Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2011 (2011), No. 116, pp. 1–23. ISSN: 1072-6691. URL: http://ejde.math.txstate.edu or http://ejde.math.unt.edu ftp ejde.math.txstate.edu (login: ftp) STABILITY OF ENTROPY SOLUTIONS FOR LÉVY MIXED HYPERBOLIC-PARABOLIC EQUATIONS KENNETH H. KARLSEN, SÜLEYMAN ULUSOY Abstract. We analyze entropy solutions for a class of Lévy mixed hyperbolicparabolic equations containing a non-local (or fractional) diffusion operator originating from a pure jump Lévy process. For these solutions we establish uniqueness (L1 contraction property) and continuous dependence results. 1. Introduction The subject of this paper is uniqueness and stability results for properly defined entropy solutions of mixed hyperbolic-parabolic quasilinear equations appended with a nonlocal (fractional) diffusion operator. These equations take the form ∂t u + div f (u) = div(a(u)∇u) + L[u], (1.1) where u = u(t, x) is the unknown, (t, x) ∈ QT := (0, T ) × Rd , d ≥ 1, T > 0 is a fixed final time, and L is a pure jump Lévy operator. Equation (1.1) is subject to initial data u(0, x) = u0 (x) ∈ (L1 ∩ L∞ )(Rd ). (1.2) f = (f1 , . . . , fd ) ∈ W 1,∞ (R; Rd ) (1.3) In (1.1), is a given vector-valued flux function, a = (aij ) ≥ 0 is a given symmetric matrixvalued diffusion function of the form a = σ a (σ a )tr , σ a ∈ Rd×K , 1 ≤ K ≤ d. (1.4) PK a a More precisely, the components of a are aij = k=1 σik σjk for i, j = 1, . . . , d. We a a assume that the matrix-valued function σ = (σik ) : R → Rd×K satisfies σ a ∈ W 1,∞ (R; Rd×K ). (1.5) Observe that we do not assume the matrix a(·) to be strictly positive definite, so the operator div(a(u)∇u) may be strongly degenerate, and hence the phrase “mixed hyperbolic-parabolic” is justified. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 45K05, 35K65, 35L65; 35B65. Key words and phrases. Degenerate parabolic equation; conservation law; stability; fractional Laplacian; non-local diffusion; entropy solution; uniqueness; continuous dependence. c 2011 Texas State University - San Marcos. Submitted April 25, 2011. Published September 12, 2011. 1 2 K. H. KARLSEN, S. ULUSOY EJDE-2011/116 In terms of its singular integral representation, the nonlocal operator L in (1.1) takes the form Z u(t, x + z) − u(t, x) − z · ∇u 1|z|<1 π(dz), (1.6) L[u](t, x) = Rd \{0} where the singular Lévy measure π(dz) is a positive, σ-finite Borel measure on Rd \ {0} satisfying π({0}) = 0, π(d(−z)) = −π(dz), and Z |z|2 1|z|<1 + |z|1|z|≥1 π(dz) < ∞, (1.7) Rd \{0} where we note that z can be replaced by a certain regular jump function j(z) easily throughout the analysis. A typical example is provided by taking 1 π(z) = d+α 1|z|<1 dz, α ∈ (0, 2). |z| α This example is related to to the fractional Laplacian ∆α := −(−∆) 2 on Rd , which can also be defined in terms of the Fourier transform as α d ∆ b(ω), α v(ω) = |ω| v ω ∈ Rd . This definition is employed in [28] to prove (1.6) in this case. Nonlocal operators like ∆α are examples of a Fourier multiplier operator P with c a symbol a(ω) ≥ 0 such that Pv(ω) = a(ω)b v (ω). The function e−ta(ω) is positive definite, and thus, by the Lévy-Khintchine formula, it can be represented as Z a(ω) = ib · ω + q(ω) + 1 − e−iz·ω − iz · ω 1|z|<1 (z) π(dz), Rd \{0} Pd where b ∈ Rd represents the drift term, q(ω) = i,j=1 qij ωi ωj is a positive definite quadratic function representing the pure diffusion part (q(ω) = |ω|2 gives raise to the usual Laplacian −∆), and the Lévy measure π(dz) accounts for the jump (nonlocal) part. In our setting of L, cf. (1.6), we assume b ≡ 0 and q ≡ 0, i.e, we are dealing with a pure jump operator. For more details about the Lévy-Khintchine formula and Lévy processes in general, we refer to [13, 31, 32, 33, 47]. Integro-partial differential equations, also known as nonlocal, fractional or Lévy partial differential equations, appear frequently in many different areas of research and find many applications in engineering and finance, including nonlinear acoustics, statistical mechanics, biology, fluid flow, pricing of financial instruments, and portfolio optimization. Many authors have recently contributed to advancing the mathematical theory for quasilinear and fully nonlinear partial differential equations that are supplemented with a fractional diffusion operator arising as the generator of a Lévy semigroup, addressing questions like existence, uniqueness, regularity, formation of singularities, and asymptotic behavior of solutions. Another very popular subject recently, where non-local operators appear, is the so-called quasi-geostrophic equation. This equation can be written in divergence form and the variational techniques are useful. Interested readers can consult [21, 41, 53, 54] and the references therein for further discussion of this subject. For results with reference to fully nonlinear equations, such as the HamiltonJacobi-Bellman equation, and the (in this context relevant) theory of viscosity solutions, we refer