 131 r o%4 000 *0 \o CH 04 '"UCC r- *0 0 H m ,-( CO af a 0 C .. 04H C) j 0 C., 4 I,) CV no%' CY% .* 00 co ,o3NFo 000 C;.88 o C0 (N o H H a0 0 0 H H H H H H .4 ,- ,-4 O 0 * 4, 0 4.) n oc~ * 0 o o 888V OOH IC;C0O9 Cv Cg.4 0U' V '-4 H w U 0 II v\ Hl Cl O0.- mq 0 H4 p OCU \0 o O\ N .n\ Cr m 0 4 rs C 0'Ii co II.. O* r ON U 14 O 0 r4* C-* O A O 0 co H 0 W -4 O~ I- O r-4 O O 0 * O O C . H H4 O U) 0CO C- C* C0 H 0i H ,1 v 0 4) \0 N 4 '\0 H \0 \0 0 O 0 0 H H H \0 \0 \0 : 4 WN 0 O H -4 l O U C w n 4 H C m N H 0.4 W4 · \ sr 0 0 V. fQ 4) rrr P: b% 'd 4- -4 0 C 0 ,-4 .-4 a4 H 4 o 4 CW \0 C0 c0 * U\ 4 ,-4 0 132 FROM A TYPICAL SUBSURFACE .PJOFILE SOIL BORING PRESENT CRAMER ELECTRONICS CIp N MEDIUM TO FINE GRAVEL 30-2-2 a 0I BLD. 10-10-6 FINE SAND 0l 81 3-4-5 1 2 03 4 5 PILE- + 1-1-4 FINE SAND AND SILT PICKUP C1 W 20 40 30 SCALE- FEET i GRAY FINE RESULTS OF DRIVING TUBE AND BLOWS PER BUCKET PILE .NUMBER -i i END ii ......... OF I BORING RESISTANCE TEST (I BUCKET 5 CU. FT.) I BLOW AT 20 DROP (INCHES) (INCHES) BLOWS PER BUCKET I 1.5 I.5 2.0 1.25 SI 3 1.0 1.75 1.5 2.0 36 5 1.5 1. 34 4 OTHER _ 10 BIOWS AT 4 DROP 2 DATA: 33 30 WEIGHT OF HAMMER = 5000 CAPACITY PILES, 129 KIPS 38 LONG 5-8-9 SAND AND SILT MIM= V _ LBS. CASED DRIVE TUBE-AMETER DRIVING TUBE WITH FRWAKI HANit!;. Cs FIG. C I CASE MASS. k --.I 2-3-5 0a 0 rk Z-3-4 _ w 6 A m- 550 .FT./SE ,pILES I17 ' : ' STUDY, CRAMER ELECTRONICS, NEWTON, 133 c c Vt Vv. C C R-' FEET I I i V I 1 0 ± If I C R - FEET FIG. C 2 PARTICLE VELOCITY RATIOS VERSUS RANGE, 134, C[C 02 '.,,G, ' ,.,~'% > 5 X X:%/ 'I ~ "~"% ~ \' X ,.x t<' X,,X ,/ ~,Xo. , ' C: 1 -J w w *r 04c >- 2 I- T a <$gS§S ) X ' _ sE S _.. , . u> (0 00 "',,/',,./ /\ ,'%/X:>Kx, . 8"5</, N, 'uXX ,,xvE,::< 'X'". ,<,, ~X b \-b R rtPSISn D " -- -J 0 am O S S / 'os/! Ao- N !oloo oepAd-(d U 9 o 0 0 6 .o 6 C) L) 13S w 0 0 L. C) > )X a V) "da~~~~~" co~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( ?N:;( azf/7Nl 7 '77; 1 ~r7°.,, X~ N M 7s. r5>dzI5Yc9ZX V N;g7c B7/e7vXz< A, w 59~ /\ I'll > _ _,<io * 31* - /o. XSOZt7 \ \1 7 J~~~~~~~~~~~~J .,,A~ ~tC' Wo, . 7x ;p . - xX,<,., >(f., m X w sl . C) L) zqL z0 4. j~l : if o~'Z~s'..~..-aa''.N ,t, O 0X '@ m ~sjA\<[2 > N U. )oW >-V a~~~~~ _ A . _ _ _ _ _~~~~~ c6 aw L) aCu, 0 o. 0- 0 0 *O/' / U!-'4Po!0I C) a - C . ri d oPSd - 3 d , n v I , ,0 CY 0 c C 136 IOC n'Ifl - - -t L-1 i I I I It- i i. ·I·t-i t. -- III Kt :0 BULBING WiB +DRIVING .1I]. D I 4 N I-H .I .. 1.I-I Lii it gm @ te2~e2e efe-e2X -c+t---+e 6~~-~~~-~~IC o 0 Ht 10 I: I - II I 1 -1 I III i 4-4- i I1 I 11 o, ,,, .· I 1, , 1i1 1§11111 1 1111111 1 1 ! '.1-i I TT-r T77T Z. 4 .;L E_ = i1 ##t -ilUL-tH 1. - II0 I_ I I I ; I I III ni , 1 'L II II 1111111 IIIL· II III I I 11·I II I·lrl· I·_1 · Iyy ~1 100 · · · -· I·I·I· · II R(pC2)1/3 El/3 FIG. C5 · I I I··I · 1·· Il··lrl· l I Tlll1il1 · I·· I· · I·I · 1 11111 rl~ I·····I + OF PARTICLE SCALED, FIEL_D MEASUREMENTS VELOCITY VEIRSUS SCALED RANC%E', CRAMER ELECTRONICS PROJECT, TRANSV E RSE COMPONENT 137 i- lUo - ---- - ·- -- 'l W r' 'X '-,-d . · ---------- Efl |lX | - 1 k...] · . I I - I I I I I I * BULBING l7rr +DRIVING I I I I I .1 TUBE X In I 0 cn - "t"lll L, _-'-' --t--4"4- llil- lllft 111~ 1 1 ll 1 lI 1 I 'r""P"'I I1 1 I I1nllll~ 1 1 11 111111111 1 rIj Ium · 1 1111111111111 1 11·11111111 1 1~ 1 1 11 >1 0 i- +H . I I - f J -- - _ftt 1I I10 111 111111 III 1111 Iili I III III I 100 R(Pcj) I/ 3 Illlll11111111 111111!1 I000 '+ E 1 /3 FIG. C6 SCALED, FIELD MEASUREMENTS OF PARTICLE. VELOCITY VERSUS SCALED RANGE, CRAMER ELECTRONICS PROJECT, VERTICAL COMPONENT 138 FIG.C7 SCALED, FIELD MEASUREMENTS VELOCITY VERSUS ELECTRONICS, SCALED OF PARTICLE RANGE, CRAMER LONGITUDINAL COMPONENT 139 BROOKLINE VILLAGE - MBTAAIR RIGHTS PROJECT Vibration readings were recorded for driving rig number327 at this project, even though another rig was simultaneously driving piles. Vibration readings were taken only when the other driving rig was idle. Other points: 1- Driving elevation was about 2 feet below soil boring elevation. 2- Only one C wave value was obtained. 3- At this project accurate readings of drop heights of the hammer were recorded as vibration readings were being recorded. The hammer drop height seem to vary more than at other projects. 4- The data below indicates the rate of tube penetra- tion as the Franki hammer was drawing the tube through the soil. Pile E-13-A Depth of Tube (ft.) Number of Blows E = (7000# x 19') 11 12 .6 14 15 15 25 16 17 i8 27 .26 27 \O I 0 H 0\ r%0% > 0\ 0 N O C \O (Cnco N U\* 0c a 0%so % 04I - 0ON% HOH CHH 0 NV a a> a Om 0\o S S 3 140 NoN r C C~ n cM4 C- C- - m 000 W4 cO CoO a( r NHN O C U- 0r 00 000 00 C H N H H 0 U :t 4.t 4. UO \4 U. co co No 000 0 4; cn OCQ OON o C' II U) W C) W H 0 * SV 4. 4 0 \O 0\ \O O U U cO cO O o cN O O O O N co 0 W: 0 C) k ., ni V4) rq t.11. j4) .I i-4 H > ,) 4- 0 rN H '.0 n N- r4 O0 \0 cn ( tVo 04 0 , r- 0 I 44 o 4-4 q.. 4. . - n1 cO N)t CQ . 4N C CN C co H O O O o ,. oo O a: -1 r0 I U C) C) C) r4 4 \l \0o CN m Nc- ap H N- H r e~ rl H H H 4-4 4 H r4 P4 C',-i I Wi m' r-q I Wi 4. r-4 I Oai I .A I W 4. I I (1 SUBSURFACE PROFILE SOIL BORING ELEVATION A 0 TYPICAL FIRM 10 N SOME 3,33,3,14 LOAM, SAND, GRAVEL 2-4-4-2 AND BRICKS LOAMY PEAT . LITTLE FINE SAND Iq FINE 20 SAND FIRM 255-7 MEDIUM SAND. LITTLE 6-6-6-8 GRAVEL, TRACE INORGANIC SILT LOOSE MEDIUM TO COARSE 3-3-5-4 SAND AND GRAVEL I.