c 2008 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics SIAM J. APPL. MATH. Vol. 68, No. 6, pp. 1535–1556 TIME REVERSAL FOCUSING OF THE INITIAL STATE FOR KIRCHHOFF PLATE∗ KIM DANG PHUNG† AND XU ZHANG‡ Abstract. Consider a Kirchhoff plate ∂t2 u + Δ2 u − ∂t2 Δu = 0 in Ω × (0, T ), with boundary data u = Δu = 0 on ∂Ω×(0, T ) and unknown initial data u(·, 0) = u0 and ∂t u(·, 0) = u1 in Ω. We study an inverse problem of determining (u0 , u1 ) from an interior observation u|ω×(0,T ) . Here Ω is a bounded domain, ω a nonempty open subset of Ω, and T > 0 a suitable time duration. By means of an iterative time reversal technique, we derive an asymptotic formula of reconstructing (u0 , u1 ) approximately with a logarithmical convergence rate for smooth initial data. The convergence becomes uniform and exponential when (Ω, ω, T ) satisfies the geometric control condition introduced by Bardos, Lebeau, and Rauch. Key words. Kirchhoff plate, inverse problem, quantitative unique continuation, observability estimate, time reversal technique AMS subject classifications. Primary, 35R30; Secondary, 74K20, 93B07, 35B37 DOI. 10.1137/070684823 1. Introduction and main results. Let Ω ⊂ Rd (d ∈ N) be a bounded open set with sufficiently smooth boundary ∂Ω, ω a nonempty open subset of Ω, time duration, and β ∈ (0, 1) any fixed parameter. Let M = T ij> 0 a suitable α 1≤i,j≤d ∈ C ∞ Ω; Rd×d be a symmetric and uniformly positive definite matrix (hence (β ij )1≤i,j≤d = M1/2 is well defined). Denote by 1|ω the characteristic function of ω in Ω. Let Q = Ω × (0, T ) and Σ = ∂Ω × (0, T ). Throughout this paper, we shall use C = C(Ω, ω, T, d, β, M) to denote a generic positive constant, which may change from line to line. d Denote by Δ = i,j=1 ∂xi (αij ∂xj ) the “Laplacian” associated to the matrix M. We consider the following Kirchhoff plate equation in an inhomogeneous media: ⎧ 2 in Ω × R, ∂ u + Δ2 u − ∂t2 Δu = 0 ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ t u = Δu = 0 on ∂Ω × R, (1.1) ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ u(·, 0) = u0 , ∂t u(·, 0) = u1 in Ω. Let H = z ∈ H 3 (Ω) z = Δz = 0 on ∂Ω × H 2 (Ω) ∩ H01 (Ω) . Clearly, H is a Hilbert space with the norm ||(u0 , u1 )||H = (∇Δu0 , u1 , Δu1 )(L2 (Ω))d ×H01 (Ω)×L2 (Ω) . ∗ Received by the editors March 9, 2007; accepted for publication (in revised form) February 8, 2008; published electronically June 6, 2008. This work was supported by the NSF of China under grants 10525105 and 10771149, grant MTM2005-00714 of the Spanish MEC, and the Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation. http://www.siam.org/journals/siap/68-6/68482.html † Yangtze Center of Mathematics, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China (kim dang phung@ yahoo.fr). ‡ Key Laboratory of Systems and Control, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China, and Yangtze Center of Mathematics, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China (xuzhang@amss.ac.cn). 1535 Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1536 KIM DANG PHUNG AND XU ZHANG d d Here and henceforth, ∇ = ( j=1 β 1j ∂xj , . . . , j=1 β dj ∂xj ). It is easy to rewrite (1.1) as an abstract Cauchy problem in H, with an unbounded operator A : D(A) ⊂ H → H as the generator of the underlying C0 -group. Hence, for any initial data (u0 , u1 ) ∈ H, system (1.1) is well-posed in H. From the standard operator semigroup theory, D(Ak ) (k ∈ N) are themselves Hilbert spaces with the graph norms. For any z ∈ C(R; H), we denote by E(z, t) the functional 1 2 2 2 |∇Δz(x, t)| + |∇∂t z(x, t)| + |Δ∂t z(x, t)| dx. (1.2) E(z, t) = 2 Ω It is clear that H is the finite energy space of system (1.1), and its energy E(·, t) is conservative in the sense that for any u solution of (1.1) and all t ∈ R, (1.3) E(u, t) = 1 ||(u0 , u1 )||2H . 2 The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the state-observation problem for system (1.1), which is formulated as follows: To determine the initial data (u0 , u1 ) of a solution u of (1.1) from the single interior measurement u|ω×(0,T ) . It is well known that the state-observation problem is closely related to the inverse source problem, i.e., to determine the source term which causes the evolution process from the boundary and/or interior measurement. Inverse source problems of PDEs have been the object of numerous studies in recent years. Extensive related references can be found, say, in [18, 24, 25, 26] for the hyperbolic equations, in [22] for the Euler–Bernoulli plate equation, and in other works cited therein. Most of the references on inverse source problems cited above are addressed to global uniqueness and stability; here we give a constructive strategy to recover the initial data from a partial measurement of the solution. Our strategy for identification of source is inspired by the time reversal method and may be more practical than the formal tools of control theory (e.g., [23]). By means of an iterative time reversal technique, we further establish an asymptotic formula to reconstruct the desired initial state (u0 , u1 ) of (1.1) by superposing different solutions of some Kirchhoff plates