to [2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 18, 19, 20, 30, 34, 35, 46, 49, 48, 50, 51, 52], see also [11, 12, 26] for some concrete applications to finance. EJDE-2011/116 FRACTIONAL DEGENERATE PARABOLIC EQUATIONS 3 More recently, a number of authors [1, 4, 14, 15, 16, 17, 28, 36] have studied questions regarding existence, uniqueness, regularity, and temporal asymptotics for quasilinear equations, such as the fractal Burgers equation α 2 ∂t u + ∂x (u2 /2) = −(−∂xx ) 2 u, (1.8) and more generally multi-dimensional fractional conservation laws ∂t u + div f (u) = ∆α u, (1.9) where the parameter α is assumed lie in the interval (0, 2). Of course, the excluded case α = 2 corresponds to the already fully understood viscous conservation law ∂t u + div f (u) = ∆u, solutions of which are always smooth in t > 0. Regarding the less studied case α ∈ [1, 2), it was recently proved in [27, 40] that solutions of the fractional Burgers equation (1.8) are also smooth in t > 0. In the case α < 1 for the fractional conservation law (1.9) the order of the diffusion part is lower than the first order hyperbolic part, so we do not expect any regularizing effect to take place. Indeed, for the fractional Burgers equation (1.8) with α < 1 it is proved in [4, 40] that solutions can develop discontinuities in finite time. Consequently, one should employ a notion of entropy solutions for fractional conservation laws (1.9), i.e., weak solutions satisfying an additional entropy condition, to ensure the globalin-time well-posedness. This is well-known for conservation laws ∂t u+div f (u) = 0, cf. Kruz̆kov [42], and the well-posedness theory of Kruz̆kov was recently extended to fractional conservation laws in [1]. In recent years the theory of Kruz̆kov [42] has been extended to quasilinear mixed hyperbolic-parabolic equations of the form ∂t u + div f (u) = div(a(u)∇u), (1.10) where f and a satisfy (1.3) and (1.4)-(1.5), respectively. Since the diffusion matrix a(u) is not assumed to be strictly positive definite, (1.10) is strongly degenerate and will in general posses discontinuous solutions. In the isotropic case (with a(·) being a scalar function) the first general uniqueness result is due to Carrillo [22], who developed an original extension of Kruz̆kov’s method of doubling variables to prove his result, cf. [37, 38, 43, 44] for some additional applications of his techniques. The anisotropic case (a(·) being a matrix-valued function) was first treated by Chen and Perthame [25], who developed a kinetic formulation and established the uniqueness result using regularization by convolution. An alternative proof of the result of Chen and Perthame, adapting the device of doubling variables, was developed in [10], cf. also [24, 23, 45] some other papers dealing with the anisotropic case. The main purpose of this paper is to extend the uniqueness and “continuous dependence on the nonlinearities” results of [10, 24, 23, 45] to fractional degenerate parabolic equations of the form (1.1). We introduce the notion of entropy solutions and state the main results in Section 2 . Sections 3 (existence), 4 (uniqueness), and 5 (continuous dependence on the nonlinearities and the Lévy measure) are devoted to the proofs of the main results. 2. Notion of solution and main results For i = 1, . . . , d and k = 1, . . . , K, define Z u Z a,ψ a a ζik (u) := σik (ξ) dξ, ζik (u) = 0 0 u a ψ(ξ)σik (ξ) dξ, u ∈ R, 4 K. H. KARLSEN, S. ULUSOY EJDE-2011/116 for any ψ ∈ C(R). Given any convex C 2 entropy function η : R → R, we define the corresponding entropy fluxes q = (qi ) : R → Rd and r = (rij ) : R → Rd×d by q 0 (u) = η 0 (u)f 0 (u), r0 (u) = η 0 (u)a(u). We refer to (η, q, r) as an entropy-entropy flux triple. We now introduce the entropy formulation of (1.1)-(1.2). Definition 2.1. An entropy solution of the initial value problem (1.1)-(1.2) is a measurable function u : QT → R satisfying the following conditions: (1) u ∈ L∞ (QT ), u ∈ L∞ (0, T ; L1 (Rd )), d X a ∂xi ζik (u) ∈ L2 (QT ), k = 1, . . . , K, (2.1) i=1 and ZZ Z 2 (u(t, x + z) − u(t, x)) π(dz) dx dt < +∞; (2.2) Rd \{0} QT (2) For k = 1, . . . , K, d X a,ψ ∂xi ζik (u) = ψ(u) i=1 d X a ∂xi ζik (u), a.e. in QT and in L2 (QT ), (2.3) i=1 for any ψ ∈ C(R); (3) For any entropy-entropy flux triple (η, q, r), ZZ d d X X η(u)∂t ϕ + qi (u)∂xi ϕ + rij (u)∂x2i xj ϕ dx dt QT i=1 ZZ i,j=1 (2.4) Z + u u η(u0 )ϕ(0, x) dx ≥ n + m , η(u)L[ϕ] dx dt + Rd QT for all non-negative ϕ ∈ Cc∞ ([0, T ) × Rd ), where ZZ K X d 2 X a nu = η 00 (u) ∂xi ζik (u) ϕ(t, x) dx dt, QT mu = ZZ QT k=1 i=1 Z 2 η 00 (u; z) (u(t, x + z) − u(t, x)) ϕ(t, x)π(dz) dx dt, Rd \{0} and η 00 (u; z) = Z 1 (1 − τ )η 00 ((1 − τ )u(t, x) + τ u(t, x + z)) dτ. 0 We remark that the chain rule (2.3) is automatically fulfilled when a(·) is a scalar or a diagonal matrix, cf. Chen and Perthame [25], and in this case we can drop (2) from the definition. Our first result is the expected L1 contraction property (and thus the uniqueness) of