- w 37 MEDIUM !aI. FINE SAND FIRM FINE SAND TRACE INORGANIC (L 0. w Q 3-4-4-6 TO HARD YELLOW CLAY, SOME 41 xI 4-6-6-8 TO MEDIUM FIRM 26 141 17.3' SAND AND GRAVEL FILL LOOSE LOAMY SAND ISOME GRAVEL FILL 7 . CINDERS, HARD 4 S FROM A 5-6-6-7 SILT 49 MEDIUM FIRM SAND SOME GRAVEL AND MICA 55 FIRM FINE SAND, LITTLE 14-10-9-9 GRAVEL 6-9-9-9 TRACE INORGANIC SILT 7-8-9-9 FIRM 7-7- 8-9 iS vv 8 4mb AMI v'- Is W _" IP m MEDIUM SAND HARD MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND AND GRAVEL, TRACE INORGANIC SILT 30-13-18-21 REFUSAL FIG. B I i i . _ II CASE STUDY, BROOKLINE BROOKLINE, MASS. VILLAGE, 1_ I 142 E-14-C PILES-E-13-A PILE PICKUP-...D v] . E-13-B . RAILROAD TRACKS CAE. a3w 0 20 --- 40 SCALE-FEET TOP ELEVATION- 15: PILES E-13-A AND E-13-C ARE BATTERED ON A I TO 10 SLOPE, ALONG WITH PILE E-14-C 'ION OF BATTER 1 RESULTS OF DRIVING TUBE RESISTANCE TEST AND BLOWS PER BUCKET (I BUCKET 5 CU, FT.) PILE NUMBER 10 BLOWS AT 4' DROP (INCHES) E-13-B 0.25 E-13-A E-14-C OTHER 1.00 0.25 DATA: I BLOW BLOWS PER AT 20 DROP BUCKET (INCHES) I ST. 2ND. 0.25 47 57 53 0.5 0.375 4S ? ? WEIGHT OF HAMMER = 7000 LBS. I2p TONS PILE DESIGN LOAD CASEQ PILES 27 LONG DRIVE TUBE- DIAMETER DRIVING TUBE WITH FRANI DIAMETER SHELL u 17- / AVERAGE PILE DEPTHt 19 Cs = 435 FT./SEC. FIG.B2 CASE STUDY, BROOKLINE BROOKLINE, MAS SS. VILLAGE, 19' HAMMER 2 :~~~ · 1JJ , _ .[[[ i - l 143 ii ·- I - ! · .i ] '' : 1.5 VI I vv A IA -fj* Ii. :-· I 4 1 tti~ 0.5 0 i ( 4V RRU- FEET FEET I U 160o 120 160 I 1. Vt V, C 40 80 R- FEET FIG. B 3 PARTICLE RANGE VELOCITY RATIOS VERSUS 144 I- ZI e ~.~',.,'~..'"( %~~b~~ rv x.-,x',,x~,- , x, .~s w. o ' ' /., N N oe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o / ' . (10 _syX,NjY. i 9.= 2 ~ C -Z >1 3QDt z 1Z .").j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ w> 8r M ac WL/'o Zm J8 Z~~~~~~~o U. -j, 0 IL <O 9· g > S, c wI i >-DW CYr o *s/ O o 'U 4!oleA o* 0 66 o o OPInsd - a d N o 0 o o N ocv o m LL ., ~ . - , · f 145 w <l 0 w CD J _. ~ o'v2,,~/,.',',X ;, "X? ,e X Ll N ~>:Oo:;,,/~ Y..\.R g~~~~~~~~I X<m 0 :) \G~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Z ¢,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C $-> 40 00,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~b J. LL~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0~~~~~~~'GXnKX / 1 0~~~~~~~pt~e~~~~~' : _M__~ ,, 9Sx _z8 X X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bZI>~:~o z z a- __ " (L2(ALA~~~~~~~( z v/~ 0-.. <e,: ....... co T-s~ n~ r\rxvrr :~~7° >S , rcl~X\ \1I~ 9v? , ' C) a) or) iD tn O. C. 0 0 oss/'U ! '4!ooa1t 6o o 00o OPSsd - a d 0 0 0 0 0 6 CC 0 LL cI 4' C1/3 2 R(p C) E1 /3 EI FIG B6 ME,ASUREMENTS OF PARTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS RANGE, BROOKLINE VILLAGE PROJECT, TRANSVERSE COMPONENT SCALED, FIELD w I1 > I R(C, )1/3 1/3 FIG. B7 SCALED, FIELD MEASUREMENTS OF PARTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS RANGE, BROOKLINE VILLAGE PROJECT, VERTICAL COMPONENT C a 10 100 00 R(pC ) E/ FIG. B8 SCALED, FIELD MEASUREMENTS VERSUS VILLAGE PROJECT, VELOCITY OF' PARTICLE RANGE, BROOKLINE LONGITUDINAL COMPONENT 149 SAGAMORE TOWERS PROJECT 1- The ground water table fluctuated with the tide. 2- No trend was observed for Vt/Vv and V 1/V v versus range plots. 3- Even though no blows/bucket data is given, 2 and 3 buckets were required to make the bulb. A workmen said he was trying for 40 blows per bucket without excessive hammerpentration. * 0 w-4C Mi-4 \O0 O Cr\N 1- I 0 *. C.-\O co * 0 %oo o 0OO\N \00 .-II.4 O 000 OOO< ·~.. C( lO o. (V C · E >· ..'C'. E.-OOO C- ,. I, 00t C-t%c00 4 Q1 000 000 000 000,. I C 0O -00. 000 000 OOO 000 000 ,sCQ -4 (r 150 \O \O cq * 0* -- * crN C) n , N 0 4) 44 N M M Q O* N N o0 0 Vl u\ VUN U ',O \o * V '0: . 0 *0* ,,,F-4 (v 1-4 C-4 N ON %C M\ C II ll * '-4 E -, 0 C W I * '0 ',0 0 a0 al C 00000 00 0 0 O0 -, 0 W W Cl) I C 14 o a'4* cN U/)_ * , aO * N 4,) N 4O* 0 0 4* '0 lo * '-4 C'- C0 V4 4 %0 CQ N04 O ulC ,-4 Cl N u0 CQ 4 CQ C 4 C N c,- x: 0. 4 1.4 0N ° 0 4 0N . , 0" 0* 0 'V0 '0 0\ * aC -4 V-4 V-4 -. v 0' 0'..4 t0', v-.e v- 0. 0 oci0o > -4 oe C) o0o o No 0 0* * C * ( II C Nt -4f -4 4 00 ci V-4 YV* * SO* * * 1-4 (\O oo %o : \ e 0S4 1-f * pq 0 O * * ooo Cq m a co mmm o9 o9 o 000 \O 000 0 oJ o o 000 Im~~~~~~~;OC 000 N %c- U'0 000 000 * * 0 000 000 000 U ^t 000 vO U> C%Us U I,. Sl V-4 4- -4 - '-4CQ * * J0o, * * C 0 0 *n o O \0 _. Qrc II] '-4 cm \0 c N 0 0' oN 1-4 T-4 N NQ C ao V41 1-4 0 4 Ch NOU - I -4 I ~4I 0J rlUE ror U * A k - N 4 CQ N 'I)\ 0 U Cr C N 1-4 1-f o N T4 C v-4 C N N C N O O 4 4 - 4 4 4 4 V-4 ,-4 V4 t-4 1-4 1-4 00 . 0 rl - I * :eX ON C N t- 0 0W 4U0 4 ll * 0 * * 4- 161 U) u Cs a: 1- J4 J- 4 1-4 O 0 0 * O r N) (V m C' (N 0 ao (0 (0 OD 40 4-4 0 0 v-4 4) Pl 4P., 0 -4 O - 4 (0 UN N- c 0 0 UI V1 V" \0 \0 N \ T- 0 -4 (0 Vo N 4-- C 4 Nu 1-4 -4 C ( C \0 -4 * e 151 152 SUBSURFACE SOIL PROFILE 0 N (LOAM) TOP SL MEDIUM COMPACT BROWN AND GREY FINE TO COARSE SAND, SOME 8-7-6 GRAVEL, FILL(DRY) 8 BROWN MEDIUM COMPACT FINE SAND, TRACE OF 5-6-5 GRAVEL AND SILT (DRY) 6-6-7 MEDIUM COMPACT GREY FINE 7-7-8 21 w w U. TO COARSE SAND GRAVEL, OF CLAY AND SILT (WET) w TRACE 10-10-10 . 29 19-20-20 COMPACT GREY FINE TO COARSE SAND, GRAVEL, CLAY TRACE OF SILT (DAMP) 20-17-21 42.5 40-34-42 VERY COMPACT GREY FINE TO COARSE SAND, GRAVEL, LITTLE AND OCCASIONAL BOULDERS SILT (DAMP) 42- 47-43 52 REFUSAL vim FIG. S CASE STUDY, SAGAMORE TOWERS, N. QUINCY, MASS. 153 SWAMP +0119 0 +170 e+169 + 168 o 20 4.0 SCALE - FEET 0 OTHER DATA: WEIGHT OF HAMMER 7000 LBS. PILE DESIGN LOAD - 120 TONS, CASED PILES 32' LONG DRIVE TUBE- INSIDE DIAMETER 19" DIAMETER SHELL= 17-5/8, DRIVING TUBE WITH DELMAG D-30 DIESEL HAMMER, C 547 FT/SEC. FIG. S2 CASE STUDY, SAGAMORE NORTH QUINCY, MASS. TOWERS, ,, I I -i :l .!lll I I] I ;. *::..I ~_~:[. . - ~ :i"k :l. LL-'+: .r ....t :;r.!-! -' r_ ." - .-. ; i ..- 1 7: . . " - - i , ; -MmI-M1- 4-·-` , 4 - I ffiS . ' . A.. L . l c· i.. r 'rs '* · ; ',; q : .- -1-...... ..... .. ^- · ii I !. .S .-... . ,t-, ; t · · · ·-·· ·· · I -..,..i.-i i-ii i..;i I·i · · · · I -·--Ci-l,;rr.: ·- L I. . ··-; ·- i-· -·· :·· .. ·-7.: .· i-i _ ... i.