depending only on the measurement u|ω×(0,T ) . More precisely, the knowledge of u on ω × (0, T ) allows us to consider a sequence of solutions {v (j) }j≥0 given as follows. First, let U (−1) = 12 u in ω × (0, T ). Next, define v (j) = v (j) (x, t) (j = 0, 1, 2, . . .) inductively to be the solution of the following system: (1.4) ⎧ 2 (j) ⎪ ∂t v + Δ2 v (j) − ∂t2 Δv (j) + ∂t Δv (j) · 1|ω = −2∂t ΔU (j−1) (·, T − t) · 1|ω ⎪ ⎨ v (j) = Δv (j) = 0 ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ (j) v (·, 0) = ∂t v (j) (·, 0) = 0 in Q, on Σ, in Ω, where U (j) = U (j) (x, t) is given by (1.5) U (j) (x, t) = v (0) (x, t) − u(x, T − t), j = 0, v (j) (x, t) − U (j−1) (x, T − t), j > 0, for (x, t) ∈ ω × (0, T ). Note that the values of functions U (j) are defined only in ω × (0, T ). Nevertheless, by system (1.4), it suffices to determine the values of v (j) in the whole domain Q Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. TIME REVERSAL FOCUSING FOR KIRCHHOFF PLATE 1537 from ∂t ΔU (j−1) ω×(0,T ) . It is easy to see that the functions v (j) depend only on ∂t Δu restricted to ω × (0, T ). We say that (Ω, ω, T0 ) satisfies the classical geometric control condition (GCC), introduced in [2, 3], if ∂Ω is C ∞ with no contact of infinite order with its tangent, and any generalized bicharacteristic ray (x(ρ), t(ρ)) of ∂t2 − Δ starting at ρ = 0 with t(0) = 0 meets ω × (0, T0 ) (see also [4] for an improvement on the regularity of ∂Ω and of M). Notice that GCC can be rephrased by a geodesic condition (see [17]). The main results of this paper are stated as follows. Theorem 1.1. Under GCC, for any T ≥ T0 there exists a constant σ > 0 such that for any initial data (u0 , u1 ) ∈ H and any N > 0, it holds that N N (2k) (2k) (1.6) v (·, T ) − u0 , ∂t v (·, T ) + u1 ≤ Ce−σN (u0 , u1 )H . k=0 H k=0 Theorem 1.2. Suppose j j J3 = sup v (2k) (·, T ), ∂t v (2k) (·, T ) j>0 k=0 k=0 < +∞ D(A3 ) and that Ω is connected. Then, for any nonempty open subset ω of Ω and any β ∈ (0, 1), there exists a time T > 0 such that for any initial data (u0 , u1 ) ∈ D(A3 ) and any N > 0, it holds that (1.7) N N C (2k) (2k) v (·, T ) − u0 , ∂t v (·, T ) + u1 ≤ β [J3 +(u0 , u1 )D(A3 ) ]. ln (1 + N ) k=0 k=0 H N N The above results say that ( k=0 v (2k) (·, T ), − k=0 ∂t v (2k) (·, T )) can be employed to serve as an asymptotic formula to recover the initial state (u0 , u1 ) of system (1.1). The key point to do this is the time reversibility of Kirchhoff plate. Fink (see [6, 7]) experimented with the time reversal mirror and succeeded in generating many applications (e.g., in biomedical engineering and telecommunication). Next, many mathematicians were also interested in this phenomenon (e.g., [1, 8, 19]). Thanks to the refocusing properties of the time-reversed waves, the time reversal technique has been successfully used to solve inverse problems for acoustic waves or electromagnetic waves (see, e.g., [5, 12]). Nevertheless, the main novelty in Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 Nis, respectively, the Nexplicit exponential and logarithmical convergence rates for ( k=0 v (2k) (·, T ), − k=0 ∂t v (2k) (·, T )) to approximate (u0 , u1 ) in the strong topology of H. Note also that Theorem 1.2 is for the case without GCC on (Ω, ω, T ), for which one can usually expect a much weaker result than the case with GCC (we refer the reader to [14, 20] for a different yet related topic for the hyperbolic equations). Technically, the proofs of Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 are reduced to suitable observability estimates for system (1.1). Under GCC, the desired observability estimate follows from the known result in [2, 3] for the wave equation. For the treatment in the case without GCC, by the Fourier–Bros–Iagolnitzer transformation given in [14], the obtaining of the desired observability estimate for the evolution system (1.1) depends on some quantitative unique continuation property for a fourth order elliptic-like equation with multiple characteristics (see (3.1)), which, in turn, will be established by Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1538 KIM DANG PHUNG AND XU ZHANG means of global Carleman estimate. Although global Carleman estimates are well understood for many PDEs with single characteristics or without characteristics, it seems that there is no reference for the multiple-characteristic PDEs. The crucial point for the possibility of applying the Carleman estimate to the above-mentioned multiple-characteristic equation is that this equation can be rewritten equivalently as two coupled elliptic equations of second order, and that, based on a useful pointwise estimate for second order differential operators with symmetric coefficients (without any sign condition), we are successful in using Carleman estimates with a common weight function for these equations. To end this section, we remark that, if the first equation in (1.4) is replaced by ∂t2 v (j) + Δ2 v (j) − ∂t2 Δv (j) − (−Δ)−1 ∂t v (j) · 1|ω = 2(−Δ)−1 ∂t U (j−1) (·, T − t) · 1|ω , while (u0 , u1 ) is assumed only to belong to D(A), then, based on inequality (5.7) in Theorem 5.2, the estimate (1.7) in Theorem 1.2 becomes N N C (2k) (2k) v (·, T ) − u0 , ∂t v (·, T ) + u1 ≤ β [J1 + (u0 , u1 )D(A) ]. ln (1 + N ) k=0 k=0 H The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we derive the desired pointwise estimate for second order differential operators with symmetric coefficients. Section 3 shows an interpolation inequality for the fourth order elliptic-like equation with multiple characteristics mentioned above. Section 4 is devoted to a quantitative unique continuation property for system (1.1). In section 5, we establish two observability estimates for solutions of (1.1). The proofs of Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 are given in section 6. 