entropy solutions. Theorem 2.2. Suppose f and a satisfy (1.3) and (1.4)-(1.5), respectively, and that the Lévy measure π(dz) satisfies (1.7). Then there exists an entropy solution EJDE-2011/116 FRACTIONAL DEGENERATE PARABOLIC EQUATIONS 5 of (1.1)-(1.2). Let u, v be two entropy solutions of (1.1) with initial data u|t=0 = u0 ∈ (L1 ∩ L∞ )(Rd ), v|t=0 = v0 ∈ (L1 ∩ L∞ )(Rd ). For a.e. t ∈ (0, T ), we have Z Z + + (u(t, x) − v(t, x)) dx ≤ (u0 − v0 ) dx. (2.5) Rd Rd Consequently, if u0 ≤ v0 a.e. in Rd then u ≤ v a.e. in QT , so whenever u0 = v0 a.e. in Rd , then u = v a.e. in QT . This theorem generalizes to the “non-local diffusion” case the result of Chen and Perthame [25]. The proof follows that of Bendahmane and Karlsen [10]. Our second result, which is a refinement of the previous theorem, reveals how the entropy solution u depends on the Lévy measure π(dz), and the nonlinear fluxes f, a (i.e., it is a “continuous dependence” estimate). Theorem 2.3. Suppose f and a satisfy (1.3) and (1.4)-(1.5), respectively, and that the Lévy measure π(dz) satisfies (1.7). Let u ∈ L∞ (0, T ; BV (Rd )) be the entropy solution of (1.1) with BV initial data u0 ∈ (L1 ∩ L∞ ∩ BV )(Rd ) and with a Lévy measure of the form π(dz) = m(z) dz for some measurable function m : Rd \ {0} → R+ . Replace the data set (f, a, π, u0 ), a = σ a (σ)tr , π(dz) = m(z) dz by another data set (f˜, ã, π̃(dz), v0 ), ã = σ ã (σ ã )tr , π̃(dz) = m̃(z) dz, where f˜, σ ã , π̃, m̃ satisfy the same regularity conditions as f, σ a , π, m and moreover v0 ∈ (L1 ∩ L∞ )(Rd ). Denote the corresponding entropy solution by v, and assume that v ∈ C([0, T ]; L1 (Rd )). Suppose u and v take values in a closed interval I ⊂ R. For any t ∈ (0, T ), ku(t, ·) − v(t, ·)kL1 (Rd ) ≤ ku0 − v0 kL1 (Rd ) + C1 tkf − f˜kW 1,∞ (I);Rd ) 1/2 √ Z √ a ã |z|2 |m(z) − m̃(z)| dz + C2 tkσ − σ kL∞ (I;Rd×K ) + C3 t |z|<1 Z + C4 t |z||m(z) − m̃(z)| dz, (2.6) |z|≥1 where the constants Ci , i = 1, . . . , 4, depend on the L∞ (0, T ; BV (Rd )) norm of u. This theorem generalizes results in [23, 24] to the “fractional case”. In the hyperbolic case (a, ã ≡ 0), a generalization of this theorem to nonlocal operators of the form L[A(u)], A : R → R Lipschitz and nondecreasing, can be found in [3]. 3. Proof of Theorem 2.2 (existence) Although a detailed version of the existence of entropy solutions to (1.1) is presented in [39], to motivate the entropy condition and to present a brief sketch, let us consider the following accompanying problem containing a uniformly parabolic operator depending on a small parameter ρ > 0: ∂t uρ + div f (uρ ) = div(a(uρ )∇uρ ) + L[uρ (t, ·)] + ρ∆uρ . (3.1) 6 K. H. KARLSEN, S. ULUSOY EJDE-2011/116 It is standard to construct a smooth solution uρ to (3.1), for each fixed ρ > 0. Indeed, it can be done using the Galerkin method and the compactness argument, see Chapter 5 in [29] and [40]. As usual, the game is to pass to the limit as ρ → 0 and identify the entropy condition satisfied by the limit function u. We will be brief in establishing the following estimates, since most of them are similar to the ones in [25] and we will assume u0 ∈ W 2,1 ∩ H 1 ∩ L∞ (Rd ), for general u0 ∈ L1 (Rd ) one can follow the approximation procedure presented in [25]. The following estimates can be established for sufficiently regular initial data: kuρ kL∞ (QT ) ≤ C; kuρ (t2 , ·) − uρ (t1 , ·)kL1 (Rd ) → 0, |uρ (t, ·)|BV (Rd ) ≤ C; as |t2 − t1 | → 0, uniformly in ρ. Hence there is a limit u such that, passing if necessary to a subsequence as ρ → 0, a.e. in QT and in Lp (QT ) for any p ∈ [1, ∞). uρ → u (3.2) Next, we derive an energy estimate. To this end, fix a convex C 2 function η and define q, r by q 0 = η 0 f 0 , r0 = η 0 a. Multiplying (3.1) by η 0 yields ∂t η(uρ ) + div q(uρ ) = d X 2 ∂ij rij (uρ ) + L[η(uρ )] + ρ∆η(uρ ) − νρ (3.3) i,j=1 where νρ = νρ1 + νρ2 + νρ3 consists of three parts: (i) the entropy dissipation term νρ1 := ρ∆η(uρ ) − ρη 0 (uρ )∆uρ = ρη 00 (uρ )|∇uρ |2 ; (ii) the parabolic dissipation term νρ2 := d X 2 ∂ij rij (uρ ) − η 0 (uρ ) div(a(uρ )∇uρ ) = η 00 (uρ ) i,j=1 K X d X k=1 2 a ∂xi ζik (uρ ) ; i=1 (iii) the fractional parabolic dissipation term Z 2 νρ3 = η 00 (uρ ; z) (uρ (t, x + z) − uρ (t, x)) π(dz), Rd \{0} R1 where η 00 (uρ ; z) = 0 (1 − τ )η 00 ((1 − τ )uρ (t, x) + τ uρ (t, x + z)) dτ . In deriving (3.3), the “new” computation is the one showing that the commutator L[η(uρ )] − η 0 (uρ )L[uρ ] equals νρ3 , but this follows easily from Taylor’s formula with integral reminder: Z 1 η(b) − η(a) = η 0 (a)(b − a) + (1 − τ )η 00 ((1 − τ )a + τ b) dτ (b − a)2 . (3.4) 0 2 Specifying η(z) = z /2 in (3.3) gives Z TZ X d K X 2 a ∂xi ζik (uρ ) dx dt ≤ C 0 Rd k=1 i=1 and d X i=1 a ∂xi ζik (uρ ) * d X i=1 a ∂xi ζik (u) in L2 (QT ). (3.5) EJDE-2011/116 FRACTIONAL DEGENERATE PARABOLIC EQUATIONS 7 From this we easily see, as in [25], that (2.1) and (2.3) in Definition 2.1 hold. Regarding the non-local operator L, the same choice for η reveals that (2.2) in Definition 2.1 