-:· ·: ('I . Ci i __ I .. . i7.- : - F. : -;M:1 '- _~· ... ' I : ' " .':-r- .' · 1.:.i - :., I I - I ; :-.= ... _j i?.,: vW _. . r1. . .. ... ', 1 . I. ' : 'I1:i -O . . . i , ' . :' -t - t - - r--- X ,_.r, -. ,[.j_. .....,: '~..... . . . .. -------- -40 - - :. - I :. I ·· - _ YI i r .. I I .. I;_- , .. :' : I . 3-4i !.'iH .... I.. I £ __ 7. 7 L1 777 _. Ii a Y I... :.i-.. ... .t ·· - [ T ; ;=.I.....: :_I :.-.... ' . ~.:.. :Ll ·-- .--t - --,-. r .m__L - .· 1 ._. _ :' ..".."-. · -77q ..:747 .. . ... ..... , . ... l L._&: _ - .: 4 ... J4. ..... ... .. : . i . 7. 71'1';,. .; 1i :. . ! 4-' J , | . . ._ ._ . ._f:' _. 12_ - 1 . ' ' i ... ___-I . . A. '. _; Li . .. T ;. i ; . -1.I... ;;-''1, . . . . ...! . '. . . I: .. 1- i __ ?- ·i ._ 1 -t :.,. , I :. . . _'' -- . __- _- .. .: . . -. j-!-- -.. .. .r. .__ _.._ iie:- , ,. _ ._. . _ Y ----C--L I-...; . i =_-r --t . ." ,1:4:t1.2. .. _.... - I --' , 1 l-i--:i , : .. . : . : ... . ----- ; .: .- I.- 11. .1 1s- 'I : ..,.>. * -'.- :.... :: .... j I. :'r. Li I ,!-, ., '.:T:Z:7 : . 2__ ,;- . ,___. A,.- .4;:. _11 . 4L.ri, _.. 4-i: i- I . r Ed__I1.. . .: 1 '. I -.. I1!!!.. ;;it : 7-..-. '. 1. _i . i:+ V .-- ! ,.,* __ t., . ...... , j. I .4 .. .' j'''^_ . . i aI .. . 7Pt.:_::.]i~---..; '~-:.' Y-?---t .7j Vt r .. ,"4 ., I iL ' I - . .. __ - -i--:1 1.5 - ~..... - _:·I . '·-·- ·Ltf:I'*. ' . · . ';.-. ....f. : .. z-.- _ -I_ -tt1"A . 7.- rm · ·-11 I·7- . . . I ~; .. L.- :'t; Lii. sr.-z- I .;W- . . .: 1 , . . i j..1 C--- -- ~ ~-_ Ii I. .. . : t' . I 200 I( _ .J:ii' . li -I r i-? · c··rr A.. . S q 11 - ., : T-;l ..... : ·-. · · i·-····;-i· I·;I·. · · · · r,·: ..:.; ·-e Fiji: .; .;,, 1. - 1 l -· r r I;20 R- FEET I.. ', ... .---riA A 7, . t-t-t .. ¢. , cr,: ? t i' 80 11t lI tWfI t, .~':.': ' I "` j Lc. ... --·--- '- i · L.ii '" "' -.. i : it .I ' ·-· : 1···· i-:· · ·-I · · · -·-· · ... , ... · ·- _:1 r--+--· · _f ' ii-.-·-' ;· --· ·- -· '-! · I E -. . .,. ''"r TT .. :r 4~ .r'. .: . . ·· '"" . :... ·; '' 40 0I --t .. m : ¢ . i.. i_: .- ...;ir+ *!~ ,%_. 4-;1 · -····i·1 · ·' t------· ·-··I?-·-· . l:l -" 1. . ; .4. . T,::. : ..-... ;.!:. r--t-' -t-- I . i~it. 1 : : : : i...'. 2.3II ·' ' .... ;... ,'I:I-:-''- -'. i Xt . I , +1 . ~m ; ':Xt 2·, .5 ', * i.-~ i/-t.l .. ! ou- .4.4.:i : il·;; I ;. i i i :..LiTtTT 1 '' .. ,.. .... · · ",....,. . , .. I...,. . It L '.t1 =-'dt't-: i· .J.i, 411 t. :1... ..i..... ..,.- t t. H'.-ri -· .e1 - m 1: Vv . fi :.j.: . . -~,...=r,,,,-- · · II :::·II· ·-~r Li i1#-_ !; ; L.r: '-- .:. :;:j .!I 4 · . . ii_ ..'::.. L!:'1:± ri j.To.. t.- :. I: *. t40l ....i:'t: .i,,· ~L~. :4 "'ii :i; l~iii~-::l""q 2 . : . .: .. . .. -. :!- . .. .i . . : . .: c · -· · --I I.. --- · ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 80 120 160 200 I _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - . -. ' R -FEET FIG. S3 PARTICLE VELOCITY RATIOS VERSUS RANGE 5% O w 3 a- n 05 , XXq Z gt o Q ,E : IQ w a. U) w z0,) 13. w O 0 .a G Z U) i 0 < 2z5( so ~ Ela w o. _- EgSBE -t N U) aI. Cu 0 0 *oes/'u! w ,~ O 4 to1le9 6 opnesd - 0 ad o O 0O 0 0 V 0 o U) 5- LL. 156 I-- (ON 0O. ly) ctr w 0 I-- , 'X~~~~~~~ fi bJ 0 ,tI=k z> , O8YL[I >t I eY\ w /Y\ O. .1_ gI i ! 0 o 0N 0 7.' 7' -/ Eid~t~t1 O, g l f,. w, . 0 Q0 i g 0 W CO) Jsz -JflJ 7 -O LL .J0ZWl t O Q 8 0 fill low ~ o o 0s/.U! 0 o '401eA OPsd-ad opresd -Od o o 60 o CY 0 6 c DP Cl) 157 SocI b 1. rrC - --r B."'N c ..... - -l.t4i1J .- c !t-t .t I --- I E-~t4 1- '--''-''~4C ;. +- --l-CIUi&iI C + lw N--t R · . . -4 -- _ . I I . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - _ TI. I i -i . I ! -ti . I . . . . . . I . . . ..--- ., ,.,V/I I "--4 _--- I i.I- I--- , , I -t - I 0 -I K '· r 12:t-1 . LI·)· w >lo ; ',, i- -I . --! 1I -.'1 -1 f I .tl.l c+-cm ! , 4"-&...-.-- i-, _. I0 EH i a -L4 . . 1-.. L - 11111-11111111 . . .-- 111 . np, 111111 . -.. .-. 4 I I ! m 4 ,,ri . I I I I rT,. · .4..- ** .. < 4. · i --o . .... . i -{j.t-t ti l-I .- r[-q I[ i I I |i Ii 1- i [ '--.I...1i i- tFh1:L . 1.-1, I, I ib. . B ITIITI -, I i. i.. i , T- 7 tH-ti r-l 1.4441 -tt ttl,-l1 IlFI t., , I i I i II IL.i IT ' '' ''' ' ' t-t~tH~tl~~ ' ....... U'"'~ ' ' ' '''"''"''''-'' .,, ., _ . d ., _ I I I I _' 1000 I0 ER(PCl/ E 1 13 0 FIG.S6 SCALED, FIELD MEASUREMENTS OF FRTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS SCALED RANGE, SAGAMORE TOWERS PROJECT, TRANSVERSE COMPONENT .,! l**],I. r-j!. 500 'I :1 1' f f. _'- _ .,t- ' 1 ...I--!-.1 :11 158 'I !I m 4ff 11l .. - ...... L-4-l 4-44f fIi t f ~.J I 1I Hf E --1" :lIk I . .4 t Ilt iJt.i *oo1+ -llIIII 1 I '' .' I II lllllllll .'":1 ,. +.1 I . . ..i... I , I I i I i 4 0 . NE. I -i #a ''' - _ 7 It p i 1-- I.. X P. IO_ L1 i ' i 1.-.i.- i t i i i i l ffff i d i . 1 '+-t--ftHt. tff--- ,;.-,,... I I I I '* I ' I II1 ' I IiI 11111!1111 1i s .M.! !.4 4 I f- 4----..- 'I-t ... . J . -.. = -- 4-.t Iii . - -- -r -r , 4i ' ,.. - - I 1VI- I-- r - -1 - -l-4-11 I I I - I II I. ·· ,- ! ,l. I ·-- II·-- 1 i f.;-, W I-.I--l.,.,4. m1t' . .' . .'· . ' 11111I '- . '' ' - - - - - - - - - - - -. . -···U··· · - - ec -· " '- ' · . - . . . - - I -I- I0 . 100 I. 11 -. · · ' '' '' '' . · 1 · III LIIIIIIll· '' I r 1 ; 7'' 11 iF 'L 1 ~ I' UI IA III I I r I 1000 1 3 / R(p$ E 1/I El/~ FIG. S 7 FIELD MEASUREMEMENTS OF PARTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS SCALED RANGE, SAGAMORE TOWERS PROJECT, VERTICAL COMPONENT SCALED, ' 159 500 .. ... " . _ . _ - I- i 14 i - I . . 18rrn-· . Ir·i . '.. . it I I i , ' r - - I- ! '- i It-t tfl--l 11ITM- I-f-l--- 1I '!- I ti. .t- ++C-- -t 2rT It~ i | l ll I -r I I'" 1I HILUtI 100 !--+- i -- I -4.-+ , 4-4e .. . -Ii I I _1 . 7. 2 ... K 01 -F I i .__!I . I · :I'I.., 1I -' .. ''''" '- . j.. ~Eam_.Tdt~ 1.mI.- I ..... 11-'' TTTTIT '' I-_- .t 1. l. "ll 1! .. ft I I1111 X.1 III i JY' -X . 414 .-- e.i I 1..