2. Pointwise estimate for second order differential operators with symmetric coefficients. In this section, we will establish a pointwise estimate for second order differential operators with symmetric coefficients (without any sign condition), which will play a key role in what follows. ∂u Let m ∈ N. For simplicity, for a function u, we will use the notation ui = ∂x , i m where xi is the ith coordinate of a generic point (x1 , . . . , xm ) in R . For any (2.1) aij = aji ∈ C 1 (Rm ), i, j = 1, 2, . . . , m, we recall the following known identity (see [10, Theorem 4.1], and also [9, Theorem 1.1] for a variant version). Lemma 2.1. Assume u, , Ψ ∈ C 2 (Rm ). Let θ = e and v = θu. Then (2.2) 2 m m m m 2 ij ij i j θ 2 (a ui )j + 2 a a i vi vj − aij ai j i vi vj i,j=1 j=1 i,i ,j =1 i,i ,j =1 m m Ψ i v2 +Ψ aij vi v − aij (A + Ψ)i + 2 i=1 i=1 j 2 2 m m m ij ij =2 cij vi vj + Bv 2 + (a vi )j − Av + 4 a i vj , i,j=1 i,j=1 i,j=1 Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. TIME REVERSAL FOCUSING FOR KIRCHHOFF PLATE where (2.3) 1539 ⎧ m ⎪ ij ij ij ⎪ ⎪ A a = − − a − a i j ij − Ψ, ⎪ j i ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ i,j=1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎫ ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ m m ⎬ ⎨ ⎨ ij B = 2 AΨ − (A + Ψ)aij i j + Ψ2 − a Ψj i , ⎭ ⎩ ⎪ ⎪ i,j=1 i,j=1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ m ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ij ij i j ij i j ⎪ )j − (a a )j c 2a + Ψaij . = (a i i ⎪ ⎩ i ,j =1 In what follows, for any function ψ ∈ C 4 (Rm ), and any (large) parameters ς > 1 and κ > 1, we choose the function in Lemma 2.1 as follows: (2.4) = ςϕ, ϕ = eκψ . It is easy to check that (2.5) ij = ςκ2 ϕψi ψj + ςκϕψij , i = ςκϕψi , i, j = 1, 2, . . . , m. For n ∈ N, we denote by O(κn ) a function of order κn for large κ (which is n independent of ς); by Oκ (ς n ) a function of order fixed κ and for large ς. The m ς for desired pointwise estimate for the operator “ i,j=1 ∂∂x aij ∂∂x ” is stated as follows. j i Theorem 2.2. Assume (2.1) holds, and u ∈ C 2 (Rm ). Let θ = e , (2.6) v = θu, Ψ=2 m aij ij . i,j=1 Then (2.7) 2 m m m θ2 2aij ai j i vi vj − aij ai j i vi vj (aij ui )j + 2 i,j=1 i,j=1 i ,j =1 Ψ i + Ψaij vi v − aij (A + Ψ)i + v2 2 j ≥2 m cij vi vj + Bv 2 , i,j=1 where A, B, and cij are given in (2.3). Moreover, for ς and κ large enough, the following estimates hold uniformly in any bounded set of Rm : (2.8) ⎞⎛ ⎞ ⎛ m m m m ij ij ij ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ 2aij ai j ψi j c vi vj ≥ ςκϕ κ a ψi ψj a vi vj + i,j=1 i,j=1 ij i j +a a ⎛ B = 2ς 3 κ4 ϕ3 ⎝ m ψ i j + i,j,i ,j =1 i,j=1 2aij aij j ψi ij i j − (a a )j ψi vi vj , ⎞2 aij ψi ψj ⎠ + ς 3 ϕ3 O(κ3 ) + Oκ (ς 2 ). i,j=1 Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1540 KIM DANG PHUNG AND XU ZHANG Proof. Clearly, (2.7) is a direct consequence of Lemma 2.1. Recalling (2.3) for cij , and noting (2.6) and (2.5), we have m cij vi vj i,j=1 = m 2aij ai j i j + aij ai j i j + 2aij aij j i − (aij ai j )j i vi vj i,j,i ,j =1 ⎛ = 2ςκ2 ϕ ⎝ ⎞2 m ⎛ aij ψi vj ⎠ + ςκ2 ϕ ⎝ i,j=1 ≥ ςκ2 ϕ ⎝ m ⎞⎛ aij ψi ψj ⎠ ⎝ i,j=1 aij vi vj ⎠ i,j=1 m ⎞ aij vi vj ⎠ i,j=1 m + ςκϕ aij ψi ψj ⎠ ⎝ ⎞ m 2aij ai j ψi j + aij ai j ψi j + 2aij aij j ψi − (aij ai j )j ψi vi vj i,j,i ,j =1 ⎛ ⎞⎛ i,j=1 m + ςκϕ m 2aij ai j ψi j + aij ai j ψi j + 2aij aij j ψi − (aij ai j )j ψi vi vj , i,j,i ,j =1 which gives the first inequality in (2.8). On the other hand, by (2.5), recalling the definitions of Ψ and A, we see that Ψ = 2ςκ2 ϕ m A = −ς 2 κ2 ϕ2 aij ψi ψj + ςϕO(κ), i,j=1 m aij ψi ψj + Oκ (ς). i,j=1 Hence, from the definition of B, we have ⎛ ⎞2 m B = 2 − 2ς 3 κ4 ϕ3 ⎝ aij ψi ψj ⎠ + ς 3 ϕ3 O(κ3 ) + Oκ (ς 2 ) + ςκ m i,j=1 ⎡⎛ ⎣⎝ς 2 κ2 ϕ3 ⎛ − 2ς 3 κ4 ϕ3 ⎝ + ςκ m ⎤ + Oκ (ς 2 ) ψi ψj + Oκ (ς)⎠ aij ψi ⎦ ⎞ ai j i ,j =1 i,j=1 =2 m ⎛ m m ⎞ ai j ψi ψj + ς 2 ϕ3 O(κ2 ) + Oκ (ς)⎠ aij ψi ψj i ,j =1 i,j=1 = 2ς 3 κ4 ϕ3 ⎝ j aij ψi ψj ⎠ + ς 3 ϕ3 O(κ3 ) + Oκ (ς 2 ) i,j=1 ⎝3ς 2 κ3 ϕ3 ⎛ ⎞2 m ⎞2 aij ψi ψj ⎠ + ς 3 ϕ3 O(κ3 ) + Oκ (ς 2 ), i,j=1 which yields the second inequality in (2.8). Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1541 TIME REVERSAL FOCUSING FOR KIRCHHOFF PLATE 3. Interpolation inequality for a fourth order elliptic-like equation with multiple characteristics. As a crucial preliminary, we derive in this section the following a priori estimate for a fourth order elliptic-like equation with multiple characteristics. Theorem 3.1. Suppose that Ω is connected. Then, for any nonempty open subset ω of Ω, there exists a constant C0 = C0 (Ω, ω, d, M) > 0 such that for any w = w(x, s) ∈ H 2 (Ω × (−2, 2)) and f = f (x, s) ∈ L2 (Ω × (−2, 2)) with −∂s2 w + Δ2 w + ∂s2 Δw = f in Ω × (−2, 2) , (3.1) w = Δw = 0 on ∂Ω × (−2, 2) we have (3.2) 1 −1 2 |Δw| dxds ≤ C0 e 2 −2 ω C0 /ε Ω −2/ε 2 +e −2 2 2 |w| + |Δw| 2 2 |f | dxds dxds + 2 2 |Δw| + |∂s Δw| −2 dxds Ω ∀ ε > 0. Ω Notice that this interpolation estimate (3.2) or Hölder dependence continuous inequality has already appeared in [13] for second order elliptic operators in the framework of null controllability for the heat equation. Before proving Theorem 3.1, we remark that inequality (3.2) is a kind of quantitative unique continuation of (3.1) in the following sense: If w ∈ H 2 (Ω × (−2, 2)) solves (3.1) with f = 0 in Ω × (−2, 2), and w = 0 in ω × (−2, 2), then, by Theorem 3.1, w = 0 in Ω × (−1, 1). On the other hand, it is easy to verify that any solution w to (3.1) with f = 0 in Ω × (−2, 2) is of the form w(x, s) = ∞ & s ak e ' 1 1+λk − 1+λ k −s + bk e ' 1 1+λk − 1+λ ( k ϕk (x), ak , bk ∈ C, k=1 where {λk }k≥1 are the eigenvalues of −Δ with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition and {ϕk }∞ k=1 the corresponding eigenvectors (constituting an orthonormal basis of L2 (Ω)). Therefore, w(·, s) is analytic with respect to s, which, in turn, implies w = 0 in Ω × (−2, 2). Note also that (3.1) is not elliptic in the classical sense. Indeed, the symbol of its principal operator reads ξ 4 + ξ 2 η 2 , which vanishes for ξ = 0 and any η ∈ R. As mentioned in the introduction, we use global Carleman estimates to establish (3.2). To do this, a key observation is the possibility of decomposing the operator −∂s2 + Δ2 + ∂s2 Δ as follows: (3.3) −∂s2 + Δ2 + ∂s2 Δ = (∂s2 + Δ)(−I + Δ) + Δ, where I is the identity. Consequently, in order to derive the desired inequality (3.2), it is natural to proceed in cascade by applying the global Carleman estimates to the second order elliptic operators ∂s2 + Δ and Δ. Thanks to Theorem 2.2, this is possible because only the symmetry of the matrix (aij )1≤i,j≤m is required. Therefore, Theorem 2.2 applies to both the operators ∂s2 + Δ and Δ. We remark that, due to the necessity of using same weight function for these two different elliptic operators Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1542 KIM DANG PHUNG AND XU ZHANG of second order, there seems no existing Carleman estimate in the literature for our purpose. Proof of Theorem 3.1. The proof is divided into four steps. Step 1. Choice of the weight function. In order to apply Theorem 2.2 in cascade to the operators ∂s2 + Δ and Δ, it is important to choose a common weight function θ = θ (x, s) for these two different operators. It is well known that (see [11] or [21], for example) there is a function ψ) ∈ C 4 Ω such that ψ) > 0 in Ω, ψ) = 0 on ∂Ω, and (3.4) 0< d 2 2 ) ) ≤ C ∇ψ(x) ∂xi ψ(x) ∀ x ∈ Ω \ω0 i=1 where ω0 ⊂ ω is an arbitrary fixed nonempty open subset of Ω such that ω0 ⊂ ω. Therefore, h= (3.5) 1 ) min |∇ψ(x)| > 0. ) ||ψ ||L∞ (Ω) x∈Ω\ω0 Let us introduce * (3.6) b= + 1 1 + ln (2 + eκ ), κ b0 = b2 − 1 ln κ & ( 1 + eκ , eκ where κ > ln 2 is the parameter that appeared in Theorem 2.2 and is chosen large enough. It is easy to see that 1 < b0 < b ≤ 2. Further, we choose (3.7) ψ(x, s) = ) ψ(x) + b2 − s2 . ) ||ψ ||L∞ (Ω) By (2.4) and (2.6), this gives the function ϕ (x, s) = eκψ(x,s) and the desired weight κψ(x,s) (recall Theorem 2.2 for the parameter ς). It is easy to function θ (x, s) = eςe check that ϕ (·, s) ≥ 2 + eκ for any s satisfying |s| ≤ 1, (3.8) ϕ (·, s) ≤ 1 + eκ for any s satisfying b0 ≤ |s| ≤ b. Step 2. Reduction of (3.1) to a cascade system. Let (3.9) z = −w + Δw. Then, in view of (3.3), system (3.1) can be written equivalently as the following elliptic system of second order in cascade: ⎧ Δw = z + w in Ω × (−2, 2) , ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ (3.10) in Ω × (−2, 2) , ∂s2 z + Δz = f − z − w ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ w=z=0 on ∂Ω × (−2, 2) . Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. TIME REVERSAL FOCUSING FOR KIRCHHOFF PLATE 1543 Note, however, that there is no (homogeneous) boundary condition for w (and hence z) at s = ±2. Now, we introduce a cut-off function φ = φ (s) ∈ C0∞ (−b, b) ⊂ C0∞ (R) such that 0 ≤ φ(s) ≤ 1, |s| < b, (3.11) φ(s) ≡ 1, |s| ≤ b0 . Let (3.12) w̃ = φw, z̃ = φz. Then, noticing that φ does not depend on x, it follows by (3.10) that ⎧ Δw̃ = z̃ + w̃ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ∂s2 z̃ + Δz̃ = φf + 2∂s φ∂s z + z∂s2 φ − z̃ − w̃ (3.13) in Ω × (−2, 2) , in Ω × (−2, 2) , ⎪ w̃ = z̃ = 0 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ , ⎪ ⎩ supp w̃(x, ·) supp z̃(x, ·) ⊂ (−b, b), on ∂Ω × (−2, 2) , x ∈ Ω. Step 3. Carleman estimates. First, we apply Theorem 2.2 with m = d + 1, 0 xd+1 = s, (aij )1≤i,j≤d+1 = ( M 0 0 ), u replaced by w̃, and the weight function θ given above. In this case, by the definition of cij in (2.3), it is easy to check that (3.14) cij = 0 whenever one of i and j is equal to d + 1. Moreover, by (2.8), recalling (3.7) for the definition of ψ and (3.5) for