holds. Now set Π(dz) := |z|2 1|z|<1 + |z| 1|z|≥1 π(dz), and note that Π(dz) is a bounded Radon measure. Introducing the short-hand notation uρ (t, x + z) − uρ (t, x) p dµ = Π(dz) ⊗ dx ⊗ dt, Dρ (t, x, z) = |z|1|z|<1 + |z|1|z|≥1 Equation (2.2) translates into Dρ being uniformly bounded in L2 ((0, T )×Rd ×(Rd \ {0}); dµ). Consequently, we may assume that there is a limit function D such that Dρ * D in L2 ((0, T ) × Rd × (Rd \ {0}); dµ). Let us identify D. To this end, fix a smooth function ϕ in Cc∞ (QT ) and observe ZZ Z uρ (t, x + z) − uρ (t, x) p ϕ(t, x) Π(dz) dx dt |z|1|z|<1 + |z|1|z|≥1 QT Rd \{0} ZZ Z ϕ(t, x + z) − ϕ(t, x) p = uρ (t, x) Π(dz) dx dt. d |z|1|z|≥1 QT R \{0} |z|1|z|<1 + ρ→0 Now, using that uρ −→ u a.e. in QT , we conclude that Dρ * u(t, x + z) − u(t, x) p |z|1|z|<1 + |z|1|z|≥1 in L2 ((0, T ) × Rd × (Rd \ {0}); dµ). We are now in a position to pass to the distributional limit in (3.3) to recover the desired entropy condition satisfied by the limit u = limρ→0 uρ . Note that to interpret (3.3) in the sense of distributions we use the formula Z Z L[Φ(x)]φ(x) dx = Φ(x)L[φ(x)] dx, (3.6) Rd Rd which holds for all sufficiently regular (say, C 2 ) functions Φ, φ : Rd → R. This relation is easily obtained by a change of variables (t, x, z) 7→ (t, x + z, −z) and an integration by parts in x. We claim that the entropy condition satisfied by the limit u = limρ→0 uρ takes the following form: for any convex C 2 entropy function η and corresponding entropy fluxes q, r defined by q 0 = η 0 f 0 , r0 = η 0 a, X ∂t η(u) + div q(u) ≤ ∂xi xj rij (u) + L[η(u)] − nu,η − mu,η (3.7) i,j in the sense of distributions, where nu,η = η 00 (u) d K X X k=1 2 a ∂xi ζik (u) i=1 is the parabolic dissipation measure with respect to u and Z 2 η 00 (u; z) (u(t, x + z) − u(t, x)) π(dz) mu,η = Rd \{0} is the fractional parabolic dissipation measure with respect to u. 8 K. H. KARLSEN, S. ULUSOY EJDE-2011/116 In view of (3.2), to verify (3.7) we only need to argue that ZZ ZZ lim inf νρ dx dt ≥ (nu,η + mu,η ) dx dt. ρ→0 QT QT First, QT νρ1 dx dt ≥ 0 for each ρ > 0. Second, thanks to the weak convergence (3.5) and a standard weak lower semi-continuity result for quadratic functionals, RR T Z Z lim inf ρ→0 T Z Rd 0 Z Rd K X d X k=1 η 00 (u) ≥ 0 η 00 (uρ ) K X d X 2 a ∂xi ζik (uρ ) ϕ dx dt i=1 2 a ∂xi ζik (u) ϕ dx dt, i=1 k=1 Cc∞ . for all test functions ϕ ∈ Similarly, ZZ Z 2 η 00 (uρ ; z) (uρ (t, x + z) − uρ (t, x)) ϕπ(dz) dx dt lim inf ρ→0 d Q R \{0} ZZ Z T 2 ≥ η 00 (u; z) (u(t, x + z) − u(t, x)) ϕπ(dz) dx dt, QT Rd \{0} for all test functions ϕ ∈ Cc∞ . Combining, we deduce that (2.4) in Definition 2.1 holds. This completes the proof. 4. Proof of Theorem 2.2 (uniqueness) We shall need C 2 approximations ηε± (u) of the functions η ± (u) := (u)± = max (±(u), 0) , u ∈ R. We build these by picking nondecreasing C 1 approximations sgn± ε (u) of ( ( 0, if u ≤ 0, −1, if u ≤ 0, sgn+ (u) := sgn− (u) := 1, if u > 0, 0, if u > 0, and defining ηε± (u) Z := u sgn± ε (ξ) dξ, u ∈ R. 0 For example, we can take 0, + sgnε (u) = sin(πu/(2ε)), 1, −1, − sgnε (u) = sin(πu/(2ε)), 0, if u < 0, if 0 ≤ u ≤ ε, if u > ε. if u < −ε, if − ε ≤ u ≤ 0, if u > 0. The functions ηε± are C 2 and convex. Moreover, ε→0 ηε± (u) −→ η ± (u), u ∈ R. EJDE-2011/116 FRACTIONAL DEGENERATE PARABOLIC EQUATIONS 9 Observe that (ηε± (· − c))c∈R is a family of entropies. Given these entropies, we introduce the corresponding entropy fluxes Z u ± qε (u, c) = (ηε± )0 (ξ − c)f 0 (ξ)dξ, u, c ∈ R, c Z u ± rε (u, c) = (ηε± )0 (ξ − c)a(ξ) dξ, u, c ∈ R. c Clearly, as ε → 0, qε± (u, c) → q ± (u, c) := sgn± (u − c)(f (u) − f (c)), rε± (u, c) ± u, c ∈ R, ± → r (u, c) := sgn (u − c)(A(u) − A(c)), u, c ∈ R, Ru where the (matrix-valued) function A(·) is defined by A(u) = 0 a(ξ) dξ. Observe that (ηε± (· − c), qε± (·, c), rε± (·, c))c∈R is a family of entropy-entropy flux triples, so choosing η = ηε± in (2.4) yields ZZ d d X X ± ± ηε± (u − c)∂t ϕ + qε,i (u, c)∂xi ϕ + rε,ij (u, c)∂x2i xj ϕ dx dt QT i=1 ZZ i,j=1 ηε± (u − c)L[ϕ] dx dt + + Z ZZ (ηε± )00 (u ≥ − c) QT K X d X η ± (u0 − c)ϕ(0, x) dx Rd QT (4.1) 2 a ∂xi ζik (u) ϕ dx dt k=1 i=1 ZZ Z 2 (ηε± )00 (u − c; z) (u(t, x + z) − u(t, x)) ϕπ(dz) dx dt. + QT Rd \{0} Moreover, (ηε± )00 (u − c; z) = Z 1 (1 − τ )(ηε± )00 (1 − τ )u(t, x) + τ u(t, x + z), c dτ 0 Z 1 = 0 (1 − τ )(sgn± ε ) (1 − τ )(u(t, x) − c) + τ (u(t, x + z) − c) dτ. 0 To proceed, the following simple observations will be useful: + − + • sgn− ε (u − c) = − sgnε (c − u) and ηε (u − c) = ηε (c − u); − + − + • qε (u, c) = qε (c, u) and rε (u, c) = rε (c, u); • (ηε− )00 (u − c) = (ηε+ )00 (c − u). Employing these observations, we can rewrite the “−” part of (4.1) as ZZ d d X X + + + ηε (c − u)∂t ϕ + qε,i (c, u)∂xi ϕ + rε,ij (c, u)∂x2i xj ϕ dx dt QT i=1 ZZ i,j=1 ηε+ (c − u)L[ϕ] dx dt + + QT ZZ (ηε+ )00 (c − u) ≥ QT ZZ Rd ηε+ (c − u0 )ϕ(0, x) dx (4.2) 2 a ∂xi ζik (u) ϕ dx dt k=1 i=1 Z + QT K X d X Z Rd \{0} (ηε+ )00 (c 2 − u; z) (u(t, x + z) − u(t, x)) ϕπ(dz) dx dt. 10 K. H. KARLSEN, S. ULUSOY