-1111111 11 I11 11 1I1I ii II 1%1 . FI t-++ I -t T -' 1I I Irl I 111 I 1 1-1 I r I I I IIIl j.1-"Tl,,r[1·~ttt)I I - I It+t I I I I I I I I I i I I I !I I III I II II II II I I I I I I I I II 1 I I I I I I .!II! I t 1a! .i:. ...-.... , . - . ..i t _ 4 ~ . .- . . . - 4 1 1T -T:1-l -·-t i:Itlt, -ti ''1 i ·- I I. - i . i tI I · ·-- .l;- m-e i 11_ Ililil!!-l IIi 1 4 l l - I I I I I.| iIU I I I I I I II I I I I I I II I .l! - . - . _._ . I. I- - - -. - -~ ci--u......... I I --------------------- cccc -ec;~ t ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~-~~ --- ------- ------- ----- 1000 100 I0 R(PC2)1/3 El/3 FIG. S8 SCALED FIELD MEASUREMENTS OF PARTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS SCALED RANGE, SAGAMORE TOWERS PROJECT, LONGITUDINAL COMPONENT 160 DRAKE VILLAGE At Drake Village structural motion was recorded in a single story garage. The garage was 31.5 by 29.5 feet with cinder block and brick walls. The closest vibra- tion reading recorded in the garage was when the pile was 11 feet from the corner of the garage (pile #39). Pile #39 This record resulted in some interesting observations. When the Franki pile was being bulbed at a depth of 21 ft., the following observations were noticed in the garage. 1- The vertical component was largest next to the wall. 2- On the window sill the vertical component was largest while the transverse component was smallest. 3- In the middle of the floor all three components gave lower readings than the next to the..wallon the floor and window sill readings. n rl \O NoD I 0e-4 O H \O0 *0 0 CQ C C * 0 fU0% * 0 O Un c 00C 00 0 co CYN H 0 H o *0 . OoOO 161 H UI a. S CQ C, O C. Or C r 00 C C. OOO( : 00 r4S 0c NO O W r,1%0 *; *IC C4N ,. rl 4 rl H 4 OCo; O oo H * H 0 C) 4) 0 N ce. .-Ip 44 -4 N '0 ch ' C N T N 0N 0 C' C' O U) 0 NO O NO C- 't O '0 '0 \0 O C0 0 W I C.)N i Iz= cf-' 0co, 0 S J C- I. V-I Wx N1% N O 4- 1 4-) 1 4 N C V 0' C % N 0 '0 O O O 4t S4 H H H 4 O O O 4-4 - 4 N 4- H 4 I tH W CI 4-4 I.. r" H H* C- 4 H N ct O m 4-4 %0 .r H m 0 0' H 4 aN 0 H 4 0c H N CQ N 0\ 0o 0 0 4n 4 H 0 0' C0 N 0 50 r4 CQ C N4 C C, C- N N N C C N~ H -4 n rH O m H 4- ao 4 N 0 H .4.4 j H Cr' 4N NNmmN H4 cr% 4CM CCO Q CS r\0 %U -4 (i N O UNo M 0 \O CO0 CN .q O-t 0OOD r \O\ 4 oOH * O I * S 0 H m C14 C S 0 4 o o 0 * -4 ,-4 * c-00 *oooN n 4 pq pO 'oo0 o o Co 000 000 o* o* o o; o; o 000 00 ,O 0h o4 0O o * * H 4 H ,4 N H S 4 o C * crn 00 '4 00 H I Er: II. * -P O -.4 o 0 0 I W -'-40 ,- oI-4 %.O a p 2 E) 00 O0 H \0 H N H 0 5 cO 4-) O .. I, 0 C:: -P * CI H \ 4 ts - f 40 40 00 \O 0 H 0~~r 4 4 E41 -4 40 162 163 I v 1 r ELEVATION 157.7' N 2-16 -IS- 18 SAND, LOAM, ASHES, WOOD, AND GLASS FILL CINDERS I-1-2-.2 10 PEAT 1-I-I-I LOOSE MEDIUM AND 2-3-3-3 14.5 SAND COARSE IL18 r HARD FINE AND MEDIUM SAND, 0 SOME GRAVEL, 15-14-15-13 TRACE INORGANIC SILT 23 HARD TO VERY HARD FINE AND MEDIUM SAND AND GRAVEL, SOME COARSE SAND i OR . W . v 28-i7-17-31 k_ V 19 v REFUSAL RESULTS OF DRIVING TUBE RESISTANCE TEST AND BLOWS PER BUCKET (I BUCKET = S CU. FT.) PILE NUMBER 10 BLOWS AT 4' DROP (INCHES) I BLOW AT 20 DROP (INCHES) 32 31 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 36 0.50 0.50 37 35 FIG. D I CASE STUDY, MASS. 0.375 0.625 DRAKE 0.50 0.375 VILLAGE, BLOWS PER BUCKET 49 48 50 54 50 ARLINGTON, MAINTENANCE BUIL DING -GARAC;E riI b= I D I CINDER BLOCK CONSTRUCTION O o 10 20 SCALE - FEET +39 +40 0t 31+ *32 +35 4-36 +37 D OTHER DATA: WEIGHT OF HAMMER 7000 LBS. PILE DESIGN LOAD = 120 TONS, CASED PILES 30' LONG DRIVE TUBE- INSIDE DIAMETER = 19" DIAMETER SHELL = 17-5/8", DRIVING TUBE WITH FRANKI HAMMER Cs = 535 FT./SEC. FIG. D2 CASE STUDY, MASS. DRAKE VILLAGE, ARLINGTON, A 165 SFt I. VV ;rf R- FEET 2. 5 ICR S -- S ^ - 1 i11 [i] I ; s · ! | e- ^: . I i. i- . i !,..', ,'' ' _. I ': 7' i ' .: X i _ _ l -- V, r- +.... -_ .II : : :__;i: t: -. t r JI : i I .. H I , .... II t i. 1 1 + if i!l o- _4 i- i~ . ,ii S 0 ,-t 4 l r -4 - tI!. 1-1· t T'· fl ' tr' -r "i-· 44 ±iTh -I ri 4 1.144=1 I 'l;;4-4zT;:q:W4 44 I 40 I 1-j gmft' ;!? - - ;i · rv ,t J "!< t11' } -i .'I v , rlr T Fl, c,, t; ITT' - _T. + T,1; .;-:44et -T 4i-: :T T -1 411, I r- '11119JEld", !it _. ii i ,'l 44~i ,r ,~111I . 1- '. .- ! : 4.:t1 -' T::I i :I "S - ' iii. .il AI, L, ]. I 1 i ; it- .. ' I.5 . i i I i. 1;; I,,;I ;! '!4 !, _ . Vt . VIr1 . .:. ... I . ! b+ ' _LT iL-; : · :.:! 7f : lq s.4 T!Ail t ~I 't4 Ih; I: . i I ! t IBI S'l@ i .,__.i , . ,:I i 1 l !i iit ' '. i : ·· * w lu: t Liia . IFSji 1- IR 80 .F i T ": m~ 120 R- FEET FIG. D3 PARTICLE VELOCITY RATIOS VERSUS RANGE 166 ---C/], H 1 14 I9q. / '\4 N Is S~~~\ I / '- A lt \I/- \A 0< 2Ga 4 X K 4 < <Z (t )c > 29\\ Y \ 0 / 11 .I / Zo z '.. ,0 0 11- , A ""I <, Jo W110 A H,I.'< II II I.'W le X x, /tV>Q )XI AS _ .^ - x ·J .r 0 ·o W ov 0 s//'U l ; o 4!AIg A N' N N "I N hi N . OPflsd < IN kl 'N - 1. / o 90 - 0 C,) 1t < w U) z 0 0- U1) w .0 'S x q"I 3 a. ,,,,rme N IS s 8 L K - ,/ -1 e., ,a- j I w- *o a2 iiD >r f e 'Y c 'IT XC IXI' w= N fm· L eXXX N, / /C L ¢\'c-N-I 00 7 r <C r , to 11 L N LN /IXV -I... Vt- l,.\ I ^ x A \,Z,.1i A I WoO N \s tfN p vW x i 01% \ r \; I !C X-z< - / x K 54 < 4v.p~o--, -' V <n 77 /,- %.,, r\- Sv I rl <1 . N r11 ,/Z ASiA ts stAz '4 -X , 7 - A I RR I'11('x ,.X ' J -Cx -j I 'a.t ''o".^ b J to . / T6;e.lx YO llzm IN llI'- $ lba. <- PI x k/, :04 03' v < q A P3 \-K x 0 < X LYN, 'A -70 SQWN r7v00v 12 V' < /K 0 7 a- 11. 'I Ir 0 o x 0'1 0/' Ia cCw 111 \MX "I, •2 -d ! X ,-I , (F al >q, ,',b~ ,X 1 ,, z f Z (1 S C aS w \ / X 4 P, S W )<KX. LU 8 kP .;a 4 2~ atv "I , 0- \, ? S 'L C, >)Nl 1 /-\ Z Ix 'f X I V | M 7N 9 2 x / S O' 12s /.L Ins d D K S/ <K N N t -IF o o 0' 5 0 x.'L .X, t U 'I' w xII 0 a w %,-.lo U1) 6 a. t "N /NVAX I vS - 0 o o ' v c0 a .d EZ 167 O w .