the positive constant h, we conclude that there is a constant κ0 > 1 such that for any κ ≥ κ0 , one can find a constant ς0 > 1 so that for any ς ≥ ς0 , the following estimates hold uniformly for (x, s) ∈ Ω \ ω0 × [−b, b]: h2 2 cij vi vj ≥ ςϕ κ2 |∇ψ|2 + O(κ) |∇v|2 ≥ ςκ ϕ|∇v|2 , 2 i,j=1 d (3.15) B = 2ς 3 κ4 ϕ3 |∇ψ|4 + ς 3 ϕ3 O(κ3 ) + Oκ (ς 2 ) ≥ h4 ς 3 κ4 ϕ3 , where v = θw̃. Now, integrating inequality (2.7) (with u replaced by w̃) of Theorem 2.2 in Ω × (−b, b), recalling that φ vanishes near s = ±b, ψ) = 0 on ∂Ω, and v = 0 on ∂Ω × (−b, b), noting (3.15) and the first equation in (3.13), one arrives at b b 1 2 2 3 4 3 2 ςκ ϕ|∇v| dxds + ς κ ϕ |v| dxds C −b Ω −b Ω 2 b b ςκ ∂ ψ) ∂v 2 2 θ |z̃ + w̃| dxds + ϕ ≤ (3.16) d(∂Ω)ds ||ψ) ||L∞ (Ω) −b ∂Ω ∂ν ∂νM −b Ω b b + C ςκ2 θ2 ϕ|∇w̃|2 dxds + ς 3 κ4 θ2 ϕ3 |w̃|2 dxds , −b ω0 −b ω0 d d ) where ∂∂νψ = i=1 ψ)i ν i , ∂ν∂vM = i,j=1 αij vi ν j , and ν = ν 1 , . . . , ν d = ν(x) is the unit outward normal vector of Ω at x ∈ ∂Ω. For the boundary term in (3.16), we Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1544 KIM DANG PHUNG AND XU ZHANG have used that ⎧ d+1 ⎨ d+1 i,j=1 ⎩ i 2aij ai j i vi vj − aij ai j i vi vj ,j =1 ⎫ ⎬ ⎭ νj 2 d 2 ∂ ψ) ∂v ςκϕ i ij j ) a vi ν = ψi ν , ||ψ) ||L∞ (Ω) ∂ν ∂νM i,j=1 i=1 d ςκϕ = ||ψ) ||L∞ (Ω) which follows from the fact that on ∂Ω × (−b, b), we have for j = 1, . . . , d, d d ςκϕ ςκϕ i j i ) ) vi ν ν , j = ςκϕψj = ψ = ψi ν ν j , vj = ) ||L∞ (Ω) j ) ||L∞ (Ω) || ψ || ψ i=1 i=1 and ν d+1 = 0. Choose a cut-off function g ∈ C0∞ (ω) with g ≡ 1 in ω0 and 0 ≤ g ≤ 1 in ω. Multiplying the first equation in (3.13) by gθ2 ϕw̃ and integrating it in Ω × (−b, b), using integration by parts, one obtains . b b b 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (3.17) θ ϕ|∇w̃| dxds ≤ C ςκ θ ϕ |w̃| dxds + θ |z̃| dxds . −b −b ω0 −b ω ω Recalling that v = θw̃, by (2.5), we get 1 2 θ (|∇w̃|2 + ς 2 κ2 ϕ2 |w̃|2 ) ≤ |∇v|2 + ς 2 κ2 ϕ2 v 2 ≤ Cθ2 (|∇w̃|2 + ς 2 κ2 ϕ2 |w̃|2 ). C (3.18) ) one can check that By the choice of ψ, noting (3.17)–(3.18), we end up with (3.19) b ςκ2 ≤C Ω b −b 2 θ |z̃| dxds + ςκ 2 θ2 ϕ3 |w̃|2 dxds −b b Ω 2 −b 2 θ |z̃| dxds + ς κ 2 Ω < 0 on ∂Ω. Therefore, by (3.16) and b θ2 ϕ|∇w̃|2 dxds + ς 3 κ4 −b ) ∂ψ ∂ν ω b θ ϕ |w̃| dxds . 3 4 2 −b 3 2 ω 0 Next, we apply Theorem 2.2 with m = d + 1, xd+1 = s, (aij )1≤i,j≤d+1 = ( M 0 1 ), u replaced by z̃, and the weight function θ as the above. In this case, for any fixed b1 ∈ (0, b), by (2.8), recalling again (3.7) for the definition of ψ and (3.5) for the positive constant h, we conclude that there is a constant κ1 ≥ κ0 such that for any κ ≥ κ1 , one can find a constant ς1 ≥ ς0 so that, for any ς ≥ ς1 , the following estimates hold uniformly for (x, s) ∈ (Ω × (−b, b)) \ (ω0 × (−b1 , b1 )): d+1 cij pi pj ≥ ςϕ κ2 (|∇ψ|2 + |∂s ψ|2 ) + O(κ) (|∇p|2 + |∂s p|2 ) i,j=1 (3.20) ≥ h2 2 ςκ ϕ(|∇p|2 + |∂s p|2 ), 2 B = 2ς 3 κ4 ϕ3 (|∇ψ|2 + |∂s ψ|2 )2 + ς 3 ϕ3 O(κ3 ) + Oκ (ς 2 ) ≥ h4 ς 3 κ4 ϕ3 , Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1545 TIME REVERSAL FOCUSING FOR KIRCHHOFF PLATE where p = θz̃. Using (3.20) and the second equation in (3.13), similar to the proof of (3.16), one obtains (3.21) b b 1 2 2 2 3 4 3 2 ςκ ϕ(|∇p| + |∂s p| )dxds + ς κ ϕ |p| dxds C −b Ω −b Ω b 2 ≤ θ2 φf + 2∂s φ∂s z + z∂s2 φ − z̃ − w̃ dxds −b Ω ςκ + 2 ∂ ψ) ∂p ϕ d(∂Ω)ds ∂ν ∂νM ∂Ω b ||ψ) ||L∞ (Ω) −b b1 θ2 ϕ(|∇z̃|2 + |∂s z̃|2 )dxds + ς 3 κ4 + C ςκ2 −b1 b1 θ ϕ |z̃| dxds . 2 −b1 ω0 3 2 ω0 By the second equation in (3.13), similar to (3.17), one has (3.22) b1 θ2 ϕ(|∇z̃|2 + |∂s z̃|2 )dxds −b1 - ω0 ≤ C ςκ b θ ϕ |z̃| dxds + 2 2 −b 2 b 2 ω . 2 2 θ φf + 2∂s φ∂s z + z∂s φ − w̃ dxds . 2 −b ω Now, similar to (3.19), from (3.21) and (3.22), it follows that b θ2 ϕ(|∇z̃|2 + |∂s z̃|2 )dxds + ς 3 κ4 ςκ2 −b Ω (3.23) ≤ C ςκ b b θ2 ϕ3 |z̃|2 dxds −b Ω 2 θ φf + 2∂s φ∂s z + z∂s2 φ dxds + 2 b 2 θ2 |w̃| dxds 2 −b Ω b 2 + ςκ −b 2 θ |w̃| dxds + ς κ 2 Ω b θ ϕ |z̃| dxds . 3 4 ω −b 2 −b 3 2 ω Combining (3.19) and (3.23), we find that for any ς and κ large enough, b −b θ2 ϕ(|∇z̃|2 + |∂s z̃|2 )dxds + ς 2 κ2 Ω b + ς 3 κ4 (3.24) ≤C b −b b −b θ2 ϕ3 |z̃|2 dxds Ω b θ2 ϕ3 |w̃|2 dxds θ2 ϕ|∇w̃|2 dxds + ς 5 κ6 −b −b Ω Ω 2 θ2 φf + 2∂s φ∂s z + z∂s2 φ dxds + ς 3 κ4 Ω b b −b 2 θ2 |z̃| dxds ω θ2 ϕ3 |w̃|2 dxds . + ς 5 κ6 −b ω Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1546 KIM DANG PHUNG AND XU ZHANG Recall that z̃ = Δw̃ − w̃. Therefore, (3.24) leads to b 2 2 θ2 ϕ3 |Δw̃|2 dxds ς κ −b - (3.25) ≤C Ω b −b 2 θ2 (|f |2 + 2∂s φ∂s z + z∂s2 φ )dxds Ω b θ ϕ |Δw̃| dxds + ς κ 3 4 2 +ς κ −b 3 2 b . θ ϕ |w̃| dxds . 5 6 2 −b ω 3 2 ω Step 4. Completion of the proof. Denote c0 = 2 + eκ > 1, and recall (3.6) for b0 ∈ (1, b). Fixing the parameter κ in (3.25), by (3.9), using (3.8) and (3.11), one finds 1 2 ς 2 e2ςc0 |Δw| dxds −1 - (3.26) ≤ Ce Ω b |f | dxds + Cς . b 2 −b −b Ω 2ς(c0 −1) ω 2∂s φ∂s (Δw − w) + (Δw − w)∂s2 φ 2 dxds. + Ce (−b,−b0 )∪(b0 ,b) 2 (|w| + |Δw| )dxds 2 Ω From (3.26), one concludes that there exists ε0 > 0 such that the desired inequality (3.2) holds for ε ∈ (0, ε0 ], which, in turn, implies that it holds for any ε > 0. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.1. 