EJDE-2011/116 To establish the L1 contraction property (2.5) we shall employ the doublingof-variables device of Kruz̆kov [42]. Let u = u(t, x), v = v(s, y) be two entropy solutions as stated in Theorem 2.2. Moreover, let ϕ = ϕ(t, x, s, y) be a test function in the doubled variables (t, x, s, y). To simplify the presentation, we introduce the following notation (with ∇x+y being short-hand for ∇x + ∇y ) Z ϕ(t, x + z, s, y) − ϕ − z · ∇x ϕ1|z|<1 π(dz), Lx [ϕ] := Rd \{0} Z Ly [ϕ] = Z Lx+y [ϕ] = ϕ(t, x, s, y + z) − ϕ − z · ∇y ϕ1|z|<1 π(dz), Rd \{0} h i ϕ(t, x + z, s, y + z) − ϕ − z · ∇x+y ϕ1|z|<1 π(dz), Rd \{0} In the “+” part of (4.1) written the entropy solution u(t, x) we choose c = v(s, y) and integrate the result over (s, y), obtaining ZZZZ ηε+ (u − v)∂t ϕ + d X + qε,i (u, v)∂xi ϕ + i=1 ZZZZ + ZZ QT + rε,ij (u, c)∂x2i xj ϕ dx dt dy ds i,j=1 ηε+ (u − v)Lx [ϕ] dx dt dy ds + (ηε+ )00 (u − v) ≥ d X K X d X ZZZ ηε+ (u0 − v)ϕ(0, x, s, y) dx dy ds 2 a ∂xi ζik (u) ϕ dx dt dy ds k=1 i=1 ZZZZ Z 2 (ηε+ )00 (u(t, ·) − v; z) u(t, x + z) − u(t, x) ϕπ(dz) dx dt dy ds. + Rd \{0} (4.3) Similarly, in (4.2) written for the entropy solution v(s, y) we choose c = u(t, x) and integrate over (t, x), thereby obtaining ZZZZ ηε+ (u − v)∂s ϕ + d X + qε,i (u, v)∂yi ϕ + i=1 ZZZZ + ZZZZ ≥ d K X X + rε,ij (u, v)∂y2i yj ϕ dx dt dy ds i,j=1 ηε+ (u − v)Ly [ϕ] dx dt dy ds + (ηε+ )00 (u − v) d X ZZZ ηε+ (u − v0 )ϕ(t, x, 0, y) dx dt dy 2 a ∂yi ζik (v) ϕ dx dt dy ds k=1 i=1 ZZZZ Z + 2 (ηε+ )00 (u − v(s, ·); z) (v(s, y + z) − v(s, y)) ϕπ(dz) dx dt dy ds. Rd \{0} (4.4) Adding (4.3) and (4.4) yields Itime (ε) + Iconv (ε) + Idiff (ε) + Ifdiff (ε) + Iinit (ε) ≥ Idiss (ε) + Ifdiss (ε), (4.5) EJDE-2011/116 FRACTIONAL DEGENERATE PARABOLIC EQUATIONS 11 where ZZZZ ηε+ (u − v)(∂t + ∂s )ϕ dx dt dy ds Itime (ε) = Iconv (ε) = ZZZZ X d + qε,i (u, v)(∂xi + ∂yi )ϕ dx dt dy ds i=1 Idiff (ε) = ZZZZ X d + rε,ij (u, v)(∂x2i xj + ∂y2i yj )ϕ dx dt dy ds i,j=1 ZZZZ ηε+ (u − v) Lx [ϕ] + Ly [ϕ] dx dt dy ds ZZZ Iinit (ε) = ηε+ (u0 − v)ϕ(0, x, s, y) dx dy ds ZZZ + ηε+ (u − v0 )ϕ(t, x, 0, y) dx dt dy ZZZZ Idiss (ε) = (ηε+ )00 (u − v) Ifdiff (ε) = × K hX d X d 2 X 2 i a a ∂xi ζik (u) + ∂yi ζik (v) ϕ dx dt dy ds i k=1 ZZZZ Z i=1 h Ifdiss (ε) = 2 (ηε+ )00 (u(t, ·) − v; z) (u(t, x + z) − u(t, x)) Rd \{0} i 2 + (ηε+ )00 (u, v(s, ·); z) (v(s, y + z) − v(s, y)) ϕπ(dz) dx dt dy ds. In view of the inequality “a2 + b2 ≥ 2ab”, we have Idiss (ε) ≥ Iediss (ε), with ZZZZ K X d X a a e Idiss (ε) = 2 (ηε+ )00 (u − v) ∂xi ζik (u)∂yj ζjk (v)ϕ dx dt dy ds. k=1 i,j=1 Arguing exactly as in [10], it follows that lim Idiff (ε) − Iediss (ε) ε→0 ≤ ZZZZ X d + rij (u, v)(∂x2i xj + 2∂x2i yj + ∂y2i yj )ϕ dx dt dy ds. i,j=1 Fix a small number κ > 0, and let us split L into two parts Z L[φ] = φ(t, x + z) − φ(t, x) − z · ∇φ1|z|<1 π(dz) |z|≤κ Z + φ(t, x + z) − φ(t, x) − z · ∇φ1|z|<1 π(dz) |z|>κ =: Lκ [φ] + Lκ [φ], ∀φ ∈ C 2 , and similarly Lx = Lx,κ + Lκx , Ly = Ly,κ + Lκy , Lx+y = Lx+y,κ + Lκx+y . The corresponding splitting of Ifdiff (ε) is written κ Ifdiff (ε) = Ifdiff,κ (ε) + Ifdiff (ε). (4.6) 12 K. H. KARLSEN, S. ULUSOY EJDE-2011/116 We also need to introduce the operator Leκ defined by writing Z Lκ [ϕ] = Leκ [ϕ] − z1|z|<1 π(dz) · ∇x ϕ, |z|>κ Leκx , Leκy , with similar definitions for and Leκx+y . Observe that (3.6) continues to hold for all these operators. The function obtained by replacing Lκ with Leκ in the κ κ definition of Ifdiff (ε) will be named Iefdiff (ε). Clearly, in view of (1.7), Z κ→0 2 |Ifdiff,κ (ε)| ≤ CkD ϕkL1 (QT ×QT ) |z|2 π(dz) −→ 0, (4.7) |z|≤κ for some constant C independent of κ and ε. κ (ε). By (3.6), Let us analyze Iefdiff ZZZZ κ Iefdiff (ε) = Leκx ηε+ (u − v) + Leκy ηε+ (u − v) ϕ dt dx dy ds. Specifying a = u(t, x) − v(s, y) and b = u(t, x + z) − v(s, y) in (3.4) yields ηε+ (u(t, x + z) − v(s, y)) − ηε+ (u(t, x) − v(s, y)) = (ηε+ )0 (u(t, x) − v(s, y)) (u(t, x + z) − u(t, x)) + (ηε+ )00 (u(t, ·) (4.8) 2 − v; z) (u(t, x + z) − u(t, x)) . Similarly, taking a = u(t, x) − v(s, y), b = u(t, x) − v(s, y + z) in (3.4) yields ηε+ (u(t, x) − v(s, y + z)) − ηε+ (u(t, x) − v(s, y)) = −(ηε+ )0 (u(t, x) − v(s, y)) (v(s, y + z) − v(s, y)) + (ηε+ )00 (u (4.9) 2 − v(s, ·); z) (v(s, y + z) − v(s, y)) . Adding the first term on the right-hand side of (4.8) to the first term on the right-hand side of (4.9) yields (ηε+ )0 (u(t, x) − v(s, y)) (u(t, x + z) − u(t, x)) − (ηε+ )0 (u(t, x) − v(s, y)) (v(s, y + z) − v(s, y)) h i = (ηε+ )0 (u(t, x) − v(s, y)) (u(t, x + z) − v(s, y + z)) − (u(t, x) − v(s, y)) ≤ ηε+ (u(t, x + z) − v(s, y + z)) − ηε+ (u(t, x) − v(s, y)), where we have used the convexity of ηε to derive the last inequality. κ In view of these findings, we can rewrite Iefdiff (ε) as follows: ZZZZ κ κ Iefdiff (ε) − Ifdiss (ε) ≤ Leκx+y ηε+ (u(t, ·) − v(s, ·)) ϕ dt dx dy ds ZZZZ (3.6) = ηε+ (u − v)Leκx+y [ϕ] dt dx dy ds, (4.10) where κ Ifdiss (ε) ZZZZ Z = h 2 (ηε+ )00 (u(t, ·) − v; z) (u(t, x + z) − u(t, x)) |z|>κ i 2 + (ηε+ )00 (u − v(s, ·); z) (v(s, y + z) − v(s, y)) ϕπ(dz) dx dt dy