~ A z vN A%v , 0 w C3 UJ ( KX z A z ZV t Y\ !: aa (r Qn w 0a. Cl w a: U)-cr0I w i-- C ' J ~. > 0-.rr, ,a/\:.t WI ~ ,<l, V CM Uj e 71bU MrA\/ woU. H ~ M 11l o04 p 0 cl 0 w I1. 04 o0 o/'gU! o '4!olgA N Cy 0 0 0 Oprstd - ad , O 0 0 0 d 0 t 0 o 0 6; a> CD 168 c < d ogg 0 I.. 0 e, .cc a. CL >, XO< e oaD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I LU X -<, .AI \/'\,,," X f ' /'JOX'~." ' _ /_ ,!Vt 7S~~. a: - 0. SfW x// _ z _; ~~~~~~~~~~~~o_V.//CN' w C 0~~~~~~~~~~~ k X,/N ,/,~ , oil i , -- 0 tBe - )r Al~~~~~~O x ,X M.]2 gI V I cn x ,n ,4 ~ ,>!, w - D- - 0 0 ·'ss,/'u! 0 06 0 '41oos1^ oPwsd - d 0 IC 0 0 O O. N 0 O 0o 0 C a¢0 L. 500 .Ln. - 1:- '' ' · -I · I ,--·-· · +:-· 1 I - 169 I ----....·-+l-r :: i1 r t4 .·i .. I .... ,. i -.. -t-. 74t::- -.t'- wt' _ ___, i c :' II, i -r _. I . . - .t I·C I I ' l'Ll ;.,i i! ..L4j ilt .. .I I'' I I!11!1 --+-+ 1! i ... i- : 100 '' .1. I --- I- _ 1-. -r ., - ... I tt5+-c . !11 tec- I -TL -i _ I I 4-.f ; & NH J .. 1 mI~ J BULB1NG + DRIVING TUBE . . L- _1 _ 1 -- _ i _ _ .' 'I ' '' " I -- - -.. : I 1- -*. :.; ,.. 10 ±f 1 _ 4 _ _ :, -ftp ! I Ll ....' t: .. i ! r t : I i ,1 ' _II ;Li LI.YVI ---. -~+·i!-·4.~w-.-.~-- - ... I .' --- I1 I t aF - -41I I .. . r-!: 1 ... . -i--it- i i.t -*. 'L I . -[f7. j fr :._ . i-I 1, I 1 . 1 I 11 r r I Ir. -- 1 . ... I I 11I I11 1I11 I 1 :, ,, 4 . ;i -- . _;'~ _,f =,-. I :---c - -Il- . - -t- t!H-, i "A -it --- .' .! '' t ..- I,,. f I . . - '' m1 1mm 7Mi ;-fr fl-M· ·-r .. .!. 1-H;1 .-- . i 1 ..1 T. !j . -lH + t-11 ,' . -- rl ¢ . I I i. T I i I I - -11- - t-I '---. 11- I . . . . .. 1 1 1 I I I I I l l l I i I 1-1 l 1 1 1 It =11-i"' I·- - - - _. . _. .!M 7T177 T 1; l l l l l Ii I -T! A1 I i-: i iI I !·r·l ; I1 i : ,.,.:i tt-i1t-l·t '''''-:' . . , . .,. .e,. - --i · 41 i 1-·! : 1I; .I . .. i 1 i f r·! ··) t; ti· -f-l-! C·-li ' C` !, j' .. _ . ... .. , 1 --- - l _7 _4_ j: |*;*|-t, .. + :'C~+ ... 0 -*t-t.t--; - ' 1--- -, .. t- 'Ii I l II I I_ I - : I . 1 -- -I1' - i4 - . I0 I ·1t-1-·it+-- FlF-; -t-. -- ,l i II I I I . i . I . I . . ! i ! . I !I 1 I I . I ICc+ - .tlt- t liI l 11illllll I I IlI . . I I . . . I . I . I.... I I I . . 1 I lit I I l I . ) 1/3 FIG. D7 SCALED, FIELD MEASUREMENTS OF PARTICLE VELOCITY VILLAGE VERSUS SCALED - I I i 1eCC 1 . -1000 100 R(p Ii RANGE, DRAKE PROJECT, TRANSVERSE COMPONENT 500 -· i -- · -· - I m -Y T . I-! L.'...: i -;. 711 "'" :1I ; i1 i . -· ·-- .r I . . ..1 100 i . ' _L _iS .'_ _·I _. .. .... ._ ! .. 1: I ,I . ]_, 1 , -; .0 -r tI ,. -- I '- 1I . _ : . .i ; | i i Lt,· -, 4 .. -.-_ I IH-l:I !li . I. -47 . I ,I . t t.H-FF .-~ It .4 _ ._ -_ ' ; § ,_4] 2 I I -· I * IL_ - r - ii I _I 1. 1-!--H-H..!-_ . . .; . I-T.i i I i I I - +I t IIIIIII t t.i t t ' I- _Il1i .iii| i::it> · I-1 l,!- jl:l , i I ! II ~ I · 1 i' i 111111 il I11 Ii I:· , r , : .: ;i 7!' 1 rT !IIfII 't_. i ltt LI l I 1IIIII I--llll !I I I a I -- Ir -. IIiIi I W ;! .-..· . 4-4-, :: l I I- i I fil I 1 II: -- .14 - i-l$ i·:--l·- l gi·~m A ll l{f[ 1t1 1~llLIS-4L IIIII I rX SW W >ffl0Xt~~~~~~~~i 91f 1+X r' II · Jr -t H .;,ti t;· i ; I 1000 100 R(p C FIG. D8 ! I I I· . .: . 1AI; '10 I ' tt~~~ .I !!T;j: l l , · __.,.. ---- ! I t-t~t - --- - --. . . . . 1m-1--ml-t-··,~.. t I-"--t -- . ----11MMIUM1 - -- 55 t;l < -t+T111 Il-~;+. ilrttl~-i I I I I I I1 Ill Nl I I m3+ .t l-lill' . I i i -- ii;, tI ttj ,. i 1 -,.i, '--'i .. I. ! ...'. i0 :, l i . . . . . . .- I -f . j + DRIVING TUBE i-·rth li ,-·- . I -·· . .. 1 4t II_ _' I -r lildIIIIlltF-T'ff 'it'I :.' tfl II il E ifii ii tt7 I - 0 BULBIN-E'I''' Tl I WII ' i. I i ._ . A I J11.._!~,... I.t l I I I ! ,i:q , -UT 1..ET - - - : :1-t-.- ! 4-tf i -, ,. I I -! ... _ ltv-+ t ti:ll '--! I i t 1 .~t· 7 i I-I -!---H- . - T_- -t i,-4 . ' ' C'4i +-I I-I- i.-t __ _ . ' .I ..: '..- 0 ..I:F~- N._Mt .- i I 'IfTr Tf'tI--·:-' -- - I.i I -i I--:17i i-- !7l .1 I .e . I .. I j:j :#i il I I44 'F-" ! 1,+; ' -:. :X__..T i I: I . J I, I b : . .7T I I . - :i . ;I T7 T .i I l l l l Fe fl 4 rCIC ! ' '- i i~l;, .- j.,L :lt-t'I - . I 1 I 4II--i- l. i I LU_I -t.: tt- | - '-,,js vI-t: -- -l ii I , -{ 170 .__i - ._ I I i I - -e -1 1.,: _ -'4- | -c-i __ 1-*--:t : .- I1'. l|- -Ii-I-,. I ifW -I- I .. : I! I i _J - _l~4! | I{ i il .! .i! I JI.i, !i i 'I ·+--,'LL4-LI 4-LC lr- |_I,=,=lm~l--.~l -00 ;. i;... -I,. I I- · *T0--" ;..~ iI I'-, - I' i [: · ,I i.-,~--. I'-* - . - - . / : -,7 m I . i r - -- -| )'/ 3 OF SCALED, FIELD MEASUREMENTS RANGE, VELOCITY VERSUS SCALED VILLAGE PROJECT, VERTICAL PARTICLE DRAKE COMPONENT 'Vu -- , 4-., --.+. '' . ! -F' . I . . .&· ..... [ . . ..- 1&.z· .. I : .-- . X ; j _._ - I r - ,. _!.._ ! i I_r ', r .i t .t..- I .I Ib Itt I -, -- 4Fi - f- -- t I 11 ' ! -1' i :ft Ff ! i - I 11i I T t r. :. . . !. : lil;I -L . 171 .lr4 -' ± 'I- i I -- ' t- .i t- . ;. - -; III-I : ; i! tI ; r .... . t 7-SS -.I t 4- t .. ,* , T L .... i_ _iLi -_ I i !c - _-, -I,: 100 -r -- I! 1t1_ . . .!!1 - ---- I i ! ! IlW1l I , ~.----- Y vI I I I ^-+ -t t . i . - r ------- RBULRINR ~WE~M W L .-- ....... r 'r . . .. +- DRIVING TUBE ' r C fc - .+---,- --; 4--.- -: t _ t 4, -. , ' +-t-t'-"H ii I ~ |r . . . '. . ._ . I1 1 ' -H-T-l'--H-. . rrrr |' ! i . . !!: , _._ I -- 4-m A- 10 i- -I i i I I t I i i -F' , ;I|'-'1 , ; M . I 1f s T I I E M T I I 1 x I . . .. .. t- t- - ; ! ! i!i ,i-i- 't'H 1 I--t+-Ht I 1 -t-I- I I IL i I I le-i I I . . . 1 . - ... .. . ll ... - .. l.I .. . I rIrrili , .. , - I r 1 1 . 1 I I TI-:+I . E'Ilitl -. - i-I a I ' -I l I----; i 1,1[ 1;1: 'I--ttlell ' 1I I F ! tN - t t M - ; I.!. · I ..- . - :1I r ;1I I s -- f ii II I ii* I I 1 I F ' 1 .144-4-il-- ·--i -t '-f Er I t Il -F.. --- i l I -I-*I-. :1 ._. . >I( . _ 1 --t--I-!-t-+-t ' t. i- -r:i--_ s '''~~' _-I l14_- -- . n' ' i ! I | | | -- CC . I - ? i il i- -. Il il i tH-.! -IiI ' --· i--t---i 1- t I · t-'141:i1-t I~~~~~~ i . .I ' _i!,;; I ! ' 4t '" '1 . II ri : !i I J .. i · rliA+! ~ . _, Ij ! -Ii .