Aaron Forde

Aaron Forde
Hello everyone! My name is
Aaron Forde and I am majoring
in Applied Science with a
concentration in Materials and
Nanoscience. This will be my
fifth semester tutoring in the
TLC lab. I, myself, started my
college career in Math-110 and
did not particularly enjoy math.
But, after taking this class I
overcame my math-phobia and
hopefully we can help some of
you to overcome yours as well!
One thing I regret not doing
when I took this class was going
to the TLC lab to get help when I struggled, so from personal
experience I highly recommend going to the TLC lab often. Life
is all about making good decisions, so start making good life
decisions by coming to the TLC lab! When I am not busy with
school or tutoring I like to spend my time watching TV, playing
with my kitty Lahey, or just searching the internet for cool stuff.
So if you have any questions about math, the Applied Science
program here at Stout, or anything in general, please feel free
to ask!