ds. EJDE-2011/116 FRACTIONAL DEGENERATE PARABOLIC EQUATIONS 13 Consequently, κ Ifdiff (ε) − κ Ifdiss (ε) ZZZZ ≤ ηε+ (u − v)Lκx+y [ϕ] dt dx dy ds, The next step is to first send κ → 0 and then ε → 0. Related to this, observe that κ lim Ifdiff (ε) = Ifdiff (ε), κ lim Ifdiss (ε) = Ifdiss (ε) κ→0 κ→0 for each fixed ε > 0, by the dominated convergence theorem. Moreover, we clearly have limκ→0 Lκx+y [ϕ] = Lx+y [ϕ]. In view of this and (4.7), we conclude that ZZZZ Ifdiff (ε) − Ifdiss (ε) ≤ ηε+ (u − v)Lx+y [ϕ] dt dx dy ds. (4.11) By (4.6) and (4.11), it follows from (4.5) and sending ε → 0 that ZZZZ d X (u − v)+ (∂t + ∂s )ϕ + qi+ (u, v)(∂xi + ∂yi )ϕ i=1 + d X + rij (u, v)(∂x2i xj + 2∂x2i yj + ∂y2i yj )ϕ + (u − v)+ Lx+y [ϕ] dx dt dy ds (4.12) i,j=1 ZZZ + (u0 − v)+ ϕ(0, x, s, y) dx dy ds + ZZZ (u − v0 )+ ϕ(t, x, 0, y) dx dt dy ≥ 0. Let us specify the test function ϕ = ϕ(t, x, s, y). To this end, fix a nonnegative test function φ = φ(t, x) ∈ Cc∞ ([0, ∞) × Rd ), and pick two sequences {θν }ν>0 ⊂ Cc∞ (0, ν), {δµ }µ>0 ⊂ Cc∞ (B(0, µ)) of approximate delta functions, where B(0, µ) denotes the open ball centered at the origin with radius µ. Then take ϕ(t, x, s, y) = θν (s − t)δµ (y − x)φ(t, x). (4.13) Simple calculations reveal that (∂t + ∂s )ϕ = θν (s − t)δµ (y − x)∂t φ(t, x), (∂xi + ∂yi )ϕ = θν (s − t)δµ (y − x)∂xi φ(t, x), (∂x2i xj + 2∂x2i yj + ∂y2i yj )ϕ = θν (s − t)δµ (y − x)∂x2i xj φ(t, x), ϕ(t, x + z, s, y + z) − ϕ(t, x, s, y) = θν (s − t)δµ (y − x) (φ(t, x + z) − φ(t, x)) . Note that θν = 0 on (−∞, 0] and so ϕ(t, x, 0, y) ≡ 0. By the choice of the test function ϕ and the observations above, we deduce from (4.12) that ZZZZ (u − v)+ θν (s − t)δµ (y − x)∂t φ(t, x) dx dt dy ds + ZZZZ X d qi+ (u, v)θν (s − t)δµ (y − x)∂xi φ(t, x) dx dt dy ds i=1 + ZZZZ X d (4.14) + rij (u, v)θν (s − t)δµ (y − x)∂x2i xj φ(t, x) dx dt dy ds i,j=1 ZZZZ + (u − v)+ θν (s − t)δµ (y − x)L[φ] dx dt dy ds + Iu0 ,v (ν, µ) ≥ 0, 14 K. H. KARLSEN, S. ULUSOY EJDE-2011/116 where ZZZ (u0 − v)+ θν (s)δµ (y − x)φ(0, x) dx dy ds ZZZ =− (u0 − v)+ ∂s φ̃ν (s)δµ (y − x)φ(0, x) dx dy ds, Iu0 ,v (ν, µ) := with Z φ̃ν (s) := T Z ν s ν→0 θν (τ ) dτ −→ 1. θν (τ ) dτ = min(s,ν) Specifying ϕ = φ(t, x)φ̃ν (s)δµ (y − x) in the entropy inequality for v and noting that θν (s) vanishes for s > ν, we obtain ZZ (u0 − v)+ ∂s ϕ(s, x, y) dy ds ZZ ≤ (u0 − v0 )+ θν (s)δµ (y − x)φ(0, x) dy ds + o(ν) (4.15) ZZ ν→0 −→ (u0 − v0 )+ δµ (y − x)φ(0, x) dy ds, where the “o(ν)” term follows from an integrability argument. Hence, sending ν, µ → 0, we deduce ZZ lim sup lim sup Iu0 ,v (ν, µ) ≤ lim sup (u0 − v0 )+ δµ (y − x)φ(0, x) dx dy µ→0 ν→0 µ→0 Z = (u0 − v0 )+ φ(0, x) dx, (4.16) with u0 = u0 (x) and v0 = v0 (x). Keeping in mind (4.16) when sending µ, ν → 0 in (4.14), we conclude that ZZ d X (u − v)+ ∂t φ + qi+ (u, v)∂xi φ QT + d X i,j=1 i=1 + rij (u, v)∂x2i xj φ Z + (u − v) L[φ] dx dt + (u0 − v0 )+ φ(0, x) dx + (4.17) Rd ≥ 0, where all the involved functions depend on (t, x). It now only takes a standard argument to conclude from (4.17) that Theorem 2.2 holds. Indeed, one chooses a sequence of functions 0 ≤ Rφ ≤ 1 from Cc∞ ([0, T ) × Rd ) that converges to 1[0,t)×Rd for a Lebesgue point t of Rd (u − v)+ dx and then use the integrability of u, v to conclude the proof. This concludes the proof of Theorem 2.2. 5. Proof of Theorem 2.3 (continuous dependence) We again employ the doubling of variables device as in the previous section, but with a slightly different choice of the entropy function. For each ε > 0, define if ξ < −ε −1, sgnε (ξ) = sin(πξ/(2ε)), if |ξ| ≤ ε 1, if ξ > ε, EJDE-2011/116 FRACTIONAL DEGENERATE PARABOLIC EQUATIONS 15 which is aR C 1 approximation of sgn(·). This choice gives rise to a C 2 approximation z ηε (z) = 0 sgnε (ξ) dξ of the entropy flux |z|. As before, we introduce the correε sponding entropy flux functions η ε (u, c), qiε (u, c), and rij (u, c). We now employ the doubling variables technique using the test function ϕ(t, x, s, y) = θν (s − t)δµ (y − x)Θα (t), where θν , δµ are symmetric approximate delta functions with support in (−ν, ν) and B(0, µ), respectively. Fix a time τ from (0, T ). For any α > 0 with 0 < α < min(τ0 , T − τ ), we define Z t Θα (t) = Hα (t) − Hα (t − τ ), Hα (t) = θα (σ) dσ. −∞ so that Θ0α (t) = θα (t) − θα (t − τ ). Proceeding as in the previous section (cf. also [23]) and sending ε → 0, we find ZZZZ − |u − v|θν (s − t)δµ (y − x)Θ0α (t) dx dt dy ds ≤ Iconv − Idiff + Ifdiff , where ZZZZ [G(u, v) − F (u, v)] · ∇x δµ (y − x)θν (s − t)Θα (t) dx dt dy ds, Iconv := F (u, v) := sgn(u − v) (f (u) − f (v)) , G(u, v) := sgn(u − v) (g(u) − g(v)) , ZZZZ X Z u d Idiff := Θα (t)θν (s − t)∂x2i xj δµ (y − x) sgn(ξ − v)εa−b ij (ξ) dξ dx dt dy ds, v i,j=1 εa−b ij (ξ) := K X a a a b b b σik (ξ)σjk (ξ) − 2σik (ξ)σjk (ξ) + σik (ξ)σjk (ξ) . k=1 and Ifdiff = Ifdiff 1 + Ifdiff 2 with ZZZZ Z Ifdiff 1 := |u − v|θν (s − t)Θα (t) |z|<1 × δµ (y − x − z) − δµ (y − x) − ∇δµ (y − x) · z (m(z) − m̃(z)) dz dx dt dy ds and ZZZZ Z Ifdiff 2 := |u − v|θν (s − t)Θα (t) δµ (y − x − z) − δµ (y − x) |z|≥1 × (m(z) − m̃(z)) dz dx dt dy ds. By the triangle inequality ZZZZ − |u(t, x) − v(s, y)|θν (s − t)δµ (y − x)Θ0α (t) dx dt dy ds ZZZZ ≥− |u(t, y) − v(t, y)|θν (s − t)δµ (y − x)|Θ0α (t)| dx dt dy ds ZZZZ − |v(t, y) − v(s, y)|θν (s − t)δµ (y − x)|Θ0α (t)| dx dt dy ds ZZZZ − |u(t, x) − u(t, y)|θν (s − t)δµ (y − x)|Θ0α (t)| dx dt dy ds =: L + Rt + Rx . 