+i .i.! [7-I- -t 1 i .; '10 1000 100 R(p C)/ 1 3 E 1 /3 FIG. D9 SCALED, FIELD MEASUREMENTS OF PARTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS VILLAGE PROJECT, LONGITUDINAL COMPONENT SCALED RANGE, DRAKE 172 CHARLESTOWN HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT At this site vibration levels were monitored for one pile. The pile driving was performed in an large level area, while the nearest building was approximately 40 feet away. Pile depth in relationship to the soil boring elevation was not exactly known, but the difference was believed not to vary by more than a few feet, the pile elevation being lower than the boring elevation. Good attenuation plots were obtained, giving a logarithmic relationship. But Vl/Vv and Vt/Vv versus range plots seemed to produce erratic results. 173 3 0 rH--It 4o c- O O HH H r N N 0 \ rHlHN1 NC N N I ~*n 5O *~ . Cl) 00 > 0 5mC Eco MHNC \0 O - rl Nc CvN- O :t C0- vn fo 4.)-D~~~~) rl Hi C-)4 O.O E11 4o] O00H NN ao N0 0 mN00 OO 0. ^ 000 ^. r N O %4 HHr- C(N N't N0 N \0 O \0 0000 OOO q5 C N"-CONO UOC\O C4t O O _I OOO OOO -lN, N n(C NC 0 MC o"D O 0 aoC 4> I\H \ O-1 r )-00 rtMCQ 000 000 000 000 000 000 K Q) m N rJC0 N O 0l 0 O 41 C- (V. H H W A H 0Oa' o* r\ 0 H O -H r4 4 c "l N *· C-% . a0 ,- 4 \0 N C O -4 4 4 4 4 H c 4 4 4 H- C, i.) H :> 0 \4 _~ \V0 \0 0 '0 H i 0 Tt ar 4 4 4 Nr r r4 - H H Pr I I: H CI 4 -4 H I H H I H I w SUBSURFACE PROFILE FROM A TYPICAL v 8 SOI L BORI NG ELEVATION 174 17.94' N COMPACT FINE TO COARSE SAND, GRAVEL, BOULDERS, BRICK, 35-40-32 BLACK TOP, CINDER FILL ORGANIC SILT, TRACE OF SAND, GRAVEL AND BOULDERS 7 -10-4 2 - 2' 4 MEDIUM COMPACT FINE TO COARSE GREY SAND GRAVEL, BOULDERS, TRACE OF SILT 16-16-19 10-10-8 15- 13-16 15 1.- w w ' L STIFF I YELLOW OF FINE SAND, 9-10 CLAY, TRACE LITTLE 9-8-9 GRAVEL 9-8-8-6 35 SOFT BLUE 8-8-3-6 CLAY 45 COMPACT FINE TO MEDIUM GREY I I . SAND, SOME CLAY, FINE TO COARSE GRAVEL, OCCASSIONAL BOULDERS 16- Z6 -Z6 o2 cae END OF BORING PILE D-II(I)+ 0 C 0 20 40 0-ICKUP SCALE- FEET OTHER DATA: WEIGHT OF HAMMER = 7000 LBS. CASED PILES, 48' LNG DRIVE TUBEINSIDE DIAMETER=19, SHELL DIAMETER- 17-5/8 DRIVING TUBE WITH DELMAG D-30 DIESEL HAMMER TO 43, THEN DRIVING TUBE TO 46' WITH FRANKI HAMMER, FOR PILE D-11() = 56 NO DRIVE TUBE BLOWS C - 647 RESISTANE PER BUCKET FT/SEC TEST FIG. CH I CASE STUDY, CHARLESTOWN HIGH SCHOOL CHARLESTOWN, MASS. 3 K ___ : i·i i··:f-i- i·--·l '' /i I"''' ---"-----'' -'c-'. I 2 K i; i "I .. I - ;-----i--- · .:_' ' i '' ..11 i · ·| , ... "'il 1':: ! - l I s *-- : :1q: L_ | 1:: . .. -- u w · life~. it :i -· I··· · ..''',. .J I -- - · i : .· ... .. I ... i: · T- L_ , i ::.111 _ r ... .__ __ , : !Z' W .... l ... | . . .. I .. : --- ~ . . ; .r. .. ... . ..- - _ - - 80 - ._ t- - .. . ··· 40 . . .. : i...4 .- ~~ ~~ ~ -·;- '. ' . I j .. lll tI I~ i .. . L ... i....... ,. .,...-. :-i,.i .. :· - I· :. ,i'i .... , t . : :. : . . . i - I -7 - I : i i . . . . - )t !-. - ----.-· : -· i ·- . I: ''' : ·I i ;.-i4L-i: ,E. : I,: i r· :I.ii ' t'7 . . ,1 ... ' r- 1,, ' L ..... S r ... I L_ - -~ 1.: .. =;. .. ;i ' ;i! i.. - ; jr 4,. ' I Wi-i .--. I;';'" ;' t- ., .j .' ::- I Vv I, .. II-r-. . ' . .; ; ... 4. .. i:--·-· VI IT_· , '··r I.;i-.-'· 175 ;I ^ -ii4T t_ II 0 IZO R- FEET 4I I: . ·: i ,: : . ji 1.5 .. ,..o.;. ;. : i:......... . ... - .'; i ,. ..... ::!. '! 5 Vt Vv . : :. __ - ' | : .i:i .5 - L .. i --: ... ...1 !":.~....· /_ _'-!::_.i i'--"~!:...'' * I. ....... V 'tiI~~i~ ~ a Y1 -o 40 CH 2 PARTICLE RANGE ,,._ I i: t ::;7.ii;4 vi4.z2. 80 R- FIG. 3 ... ., i i.·.. 120 160 FEET VELOCITY RATIOS VERSUS 176 _J 8 a C).. CO CD ,: Z z D C vA Z. 4t s_a I A ~Zo~~~~~ 0 o P 7oA Zilo _ 2, 0 Z i_.~ Q cn Lu Sa . a. U) IIc Orr "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' :n C, 0 0 0 U'!po1SA · oSs/;u! N (% oi o Opnesd - Od 0 QD 0 0 0 0 d o 6 d D0 0. 77 bo w 3 a. -J 8 >0 ~ /~,,~ ~ ~~~~~~~~'6< ,D z rO o ,/ 'L771s , Y 7 v/ A z o) \ A _ ./N/9, \ I1- I ool X lo /X //'% ",Z ' ;>7, /XzXXM° zN~5>\' X7o~~~~~~~~o ;H zd,,' ;Z,.... ~V_ 2. NXN,,N V/>/Y. ,,.., ,),< ~ .%, - 5/\~~' ~Mb. W "~~ X./7.oi; 5 x<)C v rz V \ ) i 9c',X~ ' m' F w UK H WLO~: ~ Y U) II w W U.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. w 0 M. Wo w~~~~~ 0 0 W N· oll 10 mI 0 o :e06/'u!I 0 '4!OOe1A 00 Oplneld - ad 0 ? o . CS , 0 cY 0 i c5o LL 178 TRANSVERSE VERTICAL x R(p cs)40 FIG. CH 5 SCALED, FIELD MEASUREMENTS OF PARTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS SCALED RANGE, CHARLESTOWN HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT 179 LONGITUDINAL_ lVV. 'l' l Owl 1 ·0 BULBING l l ll l l l ] l l l ]- s l E l lo + DRIVING 114- .1 1 1. l 1 TUBE I I EI x o 1 ° .. t i I_ 100 1000 2/ I 1/3 R(p C) EI/ 3 FIG.CH6 SCALED, FIELD PARTICLE MEASUREMENTS VELOCITY CHARLESTOWN VERSUS OF RANGE, HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT 180 MEDI-MART PROJECT At this particular project particle velocity reading were the largest as the drive tube was first driven. The soil profile shows (Fig. ME1), a firm layer of soil overlies a very soft peat layer. The soil profile is analogous to a board floating on water. The board can be rocked easily when struck and so can the soil layer lying above the peat. Variation in particle velocity with depth is shown in Fig. 4.9. Tube pentration was so rapid in the peat layer (10-30 ft.), that no particle velocity was recorded. The top soil layer actually freely vibrated similarly to the record on Fig. 5.2. A damping fraction was obtained which was 0.11 for pile 1 with a frequency of 4.9 cps (see Fig. ME8(a)) Little longitudinal and transverse particle velocity readings were recorded. ly vertical. The ground motions were large- Consequently, only