4. Quantitative unique continuation for Kirchhoff plate. This section shows the following quantitative unique continuation for solutions of (1.1). Theorem 4.1. Suppose that Ω is connected. Then, for any nonempty open subset ω of Ω and any β ∈ (0, 1), there exists a time T > 0 such that the solution u of (1.1) satisfies (4.1) 2 (u0 , u1 )H 2 (Ω)×H 1 (Ω) C ≤e (u0 ,u1 )H (u0 ,u1 ) 2 H (Ω)×H 1 (Ω) 1/β T 2 |u (x, t)| dxdt 0 ω ∀ (u0 , u1 ) ∈ H \ {0}. Remark 4.1. Estimate (4.1) is equivalent to (4.2) & 2 (u0 , u1 )H 2 (Ω)×H 1 (Ω) ≤ or, equivalently, (4.3) 2 (u0 , u1 )H 2 (Ω)×H 1 (Ω) ≤ CeC/μ ln2β 1 + T 0 ω C (u0 ,u1 ) 2H u 2L2 (ω×(0,T )) 2 ( (u0 , u1 )2H 2 |u (x, t)| dxdt + μ2β (u0 , u1 )H ∀ μ > 0. This kind of interpolation estimate or logarithmic dependence continuous inequality has already appeared in [14, 20] in the framework of boundary control and stabilization for hyperbolic equations. Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1547 TIME REVERSAL FOCUSING FOR KIRCHHOFF PLATE In order to prove Theorem 4.1, we need the following known result from [14, p. 473]. Proposition 4.2. For any N ∈ N, the function 2N 1 eizτ e−τ dτ (4.4) F (z) = 2π R is holomorphic in C and there exist four positive constants A, c0 , c1 , and c2 such that α |F (z)| ≤ Aec0 |Im z| , |Im z| ≤ c2 |Re z| =⇒ |F (z)| ≤ Ae−c1 |z| , α 2N where α = 2N −1 . Proof of Theorem 4.1. Fix any nonempty open subset ω1 of ω such that ω1 ⊂ ω. We claim that it suffices to show that T 2 2 2 (u0 , u1 )H 2 (Ω)×H 1 (Ω) ≤ CeC/μ |u (x, t)| + |Δu (x, t)| dxdt 0 ω1 (4.5) 2 + μ2β (u0 , u1 )H ∀μ > 0. To see this, we choose a cut-off function ∈ C0∞ (ω) such that = 1 in ω1 and 0 ≤ ≤ 1 in ω. Then, for any μ > 0, T T 2 2 2 |u (x, t)| + |Δu (x, t)| dxdt ≤ u (·, t)H 2 (Rd ) dt 0 (4.6) ω1 - T 0 T 1 2 2 ≤C u (·, t)L2 (Rd ) dt + μ u (·, t)H 3 (Rd ) dt μ2 0 0 - . T 1 2 2 ≤C |u (x, t)| dxdt + μ (u0 , u1 )H . μ2 0 ω . Combining (4.5) and (4.6), we arrive at (4.3). By Remark 4.1, this yields the desired inequality (4.1). We now prove (4.5) and divide the proof into three steps. Step 1. Reducing the problem to a fourth order elliptic-like equation. Let β ∈ 1 1 (0, 1), and choose N ∈ N such that 0 < β + 2N < 1. Let γ = α1 = 1 − 2N > β. Recall the definition of F (z) in (4.4) and the constant C0 > 0 in Theorem 3.1 (with ω replaced by ω1 ). By Proposition 4.2, for any λ ≥ 1, the holomorphic function 2N τ 1 (4.7) Fλ (z) = λγ F (λγ z) ≡ eizτ e−( λγ ) dτ 2π R satisfies (4.8) α |Im z| ≤ 2 =⇒ |Fλ (z)| ≤ Aλγ e2 c0 λ , |Im z| ≤ 2 and 2 c2 ≤ |Re z| =⇒ |Fλ (z)| ≤ Aλγ e−c1 λ|Re z| . α In what follows, we fix a time T satisfying * 2 α 1 + 2α c0 C0 . (4.9) T > 8 max 2, , c2 c1 Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1548 KIM DANG PHUNG AND XU ZHANG For any Φ = Φ(t) ∈ C0∞ (0, T ) ⊂ C0∞ (R) and any solution u of (1.1), following [14], we introduce the following Fourier–Bros–Iagolnitzer transformation of u: Fλ (0 + is − )Φ()u(x, )d, s, 0 ∈ R. (4.10) W0 ,λ (x, s) = R Clearly, ∂s2 Fλ (0 + is − ) = −∂2 Fλ (0 + is − ). Hence ∂s2 (I − Δ) W0 ,λ (x, s) = − ∂2 Fλ (0 + is − )Φ() (I − Δ) u(x, )d R (4.11) =− − R R Fλ (0 + is − ) [Φ () (I − Δ) u(x, ) + 2Φ ()∂t (I − Δ) u(x, )] d Fλ (0 + is − )Φ()∂t2 (I − Δ) u(x, )d. Since u is a solution of (1.1), it follows from (4.11) that W0 ,λ satisfies the following fourth order elliptic-like equation with multiple characteristics: (4.12) ⎧ −∂s2 W0 ,λ (x, s) + Δ2 W0 ,λ (x, s) + ∂s2 ΔW0 ,λ (x, s) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ = Fλ (0 + is − ) [Φ () (I − Δ) u(x, ) + 2Φ ()∂t (I − Δ) u(x, )] d, ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ R (x, s) ∈ Ω × R, ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ W0 ,λ (x, s) = ΔW0 ,λ (x, s) = 0, ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ W0 ,λ (x, 0) = (Fλ ∗ Φu(x, ·)) (0 ), (x, s) ∈ ∂Ω × R, x ∈ Ω. On the other hand, we have ΦΔu (x, ·)L2 ( T −1, T +1) 2 2 ≤ ΦΔu(x, ·) − Fλ ∗ ΦΔu(x, ·)L2 ( T −1, T +1) + Fλ ∗ ΦΔu(x, ·)L2 ( T −1, T +1) 2 ≤ ΦΔu(x, ·) − Fλ ∗ ΦΔu(x, ·)L2 (R) + 2 2 T /2+1 2 1/2 2 |ΔWt,λ (x, 0)| dt . T /2−1 Denote by F (f ) the Fourier transform of f . Therefore, using Parseval’s equality 2N τ and the fact that F (F ) (τ ) = e−( λγ ) , one finds λ 1 ΦΔu(x, ·) − Fλ ∗ ΦΔu(x, ·)L2 (R) = √ F ΦΔu(x, ·) − Fλ ∗ ΦΔu(x, ·) L2 (R) 2π ( & 1/2 2 2N τ 1 F ΦΔu(x, ·) (τ ) dτ =√ 1 − e−( λγ ) 2π R & 2 (1/2 C τ ≤C ≤ γ ∂t (ΦΔu(x, ·))L2 (R) . γ F ΦΔu(x, ·) (τ ) dτ λ R λ Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1549 TIME REVERSAL FOCUSING FOR KIRCHHOFF PLATE Hence, T /2+1 2 |Φ(t)Δu(x, t)| dt T /2−1 - . T /2+1 1 2 2 ≤C ∂t (ΦΔu(x, ·))L2 (R) + |ΔWt,λ (x, 0)| dt . λ2γ T /2−1 For any t ∈ T2 − 1, T2 + 1 ⊂ R, by Cauchy’s integral theorem (in the theory of complex variable functions) and Hölder’s inequality, we deduce that 1 |ΔWt,λ (x, 0)| ≤ |ΔW0 ,λ (x, s)| dsd0 π |0 −t|≤1 |s|≤1 1/2 2 2 ≤ . |ΔW0 ,λ (x, s)| dsd0 π |0 −t|≤1 |s|≤1 (4.13) Hence (4.14) T /2+1 2 |ΔWt,λ (x, 0)| dt ≤ T /2−1 4 π2 4 ≤ 2 π ≤ Noticing that 8 π2 T /2+1 2 dt |0 −t|≤1 T /2−1 T /2+1 dt T /2−1 T /2−2 d0 T /2−2 d0 T /2+2 |s|≤1 T /2+2 |ΔW0 ,λ (x, s)| dsd0 2 |s|≤1 |ΔW0 ,λ (x, s)| ds 2 |s|≤1 |ΔW0 ,λ (x, s)| ds. 2 Ω 2 ∂t (ΦΔu(x, ·))L2 (R) dx ≤ C (u0 , u1 )H , combining (4.13) and (4.14), we get T /2+1 2 |Φ(t)Δu(x, t)| dxdt