16 K. H. KARLSEN, S. ULUSOY EJDE-2011/116 Keeping in mind that v ∈ C(L1 ) and u ∈ L∞ (BV ), it is standard to show that lim Rt = 0, ν→0 lim sup |Rx | ≤ Cµ α→0 and moreover, since also u(t) → u0 , v(t) → v0 as t → 0, lim L = ku(τ, ·) − v(τ, ·)kL1 (Rd ) − ku0 − v0 kL1 (Rd ) . α→0 Following [23], using u ∈ L∞ (BV ) we conclude that lim lim |Iconv | ≤ Cτ kf − gkLip(I) , R and, exploiting also that |∂xi δµ | ≤ C/µ, α→0 ν→0 lim lim |Idiff | ≤ α→0 ν→0 C τ k(σ a − σ b )(σ a − σ b )tr kL∞ (I;Rd×d ) . µ It remains to estimate |Ifdiff |. First, we nconsider Ifdiff 1 . Using the Taylor and Fubini theorems we obtain ZZZ Z Z 1 |Ifdiff 1 | = (1 − τ )θµ (s − t)Θα (t)(m̃(z) − m(z)) |z|<1 0 Z × |u(t, x) − v(s, y)|D2 δµ (y − x − τ z) z · z dx dτ dz dy ds dt. Rd Thanks to |u(t, ·) − v(s, y)| ∈ BV (Rd ), an integration by parts yields Ifdiff 1 ZZZ Z Z 1 = (1 − τ )θµ (s − t)Θα (t)(m̃(z) − m(z)) (5.1) |z|<1 0 Z × ∇δµ (y − x − τ z) · z Dx (|u(t, x) − v(s, y)|) · z dx dτ dz dy ds dt, Rd where the inner integral is taken with respect to the bounded Borel measure D (|u(t, ·) − v(s, y)|) · z. Since |D(u(t, ·) − v(s, y))| ≤ |D(u(t, ·))|, the term inside the parentheses in (5.1), is upper bounded by Z Z 2 |z| |∇δµ (y − x − τ z)| |dD(u(t, ·))(x)| dy ≤ |z|2 |u(t, ·)|BV (Rd ) k∇δµ kL1 (Rd ) , Rd Rd where we have used that |Du(t, ·)| is finite and the Fubini’s theorem to first integrate with respect to y. Hence, Z C |z|2 |m(z) − m̃(z)| dz, lim lim |Ifdiff 1 | ≤ τ α→0 ν→0 µ |z|<1 where C > 0 is a finite constant. Similarly, relying again on the L∞ (BV ) regularity of u, it is not difficult to deduce via an integration by parts the estimate Z lim lim |Ifdiff 2 | ≤ Cτ |z||m(z) − m̃(z)| dz. ν→0 α→0 |z|≥1 Finally, we collect the bounds we have obtained so far and then optimize over µ to obtain the desired continuous dependence estimate (2.6). EJDE-2011/116 FRACTIONAL DEGENERATE PARABOLIC EQUATIONS 17 6. More general equations To motivate what follows, we recall that (formally) the Lévy part of the entropy condition (2.4) comes from multiplying the nonlocal operator L[u] by η 0 (u) and computing the commutator L[η(u)] − η 0 (u)L[u]. As an alternative, we can replace the term ZZ η(u)L[ϕ] dx dt − mu QT occurring in (2.4) by ZZ ZZ η(u)Lκ [ϕ] dx dt + η 0 (u)Leκ [u]ϕ dx dt QT Z + u(t, x) z1|z|<1 π(dz) · ∇ϕ, κ ∈ (0, 1), QT (6.1) |z|>κ cf. the proofs of Theorems 2.2 and 2.3 for the relevant notation. This formulation of the nonlocal term is directly related to the formulation used in [1] for fractional conservation laws. The proof of Theorem 2.2 works equally well with this formulation of the Lévy part of the entropy condition. In fact, (the Lévy part of) the proof relies on two main properties, which both are available with (6.1): First, as κ → 0, cf. (4.7), ZZ | |u(x) − u(y)| Lx,κ [φ] + Ly,κ [φ] dx dy| = o(κ), (6.2) Rd ×Rd and second the monotonicity property, cf. (4.10), ZZ sgn(u(x) − v(y)) Leκ [u](x) − Leκ [v](y) φ(x, y) dx dy Rd ×Rd Z Z ≤ |u(x) − v(y))|Leκx+y [φ](x, y)φ(x, y) dx dy, (6.3) Rd ×Rd ∞ for u, v ∈ L (R ) and 0 ≤ φ ∈ Cc∞ (Rd × Rd ). Now let β : R → R be a nondecreasing Lipschitz continuous function, and consider the equation d ∂t u + div f (u) = div(a(u)∇u) + L[β(u)], (6.4) where Z L[β(u)] = β(u(t, x + z)) − β(u(t, x)) − z · ∇β(u) 1|z|<1 π(dz). (6.5) Rd \{0} Recently the authors of [3]1 analyzed the equation ∂t u + div f (u) = L[β(u)], which is a special case of (6.4) (set a ≡ 0). Actually, the work [3] allowed for slightly more general Levy measures than we do in our framework, but we will not be concerned with this refinement here. The work [3] provides a series of results regarding stability and continuous dependence estimates. Inspired by [3], our aim here is to outline a uniqueness (stability) proof for the more general equation (6.4). Combining this proof with arguments from [3], it is moreover possible to generalize the continuous dependence estimates in [3] to (6.4) (we leave the details to the interested reader). 1We are grateful to an anonymous referee for drawing our attention to this paper. 