one scaled plot was drawn with the vertical particle velocity. I O T-4 o00 ao 4c- ;o o QO Co o 1-4 4 181 0 C'- o o0o -. o W co O . %... C C C) :> C:, oa , ~o ,.H os 4 & O 0u' 0 z) *1-4 o o '-* O O, E-4. - UcL C n0 o o cHCw 0 000 o; n C CN v, 'I-, N N \0 xO o - a, r. cf CQ m H4 cr\ C cO U, U; 0 0 U con 0 \O~~~w~ r c~~~ cS1 P: 1-i \o 0 C-I I'll n. 0% 0a% o 4 * -1- U) C-) C) \0 D 4-4 nr o C O \0 O n n 0 0 u0o aZt 0 0 r4 V4 1-4 O 4 0 4 C 1-4 4 o 4 -4 C4-4 E- I -4) VIN 0 14 aq E-4 H 4-4 * 14~~ X 4* _-4. ' . o 0o o O v ~'d 4-) a ( .4.) o o (9.4 OC Cx V-4 1- 1-4 1-4 'I) .6-4 04 oO u.. un 4 q.C o q4 v4 Nw C"- O0 O - 1 -4 o o 0 0 '-4 V-4 ms n cq m O o tr 1--4 \0 1-4 V-4 C5 r-4 U, 0 U 1I 0 %-4 0 o4 CN C- 4 I a0 0 0 N4 or- \O n 0,0 C'rq-4 -4 -0 04 *o · · mm 0 ] CYN> co ,-4*' *,a: · mmm c0 00 00 o40\*C 000 ooo,~i0r mmm 0, 0 000 N 0** 0 000 000 000 000 0 0 v t. · O .O O o~0~.~ 0,1 * n c) N' (D~\ 0 o Ti ~ 0~ · 0if,. 0' -4. oo 1 64 40o 4 · 4.* 4- 4 4- * 0 \0 * r c* 4 0o , : 4 * A C2 T-4 i-4 N~ 0. 0*00 N 0o C C 4 o0 o ,m Eq E at I 4) 41-1 0 m 4ts N 0F tn1 b O 0 0\ _v 4 C.- N; 0 Q 0 0 \9 \O O\ c CN n C r) 4) Nk 04 182 183 SUBSURFACE PROFILE ,SOIL BORING FROM A TYPICAL N u FIRM CINDERS, ASHES, 10-9-9-11 GLASS AND BRICK FILL LOOSE CINDERS AND ASHES FILL 2-2- 3-2 10 2-1-1-2 PEAT, ORGANIC FIBERS, TRACE SILT WITH PEAT OF SHELLS I I.0. 2-1-1-2 31 A I HARD MEDIUM AND COARSE K) SAND AND GRAVEL, LITTLE FINE SAND TRACE INORGANIC SILT k Ik 18-21-19-19 38 HARD MEDIUM SAND, SOME FINE '22-24-23-24 SAND, TRACE FINE GRAVEL FIG. ME I CASE STUDY, MEDI-MART, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 184 POLES * MM MM- 0 0 0 0 PA GA 0 t + OTHER 20 40 SCALE-FEET 2 2 DATA: WEIGHT OF HAMMER = 7000 LBS. PILE DESIGN LOAD = 120 TONS, CASED 34' LONG DRIVE TUBE - INSIDE SHELL DIAMETER FRANKI HAMMER, DIAMETER PILE§ = 19 17-5/8', DRIVING TUBE WITH Cs= 488 FT/SEC. FIG. ME 2 CASE STUDY, MEDI-MART, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 185 0 o 8 tooW \, Z Z l< ,: k ,/ ;", ,/) ><. \, \X : ID /'Nx '8 Z. O / 0 m 11 0 3 LL uW, z'> /X ",', ., ,O( " rX:/%,x' sF1':'x grc~~~~CL oOxxx~ 9x, g-:~~~~ ',cx :.X, ,,< V':o 72< LI Z C,) w U) 0z ~Z / . !' ,%A x,%/2;~ 03 V x~,-/,,,x~ ..oxq,2 <<x:q~<:. w S~ 0 a. w 0tL UN, - .t 0 w 0 'T o OsB/ u! '4!oolsA cu opnesd - o a d 0 00 0 00 Od ° 0 0 N o 0 o 0ll O 186 e/ 'v'q. '/ x~~~~~ x/j~.x%,/V '/,qx,/. V\/I\/ ./: 'v~ , r,~>,,xz (\ u A7< - 5!-- - ,/ - -- '.. 79 7 o g m K z 7 < v 7Zmd <9~N "t <', N 11\ a. CL F~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L x,~., \, I, ~~~~~~~~ / ./ E, .f,L,'~ , K , su-X~' X< , q~ wccoi IX''q,,o;z:~,,A ~~~~~~~~~~& K\4;00 0 .O. ~~~~~\ "I 7Z~~O I I, ",~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( x 11\ A ">~0 ~ "'"~,/ x -~'.'._xB~,'_ k,; o\ x 0 0o U) O w X,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C~, z :F go ::: .,s.,,Z< A0.2i°o.> a: z CD Z 0~~~~~~~~ xX ~ Po p~rsCC~ L)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) c r w 1 11 >,a 0 m lo z W w \ r CD 0bi O0 w (n o0 o o *oss/.u! o '!OOS\A o opnesd-Od 0 o o o oo o o o L. U- 187 8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ~ *>~~< R K 7 _ _· /,/,>K' N 5\ , wr/ ,' ' ~/'v 0~ / <V\7 ~;xNX,",V'k, <', A,'',K : LV_Z:'v%Q.~\ w 0 0a 1. ' ~~> 7,ao/ 7:' ~'vQX ;~~C <., ~,xX "'t a. :3og K->1o - eo itI a) In crbO-i W .0~~~~~~~~~O _tI OCU.~~~~~~~~~~~C ci Sti C Xs a. 0~~~d 7Z C92 7 izJCda /o q~~~~OO 9i, C oJ w L*1 W Cc 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F-04o 8 Oi W 1 1 >VWL m g^ 0 o · SS 'u! o '41!00ol 6 opned-Cd 0 0 0 00 - 0 d 0 c7; 0N. d o C I2 188 ~~, ' ",XX/X, ,()ef. A.~:~X~~f/ ;/ A,?8 X,/., ,/ n.,~%x, \./" ./ /; ~ / IN I x/ ' gW _> 5 <XgSW5 5~~ 7 ;7 7.,',7,)", .X z VJV J V ,,/?,.ix,~ .",,%,\,,v'V. / X ), .x kx'~(X ~,1q ~( ) :. 'K,?, 22 X~~~ '\ /;~ :xxfx ' \ ,~. A g I to wa ,',,a X',c d XO,1 /N .X, .. ,,X)[X.'/./ ;/\ 2 ro~~~~~~~~~~~~c Xo. y z N i w ) d O Om C C.) \ · O- CL cn w V) cr O i V a <W <~1XV .Mv . ('. · ,F -o~·Y... 7 , (0 0 . ui : >rr N . 0 o a. n Wcr a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 0 w O C! 0 - d u !4o01l^ pnewsd *OO/'u! 0o 0 0 d0 I '" 0 d 10 0 '{0 189 1uu -- . l I- t T r-r ... ^-.--! '. -t -.t 4 I I , t r, 11-1 14 - - -: . - : --Ilj--1 - r . J I I 1--- · I _ . T I0 --.. ~tF t-t-: t : IWIT! I 4ftqh -I I I II -. . . .i~i . . , ... + DRIMVING TUBE rr 'r'~~ . .,rl-l r · t -I ,-r''--~-l l, I.I... 111111 1 1 1 11111111f1 TllI I t l .. ) BUL13ING__ - 1ii-l i I1. IIi..1.: !!I iII I IIII I I H II IItllllIIIH l . cc _ I I Ll. . .:I_._ -.- it I 1 -ti-_, ! i.L .tt. If HA I,41.LU i . - , . +11 1-11f-+ I I I I - , I , I - I 1 fl Ill '--,r I, . -t-t X Krr. .:- - 1It1 j +t11 I-k I _--+- -. J. ,.· ._ -'4 -'| -; '' '' · "I* j-r >[. 4 F H-4-Hijuu1-I-i·i--.--L·-1.C·l.I1LI;;' ;: I 711 1 ilrf 111111 ' ' ' ' ' ' '·'· ' `t. I , . It t itet! 1 1111d s . i Fr rl ' '-C-r-L·;-4cC-""L-"· A IL I Il low , - 4t-*~ 1111 '1 . ' · ' '·'''"'-L"' '· .- .. ' 1. ' -- ' 1 '''''" - - I i ! : i !i .I '- i:1!,,l .1f. W ft Hf I: , . Ii 1 - 1 ; 1t i ~~ - !LL tL +.s · :· · ·- a ·!E X r sw 1 I -4.~~~ - l ·- I I .-4-1 - r - ',,.. 0-!11Mg _. . . I iti;Mi-f 1--+ 4 ..-,4.i 1- &....~ ;, -: I i , . . .. - r : _. -'· M. I. ... J I i .. LvJ§ v. I 0 -I--.4 _-- t.. rlI.' . rIji , '' ~II I I I li I I , ''I ~ ~~~ h. ~~~~ - _.4 . .14. . .. I . . *..-I..