T /2−1 - Ω . T /2+2 1 2 2 ≤C (u0 , u1 )H + d0 |ΔW0 ,λ (x, s)| dxds . λ2γ T /2−2 |s|≤1 Ω / T /2+2 / / 2 Step 2. The estimate on T /2−2 d0 |s|≤1 Ω |ΔW0 ,λ (x, s)| dxds. We now fix any Φ = Φ(t) ∈ C0∞ (0, T ) satisfying 0 ≤ Φ ≤ 1 in (0, T ) and Φ ≡ 1 on T4 , 3T 4 . Applying Theorem 3.1 (with ω replaced by ω1 ) to W0 ,λ , we obtain that for all ε > 0, 2 |ΔW0 ,λ (x, s)| dxds (4.15) |s|≤1 (4.16) ≤ e−2/ε Ω |s|≤2 + C0 eC0 /ε 2 2 |ΔW0 ,λ (x, s)| + |∂s ΔW0 ,λ (x, s)| dxds Ω 2 2 |W0 ,λ (x, s)| + |ΔW0 ,λ (x, s)| dxds |s|≤2 ω1 Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1550 KIM DANG PHUNG AND XU ZHANG + C0 eC0 /ε Fλ (0 + is − ) Φ () (I − Δ) u(x, ) |s|≤2 R Ω 2 + 2Φ ()∂t (I − Δ) u(x, ) d dxds. Using the first conclusion in (4.8), we deduce that T /2+2 2 2 |ΔW0 ,λ (x, s)| + |∂s ΔW0 ,λ (x, s)| dxds d0 |s|≤2 T /2−2 = d0 |s|≤2 T /2−2 (4.17) Ω T /2+2 2 - Fλ (0 + is − )Φ()Δu(x, )d R Ω 2 . + ∂s Fλ (0 + is − )Φ()Δu(x, )d dxds R ⎡ 2 T /2+2 T α γ 2 c λ ⎣ ≤ Aλ e 0 |Δu(x, )| d d0 T /2−2 0 |s|≤2 Ω 2 ⎤ T α Aλγ e2 c0 λ |Δ∂ u(x, ) + Φ ()Δu(x, )| d ⎦ dxds + 0 ≤ Cλ2γ e2 Similarly, α+1 c0 λ 2 (u0 , u1 )H . T /2+2 d0 (4.18) T /2−2 ≤ Cλ2γ e2 α+1 |s|≤2 2 2 |W0 ,λ (x, s)| + |ΔW0 ,λ (x, s)| dxds ω1 T c0 λ 0 2 2 |u(x, t)| + |Δu(x, t)| dxdt. ω1 Further, by the choice of Φ, it is obvious that 2 T , 3T ,T . supp ∂t Φ ⊂ supp (∂t Φ) ⊂ K = 0, 4 4 5T Let K0 = 3T dist (K, K0 ) = T8 . The choice of T in (4.9) implies T > 16 8 , 8 . Then T and T > 16/c2 . Hence, 2 − 2, T2 + 2 ⊂ K0 , and T 2 ∀ (0 , ) ∈ K0 × K. ≥ 8 c2 Therefore, using the second conclusion in (4.8), we deduce that T /2+2 (4.19) d0 Fλ (0 + is − ) Φ () (I − Δ) u(x, ) T /2−2 |s|≤2 Ω R 2 +2Φ ()∂t (I − Δ) u(x, ) d dxds α ≤C Aλγ e−c1 λ|0 −| |(I − Δ) u(x, )| d0 K0 |s|≤2 Ω K |0 − | ≥ Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1551 TIME REVERSAL FOCUSING FOR KIRCHHOFF PLATE 2 + |∂t (I − Δ) u(x, )| d dxds 2 γ −c1 λ(dist(K,K0 ))α 2 ≤ C Aλ e [|(I − Δ) u(x, )| + |∂t (I − Δ) u(x, )|] d dx Ω 2 (u0 , u1 )H α 2γ −2c1 λ( T8 ) ≤ Cλ e K . Combining (4.17)–(4.19), we arrive at T /2+2 d0 T /2−2 (4.20) ≤ Cλ2γ e2 2 |ΔW0 ,λ (x, s)| dxds |s|≤1 α+1 + e2 Ω c0 λ −2/ε α+1 e α (u0 , u1 )H + e−2c1 λ( 8 ) eC0 /ε (u0 , u1 )H T 2 T c0 λ C0 /ε e 2 2 2 |u(x, t)| + |Δu(x, t)| dxdt . ω1 0 Step 3. Choice of ε and completion of the proof. We deduce from (4.15) and (4.20) that T /2+1 2 |Φ(t)Δu(x, t)| dxdt T /2−1 (4.21) ≤C Ω α 1 2 2γ 2α+1 c0 λ −2/ε 2γ −2c1 λ( T8 ) C0 /ε (u0 , u1 )H +λ e e +λ e e λ2γ T 2 2 2γ 2α+1 c0 λ C0 /ε |u(x, t)| + |Δu(x, t)| dxdt . +λ e e ω1 0 We now choose (4.22) ε= 1 2α+1 c0 λ . α Recall the choice of T in (4.9), which gives −c1 T8 + 2α c0 C0 ≤ −1. Hence & (α 1 0 α T −2c1 λ( T8 ) C0 /ε α (4.23) e e = exp 2 −c1 + 2 c0 C0 λ ≤ e−2λ . 8 Combining (4.21)–(4.23), we deduce that, for all λ ≥ 1, T /2+1 2 T /2+1 2 |Δu(x, t)| dxdt = (4.24) T /2−1 ≤ Ω C 2 (u0 , u1 )H + CeCλ λ2γ 0 |Φ(t)Δu(x, t)| dxdt T /2−1 T Ω 2 2 |u(x, t)| + |Δu(x, t)| dxdt. ω1 Finally, by means of the energy method, it is easy to show that T /2+1 2 2 (4.25) (u0 , u1 )H 2 (Ω)×H 1 (Ω) ≤ C |Δu(x, t)| dxdt. T /2−1 Ω Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1552 KIM DANG PHUNG AND XU ZHANG Combining (4.24) and (4.25), it is easy to conclude that, for any μ ∈ (0, 1), 2 (4.26) (u0 , u1 )H 2 (Ω)×H 1 (Ω) T 2 2 2 C/μ |u(x, t)| + |Δu(x, t)| dxdt + Cμ2β (u0 , u1 )H . ≤ Ce ω1 0 Note that this inequality is trivially true for any μ ≥ 1 and for some C > 1. Consequently, inequality (4.5) holds true for all μ > 0. This completes the proof of Theorem 4.1. 5. Observability estimates for Kirchhoff plate. The purpose of this section is to establish two observability estimates which quantify the unique continuation property of (1.1) saying that if its solution u satisfies ∂t Δu = 0 in ω × (0, T ), then (u0 , u1 ) = 0. Due to the finite speed of propagation, the time T > 0 has to be chosen large enough. First, when GCC is assumed, we have the following estimate. Theorem 5.1. Under GCC, for any T ≥ T0 , the solution u of (1.1) satisfies (5.1) T 2 |∂t Δu(x, t)| dxdt E(u, 0) ≤ C 0 ∀ (u0 , u1 ) ∈ H. ω Proof. Under GCC, it follows from [2, 3] that for any g ∈ L2 (Ω × (0, T0 )) and any (χ0 , χ1 ) ∈ H01 (Ω) × L2 (Ω), the solution χ of the wave equation ⎧ 2 in Ω × (0, T0 ) , ∂ χ − Δχ = g ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ t χ=0 on ∂Ω × (0, T0 ) , (5.2) ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ χ (·, 0) = χ0 , ∂t χ (·, 0) = χ1 in Ω satisfies the following observability estimate: (5.3) - T0 2 2 (χ0 , χ1 )H01 (Ω)×L2 (Ω) ≤ C |∂t χ (x, t)| dxdt + 0 ω 0 T0 . 2 |g (x, t)| dxdt . Ω Note that the solution u of (1.1) solves (5.4) ⎧ 2 ∂ (I − Δ) u − Δ (I − Δ) u = −Δu ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ t (I − Δ) u = 0 ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ (I − Δ) u (·, 0) = (I − Δ) u0 , ∂t (I − Δ) u (·, 0) = (I − Δ) u1 in Ω × R, on ∂Ω × R, in Ω. Applying estimate (5.3) to system (5.4) (with χ = (I − Δ)u and g = −Δu), we conclude that . - T0 T0 2 2 |∂t (I − Δ)u (x, t)| dxdt + |Δu (x, t)| dxdt E (u, 0) ≤ C ω 0 - (5.5) ≤C 0 T0 0 Ω 2 |∂t Δu (x, t)| dxdt + ω 2 (u0 , u1 )H 2 (Ω)×H 1 (Ω) . . Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1553 TIME REVERSAL FOCUSING FOR KIRCHHOFF PLATE However, by (5.5) and using the classical uniqueness-compactness argument (e.g., [15]), it follows that T0 2 2 |∂t Δu (x, t)| dxdt. (5.6) (u0 , u1 )H 2 (Ω)×H 1 (Ω) ≤ C 0 ω Therefore, combining (5.5) and (5.6), we deduce the desired estimate (5.1). This completes the proof of Theorem 5.1. Next, when GCC is not assumed, we have the following weaker estimate. Theorem 5.2. Suppose that Ω is connected. Then, for any nonempty open subset ω of Ω, any β ∈ (0, 1), and the time T > 0 given in Theorem 4.1, the solution u of (1.1) satisfies T 2 2 C/μ E(u, 0) ≤ Ce |∂t u (x, t)| dxdt + μ2β (u0 , u1 )D(A) (5.7) 0 ω ∀ (u0 , u1 ) ∈ D(A) \ {0}, ∀ μ > 0, and T (5.8) E(u, 0) ≤ CeC/μ 0 ω 2 2 |∂t Δu (x, t)| dxdt + μ2β (u0 , u1 )D(A3 ) ∀ (u0 , u1 ) ∈ D(A3 ) \ {0}, ∀ μ > 0. Proof. By (4.3) in Remark 4.1, one sees that the solution u of system (1.1) satisfies (5.9) T T 2 2 2 C/μ |Δu (x, t)| dxdt ≤ Ce |u (x, t)| dxdt + μ2β (u0 , u1 )H ∀ μ > 0, 0 ω 0 Ω and T 2 T 2 |u (x, t)| dxdt ≤ Ce (5.10) 0 Ω C/μ 0 ω 2 |u (x, t)| dxdt+μ2β (u0 , u1 )H ∀ μ > 0. It remains to apply (5.9) (resp., (5.10)) with u replaced by ∂t u (resp., ∂t Δu) to get the desired estimate (5.7) (resp., (5.8)) by using the following inequality: T 2 |∂t Δu (x, t)| dxdt, E (u, 0) ≤ C 0 Ω which, in turn, follows from the usual energy method. 6. Proof of Theorems 1.1 and 1.2. We begin with the proof of Theorem 1.2. Recall that the functions v (j) and U (j) , defined, respectively, in (1.4) and (1.5), depend only on ∂t Δu (x, T − t) · 1|ω . Let (0) j = 0, v (x, t) − u(x, T − t), (6.1) w(j) (x, t) = for (x, t) ∈ Q. v (j) (x, t) − w(j−1) (x, T − t), j > 0, Clearly, w(j) = U (j) in ω × (0, T ). Also, it is easy to check that w(j) solves 2 (j) ∂t w + Δ2 w(j) − ∂t2 Δw(j) + ∂t Δw(j) · 1|ω = 0 in Q, (6.2) w(j) = Δw(j) = 0 on Σ. Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1554 KIM DANG PHUNG AND XU ZHANG By (6.1) and the third equation in system (1.4), noticing the conservative law (1.3), we deduce that E(w(j) , 0) = E(w(j−1) , T ), j > 0, (6.3) E(w(0) , 0) = E(u, T ) = E(u, 0). First, applying the standard energy method to system (6.2), it follows that T 2 ∀ T > 0. (6.4) E(w(j) , T ) − E(w(j) , 0) + ∂t Δw(j) (x, t) dxdt = 0 0 ω By (5.8) in Theorem 5.2 and using a well-known perturbation argument (e.g., [16, section 5]), we conclude that the solution w(j) of (6.2) satisfies, for any μ > 0, (6.5) T 2 2 (j) C/μ E(w , 0) ≤ Ce . ∂t Δw(j) (x, t) dxdt + μ2β w(j) (·, 0), ∂t w(j) (·, 0) 0 D(A3 ) ω Combining (6.4)–(6.5) and the first line in (6.3), it follows that, for any μ > 0, (6.6) 2 E(w(j) , 0) ≤ CeC/μ E(w(j) , 0) − E(w(j+1) , 0) +μ2β w(j) (·, 0), ∂t w(j) (·, 0) D(A3 ) . In view of the dissipation law for system (6.2), noticing again (6.1) and the third equation in system (1.4), one has (6.7) (2j+1) (·, T ), ∂t w(2j+1) (·, T ) ≤ C w(2j) (·, T ), ∂t w(2j) (·, T ) . w D(A3 ) D(A3 ) 2 Therefore, by (6.6)–(6.7) and denoting M = supj>0 w(2j) (·, T ), ∂t w(2j) (·, T ) D(A3 ) , we conclude that (6.8) E(w(j) , 0) ≤ CeC/μ E(w(j) , 0) − E(w(j+1) , 0) +μ2βM ∀ μ > 0. Now, by (6.8) and similar to Remark 4.1, one deduces that the solution w(j) of (6.2) satisfies E w(j) , 0 M −2β . 1 + (j) (6.9) ≤ C ln M E w , 0 − E w(j+1) , 0 Let E w(n) , 0 αn = . M Then, (6.10) αn+1 E w(n) , T E w(n+1) , 0 = ≤ αn . = M M Combining (6.9) and (6.10), we obtain & −2β 1+ (6.11) αn+1 ≤ C ln 1 αn − αn+1 ( ∀ n ∈ N. Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. TIME REVERSAL FOCUSING FOR KIRCHHOFF PLATE 1555 Similar to [14, 27], starting from (6.11), one deduces that αn+1 ≤ C ln−2β (1 + n) (6.12) ∀ n ∈ N, which gives E w(2N ) , T ≤ C ln−2β (1 + 2N ) . M (6.13) Now it remains to compute w(2N ) (·, T ). By induction, it is easy to verify that, for any N ≥ 1, w (2N ) (·, t) = N v (2k) (·, t) − v (2k−1) (·, T − t) + v (0) (·, t) − u (·, T − t) . k=1 Therefore, (6.14) w (2N ) (·, T ) = N v (2k) (·, T ) − u0 , ∂t w (2N ) k=0 (·, T ) = N ∂t v (2k) (·, T ) + u1 . k=0 Finally, by (6.13)–(6.14) and J3 < +∞, one arrives at the desired estimate (1.7). Similarly, the proof of Theorem 1.1 follows from (6.3), (6.14), and Theorem 5.1. REFERENCES [1] C. Bardos and M. Fink, Mathematical foundations of the time reversal mirror, Asymptot. Anal., 29 (2002), pp. 157–182. [2] C. Bardos, G. Lebeau, and J. Rauch, Un exemple d’utilisation des notions de propagation pour le contrôle et la stabilisation des problèmes hyperboliques, in Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations in Applied Mathematics, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Politec. Torino 1988, (Special Issue) (1989), pp. 11–32. [3] C. Bardos, G. Lebeau, and J. Rauch, Sharp sufficient conditions for the observation, control and stabilization of waves from the boundary, SIAM J. Control Optim., 30 (1992), pp. 1024–1065. [4] N. Burq, Contrôlabilité exacte de l’équation des ondes dans des ouverts peu réguliers, Asymptot. Anal., 14 (1997), pp. 157–191. [5] O. Dorn, Time-Reversal and the Adjoint Method with an Application in Telecommunication, preprint, http://www.arxiv.org/abs/math.OC/0412379, 2004. [6] M. 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