18 K. H. KARLSEN, S. ULUSOY EJDE-2011/116 Let η ∈ C 2 (R) be convex and u ∈ C 2 (R). Then η 0 (u(x))L[β(u)] = η 0 (u(x))Lκ [β(u)] + η 0 (u(x))Lκ [β(u)], κ ∈ (0, 1). Define qβ , Sβ : R → R by qβ0 = η 0 β 0 , Sβ0 = η 0 ◦ β −1 , where β −1 denotes, say, the left-continuous inverse of the nondecreasing function β, see also [6, Lemma 2.2]. One can check that Sβ (β(u)) = qβ (u). By the convexity of Sβ , η 0 (u(t, x)) β(u(t, x + z)) − β(u(t, x)) − z · ∇β(u(t, x))1|z|<1 = Sβ0 (β(u(t, x)) β(u(t, x + z)) − β(u(t, x)) − z · ∇β(u(t, x))1|z|<1 ≤ Sβ (β(u(t, x + z))) − Sβ (β(u(t, x))) − z · ∇Sβ (β(u(t, x)))1|z|<1 = qβ (u(t, x + z)) − qβ (u(t, x)) − z · ∇qβ (u(t, x))1|z|<1 . Therefore, η 0 (u(t, x))Lκ [β(u)] ≤ Lκ [qβ (u)], and so for any non-negative φ ∈ Cc∞ (Rd ), Z Z η 0 (u(x))Lκ [β(u)]φ(x) dx ≤ Rd qβ (u(x))Lκ [φ] dx. Rd Summarizing, for any κ ∈ (0, 1), Z η 0 (u(x))L[β(u)]φ(x) dx Rd Z Z ≤ qβ (u(x))Lκ [φ] dx + η 0 (u(x))Lκ [β(u)]φ(x) dx Rd Rd Z Z Z ≤ qβ (u(x))Lκ [φ] dx + η 0 (u(x))Leκ [β(u)]φ(x) dx + Rd Rd qβ,κ (u) · ∇φ dx, Rd where qβ,κ : R → R is defined by Z Z z7→−z 0 0 0 qβ,κ (u) = qβ (u) · z1|z|<1 π(dz) = qβ (u) · − |z|>κ z1|z|<1 π(dz) . |z|>κ The above formal calculations motivate the following definition. Definition 6.1. An entropy solution of the initial value problem (6.4)-(1.2) is a measurable function u : QT → R satisfying the following conditions: (1) u ∈ L∞ (QT ), u ∈ L∞ (0, T ; L1 (Rd )), d X a ∂xi ζik (u) ∈ L2 (QT ), k = 1, . . . , K; i=1 (2) For k = 1, . . . , K, d X a,ψ ∂xi ζik (u) = ψ(u) i=1 for any ψ ∈ C(R); d X i=1 a ∂xi ζik (u), a.e. in QT and in L2 (QT ), EJDE-2011/116 FRACTIONAL DEGENERATE PARABOLIC EQUATIONS 19 (3) For any entropy-entropy flux triple (η, q, r), ZZ QT d X η(u)∂t ϕ + q(u) + qβ,κ (u) · ∇ϕ + rij (u)∂x2i xj ϕ dx dt i,j=1 ZZ ZZ + η 0 (u)Leκ [β(u)]ϕ dx dt qβ (u)Lκ [ϕ] dx dt + QT QT Z ZZ η(u0 )ϕ(0, x) dx ≥ + Rd QT η 00 (u) K X d X 2 a ∂xi ζik (u) ϕ(t, x) dx dt, k=1 i=1 for all 0 ≤ ϕ ∈ Cc∞ ([0, T ) × Rd ) and any κ ∈ (0, 1). Equipped with this definition, we can repeat many of the steps in the proof of Theorem 2.2. Indeed, in the present context, inequality (4.5) reads Itime (ε) + Iconv (ε) + Idiff (ε) + Ifdiff (ε) + Iinit (ε) ≥ Idiss (ε), (6.6) where Itime , Idiff , Idiss are exactly as before, whereas ZZZZ Iconv (ε) = qε (u, v) + qβ,κ (u, v) · ∇x+y ϕ dx dt dy ds, ZZZZ Ifdiff (ε) = I(κ) + ηε0 (u(t, x) − v(s, y)) × Leκ [β(u)](t, x) − Leκ [β(v)](s, y) ϕ dx dt dy ds, ZZZZ I(κ) = qβ,ε (u − v) Lx,κ [ϕ] + Ly,κ [ϕ] dx dt dy ds, 0 = ηε0 β 0 ; ηε defined in the proof of Theorem 2.3; and the with qβ,ε defined by qβ,ε ∞ test function ϕ ∈ Cc (QT × QT ) defined in (4.13). Observe that |I(κ)| = o(κ) (independently of ε), and ηε0 (u(t, x) − v(s, y)) Leκ [β(u)](t, x) − Leκ [β(v)](s, y) Z = ηε0 (u(t, x) − v(s, y)) (β(u(t, x + z)) − β(v(s, y + z))) |z|>κ − ηε0 (u(t, x) − v(s, y)) (β(u(t, x)) − β(v(s, y))) π(dz) Z ≤ |β(u(t, x + z)) − β(v(s, y + z))| |z|>κ − ηε0 (u(t, x) − v(s, y)) (β(u(t, x)) − β(v(s, y))) π(dz) Z ε→0 |β(u(t, x + z)) − β(v(s, y + z))| → |z|>κ − |β(u(t, x)) − β(v(s, y))| π(dz) = Leκx+y [|β(u) − β(v)|], in L1 (QT × QT ) (6.7) 20 K. H. KARLSEN, S. ULUSOY EJDE-2011/116 where we have used |ηε0 (·)| ≤ 1 and ηε (·) → sgn(·) as ε → 0. Consequently, ZZZZ lim sup Ifdiff (ε) ≤ |β(u) − β(v)|Leκx+y [ϕ] dx dt dy ds + o(κ). (6.8) ε→0 In view of (6.7) and (6.8), we can proceed as in the proof of Theorem 2.2 and eventually send ε → 0 (keeping κ fixed) in (6.6), resulting in the inequality ZZZZ |u − v|(∂t + ∂s )ϕ + q(u, v) · ∇x+y ϕ Z + |β(u) − β(v)| − z1|z|<1 π(dz) · ∇x+y ϕ |z|>κ + d X rij (u, v)(∂x2i xj + 2∂x2i yj + ∂y2i yj )ϕ i,j=1 (6.9) + |β(u) − β(v)|Leκx+y [ϕ] dx dt dy ds ZZZ + |u0 − v|ϕ(0, x, s, y) dx dy ds ZZZ + |u − v0 |ϕ(t, x, 0, y) dx dt dy ≥ o(κ), where the integrands on the second and fourth lines added together becomes |β(u) − β(v)|Lκx+y [ϕ]. Sending κ → 0 in (6.9) we arrive at, compare with (4.12), ZZZZ d X |u − v|(∂t + ∂s )ϕ + qi (u, v)(∂xi + ∂yi )ϕ i=1 + d X rij (u, v)(∂x2i xj + 2∂x2i yj + ∂y2i yj )ϕ + |β(u) − β(v)|Lx+y [ϕ] dx dt dy ds i,j=1 ZZZ + ZZZ |u0 − v|ϕ(0, x, s, y) dx dy ds + |u − v0 |ϕ(t, x, 0, y) dx dt dy ≥ 0. We are now in a position to conclude the L1 stability and uniqueness of entropy solutions as in the proof of Theorem 2.2. An existence proof can be given along the lines outlined in Section 3. We summarize with Theorem 6.2. Suppose f and a satisfy (1.3) and (1.4)–(1.5), respectively, and that the Lévy measure π(dz) satisfies (1.7). Moreover, suppose β : R → R is a nondecreasing Lipschitz continuous function. Then there exists an entropy solution of (6.4)-(1.2). Let u, v be two entropy solutions of (6.4) with initial data u|t=0 = u0 ∈ (L1 ∩ L∞ )(Rd ), v|t=0 = v0 ∈ (L1 ∩ L∞ )(Rd ). For a.e. t ∈ (0, T ), we have Z Z |u(t, x) − v(t, x)| dx ≤ |u0 − v0 | dx. Rd Rd Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the Research Council of Norway through an Outstanding Young Investigators Award of K. H. Karlsen. This article was written as part of the the international research program on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations at the Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in Oslo during the academic year 2008–09. 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Box 1053, Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway E-mail address: kennethk@math.uio.no http://folk.uio.no/kennethk Süleyman Ulusoy Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Zirve University Sahinbey, Gaziantep, 27270, Turkey E-mail address: suleyman.ulusoy@zirve.edu.tr http://person.zirve.edu.tr/ulusoy/