~~,~... -~ I ~ -,ijj 1:1- j - -if t atifi t-i ''*'* 1 - . lllw-~l *-*' I I I I IL I... -,- · III i i I 1/3 R 2) 100 i I l ill i I · I I I I1 1 rI I I i 1 ; I I I I II I .. I000 El/3 FIG. ME7 SCALED, FIELD MEASUREMENTS 'OF PARTICLE VELOCITY VERSUS SCALED RANGE,_MEDI-MART PROJECT, VERTICAL COMPONENT I 190 0 z ) s C~~~~L LLJ I II orII > M~~ 0 co cr 0 t, V LL z o a wI~~~a 53 w 0 -J0 I w I0 mN ~~O So ) 0 XL m L w2 rJt a w 000 2 X R WOE or S 0 _ a:Z >5 c] 5; 1- WU 2 (j LL 191 APPENDIX B DIGITAL COMPUTER ANALOGUE OF THE SINGLEDEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEM (After Dowding, 1971) Introduction The computer analogue calculates the relative-displacement response of a single-degree-of-freedom system to a pile driving-induced ground motion. The analogue first corrects for a baseline error, and then calculates the maximum relative displacement of the single-degreeof-freedom system while subjected to a particular ground vibration. Also, computed by the analogue is the first integral of the time history. The maximum displacement can be used in the determination of scaling relationships and amplification factors, while the response spectra can measure the damage potential of an earthwave. Baseline Correction As mentioned, the computer analogue corrects the systematic error which occurs while the time-history is being digitized. The error results from the alignment of the vibration record causing an incorrect integral of the particle velocity versus time history. The computer an- alogue corrects the velocity integral which is the displacement by a linear and a parabolic method. The correc- tion is made twice with the corrected values printed by 192 the computer program. Also printed is the corrected velocity values along with the corresponding time values. ResponseSectra The computer analogue also consists of a numerical method for the solution of the differential equation defining the motion of the single-degree-of-freedom system. As mentioned in Sections 5.1 and 5.2 equation 5.5 can be solved best by a computer, The computer analogue solves equation 5.5 for an input velocity-time history of the ground motion and prints the maximum displacement of the single-degree-of-freedom model. As can be seen from equa- tion 5.5 the damping, A, and the frequency, f, also have to be given to the analogue to solve equation 5.5. For other details of the analogue refer to Dowding (1971). 193 APPENDIX C FIELD AND DIGITIZING INSTRUMENTATION Field Instrumentation Velocity-time histories were recorded by the author with a Spregnether VS-1100 seismograph. This instrument records three orthogonal particle velocities at one point on light-sensitive, direct-print paper. The three particle velocity components (transverse, vertical, and longitudinal) are printed on the same paper with trace widths of 0.01 in. The paper speed was about 4 irn./sec. The velocity gages response linearly to particle velocity with 5% accuracy, for a frequency range between 2 and 200 cps. At the Drake Village Project the Spregnether VS-1200 seismograph was employed which in addition to the capabilities of the VS-1100 could also record particle displacements and particle accelerations. Both the VS-1100 and VS-1200 have four sensitivity settings or gains which met particle velocities in the range of 0.006 to 5.0 in./ sec. could be recorded. A fourth trace on the VS-1100 and VS-1200 seismograph was available. This channel was attached to a ver- tical velocity geophone. The fourth trace was recorded above the three orthogonal particle velocity traces on the same direct-print paper. An example of two recorded 194 traces is shown on Fig. 4.1. The gain of the fourth trace was unknown, but it was useful in obtaining the phase velocity. By separting the geophone and the three component seismograph a known diatance apart, h, a phase time, t, could be obtained from the velocity-time histor- ies. Thus, the phase velocity is h/t. This is explain- ed further in Section 4.2. Due to wire resistance, the maximum wire length that could give a signal from the geophone to the recorder was about 120 feet. Additional wire length would require an amplifier. Digitization Instrumentation The MIT Digitizer (Co6rdicon, X-Y Coordinate Digital Converter) transformed the ground vibration time-histories onto computer cards. This machine punched on the computer cards an x coordinate followed by a y coordinate. Five pairs of x and y coordinates could be punched on one card. The card puncher was an IBM 526 type which prepared the computer cards to be read directly into the computer. The computer was the Civil Engineering M70 or M80 series which could handle the Single-Degree-of-Freedom and Integration program. 195 ADDENDIX DELMAG D-30 D HAMMER DATA Two cases are presented where the Delmag D-30 Diesel pile driving hammer was used to drive the Franki tube. Once the tube was driven to the appropriate depth the bulb of the pile was formed with the Franki hammer. No scaled ploted were drawn with the Delmag hammer, since the energy output of the hammer varied. The firmer the soil, the larger the blow of the Delmag hammer produce. Also with the Delmag hammer energy lost exist hammer's head and tube. in the 196 TABLE DE1 DELMAG D-30 DATA, E = 23,870 - 54,000 ft.-lbs. NDP HOUSING PROJECT - C s = 283 ft./sec. Pile h d R (ft.) (ft.) (ft.) K-3-B 85.0 -0 85.5 K-3-C 45 44 62.9 V (in./sec.) 0.0313T,D 0.0234V,D 0. 0381L,D -0T,D V x10-6 9.22 6.89 8.27 0 O.156V,D 46.0 0O0781L,D 23.0 K-3-C 13.5 65 66.4 0.0188T,D 0.0813V,D 0.0375L,D 55.4 23.9 11.0 K-3-C 13.5 65 66.4 0.0438T,D 0.146V,D 0.181L,D 12.9 43.1 53.4 N-5 13.5 -O 135 0.0047T,D 0.0125V,D 0.0094L,D 1.38 3.68 2.77 MASS. EYE AND EAR PROJECT - C s = 280 ft./sec. 109 15.0 80.0 81.4 0.0938T,D 0.0625V,D 0.0938L,D 27.9 18.6 27.9 197 TABLE DE2 DELMAG D-30 TUBE DRIVING RATE BLOW RATE = about 67 blows/min. E = 23,870-54,000 ft.-lbs. MASS EYE AND EAR PROJECT NDP HOUSING PROJECT Pile Depth - d Blows Pile K-3-B Depth - d Blows (fto) (ft.) 80 -- 51 81 23 66 20 82 25 67 15 83 31 68 26 84 48 69 23 85 74 70 23 86 88 71 28 86.5 48 72 30 73 27 74 34 75 34 76 48 77 48 78 50 79 53 80 50 -60 -- 65 109